HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1961/03/07 EINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ~ITY OF Chula Vista, California Held Tuesday March 7~ 1961 The Council met in the Council Chambers at the City Hall On the above date at 7:00 P.Mo with the following Councilmen present: Councilmen NcMains, Smith, NcAllister, DeGrasf, Menzel Absent: None Also present: Principal Civil Engineer Harshman,City Attorney Kugler, City A~hninistrator Fulwiler, City Planner Fretz Eayor McAllister led the pledge of allegiance to the Flag, and asked for a moment of prayer, t//iNTRODUCTION OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MANAGER City Admin~strator Fulwller introduced Neck Slike the new Nanager of the Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce, ~//~,NDITIO~AL USE PERMIT - Seventh Day Adventist Church A letter was read from the Planning Commission recommendinE that the application of the Seventh Day Adventist Church for an addition to their Church and construction of a multi-purpose building at 102 Fourth Avenuee be approved, RESOLUTION No, 2574-Approving action of Planning Commission in granting Conditional Use permit to Seventh Day Adventist Church Offered by Councilman DeGraaf, passed, adopted~ and approved by the following vote, to-wit: JyES: Councilmen DeGraaf,Eenzel,EcEains,Smith~McAllister Noes: None Absent: None ~/~ONDITIONAL USE PERMIT- First Baptist Church A letter was read from the Planning Commission recommending that the application of the First Baptist Church to construct a building for religious education, be approved, RESOLUTION No, .2S75~Approving action of Planning Commission fn granting Conditional Use permit t~ First Baptist Church Offered by Councilman Smith, passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Counollmen Smith,McAllister,DeGraafeMenzel,NcHains Noes: None Absent: None ORDINANCE No, 748-Rezoning Southwest corner of Fig Ave, and "H'* St,- second reading It was moved by Councilman NcMains, seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, that Ordinance No, 748 be placed on its second reading; that reading of the text be waived and the Ordinance adopted, The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen McMains,smith,McAllister, l)eGraaf,Menzel Noes: None Absent: None ORDINANCE No, 749-Amending Dance Hall Ordinance to delete three acre site requirement - second reading It was moved by Councilman NcEains, seconded by Councilman Smith and carried) that Ordinance No, 749 be placed on ire second reading; that reading of the text be waived and the Ordinance adopted, The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: . AYES: Councilmen EcMains,Shith,McAllister,DeGraaf,MenzeA Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION No. 2576- Approving private roadway agreement with the San Diego & Arizona Eastern Railway Co. Offered by CounCilman DeGraaf~ passed, adopted and approve~ by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen DeJraaf~Menzel,McMains~Smith,McAllistwr Noes: None Absent: None ~//~XTKNSION OF TIME GRANTED- Robinhood No. 6 Improvement Contract A letter was read from Robinhood Hem, so Inco requesting an exten- sion of six months t~m® for completion of the improvement contract of Robinhood Subdivision Nos 60 It was moved by Councilman DeGraaf, seconded by Councilman McMains and earriedo that the request for an extension of six months time for completion of the improvement contract on Robinhood Subdivision No. 6 be Erantedo ~//~WARDING OF .RID- 1911 ACt I~provement- First Avenue and Glover Avenue Principal Engineer Harshmsn reported having received four bids on the 1911 Act sidewalk, curb, gutter and pavinE project for First Ave. and Glover Ave. and recommended that the low bid of T. BoPonich & Sons in the lmount of $2325.50 be accepted, It was moved by Councilman McMains, seconded by Councilman DoGraaf and carried, that the low bid of TeB. Penick & Sons in the amount of $2325050 be acceptedo and that $2325050 be appropriated from the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund