HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-06-05 SC Agenda Packet- Item 3 (revised)REVISED SAFETY COMMISSION AGENDA STATEMENT Item __ 3 ____ Meeting Date 06/05/19 ITEM TITLE: RESOLUTION OF THE SAFETY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING A LANE REDUCTION ON HILLTOP DRIVE, BETWEEN EAST RIENSTRA STREET AND MAIN STREET FROM FOUR LANES TO TWO LANES AS A PILOT STUDY TO BE REVERSED SHOULD FUTURE TRAFFIC VOLUME REQUIRE SUBMITTED BY: Principal Traffic Engineer Staff is suggesting alternatives for a lane reduction on Hilltop Drive, between East Rienstra Street and Main Street from four lanes to two lanes. It is proposed to reduce the traveled lanes from two to one in each direction and install buffered bike lanes and a two-way left turn lane between East Rienstra Street and Main Street (see Attachment 1). RECOMMENDATION: That the Safety Commission concur with staff and approve any alternative for the lane reduction on Hilltop Drive between East Rienstra Street and Main Street. DISCUSSION: Hilltop Drive, between East Rienstra Street and Main Street is scheduled to be re-paved later this year. When any street is proposed to be re-paved in the City, Traffic Engineering reviews the following street characteristics: posted speed limits, striping and signage. Traffic Engineering determines whether any modifications are needed to improve safety and traffic circulation. In 2014, the City approved a lane reduction on Hilltop Drive between East Palomar Street and East Rienstra Street, which intended to make Hilltop Drive a more “Complete Street,” one that serves all road users, while attempting to moderate driving speeds. The Engineering Traffic and Speed Survey (ET&S) on Hilltop Drive, between East Rienstra Street and Main Street, is expired. After the pavement project is completed, an ET&S will be performed. The existing posted speed limit is 35 mph. The proposed lane reduction (all alternatives) will shorten crossing distance for pedestrians, make vehicles entering from side streets more visible, and provide a continuous Complete Street on Hilltop Drive from Palomar Street to Main Street. Traffic Engineering studied the traffic volume and traffic circulation on Hilltop Drive and determined that reducing the number of lanes would not appreciably affect traffic flow. The below table summarizes the average daily traffic (ADT) volumes in 2013 and 2018. Year 2013 2018 Northbound ADT 2,674 4,837 Southbound ADT 3,040 7,683 Total ADT 6,348 12,440 Page 2, Item _3__ Meeting Date 06/05/19 The ADT in both directions increased over the last five years. The ADT between the segment of E. Palomar Street and East Rienstra, which included the lane reduction, was measured to be 10,067 in 2017. Since the lane reduction was installed, staff’s monitoring has observed no significant impacts to the traffic circulation and no impacts to school traffic in front of Castle Park High School. In addition, residents living between Orange Avenue and Tourmaline Street have indicated that large semi-trucks often park or idle in this location. To discourage truck parking, two alternatives propose to remove parking on Hilltop Drive south of Tourmaline Street. The lane reduction will be a pilot program based on annual analysis and monitoring of the traffic circulation. Existing dedicated right and left turn lanes at major intersections will be maintained. The City Traffic Engineer can reverse the striping if future traffic volume dictates a reversal to the original condition. The following typical section alternatives are proposed for the lane reduction: Existing Southbound parking lane, two southbound travel lanes, two northbound travel lanes, and one northbound parking lane. Option 1 From East Rienstra Street to Tourmaline Street – southbound parking lane, southbound buffered bike lane, southbound travel lane, two-way left turn lane, northbound travel lane, northbound buffered bike lane, northbound parking lane. South of Tourmaline Street – include same typical section as to the north except make the two- way left turn lane a striped median and remove parking lanes. Left turn pockets would be provided for driveways that are a sufficient distance from the Main Street intersection. This option includes one travel lane in each direction until the dedicated turn lanes before Main Street. It removes existing parking south of Tourmaline Street while adding buffered bike lanes. The striped median would prevent vehicles from idling in the two-way turn lane. Option 2 From East Rienstra Street to Tourmaline Street – southbound parking lane, southbound buffered bike lane, southbound travel lane, two-way left turn lane, northbound travel lane, northbound buffered bike lane, northbound parking lane. South of Tourmaline Street – include same typical section as Option 1 except the striped median