HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1956/06/26HINI~I~8 OF AN AI~OUP. I~D R~GULAR M~TIHG OF TH~ CI~I CO~CILO~ Tl~ CITY OF Chula VisaS, California Held Tuesday June 26, 1956 The City Council met in the Council Chambers at City Hall on the above date at 7:00 P.M with the following Councilmen present: Councilmen Rader, DeGraaf, Dillon, DeWolfe Absent: Councilman Smith Alee present: City Achuinietrator Wade, City Finance Officer Grant, City Engineer Floyd, City Attorney M. Campbell, City~ Planner Scherer, and Edith launders, Secty. Clerk In the absence of Mayor Smith, Nayor Pro-tom DeGraaf presided at the Council table, and led the salute to the Flag.  ~,/PUBLIC HEARING - Rezoning of Third Avenue i This being th~ time and place, as advertised, for a public hearing on the resorting of Third Avenue ~outh of Roosevelt Strmet, Mayor Pro-tom DeGraaf called upon rheem in the audience who vtuhed to voice opinions for or against the re~oning. Walter P. Davis, as an individual, spoke against the resorting. Nra. Ernest Campbell, Hr. Dwight Jacbon, W. H. Darnell and G.S.Peters spoke in favor of the re~oning. Tl~re bein~ no others wishing to be heard, Mayor Pro-tea DeGraaf declared the public hearing closed. ORDINAl(CZ No. 553 - Amending Zoning Ordinance to re-Bone Third Avenue It ~ Bowed by Counclllmn DoWolfe, seconded by Councilman Rader, and carried, that Ordiannce No. 553 bo placed on its first reading. The Notion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Ender, DoGranf, Dillon, I)eWolfe Hoes: Wens Absent: Councilman Smith The ordinance m thereupon read in full. ~p~C H~ARI~G (continuation) Closing portio~ of Elm Avenue and Alley being the time set for continuation of the public hearinE on the cloning of a portion of Him Avenue and ad, elainE alley, Mayor Pro-tom DeGraaf anke~k If anyone In the audimaou vtnb&d to ~ heard. Hr. Clarence Close obJect~ to t~ cl~i~ of ~he alley a~o~n~ng his pro, ray, ~t not to tho r~t of the ~e San Diego ~8 and Ilectric ~ny r~ueot~ aa extension of t~ ~n order to acquire t~ ~re omnts. ~ ot~r pro~rty o~ers on the alley r~uegtod that Itb lo~t o~n. A letter of protemt on the cl~lng fr~ tb ~clflc ~lephono Com~ny vas received. ~oro blng no sabra vl~lq to ~ heard, hyor ~o-tel ~Graaf declared the heari~ closed. It v~ ~v~ by ~ncll~ hder, o~on~d by CoucilMn .~Wolfe, and carried, that that ~rtton of Klm Avenue and a~o~ntng alley u~n which ~bllc hearing pr~e~l~m for cluing were Just completed, left o~n. f~BIN HOOD SUBDIVISIGff No. 2 - Final Map It vas moved by COUncilman DeVoir®, seconded by Councilman Dillon .and c&rried, that the final map and impl~)voeiont plans of Robin Hood Subdivision We. 2 be accepted upon the execution by the qvner of a contract with the City of Chuln Vista for the installation of improveaente and the posting of a bond guaranteeing the perforzaace thereof, which contract shall be first approved by the City Attorney an to form and legality. MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNKDREGULAR MEETING OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Chula ¥iat~, California Held Tuesday June 26, 1956 The City Council set in the Council Chambers at City Hall on the above date at 7:00 P.M with the following Councilmen present: Councilsen Rador, DeGraaf, Dillon, DeWolfe Absent: Councilman Smith Also present: City Administrator Wade, City Finance Officer Grant, City Engineer Floyd, City Attorney M. Campbell, City~ Planner Scherer, and Edith 8sunders, Sooty. Clerk In the absence of Mayor Smith, Mayor Pro-tom DeGraaf presided at the Council table, and led the salute to the Flag. ~LIC HKARIJ~3 - Rezoning of Third Avenue This being th~ ttse and place, aa advertised, for a public hemring on the rezonlng of Third Avenue Houth of Roosevelt Btrset, Mayor Pro-tom DeGraaf called upon those in the audience who wtBhed to voice opinions for or against the