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cc min 1957/10/08
MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CF TIIE CITY CG~CIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA~ California October ~, 1~57 Eeld Tuesday ['he Couucil met in the Council Chambers at City Eall ot~ the above Jate at 7:06 Pok. with the £ollowing Councilmen present: Councilmen Rader, Smith, DeGraaf, De~¢olfe Absent: None -~ ~ r' ~r Also present: City Administrator Fulwiler~ C~ty =ngxnee 5~]oyd, City Finance Officer Grant~ ~lanning Secretary Stonet'ouse, and acting City A~torney Boyer. ~iayor DeGraaf led the salute to the Flag ~PROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES It was moved by Co~[c; li~au S.:~ith, seconded by Coulcil} aB DeGraai , and carried, that the ~:in~tes of the meetJug ~,f September 10~h 0e approved, copies haviu~r been sen; to each Commilman, bul wJtl the correction thai 1. ayor DeGraaf be authorized $150. gravelini exFenses to the Lea},.ue Convention in ban francisco. The motion failed to carry by ch( !ollowing vote, to-wit: nYES: Councilmen Smith, DeGraaf l~oes: Councilmen Kadet, Del~olfe Absent: None It was moved by Councilman Smith, seconded by Conncilman Rader, and carried, that the Minutes of the meetings of September ibth and 17l;h be approved, copies baying been sent to each councilman. ~;'~'B<~C HEARING_- Rezoning of '~" Street ':'his being the time and place as a,.ivertised for a public hearing upon the apt'eal of actJo[ of the Dlanning Comn'issio~ iu aenyln8' to rezone "~' Street, }.'.ayor DeGraai declared the hearing olen. Eleven property owners protested the variance while five spoke in favor of the variance. ~iayor DeGraaf declared all written cormunications a part of the record without their being presented. There being t~o others wishing to be heard, the }~ayor declared the hearint, closed. ~layor DeGraaf stated the report fron Gordon ~hitnall ~:: Associates, }qanning Consullants, had been received, an~ as soon as the Councilmen have had time to study the report and make their findings, aclion will be taken on the variance. RESOLUTION No. 1985 - Approving Dog ~,ound agreement with Cour~t~ Cffered by Councihnan Smith, read in full, passed, adopted and a~proved by the ~'ollowing vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilman Smith, DeGraaf, De~{olfe, !fader i4oes: None Absent: None RE~OLUTIGN No. 19~.6 - Approving amended lease agreement with Boys' Club 6ffered by Codncilr~an Rader, read in full, i~assed, adopted and apl)rOved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Rader, Smith, DeGraaf, De~olfe Noes: None Absen~: None i{ESOLUTION ~o. 19~7 - Accepting Deed to Lots A, E, & C of ,~hittington's .... Subdivision No. 6 Offered by Councilman De%;olfe, read iu full, passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen De~olfe, Rader, Smith, DeGraaf Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION No. 1988 - Accepting drainage easement in ~hittJngton ............ Subdivision No. 6 Offered by Councilman Smith, read in full, passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Smith, DeGraaf, De~olfe, i~ader Noes: None Absent: Nolte RESOLUTION No. 1989 - Accepting sewer easement in PepEer Tree Lane Tract Cffered by Councilman i~ader, read in full, passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Rader, Smith, DeGraaf, De~olfe Noes: None ~bsent: None /~IS~.~ON ON OLD~L!.B_~ARY David Phair, ~obert Campbell, George Cornell, Richard Halferty, and Cecil Adams all urged the Council to have the Title cleared as soon as possible on the old Library site. They were informed a ~ayor's Committee was now working on the matter ~!~AT!O~ TO MOVE BUILDING INTO~ City Administrator ~alwiler read a letter ~rom Building Inspector Grady requesting that an application received by the City Clerk to mere a commercial building into the City be referred to him. The application was made by John ltansen on behalf of Frank A. Iiyman. The Council referred the matter to the Building department. Councilman $~ith nominated Keith Menzel; Councilman Rader nominated tCyle Stewart; Councilman Dc~olfe nominated C. C. Alley for membership to the City Council. A letter was read from the Citizens League for Better Government re(tuesting that the Council consider gte Kyle Stewart for membership on the City Council. Councilman Rader stated that because of discussion at the Executive sessions of the Council, he would withdraw the name of Kyle Stewart, It was moved by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Eader, and