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Agenda Packet 2021/05/04
Ideclareunder penalty or penurytnatI amempioyeu by the City of Chula Vista in the office of the City Clerk and that I posted the document according to Brown Act requirements, Dded:q12_) 5ipadt 1iLu—� CITY OF CHULA VISTA • "49",xvno� Mary Casillas Salas, Mayor John McCann, Councilmember- District 1 Maria V. Kachadoorian, City Manager Jill M. Galvez- Councilmember- District 2 Glen R. Googins, City Attorney Stephen C. Padilla - Councilmember- District 3 Kerry K. Bigelow, City Clerk Andrea Cardenas- Councilmember- District 4 Tuesday, May 4, 2021 5:00 PM Via Teleconference/Council Chambers 276 4th Avenue, Building A Chula Vista, CA 91910 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL PURSUANT TO THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA'S EXECUTIVE ORDER N-29-20, AND IN THE INTEREST OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY, MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND STAFF MAY PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING VIA TELECONFERENCE. The City is offering the option for attendees to provide live public comment, in addition to eComment, during this Council Meeting. Those wishing to provide public comments in person are required to wear masks and follow posted social distancing guidelines. The City will offer seating and options to view the meeting in City Council Chambers and in the City Hall lobby in Building A. The City will monitor capacity limits and social distancing for attendees in these areas. This intended plan may be modified without notice depending upon expected attendance or changing circumstances prior to or at the meeting. The City's intent is to maximize safe, live access to the Council meeting. Please visit www.chulavistaca.gov/cityclerk or ca11619-691-5041 for the most updated information. HOW TO WATCH: We request those who do not wish to make a live comment watch the meeting remotely via livestream at https://chulavista.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx, on AT&T U-verse channel 99(throughout the County), and on Cox Cable channel 24(only in Chula Vista). Recorded meetings are also aired on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. (both channels) and are archived on the City's website. HOW TO SUBMIT ELECTRONIC COMMENTS: Visit the online eComment portal for this meeting at https://chulavista.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx. The commenting period will be open shortly after the agenda is published will remain open through the meeting. All comments will be available to the public and the City Council using the eComment portal. Comments must be received prior to the time the Mayor calls for the close of the commenting period. Comments received after such time will not be considered by the City Council. If you have difficulty or are unable to submit a comment,please contact the City Clerk's Office at cityclerk@chulavistaca.gov or(619)691-5041. ACCESSIBILITY. Individuals with disabilities are invited to request modifications or accommodations in order to access and/or participate in a City meeting by contacting the City Clerk's Office at cityclerk@chulavistaca.gov or (619) 691-5041 (California Relay Service is available for the hearing impaired by dialing 711) at least forty-eight hours in advance of the meeting. City of Chula Vista Page 1 Printed on 412912021 City Council Agenda May 4,2021 CALL 'TCS ORDER ROLL CALL: L: councilmembers Cardenas, Galvez, McCann, Padilla and Mayor casillas salas PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TCS THE FLAG AND MOMENT OF SILENCE SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DA's'' A. 21-0133 COVID-19 UPDATE BY CITY OF CHULA VISTA EMERGENCY SERVICES COORDINATOR ATOR MARLON KING B. 21-0125 PRESENTATION O1= A PROCLAMATION TO THE CHULA VISTA FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMEMORATING RATING ITS100 YEAR ANNIVERSARY Com. 21-0140 PRESENTATION BY CITY CLERK RK ANALYST CR STI A HE NANDEZ REGARDING EXPANDING SPANISH LANGUAGE ACCESS, FOR CITY COUNCIL IL ME TINGS CONSENT NT C AL.ENDAR (Items 1 .. 6) The Council will enact the Consent Calendar staff recommendation by one motion, without discussion, unless a Councilmember, a member of the public,, or staff requests that the item be removed for discussion. if you Nish to speak on one of these items, ,Tease fill out a "Request to speak" form and submit it to City Clerk staff prior to the meeting; or you may comment at https.-Ilchulavista.legistar com/Calendar.aspx 1. 21-0114 APPROVAL OF MINUTES of January 19, and 28, and F ebrluary 2, 2021. Recommended Action: Council approve the minutes. 2. 21..0115 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF C HULA VISA AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 20210-21 CHIP PROGRAM BUDGET BY APPROPRIATING $50,0010 FROM THE AVAILABLE BALANCE OF THE SEWER FACILITIES REPLACEMENT FUND TO SWR02931 "PARKSIDE SEWAGE PUMP STATION" (415 VOTE REQUIRED) Department. Engineering Department Environmental Notice. The Project qualifies, for a Categorical Exemption pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines Section 15301 Class 1 (Existing) Facilities), Section 15302 Class 2 (Replacement or (Reconstruction), and Section 15303 class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures). Recommended Action. C oulncil adopt the (resolution. City of Chula Vista Page 2 Printed on 4/2912021 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 2 of 493 City Council Agenda May 4,2021 3. 21-0137 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL F THE CITY OF C HULA VISTA RATIFYING A LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY of CfHULA VISTA AND CENTRO DIE SALUD LSE LA C OMUNIDAL LSE SAN YSIDRo, INC., DBA SAN YSID o HEALTH, FOR THE USE of OLD FIRE STATION 5 AS A THERAPY CLINIC Fo C OVI -1 PATIENTS, PREVIOUSLY LY APPROVED BY THE CITY MANAGER ACTING AS THE DIRECTOR of EMERGENCY OPERATION, Department: City Manager Envi City Council Agenda May 4,2021 5. 21-0077 A. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' CLILA VISTA INITIATING PROCEEDINGS INGS FCR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION TION CSF ASSESSMENTS, FOR FISCAL OL. YEAR 2021-22 FOR OPEN SPACE DISTRICTS 1 THRU 11, 145 15, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 26, 313 33, EASTLAKE,1 TOWN CENTER AND, BAY BOULEVARD OF THE CITY OF CHUL.A VISTA PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 B RESOLUTION OF THE, CITY COUNCIL, OF' THE, CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S REPORT, DECLARING THE INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSE SMENTS; AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEADING REGARDING THE, I SCAL. YEAR 2021-22. ASSESSMENTS FOR OPEN SPACE F DIST C TS 2 THROUGH 9, 11, 14, 15, 17, 181 20 (ZONES 1 THROUGH 91), 23, 24, 26, 31 33, EASTLAKE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT O 1 ZONES Ay B, AND y AND BAY BOULEVARD, MAINTENANCE DISTRICT C. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' CHUL.A VISTA APPROVING, THE ENGINEER'S REPORT, DECLARING THE INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS; AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDINCS THE FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 ASSESSMENTS FOR OPEN SPACE DISTRICTS 10,. EASTLA F MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO 1 (ZONE E), AND TOWN CENTER MAINTENANCE DISTRICT D. RESOLUTION OF THE, CITY COUNCIL OF' THE, CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S REPORT, DECLARING THE INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS; AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEADING REGARDING THE, I SCAL. YEAR 2021-22. ASSESSMENTS FOR OPEN SPACE DISTRICT 1 City of Chula Vista Page 4 Printed on 4/2912021 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 4 of 493 City Council Agenda May 4,21021 E. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' CHULA VISTA APPROVING, THE ENGINEER'S REPORT; DECLARING THE INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS; AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 ASSESSMENTS FOR OPEN SPACE, DISTRICT EASTLAKE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO 1 (ZONE C) Department: Finance Department Environmental Notice: The activity is not a "Project" as defined under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines; therefore, pursuant to State Guidelines Section 150601(c)(3) no environmental review is required. Recommended Action: Council adopt the resolutions, and set the public hearing for June 15, 2021. 6. 121-0129 A. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' CHULA VISTA ADOPTING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND ASSOCIATION OF CHULA VISTA EMPLOYEES COVERING THE PERIOD OF DECEMBER 12,, 2017TO JUNE 30, 2020 REGARDING THE ADDITION OF A POST-EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN (PEHP) B. RESOLUTION OF THE, CITY COUNCIL, OF' THE, CITY OF CHULA VISTA ADOPTING A POST-EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN FOR ELIGIBLE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES Department: Human Resources Department Environmental Notice: The activity is not a "Project"' as defined under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines; therefore, pursuant to State Guidelines Section 150601(c)(3) no environmental review is required. Recommended Action: Council adopt the resolutions. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC COMMENTS Persons commenting during Public Comments may address the Council on any subject matter within the Council's jurisdiction that is not listed as an item on the agenda. State law generally prohibits the Council from discussing or taking action on any issue not included on the agenda, but, if appropriate, the Council may schedule the topic for future discussion or refer the matter to staff Comments are limited to three minutes. If you wish to speak, please fill out a "Request to Speak" form and submit it to City Clerk staff, or you may comment at htips.-Ilchula vista.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx T. 121-0121 PUBLIC COMMENTS RECEIVED for May 4, 2021 City of Chula Vista Page 5 Printed on 412912021 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 5 of 493 City Council Agenda May 4,21021 ACTION ITEMS The Item(s) listed in this section of the agenda will be considered individually by the Council and are expected to elicit discussion and deliberation. If you wish to comment on one of these items, you may do so at https.-Ilchula vista.legistar.com/Calendar.aspix, or by submitting a "Request to Speak"form to City Clerk staff Comments are limited to five minutes. 81. .21-0105 CONSIDERATION OF RECEIPT OF THE QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT MAKING VARIOUS AMENDMENTS TO THE FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS A. QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDING MARCH 31, 20,21 B. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA MAKING VARIOUS AMENDMENTS TO THE FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 BUDGET TO ADJUST FOR VARIANCES AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR (4/5 VOTE REQUIRED) Department: Finance Department Environmental Notice: The activity is not a "Project" as defined under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines; therefore, pursuant to State Guidelines Section 150601(c)(3) no environmental review is required. Recommended Action: Council receive the report and adopt the resolution. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT'S MAYOR'S REPORTS COU NCILM EMBERS' COMMENTS CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORTS ADJOURNMENT in memory of Mattie Jean Jackson, November 5. 2009 -April 10, 2021 to the Mayor's State of the City Address on May 4,, 2021 at 6.-00 p.m., and then to the regular City Council meeting on May 11, 2021 at 5.-00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Materials provided to the City Council related to any open-session item on this agenda are available for public review,please contact the Office of the City Clerk at cityclerk@chu'lavistaca.gov or(619) 691-5041. Sign up at www.chulavistaca.gov to receive email notifications when City Council agendas are published online. City of Chula Vista Page 6 Printed on 412912021 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 6 of 493 City Council Agenda May 4,21021 NOTICE OF REVIEW AND PENDING APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP(S) In accordance with California Government Code Section 66458(d), notice is hereby given that the City Engineer has reviewed and, immediately following this City Council meeting of May 4, 2021, will approve the following final map(s): City of Chula Vista Tract No. 19-03, Otay Ranch Village 8 West, Planning Area "N"-OR652F and City of Chula Vista Tract No. 19-03, Otay Ranch Village 8 West, Planning Area "P"-EY0807 Specifically, the City Engineer has caused the map(s) to be examined and has made the following findings- (1) The maps substantially conform to the approved tentative map, and any approved alterations thereof and any conditions of approval imposed with said tentative maps. (2) The maps comply with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and any local ordinances applicable at the time of approval of the tentative maps. (3) The maps are technically correct, p y Said maps will be finalized and recorded, unless an interested party files a valid appeal of the City Engineer's action to City Council no later than 2:00 p.m., 10 calendar days from the date of this City Council meeting.A valid appeal must identify the improperlincorrect finding and the basis for such conclusion. If you have any questions about the map approval findings or need additional information about the map or your appeal rights,please fee/free to contact Boushra Salem, Principal Civil Engineer at(619)409-5483, or at bsalem@chulavistaca.gov. City of Chula Vista Page 7 Printed on 412912021 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 7 of 493 C® of Chula Vista Meetinge Minutes -, Draft Tuesday,January 19,2021 5:00 RM Via Teleconference Council Chambers 276 4th Avenue, (Building A Chula Vista, CA 91910 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY MEETING JOINTLY WITH THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA Pursuant to the Governor of the State of California's Executive Order N-29-20, and in the interest of public health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, members of the City Council and staff participated in this meeting via teleconference. Members of the public participated remotely and were not present in Council Chambers. All votes were taken by roll call and public comments were submitted electronically or otherwise in writing. The City Council minutes are prepared and ordered to correspond to the City Council Agenda. Agenda items may be taken out of order during the meeting. The agenda items at this meeting were considered in the order presented. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, was called to order at 5.-02 p.m. via teleconference and in the Council Chambers, located in City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, California. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmember Cardenas, Councilmember Galvez, Deputy Mayor McCann, Councilmember Padilla and Mayor Casillas Salas Also Present- City Manager Kachadoorian, City Attorney Googins, City Clerk Bigelow, and Assistant City Clerk Turner Mayor Casillas ,alas announced, pursuant to AB 23, that she and each Councilmember would receive $50 for their attendance at that Housing Authority meeting, held simultaneously with the City Council meeting. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG AND MOMENT OF SILENCE Councilmember Galvez led the Pledge of Allegiance. SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY A. 20-0563 COVID-19 UPDATE BY CITY OF CH LA VISTA EMERGENCY SERVICES COORDINATOR MARL ON KING Emergency Services Coordinator King gave a presentation on the item and responded to questions of the Council. CONSENT CALENDAR ((terns 1 - 6) Mayor Casillas galas announced that Item 2 was removed from the consent calendar and continued to a future date. City of Chula Vista Page 1 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 8 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDraft. January 19,2021 11. 20-0531 APPROVAL OF MINUTES of May 26 and 29, and June 2, 9, and 16, 2020. Recommended Action: Council approve the minutes. Item 2 was removed from the consent calendar. . 20-0542 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-008 OF THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISA APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR POLICE, FIRE, AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT Recommended Acton: Council adopt the resolution. 4. 20-0351 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-009 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO TIME CITY OF CHULA VISTA CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HARRIS AND ASSOCIATES TO PROVIDE HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING CONSULTING SERVICES Recommended Acton: Council adopt the resolution. 5. 20-0502 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-010 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA WAIVING THE COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS AND AUTHORIZING THE USE OF VARIOUS ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS AND AUTHORIZED REPAIR SHOPS THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2026 Recommended Action: Council adopt the resolution. . 20-0515 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-011 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF VEHICLES, HEAVY-DUTY VEHICLES, AND SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT VIA COOPERATIVE PURCHASING PROGRAMS IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED ELEVEN MILLION DOLLARS ($1170100)000) THROUGH JANUARY 31, 2026 Recommended Action: Council adopt the resolution. Approval of the Consent Calendar ACTION: A motion was made by Coun+ciilmember Ga vez, seconded by Deputy Mayor McCann, to approve staff s recommendations on the above Consent Calendar helms, headings read, text waived. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Yes: 5- Cardenas, Galvez, McCann, IPadiilla and Causilllas galas No: 0 Abstain: 0 City of Chula Vista Page 2 2021-05-04,agenda Packet Page 9 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDrarft. January 19,2021 ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR . 20-0208 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING 1 AN AGREEMENT TO DEFER AL-ANGEL COMMUNITIES AFFORDABLE HOUSING OBLIGATION AND TO POST BECU�RITY AND (2) A DECLARATION N COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AGREEMENT CONCERNING AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING OBLIGATION WITHIN OT'AY RANCH VILLAGE TWO Item 2 was not heard and was continued to a future date. PUBLIC COMMENTS 7. 20-0547 PUBLIC COMMENTS RECEIVED for January 19, 2021 The following members of the public submitted comments in opposition to the Automated License Pfau Deader Program: Jhan Akunzada Carlos Hernandez, Chula Vista resident Ali Gerandi Derek Lang Aliyah Baia Nora Shah leena Jun Silvia Saldivar Megan Afshan Jerilyn Brown Margaret Baker Adriana Ja,sso San Diego resident Nick Paul, Chula Vista resident Lynn DeHahn Jose Lopez, San Diego resident Kathy Hardy lan Seruelo, San Diego resident Alicia Riley, Chula Vista resident Daren Pacoma, Chula Vista resident Wendy Celernter, San Diego resident Pedro Rios, Chula Vista resident David Harris, San Diego resident Chelsey Birgisdottir, San Diego resident Brenda Aguirre, Chula Vista resident Kelly McCormick PUBLIC HEARINGS NGS 8. 20-0538 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT INITIATION REQUEST (MPA20-0020) AND DIRECTING STAFF TO PROCEED WITH THE PROCESSING, OF A GENERAL RAL PLAN AMENDMENT ONCE FORMALLY SUBMITTED BY THE APPLICANT FOR A 73.35-ACRE PORTION OF THE OTAY RANCH TOWN CENTER SHOPPING MALL City of Chula Vida Page 3 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 10 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDrarft. January 19,2021 Notice of the hearing was give in accordance with legal requirements, and the hearing was held on the date and no earlier than the time specified in the notice. Mayor Casillas,alas opened the,public hearing. The following members of the public submitted comments in opposition to staffs recommendation on the item: -Christela llcClaskey, Chula Vista resident -Justino Martinez, Chula Vista resident -Angela Martinez, Chula Vista resident -Henry Martinez, Chula Vista resident -Cynthia Nolasco, Chula Vista Resident -Monica Valenzuela -Jennifer Pryslie, Chula Vista Resident -Sufi Agui, Chula Vista Resident -D -Ricardo!Fernandez, Chula Vista Resident -Hilda Carrion, Chula Vista Resident -..iliana Zuniga, Chula Vista Resident -Miguel Lopez, Chula Vista Resident -Christopher Gomez, Chula Vista Resident -Miguel Martinez, Chula Vista Resident -Morgan Hendricks, Chula Vista Resident -Diana Avila, Chula Vista Resident -Edgar Garcia, Chula Vista Resident -Christian Castro, Chula Vista Resident -Theresa Devera, Chula Vista Resident -layra Martinez, Chula Vista Resident -Brittany Brown, Chula Vista Resident -Richard Lope, Chula Vista Resident -Chris Buchanan. -Lawrence Bartell, Chula Vista Resident -Karen l -Gustavo Olivares, Chula Vista Resident -bandana Behroozi -Vanessa Clivares, Chula Vista Resident -Cynthia Cintron, Chula Vista Resident -lvette Marquez, Chula Vista Resident -Art Teich, Chula Vista Resident -Priscilla Berromilla -Robert Hutslar, Chula Vista Resident -1 ichole Sanchez, Chula Vista Resident -Vanessa Perez, Chula Vista Resident -Lorena Buitrago, Chula Vista Resident -Tommy,foto, Chula Vista Resident -Claudia, , Chula Vista Resident -bariella Galvan, Chula Vista Resident -Meanie Leighton, Chula Vista Resident -Ashley Parrott, Chula Vista Resident -Karina Villalba -Lucy Cornejo, Chula Vista Resident -Susan Reasons, Chula Vista Resident City of Chula Vista Page 4 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 1 l of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDrarft. January 19,2021 -Bernice Gonzalez -Teshiko Stanford, Chula Vista Resident -Magaly Marion, Chula Vista Resident -Sal Castro, Chula Vista Resident -..iier Resales, Chula Vista Resident -Elah McRay, Chula Vista Resident -Gabriella Miranda, Chula Vista Resident -Thomas Kolbe, Chula Vista Resident -Benjamin Corospe, Chula Vista Resident -Carmen Charles, Chula Vista Resident -Alicia Vandegrift, Chula Vista Resident -Roger Burroughs, Chula Vista Resident -Rhealn Cunningham, Chula Vista Resident -Jcselito Carvalho, Chula Vista Resident -Tim Fillmore, Chula Vista Resident -Lisa Cea, Chula Vista Resident -Karla Cortes, Chula Vista Resident -Angelica Munoz, Chula Vista Resident -Cheryl Marsh, Chula Vista Resident -Erika Battaglia, Chula Vista Resident -Israel Avalos, Chula Vista Resident -Shelly Garcia, Chula Vista Resident -Digi Quiroz, Chula Vista Resident -Alexandra Castillo, Chula Vista Resident -..eilani Guerina, Chula Vista Resident -Joanne Karcher, Chula Vista Resident -Raquel Williams, Chula Vista Resident -David Valdez, Chula Vista Resident -Francisco Hernandez, Chula Vista Resident -Steve Steinmetz, Chula Vista Resident -Lillian Uy, Chub Vista Resident -T Kelly -Summer Scace, Chula Vista Resident -Maria Schoen, Chula Vista Resident -Ivan Medina, Chula Vista Resident -Ramses Hernandez, Chula Vista Resident -Tania Bowles, Chula Vista Resident -Wesley Ruche, Chula Vista Resident -Carlos Villarreal, Chula Vista Resident -Marissa Pena, Chula Vista Resident -Marissa Ceniceros, Chula Vista Resident -Larry Sprankle, Chula Vista Resident -Charles Wuennemann, Chula Vista Resident -Luisa Abubo, Chula Vista Resident -Karla Ramirez, Chula Vista Resident -Robert Cabrera -Jesus Zaragoza, Chula Vista Resident -Marlene Ysip, Chula Vista Resident -Mindy Adams -Janice Trini -Ernesto Sarabia -Alex Rafal, Chula Vista Resident -Alan Rendon, Chula Vista Resident City of Chula Vista Page 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 1.2 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDrarft. January 19,2021 -Timothy Winchester, Chula Vista Resident -xochitl Guzman, Chula Vista Resident -Arlene Rodriguez, Chula Vista Resident -Antomina Maryna, Chula Vista Resident -Kristine VanZutphen, Chula Vista Resident -..eilani O,jinaga, Chula Vista Resident -Eileen Mendiola, Chula Vista Resident -Abigail Paulino, Chula Vista Resident -Juanita Keller, Chula Vista Resident -Kristin Moffett, Chula Vista Resident -Karen Pacoma, Chula Vista Resident -Jennifer Bear, Chula Vista Resident -Amy Rissi, Chula Vista Resident -Brenda Peer, Chula Vista Resident -Tuba Kazan, Chula Vista Resident -Lacy Yap, Chula Vista Resident -Luis Zaragoza, Chula Vista Resident -Roberto Leon Torres -Reyes Rubio, Chula Vista Resident -Rita M -Eve Caldwell, Chula Vista Resident -Lisa Hagler, Chula Vista Resident -Kristefer Ortiz, Chula Vista Resident -Raquel Cortes, Chula Vista Resident -Guadalupe Sandoval, Chula Vista Resident -Colton Pfenniger, ,fan Diego Resident -Gabriela Barboza, Chula Vista Resident -Cheryl Amee, Chula Vista Resident -Jeremiah Aiken, Chula Vista Resident -..illy Machado -Kristian Callaway, Chula Vista Resident -Krystal Cervantes, Chula Vista Resident -Eden Zapanta, Chula Vista Resident -Horace Chavez, Chula Vista Resident -Bethney Gardner, Chula Vista Resident -Michael Raney, Chula Vista Resident -Angelica Bastida, Chula Vista Resident -Kelly Callies, Chula Vista Resident -Alexis Dindal, Chula Vista Resident -Smith Vincent, Chula Vista Resident -Timothy Hancock, Chula Vista Resident -Allison Fillmore, Chula Vista Resident -Antonio Urbina -Felix Gutierrez, Chula Vista Resident -..iesl Mestre, Chula Vista Resident -Michelle Macawvili, Chula Vista Resident -Vyanka Higeura, Chula Vista Resident -Monse Hood, Chula Vista Resident -Maria Dominguez -Antonino Bolio, Chula Vista Resident -Lauren Berg', Chula Vista Resident -Kenneth Brandel, Chula Vista Resident -Tony Romero, Chula Vista Resident City of Chula Vista Page 6 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 13 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDrarft. January 19,2021 -Ana 0, Chula Vista Resident -..aura Amabile, Chula Vista Resident -Cassandra Fernandez, Chula Vista Resident -..esleah Flores, Chula Vista Resident -Kamal Boiri, ,fan Diego Resident -Nicole 01 Chula Vista Resident -Vanessa Rodriguez, Chula Vista Resident -Christina Pablo, Chula Vista Resident -Kimberly VanderBie, Chula Vista Resident -Norma Perez, Chula Vista Resident -Stephanie Tillman, Chula Vista Resident -Brisilia Zaldivar, Chula Vista Resident -Veronica Mader, Chula Vista Resident -Fara Franco, Chula Vista Resident -Farah c, Chula Vista Resident -David Villegas -Carmen Petrosian -Aimee Boiri -Phil Albano, Chula Vista Resident -Matthew Moskos, Chula Vista Resident -Cynthia Saenz, Chula Vista Resident -JP P, Chula Vista Resident -Ilana Brongiel, Chula Vista Resident -Sherdellah Anunciado, Chula Vista Resident -Rogelio Rojas, Chula Vista Resident -Iickey Mallon, Chula Vista Resident -Rita Paladino, Chula Vista Resident -Jami Mos os, Chula Vista Resident -Maria Garay, Chula Vista Resident -Natalie Dreaden, Chula Vista Resident -Lisa Perez, Chula Vista Resident -Amanda Giddens, Chula Vista Resident -Stuart Carey, Chula Vista Resident -Omar Pulido, Chula Vista Resident -Tamika Clark, Chula Vista Resident -Ericka Gonzalez, Chula Vista Resident -Max Lopez, Chula Vista Resident -RM -Chris S -Marianne Sibayan, Chula Vista Resident -Suzie Montoya -Fara Fairbank, Chula Vista Resident -Aaron Denham, Chula Vista Resident -Melissa Walkup, Chula Vista Resident -Jessica H, Chula Vista Resident -William Rosales, Chula Vista Resident -Norma Millan, Chula Vista Resident -Maya Clemons, Chula Vista Resident -Alicia Zamudio, Chula Vista Resident -Amy Kinsey, Chula Vista Resident -Emily Pinto, Chula Vista Resident -Paul Foch, Chula Vista Resident -Eduard Casillas, Chula Vista Resident City of Chula Vida Page 7 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 14 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDrarft. January 19,2021 -Jose Marcial, Chula Vista Resident -Grace Rosas, Chula Vista Resident -Lou Torres -Rosa Lopez, Chula Vista Resident -Lisa L o wander, Chula Vista Resident -Laura Valdez, Chula Vista Resident -Jacob Watson, Chula Dista Resident -Clarissa Rasa, Chula Vista Resident -Sylvia Rosenberg', Chula Vista Resident -Alexis Quilon, Chula Vista Resident -Becky Alvarado, Benita Resident -Andrea Rivera, Chula Vista Resident -Michelle Millsaps, Chula Vista Resident -Ray Rante -Christina Erwin, Chula Vista Resident -Julie E, Chula Vista Resident -William Gammon, Chula Vista Resident -John Alba, Chula Vista Resident -Eddie Ramirez, Chula Vista Resident -Martha OsunaJacinte, Chula Vista Resident -duan Gaytan, Chula Vista Resident -Karen Rawl, Chula Vista Resident -Karina Reynoso, Chula Vista Resident -Lizette Cruz, Chula Vista Resident -Lucia Vargas, Chula Vista Resident -Tracy Mair, Chula Vista Resident -Michael Zehder, Chula Vista Resident -Jennifer Bogle, Chula Vista Resident -Rosa Salazar, Chula Vista Resident -Andrea Garcia, Chula Vista Resident -Emily Kolaric, Chula Vista Resident -Juanita Salas, Chula Vista Resident -Michael Jensen, Chula Vista Resident -Matthew Parsons, Chula Vista Resident -Alexandria R, Chula Vista Resident -Simon Hernandez, Chula Vista Resident -Luis Ramirez, Chula Vista Resident -Lisa Gardner -Rachele Parsons, Chula Vista Resident -Brittney Segura, Chula Vista Resident -Patricia Hutslar, Chula Vista Resident -Mark Coziahr, Thula Vista Resident -Karina Lodin, Chula Vista Resident -1 ichole Willink, Chula Vista Resident -Tamar Wilson, Chula Vista Resident -Enrique Morlett, Chula Vista Resident -Genedine Cabrera, Chula Vista Resident -Mese Lopez, Chula Vista Resident -Veronica Benitez, Chula Vista Resident -Midz Solis, Chula Vista Resident -Hallie Palacios, Chula Vista Resident -Mamie Purvis, Chula Vista Resident -Manuel Soares, Chula Vista Resident City of Chula Vista Page g 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 15 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDrarft. January 19,2021 -Ronald Cruz, Chula Vista Resident -Jorge Leon, Chula Vista Resident -Wendy Medina, Chula Vista Resident -Katherine Lima, Chula Vista Resident -April George -Lee Daugherty; Chula Vista Resident -L.aMiesha Thomas, Chula Vista Resident -Rashana Kelley, Chula Vista Resident -Jacob Frim, Chula Vista Resident -Marianne Taylor; Chula Vista Resident -Julie Szote , Chula Vista Resident -Ashley Pearson, Chula Vista Resident -Nicole Sanchez, Chula Vista Resident -Catherine Carella3 Chula Vista Resident -Cindy Scott -Anthony Joseph, Chula Vista Resident -Renee Casillas, Chula Vista Resident -Jose Paz, Chula Vista Resident -Roselyn Munoz, Chula Vista Resident -Sandra Pizana, Chula Vista Resident -Vicky Steinmetz, Chula Vista Resident -Tracey Crawford, Chula Vista Resident -Andrea Martinez, Chula Vista Resident -Brittani Lopez, Chula Vista Resident -Eugenia Perez, Chula Vista Resident -Valentina Mendoza, Chula Vista Resident -Ernestina Quintero, Chula Vista Resident -Vilma Handog', Chula Vista Resident -Andrea Canter, Chula Vista Resident -Elizabeth Camacho, Chula Vista Resident -Candy Jeffers, Chula Vista Resident -Nelly Cantu, Chula Vista Resident -Myrna Sanchez, Chula Vista Resident -Jenny Gonzalez -Henry Martinez, Chula Vista Resident -Cristina Nuno, Chula Vista Resident -Charles Eldred, Chula Vista Resident -Adrienne Ramirez, Chula Vista Resident -Lucy Roybal, Chula Vista Resident -Samantha Morales -L.enara Punk, Chula Vista Resident -Tommy Morales, Chula Vista Resident -Caroline Zuccarello, Chula Vista Resident -Cruz Alvarado, Chula Vista Resident -Oscar Valdi, Chula Vista Resident -Jacqueline Flores, Chula Vista Resident -Linda Espejo, Chula Vista Resident -Maria Solsa -Veronica Treul, Chula Vista Resident -Maine Reiser, Chula Vista Resident -Dan Pluger -Brandon Pfeifle, Chula Vista Resident -Katherine Myers, Chula Vista Resident City of Chula Vida page 9 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 16 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDrarft. January 19,2021 -Debbie sechner, Chula Vista Resident -!Nilo Jones, Chula Vista Resident -Tanya StoneFinn, Chula Vista Resident -Debbie Smith, Chula Vista Resident -!Vara Taratuta, Chula Vista Resident -Rae Jones, Chula Vista Resident -Veronica Aldrete, Chula Vista Resident -Martha Howlett, Chula Vista Resident -Kim Tenorio, Chula Vista Resident -Sonia Rodriguez -Mike Strzepek, Chula Vista Resident -Alan Reoch, Chula Vista Resident -Tamara Rodriguez, Chula Vista Resident -John Vicente, Chula Vista Resident -Theresa Acerro -Victor Ceniceros, Chula Vista Resident -Angie Perez, Chula Vista Resident -Lisa Mendoza, Chula Vista Resident -Saied Toutounchian, Chula Vista Resident -Joy Yoo, Chula Vista Resident -Lisa Bender, Chula Vista Resident -Charles Brandi, Chula Vista Resident -Matthew Kirchner, Chula Vista Resident -Jennifer Pavlov, Chula Vista Resident -Angelica Rodriguez, Chula Vista Resident -Angelica Diaz, Chula Vista Resident -Anders Bodin, Chula Vista Resident -Tina Morton, Chula Vista Resident -Jorgina H -Maria Molinari, Chula Vista Resident -Phillip Palmer, Chula Vista Resident -Yesica Bravo, Chula Vista Resident -Oscar Bravo, Chula Vista Resident -Mykel Resino, Chula Vista Resident -Christina Cimaggio, Chula Vista Resident -Rosa Pena, Chula Vista Resident -Tyler Ilipf, Chula Vista Resident -Kimberlee Vitha, Chula Vista Resident -Charssa Corona, Chula Vista Resident -Vanessa Alonso, Chula Vista Resident -Daniel Holian, Chula Vista Resident -Christine Sams, Chula Vista Resident -Gabriela Junges, Chula Vista Resident -Btek Aman -Ericka Pawlowski, China Vista Resident -Amanda Lopez, Chula Vista Resident -!Nina Sterbenz, Chula Vista Resident -Daniel Smith, Chula Vista Resident -Santa Desanges, Chula Vista Resident -Juan Te//o. Chula Vista Resident -S tyre -Melissa Carchie, Chula Vista Resident -Madison.Beck, Chula Vista Resident City of Chula Vista Osage 10 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 17 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDrarft. January 19,2021 -Camille Bruno, Chula Vista Resident -Carla Meneses -Robert'dee, Chula Vista Resident -Bernadette Yee, Chula Vista Resident -Manna Giragusa, Chula Vista Resident -Mireya Carden, Chula Vista Resident -Sim F, Chula Vista Resident -Jennifer Givens, Chula Vista Resident -Erin low, Chula Vista Resident -V G, Chula Vista Resident -IVelida Hermosura, Chula Vista Resident -Angela Lopez, Chula Vista Resident -Martha