HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1956/08/14 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA California Held Tuesday August 14, 1956 The Council met in the Council Chambers at City Hall on the above date at 7:00 P.E. with the following Councilmen present: Councilmen Rader, Smith, DeGraaf, Dillon, l)eNolfe Absent: None Also present : Purchaser-Analyst Ross, City Engineer Floyd, City Finance Officer Grant, City Planner Scherer, City Attorney Eo Campbell, Secty.-Clerk Saunders. Mayor DeGraaf led the salute to the Flag. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES It was moved by Council~an Dillon~ seconded by CouncilmanRader and Carried, that the Minutes of the meetings of July 10th and 24th be approved, subject to amending the motion of Councilman Smith at the July 24th meeting to read "thst the City Attorney be directed to prepare a proposed chsngs to the Charter for s full-time Mayor to be put on the November ballot", and that the off-street parking ordinance, discussed st the July 24th meeting, be referred.back to the Council for discussion, after redrafting by the City Attorney, rather than directly to the Planning CommiSsion.'' RESOLUTION No. 1884 - Approval of Tentative Map-Hobsrt ~nolls No. 2 Offered by Councilman Rider, read in full, passed, adopted and spproved by the followinE vote to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Rider, Smith, DeGraaf, Dillon, DeWolfe Noes: None Absent: None H_ILL'IOP EI'I"~NSION TO 'I't~.~RAPtt aN'ION ROAD A letter was read from Hobart Properties, Inc., offering a proposal to develop a portion of Hilltop extension from the North line of Hobart Knolls No. 2 to Telegraph Canyon Road. The matter was referred to the Administrative Officer and City Engineer for study and recommendations at the next meeting, with a breakdown on the estimsted cost of the project. City Administrator Wade was authorized to take steps to obtain rights-of-way as needed. ORDINANCE No. 554 - SettinE tax rate for fiscal year 1956-1957 It was moved by Councilman Rider, seconded by Councilman Smith, and csrried~ that Ordinance HOo 554 be introduced and adopted. The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Rider, Smith, DeGrasf, Dillon, DeWolfe Noes: None Absent: None L//FUNDS APPROPRIATED FOR T~fPORARY APPOINTEE ON POLICE DKPT. A letter was read from Police Chief Roberts requesting an appropriation of $1,029o00 to cover salary of a temporary patrolman for three months, to take the plsce of Ross Thompson who was injured while on duty. It was moved by Councilman DeWolfe, seconded by Councilman Dillon and carried, that the request for s temporary patrolman be granted and that $1,029°00 be appropriated from unappropriated surplus of the General Fund to cover his salary. The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Rader, Smith, DeGraaf, Dillon, DeWolfe Noes: None Absent: None PAYMENT OF WARRANTS Councilman DeWolfe reported that the Finance Comittee had gone over the Warrants, and recomended that they be paid. It was moved by Councilemn ~Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Dillon, and carried, that Warrants Nmabers 159 through 346 be approved for payment. ~ne motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Reder, Seith, DeGraaf, Dillon, DeWolfe Noes: None Absent: None Mohr-Achms-Plourde Plan for Harbor Develolxaent A letter was read from the Planning Co--ission reconending that the Mohr-Adam-Plourde agreement be held over pending the result of the public hearinEs on the Moat report in San Diego. Councilman bith stated he had talked to Mr. Moat, who said his plan had no bearinE on the Mohr-Adm-Plourde plan. It was moved by Councilman S~aith, seconded by Council-~n Reder, and carried, that the City enter into an aEree~ent with Mohr-Adm-Plourde for industrial development plans, providing the Santa Fe Reilway is also a party ~ the aEreement. The ~otion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AI~S: Councilmen ~ader, bith, DeGraaf, Dillon, I~Wolfe Noes: None Absent: None Letters were read from the National City-Chula Vista Board of Realtors recomendinE that the Council consider obtaining a plan for develop~aent of the industrial areas, such as the one proposed by the iohr-Adams-Plourde Company or the Moat plan. A letter vas read from the National City-Chula Vista Board of Realtors giving the Council a vote of thanks for the fine proHra~ theys develol~ed in obtaining sewers, ~utters, curbs and paving. FOR BANNER ACROSS T~I~D AVENt~ A letter vas read from the proposed Chula