carried, that the nominations be closed. The ballot ended in a tie, with two votes for ~.,~ ~l~e~ and two votes for ~e. [enzel. Councilman Smith nominated Robert ~cAllister; Councilman Rader nominated C. C. ~lley. The ~ayor declared the nominations closed; the ballot ended in a tie vote. Councilman Smith nominated Carl ]. Stewart; Councilman Rader nominated C. C. Alley; The ~ayor declared the nominations closed. The ballot ended in a tie vote. Councilman Smith nominated Lee Bendickson; Councilman Rader nominated C, Co Alley; The Mayor declared the nominations closed. The ballot ended in a tie vote. Councilman Smith nominated ~ro Itarry Rubie. Mr. 2ubie in the audience decliuedo Councilman Smith nominated ~iley Curry; Councilman gader nominated Kyle Stewart; The Mayor declared the nominations closed. The ballot ended in a tie vote, Councilman Smith nominated Mr. ~obert Crutherso ~r. Cruthers in the audience declined. Councilman Smith nominated ~r. i!al Johnson; Councilman De~iolfe nominated Kyle Stewart; the Mayor declared the nominations closed. The ballot ended in a tie vote. Councilman Smith nominated David Phair. Mr. Phair in the audience declined. Councilman Rader nominated Kyle Stewart; Councilman Smith nominateO ~illiam Rathmann; the Mayor declared the nominations closed. The ballot ended in a tie vote. Councilman Smith nominated bits. Kay Irwiu; Councilman De~¥olfe uominated Kyle Stewart; The ~;ayor declared the no~,inations closed. 'the ballot ended in a tie vote. Councilman i~ader recommended that the Couucil hold a special election so that the people could decide the replacement for Col. Dillon on the C~mncil. Acting City Attorney Boyer stated a special election could not be called until the next meeting. Councilman Smith nominated Edward Crossley', Councilman De,~olfe nominated C. C. Alley. The Mayer declared the nominations closed. The ballot ended in a tie vote. It was moved by Councilman Ruder, seconded by Councilman De#olfe, and carried, that Mr. Keith ~[enzel be appointed to the City Ceuncil to take the place of Col. Ned Dillon until April, 195t~. The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Rader, Smith, DeGraaf, De'.~olfe Noes: None Absent: None ~PPOINT~iENT OF ~I~IB~R TO PLANNING CO~i~iI~SI~N Councilman ~r~i nominated Attorney Gerald Lee Bendickson ~or membership on the Planning Commission. There being no other nominations ~ayor DeGraaf appointed lIr. Bendickson a member of the Planning Com~ission t9 fill the unexpired term of ~.A.Axelson~ said term to expire June 30, 1961. [ /APPOINT~i~NTf -- OF MEMBER TO ftARBOR COl~ I SS IOl~ Councilman llader nominated }Ir. }~al Johnson for membershi~ t(> the }arbor Commission. There being' no other nominations, N~ayor DeGraaf appointed ~ir. Hal Johnson a member of the Harbor Col~]mission to fill the unexpired telu~ of ,~. G. Taylor~ said term to expire June 36, 195~. CIVIL ............. SERVICa RECOM$1ENDATIO - Animal Regulation Cificer It was ~noved by Councilman Ruder, seconded by Councilman Smith, and carried, that the Civil Service recommendation that Rule 2 of the Civil Service Rules'be amended by adding Code, M-5, Class, Animal Regulation Officer at a salary range 1~ for a 40 hour normal work week. ~BID A~ARDED ON BRO~D~¥AY I}i~'ROVEMENT ........ PROGt~ - City share apt.ro~riatcd City Administrator ~ulwiler state~ he had receivec~ four bids for ins%allation of curbs and gutters on Broadway fro~r; C. Street to I. Street; the low bid being that of Midway Construction Company for $1Q~b63.0~3, and his recom~endation was that this bid be accepted. It was moved by Councilman S~iith~ seconded by Councilman l~ader, and carried~ that the low bid of the ~,iidway Construction Co. for $1(~,863~(~6 be accepted. The motion carried by tile following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Smith, DeGraaf, De%¥olfe~ ilader 14oes: None Absent: None It was moved by Councilman Ruder, seconded by Councilman Smith, and carried, that $7715.60 be appropriated from the unappropriated surLlus of the General Fund to cover the cost of installin~ curbs and gutters in front of tile City's Vista Square Housing project on Broadway. ?he motion 'carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Ruder, Smith~ De~-raaf, De~;olfe /Noes: None Absent: None ~ Ur~DS ?Gg YOUTIt C~T~}~ P~INT ~OB AUTHG~IZ~D !g was ~.ioved by CouncSlmau Smith, seconded by Counc~lnmn i~a~er~ and carrSed~ that $313.50 bo approprSated from the Park ~ ~ecreatSon fund to cevor the City's share o~ ~aint~ng the Youth Center. The ~oticn carried by the followSng vote, to-wSt: AYES: Councilmen Sn~ith, DeGraaf, De~olfe, Racier l~oes: None Absent: None Mayor DeGraa[ pointed out that $1~0. had been authorized Xor the City Attorney to confer with the Attorney Genera/ in San Francisco the Bay Corridor matter. ~[ayor DeGraaf acconpanied the City Attorney to San Francisco~ the total expenses being $155.80, and asked an additional appropriation of $5.