Rivero, Chula Vista Resident -Claudia Gonzalez, Chula Vista Resident -Jennifer Pena, Chula Vista Resident -Lisa Hinz, Chula Vista Resident -J 1 , Chula Vista Resident -Paula Rodriguez, Chula Vista Resident -Patricia,foto, Chula Vista Resident -Ting Martinez, Chula Vista Resident -Angela Gomez, Chula Vista Resident -Erich Laabs, Chula Vista Resident -Edgar Garcia, Chula Vista Resident -Tebeka Robbin, Chula Vista Resident -Doralina Tichy, Chula Vista Resident -Jennie Becker, Chula Vista Resident -Josh lzigzon, Chula Vista Resident -Ruben Guilloty, Chula Vista Resident -Ian Regnier, Chula Vista Resident -Ann Campbell, Chula Vista Resident -Sharon Garcia, Chula Vista Resident -Veronica Duarte, Chula Vista Resident -Brandon Aleman, Chula Vista Resident -Aviva Landie, Chula Vista Resident -Emi Villa, Chula Vista Resident -Alberta Peon, Chula Vista Resident -Tania Beaudoin, Chula Vista Resident -Barbara Downing, Chula Vista Resident -Jessica Rodriguez Hellwig -Bristow Teresa, Chula Vista Resident -Misako H'irota, Chula Vista Resident -Angela Rivera, Chula Vista Resident -Glimpia Ramirez, Chula Vista Resident -Monica N -Names Gaba, Chula Vista Resident -Karla Camarena, Chula Vista Resident -Sergio Carzoli, Chula Vista Resident -Gary Scanlon, Chula Vista Resident -Michelle David, Chula Vista Resident -Polly Bild, Chula Vista Resident -Melinda Geyer, Chula Vista Resident -Ann Jackson, Chula Vista Resident -Alrx Castanrdra, Chula Vista Resident City of Chula Vida Osage 11 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 18 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDrarft. January 19,2021 -Daniel Staffers, Chula Vista Resident -Cindy?heng, Chula Vista Resident -Aletha Loftfield, Chula Vista Resident -Malia W, Chula Vista Resident -Humberto Espinoza, Chula Vista Resident -Rashmi Savur, Chula Vista Resident -Shaven Fell, Chula Vista Resident -Randy Lansang', Chula Vista Resident -Carla Buchanan, Chula Vista Resident -Robert Lawrence, Chula Vista Resident -Nora Taratuta, Chula Vista Resident -Courtnay Gclmcnd, Chula Vista Resident -Christa Bertrand, Chula Vista Resident -Teri Junker, Chula Vista Resident -Sidney Mantes, Chula Vista Resident -Maria Rosko, Chula Vista Resident -Monica Briseno, Chula Vista Resident -Amy Smith, Chula Vista Resident -Brynt Query, Chula Vista Resident -Sergio Uribe, Chula Vista Resident -Dorothea Charles, Chula Vista Resident -Arandary Garcia, Chula Vista Resident -Bri hid Burgon, Chula Vista Resident -Richard Bonnett, Chula Vista Resident -April Mcntesdeoca, Chula Vista Resident -Dania Beltran, Chula Vista Resident -.Bret Johnson, San Diego Resident -Michelle Vicente, Chula Vista Resident -Julie Ariowinoto, Chula Vista Resident -1ichole Sellers, Chula Vista Resident -Tracy tens, Chula Vista Resident -Jeff Rapp, Chula Vista Resident -Celeste Jimenez, Chula Vista Resident -Kyle Bibel, Chula Vista Resident -Amanda Biggs, Chula Vista Resident -Monica Valdez, Chula Vista Resident -Ana Sotomayor, Chula Vista Resident -lanne Blakely, Chula Vista Resident -Maribel Vasquez, Chula Vista Resident -Manuel Delatcrre, Chula Vista Resident -Julie Weathers, Chula Vista Resident -Jacquelyn Gonzalez, Chula Vista Resident -Arnel Nacino, Chula Vista Resident -Peter Louischaroen, Chula Vista Resident -Maria Villescas, Chula Vista Resident -Pam +Grijala, Chula Vista Resident -Eric Moore, Chula Vista Resident -Carlos Gonzalez, Chula Vista Resident -Jessica Pullar -Jim Hom, Chula Vista Resident -Tam Ritter, Chula Vista Resident -Melissa Farmer, Chula Vista Resident -Luis Avila, Chula Vista Resident City of Chula Vida Osage 12 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 19 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDrarft. January 19,2021 -Lindell, migmator, Chula Vista Resident -Rudy Martinez, Chula Vista Resident -Carlos Orona, Chula Vista Resident -Ana Nosal, Chula Vista Resident -Carmen Bibel, Chula Vista Resident -Albert Rizos, Chula Vista Resident -Jenny Agbeja, Chula Vista Resident -Meilani Rivera, Chula Vista Resident -barely Vega, Chula Vista Resident -Mason Wall, Chula Vista Resident -Jorge Gutierrez -Marisa Salas, Chula Vista Resident -Jodi Santiago, Chula Vista Resident -Chamnan Ouch, Chula Vista Resident -Moira Gregory, Chula Vista Resident -Kyle Silveira, Chula Vista Resident -April Tdussant, Chula Vista Resident -Marcie Carballo, Chula Vista Resident -Steven Ashby, Chula Vista Resident -Ceara Sazon, Chula Vista Resident _C Vergara, Chula Vista Resident -Amanda Marsh, Chula Vista Resident -Nora Lasalle, Chula Vista Resident -Denise L.epard, Chula Vista Resident -Madeleine, hallan, Chula Vista Resident -Pail Academia, Chula Vista Resident -Bibi suko, Chula Vista Resident -Katherine Baker, Chula Vista Resident -Jeff DeLeon, Chula Vista Resident -Michele Warner, Chula Vista Resident -Farah Ouch, Chula Vista Resident -Gloryllie Concon -Serena Moriarty, Chula Vista Resident -Dixon x, Chula Vista Resident -Curtis Moore, Chula Vista Resident -Mackie Dority, Chula Vista Resident -Bryan Felber -Kelly Kirk, Chula Vista Resident -Philip Ellsworth, Chula Vista Resident -Christopher Brown, Chula Vista Resident -MaryAnn Treziok, Chula Vista Resident -Crystal Kieley, Chula Vista Resident -Deanne Hansen, Chula Vista Resident -Leticia Haret, Chula Vista Resident -Dreg Palmer, Chula Vista Resident -Mark L.ivag, Chula Vista Resident -Joey Atis, Chula Vista Resident -Gene Torres, Chula Vista Resident -Adrienne Griffith, Chula Vista Resident -John Snyder, Chula Vista Resident -Annette T, Chula Vista Resident -Angela Carlen, Chula Vista Resident -Chris Lewis, Chula Vista Resident City of Chula Vista bags 13 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 20 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDrarft. January 19,2021 -Christine Fernandez, Chula Vista Resident -Elsa Gomez -Sonia Estrada, Chula Vista Resident -Ben Martinez, Chula Vista Resident -Zabrina Fang, Chula Vista Resident -Christine Dulatre, Chula Vista Resident -Claudia Torres -John Zee, Chula Vista Resident -William Manders, Chula Vista Resident -Paul Pinerc, Chula Vista Resident -Alexis Yerka, Chula Vista Resident -Celina Fernandez, Chula Vista Resident -Erin Burar, Chula Vista Resident -Brenda Chrisapoulos, Chula Vista Resident -Mamie Friesen, Chula Vista Resident -Ian Burgar, Chula Vista Resident -Rachel Query, Chula Vista Resident -Eva Gammen, Chula Vista Resident -Diana Pieck, Chula Vista Resident -Julianne Cochran, Chula Vista Resident -Allison Vest, Chula Vista Resident -Michael Carter, Chula Vista Resident -Mean Witherspoon, Chula Vista Resident -Feather Jameson, Chula Vista Resident -Fernando Martinez, Chula Vista Resident -Bernardo Vasquez, Chula Vista Resident -Anita Bradley, Chula Vista Resident -Amyx Cendana, Chula Vista Resident -Paulo Gutierrez, Chula Vista Resident -Adriana Santisteban, Chula Vista Resident -Mauricio Lutteroth, Chula Vista Resident -Roberta Pitruzzello, China Vista Resident -Sandra Mlir®n, Chula Vista Resident -My gene Dlt, Chula Vista Resident -IVastassia Burke -Mason Shepard, Chula Vista Resident -Jackeline Lopez, Chula Vista Resident -Hector Gonzalez, Chula Vista Resident -Daniella Molina, Chula Vista Resident -Lonnie Macre, China Vista Resident -Jennifer R -Terisa Carter, Chula Vista Resident -Gary K, Chula Vista Resident -Marisa Espinosa, Chula Vista Resident -Lisa Moreno, Chula Vista Resident -Sergio Gutierrez, Chula Vista Resident -Jennifer Bonnes, Chula Vista Resident -Alejandra Fernandez, Chula Vista Resident -Victoria Bonnett -Manuel Morena, Chula Vista Resident -Javier Fernandez, Chula Vista Resident -Lauren Silvestre, Chula Vista Resident -Prances T City of Chula Vista Dago 14 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 21 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDrarft. January 19,2021 -Claudia Garcia, Chula Vista Resident -Rafael C, Chula Vista Resident -Jocelyn Almeria, Chula Vista Resident -Edward Valdez, Chula Vista Resident -Marlin Castro, Chula Vista Resident -Jonathan Greenwood, Chula Vista Resident -dames Bryant, Chula Vista Resident -Krista Zehder, Chula Vista Resident -Natasha Mooney, Chula Vista Resident -Gerry Bushnell, Chula Vista Resident -Ted Owens, Chula Vista Resident -Diana Estrella, Chula Vista Resident -Susan McManus, Chula Vista Resident -Oscar Romero, Chula Vista Resident -Yeojin Martinez, Chula Vista Resident The following members of the public submitted comments in support of staff's recommendation on the item- -Derek Soderholm, ,fan Diego Resident -Jordan Casey, Chula Vista Resident -Alexandra Carrillo, Chula Vista Resident -Alonso Gonzalez, Chula Vista Resident -Jessica Durso, Chula Vista Resident -Thalia Sainz, Chula Vista Resident -Ari Lopez, Chula Vista Resident The following members of the public submitted comments regarding staffs recommendation on the item: -Annette Peniche, Chula Vista Resident -Diana Castro, Chula Vista Resident -Karla Chinn, Chula Vista Resident -Claudia Mellon, Chula Vista Resident -Patricia omara -Michael Hartman, Bonita Resident -gent Relyea, Chula Vista Resident -Megan Barnard, Chula Vista Resident -early PW -Ramiro Mendoza, Chula Vista Resident -Christian Ariow inoto, Chula Vista Resident -Katie Rico, Bonita resident -Bernize -Leticia Villalpando, Chula Vista Resident -Anne Bastian, Chula Vista Resident -Kelly Pappas, Chula Vista Resident -Consuelo Delatorre, Chula Vista Resident -Shelbi Mackenzie, Chula Vista Resident -Adrianna Figueroa, Chula Vista Resident -Jacqueline Cannon, Chula Vista Resident At the conclusion of the public commenting period, Mayor Casillas ,alas announced that the public hearing would remain open. City of Chula Vida bags 1 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 22 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDraft. January 19,2021 ACTION: A motion was made by Couneilmember Padilla, seconded by Councilmember Galvez, to continue the item to a future date to be determined. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Yes: 5- Cardenas, C alvez, McCann, IPadhlla and Casilllas Salas INo: 0 Abstain: o ACTION ITEMS 31. 20-0825 A. RESOLUTION NO. 2021-012 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE ISSUANCE, SALE AND DELIVERY OF MULTIFAMILY HOUSING REVENUE NOTES OF THE CHULA VISTA HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR CCSLUMBA APARTMENTS B. RESOLUTION NO. 2021-001 OF THE CHUL.A VISTA HOUSING AUTHORITY REGARDING ITS INTENTION TO ISSUE TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS FOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT O COLU B APARTMENTS The following members of the public submitted comments in opposition to staff's recommendation. -Henry Martinez, Chula Vista resident -Von Taylor, Chula Vista resident ACTION: A motion was made by Mayor Casillas Salas, seconded by Deputy Mayor McCann, to adopt City Council Resolution No. 2021-012 and Housing Authority Resolution No. 2021-001, headings read, text waived. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Yes: 5- Cardenas, Calvez, McCann, IPadflla and Casilllas Salas No: o Abstain: 0 10. 20-0510 REPORT ON CALIFORNIA SENATE BILL 1888 AND RECENTLY ADOPTED ORGANIC WASTE REDUCTION REGULATIONS, ITS IMPACT TO WASTE COLLECTION SERVICES, AND CITY OPERATIONS Environmental Services Manager Medrano, Neil Mehr, representing Republic Services and Cara Morgan, representing Cal Recycle gave a presentation on the item and responded to questions of the Council. 11 20-0858 CONSIDERATION OF ESTABLISHING NEW GREENS FEES AT THE CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE RESOLUTION NO. 2021-027 OF THE, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMENDING CHAPTER 8 (GREENS FEES) OF THE CITY'S MASTER FEE SCHEDULE F AND ESTABLISHING NEVA GREENS FEES AT THE CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE Item 9 I was continued to a future date. City Clerk Bigelow ,announced that six comments had been received regarding the item and that they would he included when the item returned to Council. City of Chula Vida Osage 16 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 23 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDraft. January 19,2021 12. 20-0565 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-013 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CSF ULA VISTA IN SUPPORT OF ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THE VIOLENT ATTACK ON OUR CAPITOL, CONDEMNATION ON THE ASSAULT TO OUR EMOCRACY AND CONDEMNING THE. USE OF 'VIOLENCE. AS A POLITICAL TOOL Councilmember McCann announced he would abstain on the item due to a potential conflict of interest related to his service in the U.S. Navy.. Mayor Casillas Salas and Councilmember Padilla spoke regarding the item. At the request of Councilmember Padilla, there Was consensus of a majority of the Council to direct City Clerk Bigelow to read the text of the resolution into the record. The fallowing members of the public submitted comments in support of the resolution. -Kathleen Mayer, Chula Vista resident -Susie Murphy -Kathy Hardy -Carolyn Scofield, Chula Vista resident -Rita Clement, Chula Vista resident -,lames,Scofield, Chula Vista resident Council discussion ensued. ACTION: A motion was made by Mayor Casillas Salas, seconded by Councilmember Padilla, to adopt Resolution No. 2021-013, heading and Next read. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:. "Yes: 4- Cardenas, Galvez, Padilla and Casillas Salas No: Abstain: 1 .. McCann CITY MANAGER'S REPORTS City Manager Kachadoorian stated that staff Would return to Council for feedback regarding the process to amend the general plan and she introduced new Director of Public'Works Matt Little. MAYOR'S REPORTS Mayor Casillas Salas acknowledged lir. Martin Luther Ding, Ir.'s birthday and encouraged participation in community events. ,She also spoke regarding efforts to expedite paying off debt for SR-125 and announced the COVID Community Champions Awards. COU NCILMEMBERS' COMMENTS Councilmember Cardenas expressed pride in Chula Vista being a Welcoming City and gratitude for her colleagues. Councilmember C`alvez spoke in support of the expedited payoff of SR-125 and the COVID Community Champion awards. She announced the upcoming joint meeting With City Council, Planning Commission and Growth Management Oversight Commission. Councilmember Padilla spoke in support of the expedited payoff of SR-125 and expressed sympathy to the community for those who had lost loved ones as a result of COVID. City of Chula Vida Page 17 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 24 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDrarft. January 19,2021 Deputy Mayor McCann spoke regarding available vaccines and expressed gratitude for the work of Police and Fire. He announced the following upcoming events. Meals on Wheels volunteer appreciation drive through luncheon and a computer donation event at the Rack Church. He thanked Mayor Casillas ,alas for the update regarding 'R-125. CITY ATTORNEYS REIT S There were none. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:56 p.m. Minutes prepared by: T char L. Turner,Assistant City Clerk Kerry K. Bigelow, UMC, City Clerk City of Chula vista bags 18 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 25 of 493 C® of Chula Vista Meetinge Minutes -, Draft Thursday,January 28,2021 6:00 RM Via Teleconference/Council Chambers 276 4th Avenue, (Building A Chula Vista, CA 91910 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP Special meetings of the City Council, the Planning Commission, and the Growth Management Oversight Commission of the City of Chula Vista Pursuant to the Governor of the State of California's Executive Order N-29-20, and in, the interest of public health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, members of the City Council, Planning Commission, Growth Management Oversight Commission and staff participated in this meeting via teleconference. Members of the public participated remotely and were not present in Council Chambers. All votes were taken by roll call and public comments were submitted electronically or otherwise in writing. The City Council minutes are prepared and ordered to correspond to the City Council Agenda. Agenda items may be taken out of order during the meeting. The agenda items at this meeting were considered in the order presented. CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the City Council, Planning Commission and the Growth Management Oversight Commission of the City of Chula Vista, was called to order at 6-06 pm. via teleconference and in the Council Chambers, located in City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, California. ROLL CALL: IP,resent: Councilmember Cardenas, Councilmember Galvez, Deputy Mayor McCann and Mayor Casillas Salas Excused: Councilmember Padilla ROLL CALL - PLANNING COMMISSION Present-Commissioners Burroughs, De La Rosa, Milburn, Nava, Torres, Zaker and Chair Gutierrez ROLL CALL - GROWTH MANAGEMENT OVERSIGHT COMMISSION Present:Commissioners Alatorre, Caudillo, Lengyel, Strong, Torres and Chair Hooker. Absent:Commissioner Juarez Also Present: City Manager Kachadoorian, Deputy City Attorney Shirey, City Clerk Bigelow, and Assistant City Clerk Turner PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG AND MOMENT OF SILENCE Planning Commission Chair Gutierrez led the Pledge of Allegiance. City of Chula Vista Page 1 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 26 of 4,93 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDrarft. January 28,2021 WORKSHOP 1. 20-0540 REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION ON CSF THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT OVERSIGHT COMMISSION'S (GMOC's) FISCAL YEAR 2020 ANNUAL REPORT A. RESOLUTION NO. MPA-20-0021 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ACCEPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2020 GMOC C ANNUAL REPORT AND RECOMMENDING ACCEPTANCE B THE CITY COUNCIL B. RESOLUTION NO. 2021-014 OF THE CITY COUNCIL IL O THE CITY OF CULA VISTA ACCEPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2020 GMOC ANNUAL REPORT, AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO UNDERTAKE ACTIONS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS AS PRESENTED IN 'THE RECOMMENDATIONS AND STAFF RESPONSES SUMMARY Associate planner "Vander Bie and Growth Management Oversight Commission (GMOC) Chair Hooker presented the GMOC annual report. GMOC Chair Hooker reported non-compliant threshold standards for the following areas and provided the C MOC's recommendations. Associate planner "Vander Bie provided staff responses to each item. -Climate Protection -Drainage -FirelEmergency(EMS) -fiscal -Libraries -Park&Recreation -Police -Schools -Sewer -traffic -water Facilities f=inance Manager Elliot gave an update on the Comprehensive Review schedule. Theresa Acerro, Chula 'Vista resident, submitted comments in opposition to staff's recommendation. Yasmin Munoz submitted comments in support of installing speed bumps at the Loma Verde recreation center. Mark Livac submitted"comments expressing gratitude to the GMOC. Staff responded to questions and comments from Council and Commissioners. City of Chula Vista Page 2 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 27 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDraft. January 28,2021 ACTION: A motion was made by Planning Commissioner Zaker, seconded by Planning Commissioner Milburn, to adopt IPlanning i Commission Resolution No. MPA-20-0021, heading read, tent waived. The motion carried by the following vote: Yes: 7-Burroughs, Cie La Rosa, (Milburn, (Nava,Torres,Zaker,and Chair Gutierrez No.: 0 Abstain: 0 ACTION: A motion was made by Delputy► Mayor McCann, seconded by Mayor Casillas alas, to adopt IResolution No. 2021-014, heading read, text waived. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Yes: 4- Cardenas, Galvez, McCann and C,asillas Salas No: 0 Abstain: ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m. Minutes prepared by T shear L. Turner,Assistant City Clerk City of Chula Vista page 3 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 28 of 493 C® of Chula Vista Meetinge Minutes -, Draft Tuesday, February 2,2021 5:00 RM Via Teleconference Council Chambers 276 4th Avenue, (Building A Chula Vista, CA 91910 REGULAR MEETING CSF THE CITY COUNCIL Pursuant to the Governor of the State of California's Executive Order N-29-20, and in the interest of public health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, members of the City Council and staff participated in this meeting via teleconference. Members of the public participated remotely and were not present in Council Chambers. All votes were taken by roll call and public comments were submitted electronically or otherwise in writing. The City Council minutes are prepared and ordered to correspond to the City Council Agenda. Agenda items may be taken out of order during the meeting. The agenda items at this meeting were considered in the order presented. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 5..06 p.m. via teleconference and in the Council Chambers, located at 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, California. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmember Cardenas, Councilmember Galvez, Deputy Mayor McCann, Councilmember Padilla and Mayor Casillas Salas Councilmember Padilla arrived at 5:11 p.m. Also Present: City Manager Kachadoorian, City Attorney Googins, City Clerk Bigelow, and Assistant City Clerk Turner PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG AND MOMENT OF SILENCE Deputy Mayor McCann led the,Pledge of Allegiance. SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY A. 21-0580 COVID-19 UPDATE BY CITY OF CHULA VISTA EMERGENCY SERVICES COORDINATOR MARLON KING Emergency Services Coordinator King gave a presentation on the item. Councilmember Padilla arrived at 5J 1 pm. Fire Chief (guns provided an update on the status of four firefighters who had been injured in a commercial building fire. Kathleen Lippitt submitted comments expressing concern regarding mental health impacts of the CCS VILA pandemic and marijuana use. City of Chula Vista Page 1 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 29 of 4,93 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDraft. February 2,2021. B. -0536 PRESENTATION OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENTS WEBSITE UPDATE Police Chief Kennedy andSupervising Public Safety Analyst walker gave a presentation on the item. Richard Roy submitted comments requesting information regarding encrypted channels.. C. 21-0016 PRESENTATION OF A PROCLAMATION DECLARING JANUARY 30, 2021 AS FRED KORE ATSU CLAY OF CIVIL LIBERTIES AND THE CONSTITUTION IN 'TETE CITY OF CHULA VISTA Mayor Casillas ,Salas read the proclamation and virtually presented it to Keay Ochi, President of the ,Japanese Historical,Society of San Diego. The fallowing members of the public submitted comments in support of the item.• -Margaret Baker, representing,San Diego People Power -Erin Tsurumoto Grassi, representing Alliance.San Diego -lay Ochi, Chula 'lista resident CONSENT CALENDAR (items 1 - 5 Item 5 was removed from the Consent Calendar at the request of Councilmembers Calvez and Padilla. 1. 21-0581 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4f June 23, July 14 and 28, 2020. Recommended Action: Council approve the minutes. 2. 21-0011 WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Memorandum from CCoun+cilmember Padilla requesting) an excused absence from the January 28, 2021 City Council, Planning) Commission, Growth Management Oversight Commission Workshop. Recommended Action: Council excuse the absence. . 20-0 566 A. RESOLUTION NO. 2021-015 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMENDING THE COMPENSATION SCHEDULE AND CLASSIFICATION PLAN TO REFLECT THE ADDITION AND DELETION OF VARIOUS POSITION 'TITLES AND AMENDING THE AUTHORIZE POSITION COUNT IN THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES AND POLICE DEPARTMENTS WITH NO NET INCREASE N AUTHORIZED STAFFING B. RESOLUTION NO. 2021-016 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMENDING THE COMPENSATION SCHEDULE TO REFLECT CHANGES IN COMPENSATION FOR THE FA DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND FA DIRECTOR OF SU LFCC EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2021 C RESOLUTION 2021-017 OF THE CITY COUNCIL IL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISA APPROVING THE REVISED FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 COMPENSATION SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 12, 2021, AS City of Chula Vista Page 2 2021-05-04,agenda Packet Page 30 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDraft February 2,2021. REQUIRED _ Y CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS, TIT'LE 2,, SECTION 570.5 Recommended Action: Council adopt the resolutions. 4. 20-0529 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-018 OF THE, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CCHUL.A VISTA AUTHORIZING THF CITY TO BECOME A MEMBER OF THE CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY HOUSING AGENCY ("CALCHA"); SUPPORTING CALCHA'S ISSUANCE OF TAX-EXEMPT BONDS FOR THE PRODUCTION, PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION OF ESSENTIAL, MIDDLE-INCOME RENTAL HOUSING; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO PURCHASE OPTION AGREEMENTS WITH CALCHA FOR ESSENTIAL MIDDLE-INCOME RENTAL HOUSING CREATED WITHIN CITY LIMITS Recommended Action: Council adopt the resolution. Item v was removed from the consent calendar. Approval of the Consent Calendar ACTION: A motion was made by Deputy Mayor McCann, seconded by Mayor Casi lllas Salas, to approve staff's recommendations on the above Consent Calendar items, h+ea+dl ngs read,text waived.The motion carried by the followings roll call vote: Yes: 5- Cardenas, Galvdez, McCann, Padilla and Casillas Salas No: 0 Abstain: 0 ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR 5. -0501 ORDINANCE OF THE. CITY OF CCHUL.A ""~VISTA ESTABLISHING THE SPEED LIMITS AT THE FOLLOWING SEGMENTS: 1) BONITA GLEN DRIVE BETWEEN BONITA ROAD AND THE CCH LA VISTA CITY LIMIT AT 25 MPH, 2 INCREASING EASTL.A E PARKWAY BETWEEN OLYMPIC PARKWAY AND, HUNTS PARKWAY FROM 45 MPH TO 50 MPH, 3 INCREASING BIRCH ROAD BETWEEN LA MEDIA ROAD AND EASTLAKI= PARKWAY FROM 45 MPH TO 50 MPH) (4) INCREASING PASEO DEL REY BETWEEN EAST H STREET AND EAST J STREET FROM 35 MPH TO 40 MPH; AND AMENDING SCHEDULE X OF THE REGISTER MAINTAINED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER TO REFLECT THE ESTABLISHED, SPEED LIMITS (FIRST READING) Senior Civil Engineer Oberbauer responded to questions of the Council. The following remembers of the ,public submitted comments in opposition to staffs recommendation on the item: -Matthew Lowery -Terri Zielinski -Randy Torres Van Vleck -lion Cunard -Susie Murphy City of Chula Vista page 3 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 31 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDraft. February 2,2021. -Diana Barrientos At the request of +Councilmembers Galvez and Padilla, there was consensus to continue the item and to bifurcate the action so that segments I through 3, as identified in the proposed resolution, were presented to Council together and segment 4 presented for separate action.. PUBLIC LIC COMM NTS Kathleen f.ippitt, submitted electronic comments regarding youth mental health and commercial cannabis activity. 6. 1-0012 PUBLIC COMMENTS RECFIVI D for February 2, 2021 PUBLIC HEARINGS 7. 20-0559 CONSIDERATION__RATION CSF ALLOCATING AVAILABLE FUNDING TO PREVENT, PREPARE, AND RESPOND TO THE IMPACTS OF C CPVI D-1 RESOLUTION 2021�-019 OF THE CITY COUNCIL UNCOIL CSF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA: 1 APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO REQUIRED PLANNING DOCUMENTS TO ALLOCATE AVAILABLE FUNDING FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE CARES ACCT AND COMMUNITY NITY D ELOP ENT BLOCK GRANT AND EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT FUNDS TO PREVENT, PREPARE AND RESPOND TO THE IMPACTS OF COVID-1 ; (2) AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HER DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL HUD DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THE GRANTS; AND 3) APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR 4/5 VOTE REQUIRED) Notice of the hearing was given in accordance with legal requirements, and the hearing was held on the date and no earlier than the time specified in the notice.. Mayor Casillas,Galas opened the public hearing. Deputy City Manager Croughton responded to questions of the Council. At the conclusion of the public commenting period, Mayor Dasillas Salas closed the public hearing. ACTION: Council adopt the resolution. Yes: 5- Cardenas, Galvez, McCann, IPadhlla and Casilllas Salas No: 0 Abstain: 0 ACTION ITEMS 8. 20-0546 CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE ISSUANCE CSF CHARTER TER SCHOOL REVENUE BONDS FINANCING AND/CSR REFINANCING THE ACQUISITION IMPROVEMENT, RENOVATION, CONSTRUCTION, FURNISHING, AND EQUIPPING OF CERTAIN PUBLIC CHARTER City of Chula Vista Page 4 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 32 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDraft. February 2,2021. SCHOOL FACILITIES RESOLUTION NO. 2021-020 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CCHULA VISA APPROVING, THE ISSUANCE BY THE CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ITS CHARTER SCHOOL REVENUE BONDS (THE LEARNING CHOICE ACADEMY) SERIES 2021 IN AN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $12)01007000 FOR THE E PURPOBF O1= FINANCING AND/OR REFINANCING THE ACQUISITION, IMPROVEMENT, RENOVATION, CONSTRUCTION, FURNISHING AND EQUIPPING, OF CERTAIN PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL FACILITIES AND CERTAIN OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO ACTION: A motion was made by (Mayor CCasillas Salas, seconded by Deputy Mayor McCann, to adopt Resolution No. 2020-020, Leading reed, text waived. The motion carried by the following roll cell vote: Yes: 5- Cardenas, Galvez, McCann, (Padilla and Casiilllas Salas INo: 0 Abstain: 0 1. -0434 CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE OFFICIAL STATEMENT AND CONTINUING DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATE RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF PENSION OBLIGATION BONDS RESOLUTION NO. 2021-021 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING 'THE F=ORM AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT AND CONTINUING DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATE RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF PENSION OBLIGATION BONDS AND APPROVING ADDITIONAL ACTIONS RELATED THERETO Finance Director Bilby gave a presentation on the item.. Council discussion ensued.. ACTION: A motion was made by Councl lmember Ga vez, seconded by Deputy Mayor McCann, to adopt Resolution No., 2020-021, Leading read, text waived. The motion carried by the following roll call vete: Yes: 5- Cardenas, Calvez, McCann, Padilla and Casillas Salas No: 0 Abstain: 0 CITY MANAGER'S REPORTS Economic Development Specialist Evans provided an update on the "We Built This" program, supporting Chula Vista small business owners. Marketing and Communications Manager Steinberger gave a presentation on a City of Chula Vista-brand merchandise store. City of Chula Vista Page 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 33 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDraft. February 2,2021. City Manager Kachadoorian provided an update regarding public commenting methods for City virtual meetings. MAYOR'S REPORTS !Mayor Casillas Salas provided information regarding CO VID-19 vaccinations and the impact of the pandemic on the community and business owners. 110 1-0573 RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT TO THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEE: -Michael Bruder, Board of Library Trustees -Dustin E ruzee, Measure A Citizens' Oversight Committee (Police Officers Association Fie i.) ACTION: A motion was made by Deputy Mayer McCann, seconded by Councilmember alvez, to ratify the above appointments. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Yes: 5- Cardenas, Calvez, McCann, Padilla and Casiilllas salas No: 0 Abstain: 0 CUNDILM MBERS" COMMENTS Counc lmember Cardenas expressed her sympathy for the recently injured firefighters. She spore regarding the issue of Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR), wished everyone a safe weekend, and provided information on COVID- g vaccines. At the request of C'ouncilmember Cardenas* there was consensus of the Council to add an item to a future agenda to consider a cap on pre-order fees for third party delivery services. Counclmember Calvez offered prayers for the recovery of recently injured firefighters and spoke about search efforts for missing Chula Vista resident, Maya Millette. She expressed appreciation for !Mayor Casillas Salas's advocacy to make vaccines available for Police. ,the invited the public to participate in a discussion about Eucalyptus Park redesign options and the upcoming Envision Broadway business mixer. Deputy Mayor !McCann recognized vaccine workers, CV Pock Church delivery of electronics to schools and drive-through celebration for Meals-on-Wheel's volunteers. He thanked Mayor Casillas galas and Police Chief Kennedy for advocating for the Police to receive COVID-19 vaccines and offered prayers for recently injured firefighters. Councilmember Padilla spoke regarding finding options for improving public input at City Council meetings. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPO s There were none. