HomeMy WebLinkAboutSafety Commission mins 1989/10/12
Thursday, October 12, 1989
7:03 p.m.
Council Chambers
Public Services Buildings
Chairman Decker; Commissioners Arnold, Koester,
Militscher, Thomas and Waller
Vice Chairman Braden (excused)
Hal Rosenberg, City
Assistant Civil
Engineering Aide
Traffic Engineer;
Engineer; Harry
Frank Rivera,
See attached attendance list
MSC (~1il itscher/Thomas) 4-0-2 (Decker and Waller abstained), to approve
the minutes of September 14, 1989.
Request for improving traffic conditions on alley north of "H" Street
between Fifth Avenue and Smith Avenue
~1r. Rivera presented staff's report on the alley. The request was
made by Mr. Garci a, who has had hi s fence and vehi cl es damaged by
vehicles backing out of the bank parking stall s. Staff is
recommendi ng angl e parki ng and converti ng the all ey one-way to the
east. The one-way to the east proposal woul d reduce the confl ict
points, but not eliminate alley congestion.
Commi ss i oner Thomas commented a one-way proposal woul d make matters
Mr. Lou Palenstini, 4355 Mt. Davis Avenue, San Diego 92117, Manager
at Home Federal Savings since April 1989, acknowledged that Mr.
Garcia had been in contact regarding damage occurring to his vehicles
and other concerns. Mr. Pal ensti ni acknowl edged there is a great
deal of traffic movement in the alley. In response to ~1r. Garcia's
concerns, the bank offered to install some fence poles; however, the
bank received no reply. Primarily due to the drive thru sign being
at the east end of the alley, Mr. Palenstini suggested the one-way
proposal should be to the west. He further noted, even if parking is
angled, there is no guarantee Mr. Garcia's vehicles will not be
damaged in the future.
October 12, 1989
2. ill
north of "H" Street
Commi ssi oner Mi 1 itscher noted the restri cted sight di stance due to
the hedge on Mr. Garcia's property.
Commissioner Thomas inquired about the angle parking.
Mr. Rivera explained angle parking could be installed but at a
reduced stall width (one or two stalls, out of 22, would be lost).
Mike Green, 535 "H" Street, wrote a letter to the Safety Commission
(attached) regardi ng the traffi c congesti on probl ems with the all ey,
access to his business parking lot and the one-way proposal. He
noted there is alack of adequate parking for bank customers and
mentioned Home Federal's attempt in the early 1980's to purchase some
of the houses in the vicinity. He feel s the drive thru is a problem
and is opposed to the one-way proposal.
Ms. Jennie Guillory, 49 Orlando Court, Property Manager for Home
Federal, stated the bank had wanted to purchase additional property.
~1r. Garcia declined Home Federal's offer to purchase his property.
She commented the bank has offered to install barriers on Mr.
Garci a's property. She noted there is a four foot easement in the
Chairman Decker asked about the number of the required stalls for the
Commissioner ~'ilitscher inquired if the bank had any plans to obtain
additional parking area.
~1s. Gui 11 ory responded the bank woul d 1 i ke to increase its parki ng
facilities, but no one wants to sell or lease to the bank.
Doctor Bob Thomas, 545 "H" Street, concurred with Attorney f.1ike
Green. He is opposed to the one-\~ay proposal. He feels the drive
thru is the problem and anyone-way proposal would not work due to
the businesses. He pointed out there is a constant flow of customers
all the time who woul d be affected, there is alack of adequate
parking and the flow of traffic is bad.
r.1r. Joe Garci a, 484 Fourth Avenue, area resi dent for 28 years, spoke
about his vehicles being damaged several times by Home Federal
traffic (most were hit and run accidents). Damage to his property
was also mentioned. Home Federal has offered to install steel posts,
but he has refused because he has to park his van there. Mr. Garcia
pointed out that his property is 60 feet by 100 feet. He observed
the bank is 10,000 square feet and he feel sit does not have the
required number of parking stalls, traffic is gridlocked at times.
October 12, 1989
2. ill
of "H" Street
Commissioner Arnold asked Mr. Garcia if he had access off Fifth
Avenue and if he had a garage.
r~r. Garcia affirmed he did have access off Fifth Avenue; however, he
had converted his garage to 1 iving area. As a result, he parks two
vehicles in the driveway.