~0. It was moved by Councilman S~ith, seconded by Councilman De¥~olfe, and carried, that the $5080 expenditure be authorized and the money taken from the travel allowance of the City Council. The ~otion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Smith, DeGraai, De~oll'c Noes: Councilman Rader Absent: None ITIZENS LEAGUE A letter was read fro~,~ the Citizens League for Better Government recommending that the Council call for bids from other sanitary services at the expiration of the present Franchise; that the position of be rotated; that a Resolution be passed requiring employees to live in the City, and that City employees be ren~inded to keep out of City politics. The matter was referred to City Administrator Fnlwiler to make a ~urvey as to what other cities are doing. ~/REQUES'r TO gODIFY DRIVE~AY APPROACII Peter Schnor, 730 First Avenue, appeared to reguest permission to modify his driveway approach so that cars were not damaged co~,ing into his driveway. Mr. Schnor was directed to get together with the Engineers and work something out. ~ PLANS FOR SIGNALS AT FOURTU AVENUE AND C. STREETS ACCg}TED City Engineer F~oyd presented plans prepared by the County for channelization and traffic signals at the intersection of fourth Avenue and C. Streeto It was moved by Councilman Rader, seconded by Council- man Smith, and carried, that the plans be accepted. IR T~FFIC NUISANCE John ~durphy, 569 Parkway~ appeared to complain about noise caused by air traffic, and asked that the Council contact theNavy for a change of flight pattern. City ~dministrator ~ulwiler was directed to contact the CoC.A and find out what regulations there are, if any. City Administrator Fulwiler stated he had an estimate el' $1200. from a pest control company to rid the Vista Square ti.using ~roject of roaches, and asked the Council's thinking on spending the money for that purpose. ~Ir. Fulwiler was directed to obtain more information~ and present it at the next meeting~ ~ACRAMENT© TRIP AUTHORIZED FOR CITY FINANCE OFFICER It was moved b} Councilman Smith, secoaded by Councilman l~ader, and carried, that City Finance Officer Grant be authorized to fly to Sacramento to attend a meeting called by the State Retirement System on Social Security for members of the System. The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Smith, DeGraaf~ De~olfe, Rader Noes: None Absent: None REPORT ON COOK CASE City Administrator Fulwiler reported ~l:~--[~a~I~y~oo-5~ case was now in the hands of the Judge who is expected to draw up a judgment at any time. City Administrator rulwiler stated it was the desire of the South Bay Irrigation District to hold a joint meeting with the members of the City Council and representatives of the Chamber of Commerce° City Administrator Fulwiler was directed to set a date for the meeting and so inform those concerned° L//COUNCILI~iAN DEWOLFE AUTIIORIZED TO LEAVE STATE It was moved by Councilman Smith, seconded by Council~an Rader, y ADglNISTRATOR FUL~IL~t~ AUTHORIZED TO ~.ROCE~D dlDi City Ad~inistrator Falwiler stated he haO received notice' fro~ to be ~o11~ the Censu. Bureau estimating the cost oTa special census and asked if the Council desired to proceed at ibis ti~:;e and attempt to beat the December dead line, or wait until the first cf next year~ It was moved by ~ouncllman De%~olfe, seconded by Councilman b~ith, and carried~ that City Ad~inistrator Fulwiler be athcrized to ..... d with the census on the basis of May 3Oth, 1~58 being the certification date. Councilman Rader stated that sometbing should be done toward moving the sewers in the easements in Country Club villas to the streets because they were now being plugged with roots and homes were being flooded. City Ad~?inistrator Fulwiler was directed, ~ith sewer department, to make a study and report on the ~f, atter. RE~ORT ON A~.I-ROACIIES TO ~I?Y ~[ayor DeGraaf made a brief reFort on Frogress of the various approaches to the City. ADJOU~NiE~IT },.layer OeGraaf adjourned the meeting at ll:4C ~.~¥~ to October 22, 1~57 at 7:00 ~.