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:34 p.m. City of Chula vista Page 6 2021-05-04,agenda Packet Page 34 of 493 City Council Meeting Minutes-IDrarft. February 2,2021. Minutes prepared by- Tyshar L. Turner, Assistant City Clerk Kerry K. g e l+Qw, UMC, City Clerk City of Chula Vista Page 7 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 35 of 493 zmr, ..' l v r r C1TY' C,0UNC'1L A,GEN' DA S,TIA, "nEMENT l 1 CITY, OF CHUIAVISTA May 4,2021 File ID: 21-0115 ,TITS RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY of CPI LA VISTA AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 CIP PROGRAM BUDGET BY APPROPRIATING $50,000 FROM THE AVAILABLE BALANCE of THE SEWER FACILITIES REPLACEMENT FUND TO, SWR0293, "PARKSIDE SEWAGE PUMP STATION (4/5k VOTE REQUIRED) ACTIONRECOMMENDED ° Council adopt the resolution. SUMMARY On October 15, 20,19, the City Council awarded a construction contract to Blue pacific Engineering and Construction for the Parkside Sewage Pump Station project (SWR0293). During construction, significant delays were encountered with utility service connections and the electrical and controls systems, resulting in additional construction time that resulted in consultant,contractor,and staff cost increases to the project that will exceed the project contingencies. .Adoption of the resolution will appropriate $50,000 from the Sewer Facilities Replacement Fund to SwR0293. ENVIRONMENTAL The Development Services Director has reviewed the proposed project for compliance with... the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) and has determined that the project qualifies for,a Categorical Exemption pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Class 1 (Existing Facilities), Section 15302 Class 2 (Replacement or Reconstruction), and Section 15303 class 3 (Never Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) because the proposed actions would not result in a significant effect on:the environment, create a cumulative impact,damage a scenic highway,or cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource.Thus,no further environmental review is required. BO,ARD/COMMISSION/COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Not Applicable. DISCUSSION This project replaced an existing sewer pump station in Parkside Drive,and installed a new sewage wet well, emergency overflow tank,emergency generator,and dual force main pipelines in Parkside Drive. 1 . 0 0 1 P � 1 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet :Page 36 of 493 The new pump,station required a new electric meter for the pumps and a new gas meter for the emergency generator. Significant delays were encountered with the utility company during the inspection and energizing of the new meters. Further delays were encountered resulting from issues with the electrical and automatic computer controls systems. The delays to the project's completion have increased consultant, contractor, and staff costs, exceeding the project contingencies and resulting in the need for additional project funds. The delay impacts and cost increases are not fully known at this time. However, it is anticipated that the additional costs will not exceed$50,000. Staff recommends Council adopt the resolution to approve an appropriation of $50,000 from the Sewer Facilities Replacement Fund to SWR0293 to cover the additional project and staff costs. DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT Staff has reviewed the property holdings of the City Council members and has found no property holdings within 1,000 feet of the boundaries of the property which is the subject of this action. Consequently, this item does not present a disqualifying real property-related financial conflict of interest under California Code of Regulations Title 2,section 18702.2(a)(7) or (8),for purposes of the Political Reform Act(Cal. Govt Code §87100, et seq.). Staff is not independently aware and has not been informed by any City Council member, of any other fact that may constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. CURRENT-YEAR FISCAL IMPACT" Approval of the resolution will appropriate $50,000 in Sewer Facility Replacement funds to SWRO293. Sufficient funds are available for said appropriation; therefore, there is no additional impact to the Sewer Facility Replacement Fund. ONGOING FISCAL IMPAC oil The improvements for the projects will require routine maintenance. ATTACHMENTS None. Staff Contact:Jonathan Salsman,Senior Civil Engineer P2 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 37 of 4,93 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIME CITY OF CHOLA VISTA AMENDING ING THE FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 CIP PROGRAM BUDGET BY APPROPRIATING $ 0,000 FROM FETE AVAILABLE BALANCE OF THE SEWER FACILITIES REPLACEMENT FUND TO SWR 2 3, "P"ARKSII E SEWAGE PUMP STATION" (4/5 VOTE REQUIRED) WHEREAS, on October 151 2019, the City Council awarded a construction contract to Blue Pacific Engineering and Construction for the Parkside Sewage Pump Station project (CII' No. SWR0293); and WHEREAS, the SWR02 3 project replaced an existing sewer pump station in Parkside Drive, and installed a new sewage wet well, emergency overflow tank, emergency generator, and dual farce main pipelines in Parkside Drive; and WHEREAS, the new pump station required a new electric meter for the pumps, a new gas meter for the emergency generator, and new electrical and automatic computer controls systems; and WHEREAS, significant delays were encountered with the utility company and the electrical and controls systems, resulting in delays to the project's completion date and increases to consultant, contractor, and staff costs that are likely to exceed the project contingencies; and WHEREAS,the delay impacts and cost increases are not fully known at this time,but staff anticipates that the additional costs will not exceed $50,000; and WHEREAS, adoption of this resolution will appropriate $50,000 from the Sewer Facilities Replacement Fund to SWR. 29 to cover the unanticipated additional project costs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Nista that it approves an appropriation of $50,000 from the available balance of the Sewer Facilities Replacement Fund to SWR. 293, Presented by Approved as to form b William S. Valle Glen.R. Googins Director of Engineering & Capital.Projects City Attorney 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 38 of 493 zmr, ..' l v r r C1TY' C,0UNC'1L A,GEN' DA S,TIA, "nEMENT l 1 CITY, OF CHUIAVISTA May 4r 2021 File IIS: 21-0137 „MITI RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA RATIFYING A LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF' CHU A VISTA AND CENTRO ISE SALUD D,E LA COMUNIDAD ISE SAN YSII RO, INC., DBA SAN YSIDRO HEALTH, FOR THE USE OF OLD FIRE STATION S AS A THERAPY CLINIC FOR COVID-191 PATIENTS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY THE CITY MANAGER ACTING AS THE DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY OPERATIONS RECOMMENDED171 Council adopt the resolution. SUMMARY San Ysidro Health approached the City of Chula Vista seeking a location to provide monoclonal therapy treatment for patients with COVIN-19 in the South Pay. City staff identified Old Fire Station 5 as the most suitable location for a stand-alone site that would meet their requested needs. Old Fire Station.S was recently vacated and no longer being used and is slated for demolition in the future. Use of this building met both the interim need that would benefit of community and keep the building activated avoiding the potential for vandalism. The parties negotiated agreeable terms and a contract was approved by City Manager Kach.adoorian: as Director of Emergency Operations in order to get San Ysdro Health into the building as soon as possible to start providing this important therapy treatment. This item is now presented to City Council for ratification.under CVMC Section. ENVIRONMEN'TAL REVIEW The Director of Development Services has reviewed the proposed activity for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) and has determined that the activity is not a"Project)'as defined under Section 1,5378 of the State CEQA Guidelines because the proposed activity consists of a governmental fiscal/administrative activity which does not result in a physical charge in the environment; therefore, pursuant to Section 15060(c)(3) of the State CEC A Guidelines,the activity is not subject to COCA.'Thus, no environmental reeve is required. BOARD/COMMISSION/COMMITTEE N/A 1 . 0 0 1 P Ii1 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 39 of 493 DISC'USSION San Ysidro Health approached the City of Chula Vista seeking a location to provide, monoclonal therapy treatment for patients with COVID-19 in the South Bay. The monoclonal therapy treatment is for those who have tested positive for COVID-19,and have had symptoms for 10 days or less,and are at high risk of getting more serious symptoms. Monoclonal antibodies are made in a laboratory to fight infection and are given to patients directly with an infusion treatment to give,the body the antibodies it needs to protect itself. San Ysidro, Health was seeking a stand-alone site that could be used for this important treatment. City staff identified Old Fire Station 5 as the most suitable location for a stand-alone site that would meet their requested needs. Old Fire Station S was recently vacated and no longer being used and is slated for demolition in the future. The City entered into a License agreement with San Ysidro Health for Old Fire Station 5 located at 391 Oxford Street with the understanding that the Premises be accepted "as-is" and that the only allowable use for the site is for the monoclonal therapy to COVIN-1' patients,and for no other purpose. The term of the License agreement is April 1 through July 31, and month to month thereafter. All cost of maintenance and utilities will be the responsibility of San Ysidro Health. San Ysidro Health will provide and maintain CGL insurance naming City as an "additional insured"" and will indemnify City against any liability arising from the use of'the facility. DIECISIOM-MAKER CONFLICT Staff has reviewed the property holdings of the City Councilmembers and has found no property holdings within 1,000 feet of the boundaries of the property which is the subject of this action.Consequently,this item does not present a disqualifying real property-related financial conflict of interest under California Code of Regulations Title 2, section 18702.2(a)(7) or (8), for purposes of the Political Reform Act (Cal. Gov't Code §8,7100,et seq.). Staff is not independently aware, and has not been informed by any City Councilmember, of any other fact that may constitute a basis for a decision-maker conflict of interest in this matter. CURRENT-YEAR FISCAL IMPACT There are no current-year fiscal impacts. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT N/A ATTACI IMENTS Signed License Agreement Staff Contact:Kelley K Bacon P 2 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 40 of 4,93 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHUL A VISTA RATIFYING A LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND CENTRO ISE SALUD ISE LA COMUNIDAD IAF, SAN YSI RO, INC.,, IBA SAN YSIDRO HEALTH, FOR THE USE OF OLD FIRE STATION AS A THERAPY CLINIC FOR C OVID-19 PATIENTS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY THE CITY MANAGER ER ACTING AS THE DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY OPERATIONS WHEREAS, a worldwide COVID-19 pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization on January 30, 2020, and on. January 31, 2020, the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services also declared a Public Health Emergency as a result of the COVII -19 virus; and WHEREAS, various states of emergency were declared by the United States (March 1.3, 2020), the State of California (March 4, 2020), the County of San. Diego (February 19, 2020), and the City of Chula Vista (March 17, 020) because of the threat to public safety to persons and property including both physical and economic harm) as result of the COVID-19 virus; and WHEREAS, as of the date of this resolution, the CO ID-19 virus continues to represent a danger to the Chula Vista community to persons and property, including both physical and economic harm) requiring emergency action by the Emergency Director (City Manager), as authorized by CVMC Section 2.14.080 [Director-Powers and Duties], from time to time; and. WHEREAS, Chula Vista Municipal Code section.2.14.0 o(F)(1) authorizes the Emergency Director/City Manager to snake and issue rules and regulations, and tale other actions, reasonably related to the protection of life and property, subject to confirmation of the City Council at the earliest practical time; and WHEREAS, in order to address public health and safety issues created.by the C VID-19 virus in an expeditious manner, on or about April 5, 2021, the Emergency Director/City Manager entered into a License Agreement with Say Ysidro Heaalth for their use of the Old Fire Station a facility for purposes of C VID 19 Monoclonal Therapy treatment ("License Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the License Agreement is now presented to the City Council for its consideration and,ratification. NOW, THEREFORE, based on the facts and circumstances set forth above, the City Council of the City of Chula Nista hereby resolves that the License Agreement in the farm attached hereto as Attachment A, is hereby ratified and confirmed. Page I of 2 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 41 of 493 Presented by Approved as to form by Maria V. Kachadoorian Glen R. Googins City Manager/Director of Emergency Services City Attorney Page 2 of 2 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 42 of 4,93 DocuSign Envelope ID:7DAE41 EE-5549-43C3-BEBo-15843A441175 LICENSE AGREEMENT [old Fire Station 5] This LICENSE AGREEMENT [old Fire Station 5] ("Agreement"), is entered into effective as of April 1, 2021 ("Effective Date") by and between the CITY of CHULA VISTA, a chartered municipal corporation("City"), and Centro de Salud de la Comunidad de San Ysidro, Inc., dba San Ysidro Health, a California non-profit corporation("SYH") with reference to the following facts: Recitals A. City owns certain improved real property located at 391 oxford Street, Chula Vista, CA 91911 within the City of Chula Vista, commonly referred to as "Old Fire Station 5" ("Premises"). B. SYH desires access to and use of a portion of the Premises for the sole purpose of providing monoclonal therapy treatments to patients who have contracted COVID-19 ("Allowed Use"), C. In support of the public health and welfare of residents within the City and the surrounding community, City is willing to license the Premises to SYH for the Exclusive Use on the terms set forth in this Agreement. Agreement Now, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, terms and conditions set forth herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency which hich the parties hereby acknowledged, City and SYH agree as follows: 1. License 1.1 In General. City hereby grants to SYH, and SYH hereby accepts, a license ("License") to use and occupy that portion of the Premises, as more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto (the"Licensed Area') solely for Allowed Use purposes. 1.2 Allowed Use. Allowed Use purposes are more particularly described on Exhibit "B" attached hereto. SYH is expressly prohibited from using the Licensed Area for any purpose other than Allowed Use purposes without the prior written consent of the City in its sole and absolute discretion. 1.3 Obligation to Use and Manner of Use. SYH covenants and agrees to use the Licensed Area only for Allowed Use purpose(s) and to diligently pursue said purpose(s)throughout the Term, as defined herein. SYH shall not use or permit any use of the Licensed Area in any manner which disturbs any adjacent property p p rty owners or tenants. In the event that SYH fails to regularly use the Licensed Area for said purpose or uses the Licensed Area for purposes not expressly authorized herein,the SYH shall be deemed in default under this Agreement. 1 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet :Page 43 of 493 i DocuSign Envelope ID:7DAE41 EE-5549-4303-BEBO-1 6843A441176 1.4 Acceptance of "As--Is" Condition. SYH has inspected the Premises and the Licensed Area and agrees to accept the Premises and the Licensed Area "AS-IS," "WHERE-AS," and "WITH ALL FAULTS" as of the Effective Date. CITY MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE LEGAL OR PHYSICAL CONDITION OF THE PREMISES OR THE LICENSED AREA, OR THEIR SUITABILITY FOR SYH'S INTENDED USE THEREOF. Accordingly, SYH waives and releases an and all claims it may have now or in the future against City, its officers, employees and agents, with respect to the legal or physical condition of the Premises. 1.5 No Additional Rights or Interests. City's execution of this Agreement does not: (a) confer any right or interest on SYH other than those rights or interests expressly granted to SYH in this Agreement, as such rights or interests are limited and qualified herein; or (b) create or impose any obligation whatsoever on City with respect to the Premises, except as expressly provided herein. 2. License Period• AccessIt ; Surrender. 2.1 License Period. The initial term for the License granted hereunder shall commence on April 1, 2021 ("Commencement Date") and shall continue until July 31, 2021 (the "Initial Term"); thereafter, the License term shall continue on a month to month basis (the "Extended Term"), subject to City's right to revoke the License sooner as provided in Section 2.2, below. The total time period between the Commencement Date and the expiration or termination date of this Agreement shall be known as the "License Period" or the"Term". 2.2 License Revocable. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, this Agreement and the License granted hereby shall be revocable by City at any time during the Extended Term, provided that City delivers to the non-terminating Party at least thirty (3 0) days' written notice of such election (the "Termination Notice"). The Termination Notice shall state the date of termination(the "Termination Date") and shall be sent in accordance with the notice provisions of this Agreement. City's right to revoke this Agreement is not subject to or contingent upon whether SYH is in default under the terms of this Agreement. 2.3 Surrender of the Premises. In the event City sends a Termination Notice as provided under this Agreement SYH agrees to surrender and vacate the Premises by not later than 11:59 p.m. on the Termination Date. SYH shall remove all personal property and any installed fixtures from the Premises at that time. Any personal property or fixtures left on the Premises after the Termination Date shall be considered abandoned. In City's sole discretion, any abandoned property may be retained by City or disposed by City as it deems appropriate. If City incurs any costs in its disposal of any SYH personal property, SYH shall be responsible for reimbursing City for such costs within five (5)business days of receiving a written City invoice for same. 2 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 44 of 493 DocuSign Envelope ID:7DAE41 EE-5549-43C3-BEB9-15843A441175 2.4 Citv Access. SYH, its ees emr to contractors, and agents shall at all times have y access to the Licensed Area subject to the terms set forth in this Agreement. City, its employees, contractors, and agents shall also at all times have access to the Licensed Area,upon 24 hours prior notice to SYH. 3. License Fee; Utilities. 3.1 License Fee. SYH shall pay City a license fee in the amount of$1 in consideration for City granting a License to the Licensed Area during the License Period on the terms set forth in this Agreement. 3.2 Utilities. SYH shall be responsible for the cost of any and all utilities services provided to the Premises during the License Term. Utilities services shall include water, sewer, gas, electric, trash removal and telecommunications. SYH shall coordinate with City regarding causing the commencement and termination of any and all such services in SYH's name or, in City's sole discretion, a process for reimbursing City for the costs of such services retained in City's name. SYH shall make its own arrangements, at its sole cost, for disposal of any bio-hazardous waste materials in accordance with all applicable laws. 4. Alterations Repairs.-, Maintenance 4.1 Alterations. Other than the construction of those improvements listed on Exhibit which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, SYH may not make any alterations, installations, additions, or improvements in or to the Licensed Area without the prior written consent of City, which consent may be withheld or conditioned in City's sole and absolute discretion. 4.2 Repairs. SYH shall be responsible for the cost to repair any damage caused by the SYH to the Licensed Area. If SYH fails to make such repairs, City may cause such repairs to be completed and SYH shall reimburse City for such costs by no later than five (5) business days after receipt of written notice from the City. Failure to timely reimburse the City for such costs shall be a default and material breach of this Agreement. The repair obligations outlined herein shall survive any cancellation, expiration,or termination, for any reason, of this Agreement. 4.3 Maintenance. SYH will ensure that the Licensed Area is kept neat and orderly and shall dispose of all garbage, litter, trash, debris, and rubbish from or about the Licensed Area. 5. Insurance. 5.1 SYH's Insurance Requirements. SYH shall, at its own cost and expense, maintain and keep in force at all times during the License Period, and for 10 years thereafter, all policies and limits of insurance coverage as outlined on Exhibit "D", which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. 3 DocuSign Envelope ID;7DAE41 EE-5549-43C3-BEBo-15843A441175 5.2 City Not Liable. In no event shall City be liable for any damage to or loss of personal property or equipment sustained by SYH, whether or not it is insured, even if such loss is caused by the sole gross negligence or willful misconduct of City, its employees, officers, directors, or agents. Any property of any kind brought on the Leased Premises by SYH shall be at the sole risk of SYH and shall be promptly removed at the expiration of this Agreement as provided in Section 2.3, above. 6. Indemni . 6.1 Indemnity, Defense, and Hold Harmless. SYH hereby agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold the City, its directors, elected and appointed officers, employees, and agents, harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, costs, expenses, liability, loss, damage or injury, including defense costs and legal fees and claims for damages (each a "Claim"; collectively, "Claims"), in law or equity, to property or persons, including wrongful death, arising from or connected with, or related to SYH's use or presence on or near the Premises and any alleged act, omission, negligence, or willful misconduct of SYH, or any employee, officer, director, agent, invitee, or contractor of SYH (each a "SYH Party"), or any other person acting by or on behalf of SYH related to SYH's use of or presence on the Premises, excluding any Claim that results claim or demand that results from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of City or its officers, directors, agents, or employees Also covered is liability arising from, connected with, caused by or claimed to be caused by the active or passive negligent acts or omissions of the City, its agents, officers, or employees which may be in combination with the active or passive negligent acts or omissions of the SYH, its employees, agents or officers. 6.2 Costs of Defense and Award. Included in the obligations in subsection 6.1 above, is SYH's obligation to defend, at SYH's own cost, expense and risk, any and all suits, actions or other legal proceedings of every kind that may be brought, asserted, or instituted against the City or its directors, elected or appointed officials, officers, employees, agents or volunteers, or any of them that arise out of or are in any way connected to any action, omission, negligence, or willful misconduct of any SYH Party under this Agreement. SYH shall pay and satisfy all final non-appealable judgments, awards or decrees that may be rendered against City or its directors, elected or appointed officials, officers, employees, agents or volunteers, or any of them, for any and all legal expenses and costs incurred by any of them in connection therewith that arise out of or are in any way connected with this Agreement. 6.3 Insurance Proceeds. SYH's obligation to indemnify shall not be restricted to insurance proceeds, if any, received by the City, its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents, and/or volunteers. 6.4 Declarations. SYH's obligations under this section shall not be limited by any prior or subsequent declaration by the SYH. 6.5 Enforcement Costs. SYH agrees to pay any and all reasonable costs City incurs enforcing the indemnity and defense provisions set forth in this section. 4 DocuSlgn Envelope ID:7DAE41 EE-5549-4303-BEBo-15843A441175 6.6 Survival. SYH's obligations under this section shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 7. Default./Limitation of Liabilily 7.1 Defaults. If City has a good faith belief that SYH is not complying with the terms of this Agreement, City shall give written notice of the default (with reasonable specificity to SYH and demand the default to be cured within fifteen(15) days of the notice. If SYH fails to cure the default within fifteen (15) days of the notice, or, if more than fifteen(15) days are reasonably required to cure the default and SYH fails to give adequate assurance of due performance within ten (10) days of the notice, City may terminate this Agreement upon subsequent written notice to SYH. 7.2 Limitation of Liability. City and SYH agree that none of their respective directors, officers, employees, or any of their (or any of those parties') respective agents shall have any personal obligation hereunder, and that City and SYH shall not seek to assert any claim or enforce any of their rights hereunder against any of such parties. 8. Miscellaneous. 8.1 Notices. Any notice, demand, request, or other communication under this License Agreement shall be in writing and shall be addressed to the Parties at the addresses set forth below (or at such other address for a Party as shall be specified in a notice given in accordance with this Section 8(a)). Each Party may amend its address for notices from time to time upon written notice to the other Party in accordance herewith. Communications may be delivered and shall be deemed to have been given by the delivering Party and received by the receiving Party: (i) when delivered by hand; (1'1*) one-day after deposit with a nationally recognized overnight courier or delivery service if sent priority overnight delivery; (iii) on the date sent by [facsimile or] electronic mail (with confirmation of transmission) if sent during normal business hours of the recipient and if also transmitted by one of the other means permitted hereunder; or(iv) on the third day after the date mailed by certified or registered mail ('in each case, return receipt requested and postage pre-paid). The rejection or other refusal to accept or the inability to deliver because of a changed address of which no notice was given shall be deemed to be receipt of the communication sent. CITY OF CHULA VISTA SYHCentro de Salud de la Comunidad de San Ysidro,Inc.,. dba San Ysidro Health f i i City Manager Kevin Mattson 276 Fourth Avenue 1601 Precision Park Lane Chula Vista, CA 91910 San Diego, CA 92173 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:7DAE41 EE-5549-43C3-BEBo-15843A441175 8.2 Defined Terms. All capitalized terms used in this Agreement that are not otherwise defined herein are given the meanings set forth in the Lease. 8.3 No Assignment. This Agreement and the rights, duties, obligations, and privileges hereunder may not be assigned by SYH without the prior written consent of City, which may be withheld in City's sole discretion. 8.4 No Waiver. The failure to require the remedy of a breach/default or enforce the terms and conditions of this Agreement in one instance or several instances shall not be interpreted to be a waiver of the right to enforce the terms and conditions of this Agreement for any current or subsequent breach/default. 8.5 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 8.6'Count e arts. This Agreement may be executed by the Parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be an original for all purposes, but all such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same instrument. 8.7 Section Headings.The section titles contained herein are for convenience only and do not define,limit,or construe the interpretation of any of the contents of such sections. 8.8 Severability. If one or more provision in this Agreement is found to be invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable, all other provisions will remain unaffected and shall be deemed to be in full force and effect. If any provision in this License Agreement is found to be invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable,the Parties shall negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreement so as to effect the original intent of the Parties as closely as possible in a mutually acceptable manner in order that the transactions contemplated hereby be consummated as originally intended by the Parties. 8.9Bindin Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns, and shall not be modified except by an express written agreement signed by a duly authorized representative of both Parties. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the binding effect of this Agreement is subject to the approval of and/or ratification by the City Council. 8.10 Attachments and Exhibits. All attachments and exhibits to this License Agreement are hereby made a part hereof as if fully set out herein. 8.11 Administrative Claims Requirements and Procedures. No suit or arbitration shall be brought arising out of this agreement, against the City unless a claim has first been presented in writing and filed with the City and acted upon by the City in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 1.34 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code, as same may from time to time be amended, the provisions of which are incorporated by this reference as if fully set forth herein, and such policies and procedures used by the 6 DocuSign Envelope ID;7DAE41 EE-5549-43C3-BEBO-1 5843A441175 City in the 'implementation of same. Upon request by City, SYH shall meet and confer M' good faith with City for the purpose of resolving any dispute over the terms of this Agreement, [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] 7 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 49 of 4,93 DocuSlgn Envelope ID;7DAE41 EE-5549-43C3-BEBo-15843A441175 SIGNATURE PAGE TO LICENSE AGREEMENT [OLD FIRE STATION 51 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and SYH have duly executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. CITY CITY OF CHULA VISTA, a chartered municipal corporation Doftd*wd W. Maria Wi0m, By: MBSCAROWUCO... Maria V. Kachadoorian, City Manager Centro de Salud de la Comunidad de San Ysidro, Inc., dba San Ysidro Health, a California non- profit corporation DM"*wdW By: Q5EF91 Z3$304AC... Kevin Mattson,President&CEO APPROVED AS TO FORM EMic�.a d kVmwA fo r D7M1E"CE4%.. Olen R. Googins, City Attorney 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet :Page 50 of 493 DocuSign Envelope ID:7DAE41 EE-5549-4303-BEBO-15843A441175 EXHIBIT A--LICENSED AREA DIAGRAM CW or ON"vift C .x# - FR* SA2VOM 6 .. � .. �1 ti Mop.fiCi�! 1�ircl+ri�rr A1�r and p�rs�rtdab br i+wid Bob#moomw p but sccwwyls wtqummatrrd: +ia.iuF rrat�IMgrrl 4vc�nrr�t grid sl►oneldtwt br neDi�w srAsNbMd?bra Op madkip orob4&AvW.or fw zordoV rririfii�adw. 1 b"a W%d »wM........ 4�A�Q2l 9 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 51 of 493 DocuSign Envelope ID:7DAE41 EE-5549-43D3-BEBO-15843A441175 EXHIBIT B---ALLOWED USES Provide clinical staffing resources (clinical service administrator and patient access rep) and an available allocation of monoclonal antibody products to be deployed in the San Diego region to pilot monoclonal antibody regional centers (marcs). The monoclonal antibody products have received emergency use authorization (EUA) approval by federal drug administration (FDA) for the treatment of mild to moderate covid-19 in adults and pediatric patients from the federal government. i ]I i I I f 1 l k 10 DocuSign Envelope ID;7DAE41 EE-5549-4303-BEBO-15843A441175 EXHIBIT C—LIST OF APPROVED IMPROVEMENTS • Patch and paint the front of the building and the interior spaces SYH intends to use for staff or patient care, i.e., the front entry, the engine parking bay, the restroom, the lounge, and the small office. • Carpet the lounge. • Add impervious flooring vinyl flooring of epoxy the concrete engine bay floor. • Install signs on the front of the building and in the patient care area. • Remove the weeds from the front and side of the building. i • Remove a large rack in the engine bay. • Thoroughly clean the portions of the building SYH intends to use. • Install telecommunications lines 1'l DoouSign Envelope ID:7DAE41 EE-5549-4303-BEBO-15843A441175 EXHIBIT D—INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS aw CSF CHULA VISTA Licensee shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the Licensee's operation and use of the leased premises. The cost of such insurance shall be borne by the Licensee. MINIMUM SCOPE AND LIMIT of INSURANCE Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1. commercial General Liability (CGL): Insurance Services office Form CG 00 01 covering CGL on an "occurrence$' basis, including property damage, bodily injury and personal injury with limits no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. If a general aggregate limit applies, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. Fire Legal Liability sublimit of not less than $'100,000. 2. Workers' compensation insurance as required by the State of California, with Statutory Limits, and Employer's Liability Insurance with limits of no less than $'1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease. (for Licensees with employees). If the Licensee maintains higher limits than the minimums shown above, the Licensor requires and shall be entitled to coverage for the higher limits maintained. Other Insurance Provisions: The policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 1. For General Liability, the Licensor, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds with respect to liability arising out of ownership, maintenance, or use of that part of the premises leased to the Licensee. E j 2. The Licensee's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the Licensor, its officers officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self- insurance maintained by the Licensor, its officers, officials, employees, or volunteers shall be excess of the Licensee's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3. Each insurance policy required above shall contain, or be endorsed to contain, a waiver of all rights of subrogation against the Licensor 4. Each insurance policy shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be canceled except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice (10 days for non-payment) has been given to the Licensor. 