would be a raised asphalt median. Left turn pockets would be provided for driveways that are a sufficient distance from the Main Street intersection. This option includes one travel lane in each direction until the dedicated turn lanes before Main Street. It removes existing parking south of Tourmaline Street while adding buffered bike lanes. The raised median is a more substantial deterrent to vehicles idling in the striped median. Page 3, Item _3__ Meeting Date 06/05/19 CONCLUSION: Based on the ADT on Hilltop Drive, between East Rienstra Street and Main Street, staff has determined that the lane reduction in both directions will not impact the traffic. The lane reduction will potentially maintain the existing posted speed limit of 35 mph and improve the ingress and egress to the residential dwellings fronting Hilltop Drive. FISCAL IMPACT: The revision to the striping and the signage modification will be incorporated into an existing pavement CIP. Therefore, no impact to City funds. Attachments: 1. Location Plat REVISED RESOLUTION NO. SC-2019-_____ RESOLUTION OF THE SAFETY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING A LANE REDUCTION ON HILLTOP DRIVE, BETWEEN EAST RIENSTRA STREET AND MAIN STREET FROM FOUR LANES TO TWO LANES AS A PILOT STUDY TO BE REVERSED SHOULD FUTURE TRAFFIC VOLUME REQUIRE WHEREAS, the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) Major Pavement Rehabilitation Phase II FY2018-19 (STM0396) project will be performing pavement rehabilitation on Hilltop Drive between East Rienstra Street and Main Street (the “Segment”); and WHEREAS, the Segment currently has two southbound lanes and two northbound lanes with parking permitted on both sides for the majority of the Segment; and WHEREAS, vehicles attempting to turn left to a driveway on the Segment must stop in traffic to do so; and WHEREAS, a similar lane reduction was performed north of the Segment on Hilltop Drive from Palomar Street to East Rienstra Street has improved conditions for the safety of bicycles and pedestrians without impeding traffic flow; and WHEREAS, existing traffic volume obtained in November 2018 indicate that the traffic volumes on the Segment are sufficiently low such that they can be conveyed safely and efficiently with one travel lane in each direction; and WHEREAS, the proposed striping plans will maintain dedicated right turn and/or left turn lanes, as applicable, at the East Rienstra Street, Orange Avenue, and Main Street intersections; and WHEREAS, some residents along the Segment have notified the City of illegally parked semi-trucks idling along the southerly portions of the Segment near Tourmaline Street; and WHEREAS, as a result of its investigation, staff is proposing the following for consideration by the Safety Commission: a modifying the Segment lane count from one southbound parking lane, two southbound travel lanes, two northbound travel lanes, and one northbound parking lane (“Existing Road Section”) to (Option 1) one southbound parking lane, one southbound bike lane with buffer, one southbound travel lane, one two-way left turn lane, one northbound travel lane, one northbound bike lane with buffer, and one northbound parking lane along the length of the segment with the exception of portions of the segment approaching major intersections, and the portion of the Segment south of Tourmaline Street would have no parking and the two-way left turn lane would be a striped median with openings for turning vehicles; or (Option 2) same as Option 1 except the portion of the Segment south of Tourmaline Street would have a raised center median with openings for turning vehicles; and Resolution No. SC 2019-____ Page 2 WHEREAS, inclusion of the two-way left turn lane will allow vehicles turning left into driveways to safely exit the through lanes before turning; and WHEREAS, as a pilot study, traffic volumes and flow patterns on the Segment will be monitored, and the proposed change will be reversed to restore existing conditions should traffic volumes and patterns necessitate the reversal. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Safety Commission of the City of Chula Vista does hereby approve staff’s proposed change to existing operations along the Segment in the form of Option _____ as described above, to be monitored and potentially reversed should new traffic volume indicate that two lanes in each direction are required in the subject Segment should the Existing Road Section not be maintained. ACTION by the Safety Commission of the City of Chula Vista, California, this 5th day of June 2019, by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners: NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: ____________________________________ Ronald Hidinger, Chair ATTEST: ______________________________________ Florence Picardal, Secretary