HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1961/02/07 MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE.CITY OF Chuln Vista, C~lifornia Held Tuesday Februar~ 7, 196! The Council met in the Council Chambers at the City lltll on the above date at 7:00 PoMe with the follovinE Councilmen present: Councilmen McMalns, Smith, McAllimtor, DeGraaf, Menael Absent: None Alee present: Principal Civil InEineer Harshman, City Attorney Eugler, City Administrator Fulwilers City Planner Frets~ Administrative Analyst Roes Mayor MaAllister led the pledge of allegiance to the Flag~ and asked for a moment of prayer. RBBOLUTION No. 2552- Terminating Ban Ei~uel Annexation proceedings Offered b7 Councilman Smith, passed, adopted and approved by the followiuE vote, to-wit: AYEE: Councilmen Smith,McAllieter,DeGrasf~Menzel,McMains Noes: Hone Absent: None ~/~UBLiC HEARiNG'(continued) Ammending xoninE ordinance to prohibit parking ~ ~.of trailers'and boats in est-backs It was moved by Councilman Mensel, seconded by Councllma9 DeGraaf and carrieds that the hearinE be continued until February 14th at 7:00 ORDINANCE No. 746- Rest~icting parkinE of vehicles on public streets- fires resdinE It wse~moved by Councilman Smiths seconded by Councilman 9eGraaf and carried, that Ordinance No. 746 be placed on its fires resdinE~ and that resdinE of the text be waived. The motion carried by the followinE voter to-wit: AYES: Councilmen SmithsEcAllietersDeGrasfsMensel,McMaine Noes: None Absent: None ORDINANCE No. 747U AmendinE ordinance No. 472 on Trailer Parks-first readinE It was moved by Councilman DeGraaf~ seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, that Ordinance No. q47 be placed on its fires readinE, and that reading of the text be waived; The motion carried by the following votes to-wit: AYES: Councilmen DeGraaf,Mensel~McMaine,Smith,McAllieter Noes: None Absent: None PPROPRIATION AUTHORIZED FOR PARKING ILETERHEAD8 City Administrator Fulwiler reported new mechanisms purchased for the p~rking meters would not satisfactorily fit into the present meter heads and recommended the purchase of 100 rebuilt heads st $14.00 each plus tax. It was moved by Councilman Mensels seconded by Councilman Smith and carried) that purchase of 100 rebuilt heads be authorized and $1460 appropriated from the unappropriated surplus of the l~rking Meter Fund to cover the cost. The motion carried by the following votes to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Menzel,EcMaine, Smith,McAllister~DeGrasf Hoes: None  ent: None ROPRiATION AUTHORIZED FOR WORK ON SW~ETWATEH VALLKY INDUSTRIAL PARK ~ ~' It wis moved by Councilman DeGrsafo seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, that $361,152.00 be appropriated from ~he sale of the Sweetwater Valley Industrial P~rk bonds for the followinE purposes: Construction $326o143~00 Engineering & Inspection Legal & publications 7,824.00 Incidental expenses 3,385,00 The motion carried by the following voto~ to-wit: AYES: Councilmen DeGraaf,Menzel~HcMainesSmith,McAllister Noes: None Absent: None ~/APpRoPRIATION AIFTHOEIZKD FOR OECOND PAYNKNT TO ARCHITECT ON ADULT RECREATION CENTER It was moved by Councilman Menxel, seconded by Cou~cilmsn DeGraaf and carried, that $1,612o80 be appropriated from the reserve for Capital Development of the General Fund for payment to James Bird aa his second payment for architectural services on the Adult bcreation Center, The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Menzel,BcHaine,Smith,RcAllister,DeGraaf Hoes: Hone Absent: Hone ~ID AWARDED ON ADULT RECREATION ~GI~TKR ~/ Principal Civil Engineer Rarshman reported having received eleven bids on construction of the Adult Recreation Center, the low bid being that of J. DoLight Co. in the amount of $36,880.00. It vas moved by Councilman DeGraaf, seconded by Councilman Bcl~ains and carried, that the low bid of