Neld Tuesday August 6, 1963
An adjourned regular meeting was held in the Council Chambers by t~e
City Council on the above date at 7:00 P.M. with the following Councilmen
preeentr Councilmen McMaine, Menmel, Smith, DeGraaf
Absents C~u.~cilman McAllie~er
Ales Preeents Principal Civil Engineer Rarshnan, Administrative Officer Rose,
City Attorney Dmberg, Assistant City Planner Warren
Mayor Menzel led the pledge of allegiance to the Flag and asked for a moment
of silent prayer.
Statement: The City Clerk hereby etatee that he did post within 24 h~ure
of edJournnent, as provided by law, the order of adjournment
of the adjourned regular meeting of August 6, 1963.
~/P, UBL~C HEARING - Zon!~E of Broadway Annexation No. 3
This being the time and place, aa advertised, for a public hearing on
the propoeed permanent C-2-P eoning of Broedway Annexation No. 3, Hayer
Meneel declared the hearing open. Ne one wishing to be heard either for er
against the proposed zoning and the Clerk having received no written proteete~
the Mayor declared the hearing cloeed.
ORDINANCE,. NO. 852 - Aneneling eoni~ ordinance - Broadway Annexation No. 3 -
First Reeding
It was moved by Ceuncilmau Smith, eeconded by Councilman DeGraaf,
and carried~ that Ordinance No. 852 be pla~ed on ire first reading and that
rea~ing of the tex~ be waived. The motion carried by the following vote,
ATESs Councilmen Smith, DeGraaf, McMalas, Meneel
Nooe: None
Absent: Councilman McAllieter
PUBLIC HEARING - Zone change for 426-428 "F" Street
This being the time and place, as advertised, for a public hearing
On the proposed rerunning fr~m C-2 to R-3 of property at 426-428 "F" Street,
Mayer Monsel declared the hearing open. The Clerk read~ a letter from F. D.
Longwerth, requeeting that hie application for aeome change at 426-428 "F"
Street and hie subeequent a~tien appealing action cf the Planning Cemuaission
in denying him a eot-back variance for the same property, he withdrawn.
There was no one in the audience wishing to be heard.
It wee moved by Councilman Smith, eeconded ~y Counoi~ma~ McMains,
and carried, that the hearing be cloeed and action withheld one week ~ile
the staff studies the request of F. D. Longworth and reports to the Council.
7:15 P.M. Councilman McAllieter took hie seat at the Council at thie time.
PUBLIC NEARING - Zone Change for 329 "J" Street
This being the time ar~ place, as advertised, for a public hearing
~a the propoeed resorting from C-I to R-3-D of property at 329 "J" Street,
Mayer Mensel declared the hearing open. Mr. Paul Yeager aeked if it was
legal for the property ~wners to start work on their apartment project
prior to the public hearing on the reeoning. Mr. Yeager was informed
that the ~wnera took out their permit for building prior to the passing,
by the Council, of the emergency ordinance prohibiting residential uses in
C-1 eones. No others wishing to be heard and the Clerk having received ne
written protests, the Mayor declared the hearing cloeed.
ORDiNAtE NCo 853 - A~ending soni~g ordinance - Z~e chugs f=r ~29 "J"
S~et - First Readi~
~d c~ed~ that ~ce Ne. 8~ be placed on i~ f~rst ~n~ ~d that
~i~ of ~ ~ ~ ~d. ~e motion c~ed ~ the follo~
C~c~n ~Gr~f, HcH~ns, Nc~lis~r, Menzel,
The~ ~ t~ ~cies on the PlUM O~ssi~ Concern
~th no~d ~le S~tj Oo~ct~ ~cMa~s nom~na~d B~ce Jonson;
C~c~ DeGr~ n~a~d Movie We~dj ~ C~ci~
Jo~ recei~g the ~aJ~ ef ve~s. ~eir ~ms ~11 m to J~e
30, 1967.
