HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1957/08/27 I]II,YJTES OF iD3 ADJOURNED REGULAR ]~,iEETI~G OF Tk]~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA Held Tuesda~ A.u~st 27~ 1957 The Council met in the Council Chambers at City Hall on the above date at 7:00 P.E. with the following Councl]~men present: Councilmen Rader, DeGraaf, Smith, DeWolfe Absent: Councilman Dillon Also present: Attorney Albert ?~yer, City Ad~linistrator F.S.Fulwiler, Engineer Flo~d, Finance Officer Grant, Plannin~ Secretary Stonehouse ~ayor DeOraaf led the salute to the flag. ~P~PORT OF PLA~I~G CO~!ISSiC~ ON PROPOSED "E" STREET REZONINC A report was read from the Planning Commission of their findings regarding denial of a petition for rezoning "E" Street between 4th and Broadway to C-2. A letter was read from the Co~m~ission urging that the Council retain a Planning Consultant to make a study of the area proposed for rezoninC before takin~ action. It was moved by C.Smith, seconded by Councilman Rader, and carried, that October 8~ at 7:00 P.M., be set as the time for a public hearing upon the appeal of action of the Planning Commission in denying a request to rezone "E" Street from Broadway to ~th Avenue. It was moved by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Rader, and carried, ~,that prior to the public hearir~g a Planning Consultent be hired to make a st~.dy of the proposed "E" Street rezonin~ at a cost not to exceed $500 unless the Adm~r~istrative offic~r~is so authorized by the Council. ~'~ ~°~'~letter was read from Glenn A. Rick, Planning Cons~ltant, submitting a proposal regarding study and report on the future development of Vista. Square. It was moved by Councilman Rader, seconded by Councilman DeWolfe, and carrie~, that the City enter into a contract with Mr. Rick along the lines outline~ in his proposal. ~-~ .RENT. INCREASE AUTHOR~Z~ FOR VISTA SQUARe..H. OU.S.ING A report from the Vista Square Housing Liquidation Committee was submitted recommending that rents be raised on ~ll units in the Vist~ Squrae ~ousing project effective October l, 1957. It was moved by Councilman Rader, seconded by Councilman DeWolfe, and carried, that the report of the Committee be accepted and rents increased to the nearest whele or half dollar based on recommendations contaLued in the report, said raises to be effective October 9, 1957. BOYS CLUB LEASED ADDITIONAL 30 FEET A request for lease of an additional 30 feet of land by the Boy's Club ~ud a recommendation from the Vista Square Liquidation Committee that the request be grant- ed were read to the Council. It was noved by Councilman Smith, seconded by Council_man De~.Volfe, and carried, that the Boy's Club request for the lease of an additional 30 feet be approved and that the City Attorney be directed to draft an ~nendment to the present lease incorp- orating a clause hold~g the Club responsible for the water main. ~ISCUSSION ON SERVER AGRF.~(E~T FOR I}~USTRIAL PPDPERTY SOUTH OF "L" STR~ET City Administrative Officer Fulwiler presented methods by which an agreement could be entered into with Mr. B.B.~2argolis to connect certain Industrial L~nds outside the City to the City Sewer System. Discussion followed, with Mr. Margolis participating, with the decision that a contract be drawn up by the Administrative Officer and City~for present- ation to the Council for study prior to action at the next meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 1974 - Approving amendment to lease agreement with City School District Offered by Councilman Smith, read in fall, passed, adopted aud approved by the following rot% te~it: AYES: Councilmen Smith, DeGraaf, DeWolfe, Rader NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Dtllon RESOLUTION NO. 1975 - Approving license agreement with M.O.D. Offered by Councilman Smith, read in full, passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Smith, DeGraaf, DeWolfe, Rader NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Dillon RESOLUTION NO. 1976 - Approving actuary agreement with State Retirement System Offered by Councilman Rader, read in f~ll, passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Rader~ Smith~ DeGraaf, DeWolfe NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Dillon RESOLUTION NO. 1977 - Accepting dedication for street purposes - 4th Avenue Offered by Councilman Smith, read in full~ passed~ adopted ~ud approved by the follo~dng vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Smith, DeGraaf~ DeWolfe, Rader NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Dillon APPROPRIATION FOR LEGAL SERV~E~ OF J~ES ABBEY IN COOK C. ASE This matter was held over until the next meeting and the Finance Officer directed to brine in a s~mmary report of the total cost to the City so far, of the Cook case. ~.