J.D. Light Co. in the amount Of $36,880.00 be accepted. The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen DeGrsaf,Mensel,McJfaine,Smith,McAllieter Hoes: None Absent: None ~//.OlD AWARDED.ON PAVING OF THIRD AVENUE OVER RAILWAY TRACKS Principal Civil Engineer Harshman reported having received five bids on paving of the center strip of Third Avenue from Parkway to "K" Street, the iow bid being that of the Griffith Co. in the amount of $12,658.00 Hr. Hsrshman stated that it had been mutually agreed that the City would do the seal coating, which would reduce the bid by $495. Mr. Harehman recommend- ed acceptance of the low bid subject to the depositing by the Railroad Company of $5000. to cover their share of the project cost. It was moved by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Mensel and carried, that the low bid of the Griffith Co. in the amount of $12,163.00 be accepted subject to the depositing by the Railroad Company of $5,000. The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen flmith,McAllister,DeGreaf,Mennel,Ecliains Noes: Hone Absent: Hone CALL FOR BIDS OH FIFTH AVKN~K SEWER AUTHORIZED It was moved by Councilman Eennel, ascended by Councilman DeGraaf and carried, that the City Engineer be authorized to call for bide on a proposed eight inch sewer line to extend from "C" Street to a point South of the river bed. The Engineers' estimate was $11,000. /"BIDs REVIEWED OH EXTENSION OF SEWER OH "L" STREET FROH RIVI~I~AWH AVENUE V '" TO BROADWAY Principal Civil Engineer Harshman reported that three bids had been received several months ago on extension of the sewer line down "L# Street from Riverlawn to Broadway, the low bid being that of Ham Broo. Construction CO. in the amount of $6,077.96. Er. Harehmen explained, after'contacting the Ham Bros. that the bid vas still valid. Four properties, out of six to be nerved, would participate at this time in the amount of $1586.60. The remaining $44Sl.36 to be borne by the City on s repayment basis. Action was withheld one week pending checking of the Company bonds. EXTENBiOff GRANTIDFRANK'S DREDGIHGCO. ON TIDELAHi) PROJICT OF TIME A report was read and filed with the Clerk from Associate Civil Engineer Hughes, outlin~ng hie recouuendations on the request of Frank's Dredging CO. for a fifteen day extension for completion of the contract on the tidelands dredging. It vas moved by Councilman DeGraaf, seconded by Councilman EcEnins and carried, that the recommendations of Mr. Hughes be accepted with the modification of a twenty day extension rather than the fifteen days recommendede -2- Principal Civil Engineer Harehman submitted a written report on Liilrary lighting fixtures, together with Engineering Department reco~aenda- tioga to have the fixture, replaced. .It was ~oved by Councilman Ncllaina, seconded by Councilman ~lith and carried, that the City Engineer be directed to call for bic~ on inutalla- eton of new lighting fixture, in the Library. 9~BOLUTION No. 3553- Adopting budget proponal for expenditure of engineer- ing Gan Tax Allocation Offered by Councilman &atth, panaed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYIB: Councilmen amith,McAlliater,DeGraaf,Mennel,McMaina Noes: None A~nent: None mm~OLUTIOM No. 3554- Commmnding Eaten Hanes. aa Junior Tenniu Champion Offered by Coumcilman M~Maina, passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen McMainn,~mith,McAllister, DmGraaf,Mmnxal Nome: Nome Abnont: None .R]iSOLUTION No. 3555- Urging support of Junior~Bond inane Offered by Councilamn Omith, pmnaed, adopted and approvad by the following vote, to-wit: AYNS: Councilmun Omith,M~Alliater,DeGraaf,EnnxoX,MciMina No.n: None Absent: Mane Ng~OLUTXON No. 3556- Accepting & dedicating Tynon property for atraat purpoaen (Bonita Road) Offered by Councilman EnnseX, pans®d, adopted and approved by aha following vote, to-wit: AYgN: Councilmen