HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1967/09/12Held Tuesday
September 12, 1967
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista was held
in the Council Chambers on the above date at 7:00 P.M. with the following Council-
men present: Councilmen Sylvester, Anderson, McCorquodale, McAllister, Sparling
Absent: None
Also present: City Attorney Lindberg, Administrative O~ticer Ross, City Engineer
Cole, Planning Director Warren, Administrative Assistant Sullins,
Assistant Administrative O~ticer Stenberg
Mayor McCorquodale led the pledge of allegiance to the Flag and asked for a moment
of silent prayer.
It was moved by Councilman Sparling, seconded by Councilman Sylvester,
and carried that the minutes for the meeting of September 5, 1967, be approved,
copies having been sent to each of the Councilmen.
,.~PUBLIC HEARING - Consideration of request for prezoning property located north
of Bonita Road and east ot Hilltop Drive and known as Helm's
Sweetwater Valley Annexation
Planning Director Bruce Warren stated applicants tor the prezoning nave
requested R-1 zoning for the northerly 15.79 acres of the proposed annexation;
R-3 tot a depth oz 200 Zeet along Hilltop Drive to the Northerly 15.79 acres and
for the triangle formed by Bonita Road, Hilltop Drive and '~" Street; and C-2
~or ~11 the other land north of "E" Street. Mr. Warren explained that the Planning
Commission is recommending R-1 zoning ~or the northerly 15.79 acres and for the
triangle piece. Also R-1 for the parcels south of Bonita Street. The Commission
recommended R-3-B-D for the rest o~ t~e land in the annexation and that the F-2
supplemental zone be added to all property within the 100 year level flood plain.
This being the time and place, as advertised, for a hearing on the proposed
prezoning Zrom agriculture to R-i, R-3 and C-2 of property known as the Helm's
Sweetwater Valley Annexation, Mayor McCorquodale declared the nearing open. Mr.
Vincent Whelan, appearing on behalf of the applicants for the prezoning, stated
the applicants were in accord with the recommendations of the Planning Cormmission
and asked that the Council endorse the recommendations.
Mr. Andrew Henry, Realtor ~rom 22 Casselman Court, opposed R-3 zoning and
requested R-1 zoning for the entire annexation until the Freeway is completed.
Mr. Ernest Hansen, 2606 Bonita Road, opposed R-3 zoning in the triangle and re-
quested R-1 as recommended by the Planning Commission. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sanford
of 98 Hilltop Drive were opposed to any R-3 zoning but not necessarily to
the commercial zoning Zor the low ground.
Mr. Ray Runde, 15 "D" Street, was opposed to any R-3 zoning on Hilltop Drive
north o~ "E" Street. He requested R-1 zoning.
Mr. J. D. Peters, 88 Country Club Drive, advisor to the applicants, requested
that the Council approve the Planning Commission recommendations.'
Mr. Wayne Copp, 12 Casselman Court~ expressed concern over the development
oz a traZ~ic problem at Hilltop Drive and '~" Street if R-3 zoning is approved
for the area.
No others wishing to De heard, the Mayor declared the nearing closed.
The Clerk read a petition signed by 48 property owners opposing R-3 zoning
on Hilltop Drive, north o~ "E" Street. A letter was read from Mr. WilliamDavis,
90 Hilltop Drive, opposing the proposed R-3 zoning.
It was moved by Councilman Sylvester, seconded by Councilman Anderson
that the matter be sent back to the Planning Commission ~or turtner study on
the requested R-3 zoning ~or the 1,000 foot by 200 f~t piece along Hilltop
Drive, with the possibality o~ considering R-1 zoning on that portion onlyo
Councilman McAllister amended the motion to also have the Planning Cormnission
consider something other than the R-1 zoning for the triangle. The amendment,
accepted by Councilman Sylvester and seconded by Councilman McAllister ~ailed
to carry with Councilmen Anderson, McCorquodale, and Sparling voting no. The
original motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Councilman Sparling, seconded by Councilman Anderson,
and carried, that the Planning Cormnission return their recommendations to the
Council tot the meeting of October 10, 1967.