5. The Property insurance shall name the Licensor as Loss Payee as its interests may appear. 12 DocuSign Envelope ID:7DAE41 EE-5549-4303-BEBo-15843A441175 Article I. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A: VII, unless otherwise acceptable to the Licensor. Article ll. deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the Licensor. At the option of the Licensor, either: the Licensee shall obtain coverage to reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects the Licensor, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers; or the Licensee shall provide a financial guarantee satisfactory to the Licensor guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration, and defense expenses. Article Ill. Verification of Coverage Licensee shall furnish the Licensor with original certificates and amendatory endorsements or copies of the applicable policy language providing the insurance coverage required above. All certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by the Licensor before work commences. However, failure to obtain the required documents prior to the work beginning shall not waive the Licensee's obligation to provide them. The Licensor reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements, required by these specifications, at any time. Article IV. Waiver of Subrogation Licensee hereby grants to Licensor a waiver of any right to subrogation which any insurer of said Licensee may acquire against the Licensor by virtue of the payment of any loss under such insurance. This provision applies regardless of whether or not the Licensor has received a waiver of subrogation endorsement from the insurer. Article V. Special Risks or Circumstances Licensor reserves the right to modify these requirements at any time, including limits, based on the nature of the risk, prior experience, insurer, coverage, or other special circumstances. 13 zmr, ..' l v r r C1TY' C,0UNC'1L A,GEN' DA S,TIA, "nEMENT l 1 CITY, OF CHUIAVISTA May 4,2021 File ID: 21-0124 ,TITS A. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ("MOU") BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND THE C ULA VISTA POLICE OFFICER'S ASSOCIATION ("POA11), RELATED TO COMPENSATION AND OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER,AS SET FORTH HEREIN, TO, EXECUTE THE AFOREMENTIONED MDU AND ANY ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS 'WHICH MAY BE NECESSARY OR REQUIRED TO IMPLEMENT SAID MDU B. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CH LA VISTA APPROVING'THE REVISED FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 COMPENSATION SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE APRIL 23, 2021" AS REQUIRED BY CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS,TITLE 2,SECTION 570.5 RECOMMENDED AC"TION Council adopt the resolutions. SUMMARY The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Chula Vista and the Chula Vista Police Officer's Association.("POA")expires on:June 30,2021. Representatives of the POA and the City have worked collaboratively toward the development of a mutually beneficial MOU. An agreement was reached on the term of the MOU, salary and equity adjustments, non-PERSable ,stipends, retirement normal cost-sharing, floating holidays,and miscellaneous contract language clean-up. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental Notice The activity is not a "Project" as defined under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality pct State Guidelines; therefore, pursuant to StateGuidelines Section 15060(c)(3) no environmental review is required. Environmental Determination The Director of Development Services has reviewed the proposed activity for compliance with the California Environmental Quality.pct (CEQA) and has determined that the activity is not a "Project'' as defined under Section 15378 of the State CEQA Guidelines; therefore, pursuant to Section 15060(c (3) of the State CEQA Guidelines,the activity is not subject to CEQA. Thus,no environmental review is required. PIi3ge 1 2021- 5-+04 Agenda Packet :Page 56 of 493 BOA,RD/COMMISSION/COMMI"I"TEE RECOMMENDATION Not Applicable DISC'USSION The current Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of' Chula Vista and the Chula Vista Police Officer's Association ("POA"), as previously extended, expires on June 30, 2021. Representatives of the POA and the City have worked collaboratively toward the development of a mutually beneficial MOU. The City and POA have met and conferred in good faith, as required by the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (Govt. Code Section 3500 et.seq.; "MMBA") and reached agreement on the terms of a successor MOU,including the term of the MOU (to expire June 30, 2024), salary and equity adjustments, non-PERSable essential worker stipend, retirement normal cost-sharing, floating holidays and miscellaneous contract language clean-up. The parties also agreed to update the MOU to incorporate Letters of Understanding/Amendments that were effective during the term of the current MOU. Below is a summary of the agreement reached: 1. Term and Effec-t: May 4, 2021 to June 30, 2024 2. Salary and Equity Adjustments a. 5%total (2%salary increase and 3%,equity adjustment) as follows: 4.5%the pay period in which City Council adopts via resolution in open session. Approximately 0.5% (remaining increase between 4.5% and 5%) in the pay period beginning November 19�, 2021. b. 4%total (2%salary increase and 2%equity adjustment)the first full pay period of July 2022. c. 3%total (2%salary increase and 1%equity adjustment)the first full pay period of July 2023. 3. Non-PERSable Essential Worker Sti'pend a. $4,000 in the pay period beginning November 19, 2021 in line with the wage increases effective the same pay period. b. $2,000 the first full pay period of July 2022. c. $2,000 the first full pay period of July 2023. 4. Retirement Normal Cost-Sharin Tier I and Tier 11 employees will make additional contributions to CalPERS pursuant to Government Code ("GC") section 20516 as follows: a. An additional 1%starting the first full pay period of July 2022, (Total 10%). b. An additional 1% (additional total of 2%) starting the first full pay period of July 2023 (Total 11.%). A secret ballot election held in accordance with §20516 allowing for these additional contributions to be credited to the employee's CalPERS account. If the vote is not successful, additional employee contributions will be made to the employers'contribution account. P 2 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 57 of 4,93 The proposed benefit enhancements were ratified by a majority of the POA membership on April 2 7, 2021. Compensation Schedule Requirement California Code of Regulations, Title 2, Section 570.5 requires that, for purposes of determining a retiring employee's pension allowance, the pay rate be limited to the amount listed on a pay schedule that meets certain requirements and be approved by the governing body in accordance with the requirements of the, applicable public meeting laws. The revised Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule ("Compensation Schedule")was last approved by the City Council at their meeting of February 2, 2 02 1. Approval of Resolution B will approve the revised Compensation Schedule effective April 23,2021,to reflect the salary and equity adjustments for Peace,Officer,Police Agent, Police Sergeant and Police Lieutenant. DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT" Staff is not independently aware of any conflict, and has not been informed by any City Council member, of any other fact that may constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. CURRENT-YEAR FISCAL IMPACT" The proposed changes for POA represented employees would increase the City's annual ongoing operating costs in fiscal year 2021 is detailed in the following table. uili�lilillttiomi�hi ioli�li� o!�� General Fund $ 278)293 2018 Measure A Sales Tax 49)364 State Grants 6)658 Total Cost $ 334)315 For fiscal year 2021,this cost will be absorbed by existing department budget. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT These costs will be incorporated into the annual budgets in future fiscal years. ATTACHMENTS 1. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Chula Vista and the Chula Vista Police Officer's Association, May 4, 2021 -June 30, 2024 2. Revised Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule Staff Contact: Courtney Chase, Director of Human Resources/Risk Management Page 3 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 58 of 493 CITY OF CHULA VISTA MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND CHULA VISTA POLICE OFFICER'S ASSOCIATION MAY 412021 - JUNE 309 2024 POA MOU 5/4/21—6/30/24 Page 1 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 59 of 493 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING CONCERNING WAGES AND OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND THE CHULA VISTA POLICE OFFICER'S ASSOCIATION FROM MAY 412021 -JUNE 30� 2024. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I ADMINISTRATION...********ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee 4 ARTICLE 1.01 PREAMBLE 4 ARTICLE 1.02, RECOGNITION 4 ARTICLE 1.03 CITY RIGHTS 4 ARTICLE 1.04 POLICE OFFICER ASSOCIATION 5 ARTICLE 1.05 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS 5 ARTICLE 1.06 LABOR-MANAGEMENT 5 ARTICLE 1.07 TERM AND EFFECT OF THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 6 ARTICLE 1.08 MOU REVISIONS 6 ARTICLE 1.09 REOPENER 6 ARTICLE 1.10 RETENTION OF BENEFITS ealoolooloolooloolooleelooloolooloolooloo,oe,es,es,es,es,es,es,ea,es,es,es,es,es,es,es,es,ee,oe,o 6 ARTICLE 1.11 SAVINGS 7 SECTION 11 COMPENSATION ... 7 SUBSECTION A. WAGES 7 ARTICLE 2.01 WAGES 7 ARTICLE 2.02 OVERTIME 8 ARTICLE 2.03 COMPENSATORY TIME .............. 9 ARTICLE 2.04 CALLBACK PAYO*O*O*O*O*O*O*O*O*O*0*0*0*0*0*0*0 a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,* 10 ARTICLE 2.05 STANDBY PAY 10 ARTICLE 2.06 OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENT 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to ARTICLE 2.07 FIELD TRAINING OFFICEER PAY.................................................. 11 ARTICLE 2.08 SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT PAY 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 11 ARTICLE 2.09 BILINGUAL PAY 11 ARTICLE 2.10 SHIFT DIFFERENTIALS 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 12 ARTICLE 2.11 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 12 ARTICLE2.12 UNIFORMS 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 12 ARTICLE 2.13 PROFESSIONAL 13 ARTICLE 2.14 EDUCATION/P.O.S,T. INCENTIVE PAY00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 13 ARTICLE 2.15 RECRUITMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM/NEW HIRE LATERAL INCENTIVEPAYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 13 SECTION 11 COMPENSATION 15 SUBSECTION B BENEFITS 15 ARTICLE 2.16 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 15 ARTICLE 2.17 GROUP TERM LIFE 17 ARTICLE 2.18 RETIREMENT 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 17 ARTICLE 2.19 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 19 ARTICLE 2.20 RETIREE MEDICAL TRUST 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 20 POA MOU 5/4/21 -6/30/24 Page 2 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 60 of 4,93 SECTION III HOURS 20 ARTICLE 101 WORK PERIOD~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~20 ARTICLE 3.0)2 FLEXIBLE WORK 20 ARTICLE 3.03 VACATION TIME~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~22 ARTICLE 3.04 SICK 0.EAVE~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~23 ARTICLE 105 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE ARTICLE 3~06 HOLIDAYS~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~25 ARTICLE 107 JURY DUTY,................................~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~26 ARTICLE 3~08, COURT LEAVE.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~27 ARTICLE 109 LEAVES, OF ABSENCE—MILITARY28 SECTION IV CONDITIONS 28 ARTICLE 4~01 PROHIBITED PRACTICES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~28 ARTICLE 4~02, ADVANCE NOTDC}B.................................~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~28 ARTICLE 4~03 DRIVING ELIGIBILITY~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~29 ARTICLE 4~04 PHYSICAL ABILITY 29 ARTICLE 4~05 FITNESS FOR DUTY~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~30 ARTICLE 4~06 SUBSTANCE ABUSE 30 ARTICLE 4~07 PAYROLL 30 ARTICLE 4~08 DIRECT DEPOSIT .~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~30 ARTICLE 4~09 30 POA MOU 5/4/2\-6/3O/24 Page 3 SECTION I ADMINISTRATION ARTICLE 1.01. PREAMBLE This Memorandum of Understanding (MOO) is entered into by the City of Chula Vista (City) and the Chula Vista Police Officer's Association (POA) as a result of meeting and conferring in good faith concerning the wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment, pursuant to the Employer-Employee Relations Policy of the City of Chula Vista and California Government Code Sections 3500 et. seq., known as the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act. ARTICLE 1.02 RECOGNITION The City recognizes the PoA as the certified representative for all employees of the Police Department who are employed in the classifications of, or have the working titles of: Peace Officer, Poolice Agent, Police Sergeant, and Police Lieutenant. ARTICLE 1.03 CITY RIGHTS Nothing contained herein shall be construed to restrict any legal or inherent exclusive City rights with respect to matters of legislative or managerial policy. The exclusive rights of the City shall include, but not be limited to, the right to: A. Establish, plan for, and direct the work force toward the organizational goals of the City government. B. Determine the organization, and the merits, necessity, and level of activity or service provided to the public. C. Determine the City budget. D. Establish, regulate, and administer a merit or civil service system which provides for all types of personnel transactions, including, but not limited to, determining the procedures and standards for the hiring,promotion,transfer,assignment,layoff, retention, and classification of positions in accordance with the City Charter, Civil Service Rules, and established personnel practices. E. Discipline or discharge employees for proper cause. F. Determine the methods, means, numbers, and kinds of personnel, and the job or position content required to accomplish the objectives and goals of the City. G. Effect a reduction in authorized positions. H. Take actions necessary to carry out the mission of the City in emergencies and in other situations of unusual or temporary circumstances. POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 4 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 62 of 4,93 I. Continue to exercise efficient and productive management practices consistent with Federal and State laws and in compliance with the City Charter and City ordinances. In exercising these rights, the City shall comply with all applicable provisions of this agreement. The establishment or exercise of City rights shall not be subject to meeting and conferring; provided, however,the POA shall not be precluded from meeting and conferring with representatives of the City when the consequences of decisions on matters of the City rights directly affect wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. ARTICLE 1.04 POA RIGHTS I. Authorized representatives of the POA shall be allowed reasonable access to unit employees at their work locations during working hours for the purpose of consulting with employees in the unit regarding the employer-employee relationship, provided that: (1) the work of the employee and the service of the public are not unduly impaired, and (2) the authorized representatives shall have given advance notice to the Chief of Police or his or her deli. gated representative when contacting unit employees during the duty period of the employees. The Chief of Police or his or her designee shall determine the appropriate time for such access. 11. The POA may be granted use of City facilities by the appropriate Appointing Authority for meetings composed of unit employees, provided such meetings are held outside regularly scheduled working hours for the group which is meeting, and provided space can be made available without interfering with the City needs. 111. A reasonable amount of space shall be provided to the POA on City bulletin boards for legitimate communications with members. The POA shall be responsible to maintain space provided in an orderly condition and shall promptly remove outdated materials. V. The City shall continue to bill the POA $.1 o per member per pay period for the actual costs incurred for dues deductions on behalf of the POA. ARTICLE 1.05 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS I. Employees may form,join, and participate in the activities of employee organizations of their own choosing for the purpose of representation in matters of employer-employee relations. 11. City agrees that no officers, agents,representatives,members, or anyone connected with either party will in any manner intimidate, coerce, restrain, or interfere with employees to form,join, or assist labor organizations,or to refrain from any of these activities, specifically including the rights of employees to withdraw,revoke or cancel POA membership,or because of the exercise of any right provided to the employee by this MOU. ARTICLE 1.06 LSA BOR-MANAGE MENTCOOPERATION POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 5 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 63 of 4,93 The parties agree that will continue to participate in efforts to contain health care costs. The City and POA agree that they will continue to have open discussions on matters of concern to the parties during the term of this MOU. ARTICLE 1.07 TERM AND EFFECT OF THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 1. [Three Year Term] This Memorandum of Understanding shall remain in full force and effect from the date of ratification by POA and approval of City Council via resolution in open session until June 30, 2024. The parties will endeavor to submit written proposals to each other by March 1, 2024 and the parties will endeavor to begin negotiations not later than,April 14, 2024. II. The provisions of this MOU shall-be subjlater.ect to Federal, State, and local 111. This MOU fully and completely incorporates the understandings of the parties hereto for the full term of this MOU, constituting the sole and entire understanding between parties,. It is further understood, however, that nothing herein prohibits the parties from changing and amending the terms of this MOU during the period of its effectiveness by further meet and confer sessions by mutual agreement. Nothing contained herein shall affect rights and privileges of parties as established by the laws of the State of California, as contained in the Government Code of the State of California under those provisions known as the Meyers- Milias-Brown Act, unless specifically referred to herein. IV. [Reopener] If at any time during the term of this MOU, the City Council declares a fiscal emergency then, in such event, the City may re-negotiate this MOU and meet and confer on wages, hours, and other terms and conditions, of employment. This section, however, in no way effects the existing right of the City to lay off employees. ARTICLE 1.08, MOU REVISIONS The City and POA agree that during the term of the MOU they will continue to meet and confer on changes to the format and language of the MOU if necessary. The purpose of the proposed changes is to reconcile the MOU with the Civil Service Rules, the Employer/Employee Relations Policy, and other City policies and procedures, and to ensure the language of the MOU accurately reflects City practice. ARTICLE 1.09 REOPENER See Article 1.07, paragraph IV, [Term and Effect of Memorandum of Understanding]. ARTICLE 1.10 RETENTION OF BENEFITS The represented employees covered by this MOU shall retain all benefits provided herein for the full term of this MOU and for any such additional period of time as provided in Article 1.07; provided, POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 6 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 64,of 4,93 however, benefits, rights, or privileges not specifically covered by this MOU, but subject to the 1' Byers-Milian- Act, may be acted upon by the City without mutual consent after meeting and conferring with the POA. ARTICLE L11 SAVINGS CLAUSE If any article or section of this MOU is held to be invalid 'by operation of law or by any court of competent jurisdiction, or if compliance with, or enforcement of, any article or section is restrained by such court, the remainder of this MMU shall not be affected 'by such action. The parties shall, if possible, meet and confer or meet and consult as the case may be for the purpose of arriving at a mutually satisfactory replacement for any article or section invalidated by operation of law. SECTION 11 COMPENSATION SUBSECTION A. WAGES ARTICLE 2.01 WAGES A. [Salary and Equity Adjustments] Salary and equity adjustments shall be made as follows: 1. 5% total (2% salary increase and 3% equity adjustment) as follows: 0 4.5% in the pay period in which City Council adopts via resolution in open session. 0 Approximately 0.5% (Remaining increase between 4.5% and 5%) in the pay period beginning November 19, 2021.. 2. 4% (2% salary increase and 2% equity adjustment) the first full,pay period of July 2022. 3. 3% (2% salary increase and 1% equity adjustment) the first full pay period of July 2023. B. [Essential Worker Stipend] CVPOA represented members employed on the dates below shall receive Non-PERSable stipends as follows. This premium pay stipend (also called"Essential Worker Stipend") is being paid in response to the American Recovery Plan Act of 2021, where the Federal Government has allowed local fiscal recovery funds to be utilized "(B) to respond to workers performing essential work during the CO ID- 1 public health emergency by providing premium pay to eligible workers ... that are performing such essential work..." (http,,s://www.cong,r,ess.gov/bill/117th-co,n,g,ress/house- bill/I 319/text#toc-HA2014788068F45DFB8DF03D5E72AFEE7) The Essential Worker Stipend will be paid as, follows: 1. $4,000 in the pay period beginning November 19, 2021 in line with the wage increases effective the same pay period. 2. $2,000 in the first full pay period of July 2022. POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 7 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 65 of 4,93 3. $2,000 in the first full pay period of July 2023. C. [Effective Date] The Salary Adjustments and Essential Worker Stipend in Paragraphs A and B, shall be effective as set forth therein after ratification by POA and approval by City Council via resolution in open session of a successor MOU to the 2014-20171' OU, as,previously amended. D. [Salary Adjustments and Essential Worker Stipend Not Retroactive] The Salary Adjustments and Essential Worker Stipend set forth in Paragraphs A and B shall not be retroactive. 11. Merit(Step) Increases will be made according to the formula set forth in the Civil Service Rules currently in effect. The classifications shall be subject to a five(5) step salary range. The normal hire rate shall be Step "A" provided, however, that an exceptionally well-qualified candidate may be hired beyond Step "A"within the established range based upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police and approval by the City Manager. 111. Effective Dates -All other payroll and wage changes, such as regular merit increases, shall be made effective at the beginning of the regular biweekly payroll period which includes the employee's actual anniversary date of the employee's current position. IV. Rate of Pay Following Promotion - When a represented employee is promoted, the new rate of pay will be the lowest step in the new salary range which will result in the employee receiving at least 5%more than the actual base rate in the old classification. The actual rate will also include Motorcycle, and Dog Handler pay if these differentials will be lost as a result of the promotion. It will not include Education Incentive or Bilingual pay. V. Longevity Pay-Employees shall receive longevity pay in the form of a 3%increase in their base pay when they have served fifteen (15) or more complete years of fulltime service with the Chula Vista Police Department in a classification represented by POA. Employees shall receive longevity pay in the form of a 5% increase in their base pay when they have served twenty(20) or more complete years of fulltime service with the Chula Vista Police Department in a classification represented by the POA. The longevity pay shall increase base pay for eligible employees, calculated in the same manner as a COLA. Only one of the longevity pay amounts may be paid and they may not be combined with each other.. ARTICLE 2.02 OVERTIME I. Subject to the provisions of Paragraphs 11 through IV below,when an employee is required or is ordered to: A. Work on his or her day off; or B. Report back to work after he or she has left the workstation; he or she shall be compensated for a minimum of two (2) hours for any time worked in POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 8 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 66 of 4,93 accordance with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the 7k exemption. For purpose of calculating the overtime premium, time worked shall include paid time off and eligibility for overtime shall be based on hours worked during a work period in excess of 80 hours in a work period for those assigned to a 4/10 schedule and 1.60 hours in a work period for those assigned to the 3/12.5 schedule. C. "Immediate" callbacks require the employee to return to the station or to proceed to a crime scene as, soon as possible upon notification. "Non- immediate" callbacks require the employee to return to the station at a time certain, wherein said time is not designated as, being as soon as possible. For immediate callbacks, overtime shall commence at the time of arrival at the station or at the crime scene, with an additional one-half hour added for work related activities undertaken between the time of notification and arrival. II. Holdovers Beyond Regular Shift - An employee who works beyond his or her regular scheduled shift by reason of, but not limited to, late calls, arrests, report preparation, etc. shall receive payment in accordance with Section C. above. In no event will an employee be paid for less than 15 minutes. Periods of time less than 15 minutes will be disregarded and may not accumulated. 111. Court Time—Employees on scheduled time off,who are subpoenaed in the line of duty or required by the Chief of Police or his or her designee to be present in criminal or juvenile court, or other judicial proceedings, shall be compensated as provided under Article 2.02, L B above for all time actually spent and required to be in court and all actual travel time required between the court and either the Police Station or the employee's home, as the case may be. Employees shall be guaranteed a minimum of three (3) hours for each separate court appearance, including any travel time. Employees shall be reimbursed for all actual mileage the employee travels between the court and either the Police Station or the employee's home, as the case may be, at the mileage reimbursement rate as set out in Article 2.11. IV. Overtime shall be paid at 1 1/2 times the "regular rate of pay" solely as defined and required by the Fair Labor Standards Act ("FLS,A") and attendant Federal Regulations. The parties shall meet and confer regarding any future amendments to the attendant applicable FLEA Federal Regulations by the Department of Labor, including final rules, prior to making any changes, to pay used for the purpose of calculating the regular rate of pay. Effective 5/4/21 sick leave cash out will no longer be included in the regular rate of pay for overtime calculations. V. A committee consisting of Police Department management and POA members shall be formed to study the use of overtime in the department and develop recommendations as, to how overtime can be managed more effectively. ARTICLE 2.03 COMPENSATORY TIME POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 9 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 67 of 4,93 An employee eligible to receive overtime pursuant to this section may receive pay or compensatory time off. Compensatory time shall be calculated at the rate of I V2 times the extra hours worked. The accrual of compensatory time in-lieu of overtime pay will be at the option of the Chief of Police and/or supervisor, based on the employee's request while recognizing the overall staffing requirement of the department. Compensatory time shall not be accrued to an employee's credit for any time in excess of 120 hours. A record of compensatory time earned and utilized shall be maintained on the biweekly pay records. If an officer works a hard holiday, he or she will be provided the option of accruing compensatory time in-lieu of holiday pay. ARTICLE 2.04 CALLBACK PAY Whenever an employee is called back to work, after he/she has left his or her work site and is required to return to work before the scheduled,start of his or her next shift, he or she will receive a fifty-dollar ($50) differential, in addition,to pay as provided under 2.o2 1. B. above. ARTICLE 2.05 STANDBY PAY Standby - Employees shall receive $150 compensation for each full bi-weekly period during which they are assigned standby duties or a prorated amount if the standby period is less than two (2) weeks. Standby duty is defined as that period of time, in addition to the employee's normal work week assignment, during which the employee must remain at all times where he or she can be contacted by telephone or pager, ready for callback to perform essential service within one (1) hour of notification. Any callbacks that occur while an employee is on standby duty shall not reduce the amount of standby pay the employee would have earned had there not been a callback. Any overtime or callback pay shall thus be in addition to the standby pay. For purposes of calculating hours worked under the FLSA, the parties agree that standby time shall not be counted as hours worked. ARTICLE 2.06 OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENT I. Sworn personnel who are assigned duty as an Acting Agent, Acting Sergeant,, or Acting Lieutenant in the Patrol Division for a period of at least more than one half of their regularly scheduled continuous work shift (excluding shift overlap(s)) shall receive compensation at a rate of five percent(5%) above his or her base pay. Payment will be retroactive to the time the out-of-classification assignment commenced and will continue until the out-of-classification assignment ends, provided the above greater than one half of one full-shift minimum is met. Personnel assigned duty as an Acting Agent,Acting Sergeant or Acting Lieutenant in the Patrol Division during any shift overlap period will receive out-of-classification compensation for that overlap period provided the above greater than one half of one full-shift minimum is met. 11. Sworn personnel who are assigned duty as an Acting Agent, Acting Sergeant,, or Acting Lieutenant in a division other than Patrol for a period of at least one continuous week (40 consecutive hours) shall receive compensation at a rate of five percent (5%) above his or her POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 10 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 68 of 4,93 base pay. Payment will be retroactive to the time the out-of-classification assignment commenced and will continue until the out-of-classification assignment ends, provided the above full week minimum is met. 111. Sworn personnel who are assigned duty as an Acting Captain for a period of at least one continuous work week (40 consecutive hours) shall receive compensation at a rate of five percent(5%) above his or her base pay. IV. The assignment of Acting Agent, Acting Sergeant, Acting Lieutenant, or Acting Captain shall be made in writing and shall indicate the day and time the assignment 'begins. Out-of-class assignment pay shall be calculated to the nearest quarter hour. ARTICLE 2.07 FIELD TRAINING OFFICER PAY Peace Officers and Police Agents who are designated,Field Training Officers (FTO's) for the purpose of training Peace Officers will receive $4.00 per hour additional compensation when they are actually engaged as FTO's. Police Agents shall not be considered FTO's or receive F compensation for time spent training other Police Agents. ARTICLE 2.08, SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT PAY I. Motorcycle Pay-Employees who are assigned to Motorcycle Duty will receive six percent (6%) above his or her base pay. The differential pay shall compensate for general maintenance including cleaning and washing of the motorcycle and minor maintenance. 