Menxel,MciMina, amtth,McAlliater,DmGraaf Nome: Nome Abnent: None · gsOLUTIOM No. 3557 - Accepting & dedicating Crane property for merest purponen. (East 'J' Street) O~fored by Councilman DmGraaf, panned, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYN8: Councilmen DmGraaf,Mannel,McEninn,~mith,BoA1liater Noes: None Absent: None .RKOOLUTION No. 3558- Accepting dedication of eamement for aidevalk purposes (C. E. Morris) Offered by Councilman DeGraaf, panaed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-via: AYES: Councilmen DeGraaf,Menzol,McMaina,Smtth,McAllinter Noes: None Abnent: None f//.~KPORT OF FINDINGS BY PLANNING COMMISSION ON APPEAL OFRALMi'S SUPlRETTE A letter vas read from Attorney Jack Whitney, appealing the action of the Planning Comminaton in denying Ralph*n Superette lnc,, 303 Hilltop Circle, a zone variance for remodeling their building. The findings of the Planning Commission aa to vhy the application vas denied yore alan read. Attorney Jack Whitney, representing Ralph*n 8uperetto, urged that the Council set the matter for hearing. It vas moved by Councilman Smith and ascended by Councilman DeGraaf, that the action of the Planning Commission be suntained. The motion failed to carry by the relieving vote, to-via: AYES: Councilmen Smith, DoOraaf Noes: Councilmen NcAllieter, Nensel, McMaina Absent: None It van moved by Councilman McMains, seconded by Councilman Nenzel and carried, that the matter be set for hearing on February 38th at 7:00 PoM. The motion carried by the relieving vote, to-via: AYES: Councilmen McMaina,McAlliater,DeGraaf,Menzel Nose: Councilman Smith Absent: None ~.I~NING COMUlSSXON RECOMMENDATION ON ~NING ~g SO.WEST ~ER OF FXG AV~ ~D '*H" ST~ET A letter was read from the Planning ~niasion reconending that the property on the ~uthwemt corner o~ Fig Ave. and "H~ Sro be res.ned from R-2 to R-3o It wa8 moved by ~uncilman Menzel, seconded by ~uncilman Mchins and carried, that February 28th at 7:00 P.m. ~ mot a~ tho t~e  a public hearing on the C~8 ~ST ~ DISP~Y F~G8 FOR DBIVE A letter was read from the ~erican bd Cross asking permission to display Red Cross flags and banners tn the buminemm area on ~ird Avenue during the month of ~rch. ~e request was referred to the City A~inis- trator for study and reconendation. ~ _~ION ~UEST ~a ~ OF DI~S DRIVg A letter was read from the ~erican bgion requesting pe~iHion put on their annual hrch of Dimes drive in the downtown area on Saturday February 11, 19610 It was moved by ~unctlman hith, seconded by Council- man Menzel and carried~ that the request be granted. VA~CIK8 ON SIST~ CI~ ~ISSION ~/'~ A letter was read from the Sister City ~isslon informing the Council that ~8. Brines, ap~inted to the ~nission on bptember 27,1960 had never attended a nesting, and that ~s. Norma ~bert8 had tendered ~r resignation. Ho action taken. ~UBST ~R ~L~I~ OF ~DATION ~ ~8, ~Y ERWIN A letter vas read froa the hrk & bcreation ~n~soion rec~ending that the ~uncil send ~o. hy E~n a resolution of conen~t~on for her oe~ice on the Adult Advisory ~unCll. It was moved by ~uncil~n bGriaf seconded b2 ~uncil~n Menzel and carried, that the City Attorney be directed to pre.re such a resolution. ~D B~KIHG C~Y - Adult bcreation ~nter Will,aa Jam~nek announced there would be a ground breaking ceremony for the Adult bcreation center at 10:00 A.M. on February 18th. ~VIEW P~~mAS~TIO~ - ~nd Jaaes F. ~yden, ~esident of the 8eaview ~oper~y ~ers Assn. re~rted the ~nd in the three hundred block on ~8t ~ss Street still had not been drained, and still vas a hasard 'to the neigh~rhood with its many children. ~e ~nd being on private pro~r~y, and the owner apparent- ly not being willing to drain his pro. ray, City Attorney [ugler time to ascertain Just what legal steps the City can take. It us ~ved by CouncXlman hith, seconded by ~uncilman Men=el and carried, that the City A~inimtrator be