1076 - Rezoning property at northeast corner o~ Third Avenue and
"D" Street from R-1 to R-3-D and changing setbacks -
Second reading
It was moved by Councilman Sparling that Ordinance No. 1076 be placed
on its second reading and that reading of the text Be waived by unanimous
consent. The Ordinance was adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Sparling, Sylvester, Anderson, McCorquodale, McAllister
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1077 - Rezoning property at 44b Broadway ~rom R-3 to C-2 -
Second reading
It was moved by Councilman Anderson that Ordinance No. 1077 be placed
on its second reading and that reading o~ the text Be waived By unanimous con-
sent. The Ordinance was adopted by the ~ollowing vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, McCorquodale, McAltister, Sparling, Sylvester
Noes: None
Absent: None
~/PUBLIC HEARING - Consideration o~ zone change ~rom R-1 to R-3 ~or property
located at 777 Fourth Avenue (rear)
This being the time and place, as advertised, tot a nearing on the
proposed change of zone from R-1 to R-3 ~or the rear of property located at
777 Fourth Avenue, Mayor McCorquodale declared tae nearing open. No one wishing
to be heard either for or against the zone change and the Clerk having received
no written communications, the Mayor declared the hearing closed.
ORDINANCE NO. 1078 - Approving rezoning ~rom R-1 to R-3-D ~or property located
at 777 Fourth Avenue - First reading
It was moved' by Councilman Sylvester that Ordinance No. 10/8 me placed
on its tirst reading and that reading of the text be waived my unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the ~ollowing vote, to-wzt:
AYES: Councilmen Sylvester, Anderson, McCorquodale, McAllister, Sparling
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 4~4~ - Naming and dedicating one-foot lots in Chula Vista
Gardens SuBdivision Units No. 1 and No. 2
Ozsered By Councilman Sparling, the reading of the text was waived
unanimous consent~ passed and adopted By the ~ollowing vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Sparling, Sylvester, Anderson, McCorquodale, McAllister
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 4040 - Accepting grant deed ~or one-foot lot in Chula Vista
Gardens SuBdivision, Unit No. 3
OzZered by Councilman Sparling, the reading of the text was waived my
unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Sparling, Sylvester, Anderson, McCorquodale, McAllister
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 4547 - Accepting drainage easement adjacent to Cnula Vista
Gardens Unit No. 3
Of Zered by Councilman Sparling, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent, passed and adopted ay the zollowzng vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Sparling, Sylvester Anderson, McCorquodale, McAllister
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 4)48 - Accepting grant deed for one-foot lots in Flair Subdi-
vision No. 2
O~ered oy Councilman Sparling, the reading oZ the text was waived by
unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Sparllng, Sylvester Anderson, McCorquodale, McAllister
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 4)4~ - Naming and dedicating one-zoot lot in Flair Subdivision
No. 1
O~fered by Councilman Sparling, the reading oz the text was wazved sy
unanzmous consent, passed and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Sparling, Sylvester Anderson, McCorquodale, McAllister
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 4550 - Accepting, naming and dedicating one-zoot lot ~n Dalsetn
Hills No. 4
Offered by Councilman Sperling, the reading o~ the text was waived by
unanimous consent~ passed and adopted oy the Iollow~ng vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Sparling, Sylvester. Anderson, McCorquodale, McAllister
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 4)51 - Aut~oriz±ng encroachment permit ~or fire detection
service - Twin Oaks Circle
Otxered ay Councilman Sparling, the reading of the text was waived by
unanimous consent, passed and adopted oy the xollowzng vote, to-wix:
AYES: Councilmen Sparling, Sylvester Anderson, McCorquodale, McAllister
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 45~2 - Autaorizing grant of right-st-way to San Diego Gas"&
Electric Company
Ozzered ey Counczlman McAlllster, the reading of t~e text was waived
by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by tee ~ollowing vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen McAllxster, Sparlzng, Sylvester, Anderson McCorquodale
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 45~3 - Accepting street tree easements on "L" Street
0~ered by Councilman Sparling, t~e reading o~ the text was waived ay