11. Dog Handlers - Employees who are designated Dog Handlers will receive ten percent (I O�%) above his or her base pay 111. The parties agree to the extent permitted by law, the motorcycle and canine pay described herein is special compensation and shall be reported as such to PERS by the City pursuant to Title 2 CCR, Section 571. ARTICLE 2.09 BILINGUAL PAY Those employees who, upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police and the approval of the Director of Human Resources, successfully complete a Bilingual Performance Examination for another language, including Sign Language, and who are regularly required to use their bilingual skills in the performance of their duties, will receive $200 per month in addition to their regular pay. In order to continue receiving bilingual pay, employees must successfully complete a short validated oral PASS or FAIL examination every three years. The City agrees to have one POA member as a tester on each 2-member panel for POA exams. Candidates who have failed the Bilingual Performance Examination may re-test once every six months. POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 11 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 69 of 4,93 ARTICLE 2.1.0 SHIFT DIFFERENTIALS I. Each Officer, Agent, Sergeant, and Lieutenant regularly assigned to work the first watch (graveyard) shift shall receive an additional $160 per pay period. (For example, a person regularly scheduled on first watch who is temporarily assigned to another watch will receive the pay but a person who is regularly scheduled on another watch and temporarily assigned to first watch will not receive the pay.) 11. Each Officer, Agent, Sergeant, and Lieutenant regularly assigned to work the third or fourth watch (swing) shift shall receive $80 per pay period. For example, a person regularly scheduled on third or fourth watch who is temporarily assigned to another watch will receive the pay but a person who is regularly scheduled on another watch and temporarily assigned to third or fourth watch will not receive the pay.) ARTICLE 2.11 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT Employees shall be subject to the City's Mileage Reimbursement Program when required to use their personal vehicle for authorized City business. The reimbursement rate will be tied to the current maximum IRS rate. If an employee is reporting to court or to training on his or her day off, he or she may be reimbursed for up to a maximum of 50 miles total round trip. Employees will not receive mileage reimbursement for staff meetings, committee meetings or any other reason to return to work except for scheduled court or training. ARTICLE 2.12 UNIFORMS I. ISSUE AND REPLACEMENT All regulation police uniforms and equipment (excluding shoes) will be provided at City expense. If regulation police uniforms or equipment are destroyed or damaged in the line of duty, they will be repaired or replaced as determined by the Chief of Police or his or her designee. Uniform cleaning will be the employees' responsibility. When an employee terminates employment with the Police Department,he or she must return to the City all regulation police uniforms and equipment provided at City expense; provided,however,that employees hired prior to July 1, 1984,may keep any equipment and uniforms they purchased before July 1, 1984. The City will report to CalPERS the actual monetary value for the items issued above for POA covered CalPERS' Classic Members. The value shall not exceed $2,000 per fiscal year. 11. CLEANING POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 12 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 70 of 4,93 Employees represented by the POA shall be entitled to a unifon-n cleaning allowance of$300 per year. This payment shall be paid in the biweekly amount of$11.54. ARTICLE 2.1.3 PROFESSIONAL ENRICHMENT This Article left blank. ARTICLE 2.14 EDUCATION/P,,O,S,T,, INCENTIVE PAY I. Employees represented by the POA shall be entitled to between $200 and $400 per month if they meet the educational/P.O.S.T. incentive pay requirements detailed below. The amount of educational incentive pay will not be cumulative. 0 $200 for an Associates Degree (only for employees hired prior to 7/1/17) 0 $300 for a Bachelors Degree or an Advanced/Supervisory POST (only for employees hired prior to 7/1/17) 0 $350 for a Bachelors Degree and an Advanced/Supervisory POST N $400 for a Masters Degree or higher ARTICLE 2.15 RECRUITMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM/NEW HIRE LATERAL INCENTIVE PAY I. [Recruitment Incentive Program] A POA member may receive a bonus equivalent to 10 hours of base pay when he or she refers, an individual to the department and the individual completes the academy and probationary process and becomes a permanent sworn employee. The following conditions will apply to the Recruitment Incentive Program. 1. POA members assigned to the Professional Standards,Unit are ineligible to receive the bonus, during their tenure in the Professional Standards Unit and may not utilize the recruitment incentive program for any applicant contacts, they made during their tenure thereafter. 2. POA members assigned on a temporary basis to carry out specialized recruiting activities, unless it can be verified that the recruitment did not occur during that activity, are also ineligible. 3. POA members will not qualify for the Recruitment Incentive Bonus if the candidate referred to the department is related to the POA member by blood or marriage within the third degree. 4. Candidates must complete the full 18-month probationary period plus any probation extensions that may be requested by the department because of injuries or absences before bonuses will be distributed. POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 13 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 71 of 4,93 5. Candidates must declare the name and rank of the POA member who referred them at the time of application. If the candidate does not provide the referral information with his or her application the referring POA member will be ineligible to receive the bonus. 6. There will be only one, I 0-hour base pay incentive per candidate. POA members may split the 10 hours if more than one POA member is listed as the referee. 11. [New Hire Lateral Incentive Pay] 1. New hires who come into the Chula Vista Police Department from another public law enforcement agency on or after April 10, 2013 through October 12, 2017 with external law enforcement experience will receive lateral incentive pay of$1000 for each full year of external experience brought to the City for up to five (5) years of experience for a maximum of$5,000. The external law enforcement experience shall consist of full time (not reserve) POST certified (not limited police powers) employment as a police officer, sheriff's deputy, or California Highway Patrol Officer. Credit will only be given for full years of service. There shall be no credit for partial years of service and there will be no round up of number of years. Thus, for example, if a lateral has I year and 3 months experience, they have one full year of service and shall get $1000. If a lateral has I year and 11 months experience, they have one full year of experience and shall get $1000. Lateral incentive pay for each full year of qualifying external law enforcement experience will be paid at the following intervals until the incentive is paid in full: $1 1000--Upon completion of the hiring process $ 1,000--At the successful completion of the City probationary period 1,0~0~0~-- very year thereafter on the employee's, anniversary date, up to the $,5,000 maximum. In no event will an employee receive more than the maximum of$5,000 lateral incentive pay. 2. New hires who come into the Chula Vista Police Department from another public law enforcement agency on or after October 13, 2017 with external law enforcement experience will receive lateral incentive pay of$2,000 for each full year of external experience brought to the City for up to five (5) years of experience for a maximum of$10,000. The external law enforcement experience shall consist of full time (not reserve) POST certified (not limited police powers) employment as a police officer, sheriff's deputy, or California Highway Patrol Officer. Credit will only be given for full years of service. There shall be no credit for partial years of service and there will be no round up of number of years. Thus, for example, if a lateral has I year and 3 months experience, they have one full year of service and shall get $2,000. If a lateral has I year and 1.1 months experience, they have one full year of experience and shall get $2,000. POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 14 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 72 of 4,93 Lateral incentive pay for each full year of qualifying external law enforcement experience will be paid at the following intervals until the incentive is paid in full: $2,000--Upon completion of the hiring process $2,000--At the successful completion of the City probationary period $2,000--Every year thereafter on the employee's anniversary date, up to the $10,000 maximum. In no event will an employee receive more than the maximum of$10,000 lateral incentive pay. 111. This Incentive pay is of limited duration and the City may end this incentive pay, in its sole and unfettered discretion, at any time and for any reason by providing POA written notice of its intent to terminate this incentive pay and an effective date of such termination. SECTION 11 COMPENSATION SUBSECTION B BENEFITS ARTICLE 2.16 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1. Medical, Dental, and Vision Insurance Represented employees who are married to another represented employee have the option of being covered as an Employee Only or as a dependent under their spouse's Employee + One or Employee +Family coverage level. A. ENROLLMENT: 1. Health — Each eligible employee will be covered under the City offered health plan of his or her choice effective from employee"s date of hire in that eligible position. For employees, enrolling in Kaiser, the City will pay the full cost of the premium. For employees enrolling in a non-Kaiser HMO plan are responsible to pay any amount greater than the cost of Kaiser plan. Any difference between the City's share of the medical insurance premium and the full premium cost will be paid by the employee through payroll deductions. Employees who fail to submit required benefit election forms within 30 days of the date of eligibility or during open enrollment will automatically be enrolled in the Kaiser-Employee Only plan. [Federal Healthcare .eopener] The City provides medical benefits, to POA represented employees. These benefits are subject to the Federal Affordable Care Act ("ACA"). The City, upon notice to the bargaining unit, may reopen this MILT when the City has been informed of or is aware of non-compliance with any ACA requirement, including a "Cadillac" tax, or replacement Healthcare Legislation. The City shall provide notice to POA of the nature of the act or omission that forms the basis of non-compliance. The City and POA shall thereafter promptly meet and confer to the extent required by the MMBA. POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 15 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 73 of 4,93 2. Dental - Optional Represented employees will be eligible to participate in any City sponsored group dental plan effective the first of the month following the employee's date of hire. The City will pay an amount equal to the pre-paid dental plan premium for employees who enroll in a dental plan within 3 O days of their date of eligibility or during open enrollment. Any difference between the pre-paid dental plan premium and the PPO dental plan premium will be paid by the employee through payroll deductions. Employees may only change their medical or dental coverage levels at open enrollment or upon a qualifying event (marriage, divorce, birth, adoption, etc.). 3. Vision—Optional Represented employees will be eligible to participate in a City sponsored group vision plan. The premium for this selected plan will be paid by the employee through payroll deduction. 4. Co-Payments It is the intent of the parties that co-payments be set at levels that will provide the highest long- term cost stability to both the City and employees. 5. Employee Paid Medical, Dental, Vision, and FSA Premiums Taken as Pre-Tax Payroll Deductions It is the intent of the parties that participating employees receive the maximum benefit allowable in accordance with IRS regulations. In those cases where the employee pays a portion of the cost, premiums will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-tax basis as allowed under Sections 125, 105, and 213 of the Internal Revenue Code. If an employee prefers to have the deductions taken on a post-tax basis, he or she must present the request for such change in writing to the Human Resources Department. If the City does not meet IRS requirements, or if IRS regulations change for any reason, this benefit may be discontinued. 6. Insurance Coverage While on Leave of Absence Without Pay Represented employees on leave without pay for any reason may continue, at their own expense, their group insurance coverage by paying the full cost of their premium plus a 2% administrative fee. This provision is subject to the Civil Service Rules regarding Leave of Absence. Upon an employee's return from leave without pay, the employee's benefits will be reinstated to the same benefit level in effect prior to the beginning of the leave without pay status. An employee who paid for the cost of his or her insurance while on leave of absence and who returns to work prior to the 15 tb of the month,will not be required to pay the insurance premium for that month. 7. Termination of Benefits Upon Separation of Employment POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 16 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 74,of 4,93 An employee's coverage under the City's group medical,dental,vision,and term life insurance plans is, effective through the last day of the month in which the employee's separation is effective. The employee may continue benefit coverage beyond that date, at his or her own expense, in accordance with Federal COBRA law. The cost of COBRA coverage is the premium cost plus a 2% administrative fee. II. Flexible Spending Accounts (FBAs)-Flealth Care and Dependent Care Represented, employees will be eligible to participate in the two Flexible Spending Account (FSA) options offered by the City. These accounts are allowed by Sections 125, 105, 129 and 213 of the Internal Revenue Code. Employees may elect to set aside a portion of their salary, on a pre-tax basis, to fund eligible health, care and dependent care expenses. The maximum amounts an employee may set aside cannot exceed the limits determined by the IRS. If the City does not meet IRS regulations,or if the IRS regulations change for any reason,this,benefit may be discontinued. These accounts may only be established during the Benefits Open Enrollment or within 30 days of a qualifying change in family status as defined by the IRS. Salary deductions will be taken 24 pay periods per year, bi-weekly except for those months with three pay periods, where deductions will only be taken two times. Reimbursements will be made on a schedule to be determined by the City. Requests for reimbursement must be made on forms provided by the City. Any monies not used by the end of the plan year will be forfeited. Specific details of the plan are provided in the City's Summary of Benefits publication available from Human Resources. The City reserves the right to contract with a Third-Party Administrator for administration of FSAs. The City will pay the start-up costs associated with third party administration. Participating employees will pay any required fees(monthly,per employee,or per transaction). ARTICLE 2.17 GROUP TERM LIFE INSURANCE The City agrees to pay the premium for $50,000 of group to life insurance for each represented employee. Represented employees may apply for themselves and their eligible dependents to purchase supplemental life insurance coverage up to the allowable limits in the insurance policy. Employees are responsible for paying the supplemental life insurance premium s) through payroll deductions. ARTICLE 2.18, RETIREMENT The City will provide to represented members retirement benefits via contract with the California Public Employees Retirement System (Calf Ria) as set forth in the California Government Code. 1. TIER I. For employees hired on or before the effective date of the January 25, 2011 MOA, POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 17 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 75 of 4,93 the City will provide the 3% at 50 Retirement Plan for Local Safety Members as provided for under the California Public Employees' Retirement System(CaIPERS). The City will provide the following CalPERS contract options: A. One-Year Final Compensation B. Post-Retirement Survivor Allowance C. Credit for Unused Sick Leave D. 4th Level 1959 Survivor Benefit. E. Military Service Credit as Prior Service F. Cost of Living Allowance (2° ) G. Post-Retirement Survivor Allowance Continuance H. Pre-Retirement Death Benefit for Spouse I. Retired Death Benefit $5,000 J. Prior Service Credit K. Employer Paid Member Contribution* Employees shall make contributions as follows: [*EPMC No City Cost] Employees in Tier I shall make contributions, that shall be applied to the City's (employer share) contribution to CalPERS under Government Code section 20516(f) for optional benefits, in the total amount of nine percent (9%) for Employees in the "Local Police Officers" CalPERS member category. The aforementioned contributions will be made on a pre-tax basis to the extent permitted by Internal Revenue Code section 414(h)(2). The City shall report, as presently done, the Employer Paid Member Contribution ("EP rIC" to CaIPERS as compensation earnable. Employees shall also pay the full cost for the resulting EPMC as set forth in the May 15, 2019 Second Amendment to the IOU, which is attached as Appendix B and hereby fully incorporated herein by reference. The City shall bear no cost or liability to fund or maintain EPMC. [Normal Cost Sharing] Tier I Employees will also contribute pursuant to Government Code ("GCS" section 205116(a) to reach the CalPERS standard of equal sharing of normal costs as follows: An additional I% starting the first full pay period of July 2022 and an additional I% (additional total 2%) starting the first full pay period of July 2023 for a total of 11% for the employee share. If a secret ballot election held in accordance with §20516(a) is not successful, employee contribution of 1% (July 2022) and 2% (July 2023) will be made to the employers' contribution account pursuant to GC section 20516(f). 2. TIER 11. For Employees,hired after the effective date of the January 25, 2011 MOA and who do not qualify as "new members" as defined by PEP RA (see GC section 7522.04(f)(l)-(3)) and CalPERS, the CalPERS Retirement Plan benefits for Employees in the Local Police Officers" CalPERS member category are (1) the 3% @ 55 retirement formula; (2) that the Employees make 100% of the statutory employee (employee share) contribution to Cal RS, currently 9%; (3) that there be no final year concession of said payments to compensation for CaIPERS benefit calculation purposes; and (4) the use of an average highest three consecutive years calculation to determine final compensation. POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 18 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 76 of 4,93 [Normal Cost Sharing] Tier 11 Employees will also contribute pursuant to Government Code section 20516(a) to reach the CalPERS standard of equal sharing of normal costs as follows: An additional I% starting the first full pay period of July 2022 and an additional I% (additional total 2%) starting the first full pay period of July 2023 for a total of 11% for the employee share. If a secret ballot election held in accordance with §20516 is not successful, employee contribution of I% (July 2022) and 2% (Julys 2023) will be made to the employers' contribution account pursuant to GC section 20516(f). Furthermore, the City will no longer provide a blended health care rate for Employees hired under the Second Tier CalPERS Retirement Plan. The City will provide the following CalPERS contract options: A. Post-,Retirement Survivor Allowance B. Credit for Unused Sick Leave C. 4th Level 1959 Survivor Benefit. D. Military Service Credit as Prior Service E. Cost of Living Allowance (2%) F. Post-Retirement Survivor Allowance Continuance G. Pre-Retirement Death Benefit for Spouse H. Retired Death Benefit $5,000 1 Prior Service Credit Tier 111. [PEPRA] For Employees hired on or after January 1, 2013 and determined to be "new members" as defined by PEPRA(see GC 7522.04(f)(1)-(3) and CalPERS, the following shall apply: (1) a 2.7% @ 57 retirement formula; (2) no EMPC; (3) the use of an average highest three consecutive years calculation to determine final compensation; (4) employees shall pay 50% of normal cost of their pension, as set forth in PEPRA and determined by CalPERS; (5) pension capped as set forth in PEPRA (GCS 7522.10(c (2 }, and (6) no blended health care rate for Employees under this Tier. The City will provide the following CalPERS contract options.- A. Post-Retirement Survivor Allowance B. Credit for Unused Sick Leave C. 4th Level 1959 Survivor Benefit. D. Military Service Credit as Prior Service E. Cost of Living Allowance (2%) F. Post-Retirement Survivor Allowance Continuance G. Pre-Retirement Death Benefit for Spouse 111. Retired Death Benefit $5,000 1 Prior Service Credit ARTICLE 2.1.9 DEFERRED COMPENSATION POA members shall. be eligible to participate in the City's approved deferred compensation plans offered by the City. POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 19 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 77 of 4,93 ARTICLE 2.20 RETIREE MEDICAL TRUST All employees covered by this MO U shall participate in a retiree medical expense reimbursement plan administered by the PORAC Retiree Medical Trust (RMT or Plan) or such other entity that later may be selected by POA. This Plan is designed to permit organizations representing employees to designate on a pre-tax basis salary and/or leave payouts which occur upon separation of employment to be used to help pay for health insurance costs when the employee is no longer working for the City. The trust shall be and remain separate and apart from any Employer health insurance funding program. For Employees hired before July 1, 2017, the City will contribute $100 per month per member into the RMT, which the employer shall remit monthly in one aggregate check], to the Plan's administrator, accompanied by a list employees. There shall be no employee election to take the amount in cash. Employees hired on, or after, July 1, 2017 shall contribute to the plan $100 per month, which the employer shall automatically deduct from the salary of each employee and remit monthly in one aggregate check], to the Plan's administrator, accompanied by a list of contributing employees. The employer shall contribute the monies on a pre-tax basis. These contributions shall be included as a salary for the purpose of calculating retirement benefits. There shall be no employee election to take the amount in cash. Upon separation of an employee covered by this Agreement, the employer shall transfer into the PRAC Retiree Medical Trust, an amount equal to 100% of the cash value of the employee's vacation and floating holiday leave balance for which they would receive payment. The employer shall contribute the monies on a pre-tax basis. There shall be no employee election to take the amount in cash. The POA has the right to alter the amount of salary deduction or the percentage of leave balance contribution at separation from service during the course of this MOU, on a uniform basis, for all employees covered by the MOU, subject to approval of its members according to the POA's internal rules. The City hereby acknowledges,receipt of the Trust Agreement governing the Trust and will comply with rules set by the Trust Office in regard to reporting and depositing the required contributions set forth above. Exceptions: Employees entitled to full military medical benefits may make a one-time election not to participate in the plan. Employees entitled to this exemption must notify human resources of their refusal to participate within 60 days of joining POA. The provisions of this MOLT do not apply to anyone hired on or before February I st, 1982. SECTION III HOURS ARTICLE 3.01. WORK PERIOD POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 20 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 78 of 4,93 1. The City enacted the 7k exemption in the case of law enforcement employees as permitted under the Fair Labor Standards Act as follows: a. The work period for law enforcement employees, unless a law enforcement employee is working a 3/12.5 as indicated below, will be 80 hours in a 14-day cycle beginning at 00:01 on Friday and ending 14 days later. b. The work period for law enforcement employees assigned to the 3/12.5 work schedule will be 160 hours in a 28-day cycle beginning at oo:01 on Friday and ending after 28 days. 11. Any deviation from the current scheduling practice (including the below 4/10- 3/12.5 schedules) will be preceded by a meeting of a committee of the City and POA no more than 6 months and no less than 3 months before implementation of the new schedule. If a mutual agreement is not reached by the committee, the Chief of Police shall have final authority. 111. The 4/10-3/12 Schedule will be administered as follows: a. A hybrid`44/10-3/12.5"work schedule will be implemented for officers assigned to patrol (excluding Traffic, Street Team/GSU, SRO and Geographic policing). Officers assigned to the 4/10 schedule will work Monday through Thursday, while officers assigned to the 3/12.5 will work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. b. 10 hour pay-back—Because officers assigned to the 12.5-hour shift work 75 hours during a two week pay-period, they are required to work an additional 10 hour shift every 28-day cycle. This additional shift will typically be repaid by attending regularly scheduled bi-monthly 10 training hours, and during the opposing months, provides coverage when officers assigned to the 4/10 schedule attend their regularly scheduled training days. The training days will be determined by the department. c. Overtime—Overtime for officers working a 12.5-hour shift will be paid in accordance with section 2.02 of the MOM. ARTICLE 3.02 FLEXIBLE WORK SCHEDULES The City shall have the right to "flex" schedules under any one of the following conditions: 1) on an as-needed basis for emergency situations, 2) on an as-needed basis for employees working in the following special assignments: the Gang Suppression Unit, Street Team, Regional Auto Theft Task Force, FBI Task Force, Narcotics Task Force, Marine Air Group, Special Investigations Unit, Narcotics, Enforcement Team, and Academy Training Officer, 3) for voluntary training assignments, 4) with the voluntary consent of the employee. Emergency situations shall be defined as natural disasters, declared civil disasters and riots within the City of Chula Vista, or when response is required under a mutual aid agreement. POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 21 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 79 of 4,93 ARTICLE 3.03 VACATION TIME 1. Definition - For the purposes of this section, the definitions, found in the Civil Service Rules shall apply. 11. Vacation A. Vacation Accrual - Continuous service: Each employee paid at abiweekly rate who has had continuous full-time active service shall be entitled to an annual vacation with pay. This benefit will be calculated on 26 pay periods per fiscal year. The following provisions shall apply: I. Employees will accrue 80-hours during the first through fourth years of service (cumulative to a total leave balance of 160-hours). This benefit will be accumulated at the rate of 3.08 working hours for each full biweekly pay period of service performed. 2. Employees will accrue and be eligible to receive 120-hours annually (cumulative to a total leave balance of 24o-hours) during the fifth through ninth year of service. The benefits will be accumulated at the rate of 4.616 working hours for each full biweekly pay period of service performed. 3. Employees will accrue and be eligible to receive 160-hours annually (cumulative to a total leave balance of 320-hours) during the tenth through fourteenth years of service. This benefit will be accumulated at the rate of 6.152 working hours for each full biweekly pay period of service performed. 4. Employees will accrue and be eligible to receive 20�O�-hours annually (cumulative to a total leave balance of 400-hours) during the fifteenth and succeeding years of service. This benefit will be accumulated at the rate of 7.696 working hours for each full biweekly pay period of service performed. 5. Vacation sell-back-All members of represented classifications, earning three weeks or more vacation annually will have the option of selling forty(40�)hours of said vacation back to the City. The accumulated vacation balance will be reduced accordingly. Payment of vacation hours will be made the first payday of each month provided that the Finance Department has received ten working days, advance notice of the request prior to the payday. 6. Payment Upon Separation-At the time an employee is separated from City service and if the POA provides a written notification to waive the reporting of the employee's vacation and holiday in lieu balance to the employee's RMT account, , he/she shall be granted all of the unused annual leave to which he or she is entitled based upon his or her active service in prior years, and in addition,he or she shall be granted annual leave based upon the length of his or her active service during the year in which the separation occurs and computed on the basis set forth in Section (A)(1). Payment shall be made hour for hour with any portion of an hour being considered a full hour. POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 22 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 80 of 4,93 7. Vacation Use —Annual leave balances shall be reduced by the actual time not worked to the nearest quarter hour. Absence may not be charged to vacation not already accumulated. ARTICLE 3.04 SICK LEAVE A. Accumulated paid sick leave credit is to be used for the sole purpose of protecting the employee's wages in the event an absence is made necessary because of the disability, injury or illness of the employee or a serious illness or death in his or her immediate family. For purposes of this article, immediate family is defined as spouse, domestic partner, child, stepchild, parent, stepparent, sibling,parent-in-law, grandparent, or any other person living as a member of the employee's immediate household. B. Sick Leave Accrual - Computation of sick leave: sick leave with pay is cumulative at the rate of 3.69 working hours for each biweekly pay period of service, 96 hours annually, 'beginning at the time of full-time probationary employment. A person who has,held a position with temporary or interim status and is appointed to a position with probationary status, without a break in service, may have such time credited to sick leave upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police and Director of Human Resources, and the approval of the City Manager. C. Maximum Sick Leave Accumulation - Unused sick leave may be accumulated in an unlimited amount. D. Sick Leave Use - Sick leave balances shall be reduced by the actual time not worked to the nearest quarter hour. Absence for illness may not be charged to sick leave not already accumulated. E. Sick Leave Verification - The City may, in its discretion, require a doctor"s certificate and/or a personal sworn affidavit stating that the employee is unable to perform the essential functions of their job in order to determine eligibility for sick leave. If an employee is required to furnish a doctor's certificate for absences of three days or less, the employee must have been notified of such requirement by the Chief of Police or his or her designee, with the approval of the City Manager or his or her designee, at least 24 hours before the time the employee notifies the department that he or she will be absent because of illness or disability. F. Sick Leave Reimbursement (1) Employees shall be entitled to sick leave reimbursement as follows a. Employees using thirty-two hours (32) or less of sick leave during the fiscal year shall have the option of converting twenty-five percent(25%) of their remaining yearly sick leave to pay. b. Pay shall be computed based on the following schedule and all computations shall be rounded to the nearest whole hour.- POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 23 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 81 of 4,93 Remaining Yearly Sick Leave Pay 96 hrs 24 hrs 88 hrs 22 hrs 80 hrs 20 hrs 72 hrs 18 hrs 64 hrs 16,hrs 56 hrs or less 0 hrs C. If the pay option is selected, the paid sick leave hours shall be subtracted from the employee's accumulated yearly sick leave balance. The remaining sick leave hours shall be carried over and accumulated. (Example: Employee uses 32 hours of sick leave. He or she the elects to receive pay for 25% of remaining hours, or 16 hours. The 16 hours are subtracted from his or her remaining yearly sick leave and the other 48 hours are added to the employee's accumulated sick leave balance.) d. Payment will be made during the month of July of each year. Pay will. be computed based on the employee's salary step on June 15 and will only be calculated for employees who have been on the payroll for one full, year at the time calculations are made. e. Permanent employees covered by this paragraph (F) (1) who retire during the fiscal year will be compensated under this plan based on their formal.retirement date. Prorated payment also will be made to an employee who terminates during the fiscal year. In the event of the death, of an individual while employed by the City, 50%, of the employee's unused, accumulated sick leave will be paid to the appropriate beneficiary. (3) The City is proposing a Sick Leave Abuse Policy. The parties agree to meet and confer on this item as a separate process. (4,) During the term of the MOU, the parties agree to re-open the discussion of Article 3.04 Sick Leave, with the City to work with the POA regarding the use of sick leave upon approval of industrial disability retirement, with changes implemented only by mutual agreement. POA MOU 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 24 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 82 of 4,93 ARTICLE 105 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE When an employee with permanent status is compelled to be absent from work because of the death of an immediate family member as defined in Article 3.04 (a), or any other person living in the same household as the employee or immediate family member of the employee's spouse; and after the employee makes a written request and receives written approval from the Chief of Police or his or her designee, the employee may be allowed to use his or her accumulated sick leave, vacation, compensatory time, or floating holiday time for up to five (5) calendar days, plus three (3,) days travel time. ARTICLE 3.06 HOLIDAYS 1. "Hard Holidays" - During the term of this MOU, the following are the recognized holidays.- Independence Day July 4 Labor Day First Monday in September Thanksgiving Fourth Thursday in November Christmas December 25 New Year's Day January I Martin Luther King, Jr. Third Monday in January Memorial Day Last Monday in May 11. Holiday Pay A. POA Members Who Cannot Observe a Normal Holiday Schedule I. If an officer does not work a hard holiday, he or she will receive 8 hours pay. 2. If an officer works a bard holiday on an 8-hour shift, be or she will receive 8 hours pay plus time and one-half for each hour worked. 