Mr. Stephen Semanci k, 536 Oti s Street, stated he woul d 1 i ke to keep
the trash pick up on the alley. He stated traffic moves very fast
down the alley. He al so noted hi s nei ghbor has had thei r fence
knocked down and his own has been damaged about 14 times.
MSUC ( Mi 1 i tscher /Koes ter) 6-0, to not change the all ey to one-way,
ask the bank to improve the parking, cut the bushes at east end of
alley to improve sight distance, paint "Do Not Block Intersection" on
intersection of alley and Fifth Avenue.
Commi ssi oner Thomas i nqui red
terms of their conditional
if Home Federal was abiding with the
use permit, especially regarding the
Mr. Rosenberg replied staff would check with the Planning Department.
lEl Request for removal of traffic island at Broadway and "L" Street
Mr. Rivera noted this report was continued from the September 14,
1989 Safety Commi ssi on meeti ng. The request was made by Mr. Rodger
Hartnett who operates the car wash on the southeast corner of
Broadway and "L" Street. Mr. Hartnett claims his business has been
reduced as a result of the medi an install ati on on "L" Street at
Broadway. It is staff's opinion that the requested opening in the
island would defeat the purpose for which the island was installed.
Both the Safety Commission and City Council approved the median
installation and left turn phasing and, as a result, traffic is
flowing better. Accidents in the immediate area have been reduced.
Slides of the area were shown and described.
Mr. Rosenberg pointed out, if the requested opening were made to the
median on "L" Street, it would invite eastbound to northbound left
turn onto East Park Lane, the alley behind the 7-Eleven, causing
traffic to back-up into the intersection of Broadway. In addition,
vehicles westbound to southbound entering the car wash would be
stopped thus blocking the westbound travel lanes.
Commissioner Arnold, an area resident, spoke regarding his
observation of west to southbound, left turn traffic having doubled
since the addition of the left turn signal phase at "L" and
Broadway. He observed that traffic sometimes fills up the turn
October 12, 1989
MSC (Thomas/Militscher)
recommendati on and not
confi gurati on.
Chairman Decker called for a break at 8:04 p.m.
2. ~
of traffi c i sl and at Broadway and "L" Street -
pocket and blocks
businesses in the
medians such as
suggested a sign
the westbound through 1 ane. He noted that other
City experience the same traffic patterns due to
the one on "H" Street and Fourth Avenue. He
be added to attract customers to the car wash
Mr. Rodger Hartnett, 5177 Abuela Drive, San Diego, asked about U-turn
prohibition signs being installed at the "L" and Broadway
i ntersecti on. He acknowl edged traffi c problems at the i ntersecti on
have been resolved with the implementation of left turn phasing. He
stressed that hi s business has deteri orated from a profitable to a
break even operation due to the installation of the berm. He further
pointed out the car wash and 7-Eleven driveways are offset fro~ each
Commi ssi oner r~il itscher asked about the affect of the berm on the
Econo Lube business.
Mr. Hartnett responded, to his knowledge, that Econo Lube's business
has been reduced but not to the point of his car wash business.
Commissioner Arnold inquired if a sign for the car wash business
would help customers find the car wash.
r.1r. Hartnett replied the problem is not signage, as customers know
where the car wash is located, but they cannot get to the car wash.
Commi ssi oner Thomas requested i nformati on about the requi red street
width on which a U-turn would be permitted.
Mr. Rosenberg explained there is about 25.5 feet at this particular
intersection and 32 feet minimum would be needed. The cost to create
a U-turn at this intersection \~ould be from $50,000 to $100,000.
Most of the expense would involve relocation of utility poles and
acquisition of additional street dedication.
(Waller), to accept
the i sl and from its
The meeting was called back to order at B:12 p.m.
October 12, 1989
(b) Re uest for the extension of First Avenue to Oran e Avenue via Kim
Mr. Rivera summarized staff's report and the history for the
request. Staff reviewed the traffic volumes and did not find them to
be excessive for the design of the streets. Traffic tends to be
local in nature with some generated by Castle Park Junior and Senior
High Schools. Kim Place, a cul-de-sac, has a sharp curve at the
knuckle; the street was not designed to handle larger volumes of
tra ffi c that woul d be attracted to thi s new north/south route. A
rea 1 i gnment to extend Fi rst Avenue to Orange Avenue wou1 d requi re
curves which would be at a lower design speed than required for Class
III collectors.
