HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1962/06/19 HINUTES OF AN ADJOURI~D REGULARHEETING OF THE CITY CO~CIL OF ~E CI~ OF Chuta Vista, California Held Tuesday June 19, 1962 An Adjourned regular meetiul o[ the City Council oi the City of Chula Vista, California ~as held on the above da~e at 7:00 F.~. ~ith the iollo~inE Councilman present: Councilmen ~ns, Menz~l, Smith, DeCraa[ Absent: Council~n M~llis~er Also present: City Engineer Cole, City Attorney Duber~, A~inist~ative Analyst loss, City Planner Fritz, Recreation Director Jasinek ~yor ~enzel led the pledEe oi alle~iance to the FlaE and asked Eot a m~ent of prayer. STAT~: ~e City Clerk hereby states that he did post ~ithin 2~ hours adJour~en~, as provided by la~, the order oi adJour~ent of the City Council for the adjourned regular meetin~ oi June 19, 1962 AcTION ON ~ROPOSED EXTENSIO~ OF "H" ST~ET A report oi the feasibility and cost oi extendin~ "H' Street to Route 241 been filed ~ith the Council by the City Eu~ineer, i~ ~as moved by ~uncil~u Smith, seconded by Council~n ~ins and carried, that the report be filed and no action taken on extendinE "H' Street ~o Rout~ 241. ~SOL~ION No. 2848- ~ivin~ notice of proposed Horton's Annexation No. 2 Offered by Couucil~n Hc~ins, passed, adopted and approved by the vote, AYES: Councilmen H~ins, ~nzel, Smith, DeGraaf Noes: None Absent: Council~n ~llister ~S~UTI~ No. 284~ - ApprovinE tentative~p of Palm ~rdens Offered by Council~n Smith, passed, adopted and approved by the [ollowinE vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Smith, De~aa[, ~c~ins, ~nzel ~oes: None Absent: Couucil~n ~llister O~I~CE ~o. ?~9- ~er~ency ~dinance ~e~in~ Zonin~ Ordi~nce pertaininE to side-yards in R-1 zones It was moved by Counci~n Degraa[, seconded by Council~n ~ins and carried t~t ~di~nce ~o. ?~ be introduced and adopted as an eme=Eency ordi~nce, and that readin~ oi the text be waived. ~e motion carried by the [ollowin~ vote, to-wit: AYES: ~uncilmen DeCraa[, ~ins, Henzel, Smith Noes: ~one Absent: Council~n ~llister ~S~I~ ~o. 2850- ~derin~ the vacation o[ a portion of the ~orthweat corner Country Club Drive a~ First Avenue Oilered by Council~n Smith, with the condition that the thirty foot set-back be ~intained as sho~ on the original lot adjoinin~ that portion oi st=eat to be vacated, passed, adopted and appr~ed by the iollowinl vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Smith, De~aa[, Hc~ins, Henzel Noea~ ~one Absent: Council~n~Allister RESOL~ION No. 2851- AuthorizinE ~yor to si~n Escrow papers [or purc~se o~ property [or Fire Station ~o. ~ Oilered by ~uucilman DeCraa[, passed, adopted and approved by the ~ollowin~ vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen De~aai, ~ins, ~nzel, Smith ~oes: None Absent: Counc~l~n P~SOLt~IION No. 2852- Acceptin$ Deed to real property- Sweetwater HiEh School District 9flared by Councilman Smith, passed, adopted and approved by the followiu$ vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Smith, DeGraaf, HcMains, Menzel Noes: None Absent: Councilman McAllister RESOLUTION No. 2853- ApprovinE amendment to lease with American LeEion Offered by Councilman Smith, passed, adopted and approved by the followins vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Smith, DeGraaf, McMains, Menzel Noes: None Absent: Councilman HcAllister RESOLUTION No. 2854- Authorizins County to petition Corps of EnEineers on flood Control Offered by Councilman DeGraaf, passed, adopted and approved by the followins vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen DeGraaf, McMains, Menzel, Smith Noes: None Absent: Councilman HcAllister RESOLUTION No. 2855- AcceptinE & dedicatins portions of Otay Lakes Road Offered by Councilman Smith, passed, adopted and approved by the followinS vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Smith, DeGraaf, McMains, Menzel Noes: None Absent: Councilman McAllister RESOLUTION No. 2856- Approvins Cas Tax budset for 1962-1963 Offered by Councilman Smith, passed, adopted and approved by the followin$ vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Smith, DeGraaf, NcMains, Menzel Noes: None Absent: Councilman NcAllister RESOLUTION No. 2857.