HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1954/12/14 MINUTES OF A R~GULAR MEgTING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Gte CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA Held Tuesday, December 14 - 1954 The City Council met at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall on the above date with the following Councilmen present: Councilmen Radar, Halferty, Riealand, DeWolfe Absent: Councilman iiobel Also Present: City Administrator Floyd, City Attorney Campbell and Principal ~ngineer Johnson Invocation was led by Mev. Cook. API~tOVAL OF M~ MIMUT~S It was moved by Councilman Riesland, seconded by Council- man Hader, and carried, that the minutes for the Council meetings of November 9 and November 22 bm approved, copies having been mailed to each Councilman. APPROVAL OF PLANMING C(:I~flSSION MINUTES It mas moved by Councilman Hader, seconded by Councilman Riealand, and carried, that the minutes of the Planning Commission meetings for November 1 and December. 6 be approved, copies having been mailed to each Coumeilman. APPROVAL OF RECHEATIOl( COMMISSION MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Rader, seconded by Councilman Riesland, and carried, that the minutes of the Recreation Commission for the meeting of November 18 be approved, copies having been sent to each Council~an. APPROVAL OF SAFETY COUNCIL MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Riesland, seconded by Council- man DeWolfe, and carried, that the minutes of the Safety Council for the meeting of November 18 be approved, copies having been sent to each Councilman. ~//APPtOVAL OF LIBRARY WORKING PIAHS Mr. Arthur Lynds presented the workins plans for the new library, with mimer changes, as approved by the Library Board. It was moved by Councilman Riesland, seconded by Councilman Hader, and carried, that the working plans of the library buildins be approved, as presented. ~/PUBLIC HEARING - Annexation of Judaon Tract Thin being the time and place, aa advertised, for a public hearin~ on the above-mentioned annexation, Mayor Halferty de- clared the public hearin~ opan, and called for protests from the audience. There beimg no protests, either oral orwritten, from property owners within the territory proposed to be annexed, or other- wise, the Mayor declared the public hearing closed. ORDINANCE NO. 507 - Approving annexation of Judeon Tract It was moved by Councilman Rieeland, seconded by Council- man finder, and carried, tha~ Ordinance No. 507 be placed on its first reading. The ordinance was thereupon read in full. RESOLUTION NO. 1655 - Approval of Robin Rood Subdivision tentative map. Offered by Councilman Rissland, read in full, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen ~alferty, Rielland, DeWolfe Noes: Council~an itadsr Abdent: Councilman Nobel HOOD SUBDIVISlCtq - Final Nap passed, It vas moved by Council~an Rieeland, seconded by Councilmm IMWolfe, and carried, that the final imp and inprovement plans of Robin Hood Subdivision b0 accepted upon the execution by the owner of · contract with the City of Chula Vista for the installa- tion of improve~ents and the posting of a bond guaranteeing the per- form~nce thereof, wkich contract and guaranty shall bo first approved by the City Attorney as to form and lof~lity and, providing Lot A is deeded in fee to tbo City of Chula Vista ual with 10 foot side yards on Lots 1, 10, 11 mid ~O on "I' Street, sebJect to final check by the Kngineering Dejmrtment. The motion carried by the following vote to wit: AYe: Cotmcilmon Balfarty, Nisaland, D~Wolfe Noes: Counctlm~n I~der Ab~at: Councllm Bobol REHOLUTION NO. 1656 - Approving improvement afreoment for Robin Hood flubdtvtsion Offered by Councilman DeWolfe, road in full, passed, addopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYE8: Councilmen Radar, hlferty, Ntemland, DeWolfe Noes: None Ahaent: Councilman Hohal IL N~IGillS