/~IN~T OF ~ TO ~ P~ ~ ~TION C~SSI~
~e~ bei~ ~e vacates ~ ~e P~k a~ ~creati~
~; Oo~ci~ ~lis~r n~d Jo~ ~dersonj ~-~ C~ci~
DeGr~ n~a~d J~s C. ~lden. ~ere being no other n~tions,
~s a~d ~ Co~ci~ ~Gr~, seconded ~ C~ci~ ~ith~
c~ ~at t~ Clerk c~t a ~s ba~ ct f~ ~lli~
Jo~ ~d~son ~ se~ ~til J~e 30~ 1957, ~d J~es Welden to fi~ ~e
~ed te~ of Robert ~r~ said ~ to e~ire J~e 30~
~PO~T ~ ~ To s~ co~c~
~ere berg t~ vac~cies ~ the S~e~ C~cil~ Co~c~
Hc~lis~r nom~.ated C. R. Bro~; Co~c~ Smi~ n~a~d C.
~eyj ~ C~c~ HcH~ n~a~d ~ck Hc~gott. There
berg n~ o~er n~tions, it ~s ao~d ~ C~ci~ DeGr~f,
see~ ~ Co~ci~ Hc~ister, ~d c~ed that the n~ations
be closed. A b~et ~ ~en ~ ~. Mc~ligott recei~g a
~Jo~ of ~e ve~s a~ ~. Br~ a~ ~. ~ recei~g a tie
v~. ~other ba~ot ~s ~en gi~ a ~Jo~ty of ~e vows
Br~. ~e ~ of ~. Hc~igott ~ ~. Br~ ~11 m. to J~e 30~
~e~ ~ ~ v~ on the Ci~l Se~ce Co~s~on~ ~e
C~ission ~t~d ~e ~ ~ H~ Gres~nor, He~ Gau~
C. C. ~ley f~ consecration ~ t~ Co.oil. Co~ci~
n~ated ~. Groaner, ~e~ ~g no o~er n~ations~ it
m~ed ~ C~c~ ~r~ seoo~ed ~ C~ci~ ~c~s~
c~-.-led~ ~t the n~tions be closed ~d ~e Olerk d~ec~d
cast a ~$ b~lot for H~d Gro~ener for a ~ of ~ree
~s~ s~d ~ to e~ire Ju~ 30~
~ere beiag one vac~ ~ the Libr~ Bo~d, Co~ci~
McH~s no~d ~. W~e S~ for re~po~ent. It ~s mo~d
~ C~ci~ Hc~is~r, seco~ed by C~ci~ ~Gr~, ~d
~~ e~ed, ~at ~. W~e S~ be ~appoin~d to the
Libr~ Bo~d f~ a te~ of f~r ye~s, said te~ to e~i~ J~
30, 1967.
~ere bei~ t~ vac~cies on t~ Sis~r City C~selon,
was ~o~d by C~c~ DeGr~ seconded ~ Co~ci~ ~th~ ~d
~s~ c~ed, ~t ~. Spencer Henzel ~ reappoin~d for a
~ of fo~ ye~s~ s~d ~ ~ e~ire J~e 30~ 1~7, ~ that the
vac~cy crea~d ~ the ~signation ~ ~s. M~ro be fi~ed at a later
da~ ~r ~r~er stu~.
It was noved by Councilman DeOraaf, seconded by Councilman
McMains, and carried, that a letter of appreciation be sent ~r. C. Ce
Alley for his service on the Safety Council.
Principal Engineer Harsh~an stated that it was the rec~endation
of the Engineering Division that the contractor ea the ~aJor Interceptor
drainage project be authorized to deposit ~arplus fill on Industrial
Boulevard a~d ~X· Street, Just west of the railroad track in order to
eliminate a dangerous traffic hazard by building the street for a
better sight distouce. The contractor agrees to haul, c~act and
grade the fill at no expenee to the City. Approximate cost to the City
for paviag the new ~rade is $850. It was loved by Councilaan ~aith,
seconded by Councilaan McMains, and carried, that the~c~a~endations
ef the Engineering Divini~ pertaining te the grade ~Industrial and
~K~ Streets be approve~.