Mr. Richard Byers, 1435 Kim P1 ace, 1 ives near the knuckle. He
described Kim Place as being very narrow and many cars park on the
street. He feel s the proposal wou1 d only cause more prob1 ems. He
noted San Diego Gas and Electric has an easement through the area.
t1rs. Barbara Hawley, 1402 Kim Place, lives at the end of the
cul-de-sac. She is opposed to the proposal to extend Fi rst Avenue.
She reasoned there would be additional traffic volume on Kim Place
trying to get out onto Orange Avenue where the present speed limit is
40 mph.
Ms. Barbara Hirst, 1400 Kim Place, lives at the end of the
cul-de-sac. She commented her brother lives on Tobias Avenue and has
no traffic problems. A friend, who lives on Kingswood Drive, also
does not believe there is a traffic problem.
r~r. Jack Osborn, 1497 Kim P1 ace, resi dent si nce 1972, bel i eves the
knuckle is the problem. He mentioned many cars park in the street
due to a lack of adequate available parking.
Mrs. Alice Suarez, 1417 Kim Place, has two children who she fears for
their safety. She commented people drive down the street thinking it
is a through street. The knuckle creates traffic congestion.
Mrs. Marilynn Truss, 1427 Kim Place, is concerned about the children
and a1 so the students who walk down the street on their way to
school. She stated the knuckle is not a good place even at 6:00
a.m. She expressed a need for a "Not a Through Street" sign to
discourage unneccessary traffic. She feels the proposed extension of
First Avenue would create more problems, especially for the park.
MSUC (Koester/Mi 1 i tscher) 6-0, to accept staff I s recommendati on to
deny the request to extend First Avenue to Orange Avenue.
Chairman Decker commended San Diego Gas and Electric for the good use
of the land for a park.
October 12, 1989
3. (c) Report on i nvesti gati on of requests for area of Thi rd Avenue and "F"
Mr. Rivera presented the staff report. Traffic Engineering staff has
adjusted the signal timing at this intersection several times in the
past. It has been determined when the timing is adjusted to benefit
the pedestrian, the motorist is penalized in the form of increased
delays. Staff is recommending audible pedestrian signals be
installed at this intersection.
~1r. Rosenberg described the operation of audible pedestrian signal s.
He commented that the City of San Diego has audible pedestrian
signals installed at the intersection of College Boulevard and
Montezuma Road, near San Diego State University; and on Park
Boulevard in Balboa Park, near the Center for the Blind. He remarked
Thi rd Avenue and "F" Street coul d be used as a exampl e for other
intersections in the City of Chula Vista. Each potential
intersection would be studied on a case-by-case basis.
Commissioner Arnold suggested an additional audible pedestrian signal
to be added at the south 1 eg on the medi an i sl and on Thi rd Avenue.
He felt that si nce the medi an is a safe haven for pedestri ans, an
additional audible signal would be beneficial.
Mrs. Clara Welsh, 288 "F" Street, a resident since 1974, is
representing the Congregational Tower and is President of their
Council. Congregational Towers has about 250 senior citizens living
there. She poi nted out probl ems wi th the skateboarders, scooters,
bicyclists and speeders and described a pedestrian/bicyclist accident
which occurred in June. Regarding the signal timing, she emphasized
most people using this intersection are elderly and handicapped, not
average citizens (who were used to calculate required timing). The
elderly people cannot cross the street with the average person, she
can only make it halfway. Some of the elderly are on canes, walkers
and wheel cha i rs. She further noted the east/west di recti on is no
problem when crossing the street, but the north/south is. A request
for a "No Right on Red" prohibition was mentioned to prevent right
turns on red. The audible pedestrian signals will help but more is
needed to reduce the speed limit on "F" Street.
liOn ON
MSUC (Mil itscher/Koester) 6-0, to accept staff's recommendation to
add the audible pedestrian signals and study the possibility of
adding a "No Right Turn on Red" sign. In addition, staff is to check
on the signal timing and flashing (Don't Walk) time.