NO. ~- - Final nap As the subdivider requested a 15 foot setback instead of a 20 foot setback ha was uked to present his map once more to the RElanmtng Commission before action by the Council. SGLUTION PI~BY CITIZEN's LIAGUK FOR BFFTIR Mr. Robert Prescott read and filed with the City Clerk a resolution by the Citizen's League for Better Government protesting · contemplated plan for a write-in campaign at the forthconing special election. No action wan taken. FOR NEW FOOTING ORDINANCE Br. John Freemm, 643 g. Manor Drive, stated that the present City requiremonts for a footing for · new fence were not rigid enough and asked that s new ordinance be adopted calling for a 14 inch footing. No action was taken. ~/PUBLIc HKARING ON WA~RKIq ZONE VARIANCE APPEAL Thls being the tlmo and place as advertised for the pub- lic hearing on the Warren zone variance appeal, Mayor Halferty called for those in protest to the variance to speak. Charles A. and Mrs. Gill, 511 "F' Street were the only ones protesting the variance. Mayor Halferty then called on those in favor of the variance to speak. Mr. Warren restated the facts of hi8 request as set forth in his original application. · There being no others wishing to speak in favor or against the variance, the Mayor declared the public hearing closed. The Clerk read the report from the Planning Commission as required in the Zoning Ordinance. It was ~oved by Councilman Rader, seconded by Council-: man Rieuland, and carried, that the variance be granted on the con- dition that work must stop at 10:00 P.M, and that no advertising signs be posted. Councilman Riesland stated he voted in favor of the variance because the PlanninE Cogmiesion had consistently granted variances throughout the City. ltlSOLUTIO! NO. 1657 - Approving tentative map of Debbie Court Offered by Councilman Rader, read in full, passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilm~n Rader, Nalferty, Riesland, DeWolfe Noes: None Absent: Councilman Rebel ~//MARGARITA - Map TERRACE Final It was moved by Councilman Rador, seconded by Council-~ man DoWolfe, and ~ried, that the final map of Margarita Terrace Subdivision be aco~tod upon the execution by the owner of a contract with the City of Ckula Vista for the installation of improvements and the posting of a bond gnaraateeing the performance thereof, which contract shall be first approved by the City Attorney as to form and legality and subject to final check by the Engineering Department. NO. 1658 - Approving improvement ~reement for ~rga~ita Terrace Offered by Councilman Riesland, read in full, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Rader, Halferty, Riesland, DeWolfe Noes: None Absent: Councilman Hobel passed, RESOLUTION NO. 1659 - Accepting Lots A & B of Chula Vista Manor No. AND 1659_A Offered by Councilman Rader, read in full, passed, adopted and approved by the followiq vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Rader, Ralferty, Eiesland, DeWolfe Noes: None Absent: Councilman Hobel 2 REHOLUTION NO. 1660 - AcceptinE dedication of Kotitsa property for Woodlavn Avenue Offered by Councilman DeWolfe, read in full, adopted and approved by the followin~ vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Rader, Halferty, Riesland, DeWolfe Noos: NOne Absent: Cooncilmm Hobel passed, It was decided that the City would run two laterals into the Kotitsa property prior to the paving of Woodlswn Avenue and that recording of Resolution No. 1660 be held up until AttOrney Boyer presents a contract to the City for repayment for th~ two laterals. ORDXNANCg NO. 506 - Approving of annexation of Country Club Hills - ~econd reading. It was ~oved by Councilman De~olfe, seconded by Council~tn P~der, and unani~ouely carried, that Ordinance No. 506 be placed on its second reading and adopted and that the reading of the text be waived after the reading of the title. The Ordinance wa~ adopted by the following