rezoning. Walter P. Davis, am an individual, mix)ko against the re~oning. Mrs. Zrnest Campbell, Hr. Dgl~ht Jack.on, W. H. Darnel1 and G.B.Petors spoke in favor of the resorting. There being no others wishing to be heard, byor Pro-tam DoGraaf declared tbs public hearing closed. ORDIMAJ~C~ Mo. 553 - Amending Zoning Ordinance to re-none Third Avenue It vas moved by Councilman DeWolfe, seconded by Councilman Rader, and carried, that Ordinance Mo. 553 be placed on its first reading. The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYK$: Councllsen Rader, DeOrnaf, Dillon, DeWolfe Moos: gone Absent: Councilman ~mith The Ordinance vas thereupon read in full. ~p~C HBARIMG (Continuation) Closing portion of Klm Avenue and Alley This being the rise set for continuation of the public hearing on the closing of s portion of Klm Avenue and ~etnlng alley, Mayor Pro-tom DeGraaf asko~ If anyone in the audieuoe vtsbbd to be heard. Mr. Clarence Close objected to the cloning of the alley adjoining his property, but not to the rest of the cloning. The Ban Diego Oas and Electric Company requested an extension of t!me in order to acqulrs two more eameumnto. T~o other property owners on the alloy requested that it be left opan. A letter of protest on the closing from the Pacific Telephone Company was received. There belng no others vlm~'lng to he heard, Mayor Pro-tom DeGraaf declared the hearing closed. It vam moved by Councilman Rsder, seconded*by Councilman .DeWolfe, and carrled, that that portion of Elm Avenue and adjoining alloy upon which public hearing proceedings for closlng wore just completed, be left open. ~R(~IN HOOD flUBDI¥IBIGffMo. 2 - Final Map It was moved by CoUncilman DeWolfo, seconded by Councilman Dillon .and c&rried, that tho final map and tmp~ov~nt plans of Robln Hood Bubdtvtsion Mo. 2 be accepted upon the execution by the owner of a contract with the Clty of Chula Vlsta for the installation of improvements and the posting of s bond ~uarante~tng the purforRance thereof, which contract shall be ftrst approved by the City Attorney am to form and legality. RESOLUTION No. 1870 - Approving improvement agreement-Eenwood Village ~6 Offered by Councilman Rader, read tn full, passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Rader, DeGraaf, Dillon, DeWolfe Noes: None Absent: Councilman Smith ~,~ION (~ BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1956-19~ It was ~oved by Councila~n Rader, seconded by Councilman DeWolfe, and carried, that the budget for the fiscal year 1956-1957 be adopted. The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: ATSS: Councilman Rader, DeGraaf, Dillon, DeWolfe Noes: Mens Absent: Councilman bith RRBOL/JTIOM - Setting forth the policies with respect to budget appropria- tion ainu transfers. Councilman Under requested that thin Resolution be tabled ~ntil the next regular meeting. The other Councilmen concurred. RBSOLUTION Bo. 1871 - Approvingextemetonof agreement with Chamber of Comorce for 1956-1957 Offered by Councilman bNolfe, road in Full, passed, approved by tbs following vote, to-vii: AYES: Councilman Rador, boreal, Dillon, DeWolfe Noes: None Absent: Councilman Smith adopted and RESOLUTION Mo. 1873 - Approving recreation a~reemant with School , Dintrlct for 1956~1957 Offered by Councilman Dillon, read in full, passed, approved by tbs following, vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilman under, Do~ranf, Dillon, DeWolfe Moos: None Absent: Councilman Smith iNAGE PROBLI~ ON HAROLD YOUNG - Third AvenMe Extension adopted and A letter m readfrom Harold Younf amktng that he be advised on the sims of dratnnge pipe to bm installed at the North side of his property at 315 Kimball Terrace, if and when the City ~mproves the d~lnafe in that area. The mat%er wu referred to the City Engineer Floyd to personally contact Nr~Joun~ and explain the matter to him. ~P~ITION