to cover payments. The motion csrried by the followinE vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen McMains~Hmith,McAllister,DeGraaf~Msnzel Noes: None Absent: None f//PLANNING Conission U-commendation on Advertising Sign for 8weetwater Industrial Park A letter was read from the PlanninE Commission recommendinE that the request of GreEK Andersone as AEonS for the flweetwater Valley Industrial Park, to erect on the City riEht-of-way~ a siEn advertisinE the Park, be denied, Mr. Anderson asked the Council to consider the request as the location requested was the most suitable for the siEn he had in mind. City Attorney KuEler informed the Council that City ordinsnce prohibited the placing of private siEns on City property. The matter was referred to the EnEineerlng department and City. Administrator for a report at tbs next meeting, to determine if thai! site requested by Mr, Anderson was needed by the City, and if not, if i~ could be deeded back to the developers of Sveetwater Industrial Park* ~///RKQU~.ST FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL ON EAST WHITNEY STREET A petition was read from property owners on East Whitney Street requestinE improvemento reKulation~ and control of traffic on East Whitney St. It was moved by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman ~zel and carried, that ths petition be referred to the ~fety Council. /~ETTERS OF APPRECIATION A letter was read from the Chula Vista Garden Club expressinE appreciation to the Council for the donation of $250. toward the local flower show. A letter was read from the Seaview Property Owners Assno expressing appreciation for action taken to eliminate the "lakeS' at the East end of East Moss Street. ,~OPPOSITION TO INCREASE IN HOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FEES A letter was read from the Seaview Property Owners Assn, EoinE on record as beinE opposed to any increase in the Motor Vehicle licensinE fees. The City Administrator was directed to write the Association a letter informinE them t~t the Council had already Eons on record as heine opposed to any increase in Motor Vehicle license fees. -2- ~CO~ENDATIONS FOM NK~BERSHIP ON SISTER CITY CO~ISSION A letter was read fro~ the Si~er C~ty ~ss~on sug~eet~n~ the n~es of ~rs, ~rrett W, Gre~ory~ ~ss ~d Hause and ~r, ~bert Cru~ly for possible appointment to ~e~bersh~p on the S~ster C~ty ~e Clerk was directed to place the ~atter on the a~end~ for the next /~Q~ST ~R ~NGE IN PA~ING O~IN~CE City A~inistrator ~lw~ler reported hav~n~ received a petition fro~ property owners ~n the 500 block on Jefferson ~enue request~ns that the park~n~ s~ns on their street be chan~ed to eliminate the section proh~b~t~n~ parkin~ frei 4 o~clock P,~, to 6 otclock ~e C~ty A~in~strator was d~rected to study the request and report bb~ at the next .. A~ORIZ~ ~R ~A~ING OF T~IC ~T~L AT ~ AVEN~ ~D Principal C~v~l hf~neer Hara~n reported ~en accidents have occurred at the intersect~on of Fourth Avenue and ~ 8treet.s~ce the f~rst of the year0 and. submitted a plan proposed to eliminate the trlff~c hazard by changing islands, detectors and standard, bt~atted cost of the plan vas ~600. It was moved by.unction h~th, seconded by ~unc~lman ~Ha~ns and carried) that the City ~gineer be d~rected to obtain ~nformal b~ on the project for presentation at the next ~~DATION ON USE OF ~L LIB~IE8 FOR n~ LIBmlE8 ~unc~lman Mch~ns was of ~he open,on the Council should make a feral reomendat~on to ~he L~brary ~ard that they contact the School ~ard ~o dete~ne ~f a profraa could be worked out whereby the school ltbrar~oo could be used as branch l~braFiese ~uncilman reconended ~ha~ constdera~on be f~ven to a plan whereby students can tale their school books ~nto the Mbrary for research vort. C~ty A~n~mtrator'~lw~leF stated the reconendat~ons vould be looked ~nto. ~ayor ~cAllis~er reported that ~r, Arthur Lynds had accepted the chair~anship of the ~lden Jubilee ~ittee. ADJO~T - 8:15 PoMe I~ was moved by ~uncilman Menzel, seconded by Councilman McMains and carried0 that the meeting adjourn sine die.