vote, to-wit: AYN6: Council~es ~ader, NalfertY, Riesland, DeWolfe Noes: None Abeent: Council~an Rebel RE~LUTION NO. 1661 - Dedicating Lots A & B, Country Club Park No. 3 for Itro~t purposee. Offered by Councllm ~ader, read in full, passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AT~S: Council~en ~der, ~alferty, Riesland, Noes: None Absent: Councilman Hobel De~olfe RF~OLUTIC~ NO. 1662 - Dedicating Lots A, B & C of Country Club Park No. 4 for street purposes. Offered by Councilman DeWolfe, read in full, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AY~S: Councilmen hdor, ~alferty, Rie~land, DeNolfe N~I: None A~ent: ~ucilmn ~bl passed, ~l~r~ c~ pAt~' NO. 6 - Final A letter wa~ rend frma the Planning Comaission drawing the Council's attention to the fact that there was a distance of 1400 feet hetwe~n "L" Street and lncopah Street, which fact was overlooked by the Plming Co--ianion when the ~ap was before them. After discu~sing the mtter timro~hly, it was emved by Councilman alesla~d, seconded by Councilmm hdor, and carried, that the final ~ap of Cotmtry Club Park No. 6 he accepted upon the execution by the owner of a contract with the City of Chula Vista for the installation of tmprovm~ents and the posting of a bond guarantee- lng the performance thereof, which contract and ~uaranty shall be first approved by the City Attorney as to for~ and le~tlity and subject to tke final check by the City gagineers.' · E~TI~ ~. 1~3 - Accepting ~prove~ent agrN~nt for C~ntry Club Pa~ Nos6 Offered by Councilman Rader, read in full, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AT~: Coucil~en hder, hlferty, Riesland, b~lfe N~: None A~nt: ~ci~ Hobl ~iVIL S~ICK -~ .... ~TI~S passed, A letter was read from the Civil Service Commission re- c~nding the chan~e of clm title of Construction Inspector II to Building Ianpector and the title of Construction Inspector I to Assis- tant Building Inspector with salaries unchanged. Also, that the title of Playground ~upervi~or bo change to Supervisor of Playgrounds and the title of Gy~nanima Loader to ~upervisor of Comnuima with a salary at range 16. It was moved by Councilman Rader, seconded by Council- man Riesland, and carried, that the recommendations of the Civil Service Commission be approved. ~ILBQUEST FOR BILLBOARD SITE LEASE Sidney Derene, Chula Vista Neon Sign Company, reviewed his request to lease City property on the Freeway for billboard pur- poses. The Council directed the City Attorney to draw up a 5 years contract with the provision the nearest sign must be at least 1000 feet north of the present City sign. RE~OLUTI0~ NO. 1664 - Approving extension of bun route by the San Diego Transit ~yetem. Offered by Councilman Riesland, read in full, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AY~: Councilmen Riesland, nnder, llalferty, DeWolfe Noes: Bone Absent: Councilman Hobel passed, ~TING PBOP(XSKI) ABNIXATIGff BY NATIGffAL CITY A letter wa~ read from the llarbor Connisoion recosmend- ins that the Council protest the proposed annexation by National City of any portion of land lyin~ ~outherly of the Westerly extension of the Mortherly boundar~ lines of the City of Chula Vista. It va~ moved by Councilman Rienland, seconded by Council- man Rader, and carried, that the City Attorney be inntrncted to pre- pare a letter of protest to the Mational City Council to accompany the nnrbor Coemisnios Re~olution. ~ DIIGO AMD AII~GIIA it.N. DIBIID PIBIIIfJSlOM TO ~ TRACLS A letter wan read by the Administrative Officer from the 8.D. & Arizome hilromd roquemtiq that they be permitted to ex- tend their tracks south of "[" Strunt on Third Avenue. It was moved by Councilnan Rlemland, seconded by Council- man DeWolfe, and ca,tied, that the request for the extension of tracks on Third Avenue he denied. /.,./CRABGK ORDER8 IN GTINASIUB APPROVED The Administrative Officer read a letter from Victor Wulff, Gymnaniun architect