- Amending Resolution No. 1929 pertaining to policies and reEula@ tions with respect to parking meter funds Offered by Councilman McHains, passed adopted and approved by the followins vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen McMains, Henzel, Smith Noes: Councilman DeGraaf Absent: Councilumn McAllister RESOLUTION No. 2858- Approvins Castle View off-site sewer repayment asree~ent Offered by Councilman DeGraaf, passed, adopted and approved by the followins vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen DeOraaf, McHains, Henzel, Smith Noes: None Absent: Councilman McAllister 'AUTHORIZING CALL FOR BIDS FOR SPRINKLER SYSTEM - Greg Rosers Park It was moved by Councilman DeGraaf, seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, that the City Ensineer be authorized to call for bids at the prevailing minimum wage scale for sprinkler system at GeeS Rogers Park project. AUTHORIZING CALL,FOR BIDS AT MINIHUHWAGE SCALE FOR 121PROVEMENTS ON OLEANDER AND EAST NAPLES STREET It was moved by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman DeGraaf and carried, that the City Ensineer be authorized to call iOr bids at the prevallin$ minimum wasa scale for improvements on Oleander and East N~les Streets, adJoinins the Ores-Rogers Park-School development. -2- ORIZING~J.L FOR BIDS, FOR IMPROVEMENTS IFgDER 1911 BLOCK ACT It was moved by Councilman DeGree/, seconded by Councilman Smith and carried that the City Eniineer be authorized to call £or bids at the prevailin$ minimumwase scale for certain improve~ents to be installed under provisions si the 1911 block act. lwiunlHG BID ON C~AS TAX PROJECT No. 42t Unit 1 ("E'* Street from Third Avenue to First Avenue) City En$ineer Cole reported havin$ received five bids on Gaf Tax project No. 12, Unit No. 1 ("E" Street from Third Avenue to First Avenue), the low bid being that of the ;riffith Company in the mount of $30,047.65, end recommended that the low bid be accepted. It was moved by Councilmon Smith, seconded by Councilmon Ncli~ins end carried that the low bid of the Griffith Company in the amount of 930,047.65 £or Gas Tax project No. 42, Unit 1 be accepted. A~I]G~i~' BID OH GAS TAX PROJECT Ho. 37, Unit Ho. 3 (Fourth Avenue from "E' to "F" Street) City Engineer Cole reported having received five bids on Gas Tax project Unit Ho. 3 (Fourth Avenue fro~ "E" to "F' Street), the low bid being that of the Griffith Company in the amount of 939,?33.85, and recommended that the low bid be accepted. It wes moved by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman De.ami and carried that the low bid of the Griffith Company in the amount of 939,733.85 for Gas Tax project Ho. 37, Unit Ho. 3 be accppted. A~A.RDIHG BIDS FOR STREET MATERIALS, CHLORINE, AND RADIO SERVICE It was moved by Councilman ~cMains, seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, that the follovin/ low bids be accepted es rec~u~endedl United Asphalt for lO0 tons of asphaltic emulsion 910,464.80 Grif£ith Co. for 16,000 tons of asphaltic concrete 5.73 pr ton Fenton Material for 2,000 tone aggregate base 1.55" " FentonMAterial for 3,500 tons screenings 2e25 T&ps Chemical Co. for 24 ton Cylinders of Chlorine-989.60 ton cylinder Tops Chemical Co. for 6,600 pounds of chlorine- 97.80 for 150 lb. cyl per cwt Motorola Co~municetions & Electronics~Inc. for radio service Contract ~//~EPORT OF CITY ATTORNEY ON STATUS OF HOUSE AT FIRST AVENUE AND 'D" STREET City Attorney Duberg stated that the owners of the house located et First Ave. and 'D' St. are being asked to reapply to the Planning Oo~mission for a variance from the zoning ordinance. Mr. Duberg stated that it would be necessary to obtain a title report to dateline if the lot upon which the house is standing was established prior to or after adoption of the zoning ordinance. ~//REPORT ON BROAD~/A¥oHALE EXERCISIHG OPTION FOR PARCEL 'C' OF VISTA SQUARE City Attorney Duberg reported that the option Broadway-Hale has with the City to purchase Parcel 'C" of Vista Square is a valid and binding contract on the ~lty. The Attorney was directed to draw up the necessary agreement for