HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014/10/28 Item 08 - Additional Information (2) From: Susan W atr
Date: October 26: 2014, 7:50:05 Pel PDT
To: lar ' al as �sal asc�iul.vt staca,go v : R 1dv Ra�'±irtz
i amirez(chillavistaca.aov . Pamela Bensoussan.
Dbensouss n(@chulavisraca..aov . "Patn'cla_ Cone. Acu ar
na0rUilart chulavistaca.crov>. Chien-1 Cox <ccox(@.chulayistaca.cov
Subject: 89 First Avenue A.enda T-1
To: Nlembers of the Chula Vista C its, Council
FOl: Peter W atry
• l JET: Item on the oci. � Acrenda -- buv'ncr 9 First Avenue
The stagy repo rt sav s that real estate people put The maximum value of 89 First
Avenue atS425,000. If the o mer vvas to sell that pi perms- a no n�nal �a . after6% co=fission and one-half of escrow fees. she would net a hit less than .
'00,000. Your offer of S480.000 is a Gift of pudic monies. and FOR W-HAT?
Does Piib i is ��{orks have too much money and teas to spend t on some ren ?
THENTK! %Vhat crood use could this Public Works �' o.oo 0 be -our to?
olanv Mears ado. the 1r. of Chula Vista d.eii berately ran an o-oen maior dt ain
Channel thro ueah the back yards of the homes on rhe east side o f PIi lltop I nde
hevxeen Georozi aria and I streets.
W-nen it floods, their �ra+rds flood; when people upstream erg:pts- their pool water
into the street_ the chlonned-rater floods their yards; when people upsrr eam
discard ur,.rier, mo nahle crash, much of it washes do �i. to their va�rds.
N'v-hen some of us tried to help them a few years aco. Puhlic Works told us that the
chi 's preferred off-site fix costs too much. and the far less ori-�1te fi-x we
s u2(esred could not be done because it was on prix ate proper ! The c its- 'Dut it on
the prix ate pro pe =P
Bu-inc 89 First and then rentina. it out makes no sense at all in terms of less trash,
road upkeev. and so forth.
Buivina, 89 First and hien lerinc it sit idle makes no sense at all.
Buvinc.r 89 First and caliin+c,F it "park land:: mares no sense at all. because much of
the l+ acre is a cliff.
There is no w av in the wr orld that the ciry vav' fT ' .�0 for 89 F il st _ enue
c ouid pos sib lv be of greater benefit to the people o f C huia V i sLa than corzectina
�e the i of Chula isra made ma�n�= y=ear- aoro.
�� ��I�Ible M. � � � �
1 •y
Please consider dolnc the rte i ' nc.r,