a~king that the Council approve minor change ordern Wue. 13, 13, 14 and 15. It wa~ moved by Councilman Rader, seconded by Councilman DeWolfe, and carried, that change orders Nos. 12, 13, 14 and 15 be approved. The motion carried by the follovinf vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen ~ader, hlferty, Noes: None Absent: Cmmcilmaa Hobel L/~0 FIR~ IMSUR&MCE AUT~OBIZ~D ~ VIllA Riesland, DeWolfe SQUARE HOUSIBG The Administrative Officer stated that the Federal Govermment had never carried fire insurance on the ~mprovements at Vista 3quare and amked for a decision from the Council as to their wishes on the matter. It was moved by Councilman Riesland, seconded by Councilman DoWolfe, and unanimously c~a~BJ[~ that no firs insurance be carried on the structures at Vista equate Housing Project. ORDINANCE BOo 50~ -'Storage of merchandise on sidewalks for display The City Attorney read the recommendations from the Committee appointed to study the Ordinance, and the Council directed the City Attorney toredraft the ordinance so that merchants would be allowed 24 inches for their newspaper racks. LETTERS OF RESIGNATION Letters of resignation from Planning Commission ~bers H.O. Stewart nnd John Harmutend were rend. ~C0 Letters of resignation from l~rk nnd Hecreation remission Members llarry (~apman nnd K.N. Maynard were rend. A letter of reeignntion from Civil Service Com- Pression member Hownrd Grosvenor was rend. A letter from K.O. Stevnrt resigning from the ~/~hyor'm Snfety C~uncil ~ as assietnnt Director of Civil Defense read. It was moved by Councilman Riesland, seconded by Councilman DeWolfe, and carried, that the resi~nations be nccepted with regret 0~ud thnt letters of appreciation I~ written for the untiring efforts of these gentl~n. ~/R~CCMMB~(DATIOH OF gDWARD CUL~AH AS ASSISTANT DIRBCT(]t OF CIVIL DEFENSE Mr. Walter i~vis, CJmmh~r of Commerce Secretary, recommended Mr.nEd~ Culntu as i-mistant Director of Civil Defense. The Council su~ested that the appointment await the new Council's decision. ~/~'~ WULFF APPOII~I~D ~ OF CIVIL SBMVICK CGMJflSSlON Mnyor H~lferty submitted the name of Victor Wulff ns nominee for the Civil Service Commission. No other names were su~Muitted nt this time. It was moved by Councilman Hnlferty, seconded by Councilman Riesland, and unani~uely cnrried, thnt Mr. Victor Wulff b~ appoLnted to the Civil Service C~mmission, to fill the unexpired term of llow~d Grosvenor, resigned, which term expires June 30, 1956. The Adminlstrntive Officer was directed to notify Mr. Wulff of the nppointment. COUNCIL RULE8 ADOPTBD A letter vas ~ead the scope-of work and procedures from the Safety Council outlining to h~ followed by the Council. It w~s moved by Councilman Riesland, seconded by Councilman Rader, nnd cnrried, thnt the rules nnd re~ulntions of the Safety Council he nccepted as sub~itted. SCHOOL LBASE .FOR VISTA SQUMlt~ BUILDING PREBgMTBD A lease for two Vistn Square Buildin~s, used by the School District, nnd npproved by the Council at their November 9 meeting, vas presented o~nin nfter revision by the School Board. Upon the recomgaendation of City Attorney Campbell, it was moved by Councilm DeWolfe, seconded by Councilman Rider, nnd carried, that the lease remain the same as originally npproved by the Council. The Clerk was instructed to reply accordingly. PAYI~ OF BII~ After examination by the entire Council, it wns moved by Councilman DeWolfe, seconded by Council~ Rader, nnd carried, thnt Warrants Nos. 9081 to 9355 inclusive be npproved for payment. 1'fie motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Racier, Halferty, Riesland, DeWolfe Noes: None Absent: Councilman Hobel. Councilman Rieslnnd asked thnt specinl mention be made thnt the totnl cost of the ltecnll Election of Noveml~r 18 wns $3,853.21. ADJOUrNmeNT It waa ~oved by Counclla~n itader, seconded by Councllmn Rieeland, and carried, that the ~ting adjourn ~ine die.