FOR DIAGGffAL PARKIN~-~ThiFd Avenue between Parkway and G. St. A petition was read.:r~om property owners in the 300 block on Third Avenue requesting thee tho Council perJtit dia~on~l parking on both sides of Third Avenue between Parkway and G. Street. Keith Atherton, Attorney-at-Law appearhg on behalf of the propeFty owner, S, aa well as property owners Aufust Crowley, E.A1Xen Desley, and Frank Kemp all spoke in favor of the diafonal parh~ and roqmted a decision by the Council at once to either eliminate tbs parallel parkiq in their block, or make it m0~tory on tho rest of dowmtowu Thll*d Avenue. hyor Pl~)-tem DoGraaf referred the matter b~Lck to the Safety Council to make n study an to tbs safety busard ca~oed by diafuual pnrkinE between F. Strnet and I. Street, an compar~ to tbo-hanrd thy consider exists betvenn PtrMy and G. Street, and also that tho Councilmen make their own nuF~ey. CLAm Dm*xED (Jenk,tme A claim for dmwam was filed by Loretta Jenkins for injuries received when she fell at the ~outhv~mt corner of E. Street and Fifth Avenue on the 19th day of I~cmmber, 1955. It was moved by C~uncilman Dillon, seconded by Councilman DoWolfe, and carried, that the claim be denied. TRAFFIC SIGN BOARD Walter Davis reported that the traffic sign at the Chamber of Commerce, used to record traffic accidents and fatalities in the City, was in need of repairs and asked that an inspection be made to see if the si~n should be demolished and rebuilt, or repaired, ; cost to be borne by the City. The matter wus referred to City ~n~ineer Floyd to investigate and submit recomaendations. IMVITATI~ ~zTU~ TO ComacilMn to attend bployee party. Lewis Fry, as Director of the picnic honoring the thirty years service of Park 8uimrintendent NOZla~ extended an invitation to all Councilmen and their fmailie~, as well us mber~ of all Co~missions and their f~-ilioa to attend tbs bployee picnic to be given in honor of Chester Norm in the City Park, Sunday July 1, 1956. ~ST FOR (IPFICl 8PACE - Fiesta Co~mittee Councilman DeWolfe stated that he had been approached by the Chairman of the 1956 Fiesta requemtin~ use of tho old Library for Fiesta headquarters for 1956. Councilman Itader was of the opinion that if the Library building has be~n condemned, it should not be used for any purpose. Frank Fulwiler, Itocrestion Director stated a study was bein~ made to see if the theater belldin~ in the Park Bowl might be used for the purpose requested. It was moved by Councilman Mllon, seconded by Councilman DeWolfe, and carried that provtdiB~ as otber butldinf is available, the Fiesta Committ~ be allege4 to u~e aha old Library butldin~ as headquarters for the 1~5~ Fiesta. Councilman itader voted Mo. ~/~PIKS ~ ALL REQUr3TBD City Attoreey M. C~pbell misted tbs Co~ty Law Library would like a coirY of all available City Ordina~ee~. The matter van referred to the City Administrator to determine what chaffs should be made for the ordinances. OiDIIARCl Io. 550 - Asmndment to Dog Ordinance - Second reading It vas moved by Councilman Radar, seconded by Councilman DeWolfe, and carried, that O~dinance Bo. 550 be placed on its second reading, and that reading of the text be waived and the Ordiannce adopted. The motion carried by the followi~ vote, to-wit: AYe8: Councilmen ~ader, DeOraaf, Dillon, DaWolfe Noes: Bone Ab?