3. If an officer works a hard holiday on a I O-hour shift, he or she will receive 10 hours pay plus time and one-half for each hour worked. For payment purposes, if a hard holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the day of observance shall be the actual day of the holiday. B. POA Members Who Can Observe a Normal Holiday Schedule and Who Work a 5/8 Shift I If the hard holiday falls on a scheduled workday,the officer shall,be granted time-off, except as otherwise directed by the Chief of Police and/or supervisor. POA MOLT 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 25 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 83 of 4,93 2. If the hard holiday falls on a scheduled day off, the officer shall receive an extra day off. 3. If an officer works a hard holiday, he or she will receive 8 hours pay plus time and one-half for each hour worked. For payment purposes, if a hard holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the day of observance shall be the day observed by general City employees. C. POA Members Who Can Observe a Normal Holiday Schedule and Who Work a 4/10 Shift 1. If the hard holiday falls on a scheduled workday,the of-ricer shall be granted time-off except as otherwise directed by the Chief of Police and/or supervisor. Holiday time-off shall be granted for the full 10-hour shift. 2. If the hard holiday falls on a scheduled day off, the officer shall receive an, extra day off, for the full I 0-hour shift. 3. If an officer works a hard holiday, he or she will receive 10 hours pay plus time and one-,half for each hour worked. For payment purposes, if a hard holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the day of observance shall be the actual day of the holiday. 111. Floating Holidays Effective the first pay period in July of each fiscal year of this MOU, employees shall be credited with 10 hours each for: Lincoln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Cesar Chavez Day, Admission Day, and Veterans' Day. Employees may take floating holiday time at their discretion with the approval of the Chief of Police or his or her designee. A. Floating Holiday Use-If an employee uses floating holiday time before the holiday passes and subsequently leaves City service, he or she will be charged for such time. If an employee does not use his or her floating holiday time before June 30 of a fiscal year, he or she will lose such time. The smallest unit of time chargeable to floating holiday time is one half(1/2) hour. ARTICLE 3.07 JURY DUTY For officers receiving a notice to serve on a federal jury shall be entitled to pay under the following conditions: A. They must present to their supervisor the jury summons to appear for federal jury duty at least three weeks prior to their date to report. B. If jury service and travel time from court to work is less than five (5) hours or seven (7) POA MOLT 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 26 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 84,of 4,93 hours for persons on a 4/10 plan in a workday, the employee is expected to return to work unless a justification is provided and approved or pre authorized leave is approved. C. Employees who are required to serve jury duty on their scheduled days off will not be compensated for this time and may keep any fees,paid by the court. D. If the employee is not required to report for jury duty on any particular day(s)they are then expected to be at work as per their normal schedule. E. It is the employees' responsibility to inform his or her supervisor on a daily basis if they are required to report for jury duty the following day. F. Absence due to jury duty will be submitted on the City leave form. G. Employees whose workweek is other than Monday through Friday (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) may have their jury duty workday adjustments made by their supervisors. H. Employees who receive compensation for their jury service from the courts will return those funds to the payroll specialist unless Section D applies. ARTICLE 3.08 COURT LEAVE Court leave is paid leave granted by the City to enable an employee to fulfill his or her duty as a citizen to serve as a witness in a court action to which the employee is not a party,before a federal or superior court located within San Diego County. Court leave shall be limited to: A. Required attendance before federal or superior courts located within San Diego County. B. Time in attendance at court together with reasonable time between court and work if attendance is for less than a full day and the employee can reasonably be expected to return to work. C. Court leave shall not be granted when the employee is paid an expert witness fee. D. The employee must submit to the City any payment received for the court appearance except travel and subsistence pay. E. Court leave will only be granted to employees who are not litigants in the civil case nor related to litigants in the civil case or defendants in a criminal case. F. Employees shall provide their supervisor with a copy of the legal subpoena and provide other documentary evidence of service. POA MOLT 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 27 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 85 of 4,93 ARTICLE 3.09 LEAVES OF ABSENCE MILITARY LEAVE For purpose of this IOU, the Civil Service Rules for leaves of absence and military leave are incorporated as reference as though set out in full in this article. SECTION IV WORKING CONDITIONS ARTICLE 4.01 PROHIBITED PRACTICES 1. POA pledges it shall not cause, condone, or counsel its unit members or any of them to strike, fail to fully and faithfully perform duties, slow down, disrupt, impede, or otherwise impair the normal functions and procedures of the City except that nothing shall be construed in this MOU to prevent the POA or its unit members from exercising any legal rights or remedies they may presently possess to redress a wrong. 11. Should any unit employees, during the term of this MOU breach the obligations of Paragraph 1,the City Manager or his or her designee shall immediately notify the POA that an alleged prohibited action is in progress. 111. POA shall as soon as possible, and in any event, within eight working hours disavow any strike or other alleged prohibited action, shall advise its members orally and in writing to immediately return to work and cease the prohibited activity and provide the City Manager with a copy of its written advisement or, alternatively, accept the responsibility for the strike or other prohibited activity if it fails to follow one or more of the duties set forth in this article. IV. If POA disavows the prohibited activity and takes all positive actions set forth in this MOU in good faith, the City shall not hold the POA financially or otherwise responsible. The City may impose such penalties or sanctions as the City may appropriately assess against the participants. V. Should the POA during the term of this MOU breach its obligations or any of them under this Article, it is agreed that the City shall pursue all legal and administrative remedies available to the City that in its discretion it may elect to pursue. V1 There shall be no lockout by the City during the term of this MOU. ARTICLE 4.02 ADVANCE NOTICE The City shall give reasonable advance written notice to the POA on any proposed change or new ordinance, resolution, departmental rule or regulation relating to matters within the scope of representation proposed to be adopted by the City or the Department. The POA shall be given the opportunity to meet and confer with City or Department representatives prior to adoption of any proposed changes. POA MOLT 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 28 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 86 of 4,93 ARTICLE L 4.03 DRIVING ELIGIBILITY Whenever an employee drives a vehicle for City business, he or she shall have a valid California drivers license. In order to ascertain the validity of the employee's license, employees must present their drivers license to their supervisor upon request. The City reserves the right to check with the Department of Motor vehicles at any time to determine if the license is valid. If an employee's drivers license is revoked, suspended, or otherwise made invalid, the employee must inform his or her supervisor. Failure to notify the supervisor may result in immediate disciplinary action.. An employee who does not possess a valid California driver's license will be considered for a non-driving position, if one is available in the employee's classification. The non-driving assignment will continue for a maximum of six months if there is a reasonable expectation the employee will have a valid,California driver's license at the expiration of that time. Extensions to the si.x-month limit will be considered on a case-by-case basis, however, in no case shall an employee receive more than one non-driving assignment in any three-year period. When no non-driving assignment is available, employees must request a leave of Bence without pay or six moot or anti such time their license is once again valid, whichever is shorter. In order to assure that non-driving assignments are provided on a fair and equitable basis, the following procedures shall be observed: A. Each department will determine whether it has any non-driving assignments that can be filled by employees who would otherwise have driving assignments. B. Non-driving assignments will be given on a first come, first served. basis. For example, if two employees in a department have a non-valid driver's license and there is only one non-driving assignment, the first employee who comes forward will be given the non-driving assignment. The other employee may apply for a leave of absence as described above. ARTICLE 4.04 PHYSICAL ABILITY TESTING I. The City of Chula vista along with the POA agrees that for the safety of the employee as well as the public, those employees p who o are represented by the PCNA should maintain a minimum level of physical fitness. The physical fitness of the employee will be assessed in two manners. The first will be a physical assessment and the second a physical agility test. II. All represented employees may be required to undergo a physical fitness assessment if the Chief of Police and/or the Human Resource Department determines an assessment is necessary to insure the employee can fully perform his or her duties. The initial assessment will generally consist of a physical conditioning assessment. III. Physical.Agility Test. Employees may be required to take a physical agility test, in POA MOLT 514121 -6/30/24 Page 29 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 87 of 493 accordance with the standards and tests established as part of the physical agility program unless they request and receive an exemption from the Chief of Police. ARTICLE 4.05 FITNESS FOR DUTY The parties agree that physical and mental fitness of City emp�loyees are reasonable requirements to perform the duties of the job and instill public confidence. Recognizing these important factors, the parties agree that during the term of this MOU, the City with reasonable cause, may require medical and psychological assessments of employees provided the City pays and provides time off without loss of pay for such assessments. All such assessments shall be done by appropriately qualified health care professionals. It is understood that the assessment regimen performed by said professionals shall be reasonably related to the requirements and duties of the job. Any treatment or remedial action shall be the full responsibility of the employee, except as otherwise provided by law or as may be provided through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for City employees. ARTICLE 4.06 SUBSTANCE ABUSE POLICY Employees represented by POA are subject to the City's Substance!Abuse Policy. ARTICLE 4.07 PAYROLL DEDUCTION Upon the receipt of a written request and authorization from an employee for deduction of POA dues the City shall withhold such dues from the salary of the employee and remit the withholdings to the POA. The City shall continue to withhold such deductions unless the employee files a statement with the City withdrawing authorization for the continued withholding of the deductions. The effective date of withholding to the POA, and the effective date of discontinuance and all procedural matters shall be determined in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Director of Finance. ARTICLE 4.08 DIRECT DEPOSIT Represented employees will be required to provide written authorization to the City's Director of Finance to electronically deposit their paychecks to a financial institution of their choice. ARTICLE 4.09 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE This grievance procedure shall be in effect during the full term of this MOU. POA MOLT 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 30 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 88 of 4,93 Section 1. PURPOSE. The purposes and objectives of the Grievance Procedure are to: I Resolve disputes arising from the interpretation, application, or enforcement of specific terms of this MOU. 2 Encourage the settlement of disagreements informally at the employee supervisor level and provide an orderly procedure to handle grievances through the several supervisory levels where necessary. 3 Resolve grievances as quickly as possible and correct, if possible, the causes of grievances thereby reducing the number of grievances and future similar disputes. Section 2. DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this grievance procedure the following definitions shall apply: I. Manager: The City Manager or his or her authorized representative. 2. Day: A calendar day,excluding Saturdays, Sundays and hard holidays as described by this MOLT. 3. Department head or head of a department: The chief executive officer of a department. 4. Director of Human Resources.- The Director of Human Resources or his or her authorized representative. 5. Employee: Any officer or regular(not temporary) employee of the City, except an elected official. 6. Employee representative: An individual who speaks on behalf of the employee. 7. Grievance: A complaint of an employee or group of employees arising out of the application or interpretation of a specific clause in this MOLT. 8. Immediate supervisor: The individual who assigns, reviews, or directs the work of an employee. 9. Superior: The individual to whom an immediate supervisor reports. POA MOLT 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 31 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 89 of 4,93 Section 3. REVIEWABLE AND NON-REVIEWABLE GRIEVANCES. I. To be reviewable under this procedure a grievance must: a. Concern matters or incidents that have occurred in alleged violation of a specific clause in this MOLD; and b. Specify the relief sought, which relief must be within the power of the City to grant in whole or in part. 2. A grievance is not reviewable under this procedure if it is a matter which: a. Is subject to those reserved City Management Rights as stipulated under Section 4 of the Employer-Employee Relations Policy for the City of Chula Vista or under management rights as specified in this MOLD. b. Is reviewable under some other administrative procedure and/or -rules of the Civil Service Commission such as: (1) Applications for changes in title,job classification or salary (2) Appeals from a formal disciplinary proceeding (3) Appeals arising out of Civil Service examinations (4) Appeals from work performance evaluations (5) Appeals that have a civil rights remedy or some other remedy specified by law C. General complaints not directly related to specific clauses of this MOU d. Would require the modification of a policy established by the City Council or by law e Relates to any City group insurance or retirement program Section 4. GENERAL PROVISION OF THE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE. I. Grievances may be initiated only by the employee or employees concerned or by the POA on behalf of itself regarding an otherwise grievable incident. The POA cannot grieve for itself an incident already grieved by an employee or group of employees. Conversely, an employee or group of employees cannot grieve an incident already grieved by the POA. 2. Procedure for Presentation. In presenting his or her grievance, the employee shall follow the sequence and the procedure outlined in Section 5. POA MOLT 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 32 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 90 of 4,93 3. Prompt Presentation. The employee shall discuss his or her grievance with his or her immediate supervisor within ten (I O') working days after the act or omission of management causing the grievance, or within ten (10) working days of when the employee,with the exercise of reasonable diligence, should have discovered the act or omission being grieved. 4. Prescribed, Form. The written grievance shall be submitted on a form prescribed by the Director of Human Resources for this purpose. 5. Statement of Grievance. The grievance shall contain a statement of: a. The specific situation, act or acts complained of as a violation of the MOU; b. The in or damage suffered by the employee; and C. The relief sought. 6. Employee Representative. The employee may choose someone to represent him or her at any step in the procedure. No person hearing a grievance need recognize more than one representative for any employee at any one time, unless he or she so desires. 7. Handled During Working Hours. Whenever possible, grievances will be handled during the regularly scheduled working hours of the parties involved. 8. Extension of Time. The time limits within which action must be taken or a decision made as specified in this procedure may be extended by mutual written consent of the parties involved. A statement of the duration of such extension of time must be signed by both parties involved at the step to be extended. 9. Consolidation of Grievances. If the grievance involves a group of employees or if a number of employees file separate grievances on the same matter., the grievances shall, whenever possible, be handled as a single grievance. 10. Settlement. Any complaint shall be considered settled without prejudice at the completion of any step if all parties are satisfied or if neither party presents the matter to a higher authority within the prescribed period of time. 11. Reprisal. The grievance procedure is intended to assure a grieving employee the right to present his or her grievance without fear of disciplinary action or reprisal by his or her supervisor, superior or department head, provided he or she observes the provisions of this grievance procedure. 12. Back pay. The resolution of a grievance shall not include provisions for back pay retroactive further than twenty (20) working days prior to the date the grievance is filed. However, if with the exercise of reasonable diligence, the act or omission being grieved was not discovered within 10 working days of its occurrence, and the POA MOLT 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 33 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 91 of 4,93 grievance is subsequently timely filed pursuant to Section TV (3), then the resolution of the grievance may include provision for back pay for a maximum period of one year from the date the grievance was filed so long as such back pay awards are compliant with the law. Section 5. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE STEPS. The following procedure shall be followed by an employee submitting a grievance pursuant to this article: Step I Discussion with Supervisor. The employee shall discuss his or her grievance with his or her immediate supervisor informally. Within three (3) working days, the supervisor shall give his or her decision to the employee orally. Step 2 Written Grievance to Superior. If the employee and supervisor cannot reach an agreement as to a solution of the grievance or the employee has not received a decision within the three(3)working days'time limit,the employee may within seven(7)working days present his or her grievance in writing to his or her supervisor. The supervisor shall provide written comments to the grievance and present the grievance and comments to his or her superior within seven (7) working days. The superior shall hear the grievance and give his or her written decision to the employee within seven (7) working days after receiving the grievance. Step 3 Grievance to Department Head. If the employee and superior cannot reach an agreement as to a solution of the grievance or the employee has not received a written decision within the seven(7)working days' limit,the employee may within seven(7)working days present his or her written grievance and all written comments and/or decisions in writing to his or her department head. The department head shall hear the grievance and give his or her written decision to the employee within seven(7) working days after receiving the grievance. Representative at Step 4. Step 4 Grievance to Director and Manager. If the grievance is not settled at the department head level, it may be submitted by the POA Representative within twenty (20) working days to the Director of Human Resources,, who shall investigate and report his or her findings and recommendations to the City Manager within ten (10)working days. The City Manager shall provide his or her answer within ten (1 0) additional working days. The times indicated may be extended by mutual agreement. Any Employee grievance will be filed by the POA. Following the submission of the City Manager's answer, and before going to Section 6,Advisory Arbitration,matters,which are unresolved shall be discussed at a meeting between the parties during which all pertinent facts and information will be reviewed in an effort to resolve the matter through conciliation. Section 6. ADVISORY ARBITRATION. POA MOLT 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 34 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 92 of 4,93 Any dispute or grievance which has not been resolved by the Grievance Procedure may be submitted to advisory arbitration by the POA Representative or the City without the consent of the other party providing it is submitted within ten (10') working days, following its termination in the Grievance Procedure. The following Advisory Arbitration procedures, shall be followed: I The requesting party will notify the other party in writing of the matter to be arbitrated and the MOIL provision(s) allegedly violated. Within five (5) working days,of the receipt of this notice,the parties may agree upon an arbitrator, or a panel of three arbitrators trained in conducting grievance hearings. If agreement on an arbitrator cannot be reached, the State Department of Industrial Relations shall be requested by either or both parties to provide a list of five arbitrators. Both the City and the POA shall have the right to strike two names from the list. The party requesting the arbitration shall strike the first name; t1l;'- other party shall then strike one name. The process will be repeated, and the remaining person shall be the arbitrator. 2 The arbitrator shall hear the case within twenty (20) working days after the arbitrator has been selected. The arbitrator shall make rules of procedure. The arbitrator shall make a written report of their findings to the POA and the City within fifteen (15) working days after the hearing is concluded. The decision of the arbitrator shall be advisory to the City Manager who shall render a final decision within ten (1 0)working days. The arbitrator shall have no authority to amend, alter or modify this MOU or its terms and shall limit recommendations solely to the interpretation and application of this MOU. The above time limits of this provision may be extended by mutual agreement. 3 Each grievance or dispute will be submitted to a separately convened arbitration proceeding except when the City and the POA mutually agree to have more than one grievance or dispute submitted to the same arbitrator. 4 The City and the POA shall share the expense of arbitrators and witnesses and shall share equally any other expenses, including those of a stenographer, if required by either party. If either party elects, not to follow the advisory decision rendered by the arbitrator,that party shall pay the entire cost of the arbitration process,including the expense of the arbitrator, witnesses and/or stenographer. (Signature page to follow.) POA MOLT 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 35 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 93 of 4,93 Ne,szotiatin�;Parties For the City: For the POA: Courtney Chase David Martinez, President Director of Human Resources/Risk Management Police Officer's Association Date Date Attachments: A. Bi-weekly Rates B. EPMC - SECOND AMENDMENT TO AMENDMENT (LETTER.OF UNDERSTANDING) TO THE 2014-2017 MOU BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND THE CHULA VISTA POLICE OFFICER SETTING FORTH TERMS TO CONTINUE THE EPMC BENEFIT POA MOLT 5/4/21 —6/30/24 Page 36 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 94,of 4,93 Attachment A EFFECTIVE 04/23/2021 CLASSIFICATION STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E Peace Officer 3,228.44 31389.87 3,559.35 3,737.32 31924.18 Police Agent 31555.03 31732.78 3,919.42 4,115.38 4,1321.15 Police Sergeant 409.35 41293.82 4.1508.52 41733.93 41970.63 Police Lieutenant 4,907.59 51152.97 5,410.61 5fi81.15 51965.20 EFFECTIVE 11/19/2021 CLASSIFICATION STEP,A STEP,B STEP C STEP D STEP E Peace Officer 3,243.8,9 31406.08 3.1576.38 31755.20 31942.96 Police Agent 3,572.04 3,750.64 3,938.17 41135-07 4,341.82 Police Sergeant 4,108.91 41314.37 41530.09 41756.58 41994.41 Police Lieutenant 4,931.07" 5J77.62 5,436.50 51708.34 5,993.75 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2022 CLASSIFICATION STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E Peace Officer 3,373.65 31542.32 3.1719.44 3,905.41 411,00.68 Police Agent 3,714.92 31900.67 41095.70 41300.47 4,515.49 Police Sergeant 4,273.27 41486.94 41711.29 41946.84 51194.19 Police Lieutenant 51128.31 51384.72 5,653.96 5,936.67 61233.50 POA MOLT 5/4/21 -6/30/24 Page 37 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 95 of 4,93 EFFECTIVE 07/14/2023 CLASSIFICATION STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E Peace Officer 3,474.86 31648.59 3,831.02 4M22.57 4,1223.70 Police Agent 31826.37 41017.69 4,218.57 41429.48 41650.95 Police Sergeant 41401.47 41621.55 4.1852.63 51095.25 51350.02 Police Lieutenant 51282.16 51546.26 5,823.58 61114."7 " 61420.51 NOTE: Police Recruits are represented by ACE These base bi-weekly rates are based on 80 hours worked and are an approximation only. Final bi-weekly rates may be different due to rounding of figures. POLICE MOU FY 21-24(Rev.April 29,2021 Page 38 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 96 of 4,93 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, ACCOUNTANT 3633 COW A $2,210.51 ACCOUNTANT 3633 COW B $2,321.04 ACCOUNTANT 3633 CON F C $21437.10 ACCOUNTANT 3633 COW U $2,558.95 ACCOUNTANT 3633 COW F E $2,686.89 ACCOUNTING ASST 3E4:1 ACE A $1,,707.81 ACCOUNTING ASST 3641 ACE B $1,793.19 ACCOUNTING ASST 3E4:1 ACE C $1,,8,82.8,7 ACCOUNTING ASST 3641 ACE D $1,976.99 ACCOUNTING ASST 364:1 ACE E $2,075.84 ACCOUNTING TECH 3543 COW A $1,880.10 ACCOUNTING TECH 3043 CONF B $1,.974.11 ACCOUNTING TECH 3543 COW C $2,072.82 ACCOUNTING TECH 3043 CONF D $2,.176.46 ACCOUNTING TECH 3543 COW E $2,285.28 ACCOUNTING TECH 3675 ACE A $1,.880.10 ACCOUNTING TECH 3675 ACE B $1,974.11. ACCOUNTING TECH 3675 ACE C $2,.072.82 ACCOUNTING TECH 3675 ACE a $2,176.46 ACCOUNTING TECH 3675 ACE E $2:,285.28 ACCTG TECH 11 T) 304 ' COW F A $2,100.38 ACCTG TECH II (T) 3047 CONF B $2,268.39 ACCTG TECH IIT 3647 COW C $2,381.81 ACCTG TECH II (T) 3047 CONF D $2,5010.90 ACCTG TECH II (T) 3647 COW E $2,525.95 ACCTG TECH II (T) 3677 ACE A $2,:1+50.38 ACCTG TECH II (T) 3677 ACE B $2,208.39 ACCTG TECH II (T) 3677 ACE C $2,381.81 ACCTG TECH II (T) 3677 ACE D $2,500.90 ACCTG TECH II (T) 3677 ACE E $2:,025.95 ACCTS PYBL SUPV 3045 ACE A $2,484.42 ACCTS PYBL SU V 3645 ACE B $2,008.05 ACCTS PYBL SUPV 3045 ACE C $2,739.08 ACCTS PYBL SU V 3645 ACE U $2,,876.03 ACCTS PYBL SUPV 3045 ACE E $3,019.82. ADMIN SEC 0:149 CONNF A $2,.110.46 ADMAN SEC 0149 CONT B $2,215.99 ADMIN SEC 0:149 CONNF C $2:,320.18 ADMAN SEC 0149 CONT a $2,4443.12. ADMIN SEC 0:149 CONNF IE $2:,505.2.8 All position titles designated as Executive("EXEC'S)or Senior Management("SM")have salary bands with a minimum("Step ")and maximum("Step P)salary;salary appointments and subsequent adjustments within the approved salary range may be made by the position's appointing authority. Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is bused"©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 967r CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, ADMIN SEC 0179 ACE A $2,110.46 ADMIN SEC 0179 ACE B $2,21.5.99 ADMIN SEC 0179 ACE C $2,326.78 ADMIN SEC 91.79 ACE D $2,443.12 ADMIN SEC 0179 ACE E $2,565.28 ADMIN SEC-MYR 0114 CONF A $7,1.1.9,46 ADMIN SEC-MYR 9154 CONF B $2,215.99 ADMIN SEC-MYR 0114 CONF C $2,326.78 ADMIN SEC-MYR 9154 CONF D $2,443.12. ADMIN SEC-MYR 0114 CONF E $7,565.28 ADMIN SVCS MCR 0215 SM A $31785.84 ADMIN SVCS MGR 0215 SM B $0.0 ADMIN SVCS MCR 9215 SM C $9.00 ADMIN SVCS MGR 0215 SM ID $0.0 ADMIN SVCS MCR 0215 SM E $4,501.72. ADMIN TECH 01.47 CONF A $2,. ADMIN TECH 0147 CONF B $2,215.99, ADMIN TECH 01.47 CONF C $2,320.78 ADMAN TECH 0147 CONF D $2,443.12 ADMIN TECH 01.47 CONF E $2,505.2:8 ADMAN TECH 0181 ACE A $2,110.45 ADMIN TECH 01.81. ACE B $2,.215.99, ADMAN TECH 0181 ACE C $2,32.6.78 ADMIN TECH 01.81. ACE ID $2:,443.12 ADMAN TECH 0181 ACE E $2,505.28 ANIML ADPDTN CN 5310 ACE A $1,82+5.24 ANIML ADPDTN CN 531.0 ACE B $1,917.54 ANIML ADPDTN CN 5310 ACE C $2,01.3.42 ANIML ADPDTN CN 531.0 ACE D $2,114.08 ANIML ADPDTN CN 5310 ACE E $2,21.9.80 ANIML CR AIDE 5310 UCIHR A $0.00 ANIML CR AIDE 5316 UCIHR B $0.00 ANIML CR AIDE 5310 UCIHR C $1,108.53 ANIML CR AIDE 5316 UCIHR D $1.,220.90 ANIML CR AIDE 5310 UCIHR E $1,288.31 ANIML CR FC ADM 5327 SM A $4,41.1..07 ANIML CR FC ADM 5327 SM B $4,631.63 ANIML CR FCA M 5327 SM C $4,803.2:0 ANIML CR FC ADM 5327 SM D $5,106.36 ANIML CR FCA M 5327 SM E $5,301..08 ANIML CR SPEC 5343 ACE A $1,531.33 ANIML CR SPEC 5343 ACE B $1,507.89, ANIML CR SPEC 5343 ACE C $1,588.28 ANIML CR SPEC 5343 ACE D $1,,772.71 ANIML CR SPEC 5343 ACE E $1,861.34 Approved and Adopted: U' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugoMiq&49)3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, ANIML L CR SPEC 5344 UCHR A $1,531.33 ANIML CR SPEC 5344 UCHR B $1,007.89 ANIML CR SPEC 5344 UCHR C $1,588.28 ANIML CR SPEC 5344 UCHR D $1,372.71 ANIML CR SPEC 5344 UCHR E $1,861.34 ANIML CR SUPV" 5319 ACE A $2,120.42 ANIML CR SUPV 5319 ACE B $2,232.74 ANIML CR SUPV" 5319 ACE C $2,344.38 ANIML CR SUPV 5319 ACE U $2,461.60 ANIML CR SUPV" 5319 ACE E $2,584.67 ANIML CT OFF 5303 ACE A $1,837.58 ANIML CT OFF 5303 ACE B $1,929.40 ANIML CT 0 F F 5 303 ACE C $2,025.94 ANIML CT OFF 5303 ACE U $2,,127.24 ANIML CT OFF 5303 ACE E $21233.01. ANIML CT OFF 5305 UCIH R A $1,837.58 ANIML CT OFF 5305 UCIHR B $1,929.46 ANIML CT OFF 5305 UCIH R C $2,025.94 ANIML CT OFF 5305 UCIHR U $2,127.24 ANIML CT OFF 5305 UCIHR E $2,233.61 ANIML CTL OF SP 5304 ACE A $2,113.23 ANIML CTL OF SP 5304 ACE B $2,,218.88 ANIML CTL OF SP 5304 ACE C $2,329.83 ANIML CTL OF SP 5304 ACE 3 $2,440.32 ANIML CTL OF SP 5304 ACE E $2,568.65 ANIML SVCS SPEC 5309 ACE A $1,0 '0.54 ANIML SVCS SPEC 5309 ACE B $1,754.07 ANIML SVCS SPEC 5309 ACE C $1,841.77 ANIML SVCS SPEC 5309 ACE U $11933.80 ANIML SVCS SPEC 5309 ACE IE $2,030.54 APPL SUPP MCR 3083 MM A $3,546.37 APIPIL SUPP MGR 3083 MM B $3,323,09 APPL SUPP MCR 3083 MM C $3,909.8 ' APIPIL SUPP MGR 3083 MM $4,105,30 APPL SUPP MCR 3083 MM E $4,310.53 APIPIL SUPP SPEC 3088 PROF A $3,089.39 APPL SUPP SPEC 3088 PROF B $3,243.85 APIPIL SUPP SPEC 3088 PROF C $3,406.05 APPL SUPP SPEC 3088 PROF D $3,576.35 APIPIL SUPP SPEC 3088 PROF IE $3,,755.17 ACS ARIST 7741 ACE A $1,902.18 ACS ARI,ST 774:1 ACE B $1,991.20 ACS ARIST 7741 ACE C $2,097.13 ACS ARIYST 774:1 ACE D $2:,202.00 JAQUARIST 7741 1 ACE E 1 $2,312.10 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 98iq&49)3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PTCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, AQUATIC SUP 1 7579 ACE A $1,950.83 AQUATIC SUP 1 7579 ACE B $2,048.30 AQUATIC SLAP 1 7579 ACE C $2,150.79 AQUATIC SUP 1 7579 ACE D $2,,258.32 AQUATIC SUP 1 7579 ACE E $2,371.23 ACS ATIC SUP 11 7577 ACE A $2,.145.90 AQUATIC SUP 11 7577 ACE B $2,253.19 ACS ATIC SUP 11 7577 ACE C $2,305.8+5 AQUATIC SUP 11 7577 ACE D $2,434.15 ACS ATIC SUP 11 7577 ACE E $2,008.3+5 AQUATIC SLAP 111 7575 ACE A $2,457.8 ACS ATIC SUP 111 7575 ACE B $2,,591.19 AQUATIC SUP 111 7575 ACE C $2,72.0.75 ACS ATIC SUP 111 7575 ACE D $2,,856.79 AQUATIC SLAP 111 7575 ACE E $2,999.03 ASSOC ACCT 3535 CONE A $2,431.57 ASSOC ACCT 3535 COW B $2,553.15 ASSOC ACCT 3535 CONE C $2,080.80 ASSOC ACCT 3535 COW D $2,814.84 ASSOC ACCT 3535 COW 1= E $2,055.50 ASSOC ENGINEER 0017 WCE A $3,302.59, ASSOC ENGINEER 0017 WCE B $3,530.72 ASSOC ENGINEER 0017 WCE C $3,707.27 ASSOC ENGINEER 6017 W+C,E 3 $3,802.03 ASSOC ENGINEER 0017 WCE E $4,087.25 ASSOC LNC SRVYR 6287 WCE A $3,302.59 ASSOC LNa SRVYR 6287 WCE B $31530.72. ASSOC LND SRVYR 6287 WCE C $3,301.27 ASSOC LNa SRVYR 6287 WCE D $31892.53 ASSOC LN D SRVYR 6287 WCE E $4,081.25 ASSOC PLANNER 4437 ACE A $2,708.33 ASSOC PLANNER 4437 ACE B $2,?905.75 ASSOC PLANNER 4437 ACE C $3,052.08 ASSOC PLANNER 4437 ACE D $3,204.70 ASSOC PLANNER 4437 ACE E $3,364.93 ASSOC PLN CK EN 4747 WCE A $3,362.59 ASSOC PLN CK EN 4747 WCE B $3,530.72. ASSOC PLN CK EN 4747 WCE C $3,307.27 ASSOC PLN CK EN 4747 WCE D $3,892.03 ASSOC PLN CK EN 474 WCE E $4,087.25 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. 