O. RDINAMCE NO. 8%4 - Setting 35 n.p.h, speed li~it en perti~ of
F~rth Aven~e - First Reading
It ~as neved by Councilman De~reaf, seconded by Councilman
Saith, and carried, that Ordinance Ne. 8%4 be placed on it~ first read-
ing and that reading of the text be waived. The notion ~arried by the
following vets, to-~it~
AYES~ Councilmen DeOraaf, MoP, ins, NcAllister, ~ennel, ~ith
Noes~ #one
Absent~ None
ORDINANCE NO. 8%5 - Aaending feed ordinance and City Cede - First Reading
It was n~ved by Councilman S~ith, seconded by Councilaan
McAllieter, and cam~ied~ that Ordinance No. 8%5 be placed en its first
reading and that readiag cf the text be waived. The notion carried by
the following vote, to wit~
AYE~ Councilaen Snith, DeGraaf, Nc~ains, McAllister, Mennel
N ce s t None
Absentt None
RESOLUTION NO. 3167 - Establishin~ no parking sone on Third Avenue and
"J" Street
Offered by Councilman ~lith, passed and adopted by the foll~wing
vote, to-wit ~
AYES= Counc4~-~n Smith, DeGrmm*, Mc~ains, McAllister, Nensel
Nees~ None
Absents None
RES0~UT~ON NO, 3~68 - ~actrict~ing parking at Broadway and m~ Street
Offered by Council~aan S~ith~ passed and adopted by the £ollowing
vote~ to-wit~
AYES~ Conncil-,en ~ith, DeGraaf, ~cMains, McAllister, Mensel
~oes~ #ese
Absent~ None
RESOLUTIOM N0. 31~ - Requiring boulevard stops at intersection of
Q~intard and First Avenue
Offered by Councilman McAllister, passed and adopted by the follow-
ing vote, to-wit~
AYE8~ Councilmen McAllieter, Menzel, ~ith, DeOraaf, Mc~ains
N~es~ None
Abeent~ None
It was suggested by the Council that these stops he installed on
a temporary basis until a study and recc~aendation has been ~ade by the
Safety Council.
HESOLUTION NO., 3170 - Intention to ~ke chan~es and modification ,-
Swoetwater Valley Industrial Park - Project 60-1
Offered by Councilman Mc~ai_us, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit ~
AYES~ Councilmen McMains, McAllister~ Men~el, S~ith, DeOreAf
No~ s ~
Absent~ None
It was m~ved by Councilman McMain~, seconded by Councilman
McAllister, and carried, that the City Engineer be authorised to call
for bids at the prevailing mini~u~ wage scale for the changes and modi-
fications to be ~ede ia the Sweet~ater Valley Industrial Park Project 60.~.
RESOLUTION NO. 3171 - Giving notice and setting hearing date - 1911 Act
Phase IX
Offered by Councilman Smith, passed and adopted by the following
vote, ~o-wit ~
AYESr Councilmen ~ith, DeGraaf, ~c~aine, McAllister, Men-el
Noeer None
Abeentr None
It ~s moved by C~u~¢il~an ~aith, seconded by Counci~a~ DeGraaf~
and carried, that the City Engineer be autherised to call for bids at the
prevailing ~i~i~um wage scale for Gas Tax Project 42, "Em Street
It ~as ~ved by Councilman Nc~ains, seconded by Councilman Smith~
and carried~ that the City Engineer be authorised to call for bids at the
prevailing mini~u~ ~age scale for the oo~tructicn of two tennis courts
in Eucalyptus Park.
It was aevod by Cc, mcil~an Saith, eeannded by Councilman DeGranf~
and carried, that the Park and Recreation C~icsion Rules and Regulationc
be approved, aa a~ended.
Administrative Officer Rets reported that City Purchaser Stanley
has made a preliminary appraisal an the two sites currently being considered
as poesible sites for a City Corporation Yard. The Adwinistrative Officer
was of the opinion the asking price on both pieces is too high and would
recommend that the Council not pa~ more than $20~0OO per acre on the north.
west site and not more than $15,000 per acre on the southwest site.
It was moved by Councilaan DeGraaf~ seconded by Councilman ~c~aine,
and carried~ that the May~r appoint a committee to study the report ef the
PUrchasing Agent and negotiate with the owners of ~e two sites being
fOR s?oP mo}ma Am
I petition was submitted to the C~uncil requesting the instna~ ation
of stop signs er Yield signs at the intersection of Flower Street and
Guava Avenue. The request was referred to the Safety Couhcil.