the next meeting. ~/ SEWER SERVICE CHARGE Administrative Analyst Ross stated that the sewer service charge proposed for financing the City's share of the Metropolitan Sewer project is 91.60 per residential unit per month, and thirty percent of the gross water hill for co~mercial and industrial users. It was moved by Council~an Smith, seconded by Councilman Ncllaine end carried, that the City Attorney be directed tn draw up the necessary ordinance to put the plan into operation. ~/'R~I~ST TO liO~B BUILDING APPROVED A letter was read from George ~. Power requesting per~ission to move · frame structure from 59~ 'G" St. to 581 Vance St. A letter was reed from Building Inspeeto~ ~rady listing the conditions he must comply with to bring the building up to standard. It wes moved by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman NcMains and carried~ thee permission be Eranted Mr. Power to move the building, subject to his all of the requiremente of the Chief Bu~ldin~ Inspector. -3- ~/~ltEqUEST FOR CLEAN-UP WEE~S A letter was read from the Chamber of Commerce requesting that the Council proclaim July 9th through July 22nd as Clean-Up Week, and provide trucks to haul trash during this two weeks. It was moved by Council~an Smith, seconded by Council- man DeGree[ and carried, that the request be referred to City Ad~inistrator Fulwiler for favorable action. Council~an DeGraaf suggested that the City clean up weeds in street rights-of-way where needed, ~STREET TREE ORDINANCE A letter was read from the Chamber of C~erce asking that the Council review a proposed street tree ordinance ~hich they sub~itted to the Council for study. The Council referred the letter to the City Achatntstrator and City Attorney for study and asked that a copy of the proposed ordinance be given the City Planner. ~J~POIN~ OF HRS. CLINGER TO PARK AND RECREatION COt~ISSlON REQUESTED A letter was read from the Park & Recreation Co~ission suggesting that the City Council reappoint Hrs. Vanitta Clinger as a member of the Commission. No action taken. "F" STe~ SCHOOL PHOPgRTY A letter was read from Burton C. Tiffany stating that it ~ould be necessary [or the School District to know by September 1, 1962 ~hether or not the City and County of San Diego are interested in purchasing the "F" St. School property. City Planner Fretz stated ~h~t a joint report from the City and County staffs ~ould be ready for the Council at their next meeting. ~?~EqUEST FOR S~)A~D COURTS AT ADULT CEHTER Hr. R~bart Holmes, representing the Senior Citizens Club, requested that the proposed shufflehnard courts for Ner~an Park be installed at this ti~e. Hr. Charles Do~, represanti~ the Chula Vista Shuffleboard Club asked for an approxt-=te date ~hen they could ex, act the courts to be installed, if they could be absorbed into the Chula Vista Shuffleboard Club, and if Farking could be provided for the players a~ the same t~e the courts are installed. Hr. Dow was info.ed that the courts and parking area ~ere included in the coming budget, and that they might expect the courts in about three ~nths. Hr. Cornell, lh:esident of the Senior Citizens Club thanked the Council for providing the adult recreation center for the senior citizens, and ursed that the Shuffleboard Courts be constructed at the ~arliest possible time. ,,~HANC. E OF STREET NAHES SUC~ESTED Council~an De,reef suggested that the street numbers be reversed and changed back to the way they were years ago in order to do away with the confusing designation of "East" to the streets East of Hilltop Drive. The sussestion was referred to the City Planner for discussion by the Haster Planning Committee. APPROVAL GIVEN TO ANNEXING GREG-ROGERS PARK-SCHOOL PROPERTY Ad~inistrative Analyst Ross was directed to proceed with proceedings to annex the Greg Rogers Park-School property to the City. PORT BILL STUDY At the request of Hayor Menzel, Administrative Analyst Ross was directed to bring up the N OCt report at the next meeting of the Harbor C~ission when they are stmiying the Port Authority Bill. ADJOU~HHENT Mayor lienzel adjourned the meeting at 8:15 P.M. until Friday June 22, 1962 at 5:15 P.M. Clerk