4 Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo&W to r 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PTCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, ASST CHF OF POL 501.1 SM A $5,472.03 ASST CHF OF POL 5011 SM B $0.00 ASST CHF OF POL 501.1 SM C $0.00 ASST CHF OF POL 5011 SM ICS $0.00 ASST CHF OF POL 501.1 SM E $0,051.29 ASST CITY ATTY 2405 SM A $5,842.52 ASST CITY ATTY 2405 SMI B $0,134.0 r ASST CITY ATTY 2405 SM C $0,44 ..391 ASST CITY ATTY 2405 SMI D $01759.87 ASST CITY ATTY 2405 SM IE $7',:10 ..03 ASST CITY CLERK 2210 SM A $3,325.87 ASST CITY CLERK 2210 SM B $3,492.:17 ASST CITY CLERK 2210 SM C $3,000.78 ASST CITY CLERK 2210 SM D $31850.10 ASST CITY CLERK 2210 SM E $4,042.71 ASST CITY MGR 2707 EXEC A $1,559.20 ASST CITY MlG R 2707 EXEC B $0.00 ASST CITY MGR 2707 EXEC C $0.00 ASST CITY MGR 2707 EXEC D $0.00 ASST CITY MGR 2 707 EXEC E $9,.13:1.13 ASST DIR OF IDS 4040 SM A $5,851.69 ASST DIR0 F CSS 4040 SM B $0.00 ASST DIR OF IDS 4040 SM C $0.00 ASST COIR OF CSS 4040 SM D $0.00 ASST DIR OF IDS 4940 SM E $7,112.77 ASST DIR OF ENIG 0008 SM A $5,355.14 ASST D I R OF ENG 0008 SM B $0.00 ASST ID I IR OF ENIG 0008 SM C $0.00 ASST D I R OF ENG 0008 SM D $0.00 ASST IDIR OF ENIG 0008 SM IE $0,405.2.:1 ASST[SIR OF FIN 3004 SMI A $5,058.57 ASST ID I IR OF F I IN 3 004 SM B $0.00 ASST DDR OF FIN 3004 SMI C $0.00 ASST DIR OF FIN 3004 SM D $0.00 ASST DIR OF FIN 3004 SM E $0,107.18 ASST DIR OF HR 3304 SM A $5,089.32 ASST DIR OF HR 3304 SM B $0.00 ASST COIR OF HR 3304 SM C $0.00 ASST COIR OF HR 3304 SMI D $0.00 ASST DIR OF HIR 3304 SM E $0,:101.x.8 ASST[SIR OF PW 0322 SM A $5,355.14 ASST IDIIR OF PW 0322: SM B $0.00 ASST[SIR OF PW 032.2 SM C $0.00 ASST IDIIR OF PW 0322 SM ICS $0,322.08 ASST[SIR OF PW 0322 SMI E $0,405.21 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo Wibtaf493 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP 131-WEEKLY RATE, ASST DIR OF REC 7401 S $4,178.70 ASST DIR OF REC 7401 SM B $0.0 ASST DIR OF REC 7401 SM C $0.0 ASST DIR OF REC 7401 SM D $0.0 ASST DIR OF REC 7401 SM E $5,079.23 ASST(ENGINEER 6015 WCL A $2,924.0 ASST ENGINEER 6015 WCE B $3,070.20 ASST(ENGINEER 6015 WCL C $3,223.72 ASST ENGINEER 6015 WCE D $3,384.90 ASST(ENGINEER 00 .5 WCL L $3,554.14 ASST LNC SRVYR 0289 WCE A $2,924.00 ASST LN ICS SRVYR 0289 WCE B $3,.070.20 ASST LNC SRVYR 0289 WCE C $3,223.72. ASST LND SRVYR 0289 WCE D $3,384.90 ASST LNC SRVYR 0289 WCE E $3,554.14 ASST IPLAN NIER 4439 ACE A $2,5 .0.08 ASST PLANNER 4439 ACE B $2,542.50 ASST IPLAN NIER 4439 ACE C $2,?7 '4.53 ASST PLANNER 4439 ACE D $21913.35 ASST IPLAN NIER 4439 ACE IE $3,059.0; ASST PLN CIS ENCS 4749 WCE A $21924.00 ASST(PLN CIC ENG 4749 WCE B $3,070.20 ASST PLN CIS ENG 4749 WCE C $3,223.72. ASST PLN CIC ENG 4749 WCE D $3,384.90 ASST PLN CIS ENG 4749 WCE E $3,554.14 AUTO FGRIPT TECH 5123 ACE A $1,.670.54 AUTO FG RPT TECH 5123 ACE B $1,754.07 AUTO FGRIPT TECH 5123 ACE C $1,.841.77 AUTO FG RPT TECH 5123 ACE D $1,933.8+ AUTO F IRIPT TECH 5123 ACE E $2,030.54 BENEFITS MICR 3404 MMCF A $3,707.59 BENEFITS MGR 3404 MMCF B $3,955.90 BENEFITS MICR 3404 MMCF C $4,153.75 BENEFITS MGR 3404 MMCF D $4,361.45 BENEFITS MICR 3404 MMCF E $4,579.52 BGT&ANLYS MGR 2222 SM A $4,307.54 BCT&ANLYS MCR 2222 SM B $41522.91 BGT&ANLYS MGR 2222 SM C $4,381.37 BGT&ANLYS MGR 2222 SM D $0.00 BGT&ANLYS MGR 2222 SM IE $5,235.84 BLDG INSP 1 4771 ACE A $2,437.01 BLDG INSP 1 4771 ACE B $2,558.8+5 BLDG INSP 1 4771 ACE C $2,080.81 BLDG INSP 1 4771 ACE D $2,821.15 BLDG INSP 1 4771 ACE E $2,902.20 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 462taf49 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP 131-WEEKLY RATE, BLDG INSP 11 4773 ACE A $2,580.72. BLDG INSP 11 4773 ACE B $2,,814.76 BLDG INSP 11 4773 ACE C $2,955.49 BLDG INSP 11 4773 ACE D $3,:103.2:8 BLDG INSP 11 4773 ACE E $3,258.44 BLDG INSP 111 4775 ACE A $2,948.19 BLDG INSP 111 4775 ACE B $3,090.23 BLDG INSP 111 4775 ACE C $3,251.05 BLDG INSP 111 4775 ACE $3,413.59 BLDG INSP 111 4775 ACE E $3,584.27 BLOC INSP MGR 4709 M M A $3,544.50 BLDG INSP MGR 4709 MM B $3,?721.19 BLDG INSP MGR 4769 MMI C $3,907.88 BLDG INSP MGR 4709 MM ICS $4,103.27 BLDG INSP MGR 4709 MMI E $4,308.44 BLDG OFF/CE MCR 4780 SM A $5,312.0:1 BLDG OFF/CE MGR 4780 SMI B $0.00 BLDG OFF/CE MCR 4780 SM C $0.00 BLDG OFF/CE MGR 4780 SMI D $0.00 BLDG OFF/CE MCR 4780 SM E $6,A57.53 BLDG PROJ MGR 6412 PROF A $3,448.50 BLDG PROJ MCR 6412 PROF B $3,020.99 BLDG PROJ MGR 6412 PROF C $3,802.04 BLDG PROJ Mt3R 6412 PROF D $3,992.:14 BLDG PROJ MCR 6412 PROF E $4,191.75 BLDG SVCS S PV 0609 ACE A $2,356.22 BLDG SVCS SPV 6669 ACE B $2,474.03 BLDG SVCS S PV 0609 ACE C $2,591.14 BLDG SVCS S PV 6669 ACE D $2,72.7.02. BLDG SVCS S PV 0009 ACE E $2,804.01 BUSINSS LIC REP 4505 ACE A $1,707.81. BUSINSS LIC REP 4505 ACE B $:1,393.19 BUSINSS LIC REP 4505 ACE C $1,882.87 BUSINSS LIC REP 4505 ACE D $1,.976.99 BUSINSS LIC REP 4505 ACE E $2,075.84 C& R S PVR 0427 ACE A $2,953.04 C & R S PVR 6427 ACE B $3,100.71 C& R S PVR 0427 ACE C $3.,255.74 C & R S PVR 6427 ACE D $3,418.52. C&V R S PVR 0427 ACE E $3,589.45 CARPENTER 6444 ACE A $2,125.59, CARPENTER 0444 ACE B $2,.232.91 CARPENTER 6444 ACE C $2,344.50 CARPENTER 0444 ACE D $2,40:1.80 CARPENTER 1 6444 ACE I E $2,584.89 Approved and Adopted: U' ,IYI. 4 Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo Wikt f 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, CASHIER 3669 ACE A $11418.291 CASHIER 3669 ACE B $1,489.21. CASHIER 3669 ACE C $115+53.67 CASHIER 3669 ACE ID $1,641.85 CASHIER 3669 ACE E $1,72.3.94 CHIEF OF POLICE 5001 EXEC A $7,1.49.84 CHIEF OF POLICE 5091 EXEC B $0.0 CHIEF OF POLICE 5001 EXEC C $8,265.1.8 CHIEF OF POLICE 5001 EXEC D $0.00 CHIEF OF POLICE 5001 EXEC IE $8,+599.70 CHIEF OF STAFF 2011 MMUC A $21939.85 CHIEF OF STAFF 2011 MMUC B $3,986.84 CHIEF OF STAFF 2011 MMUC C $3,241.18 CHIEF OF STAFF 2011 MMUC D $3,403.2.4 CHIEF OF STAFF 2911 MMUC E $3,573.41. CHIEF S ST OFF 2729 SII A $5,958.58 CHIEF S ST CUFF 2729 SM B $0.00 CHIEF S ST OFF 2729 SM C $0.00 CHIEF S ST CUFF 2729 SM D $5,971.96 CHIEF S ST OFF 2729 SM E $6,107.18 CITY ATTY(EL) 2.499 CATV A $0.00 CITY ATTY(EL) 2400 CATY B $0.00 CITY ATTY(EL) 2.499 CATV C $0.0 CITY ATTY (EL) 2400 CATY ID $0.00 CITY ATTY (EL) �4 E�:0710,1120190710,11202400CATY E $8,253.89 CITY ATTY INV 2435 CONF A $2,51.1..1.3 CITY ATTY INV 243.5 CONF B $2,636.68 CITY ATTY INV 2435 CONF C $2,368.52 CITY ATTY INV 243.5 CONF D $2,906.94 CITY ATTY INV 2435 CONF E $3,952.29 CITY CLERK 2,201 CCLK A $4,999.94 CITY CLERK 2201 CCLK B $0.00 CITY CLERK 2,201 CCLK C $0.00 CITY CLERK 2201 CCLK D $5,202.90 CITY CLERK 2,201 CCLK E $6,066.52 CITY CLERK ANLT 2221. PROF A $3,013.37 CITY CLERK ANLT 2221 PROF B $3,164.04 CITY CLERK ANLT 2221. PROF C $3,3; 2.2:4 CITY CLERK ANLT 2221 PROF D $3,488.35 CITY CLERK ANLT 2221. PROF IE $3,002.77 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. 4 Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 464taf49 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, CITY ENGINEER 6010 SM A $51094.69 CITY ENGINEER 6010 SM B $0.00 CITY ENGINEER 6010 SM C $0.00 CITY ENGINEER 6010 SM D $0.00 CITY ENGINEER 6010 SM E $61192.61 CITY LIBRARIAN 7007 SM A $4,504.04 CITY LIBRARIAN 7007 SM B $4,834.23 CITY LIBRARIAN 7007 SM C $5,.075.95 CITY LIBRARIAN 7007 SM D $5,329.74 CITY LIBRARIAN 7007 SM E $5,595.23 CITY MANAGER 2710 CMGR A $0.00 CITY MANAGER 2710 CMGR B $0.00 CITY MANAGER 2710 CMGR C $0.00 CITY MANAGER 2710 CMGR D $0.00 CITY MANAGER 2710 CMGR E $10,961.54 CIVIL BKGRD INV 5429 ACE A 2,?021.35 CIVIL BKGRD INV 5429 ACE B $2,122.41 CIVIL BKGRD, INV" 5429 ACE C $2,228.53 CIVIL BKGRD INV 5429 ACE D $2,339.95 CIVIL BKGRD, INV" 5429 ACE E $2,456.95 CIVIL BKGRD INV 5430 UCIHR A $2,021.35 CIVIL BKGRD, INV" 5430 UCIHR B $2,122.41 CIVIL BKGRD INV 5430 UCIHR C $2,228.53 CIVIL BKGRD, INV" 5430 UCIHR D $2,339.95 CIVIL BKGRD INV 5430 UCIH R E $2,455.95 CIVIL POL INV 5431 UCIHR A $2,063.15 CIVIL POL INV 5431 UCIHR B $2,166.32 CIVIL POL INV 5431 UCIHR C $2,274.63 CIVIL POL INV 5431 UCIHR D $2,388.36 CIVIL POL INV 5431 UCIHR E $21507.78 CLERICAL AIDE 0241 UCIHR A $0.00 CLERICAL AZIDE 024 . UCIHR B $0.00 CLERICAL AIDE 0241 UCIHR C $0.00 CLERICAL AZIDE 024 . UCIHR D $0.00 CLERICAL AIDE 0241 UCIHR E $1,120.00 CLT ARTS PM MGR 4435 PROF A $3,193.51 CLT ARTS PM MGR 4435 PROF B $3,353.29 CLT ARTS PM MGR 4435 PROF C $3,520.95 CLT ARTS PM MGR 4435 PROF D $3,597.00 CLT ARTS PM MGR 4435 PROF E $3,88 ..85 CODE ENF OFF 1 4777 ACE A $2,115.81 CODE ENF OFF 1 4777 ACE B $2,222.+56 CODE ENF OFF 1 4777 ACE C $2,333.78 CODE ENF OFF 1 4777 ACE D $2,450.48 CODE ENF OFF I 1 4777 ACE E $2,573.00 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo&REstaf49 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, COLE ENF OFF 11 4778 UCHR A $2,328.49 CODE ENF OFF 11 4778 UCHR B $2,444.92 COLE ENF OFF 11 4778 UCHR C $2,567.17 CODE ENF OFF 11 4778 UCHR D $2,695.52 COLE ENF OFF 11 4778 UCHR E $2,830.31 CODE ENF OFF 11 4779 ACE A $2,328.49 CODE, ENF OFF 11 4779 ACE B $2,444.92. CODE ENF OFF 11 4779 ACE C $2,567.17 CODE ENF OFF 11 4779 ACE U $2,595.52. CODE ENF OFF 11 4779 ACE E $2,830.31 CODE, ENF TECH 4789 ACE A $1,840.70 CODE ENF TECH 4789 ACE B $1,932.75 CODE, ENF TECH 4789 ACE C $2,02.9.38 CODE ENF TECH 4789 ACE D $2:,130.85 CODE, ENF TECH 4789 ACE E $2,237.39, COLLECTIONS SUP 3583 MM A $2,942.12 COLLECTIONS SUP 3583 MM B $3,089.85 COLLECTINS SUP 3583 MM C $3,244.35 COLLECTIONS SUP 3583 MM U $3,406.57 COLLECTIONS SUP 3583 MM E $3,576.89 COMMTY SERV CUFF 5141 ACE A $1,670.54 COMMTY SERV OFF 5141 ACE B $1,154.0 ' COMMTY SERV CUFF 5141 ACE C $1,841.77 COMMTY SERV OFF 5141 ACE D $1,933.85 COMMTY SERV OFF 5141 ACE E $2,030.54 CONSTIT SRV' REP 2039 CONF A $0.00 CONSTIT SRV REP 2039 CONE B $0.00 CONSTIT SRV' REP 2039 CONF C $0.00 CONSTIT SRV REP 2039 CONE D $0.00 CONSTIT SRV' REP 2039 CONF E $1,959.15 CONSVTN SPEC 1 6200 ACE A $1,924.37 CONSVTN SPEC II 6200 ACE B $2,020.50 CONSVTN SPEC 1 6200 ACE C $2,121.54 CONSVTN SPEC II 6200 ACE U $2,2221.10 CONSVTN SPEC 1 6200 ACE E $2,339.09 CONSVTN SPEC III 6202 ACE A $2,,x.15.81 CONSVTN SPEC 11 6202 ACE B $2,222.66 CONSVTN SPEC III 6202 ACE C $2,333.18 CONSVTN SPEC 11 6202 ACE U $2,450.48 CONSVTN SPEC 11 6202 ACE E $2,573.00 COUNCIL ASST 2023 UCHR A $1,832.86 COUNCIL ASST 2023 UCHR B $1,.924.50 COUNCIL ASST 2023 UCHR C $21020.73 COUNCIL ASST 2023 UCHR D $2,.121.76 COUNCIL ASST 2023 UCHR E $21227.85 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo&96taf49 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP 131-WEEKLY RATE, COUNCILPERSON 2003 CL A $0.00 COUNCILPERSON 2003 CL B $0.90 COUNCILPERSON 2003 CL C $0.00 COUNCILPERSON 2003 CL D $0.90 CC3UNCILPERSONI ��:0710,1120192003 CIL IE $2,,179.03 CRIME LAB MGR 5101 MM A $3,810.52 CRIME LAB MGR 5101 MM B $4,001.15 CRIME LAB MGR 5101 MM C $4,.201..21 CRIME LAB MGR 5101 MM D $4,411.27 CRIME LAB MGR 51.01 MM IE $4,531..83 COVIU SITE ASST 5757 UCHR A $11120.00 COVID SITE ASST 5757 UCHR B $1,.176.00 CVIU SITE ASST 5757 UCHR C $1,234.80 COVIU SITE ASST 5757 UCHR D $1,.295.54 COVIU SITE ASST 5757 UCHR E $1,361.37 CUSTODIAL SPVR 6607 ACE A $1.,953.79 CUSTODIAL SPV'R 6667 ACE B $2,051.49 CUSTODIAL SPVR 6607 ACE C $2,F154.07 CUSTODIAL SPV'R 6667 ACE U $2,261.77 CUSTODIAL SPVR 6607 ACE E $2.374.86 CUSTODIAN 6661 ACE A $1,544.49 CUSTODIAN 0501. ACE B $1,.621.71 CUSTODIAN 6661 ACE C $1,702.80 CUSTODIAN 0501. ACE D $1,387.95 CUSTODIAN 6661 ACE E $1,877.34 CUSTODIAN 0502 UCHR A $1.,544.49 CUSTODIAN 0502 UCHR B $1,621.71 CUSTODIAN 0502 UCHR C $1.0702.80 CUSTODIAN 0502 UCHR a $1,787.95 CUSTODIAN 0502 UCHR E $1.0877.34 DELIVERY DRIVER 7191 ACE A $11415.791 DELIVERY DRIVER 71911 ACE B $1,480.59 DELIVERY DRIVER 7191 ACE C $1,560.92 DELIVERY DRIVER 71911 ACE ID $1,,638,.97 DELIVERY DRIVER 7191 ACE E $1,72.0.90 DEP CTY ATY 1 2410 P R U C A $3,5 2 6.2 9, CEP CTY ATY 1 2410 PRUC B $3,702.00 DEP CTY ATY 1 241.0 PRUC C $3,.887.73 DEP CTY ATY 1 2410 PRUC D $4,032.12 DEP CTY ATY 1 241.0 PRUC E $4,28+5.2:3 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo&W�taf49 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE DEP CTY ATY 11 2408 PRUC A $4,231.53 D E P CTY ATY 11 2408 P R C B $4,443.11 DEP CTY ATY 11 2408 P R C C $4,665.26 DEP CTY ATY 11 2458 PRUC D $4,898.53 DEP CTY ATY 11 2408 P R C E $5,143.45 DEP CTY ATY II1II 2411 SM A $5,259.34 DEP CTY ATY 111 241.1 SMI B $5,522.32. DEP CTY ATY II1II 2411 SM C $5,798.43 DEP CTY ATY 111 241.1 SM D $5,088.35 DEP CTY ATY II1II 2411 SM E $5,392.74 DEP CTY CLK 1 2245 PRUC A $2,180.55 DEP CTY CLK 1 2245 PRUC B $2,.289.50 DEP CTY CLK 1 2245 PRUC C $2,404.07 DEP CTY CLK 1 2245 PR +C D $2,524.27 DEP CTY CLK 1 2245 PRUC E $2,550.49, DEP CTY CLIC 112243 PRUC A $2:,398.52 DEP CTY CLIA 11 2243 PRUC B $2,518.55 DEP CTY CLIC 11 2243 PRUC C $2:,544.48 DEP CTY CLIA 11 2243 PRUC D $2,776.71. DEP CTY CLIC 111 2243 PRUC E $2:,315.54 DEP CTY MCR 2705 EXEC A $1,882.52. DEP CTY MCR 2705 (EXEC B $0.00 DEP CTY MCR 2105 EXEC C $0.00 DEP CTY MCR 2705 (EXEC D $0.00 DEP CTY MCR 2105 EXEC E $8,130.12. DEP (FIRE CHIEF 5505 SM A $5,440.25 DEP FIRE CHIEF 5505 SM B $0.00 DEP (FIRE CHIEF 5505 SM C $0.00 DEP FIRE CHIEF 5505 SM D $0.00 DEP (FIRE CHIEF 5505 SM IE $5,512:.58 DET FACILTY MGR 5130 MM A $31810.52 DET FACULTY MGR 5130 MM B $4,001.15 DET FACILTY MCR 5130 MM C $4,201.21. DET FACILTY MCR 5130 MM D $4,411.27 DET FACILTY MCR 5130 MM E $4,531.83 DEV AUTO SPEC 4718 PROF A $3,.046.34 DEV AUTO SPEC 471.8 PROF B $31108.55 DEV AUTO SPEC 4718 PROF C $31358.59 DEV AUTO SPEC 471.8 PROF D $3,52.5.52 DEV AUTO SPEC 4718 PROF IE $3,102:.85 DEV SRV CTR MCR 4547 MM A $3,515.95 DEV SW CTR MGR 4547 MM B $3,859.75. DEV SRV CTR MCR 4547 MM C $4,052.73 DEV SW CTR MGR 4547 MM ID $4,255.37 DEV SRV CTR MGR 4547 MM E $4,458.14 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo&d%ta r 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE,* DEV SRV TCH 1 4542 ACE $1,741.19 DEV SRV TCH 1 4542 ACE B $1,626.26 DEV SRV TCH 1 4542 ACE C $1,91.9.66 DEV SRV TCH 1 4542 ACF D $2,015.65 DEV SRV TCH 1 4542 ACE E $2,116.44- DEV SRV TCH 1 4540 UCHR A $1,741.19 DEV SRV TCH 1 4540 UCHR B $1,628.26 DEV SRV TCH 1 4540 UCHR C $1,919.66 DEV SRV TCH 1 4540 UCHR D $2,015.65 DEV SRV TCH 1 4540 UCHR E $2,116.44 DEV SRV TCH 11 4541 ACE A $1,915.32. DEV SRV TCH 11 4541 ACE B $2,,011.07 DEV SRV TCH 11 4541 ACE C $2,111.62. DEV SRV TCH 11 4541 ACE D $2,217.21 DEV SRV TCH 11 4541 ACE, E $2,32.6.07 DEV SRV TCH 11 4544 UCHR A $1,915.32 DEV SRV TCH 11 4544 UCHR B $2,011.07 DEV SRV TCH 11 4544 UCHR C $2,111.62 DEV SRV TCH 11 4544 UCHR D $2,217.21 DEV SRV TCH 11 4544 UCHR E $2,328.07 DEV SRV TCH 111 4543 ACE A $2,202.60 DEV SRV TCH 111 4543 ACE B $2,312.14 DEV SRV TCH 111 4543 ACE C $2,42.6.38 DEV SRV TCH 111 4543 ACE D $2,549.19 DEV SRV TCH 111 4543 ACE E $2,677.29 DGTL FOR TCH I S245 ACE A $1,977.68 DGTL FOR TCH 1 5245 ACE B $2,076.78 DGTL FOR TCH I S245 ACE C $2,180.62 DGTL FOR TCH 1 5245 ACE, D $2,289.65 DGTL FOR TCH 1 5245 ACE E $2,404.13 DGTL FOR TCH 11 5243 ACE A $2,274.57 DGTL FOR TCH 11 5243 ACE B $2,388.30 DGTL FOR TCH 11 5243 ACE C $2,507.71. DGTL FOR TCH 11 5243 ACE D $2,033.10 DGTL FOR TCH 11 5243 ACE E $2,764.75 DI R OF COM SVCS 7004 EXEC A $61000.40 DI R OF CAVI SVCS 7004 EXEC B $0.00 D I R OF CONI SVCS 7004 EXEC C $0.00 D I R OF CAVI SVCS 7004 EXEC D $0.00 DI R OF C J I SVCS 7004 EXEC IE $7,306.72 DI R OF DEV SVCS 4039 EXEC A $6,52.6.01 DI R OF DEV SVCS 4039 EXEC B $0.00 DI R OF DEV SVCS 4039 EXEC C $0.00 DI R OF DEV SVCS 4039 EXEC ID $7,809.02 DI R OF DEV SVCS 4039 EXEC E $7,935.69 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo&Wtaf49 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, DIR OF ECON DEV 2734 EXEC A $6,528.01. DIR OF ECON DEV 2734 EXEC B $0.00 DIR OF ECON DEV 2734 EXEC C $0.00 DIR OF ECON DEV 2734 EXEC D $0.00 DIR OF ECON DEV 2734 EXEC E $71935.89 DIR OF ENG/CE 6006 (EXEC A $6,528.00 DIR OF ENG/ E 6006 EXEC B $0.00 DIR OF ENS;/CE 6006 EXEC C $0.00 DIR OF ENG/CE 6006 EXEC D $0.00 DIR OF ENS;/CE 6006 (EXEC E $7,934.82 DIR OF FINANCE 3601 EXEC A $6,575.01. DIR OF FINANCE 3601 EXEC B $0.00 DIR OF FINANCE 3601 EXEC C $7,366.74 DIR OF FINANCE 3601 EXEC ID $0.00 DIR OF FINANCE 3601 EXEC E $7,934.82 DIR OF HIR/RM 3300 EXEC A $6,528.00 DIR OF HIR/RMI 3366 EXEC B $0.00 DIR OF HIR/RM 3300 EXEC C $0.00 DIR OF HIR/RM 3300 EXEC D $0.00 DIR OF HIR/RM 3300 EXEC E $7,934.82 DIR OF ITS 3061 EXEC A $6,066.41. DIR OF ITS 300 . EXEC B $0.00 DIR OF ITS 3001 EXEC C $61681.59 DIR OF ITS 300 . EXEC D $0.00 DIR OF ITS 3001 EXEC E $7,366.71. DIR OF PW 6320 EXEC A $6,528.00 DIR OF PIN 6320 EXEC B $0.00 DIR OF PW 6320 EXEC C $0.00 DIR OF PIN 6320 EXEC D $0.00 DIR OF PW 6320 EXEC IE $7,934.82 ECON DEV SPC I 2747 ACE A $2,306.94 ECON DEV SPC I 2747 ACE B $2,422.29 ECON DEV SPC I 2747 ACE C $2,543.40 ECON DEV SPC I 2747 ACE D $2,670.57 ECON DEV SPC I 2747 ACE E $2,804.10 ECON DEV SPC II 2749 ACE A $2,768.33 ECON DEV SPC II 2749 ACE B $2,906.75 ECON DEV SPC II 2749 ACE C $3,052.08 ECON DEV SPC II 2749 ACE D $3,204.70 ECON DEV SPC II 2749 ACE E $3,364.93 EIEC TECH 6475 ACE A $2,456.28 EEEC TECH 6475 ACE B $2:,579.09, EIEC TECH 6475 ACE C $2,708.05 EEEC TECH 6475 ACE ID $2:,843.44 EIEC TECH 6475 ACE E $2,985.62 Approved and Adopted: U' ,IYI. 4 Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo&&Qtaf49 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PTCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, CLEC TECH SUPV 6472 ACE A $2,824.72 ELEC TECH SUPV" 6472 ACE B $2,965.96 ELEC TECH SUPV 6472 ACE, C $3,114.25 ELEC TECH SUPV" 6472 ACE D $3,,269.97 ELEC TECH SUPV 6472 ACE, E $3,433.45 ELEC/EQUIP INST 6492 ACE A $2,029.94 ELEC/EQUIP INST 0492 ACE B $2,131.43 ELEC/EQUIP INST 0492 ACE C $2,238.00 ELEC/EQUIP INST 0492 ACE U $2,349.91 ELEC/EQUIP INST 0492 ACE E $2,401.40 ELECTRICIAN 0438 ACE A $2,232.92 ELECTRICIAN 6,438 ACE B $2,344.57 ELECTRICIAN 0438 ACE C $2,461.81 ELECTRICIAN 6,438 ACE U $2,584.90 ELECTRICIAN 0438 ACE E $2,714.13 EMRG SVCS COORD 5504 PROF A $3,1.75.41. EMRG SVCS COORD 5504 PROF B $3,334.19 EMRG SVCS COORD 5504 PROF C $3,5010.89 EMRG SVCS COORD 5504 PROF a $3,075.94 EMRG SVCS COORD 5504 PROF E $3,859.14 EMS EDUCATOR 555 ' PROF A $3,347.11. EMS EDUCATOR 5557 PROF B $3,51.4.40 EMS EDUCATOR 555 ' PROF C $3,090.19, EMS EDUCATOR 5557 PROF D $3,.874.70 EMS EDUCATOR 5557 PROF E $4,008.43 EMS INV"SPEC 5559 ACE A $2,,08 7.99, EMS INV SPEC 5559 ACE B $2,192.39 EMS INV"SPEC 5559 ACE C $2,302.00 EMS INV SPEC 5559 ACE U $2,417.09, EMS INV SPEC 5559 ACE E $2,537.90 EMT NON-SFT ) 5657 IAFF A $1,12.0.00 EMT(NON-SFT'Y) 5657 IAFF B $1.,17 .00 EMT NON-SFT ) 5657 IAFF C $1,234.80 EMT(NON-SFT'Y) 5657 IAFF U $1.12:96.54 EMT NON-SFT ) 5657 IAFF E $1,301.37 EMT(NON-SFT ) 5658 UCHR A $1.,1.20.00 EMT NON-SFT ) 5058 UCHR B $1,170.00 EMT(NON-SFT ) 5658 UCHR C $1,.234.80 EMT NON-SFT ) 5058 UCHR Q $1,290.54 EMT(NON-SFT ) 5658 UCHR E $1,361.37 ENG TECH I 0081 ACE A $2,119.15 ENG TECH 1 0081. ACE B $2,,225.10 ENCS TECH 1 0081 ACE C $2,330.35 ENG TECH 1 6081. ACE U $2,453.17 ENCS TECH 1 0081 ACE E $2,575.84 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo Mibtaf49 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, ENCS TECH II 5071 ACE A $2,331.95 ENCS TECH II 6071 ACE B $2,441.51 ENCS TECH II 5071 ACE C $2,559.99 ENCS TECH II 6071 ACE D $2,598.49 ENG TECH 11 5071 ACE E $2,833.42. ENV S ST MGR 6207 MM A $3,992.38 ENV S ST MCR 5207 MMI B $4,192.00 ENV S ST MGR 0207 MM C $4,.401.60 ENV S ST MCR 6207 MMI D $4,521.68 ENV S ST MGR 0207 MM IE $4,852.76 ENV SVCS MCR 5205 MM A $3,992.38 ENV SVCS MGR 0205 MM B $4,.192.00 ENV SVCS MCR 5205 MM C $4,401.60 ENV SVCS MGR 0205 MM ID $4,52 ..58 ENV SVCS MCR 5205 MM E $4,852.76 EQUIP MAINT MGR 6505 MM A $3,.145.11 EQUIP MAINT M G R 5505 MM B $3,302.37 EQUIP MAINT MGR 6505 MM C $3,467.49 EQUIP MAINT M G R 5505 MM D $3,640.86 EQUIP MAINT MGR 6505 MM IE $3,822.90 EQUIP MECH 5542 ACE A $2,107.11. EQUIP MECH 5542: ACE B $2,.212.45 EQUIP MECH 6542 ACE C $2,323.07 EQUIP MECH 6542: ACE D $2:,439.2.4 EQUIP MECH 6542 ACE E $2,561.19, EQUIP OPERATOR 6301 ACE A 2,242.51 EQUIP OPERATOR 6361 ACE B $2,354.74 EQUIP OPERATOR 6301 ACE C 2,472.48 EQUIP OPERATOR 6361 ACE D $2,595.10 EQUIP OPERATOR 6301 ACE E $2,325.90 EXEC SECRETARY 01187 CCINF A $21553.57 EXEC SECRETARY 01181 COW B $2,0681.35 EXEC SECRETARY 0118 ' CCINF C $2,815.41 EXEC SECRETARY 01181 CO,NF D $2,955.18 EXEC SECRETARY 0118 ' CCINF E $3,103.99 FA ACCTG TECH 5270 CONF A $2,.160.38 FA ACCTG TECH 5270 COW B $2,268.39, FA ACCTG TECH 5270 CONF C $2,381.81 FA ACCTG TECH 5270 CONF D $2,500.90 FA ACCTG TECH 5270 CONF E $2,.625.95 FA ADM ANL T 1 5297 CCINF A $2,372.86 FA ADM ANLYT 1 5297 CONF B $2,.491.52 FA ADM ANL T 1 5297 CCINF C $2,515.08 FA ADM ANLYT 1 5297 CONF D $2,346.88 FA ADM ANLT 1 5297 CCINF E $2,884.22. Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo&&Ztaf49 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PTCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, FA ADM ANLYT 11 5296 CONF A $2,610.15 FA ADM ANLYT 11 5 296 CO N F B $2,?40.55 FA ADM ANLYT 11 5296 CONF C $2,877.69 FA ADM ANLYT 11 5296 CO N F D $3,.021.59 FA ADM ANLYT 11 5296 CONF E $3,172.65 FA ANALYST 5277 CONIF A $1,813.26 FA ANALYST 5277 CONF B $1,993.92. FA ANALYST 5277 CONF C $1,.999.13 FA ANALYST 5277 CONF D $2,099.98 FA ANALYST 5277 CONF E $2,204.04 FA CYBER SEC PM 5455 MMUC A $3,543.96 FA CYBER SEC PM S4S5 MMUC B $3,321.15 FA CYBER SEC PM 5455 MMUC C $3,947.21 FA CYBER SEC PM 5455 MMUC ID $4,.102.57 FA CYBER SEC PM 5455 MMUC E $4,347.70 FA DEP DIR LECC 5465 SM A $3,944.25 FA DEP DIR LECC 5465 SM B $4,499.48 FA DEP DIR LECC 5465 SM C $41344.45 FA DEP DIR LECC 5465 SM D $41519.67 FA DEP DIR LECC 5465 SM IE $4,145.6 ' FA DEP EXEC DIR 5463 SM A $4,374.13 (Effective 11112021) FA DEP EXEC DIR 5453 SM B $4.44 FA DEP EXEC DIR 5463 SM C $4.44 FA DEP EXEC DIR 5463 SM D $4.44 FA DEP EXEC DIR 5463 SM E $5,311.92 (Effective 11112021) FA DIR OF LECC 5274 SM A $5,144.54 (Effective. 1,�2021 FA DIR OF LECC 5274 SM B $4.44 FA DIR OF LECC 5274 SM C $4.44 FA DIR OF LSCC 5274 SM ID $4.44 FA DIR OF LSCC 5274 SM E ��,24$.31. (Effective. :,�z0z1 FA EXEC ASST 5286 CONF A $2,323.12. FA EXEC ASST S286 CONIF B $2:,439.28 FA EXEC ASST 5286 CONF C $2,561.25 FA EXEC ASST 5286 CONIF D $2:,589.34 FA EXEC ASST 5286 CONF E $2,823.78 FA EXEC DIR 5451 EXEC A $4,911.+55 FA EXEC DIR 5461 EXEC B $4.44 FA EXEC DIR 5451 EXEC C $4.44 FA EXEC DIR 5461 EXEC D $4.44 FA EXEC DIR 5451 EXEC IE $5,974.14 Approved and Adopted: U' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo Wktaf493 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, FA FIN MGR 5493 MMUC A $3,893.24 FA FIN MGR 5493 M M C B $4,088.43 FA FIN MGR 5493 MMUC C $4,292.85 FA FIN MGR 5493 M M C D $4,.507.49 FA FIN MGR 5493 MMUC E $4,732.8 ' FA GD/WEBMASTER 5289 C NF A $2,454.54 FA GCS/WEBMASTER 5289 CONF B $2,577.2 ' FA GCS/WEBMASTER 5289 C NF C $2,7016.14 FA GCS/WEBMASTER 5289 CONF a $2,841.44 FA GCS/WEBMASTER 5289 C NF E $2,983.52 FA GS INTL ANT 5439 PRUC A $3,379.4 " FA GS INTL ANYT 5439 PRUC B $3,548.44 FA GS INTL ANT 54.39 PRUC C $3,725.86 FA GS INTL ANYT 5439 PRUC $3,912.15 FA GS INTL ANT 54.39 PRUC E $4,107.76 FA I INTIE L AN LYT 5485 CONF A $2,454.54 FA INTEL ANLYT 5485 CCINF B $2,577.27 FA I INTIE L AN LYT 5485 CONF C $2,3015.14 FA I NTEL AN LYT 5485 CCIN F D $2,841.44 FA IINTEL ANLY 5485 CONF E $2,983.52 FA IVL,ECC EXdIR 5491 SM A $4,246.17 FA IVILECC EXIDIR 5491 SM B $4,458.45 FA IVL,ECC EXaIR 5491 SM C $4,581.38 FA IVILECC EXI IR 5491 SM ID $4,915.44 FA IVL,ECC EXaIR 5491 SM E $5,161.22. FA LECC IT MGR 5440 MMUC A $3,5014.75 FA LECC IT MGR 5449 MMI C B $3,785.00 FA LECC IT MGR 5440 M M C C $3,.974.25 FA LECC IT MGR 5440 MMI C a $4,172.96 FA LECC IT MGR 5440 M M C E $4,38:1.51 FA MCROCMP SPEC 5443 PRUC A $2,930.90 FA MCROCMP SPEC 5443 PRUC B $3,077.44 FA MCROCMP SPEC 5443 PRUC C $31231.31. FA MCROCMP SPEC 5443 PRUC $3,392:.88 FA MCROCMP SPEC 5443 PRUC E $31502.52 FA MMMT ASST 5218 CONF A $2,.212.50 FA MGMT ASST 5278 CONF B $2,323.12. FA MMMT ASST 5218 CONF C $2:,439.29 FA MGMT ASST 5278 CONF D $2,.561.26 FA MGMT ASST 5278 CONF E $2:,589.3:1 FA NTWK AaM N 1 5292 PRUC A $2,949.51. FA NTWK ADM N 1 5292 PRUC B $3,091.09, FA NTWK AaM N 1 5292 PRUC C $31251.94 FA NTWK AC MN 1 5292 PRUC D $3,414.54 FA NTWK AaM N 1 5292 PRUC E $3,585.27 Approved and Adopted: U' ,IYI. 4 Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo M+af49 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, FA NTWK ADI I N 11 5294 PRUC A $3,244.58 FA NTWK ADM N 11 5294 PRUC B $3,.406.8,1 FA NTWK ADIVI N 11 5294 PRUC C $3,577.15 FA NTWK ADM N 11 5294 PRUC D $3,356.01 FA NTWK ADIVI N 11 5294 PRUC E $31943.81. FA NTWK ADM N 111 5457 PRUC A $3,411.38 FA NTWK ADIVI N 111 5457 PRUC B $3,588.25 FA NTWK ADIVI N 111 5457 PRUC C $3,367.66 FA NTWK ADIVI N 111 5457 PRUC D $31956.95 FA NTWK ADIVIN 111 5457 PRUC IE $4,153.85 FA PGIVI ANALYST 5444 P R C A $3,496.55 FA PGM ANALYST 5444 P R C B $3,.671.48 FA PGIVI ANALYST 5444 PRUC C $3,855.06 FA PGM ANALYST 5444 PRUC ID $4,?047.81 FA PGIVI ANALYST 5444 PRUC E $4,250.20 FA PGM ASST 5451 CO NI F A $1,367.38 FA PGM ASST 5451 CONF B $1,855.74 FA PGM ASST 5451 CO NI F C $1,.948.54 FA PGM ASST 5451 CONF D $2,045.97 FA PCOM ASST 545 . CONF E $2,.148.26 FA PGM ASST SUP 5452 PRUC A $2,543.13 FA PCOM ASSTS P 5452 PRUC B $2,.670.29, FA PGIVI ASSTS P 5452 PRUC C $2,803.80 FA PCOM ASSTS P 5452 PRUC D $2:,943.991 FA PGIVI ASST SUP 5452 PRUC E $3,091.19, FA PGM MGR 5445 SM A $3,904.26 FA PCOM MGR 5445 SM B $4,104.80 FA PGM MGR 5445 SM C $4,304.45 FA PGIVI MGR 5445 SM D $4,519.67 FA PGM MGR 5445 SM IE $4,345.67 FA PPPE PGIVI MGR 5497 MMI C A $3,666.17 FA PPPE PGM MGR 5497 MMUC B $3,849.48 FA PPPE PGM MGR 5497 MMI C C $4,041.95 FA PPPE PCOM MPGR 5497 MMUC D $4,244.05 FA PPPE PGM MGR 5497 MMUC E $4,455.26 FA RCFL NWK ENG 52:84 CONF A $2,848.43 FA RCFL NWK ENCS 5284 CONF B $2,990.84 FA RCFL NWK ENG 52:84 CONF C $3,149.40 FA RCFL NWK ENG 5284 CONF D $3,297.41 FA RCFL NWK"K ENgG 52:84 CONF E $3,462.28 FA SPV I NT AN LT 5481 P R C A $3,174.20 FA SPV II NT AN LT 5481 PRUC B $3,332.91 FA SPV I NT AN LT 5481 PRUC C $3,499.56 FA SPV II NT AN LT 5481 PRUC D $3,074.54 FA SPV I NT AN LT 5481 PRUC E $3,858.27 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo&&Fstaf49 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, FA SR FIN AN LYT 5495 PRUC A $2,740.13 FA SR FIN AN LYT 5495 PRUC B $2,.877.14 FA SR FIN AN LYT 5495 PRUC C: $3,02.0.99 FA SR FIN AN LYT 5495 PRUC D $3,.172.04 FA SR FIN AN LYT 5495 PRUC E $3,330.54 FA SR I NTL AN LT 5483 PRUC A $2,885.54 FA SR I NTL AN LT 5483 PR C: B $3,029.92. FA SR I NTL AN LT 5483 P R C +C $3,.181.42 FA SR I NTL AN LT 5483 P R C: D $3,340.49 FA SR I NTL AN LT 5483 P R C IF $3,.507.51 FA SR PGM ASST 5454 C ONF A $2,102.73 FA SR PGM ASST 5454 C O NI F B $2,.207.85 FA SR PCM ASST 5454 C ONF C $2,31.8.25 FA SR PGM ASST 5454 C CS NI F ICS $2,.434.18 FA SR PCM ASST 5454 C ONF E $2,555.89 FA SR SECRETARY 5477 C O,NF A $1,818.13 FA SR SECRETARY 5477 C CNF B $1,909.03 FA SR SECRETARY 5477 C O,NF C $2,004.48 FA SR SECRETARY 5477 CONF D $2,104.71 FA SR SECRETARY 5477 C O,NF E $2,209.94 FAC&SUPP SPEC 5545 LICHR A $1,815.54 FAC&SUPP SPEC 5545 UCHR B $1,905.43 FAC:&SUPP SPEC 5545 LICHR C $2,001.75 FAC&SUPP SPEC 5545 UCHR D $2,.101.82 FAC:&SUPP SPEC: 5545 LICHR E $2,205.91. FAC&SUPP SPEC 5548 ACME A $1,815.54 FAC:&SUPP SPEC: 5548 ACE B $1,905.43 FAC&SUPP SPEC 5548 ACME C $2,001.75 FAC:&SUPP SPEC 5548 ACE D $21101.82 FAC&SUPP SPEC 5548 ACME E $2,205.91 FAC: FINANCE MGR 4051 SM A $3,785.84 FAC FINANCE MGR 405:1 SM B $0.00 FAC FINANCE MGR 4051 SM C $0.00 FAC FINANCE MGR 405:1 SM D $0.00 FAC FINANCE MCR 4051 SM E $4,501.72. FACILITIES MGR 5425 MM A $3,582.24 FACILITIES MGR 542.5 MM B $31751.35 FACILITIES MGR 5425 MM C $3,949.42 FACILITIES MGR 542.5 MM D $4,145.89 FACILITIES MGR 5425 MM IE $4,354.23 FIELD MAIN SPEC 7471 ACE A $1,555.59, FIELD MAIN SPEC 7471 ACME B $1,133.12 FIELD MAIN SPEC 7471 ACE C $1,819.78 FIELD MAIN SPEC 7471 ASCE D $1,,910.77 FIELD MAIN SPEC 7471 ACE E $2,005.30 Approved and Adopted: U' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo M6taf49 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, FINANCE MANAGER 3523 5M A $4,30r7.54- FINANCE MANAGER 3023 5M B $0.00 FINANCE MANAGER 3523 SM C $0.00 FINANCE MANAGER 3023 5M D $0.00 FINANCE MANAGER 3523 5M E $5,235.84- FIRE APP MECH 0521 ACE A $2:,521.2:0 FIRE APP MECH 652.1 ACE B $2,653.57 FIRE APP MECH 0521 ACE C $2,386.2.4 FIRE APP MECH 052.1 ACE D $21925.5+5 FIRE APP (MECH 0521 ACE IE $3,071.83 FIRE BC-A 551.1 IAFF A $4,229.30 FIRE IBC-A 55 .1 IAFF B $4,440.83 FIRE BC-A 551.1 IAFF C $4,502.8 ' FIRE IBC-A 55 .1 IAFF D $4,890.01 FIRE BC-A 551.1 IAFF E $5,140.81 FIRE BC-C 55 .3 IAFF A $4,229.30 FIRE BC-C 551.3 IAFF B $4,440.83 FIRE BC-C 5513 IAFF C $4,002.87 FIRE BC-C 551.3 IAFF D $4,895.01 FIRE BC-C 55 .3 IAFF E $5,140.81 FIRE CAPT-A 5583 IAFF A $3,394.98 FIRE CAIPT-A 5583 IAFF B $3,564.72 FIRE CAPT-A 5583 IAFF C $3,742.96 FIRE CAPT-A 5583 IAFF 3 $3,930.11 FIRE CAPT-A 5583 IAFF E $4,12.6.61. FIRE CAPT-B 5582 IAFF A $3,394.98 FIRE CAPT-B 5582 IAFF B $3,564.72. FIRE CAPT-B 5582 IAFF C $3,142.90 FIRE CAPT-B 5582 IAFF D $3,930.11. FIRE CAPT-B 5582 IAFF E $4,:120.0:1 FIRE CAPT-C 5581 IAFF A $3,394.98 FIRE CAPT-C 558 . IAFF B $3,504.72 FIRE CAPT-C 5581 IAFF C $3,742.96 FIRE CAPT-C 558 . IAFF 3 $3,930.1:1 FIRE CAPT-C 5581 IAFF E $4,126.61. FIRE CAPT-INT 5580 IAFF A $3,394.98 FIRE CAPT-INT 5580 IAFF B $3,564.72. FIRE CAPT-INT 5580 IAFF C $3,142.90 FIRE CAPT-INT 5580 IAFF D $3,930.11. FIRE CAPT-INT 5580 IAFF E $4,:120.01 FIRE CHIEF 5501 EXEC A $6,52.8.31 FIRE CHIEF 5501. EXEC B $0.00 FIRE CHIEF 5501 EXEC C $71738.24 FIRE CHIEF 5501. EXEC ICD $0.00 FIRE CHIEF 5501 EXEC E $7,934.85 Approved and Adopted: U' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo&&'i�t f 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, FIRE DIV CHIEF 5507 MMUC A $4,986.57 FIRE DIV CHIEF 5507 MMUC B $5,235.90 FIRE DIV CHIEF 5507 MMUC C $5,497.70 FIRE DIV CHIEF 5507 MMUC ICS $5,372.58 FIRE DIV CHIEF 5507 MMUC E $61061.21. FIRE ENG-A 5603 IAFF A $2,894.63 FIRE ENG-A 5603 IAFF B $3,039.36 FIRE ENG-A 5603 IAFF C $3,191.33 FIRE ENS -A 5603 IAFF U $3,350.89 FIRE ENG-A 5603 IAFF E $3,,518.44 FIRE ENS -C 5601 IAFF A $2,894.63 FIRE ENG-C 56,01 IAFF B $3,039.36 FIRE ENS -C 5601 IAFF C $3,191.33 FIRE ENG-C 56,01 IAFF D $3,350.89 FIRE ENG-C 5591 IAFF E $3,518.44 FIRE ENG-INT 5602 IAFF A $2,894.+ 3 FIRE ENG-INT 5602 IAFF B $3,039.36 FIRE ENG-INT 5602 IAFF C $3,191.33 FIRE ENG-INT 5602 IAFF U $31350.89 FIRE ENG-INT 5602 IAFF E $3,518.44 FIRE INS/INV 1 5530 IAFF A $2,448.07 FIRE INS/INV 1 5530 IAFF B $2,570.47 FIRE INS/INV 1 5530 IAFF C $2,699.00 FIRE INS/INV" 1 5530 IAFF D $2,833.95 FIRE INS/INV 1 5530 IAFF E $2,975.65 FIRE II NS/INV" 1 5534 UCHR A $2,448.07 FIRE INS/INV 1 5534 UCHR B $2,570.47 FIRE TINS/INV" 1 5534 UCHR C $2,699.00 FIRE INS/INV 1 5534 UCHR a $2,833.95 FIRE IINS/INV 1 5534 UCHR E $2,975.65 FIRE INS/INV 11 5531 IAFF A $2,692.87 FIRE IINS/INV 111 5531 IAFF B $2,?827.51 FIRE INS/INV 11 5531 IAFF C $2,968.89 FIRE IINS/INV 111 5531 IAFF ICS $3,11 x".33 FIRE INS/INV 11 5531 IAFF E $3,273.20 FIRE IINS/INV 111 5532 UCHR A $2,692.8 ' FIRE INS/INV 11 5532 UCHR B $2,827.51 FIRE IINS/INV 111 5532 UCHR C $2,0968.89 FIRE INS/INV 11 5532 UCHR a $3,117.33 FIRE INS/IINV 11 5532 UC,HR E $3,273.20, FIRE PRV AIDE 5533 UCHR A $1,197.78 FIRE PRV AZIDE 5533 UCHR B $1,257.66 FIRE PRV AIDE 5533 UCHR C $1,320.55 FIRE PRV AZIDE 5533 UCHR D $1,386.57 FIRE PRV AIDE 5533 UCHR E $1,455.90 Approved and Adopted: U' ,IYI. 4 Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo Mhe t f 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PTCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, FIRE PRV SPEC 5537 ACE A $1,91.5.32 FIRE PRV SPEC 5537 ACE B $2,011.07 FIRE PRV SPEC 5537 ACE C $2,11.1.62 FIRE PRV SPEC 5537 ACE ID $2,217.2.1. FIDE PRV SPEC 5537 ACE E $2,32.8.0 " FIRE IPRV ENG/IN 5528 IAFF A $3,247.92 FIRE PRV ENGIN 552.8 IAFF B $3,410.32. FIRE IPRV ENGIN 5528 IAFF C $3,580.83 FIRE PRV ENGIN 552.8 IAFF a $3,759.88 FIRE IPRV ENGIN 5528 IAFF E $3,947.87 FIRE RECRUIT 5625 ACE A $1,902.54 FIRE IRECRUIT 5625 ACE B $1.,997.67 FIREFGHTR-A 5623 IAFF A $2,460.12 FIKEFGHTR-A 5623 IAFF B $2,583.1.3 FIREFGHTR-A 5623 IAFF C $2,712.28 FIKEFGHTR-A 5673 IAFF D $2,841.90 FIREFGHTR-A 5623 IAFF E $2,990.29 FIRIEFGHTR-C 5621 IAFF A $2,460.1.2 FIREFGHTR-C 5621 IAFF B $2,583.13 FIRIEFGHTR-C 5621 IAFF C $2,I12.2:8 FIREFGHTR-C 5621 IAFF D $2,847.90 FIIRIEFGHTR-C 5621. IAFF E $2,990.29 FIREFGHTRPMI-A 561.3 IAFF A $2,829.14 FIRIEF HTRPM-A 56 .3 IAFF B $2,970.66 FIREFHTRPMI-A 561.3 IAFF C $3,119.13 FIRIEFGHTRPM-A 5613 IAFF D $3,275.08 FIREF+ HTRPMI-A 561.3 IAFF E $3,438.84 FIREFGHTRPM-B 5612 IAFF A $2,829.14 FIREFaHTRPM-B 561.3 IAFF B $2,970.60 FIREFGHTRPM-B 561.3 IAFF C $3, FIREFGHTRPM-B 5613 IAFF D $3,275.08 FIRIEFHTRPM-B 561.3 IAFF E $3,438.84 FIREFGHTRPM-C 5611 IAFF A $2,82.9.14 FIRIEF HTRPM-C 561.1. IAFF B $2,,970.60 FIREFHTRPM-C 5611 IAFF C $3,11.9.13 FIIRIEFGHTRPM-C 561.1. IAFF D $3,275.08 FIREFGHTRPM-C 5611 IAFF E $31438.84 FISC DBT MCAT AN 3627 MMCF A $3,611..1.1. FISC DBT MCT AN 3627 MMCF B $3,791.66 FISC DBT MCAT AN 3627 MMCF C $3,981..25 FISC DBT MCT AN 3627 MMCF D $4,180.31. FISC DBT MGT AN 3627 MMCF IE $4,389.32 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo&&Waf49 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, FISC OFF SPEC 0169 ACE A $1,577.72 FISC OFF SPEC 0169 ACE B $1,656.61. FISC OFF SPEC 0169 ACE C $1,739.44 FISC OFF SPEC 0169 ACE D $1,826.40 FISC OFF SPEC 0169 ACE E $1,917.72 FISC OFF SPEC 0170 UCHR A $1.,577.72 FISC OFF SPEC 0170 UCHR B $1,656.61 FISC OFF SPEC 0170 UCHR C $1.,339.44 FISC OFF SPEC 0170 UCHR D $11826.40 FISC OFF SPEC 0170 UCHR E $1.,917.72 FISC&MGT ANLY 0216 PROF A $3,611.11. FISC&MGT ANLYT 021.6 PRCIF B $3,791..66 FISC&MGT ANLYT 0216 PROF C $31931.25 FISC&MGT ANLYT 0216 PRCIF ID $4,1.80.31 FISC&MGT ANLYT 021.6 PRCF E $4,339.32 FLT II NV CTRL SP 651.3 ACE A $2,087.99 FLT INV CTRL SP 551.3 ACE B $2,192.39 FLT II NV CTRL SP 651.3 ACE C $2,302.00 FLT INV CTRL SP 551.3 ACE D $2,417.09 FLT II NV CTRL SP 651.3 ACE E $2,531.96 FLT MANAGER 6501 MM A $3,493.88 FLT MANAGER 6501. MM B $3,668.5 ' FLT MANAGER 6501 MM C $3,852.00 FLT MANAGER 6501. MM D $4,044.60, FLT MANAGER 6501 MM E $4,246.83 FORENSICS SPEC 5114 ACE A $2,502.02 FORENSICS SPEC 511.4 ACE B $2,627.12 FORENSICS SPEC 511.4 ACE C $2,158.50 FORENSICS SPEC 511.4 ACE D $2,896.41. FORENSICS SPEC 511.4 ACE E $3,041.23 GARDENER (SEAS) 6629 UCHR A $1,455.41. GARDENER (SEAS) 6629 UCHR B $1.,528.18 GARDENER (SEAS) 6629 UCHR C $11604.59 GARDENER (SEAS) 6629 UCHR D $1.,684.82 GARDENER (SEAS) 6629 UCHR E $1,769.06 GARDENER I 6627 ACE A $1,544.49 GARDEN ER I 6627 ACE B $1,62.1.71. GARDENER I 6627 ACE C $1,,702.80 GARDENER I 6627 ACE D $1,787.95 GARDENER I 6627 ACE E $1.,871.34 GARDENER II 6623 ACE A $1,698.95 GARDENER II 6623 ACE B $1,183.89 GARDENER II 6623 ACE C $1,873.10 GARDENER II 6623 ACE D $1,,966.75 GARDENER II 6623 ACE E $2,965.09 Approved and Adopted: U' ,IYI. 4 Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 1+620raf 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBAIRG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, GIS MANAGER 3079 MM A $3,581.50 GIS MANAGER 3079 MM B $3,700.58 GIS MANAGER 3079 MM C $3,948.51 GIS MANAGER 3079 MM D $4,1.40.04 GIS MANAGER 3079 MM E $4,353.34- GIS SPECIALIST 3081. ACE A $2,51.9.01. GIS SPECIALIST 3081 ACE B $2,045.58 GIS SPECIALIST 3081. ACE C $2,.777.87 GIS SPECIALIST 3081 ACE D $2,916.75 GIS SPECIALIST 3081. ACE IE $3,002.59 GRAPHIC DESGNR 2.775 ACE A $2,232.04 GRAPHIC DESGNR 2775 ACE B $2,343.53 GRAPHIC ESG N R 2.775 ACE C $2,460.82. GRAPHIC ESC;IN R 2775 ACE ID $2,583.80 GRAPHIC DESGNR 2.775 ACE E $2,713.04 GYMNASTIC SPEC 7543 UCHR A $1.,2018.09 GYMNASTIC SPEC 7543 UCHR B $1,268.50 GYMNASTIC SPEC 7543 UCHR C $1.,331..92 GYMNASTIC SPEC 7543 UCHR D $1,398.52. GYMNASTIC SPEC 7543 UCHR E $1.,4+58.44 HOUSING MANAGER 4093 SM A $4,305.54- HOUSING MANAGER 4093 SM B $0.00 HOUSING MANAGER 4093 SM C $0.00 HOUSING MANAGER 4093 SM D $0.00 HOUSING MANAGER 4093 SM E $5,205.02 HR ANALYST 331.0 PRCF A $2,387.37 HR ANALYST 3310 PRCF B $2,92.6.74 HR ANALYST 331.0 PRCF C $3,073.08 HR ANALYST 3310 PRCF D $3122.0.73 HR ANALYST 331.0 PRCF IE $3,388.0 " HR MIG R 3331 SM A $41490.99 HR MGR 3331. SM B $0.00 HR MIG R 3331 SM C $0.00 HR MGR 3331. SM D $0.00 HR MGR 3331 SM E $5,465.90 HR TECHNICIAN 331.4 UCH A $2,004.95 HR TECHNICIAN 3314 UCHR B $2,105.20 HR TECHNICIAN 331.4 UCH C $2,21.0.44 HR TECHNICIAN 3314 UCHR D $2,320.97 HR TECHNICIAN 331.4 UCHR E $2,437.02 HR TECHNICIAN 3315 CO,NF A $2,004.95 HR TECHNICIAN 331.5 CO,NF B $2,1.05.2:0 HR TECHNICIAN 3315 CO,NF C $2,210.44 HR TECHNICIAN 331.5 CO,NF D $22320.97 JHRTECHNICIAN 3315 1 CO,NF E 1 $2,437.02 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda IYe k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 462ibtaf 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, HVAC TECHNICIAN 0430 ACE A $2,232.92 HVAC TECHNICIAN 0430 ACE B $2,344.5 ' HVAC TECHNICIAN 0430 ACE C $21461.81 HVAC TECHNICIAN 0430 ACE D $2,584.90 HVAC TECHNICIAN 0430 ACE E $2,714.13 INTERN, GRAD 0209 UCHR A $0.00 INTERN, BRAD 0209 IHR B $1,122.29 INTERN, GRAD 0209 UCHR C $1.0175.73 INTERN, GRAD 0209 UCHR D $11234.51 INTERN, GRAD 0209 UCHR E $1,290.24 INTERN, UNDRGRD 0267 UCHR A $0.00 INTERN, UNDRGRD 0267 UCHR B $0.00 INTERN, UNDRGRD 0267 UCHR C $0.00 INTERN, UNDRGRD 0267 UCH D $1,122.2 INTERN, UNDRGRD 0207 UCHR E $1,178.40 IT MGR 5104 SM A $4,322.28 IT MGR 5104 SM B $0.00 IT MGR 5 .04 SM C $0.00 IT MGR 5104 SM D $0.00 IT MCR 5 .04 SM IE $5,180.94 IT SUPP SPEC (T) 301.4 PROF A $2,930.90 IT S PP SPEC (T) 30 .4 PROF B $3,.077.44 IT S PP SPEC (T) 301.4 PROF C $3,231.31. IT S PP SPEC (T) 3014 PROF ID $3,392.88 IT S PP SPEC (T) 301.4 PROF E $3,502.52 IT TECHNICIAN 3017 ACE A $2,077.22 IT TECHNICIAN 3017 ACE B $2,181.09 IT TECHNICIAN 3017 ACE C $2,.290.13 IT TECHNICIAN 3017 ACE D $21404.65 IT TECHNICIAN 3017 ACE E $2,.524.89 LATENT PRT EXAM 5111 ACE A $2,877.34 LATENT PRT EXAM 5111 ACE B $3,021.21 LATENT PRT EXAM 5111 ACE C $31172.26 LATENT PRT EXAM 5111 ACE D $3,330.88 LATENT PRT EXAM 5111 ACE E $31497.41 LATENT PRT EXAM 5112 UCHR A $2,0877.34 LATENT PRT EXAM 511.2 UCHR B $3,021.21 LATENT PRT EXAM 5112 UCHR C $3,172.26 LATENT PRT EXAM 511.2 UCHR D $3,330.88 LATENT PRT EXAM 5112 UCHR E $3,A97.41 LAW OFFICE MGR 2.465 MMI C A $2,936.57 LAW OFFICE MGR 2405 M M C B $3,083.40 LAW OFFICE MGR 2.465 MMI C C $3,237.57 LAW OFFICE MGR 2405 M M C D $3,399.45 LAW OFFICE MGR 2.465 MMI C E $3,509.42 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 4622taf 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PTCI IBARG STEP 131-WEEKLY RATE, LEAD CUSTODIAN 6663 ACE A $1,698.95 LEAD CUSTODIAN 6563 ACE B $1,783.89 LEAD CUSTODIAN 6663 ACE C $1,873.10 LEAD CUSTODIAN 6563 ACE D $1,965.75 LEAD CUSTODIAN 6663 ACE E $2,065.09 LEGAL ASSISTANT 0183 CONIF A $2,131.37 LEGAL ASSISTANT 0183 CONF B $2,237.94 LEGAL ASSISTANT 0183 CONF C $2:,349.84 LEGAL ASSISTANT 0183 CO N F D $2,467.32 LEGAL ASSISTANT 0: 83 CONF IE $2:,590.