Vista Lodge, B.P.O. Elks requesting permission to string a banner across Third Ave. at F. Street for institution cere~onies of their new Lodge. It was moved by Council~an Saith, seconded by C~uncllman Dillon and carried, that the request he granted. Z/"REQUEST FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SHUFFLEBOARD AREA AND CLUB HOUSE A letter was read from the ~rk and Recreation Comission asking that the Council do anything possible to assist in enlarging the shuffleboard area in the park, and provide for a clubhouse for members in order that ladies might participate in the ga~e. The matter was held over until the regular ~eeting in September, st which time plans and estimated costs are to be i~eesented to the Council for considem ties. ~///EXPENSE MONEY ALLOCATED CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR A letter was read from K. B. Colnan, Director of Civil Defense, requesting reimbursement of out-of-pocket cost for use of his automobile for Civil l~fense purposes. It was ~oved by Council~an blah, seconded by Councilman DeWolfe, and carried, that $10.00 a ~nth be allowed the Civil Defense Director for car allowance, retroactive to July 1, 1956, and that $20.00 be appropriated from unappropriated surplus of the General Fund to supplement the $100. travel expense already in the Civil Befense budget. 1~e motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Reder, S~lth, DeGraaf, Dillon, DeWolfe Noes: None Absent: None LETTER OF RESIGNATION - Elmer Sorenson A letter of resignation from the Park and Recreation Commission was read from Eo H. Sorenson. It was moved by Councilman S~ith, seconded by Councilman DeNolfe, and carried, that the resignation of Mr. Sorenson be accepted and a letter of appreciation for his services be sent. LETTER OF RESIGNATION - Lee Rai~t A letter of resignation from the planning Commission was read from Lee Raitt. It was moved by Councilman DeWolfe, seconded by Councilman Rader, and carried, that the resignation of Er. Raltt be accepted and a letter of appreciation for his services be sent. ~ Lilian J. Rice School Annexation approved A letter was read from the Planning Commission approving the annexation of Lilian J. Rice School site. The City Attorney was directed to have the Resolution on Notice of Intention to Annex ready for the next meeting. LKTrKR OF APPRECIATION A letter was read from B. C. Tiffany, Chairman of $~ho Kiwanis Musical Ice Revue, expreestng appr~ctation for the outstanding cooperattom r~ceived from the various city departments tn presenting the Ice Revue tn the Memorial Bowl. RESOLUTION - Rezontng of newly annexed areas This Resolution was held over until the regular meeting tn September, pending study of the status of the Commercial buildings in the Hilltop Annexation. MEMORIAL PARE LIGHTING City Administrator Wade presented plans delineating 14 locations for proposed lights in Memorial Park. Councilman Reder recommended installing old light standards from Third Avenue at each end of the Park islands on Parkway. The matter was referred to Engineer Flo~ to develop the plans, Incorporating Councilman Reder's recommendations and arriving at cost estimates. Any others with recommendations on the Park lighting were asked to refer them to City Engineer Floyd. KNGINREMING AID and ROD & CHAINMAN wage Increase A report by the Purchaser-Analyst was presented recommending that the salary rates of the Engineering Aid and Rod & Chainman be increased one salary range. It was moved by Councilman Rader, seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, that the Engineering Aid and Rod & Chainman be granted a salary increase of one bracket, and that $378. be appropriated from the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund to cover the increase. The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Rader, Sm!th, DeGraaf, Dillon, DeWolfe NOES: None Absent: None RESOLUTION No. 1885 - Approving off-site improvements for RobinHood #2 Offered by Councilman Smith, read in full, passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Rader, Smith, DeGraaf, Dillon, DeWolfe Noes: None Absent: None 3 ~URB ON ALYARADO at Third Avenue to be painted red. Letters were received from D. C. Handley and C. EoSparling protesting the painting of the curb for no parking in front of the property at 294 Alvarado St. They were in favor of the curb adjacent to the St. Rose of Lima Church being painted, as a safety measure. It was moved by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Dillon, and carried, that the