~t: councilman bith The proposed rules and re~tlatiuss for the Chuln Vista Harbor Co~minsiau as submitted by the Harbor Commimalon were road to the Council and discussed. The Council ~ufgeoted changes in Articles 1, 2, and 4. It was moved by Cmmellm Dillon, oecoudod by Ooumcilman DaWolfe, and carried, tkat the rules and roJmlatio~ of the Harbor Commission be approved with the reco~n~ cha~ee a~d rewervin~ tha r~ht to make any ~mdification. tPPOIIFlIFF- Robert Johnson to Hacreatton Park h Lotter~ were reed from the Cbuln Vista City School District and Park a~d Rocreatiun Ooemi~ion roe- wadis( that Er. R. F. Johnson be reappointed to the Park a~l~creattee ~0mmimalou. It wan moved by (~mncllman bWolfe, seconded by Councilman Dillon, and carried, that Er. I.F.Jobn~on be reappointed to the Park · bcreation Commission for a term of four years. ~P~NTMEN? - Mrs. Cecil Cotton to Library Board ~A letter was read from the Library Board of Trustees recommending that Mrs. Cecil Cotton be reappointed a member of the Library Board. It was meved by Councilman DeWoXfe, seconded by Councilman Dillon and carried, that Mrs. Cecil Cotton be reappointed a member of the Library Board of Trunteee for a term of four yearn. ~uBOPOSBD CARDitOOM ORDIMANC~ It was sugpated the proposed cardrocm ordinance he held in abeyance until the Chief of l~oltce could further study the activities of the exist- in~ cardroomm in the City amd meet with their owners in order that a workable ordinance might he drafted. ~iCATIOM FOR CARDltO~f LICI~gg The application of Boy Armmtead for a licennc to operate a card roo~ at 350 ~roadway yam read. It vas ~oved by Couacllnan Deeolfe, seconded by Councilnan Dillon and carried, that the ltcemme be issued if, after inspection by the Chief of Police, the prem~mmm are found to be proper and adaptable for that kind of buninemm. Chief Boborts reported that he had investigated Mr. Armmtead and foumd him character to be clear. ~ISr=~ITIOM OF CITY OWlIF~O~ ~M M. Street " City ~m~lmmmr Floyd reported that the he,me om the City ~hop property wam ~yond re~r a~ ~ ~cil aMt~rity to dim~mm of it. It was ~v~ ~ ~ct~m Dill~, ~o~ ~ ~nctl~n ~Wolfe, and carrie, that ~ effort b m to dim~ of tb ~ilding by giving it away or by any otbr Man t~m hrn~. City Administrator Wade reported he had made an extensive invemtigation into the uee of the overnim tmmmm prom to be umm41 in the City by the San Diego Trmit 9ystee, and could not mem amy reamer ~y the buses cannot be ummd, am they are heimWumed to Woo4 advantage imm amy other cities. It was moved by Commcilman DmWolfe, mecomded by Councilman Dillon, and carried, that the rmqeent he granted, and that the Clerk no notify the hblic U~ilitiee Cc~minsia. ~IL SBRVICE ~Fff0,- DATIeM8 APPtOVBD A letter vas reltd from the Civil hervi~e Commission recommending amendments to II, pertaint.~b, to .liecreation bader, Children's Librarian and Librarins ~lo It mmoved!~ Coumcilman DmWolfe, meconded by Councilman Dillon, and carried, that ~ule II of the Civil 9ervice Boles be amended by addin~ the clm of IMcreatioa Leader at malary range 15, Librarian I at salary range Z0 and chugin~ title of Chtldrea'a Librarian to Librarian II at nalary range 93, an recommended by the Commimmion; said changen to be effective am of Jmly 1, 1956. A letter wam read from the Safety Committee recommending the installa- tion of traffic ni~als at the intersection of Fgerth and H. Sts. The Clerk wam directed to write the hfety Committee to th~nk them for their study, and inform thom the Couacil m coatemplating widenem~ H. Bt. and it was thought beet to ~natall the signals at that t~e for make of economy and vieibi~ity. Councilman lieder eu~amted a traffic count he taken at Fourth and F. Sts~ · //~LARIFICA?I~I on work of ~cretary a~ed: Councilm Rader a~ked the City ~/ Attorney if the Civil Borvlce itelee were not hein~ infringed upon by the Secretary to the City Administrator, mbo is in an unclassified position, doing the purckaming work for Mr. Bomm mbo ia classified under Civil Service. City Attorney g. Campbell wu of the opinion that if the Secretary did the work in npare time, no rules were being infringed upon. ADJOURWMIWT Mayor Pro-tem DmGraaf adjourned the meeting at 9:10 P.M. sine die I midi IIll 1 IIIi i V I I I II1~ I & 4nIk I l. OO $.00 IO.O0 IS.lo mINII I% I ~el~ klkmM W Imm& JIK~ 4~:: ~f~ Ne.M) ~e.le ~e.le Lie ?,Mi. 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