Mon ON
r~ (Arnold) to increase the appropriation amount and ask staff to add
one additional audible pedestrian signal to the median on the south
leg of the intersection.
October 12, 1989
3. ltl
ati on of re uests for area of Thi rd Avenue and "F"
Commissioner Militscher inquired about the audible signal range.
r~r. Rosenberg repl ied, considering ambient traffic noise, the range
would be confined to the general area. He added that in the San
Diego State area complaints were received regarding the noise emitted
at night.
MSUC (Thomas/Militscher) 6-0, that staff appropriate additional funds
and install the additional audible pedestrian signal to the median on
the south leg of the intersection of Third Avenue and "F" Street.
Request for an all-way stop at the i ntersecti on of Lori Lane and
David Drive
Mr. Rivera reiterated the history of this request. This item was
continued from the July 13 Safety Commission meeting. Staff compiled
a new set of volume and speed counts. The intersection did not meet
the warrants for an all-way stop, receiving 5 points out of a
possible 50 (the same result as the prior study). Thirty points are
required. The average speeds were also mentioned.
Commissioner Arnold discussed the geography of the area. He believes
that an all-way stop should be installed.
r.10TI ON
MSC (Militscher/Koester)
recommendation and deny the
and David Drive.
5-1 (Arnold), to accept staff's
request for an all-way stop at Lori Lane
3. (a) Request for a two hour parking limit in the 700 block of Elder Avenue
Mr. Ri vera presented staff's report opposi ng the two-hour park i ng
1 imit. Staff performed a study of the area and found there was no
problem noted. There were more vehicles parked on Brightwood Avenue
which has a two-hour parking limit.
~10TI ON
I1SUC Uli 1 itscher /Koester) 6-0, to accept staff's recommendati on and
deny the request for a two-hour parking limit in the 700 block of
Elder Avenue.
Commissioner Thomas asked why Item 2d was pulled from the agenda.
Mr. Rosenberg responded that the Ci ty Attorney has some di ffi cul ty wi th the
wording of the policy. There are some discretionary privileges already
present; therefore, more review is requested.
Commi ssi oner Thomas suggested conducti ng a speci al workshop to refine thi s
October 12, 1989
3. (d) Request for a stop ahead sign at East Naples Street and Melrose Avenue
~1r. Rivera presented staff's report opposing installation of a "Stop
Ahead" sign. Staff reviewed the past 5-1/2 year accident history and
found that the two reported acci dents were not of the nature whi ch
could have been prevented by the installation of the requested sign.
Slides of East Naples were shown. The stop sign is visible at over
1,000 feet from Melrose Avenue.
r~sc (Thomas/Koester) 5-1 (Arnol d), to accept staff I s report and not
install a "Stop Ahead" sign on East Naples Street at Melrose Avenue.
Commissioner Arnold discussed the area geometrics.
Commissioner Militscher mentioned how good the visibility is at this
t~r. Rosenberg reported that the turn arcs and limit lines at
Avenue/"H" Street and "H" Street/Broadway had been repositioned.
Dots have been used to delineate the turn arcs.
Bot ts
Chairman Decker asked if this procedure could be installed at Hidden Vista
Drive and East "H" Street.
Mr. Rosenberg responded he would review the possibilities.
~ CIP Status Report FY 1989-90
No comments.
iQl Chula Vista Police Department Traffic Summary for August 1989
No comments.
~ Public Remarks
October 12, 1989
6. (b) Commission Comments
Commi ssi oner Arno1 d spoke about the recent changes to Si erra Way at
Broadway. He praised staff's solution to the traffic congestion. He
added the revised parkin9 area is notably improved.
Commissioner Thomas asked staff to evaluate left turns coming out of
Corte f,1aria Avenue onto "E" Street.
Staff discussed the Country Club item and how the trial median
procedures did not work out as anticipated.
MSUC (Militscher/Thomas) 6-0, to accept staff's recommendation to
conti nue to moni tor traffi c conditi ons on Country Cl ub Dri ve and to
not do any further modifications.
No workshop scheduled.
MSUC (Decker/Thomas) 6-0, to adjourn to the next schedu1 ed meeti ng on
Thursday, November 9, 1989.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
.~~~ /2;~~
Record ng Secretary
WPC 0374Q