curb on the south side of Alvarado East of Third Avenue be painted red up to, but excluding, the property at 294 Alvarado Street. ~CHANGE ORDER No. 1 - Civic Center addition City Engineer Floyd asked for approval of change order No. 1 on the Civic Center addition which r®quires the installation of four Junior steel bea~s over the windows to carry the load of the trusses over the windows. It was moved by Councilman DeWolfe seconded by Councilman Dillon, and carried that the change order be approved, and $231. be appropriated from the building fund (1-18-dl) to cover the cost. The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Rader, Smith, DeGraaf, Dillon, DeWolfe No~s: None Absent: None It Was ~oved by Councilman D~Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Dillon an~ carried, that the City Ad~lnistrator be authorized to approve any.change order that is called to his attention by the Engineering Departmant, and that any chan~e order so approved by him be called to the attention of the Council at their next suc~eding meeting. ~CIVIL SERVIC~ II~CO~I~NDATIONS - Purchaser-Analyst A letter was read fro~ the Civil ~ervice Com~ission asking for approval of a~ended Section 12 of Rule 2 found necessary because of an error in the report to the Comission at budget rims. The correction changes the salary for Purchaser-Analyst from range 26 to 28. It was ~oved by Councilman P~der, seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, that Section 12, of Rule 2 be corrected, as submitted by the ~ivil Service Co--ission, to include a salary change for the Purchaser-Analyst from range 26 to' 28. RE~OLUTION No. 1886 - Accepting Deed to real property for Street purposes (Alpine Avenue) Offered by Councilman Rader, read in full, passed, adopted and approved by the following vote to-wit: AY~: Councilzmn Rader, Smith, DeGraaf, Dillon, DeWolfe No~m: None Abment: None ~ OFF-STRF~T PARKING ORDINANCE It vas ~oved by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Dillon, and carried, that the off-street parking ordinance be referred to the City Attorney for review and redrafting before coming back to the Council for further discussion. ~/BUSINESS LICENSg DISCUSSION Councilman DeWolfe reported many real estate salesmen operating out of their homes have no business licenses, which was not fair to those established in business districts and paying the license fees. The matter was referred to the City Attorney for study to deter~ine if the business license orldinance can be a~ended to rectify this situation. REPoRT ON PURCHASE OF WATER COliPAI~I The Clerk reported he had contacted Mr. Henninger of the South Bay Irrigation District, as requested by the Council, as to the dispos~tion of the agreement between National City and the Irrigation District on the survey to purchase the water system. Nr. Henninger stated that National City was in the throes of a recall, and no one on the Council cared to do anything on the matter -4 until the recall is settled, and as the District cannot act by itself, the matter is at a standstill until some stability is reached in Rational City. rEQUEST FOR MORE SPEAKERS Councilman Rader requested that three additional speakers be placed on the Council table so that each Councilman coul~ have one, and that it be turned on at the start of the meeting. City Administrator Wade was directed to get an estimate on th~ cost. ~I~B~.~ OF KEEPING I~JBLIC OFF NEWLY OILED STREETS Council~n l~der reported that the street department was having a problem in keeping the public from driving over freshly surfaced streets, and asked that cooperation be given from the Police D~pt. in placing a man where the work is being done, and to give citations to offenders. It was suggested that the matter be taken under advisement until the next meeting, and that the Chief of Police be present to present his views. ~0RT ON TRAFFIC COUNT at Broadway and F. Street City Engineer Floyd reported that a traffic count at Broadway and F. Street showed that a traffic light was Justified at the intersection, and that gas tax funds could b~ used for the installa- tion. It was suggested the ~tter be put on the Agenda for the next meting. JRgPORT ON DRAINAGE DITCH City Engineer Floyd reported he had inspected the drainage ditch south of F. Street between Broadway and Fifth Avenue and found no running water, no stagnant water, and no great hazard of any kind. Ro action taken. ADJOURNI~RT Mayor D~Graaf adjourned the meting at 9:45 P.M. until August 28 at 7:00 P.M. City,~ of Chula Vista California