HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-08 SC MINUTESit 1� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CHULA VISTA SAFETY COMMISSION May 8, 2003 Council Chambers 6.00 p.m. Public Services Building CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 6:01 p.m. 1. Roll Call: Present: Chair McAlister; Commissioners Acton, Perrett, White, and Willett Absent: Commissioners Gove and Lopez Also present: Majed AI-Ghafry, Civil Engineer; Susan Mihalka, Engineering Technician; Police Agent Steve Guthrie; Police Officer Melissa Cummings; and Florence Picardal, Recording Secretary MSC (Acton/White) to excuse the absences of Commissioners Gove and Lopez. (5-0-2, Gove and Lopez absent) 2. Pledge of Allegiance/Silent Prayer 3. Opening Statement Opening statement read by Chair McAlister. • 4. Approval of Minutes for April 10, 2003 MSC (White/Acton) to approve the minutes of April 10, 2003 as submitted. (5-0-2, Gove and Lopez absent) MEETING AGENDA 5. Oral Communications Hans Dieben, 7 Oxford Street, Chula Vista spoke about traffic signal detection for bicycles/motorcycles in left turn lanes. He asked what can a cyclist do to make a safe left turn at a signalized intersection, and why are the loop detectors not adjusted to a level to detect bicycles/motorcycles? 6. Oral Presentation by Traffic Safety Officer regarding Traffic Safety Grant Police Officer Melissa Cummings of the Traffic Division gave an oral presentation on the City's Traffic Safety Grant - "Comprehensive Traffic Safety Program". The grant, in the amount of $140,000 was received from the California Office of Traffic Safety. Funding for the grant ends September 2004. The project's goals are: 1) Reduce total fatal and injury collisions by 10%, 2) Reduce alcohol involved fatal and injury collisions by 15%, 3) Reduce speed related fatal and injury collisions by 15%, 4) Reduce hit and run fatal and injury collisions by 10%, and 5) Reduce nighttime fatal and injury collisions by 10%. In order to reach these goals, there are requirements that must be met: 1) Conduct a minimum of 6 DUI enforcement nights, 2) Conduct a minimum of 6 special speed enforcement operations, 3) Measure the grant's impact on crime by tracking non -traffic related arrests that initiated from DUI checkpoints and/or other grant supported activities and operations, 4) Increase the DUI arrests by 7.5% from the base year of 2001, 5) Meet with the Safety Commission at least three times a year - to work with the commission in exploring innovative traffic management methods in order to reduce traffic congestion and other traffic safety issues in the City, 6) Conduct a minimum of 25 educational safety presentations impacting at least 5,000 students by Sept. 30th of this year with an additional 25 for the second year of the grant, 7) Begin deploying the visible radar trailer at least 4 times per week, 8) Conduct at least 4 radar enforcement operations in conjunction with speed trailer, 9) Ensure that all sworn Police Department personnel conducting DUI enforcement have received the NHTSA certified, standardized field K.' '�.t Safety Commission Minutes May 8, 2003 Page 2 sobriety testing by Sept. 30th of this year, 10) Conduct increased seatbelt enforcement during the "Buckle Up America" operation, ABC National Mobilization during the weeks of November 25 thru December 1 of last year and in May 19 thru 26 of this year, 11) Help publicize California Seat Belt Compliance Campaign before and during the 'Buckle Up America" campaign, and 12) Conduct at least three educational presentations impacting 100 driver education students. Public awareness is going to be the focus of this grant, which will include flyers, yard signs, various giveaways (test strips, key chains, bumper stickers etc.) and "Drive Friendly" campaign. 7. Traffic Accident Summary - March 2003 None. 8. ' Action Summary Update/Staff Comments None. 9. Staff Comments Mr. AI-Ghafry stated that a joint Council/GMOC meeting was going to be held on June 12 and Engineering staff was asked to attend. Chair McAlister expressed an interest in attending the joint meeting. MSC (McAlister/White) to have a summer hiatus for the month of June and schedule the next regular meeting for July 10, 2003. (5-0-2, Gove and Lopez absent) 10. Commissioner Comments Commissioner White asked the Agent Guthrie if he knew anything about the website "e-watch.gov". Agent Guthrie stated he had no information at this time, but would look into it. Commissioner Perrett asked about if the intersection of Paseo Ranchero/"H" Street traffic signal would be changed from protected -permissive phasing to protected phasing. Mr. AI-Ghafry stated that intersection is currently under study. Commissioner Acton asked staff if they were still studying bicycle safety issues (as discussed by Mr. Dieben under oral communications). Mr. AI-Ghafry stated that cyclists are treated as vehicles and must observe the rules of the road. He stated there are plenty of bike paths in Eastern Chula Vista, but Western Chula Vista was not planned with bike paths in mind. The Bikeway Master Plan is currently being reviewed. He also stated that loop detectors, if at all possible, are adjusted for motorcycles. The in -pavement detectors are slowly being phased out and video detection systems are being installed. These new systems are much better for pedestrian/bicycle/motorcycle/vehicle detection. Staff is also looking at other detection methods. Commissioner Willett stated he has noticed over the last few years that drivers seem to be more courteous to bicyclists. Commissioner Perrett asked if street sweeping was done on a regular basis. Mr. AI-Ghafry stated that city- wide street sweeping is done on a bi-weekly basis. Chair McAlister thanked the Police Dept. on their efforts and contributions to the community. ADJOURNMENT AT 7:05 P.M. to the next regularly scheduled meeting of July 10, 2003. J:\Engineer\SAFETY\050803—MIN.doc Respectfully submitted, Florence Picardal, Recording Secretary