~ "L" STREET RIGHTS OF ?fAY PURCHASED It '*as moved by Councilman Rader, seconded by Councilman Smith and carried ~ that the offer of Hobart Homes, Inc. to deed in fee to the City the North half of Lot 33 of Tarrytown Subdivision for $4,500 be accepted, the land to be used for the continuation of L Street. The motion carried by the followin£ voto~to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Rader, Smith, DeGraaf, DeWolfe NOES: None ABSF~T: Councilman Dillon It was moved by Councdlman Rader, seconded by Councilman De~¥olfe and carr- ied, that the offer of Frank Whittington to deed in fee to the City his property at 888 First Avenue for $18~500 be accepted~ the land to be used for the con- tinuation of '~" Street. The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Rader~ Smith, DeGraaf, De~olfe NOES: None AF~ENT: Council~an Dillon RESOLUTION NO. 1978 - Accepting dedication for street purposes - Ash Avenue Offered by Councilman Smith, read in f~oll, passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Smith, DeGraaf, De~?~olfe, Rader NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Dillon -2- ETITION ~OR LIMITED PARKING ON OAKLA%';N AVENUE · A petit&an was road from property owners in the 500 block on Oaklawn Avenue requesting no parking in that block between the hours of 7 and 9 o'clock A.M. and 4 and 6 o'clock P.M. The matter was referred to the Safety Council for report. ~//~YouTH CENTER PAINT PROJECT AUTHORIZED A letter was read from the Acting Recreation Director advising that the Adult Advisory Council of the Youth Center had authorized the expenditure of $325 for the purchase of paint to paint the auditorium of the Youth Center and requested that the Council provide for the contracting of the labor. It was moved by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman DeWelfe, and carried, that the offer of the Adult Advisory Council be accepted and the Administra- tion Officer directed to contract for the painting. !, UEST SD AtK A letter was read from Frank Kemp requesting that the sidewalk be re- paired in front of 378 and 384 Third Avenue. The matter was,~ turned over to the Administrat&on Officer who stated ~dr, Ballard wodld have a report for the next meeting. ~"~RE~uEST FOR S~;~ER ON PAPJf;~AY '~'~ A petition was read from property owners on Parkway requesting that a ;"$e~er line be installed in Parkway from Third Avenue to Garrett Avenue. Administration Officer Fulwiler was directed to contact t~e owners and inform them the City is willing to install the line on a 50-50 ~asis and to attempt to sell them on the idea of having their laterals installed at this time. ~/~REQuEST FOH STREET PAVinG A petition was read from property owners in the 100 block on Woodl~vn Avenue between "D" Street and Flower requesting that the City pave the street w~th asphalt. The matter was turned over to the Administration Of£icsr. C~BER OF CO~RCE A letter was read from the Chamber of Commerce urgin§ the Council to accept the recommendations of ~he Housing LSquidation Committee to 9x~edite disposal of the housing project and supporting the Council's decision on approving the overall plan for development of an industrial tract south of Chula Vista. ~/~' HARBOR CO~¥1ISSION REQUEST FOR A letter was read from the Harbor Commission requesting that any surplus funds be transferred to the Harbor Commission Pund. The Csuncil was ~ favor of the request but referred the matter back to the Harbor C~m!ssion for specific recommendations° /~FILL DIRT FOR CHURCH PROPERTY /Councilman DeWolfe stated the Christian Church on Second ~venue iu the 400 block was desirous of obtaining fill dirt to cover their drY,age culvert so that they. could make a parking lot and install ,curbs and gn~tters. It was recommended that the City Administrator direct the Street department to fill the City property at the site to the slope easement when and if there is any fill dirt avallab!e~ so that the Church could install their curbs and g~tters and that ~r. ~lwiler try to induce the c,ntractors of the "~? Street ~,iden- lng project to dump fill di~t on the Church property i~ at all possible. PPOIN~tENT.,OF MR. MLJILER AS Fb%L TI~iE A~INISTRATI~IL oF~I~'~R It w~s moved by Councilman Rader, seconded by C~uncilman DeJolfe, a~ud carried, that Yr% F. S. Fttlwiler be appointed las pe~nanent Administrative Officer at the salary set up in the budget for that position. The motion carried by the follow- ing vote, to-wit~ AYES: Councilmen Rader, Smith, DeGraaf, DeWolfe, NOES: None ASSE~T: Councilman Dillon ADV£RTISI. N.G FOR DIRECTOR OF ~tECREATION It was moved by C~uncilman De~elfe~ seconded by Councilman Smith, and c~rr~ed, that Administrative Officer F~l~ril~r be instructed te request certification of eligible list to fill the Director of Recreation position an~ authorize the Civil SerVice Commission to recruit at step E of the salary range for that position, if r$cessary~ The motion carried oy the following vote, to-v~it: A~ES. Comncilmen Dg~'~otfe, Rader, Smith, 3eGraa£ ?!OES: ~one a~ S~T. Cou~cil~an DL!lon /~.8~P~EENS ~UTHORIZ~ FO~ JAIL City ~ngzneer Floyd requested pen~.~ission to purc~bas~ ~creens'for the ~ ty Jail so ~hat the prisoners woful8 not be bothered ~y the mesqu£toes, it was moved by C~unci~lman ~mith~ seconded by CouncLlman Rader, ar~ carrie~, that', purc~ha?se of the screens be authorized and ~61.20 be appropriated fro~ u~appro~riated surplus of the general fund to cover t~he cost. The motion carriSd b~ the following vete~ to-wit: AYES: Co~mcilmen Smith, DeGraaf, DeWolfe, ~der ~:OES: None ~ · Counci]~nan Dillon AB SE~ T. ~mJqUm,~NT ~ayor De~raaf adj~rned the meetins at 10:~ P.~'l. sine die. Ken~ethk~Campbe]l~ Ci6y Clerk ~-t., of~Cl~ula ViSta, CalSX'o~mia