directed to tt~e what legal steps are necessary to see that the hasard is eliminated. ~I~ OF~HI~ ~DATIOHs U~ ~/ ~so Edith ~dish, somber of the ~nittee appointed to study the pressed ordinance prohibiting the parking of trailers and ~ats backs, urged that ~he ~uncil reject the reconen~tions of the ~mittee at the hearing next ~esday night because, in her opinion, the ~s biased from the start and never functioned as such. ~RT~ T~FIC ~T ~nc~pal C~v~l ~K~neer Harshan ~ave a re~rt on the traffic count a~ Broadwayand "C" fl~reet and stated the hK~neer~nf department procood~n~ w~th ~ho design and study of tho ~ntormoction to. rd the ultimate ~ns~allat~on of traffic s~Knals. ~/~R~ISSION ~DATION8 ~R I~V~T OF ~"G*' 8T~ET A letter was read from the Hirer ~m~8a~on rec~ond~nK that the ~unc~l take ac~on to provide a twonty-8~x foot two-lane travelway; maintain the ex~8t~nK ~orty foot r~fht-of-way, and ~nstall 8~devalks on at leaot one s~de of the street on "G" Street West of ~y B1vd. as the ma~n access road ~nto ~ho ~deland f~ll area. ~e ~unc~l a~reed that the mat~or should be presented at ~he com~nK buret 8~udy for the next fiscal year. ~,~ OPPOSITION TO A~SF. MBLY BILL 127 and SENATE BILL303 It was moved by Councilman kith, seconded by Councilman DeGraaf~ and unanimously Carried, that the Council ~o on record as bein~ opposed to Amsembly Bill No. 127 which im to come before the Assembly Committee on Governmental Efficiency and Economy on February 14, 1961. It wa~ moved by Council~an D~Graaf, ~econded by Councilman and onanimously carried, that the Council ~o on record as bein~ opposed to Senate Bill No. 203, m~heduled to be heard by the Senate Judiciary Committee on February 23, 1961. ~r METROI~LITAN SEWER DISTRICT Mayor McAllister opened the discussion on the Metropolitan Sever District by exproaainf hie opinion that the Council should approve the contract with San DicEs for the capacity service of 26.20 million ~sllons per day, even thoufh the recommendation of the Sewer Committtee was for a contract callinf for a capacity of 17.3 million fallons per day. Councilman bGraaf expressed opposition to contractinf for the 26.20 million gallon capacity, auggestinf that further reappraisal of our position might be advisable before hasty action, and suggeetin~ that it might be vise to confine our future boundaries to the West aide of the Seltline Freeway. Councilman kith doubted the Krowth of the City would be in proportion to that predicted, and was opposed to contracting for the 26.20 million gallons per day capacity. Council-on Mensel and McMaine were both of the opinion th&t it would be to the best interest of the future growth of the City to contract fey the full 26.20 million Eallon per day capacity in the Metropolitan Sewer. REHOLUTIOH Ho. 2559-Enterin~ into the Sewage Disposal A~reemont of 1960 with the City of San Diego Offered by Councilman basel, passed, adopted and approved by the following vote0 to-wit: AYES: 0ouncilmen Mennel,McSains,kith,McAlliater,DeGraaf Hoes: None Absent: Hone Councilman DoOraaf stated he was definitely opposed to the 26020 million gallon per day capacity the City was contracting for, but would Kive an affirmative vote only for the sake of unanimity. REBOLUTIOH No. 2560-Recognizinf assurances liven to it by the City of San Diego with respect to sewage are~to be served by.City Offered by Councilman aensel, passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: A~E8: Councilmen Mennel,Mchins,kith,McAllister,DeGraaf Hoes: None Absent: None City Attorney Kugler stated that it is doubtful that the January 27, 1961 letter from Mr. A. W. Blom would be legally bindin~ on the City of San Diego, however, certainly the City of San Diego was under moral obligation to abide by it. ADJOUI~BI(T 9:30 It was moved by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Msnzel and carried, that the meeting adjourn sine dies