/P~EQUEST TO~ ,M,,0~ BUTI~3~G ]NT~
A letter was read fr~ Gordon V~ckland requesting per~iesion to
move a buil~ng from ~flnE Valley to 81 O~awo Avenue ia the City. A
lettor was read from the Buildia{ ]~poctcr recon~ending T~t the requost
be approved subject to building code requirements. Action held over one
week for further investigation.
A letter ~s re~ fr~ Jo~ B. Ch~s~sen re~esti~ the
lati~ of a fe~ a~ si~ at the intersection of ~rst Avenue
"H" S~et. ~e request ns referred to the S~ety
Let~rs ~re ~ f~ L. E. ~oole ~d Bea~ice Peck rec~end~g
that t~ Co~c~ ~t ~e Ch~a Vi8~ ~ani~ ~e~ce their ~titi~
for a ra~ i~a~e
C~y of ~ ~licati~ te ~e ~p~ent of Alcoholic Bever~ea
ConSol B~ fr~ A~ew H~ for ~ eff~e Beer ~ ~ license at
305 Bre~ ~s ~ to the O~cil. ~fe~ed to the A~iniatrati~
~.~ITAT~ON ~ rotATE F~R
C~rci~, Ag~c~ ~d Li~s~k ~ositi~ ~ F~r ~ Teca~ BaJa
C~ifo~a~ in~g Oo~ci~n ~ at,nd ~ Fair %o ~ held on September
7%h ~o~h ~e 16th. Sep~mber ~ ~1 be ,~ Neighbor D~",
~~TI~ Y~D SI~ OF~D F~ $20~ ~ A~
A 1~ ~ter, ~p~senti~ ~ers of pr~erty at ~e
ce~er ef Wo~a~ ~ ,F. Street s~d that ~e ~ers ~d ~ ~ll~g
to se~ ~e pr~e~y to the City fer a Co~oratien Ya~ at $~,~
if ~ 0~ wo~d ~t at ~is t~e ~e Co,oil asked %~t %~
ef the pr~erty meet ~th the O~t~e %o ~ a~o~d ~ ~e M~or,
the p~e of ~go~at~ ~ peesi~le p~ehase of a si%e for a
co~orati~ ~.
S~ ~H ~I~ ~P~ OF ..J.D. ~ TO ACTI~ OF P~G O~SSI~
Atte~ey ~ias Sch~f~ rep~sent~g J. D. McXi~ ~ked ~at the
Oo~c~ g=~% a rehe~g ~ ~e~ of ~e MoK~ey %~ ~ti~ of
PI~ ~ssion de~ ~ a ~ c~e fr~ R-3 ~ C-1 for pr~erty
on ~e s~theast co~er of F~ A~nue ~ ~ S~e%. He based his
~q~st aport the fact a ~]] Oo~cil ~s not present at ~e ~% he~
res~t~ ~ a tie ve~ ~t he ~s set gi~n a c~ce for rebut~ at
the he~ ~r ~e City Plier ~ sp~en ~d ~at ~e decisi~ of
Co~cil ~s not f~ on a f~ ef f~t. It ~s aoved by
~i~, ~e~d ~ O~c~ Mcmarr, a~ c~ed, ~at a rehe~ of
~he ~r ~ set for A~ 27~ at 7~ P.M.
Co~ ~ e~ted t~t the ~u~s for the Port District
b~et he~ ~e~d ~. Crag S~key as ~ss~g the opi~ ~t the
Bo~d shoed not ~ ~e~ ~ a ~st~c~i~ ~dget. Oo~ci~
asked ~. Ni~ S~Jk, ~r of the C~ber of Oo~rce~ if ~ ~en
e~ressed ~s ~at of ~. S~key ~r ~e C~er. ~. SliJk s~d that
Mr. S~key ~s ~ssing the ~ion of ~e O~ber of O~rce.
~er Menzel ~Jou~ed the ~ee~ng at 8~30 P.M., s~e ~e.