unanimous consent, passed and adopted oy t~e zollowing vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Sparling, Sylvester, Anderson~ McCorquodale, McAllZster
Noes: None
Absent: None
Upon t~e suggestion Mayor McCorquodale, City Engineer
to report on the xeaszail~ty ox planting larger trees in t~e easements on "L"
Street in t~e Country Cluo area and also to recormnend a cut-oxx date Ior
acceptmng Iurtner easements,
4554 - Approving agreement between City and Chamber o~ Commerce
~or advertising and promotional services tot ~iscal year
O~ered Dy Councilman McAllister, the reading oz the text was waived
by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the tollowing vot~ to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen McAlllster, Anderson, Sparling
Noes: Councilman Sylvester
Absent: None
Abstaining: Councilman McCorquodale
RESOLUTION NOo 4555 - Extending agreement between San Diego Urban League and
City oI Chula Vista tot NeighDornood Youth Corps program
Oirered by Councilman Anderson, the reading or the text was waived by
unanimous consent, passed and adopted Dy the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, McCorquodale, McAllister, Sperling, Sylvester
Noes: None
Assent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 4S$6 - Supporting legislation allowing National Banks to sell
revenue ponds
Offered Dy Councilman Sparling, the reading oi the text was waived Dy
unanmmous consent, passed and adopted Dy the ~ollowing vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Sparling, Sylvester, Anderson, McCorquodale, McAllister
Noes: None
Absent: None
It was moved by Councilman Sparling, seconded Dy Councilman Sylvester,
and carried, that the Council hereby determines and notifies the Department
o~ Housing and Community Development oz the State oz California that Cnula Vista
nas and is enforcing a local ordinance or ordinances prescribing minimum
standards equal to or greater than the provisions os Division 13, Health
and Sazety Code oI the State of California.
Glen Drive
City Engineer Cole stated that Mr. H. D. LounsDury, who nas requested
a variation in driveway width, has requested that this item be held over one
week. It was moved Dy Councilman Sylvester, seconded Dy Councilman McAllister,
and carried, that this item be held over one week.
~//REPORT ON 200th ANNIVERSARY, INC. - Mr. Tom Ham, Jr.
Mr. Tom Ham, Chairman o[ the San Diego 200th Anniversary Con~nittee made a
presentation on San Diego's proposed 200th anniversary celebration. He requested
that each community check the ~our or ~zve events os the year ~na~ best tell
o~ each specific community and they will program these events on their calendar
Ior promotion of the community on a nation wide basis. He also requested teat
the Council review citizens in the City who would be interested in serving
on cormnlttees ~or the 200tn anniversary celebration in order to make it
a County wide celebration.
Mayor McCorquodale appointed the ~ollowing citizens to serve on [ne
Mayor's Historical Commlnnee: Sid Cornell, Dan Putnam, Irene Phillips,
Judge Mannle Kugler, Robert Hastings and Charles Scnanke., A1 Poul~ez
LETTER OF COMPLAINT - Trash burning and lack o~ reIlectors on Fourth Avenue
A letter was read from Luclle Krause, 361 Vance Street, complaining
about the Smoke zrom trash ournlng zn net nezgnoornood. She requested that
re~lectors ee placed on Fourth Avenue ~rom "G" Street to 30tm Street zn
Natmonal City. Administrative Ortmcer Ross stated that Mrs. Krause has oeen
contacted and the Council ms zn receipt oza report from the Fire Inspe~to¢
on her complaint on trash ournlng.
A letter was read zrom O. L. Beauzay, Chairman o~ ute Souun Bay
Consu~uu¢zon OBservance Committee inviting all citizens to attend the Consti-
tution Day Program to be held Sunday, September 12, 1~67 at 1:30 P.M. at
Mar Vista High School in Imperial Beach. Also there was a request that the
Mayor smgn a proclamation proclaiming tae week et September 17 through 23, 1967
as Constitution Observance Week.
~AMSMEN OF SOUTHERN CAL~ORNIA - To educate public on dangers of leaving keys in autos
Mayor McCorquodale stated that the State Hignway's legal authorities
have turned thumbs down on the request of the Camsmen o~ Southern Calizornia
to clean litter of~ the freeway. The Camsmen are an organization of boys
who have asked permission to do some constructive activities in the community.
In response to a request by t~e Mayor, the boys will now, under the
direction of their president, Dennis Jackson~ undertake to educate the public
on the dangers o~ leaving ignition keys in their cars when leaving them.
Mayor McCorquodale adjourned t~e meeting at 9:00 P.M., sine die.
City Clerk