+59 LIBRARIAN 1 7075 ACE A $2,045.39 LIBRARIAN 1 7075 ACE B $2,,148.72 LIBRARIAN 1 7075 ACE C $2,250.14 LIBRARIAN 1 7075 ACE D $2,308.95 LIBRARIAN 1 7075 ACE E $2,487.40 LIBRARIAN 1 7076 UC1HR A $2,045.39 LIBRARIAN 1 7076 UC1HR B $2,148.72 LIBRARIAN 1 7076 UC1HR C $2,256.14 LIBRARIAN 1 7076 UC1HR D $2,308.95 LIBRARIAN 1 7076 UCIHR E $21487.40 LIBRARIAN 11 7073 ACE A $2,251.01 LIBRARIAN 11 7073 ACE B $2,303.50 LIBRARIAN 11 7073 ACE C $2,481.74 LIBRARIAN 11 7073 ACE D $2,005.82 LIBRARIAN 11 7073 ACE E $2,730.13 LIBRARIAN 11 7074 UCIHR A $2,251.01 LIBRARIAN 11 7074 UC1HR B $2,303.50 LIBRARIAN 11 7074 UCIHR C $2,481.74 LIBRARIAN 11 7074 UC1HR D $2,005.82 LIBRARIAN 11 7074 UCIHR E $2,736.13 LIBRARIAN 111 7071 ACE A $2,475.13 LIBRARIAN 111 7071 ACE B $2,599.95 LIBRARIAN 111 7071 ACE C $2,72.9.94 LIBRARIAN 111 7071 ACE D $2,800.42 LIBRARIAN 111 7071 ACE E $3,009.75 LIBRARY AIDE 7181 UC1HR A $0.00 LIBRARY AIDE 7181 UCIHR B $0.00 LIBRARY AIDE 7181 UC1HR C $0.00 LIBRARY AIDE 7181 UCIHR D $0.00 LIBRARY AIDE 7181 UC1HR E $1,.120.00 LIBRARY ASSOC 7091 ACE A $1,839.75 LIBRARY ASSOC 7091 ACE B $1,931.74 LIBRARY ASSOC 7091 ACE C $2102.8.33 LIBRARY ASSOC 7091 ACE D $2.,129.75 LIBRARY ASSOC 7091 ACE E $2,230.24 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 462itaf 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP 131-WEEKLY RATE, LIBRARY ASSOC 7092 UCHR A $1,839.75 LIBRARY ASSOC 7092 UCHR B $1.,931..74 LIBRARY ASSOC 7092 UCHR C $2102.8.33 LIBRARY ASSOC 7092 UCHR D $2,1.29.75 LIBRARY ASSOC 7092 UCHR E $2,230.24 LI B RARY ASST 71.57 ACE A $1.,455.02 LIBRARY ASST 7157 ACE B $1,52.8.42. LI B RARY ASST 71.57 ACE C $1.,004.83 LIBRARY ASST 7157 ACE D $1,085.0 " LI B RARY ASST 71.57 ACE E $1.,709.33 LIBRARY DS MGR 702.5 MM A $3,471.90 LIBRARY DS MGR 7025 MM B $3,.645.49 LIBRARY DS MCR 702.5 MM C $3,827.77 LIBRARY DS MGR 7025 MM IU $4, LIBRARY DS MCR 702.5 MM E $4,220.11 LIBRARY OPS MGR 7029 MM A $3,994.48 LIBRARY OPS MGR 702.9 MM B $41194.20 LIBRARY OPS MGR 7029 MM C $4,403.92 LIBRARY OPS MGR 702.9 MM D $4,024.11 LIBRARY OPS MGR 7029 MM IE $4,855.32 LIBRARY TECH 7121 ACE A $1,073.98 LIBRARY TECH 71.21. ACE B $1.,351.08 LIBRARY TECH 7121 ACE C $1,845.57 LIBRARY TECH 71.21. ACE ID $1,.937.84 LIBRARY TECH 7121 ACE E $2,034.73 LIFEGUARD I 7587 UCHR A $0.00 LIFEGUARD I 7587 UCHR B $1,101.20 LIFEGUARD I 7587 UCHR C $1.,21.9.33 LIFEGUARD I 7587 UCHR D $1,280.29 LIFEGUARD I 7587 UCHR E $1.,344.31. LIFEGUARD II 7585 UCHR A $1,210.59 LIFEGUARD II 7585 UCHR B $1.1277.42 LIFEGUARD II 7585 UCHR C $1,341.29 LIFEGUARD II 7585 UCHR D $1.,408.30 LIFEGUARD II 7585 UCHR E $1,478.77 LNDSCPE ARCH 4480 PROF A $3,1.93.01. LNDSCPE ARCH 4480 PROF B $31353.29 LNDSCPE ARCH 4480 PROF C $3,520.95 LNDSCPE ARCH 4480 PROF D $3,697.00 LNDSCPE ARCH 4480 PROF IE $3,88 ,.85 LNDSCPE INSP 02911 ACE A $2,437.04 LNDSCPE INSP 02911 ACE B $2,?558.87 LNDSCPE INSP 02911 ACE C $2,086.83 LNDSCP"E INSP" 62911 ACE D $2,821..1.0 LNDSCPE INSP 02911 ACE E $2,902.22. Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 462raf3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PTCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, LN aSCPE PLAN 1 4482 ACE A $2,515.67 LN DSCPE PLAN 1 4482 ACE B $2,642.49 LN aSCPE PLAN 1 4482 ACE C $2,774.62. LNUSCPE PLAN 1 4482 ACE U $2,913.34 LN aSCPE PLAN 1 4482 ACE E $3,059.01. LN USCPE PLAN 11 4483 ACE A $2,368.33 LN aSCPE PLAN 11 4483 ACE B $2,906.75 LNDSCPE PLAN 11 4483 ACE C $3,052.08 LN aSCPE PLAN 11 4483 ACE D $3,204.70 LN DSCPE PLAN 11 4483 ACE E $3364.93 LOCKSMITH + 443 ACE A $21125.59 LOCKSMITH 6443 ACE B 2,.232.91 LOCKSMITH + 443 ACE C $2,344.56 LOCKSMITH 6443 ACE D 2,.461.8 LOCKSMITH + 443 ACE E $2,584.89 MAIINT WORKER 1 63 7 ACE A $1,544.49 MAINT WORKER 1 5377 ACE B $1,521.71. MAIINT WORKER 1 63 7 ACE C $1.,702.80 MAINT WORKER 1 5377 ACE D $1,787.95 MAIINT WORKER 1 63 7 ACE E $ ..,877.34 MAINT WORKER 1 5379 UCHR A $1,544.49 MAIINT WORKER 1 6379 UCHR B $1,621.71 MAINT WORKER 1 5379 UCHR C $11702.80 MAIINT WORKER 1 6379 UCHR D $1,787.95 MAINT WORKER 1 5379 UCHR E $1,877.34 MAIINT WORKER 11 63 '3 ACE A $1,598.95 MAINT WORKER 11 5373 ACE B $1,783.89 MAINWORKER 11 63 '3 ACE C $1,873.10 MAINT WORKER 11 5373 ACE D $1,966.75 MAINWORKER 11 63 '3 ACE E $2,065.09 MAINT WORKER 11 5381 UCHR A $1,598.95. MAIINT WORKER 11 638 . UCHR B $1,783.89 MAINT WORKER 11 5381 UCHR C $1,873.10 MAIINT WORKER 11 638 . UCHR D $1,966.75 MAINT WORKER 11 5381 UCHR E $2,065.09 MAYOR 2001 MY A $0.00 MAYOR 2001 MY B $0.00 MAYOR 2001 MY C $0.00 MAYOR 2001 MY a $0.00 MAYOR � ,�� �.,�z .� 2001 MY E $5,44 `.5+ Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. 4 Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 462taf 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBAIRG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, MECHANIC ASST 6550 ACE A $1,597.01. MECHANIC ASST 7550 ACE B $:1,I81.87 MECHANIC ASST 5550 ACE C $1,870.98 MECHANIC ASST 6550 ACE D $:1,9+64.51 MECHANIC ASST 6550 ACE E $2,062.76 MGMT ANALYST 1 0229 ACE A $2,.411.77 MGMT ANALYST 1 0229 ACE B $2,538.65 MMMT ANALYST 1 0229 ACE C $2,665.59 MGMT ANALYST 1 0229 ACE D $2,798.8 ' MMMT ANALYST 1 0229 ACE E $2,938.81 MGMT ANALYST 11 0224 CONF A $2,659.54 MGMT ANALYST 11 0224 CONF B $2,392.52 MGMT ANALYST 11 0224 CONF C $2,932.14 MGMT AINALYST 11 0224 CO N F D $3,.078.15 MGMT ANALYST 11 0224 CONF E $3,232.68 MMT ANALYST 11 0227 ACE A $2,659.54 MGMT ANALYST 11 0227 ACE B $2,792.52. MMMT ANALYST 11 0227 ACE C $2,932.14 MGMT ANALYST 11 0227 ACE D $3,078.75 MMMT ANALYST 11 0227 ACE E $3,232.68 MIKTG & COMM MIGR 2781 SM A $41600.00 MKTG & COMM MCR 278:1 SM B $0.00 MKTG & COMM MGR 2781 SM C $4,729.75 MKTG & COMM MGR 278:1 SM D $0.00 MKT£ & COMM MCR 2781 SM E $5,591.33 MLTIM3A PROD SPC 5569 ACE A $2,059.08 MLTIMA PRA SPC 5569 ACE B $2,162.03 MLTIMDA PROD SPC 5569 ACE C $2,270.14 MLTIMA PRA SPC 5569 ACE D $2,383.64 MLTIM A PROD SPC 5569 ACE E $2,502.83 OFFICE SPEC 0160 UCHR A $1,5012.55 OFFICE SPEC 0160 UCHR B $1,577.69 OFFICE SPEC 0160 UCHR C $1,656.58 OFFICE SPEC 0160 UCHR 3 $1,339.41 OFFICE SPEC 0160 UCHR E $11826.37 OFFICE SPEC 0161 ACE A $1,502.56 OFFICE SPEC 0161 ACE B $1,577.69, OFFICE SPEC 0161 ACE C $1,656.58 OFFICE SPEC 0161 ACE D $1,739.41. OFFICE SPEC 0161 ACE IE $1,826.3 " OFFICE SPEC-MYR 0162 ACE A $1,502.56 OFFICE SPEC-WR 0162 ACE B $1,?571.69 OFFICE SPEC-MYR 0162 ACE C $1,+656.58 OFFICE SPEC-WR 0162 ACE D $1,139.4:1 JOF ICE SPEC-MYR 0162 ACE E $1,826.37 Approved and Adopted: U' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 4626taf 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCN IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, OPEN SPACE INSP 631.1 ACE A $2,437.04 IOPEN SPACE INSP 63 .1 ACE B $2,558.8 ' OPEN SPACE INSP 631.1 ACE C $2,686.83 IOPEN SPACE INSP 6311 ACE U $2,821.:16 OPEN SPACE INSP 631.1 ACE E $2,962.22. IOPEN SPACE MGR 6302 MM A $3,385.5; OPEN SPACE MGR 6302 MM B $31555.95 IOPEN SPACE MGR 6302 MM C $3,333.75 OPEN SPACE MGR 6302 MM D $3,920.44 IOPEN SPACE MGR 6302 MM IE $4,.116.4 +SPS&TELECOM MGR 302.5 MM A $3,581.49 OPS&TELECOM MGR 3025 MM B $3,300.57 CAPS&TELECOM MGR 302.5 MM C $3,948.50 OPS&TELECOM MGR 3025 MM IU $4,:145.03 OPS&TELECOM MGR 302.5 MM E $4,353.33 PAINTER 6434 ACE A $2,029.94 PAI NTE R 6434 ACE B $2,131.43 PAINTER 6434 ACE C $2,.238.00 PAINTER 6434 ACE d $2,349.91 PAINTER 6434 ACE E $2,407.40 PARALEGAL 2475 CCSNF A $2,287.28 PARALEGAL 2475 CONF B $2,40:1.64 PARALEGAL 2475 CONF C $2,521.73 PARALEGAL 2475 C NF D $2,647.81 PARALEGAL 2475 CONF E $2,780.20 PARAMEDIC NS 5655 IAFF A $1,344.00 PARAMEDIC (NS) 5655 IAFF B $1,41.1.20 PARAMEDIC NS 5655 IAFF C $:1,481.70 PARAMEDIC (NS) 5655 IAFF D $1,555.85 PARAMEDIC NS 5655 IAFF E $:1,033.04 PARD ENF CUFF HR 5152 UCHR A $1,518.67 PARK ENF OFF HR 5152 UCHR B $11594.00 PARD ENF CUFF HR 5152 UCHR C $1,674.34 PARK ENF CUFF HR 5:152 UCHR U $1,758.05 PARD ENF CUFF HR 5152 UCHR E $1,845.96 PARK RANGER 7434 UCHR A $0.00 PARD RANGER 7434 UCHR B $0.00 PARK RANGER 7434 UCHR C $:1,168.53 PARD RANGER 7434 UCHR D $1,226.9+ PARK RANGER 7434 UCHR E $:1,288.3:1 PARD RANGER SUP 7441 ACE A $2,589.54 PARK RANGER SUP 7441 ACE B $2,719.01 PARD RANGER SUP 7441 ACE C $2,854.97 PARK RANGER SUP 7441 ACE U $2,991.12 PARD RANGER SUP 7441 ACE E $3,147.60 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. 4 Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 4621taf49 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, PARK RNG PM MGR 7431 PROF A $3,193.50. PARK RNG PM MGR 7431 PROF B $3,353.28 PARD RNG PM MGR 7431 PROF C $3,520.94 PARK RNG PM MGR 7431 PROF D $3,695.99 PARD RNG PM MGR 7431 PROF E $3,881.84 PARKING ENF OFF 5154 ACE A $1,51.8.67 PARKING ENF OFF 5154 ACE B $1,594.60 PARKING ENF OFF 5154 ACE C $1,674.34 PARKING ENF OFF 5154 ACE D $1,758.05 PARKING ENF OFF 5154 ACE E $1,845.96 PARKING MTR TEC: 3593 ACE A $1,570.54 PARKING MTR TEC 3693 ACE B $ ,,?`54.0?' PARKING MTR TEC: 3693 ACE C $1,841.77 PARKING MTR TEC 3693 ACE D $1,933.86 PARKING MTR TEC 3693 ACE E $2,030.54 PARKS MANAGER 0004 MM A $3,380.80 PARKS MANAGER 0504 MM B $3,555.20 PARKS MANAGER 0004 MM C $3,334.01. PARKS MANAGER 0504 MM D $3,920.71 PARKS MANAGER 0004 MM E $4, PARKS REC ADM 7407 SM A $4,604.04 PARKS REC ADM 7407 SM B $4,834.23 PARKS REC ADM 7 .07 SM C $5,075.95 PARKS REC ADM 7407 SM D $5,329.74 PARKS REC ADM 7 .07 SM E $5,590.23 PARKS SUPV" 0605 ACE A $2,589.54 PARKS SUPV 0005 ACE B $2,719.91 PARKS SUPV" 0605 ACE C $2,,854.97 PARKS SUPV 6605 ACE D $2,997.72. PARKS S U PV" 0605 ACE E $3,147.60 PEACE OFFICER 5061 POA A $3,228.44 PEACE OFFICER 5061 IPOA B $3j,389.87 PEACE OFFICER 5061 POA C $3,559.35 PEACE OFFICER 5061 IPOA ID $3j,737.32 PEACE OFFICER 5061 POA E $3,924.18 PLAN C- K S PV" 4731. MM A $3,911.50 PLAN CHK S P11 4731 MM B $4,107.07 PLAN CHK S PV" 4731. MM C $4,312.42 PLAN CHK S P11 4731 MM D $4,52.8.05 PLAN CHK S PV" 4731. MM E $4,154.45 PLAN CH K TECH 4753 ACE A $2,331.07 PLAN CH K TECH 4753 ACE B $2:,441.02 PLAN CH K TECH 4753 ACE C $2,570.00 PLAN CH K TECH 4753 ACE D $2:,098.50 PLAN CH K TECH 4753 ACE E $2,+833.43 Approved and Adopted: U' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 462htaf49 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP 131-WEEKLY RATE, PLANNING MGR 4727 SM A $4,571.12. PLANNING MGR 4727 SM B $0.00 PLANNING MGR 4727 SM C $0.00 PLANNING MGR 4727 SM D $0.00 PLANNING MCR 4727 SM E $5,514.53 PLANNING TECH 452 " ACE A $1,915.32 PLANNING TECH 4527 ACE B $2,011.07 PLANNING TECH 4527 ACE C $2,.111.02 PLANNING TECH 4527 ACE D $2,217.21. PLANNING TECH 452 ' ACE E $2:,328.0 " PLUMBER 64432 ACE A $2,232.91. PLUMBER 0432. ACE B $2,344.55 PLUMBER 0432 ACE C $2,461.80 PLUMBER 0432. ACE D $2,584.89 PLUMBER 0432 ACE E $2,714.12 POL AGENT 5051 PCIA A $3p555.O3 PO L AG E NT 5051 PCIA B $%732.78 POL AGENT 5051 PCIA C $3p919.42 POL AGENT 5051 PCIA D $41115.38 POL AGENT 5051 PCIA IE $4p321.15 POL AS ADMIN 5025 SMI A $4,470.09 POL AS ADMIN 5025 SM B $0.00 POL AS ADMIN 5025 SMI C $0.00 POL AS ADMIN 5025 SM ID $0.00 POL AS ADMIN 5025 SMI E $5,433.90 POL CAPTAIN 5022 SM A $5,925.83 POL CAPTAIN 502.2 SM B $0.00 POL CAPTAIN 5022 SM C $0.00 POL CAPTAIN 502.2 SM D $0.00 POL CAPTAIN 5022 SM IE $7,203.81 POL COM SYS MCR 5185 MM A $3,581.90 POL COM SYS MGR 5185 MM B $3,361.00 POL COM SYS MCR 5185 MM C $3,949.05 POL COM SYS MGR 5185 MM D $4,.146.50 POL COM SYS MCR 5185 MM E $41353.82 PCNL COMREL SPC 5258 ACE A $1,90 ..03 POL COMREL SPC 5258 ACE B $2,059.07 POL COMREL SPC 5258 ACE C $2,162.03 POL COMREL SPC 5258 ACE D $2,270.13 POL COMREL SPC 5258 ACE E $2,383.04 POL DISPATCH CT 5187 UCHR A $1,052.84 POL DISPATCH CT 5187 UCHR B $1,735.49 POL DISPATCH CT 5187 UCHR C $11822.2+ POL DISPATCH CT 5187 UCHR D $1,313.38 POL DISPATCH CT 5187 UCHR E $2,009.03 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. 4 Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 4624ta r 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, POL DISPATCH 5P 5183 ACE A $2,593.31 POL DISPATCH 5P 5183 ACE B $2,,722.99 POL DISPATCH 5P 5183 ACE C $2,859.12. POL DISPATCH 5P 5183 ACE D $3,002.08 POL DISPATCH 5P 5183 ACE E $3,152.20 POL DISPATCH TR 5179 ACE A $2,050.00 POL DISPATCH TR 51 9 ACE B $2,152.5+ POL DISPATCH TR 5179 ACE C $2,,260.19, POL DISPATCH TR 5179 ACE D $2,373.19, POL DISPATCH TR 5179 ACE E $2,A91.85 POL DISPATCHER 5180 UCHR A $2,255.06 POL DISPATCHER 5180 UCHR B $2,367.8:1 POL DISPATCHER 5188 UCHR C $2,485.20 POL DISPATCHER 5180 UCHR D $2,010.52 POL DISPATCHER 5188 UCHR E $2,741.03 POL DISPATCHER 5181 ACE A $2,255.00 POL DISPATCHER 5181 ACE B $2,367.81 POL DISPATCHER 5181 ACE C $2,480.20 POL DISPATCHER 5181 ACE D $2,61.0.52 POL DISPATCHER 5181 ACE IE $2,141.03 POL FAC&5P CD 5191 ACE A $2,087.99, POL FAC&5P CD 5191 ACE B $2,:192.39 PCNL FAC&5P CD 5191 ACE C $2,302.00 POL FAC&5P CD 5191 ACE ID $2,4:17.09 POL FAC&5P CD 5191 ACE E $2,537.96 POL LIEUTENANT 593:1 PCIA A $4j,907.59 POL LIEUTENANT 5031 PCIA B $5,152.97 POL LIEUTENANT 503:1 PCIA C $5,41+8,61 POL LIEUTENANT 5031 PCIA D $x,581.15 POL LIEUTENANT 503:1 PCIA E $5j,965.20 POL REC SPEC 0165 ACE A $1,502.58 POL REC SPEC 0165 ACE B $1,577.72 POL REC SPEC 0165 ACE C $11555.61. POL REC SPEC 0165 ACE D $1,139.44 POL REC SPEC 0165 ACE E $1,82.6.40 POL REC SPEC 015E UCHR A $1,5012.58 POL REC SPEC 0100 UCHR B $1,577.72. POL REC SPEC 015E UCHR C $1,.655.61 POL REC SPEC 0100 UCHR D $1,739.44 POL REC SPEC 015E UCHR E $1,825.40 POL REC&SUP SPV 5203 ACE A $1,987.17 POL REdC&SUP 5PV 5203 ACE B $2,080.53 POL REC&SUP 5PV 5203 ACE C $21190.8+5 POL REdC&SUP 5PV 5203 ACE D $2,300.39 POL REC&SUP 5PV 5203 ACE E $2,415.42. Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. 4 Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo&aQtaf 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, POL RECRUIT 5071 ACE A $2,431.51 POL RECRUIT 5071 ACE B $2,553.08 POL RECRUIT 5071 ACE C $0.00 POL RECRUIT 5071 ACE D $0.00 POL RECRUIT 5071 ACE E $0.00 POL SERGEANT 5041 IPOA A $4,+689.35 POL SE Rte EANT 5041 POA B $41293.82 POL SERGEANT 5041 IPOA C $4p5O8.52 POL SE Rte EANT 5041 POA D $4,7'33.93 POL SERGEANT 5041 IPOA IE $4p970.63 POL SCVS AIDE 5207 UCHR A $0.00 POL SCVS AIDE S207 UCHR B $0.00 POL SCVS AIDE 5207 UCHR C $0.00 POL SCVS AIDE S207 UCHR D $0.00 POL SCVS AIDE 5207 UCHR E $1,120.00 POL SVCS M G R 5205 MM A $3,400.91 POL SVCS I I R 5205 MM B $31540.2+5 POL SVCS MGR 5205 MM C $3,.822.27 POL SVCS MGR 5205 MM D $4,013.38 POL SVCS MGR 5205 MM IE $4,.214.05 POL SVCS OF SUP 5132 ACE A $2,324.54 POL SVCS OF SUP 5132 ACE B $2,440.10 POL SVCS OF SUP 5132 ACE C $2,502.80 POL SVCS OF SUP 5132. ACE U $2,090.94 POL SVCS OF SUP 51.32 ACE E $2,82.5.49 POL SVCS OFF 5131 ACE A $2,,021.35 POL SVCS OFF 51.31 ACE B $2,122.41. POL SVCS OFF 5131 ACE C $2,228.53 POL SVCS OFF 51.31 ACE U $2,339.95 POL SVCS OFF 5131 ACE E $2,450.95 POL SVCS TECH 5415 ACE A $1,92.8.43 POL SVCS TECH 541.5 ACE B $2:,024.85 POL SVCS TECH 5415 ACE C $2,12.0.11. POL SVCS TECH 541.5 ACE IU $2:,232.40 POL SVCS TECH 5415 ACE E $2,344.0.3 POL TECH MGR 5209 MM A $3,.581.50 POL TECH MGR 5209 MM B $317+50.58 POL TECH MGR 5209 MM C $3,948.01 POL TECH MGR 5209 MM D $4,145.04 POL TECH MGR 5209 MM IE $4,353.34 POL TECH SPEC 5107 ACE A $3,048.72 POL TECH SPEC 5107 ACE B $3,201.10 POL TECH SPEC 5107 ACE C $3,361.21. POL TECH SPEC 5107 ACE D $3,529.20 POL TECH SPEC 5107 ACE E $3,705.7.3 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. 4 Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 4abe r 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP 131-WEEKLY RATE, POL TECH SPEC 5108 UCHR A $3,048.72. POL TECH SPEC 5108 UCHR B $3,201.16 POL TECH SPEC 5108 UCHR C $3,301.21 POL TECH SPEC 5108 UCHR D $3,529.20 POL TECH SPEC 5108 UCHR E $3,705.73 POLICY AIDE 2013 PRUC A $2:,347.86 POLICY AIDE 2013 PRUC B $21465.25 POLICY AIDE 2013 PRUC C $2,588.52 POLICY AIDE 2013 PRUC D $21717.94 POLICY AIDE 2013 PRUC IE $2,853.84 PRCRM NT SRU'AN L 371.7 MM A $3,226.95 PRCIRM NT SRV AN L 3717 IMM B $3,388.29 PRCRM NT SRU'AN L 371.7 MM C $3,557.71 PRCIRM NT SRV AN L 3717 IMM D $3,735.59 PRCRM NT SRU'AN L 371.7 MM E $3,92.2.37 PRGRMMR ANALYST 3090 PROF A $3,095.0 " PRGRMMR ANALYST 3090 PROF B $3,250.45 PRGRMMR ANALYST 3090 PROF C $3,412:.98 PRGRMMR ANALYST 3090 PROF D $31583.53 PRGRMMR ANALYST 3090 PROF IE $3,1+52:.81 PRIM CIVIL ENCS 602.1 MMI A $4,293.61. P R IIN CIVIL L ENG 6021 MM B $4,508.2:9 PRIM CIVIL ENCS 602.1 MMI C $4,733.70 PRIIN CIVIL L ENG 6021 MM ID $4,970.39 PRIM CIVIL ENG 602.1 MM E $5,218.91. PRIIN HR ANALYST 3305 MMCF A $3,302.35 PRIM HR ANALYST 3305 MMCF B $3,887.47 PRIM HR ANALYST 3305 MMCF C $4,08 ..85 PRIM HR ANALYST 3305 MMCF D $4,285.94 PRIM HR ANALYST 3305 MMCF IE $4,500.2:3 PRIM LDSCP ARCH 4486 MM A $3,992.38 PRIIN LDSCP ARCH 4486 MM B $4,192.00 P R I M LDSCP ARCH 4486 MM C $41401.50 PRIIN LDSCP ARCH 4486 MM ID $4,.621.68 PRIM LDSCP ARCH 4486 MM E $41852.7+5 PRIIN LIBRARIAN 7051 MM A $3,471.90 PRIM LIBRARIAN 7051 MM B $3,645.49 PRIIN (LIBRARIAN 7051 MM C $31827.77 PRIM LIBRARIAN 7051 MM D $4,019.16 PRIIN LIBRARIAN 7051 MM E $4,220.11 PRIM MG TANL T 0208 PROF A $3,350.99 PRAM IMGMTANILYT 02:08 PROF B $3,518.54 PRIM MGMT ANL T 0208 PROF C $3,594.46 PRAM IMGMT ANILYT 02:08 PROF ID $3,879.19 PRIM MGMT ANL T 0208 PROF E $4,073.15 Approved and Adopted: U' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo&aZief493 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE PRIN MGMTANLYT 0214 PRCF A $3,350.99, PRAM MGMT ANILYT 021.4 PRCF B $3,51.8.54 PRIN MGMTANLYT 0214 PRCF C $3,594.45 PRAM MGMT ANILYT 021.4 PRCF D $3,.879.19, PRIN MGMTANL T 0214 PRCF E $41073.15 PRIN PLANNER 4431 MM A $3,992.38 PRIN PLANNER 4431 MM B $4,192.90. PRIN PLANNER 4431 MM C $4,401..60 PRIN PLANNER 4431 MM D $4,521.63 PRIN PLANNER 4431 MM E $4,852.76 PRIN PROJ COORD 4212 PROF A $3,992.38 PRIN PROJ COORD 4212 PROF B $4,1.92.0 PRIN PROJ COORD 4212 PROF C $4,4911.50 PRIN PROJ COORD 4212 PROF D $4,521..58 PRIN PROJ COORD 4212 PROF E $4,852.76 PRIN REC MCR 7410 MM A $3,385.84 PRIM REC MGR 7410 MM B $31555.18 PRIN REC MCR 7410 MM C $3,333.99 PRIM REC MICR 7410 MM D $3,920.59 PRIN REC MGR 741.0 MM IE $4,.11.5.72 PRIN TRAFF ENG 002.0 MMI A $4,293.01. PRIN TRAFF ENCS 6020 MM B $4,508.2:9 PRIM TRAFF ENG 002.0 MM C $4,733.70 PRIN TRAFF ENCS 6020 MM ICS $4,970.39 PRIN TRAFF ENCS 002.0 MM E $5,218.91. PROCUREMNT SPEC 3721 ACE A $2,309.50 PROCUREMNT SPEC 3721 ACE B $2,437.9+ PROCUREMNT SPEC 3721 ACE C $2,012:.35 PROCUREMNT SPEC 3721 ACE D $2,742.98 PROCUREMNT SPEC 3721 ACE IE $2,,880.13 PROJECT COOR 1 421.7 ACE A $2,515.67 PROJECT COOR 1 421.7 ACE B $2,542.49 PROJECT COOR 1 421.7 ACE C $2,774.62. PROJECT COOR 1 421.7 ACE D $2,?913.34 PROJECT COOR 1 421.7 ACE E $3,059.01. PROJECT COOR 1 4218 UCHR A $2,516.07 PROJECT COOR 1 421.6 UCHR B $2,642.49 PROJECT COOR 1 4218 UCHR C $2,374.62 PROJECT COOR 1 421.6 UCHR D $2,913.34 PROJECT COOR 1 4218 UCHR E $3,059.01. PROJECT COOR 11 421.5 ACE A $2,768.33 PROJECT COOR 111 42.1.5 ACE B $2,.906.75 PROJECT COOR 11 421.5 ACE C $3,052.08 PROJECT COOR 111 42.1.5 ACE ICS $3,204.70 PROJECT COOR 11 421.5 ACE E $3,364.93 Approved and Adopted: U' ,IYI. 4 Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 4aitaf493 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP 131-WEEKLY RATE, PROP & EVD SPEC 5127 ACE A $1,670.54 PROP & EVD SPEC 5127 ACE B $1,154.87 PROP & EVD SPEC 5127 ACE C $1,841.77 PROP & EVD SPEC 5127 ACE D $1,933.85 PROP & EVD SPEC 5127 ACE E $2,939.54 PROP & EVD SPEC 5128 UCHR A $1,670.54 PROP & EVD SPEC 5128 UCHR B $117'54.07 PROP & EVD SPEC 5128 UCHR C $1.,841..17 PROP & EVD SPEC 5128 UCHR D $1,933.86 PROP & EVD SPEC 5128 UCHR E $2,930.54 PUB INFO SPEC 2782 CONF A $2,385.26 PUB INFO SPEC 2782 CONF B $2,504.55 PUB INFO SPEC 2782 CONF C $2,629.76 PUB INFO SPEC 2782 CONF D $7,301..75 PUB INFO SPEC 2.782 CONF E $2,899.31. PUB SFTY ANILYT 52:54 ACE A $2,010.1.5 PUB SFTY ANLT 5254 ACE B $2,740.55 PUB SFTY ANILYT 52.54 ACE C $2,.877.69 PUB SFTY ANLT 5254 ACE D $3,02.1.59 PUB SFTY ANILYT 52.54 ACE IE $3,172.55 PUB WRKS INP 1 5123 ACE A $2,437.04 PUB WRKS INP 1 6123 ACE B $2,558.87 PUB WRKS INP 1 5123 ACE C $2,586.83 PUB WRKS INP 1 0123 ACE D $2,821.16 PUB WRKS INP 1 5123 ACE E $2,962.22. PUB WRKS IINP 11 6121 ACE A $2,?680.72 PUB WRKS INP 11 6121 ACE B $2,814.75 PUB WRKS IINP 11 6121 ACE C $2,955.49 PUB WRKS INP 11 6121 ACE D $3,103.28 PUB WRKS IINP 111 6121 ACE IE $3,258.44 PUB WRKS MGR 6336 MM A $3,385.52 PUB WRKS MGR 6335 MM B $3,555.95 PUB WRKS MCR 5335 MM C $3,733.75 PUB WRKS MGR 6335 MM D $3,920.44 PUB WRKS MCR 5335 MM E $4,115.46 PUB WRKS SPEC 071.2 ACE A $1,?942.55 PUB NARKS SPEC 671.2 ACE B $2,039.57 PUB WRKS SPEC 6712 ACE C $2,1.41.655 PUB NARKS SPEC 671.2 ACE D $2,248.74 PUB WRKS SPEC 6712 ACE IE $2,361.191 PUB WRKS SPEC 671.4 UCHR A $1,942.55 PUB WRKS SPEC 6714 UCHR B $2,039.67 PUB WRKS SPEC 671.4 UCHR C $2,141.65 PUB WRKS SPEC 6714 UCHR D $2,248.14 PUB WRKS SPEC 671.4 UCHR E $2,351.19 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo&a af3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP 131-WEEKLY RATE, PUB DIRKS SUPDT 5327 SM A $4,41.1.00 PUB WRKS S PDT 6327 SM B $4,631.55 PUB DIRKS S PDT 5327 SM C $4,853.13 PUB WRKS S PDT 6327 SII D $51105.29 PUB DIRKS S PDT 6327 SM E $51351.50 PUB WRKS S PV" 6337 ACE A $2,589.54 PUB WRKS S PV 6337 ACE B $2,719.01 PUB WRKS S PV" 6337 ACE C $2,,854.97 PUB WRKS S PV 6337 ACE D $2,997.72. PUB WRKS S PV" 6337 ACE E $3,14I.60 PUMP MAI NT S PV 6392 ACE A $2,592.54 PUMP MAINT S PV" 6392 ACE B $2,722.17 PUMP MAI NT S PV 6392 ACE, C $2,858.28 PUMP MAINT S PV" 6392 ACE D $3,001.18 PUMP MAI NT S PV 6392 ACE E $3,151.25 PU M P MAI NT TECH 6395 ACE A $2,.212.2:5 PUMP MAI NT TECH 6396 ACE B $2,322.87 PU M P MAI NT TECH 6395 ACE C $2,.439.02 PUMP MAI NT TECH 6396 ACE D $2,550.94 PU M P MAI NT TECH 6395 ACE E $2,.689.01 PURCHASING AGT .371.1 SM A $4,016.92. PURCHASING AGT 3711 SM B $0.00 PURCHASING AGT .371.1 SM C $0.00 PURCHASING AGT 3711 SM D $0.00 PURCHASING AGT 371.1 SM E $4,882.59 RANGE MASTER 5417 ACE A $1,837.58 RANGE MASTER 541.7 ACE B $1,92.9.46 RANGE MASTER 5417 ACE C $2,025.94 RANGE MASTER 541.7 ACE D $2,12.7.24 RANGE MASTER 5417 ACE E $2,,233.61 RANGE MASTER 5418 UCHR A $1,837.58 RANGE MASTER 54 .8 UCHR B $1,929.46 RANGE MASTER 5418 UCHR C $21025.94 RANGE MASTER 5418 UCHR D $2,.127.24 RANGE MASTER 5418 UCHR E $2,233.61 REAL PROP MGR 6037 M M C A $3,319.21 REAL PROP MGR 5037 MMUC B $3,995.17 REAL PROP MGR 6037 M M C C $4,100.43 REAL PROP MPGR 5037 MMUC D $4,395.45 REAL PROP MGR 6037 M M C E $4,520.72 REC AIDE 7605 UCHR A $0.0 REC AIDE 1605 UCHR B $0.00 REC AIDE 7605 UCHR C $9.9 REC AIDE 1605 UCHR D $0.00 REC AIDE 7605 UCHR E $1,120.00 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo&aFstaf493 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, REC LEADER 7503 UCHR A $0.00 REC LEADER 7603 CHR B $0.00 REC LEADER 7503 UCHR C $1,101.72. REC LEADER 7603 UCHR D $1,219.81 REC LEADER 7503 UCHR E $1,280.80 REC SPECIALIST 17001 CHR A $1,204.33 REC SPECIALIST 7001 UCHR B $1,327.55 REC SPECIALIST 7001 UCHR C $1,393.92 REC SPECIALIST 7001 UCHR D $1,403.52. REC SPECIALIST 7601 UCHR E $1,536.80 REC S PVISR 1 7425 ACE A $1,950.82. REC SUPVISR 1 7425 ACE B $2,048.35 REC S PVISR 1 7425 ACE C $2,150.78 REC SUPVISR 1 7425 ACE D $2,258.31 REC S PVISR 1 7425 ACE E $2,371.22. REC SUPVISR 1 7420 UCHR A $1,950.82 REC S PVISR 1 7420 UCHR B $2,048.35 REC SUPVISR 1 7420 UCHR C $2,150.78 REC S PVISR 1 7420 UCHR D $2,258.31 REC SUPVISR 1 7420 UCHR E $2,371.22 REC S PVISR 11 7423 ACE A $2,145.90 REC SUPVISR 11 7423 ACE B $2,253.19 REC S PVISR 11 7423 ACE C $2,355.86 REC SUPVISR 11 7423 ACE D $2,484.15 REC S PVISR 11 7423 ACE E $2,608.36 REC S PV"ISR 111 7422 ACE A $2,.467.80 REC S PVISR 111 7422 ACE B $2,591.19 REC S PV"ISR 111 7422 ACE C $2,,720.75 REC S PVISR 111 7422 ACE D $2,856.79 REC S PV"ISR 111 7422 ACE E $2,999.+53 RECORDS MANAGER 2211 MM A $2,760.80, RECORDS MANAGER 2211 MM B $2,898.84 RECORDS MANAGER 2211 MM C $3,043.79 RECORDS MANAGER 2211 MM D $3,195.98 RECORDS MANAGER 2211 MM E $31355.77 RECORDS SPEC 2217 ACE A $1,552.84 RECORDS SPEC 2217 ACE B $1,735.49, RECORDS SPEC 2217 ACE C $1,822:.20 RECORDS SPEC 2217 ACE D $1,913.38 RECORDS SPEC 22.17 ACE E $2,009.03 RECYCLG SPEC 1 2742 ACE A $1,924.37 RECYCLG SPEC 1 2742 ACE B $2,020.59 RECYCLG SPEC 1 2742 ACE C $2,12.1.52. RECYCLG SPEC 1 2742 ACE D $2,221.09 RECYCLG SPEC 1 2742 ACE E $2,339.08 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo&a tar 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, REC CLG SPEC II 2744 ACE A $2,116.81 RECYCLE SPEC II 2744 ACE B $2,222.66 RECCLG SPEC II 2744 ACE C $2,333.78 RECYCLG SPEC II 2744 ACE D $2,450.48 REC CLG SPEC II 2744 ACE E $2,573.00 RECD VET TECH 5307 ACE A $1.,831.58 REG VET TECH 5307 ACE B $1,929.46 RECD VET TECH 5307 ACE C $2:,025.94 REG VET TECH 5307 ACE D $2,127.24 RECD VET TECH 5301 ACE IE $2:,233.61. REG VET TECH 531.2 UCHR A $1,837.58 REG VET TECH 5312 UC,HR B $1.,929.46 REG VET TECH 531.2 UCHR C $21025.94 REG VET TECH 5312 UCHR D $2,127.24 REG VET TECH 531.2 UCHR E $2,233.61. RET ANNT- HO C 9901. UCHR A $3,021..63 RET ANNT O C 9901 UCHR B $3,172.71 RET ANNT- HO C 9901. UCHR C $3,331..35 RET ANNT O C 9901 UCHR D $3,497.91 RET ANN - HO C 9901. UCHR E $3, 72.81 REVENUE MANAGER 3689 SM A $4,3Ox.54- REVENUE MANAGER 3689 SM B $0.00 REVENUE MANAGER 3689 SM C $0.00 REVENUE MANAGER 3689 SM D $0.00 REVENUE MANAGER 3689 SM E $5,235.84 RISK MANAGER 3361. SM A $4,1.83.58 RISK MANAGER 3361 SM B $0.00 RISK MANAGER 3361. SM C $0.00 RISK MANAGER 3361 SM D $0.0 RISK MANAGER 3361. SM E $5,085.23 RISK MGMT SPEC 3367 PROF A $2,787.25 RISK MMMT SPEC 3367 PRCIF B $2,,926.61. RISK MGMT SPEC 3367 PROF C $3,072.95 RISK MMMT SPEC 336 7 PRCIF ID $3,226.59 RISK MGMT SPEC 3367 PROF E $3,387.92 SEASONAL ASST 0231. UCHR A $0.00 SEASONAL ASST 0231 UCHR B $0.00 SEASONAL ASST 0231. UCHR C $0.00 SEASONAL ASST 0231 UCHR D $0.00 SEASONAL ASST 0231. UCHR E $1.,040.00 SECRETARY 0171 ACE A $1,652.84 SECRETARY 0171. ACE B $1.,735.49 SECRETARY 0171 ACE C $1,822.26 SECRETARY 0171. ACE D $1.,91.3.38 SECRETARY 0171 ACE E $2,0019.03 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo&X�taf493 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, SGNL SYS ENG 1 6169 ACE A $2,861.73 SGML SYS ENG 1 6169 ACE B $2,941..81. SGNL SYS ENG 1 6169 ACE C $3,638.90 SGML SYS ENG 1 6169 ACE D $3,243.36 SGML SYS ENG 1 6169 ACE E $3,405.51. SGML SYS ENG 11 6170 ACE A $3,081..89 SGML SYS ENG 11 6170 ACE B $3,236.00 SGML SYS ENG 11 6170 ACE C $3,397.70 SGML SYS ENG 11 6170 ACE D $3,567.68 SGML SYS ENG 11 6170 ACE E $3,746.06 SIGN STRPE SUPV 6355 ACE $2,589.54 SIGN STRPE SUPV" 6355 ACE B $2,1/0.01. SIGN STRPE SUPV 6355 ACE C $2,854.97 SIgGN STRPE SUPV 6355 ACE D $2,,997.72 SIGNSTRPE SUPV 6355 ACE E $3,147.60 SMART TECH CUFF 2736 SM A $4,080.54 SMART TECH CUFF 2736 SMI B $0.00 SMART TECH OFF 2736 SM C $0.00 SMART TECH CUFF 2736 SM D $0.00 SMART TECH CUFF 2736 SM E $4,959.92 SPEC EVNTS COOR 2799 PRUC A $3,185.54 SPEC EVNTS COOR 2709 PRUC B $3,344.82 SPEC EVNTS COOR 2799 PRUC C $3,512.66 SPEC EVNTS COOR 2799 PRUC D $3,687.67 SPEC EVNTS COOR 2,799 PRIG E $3,872.65 SR ACCOUNTANT 3630 MMCF A $2,968.38 SR ACCOUNTANT 3636 MMCF B $3,116.80 SR ACCOUNTANT 3630 MMCF C $3,272.64 SR ACCOUNTANT 3636 MMCF D $3,436.27 SR ACCOUNTANT 3630 MMCF E $3,6018.09 SR ACCTG ASST 3651 ACE A $1,963.96 SR ACCTG ASST 3651. ACE B $2,062.16 SR ACCTG ASST 3651 ACE C $2,165.28 SR ACCTG ASST 3651. ACE 3 $2,273.55 SR ACCTG ASST 3651 ACE E $2,387.22. SR ADMIN SEC 61.45 CONIF A $2,321..52 SR ADMIN SEC 0145 CONF B $2,437.59 SR ADMIN SEC 61.45 CONIF C $2:,559.48 SR ADMIN SEC 0145 CONF D $2,687.43 SR ADMIN SEC 61.45 CONIF IE $2,821..81 SR ADMIN SEC 0185 ACE A $2,32.1.52. SR ADMIN SEC 6185 ACE B $2,437.50 SR ADMIN SEC 0185 ACE C $2,559.48 SR ADMIN SEC 6185 ACE D $2,687.43 SR ADMIN SEC 0185 ACE E $2,62.1.81. Approved and Adopted: U' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo&ahtaf3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP 131-WEEKLY RATE SR ANIL CR SPEC 5345 ACE A $1,701.01. SR ANIL CR SPEC 5345 ACE B $1,849.0 " SR ANIL CR SPEC 5345 ACE C $1,941.51. SR AWL CR SPEC 5345 ACE U $2,038.59 SR ANIL CR SPEC 5345 ACE E $2,140.52 SR APP SUP SPEC 3089 PROF A $3,A29.31 SR APPS P SPEC 3089 PROF B $3,000.78 SR APP SUP SPEC 3089 PROF C $3,780.82 SR APP SUP SPEC 3089 PROF D $3,909.80 SR APP SUP SPEC 3089 PROF IE $4,108.35 SR ASST CTY ATT 2403 EXEC A $01309.92 SR ASST CTY ATT 2403 EXEC B $0.00 SR ASST CTY ATT 2403 EXEC C $0.00 SR ASST CTY ATT 2403 EXEC IU $0.00 SR ASST CTY ATT 2403 EXEC E $7,009.75 SR BLOC INSP 4781 ACE A $3,082.82 SR BLDG INSP 4781 ACE B $3,230.97 SR BLDG INSP 4781 ACE C $3,398.82 SR BLDG INSP 4781 ACE U $3,508.70 SR BLDG INSP 4781 ACE E $3,141.18 SR BUS LIC REP 4507 ACE A $1,963.90 SR BUS LIC REP 4507 ACE B $2,002.10 SR BUS LIC REP 4507 ACE C $2,165.28 SR BUS LIC REP 4507 ACE D $2,273.55 SR BUS LIC REP 4507 ACE E $2,387.22. SR CIVIL EINE 6019 WCE A $3,800.99 SR CIVIL ENG 601.9 WCE B $4,060.32. SR CIVIL EINE 6019 WCE C $4,203.37 SR CIVIL ENG 601.9 WCE a $4,476.53 SR CIVIL EINE 6019 WCE E $4,300.34 SR CODE ENF OFF 4763 ACE A $2,945.54 SR CODE ENF OFF 4763 ACE B $3,092:.82 SR CODE ENF OFF 4763 ACE C $3,247.4.7 SR CODE ENF OFF 4763 ACE U $3,409.83 SR CODE ENF OFF 4763 ACE E $3,580.33 SR CODE ENF OFF 4764 UCHR A $2,945.54 SR CODE ENF OFF 4764 UCHR B $3,092.82. SR CODE ENF OFF 4764 UCHR C $3,247.47 SR CODE ENF OFF 4764 UCHR D $3,409.83 SR CODE ENF OFF 4764 UCHR E $3,580.33 SR COUNCIL ASST 2025 UCHR A $2,182.56 SR COUNCIL ASST 2025 UCHR B $2,.291.70 SR COUNCIL ASST 2025 UCHR C $2,406.27 SR COUNCIL ASST 2025 UCHR D $2,525.57 SR COUNCIL ASST 2025 UCHR E $2,652.92. Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo&a af3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCN IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, SR COUNCIL ASST 2027 CONF A $1,812.15 SR COUNCIL ASST 2927 CONIF B $1,302.75 SR COUNCIL ASST 2027 CONF C $1,997.88 SR COUNCIL ASST 2027 CONF U $2:,091.78 SR COUNCIL ASST 2027 CONF E $21202.07 SR DEP CITY CLK 22:08 PR +C A $2,358.41. SR DEP CITY CLK 2208 PRUC B $2,890.33 SR DEP CITY CLK 22:08 PR +C C $3,041..1.5 SR DEP CITY CLK 2208 PRUC Q $3,193.20 SR DEP CITY CLK 22:08 PR +C E $3,352.80 SR ECON CTEV SPC 2725 PROF A $3,193.01. SR ECON DEV SPC 2725 PROF B $3,353.29 SR ECON CTEV SPC 2725 PROF C $3,52.0.95 SR ECON CTEV SPC 2725 PROF U $3,+597.00 SR ECON CTEV SPC 2725 PROF E $3,881.85 SR ELEC TECH 6471 ACE A $2:,824.72 SR ELEC TECH 0471 ACE B $2,965.90 SR ELEC TECH 6471 ACE C $3, SR ELEC TECH 6471 ACE a $3,269.97 SR ELEC TECH 6471 ACE E $3,433.45 SR ELECTRICIAN 6442 ACE A $21567.87 SR ELECTRICIAN 6,442 ACE B $2,696.27 SR ELECTRICIAN 6442 ACE C $2,831.07 SR ELECTRICIAN 6,442 ACE D $2,,972.62 SR ELECTRICIAN 6442 ACE E $3,121.25 SR ENG TECH 6059 ACE A $2,080.72 SR ENG TECH 6059 ACE B $2,814.76 SR ENG TECH 6059 ACE C $2:,955.49 SR E,NG TECH 6059 ACE D $3,103.28 SR ENG TECH 6059 ACE IE $3,258.44 SR EQUIP MECH 6512 ACE A $21423.17 SR EQUIP MECH 651.2: ACE B $2,544.33 SR EQUIP MECH 6512 ACE C $2,671.55 SR EQUIP MECH 651.2: ACE ICS $2,805.11. SR EQUIP MECH 6512 ACE E $2,945.37 SR FARE INS/INV 5529 IAFF A $3,1.28.09 SR FIRE INS/INV 5529 IAFF B $3,284.49 SR FARE INS/INV" 5529 IAFF C $3,448.72 SR FIRE INS/INV 5529 IAFF D $3,62.1.16 SR FARE INS/INV" 5529 IAFF E $3,802.2.1. SR FSCL OF SPEC 9141 CONF A $1,735.48 SR FSCL OF SPEC 0141. CONF B $1,.822.25 SR FSCL OF SPEC 0141 CONF C $1,913.37 SR FSCL OF SPEC 0141. CONF D $2,009.03 ISR FSCL OF SPEC 0141 CONF I E $2,109.49 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. 4 Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 440taf 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, SR FSCL OF SPEC 0175 ACE A $1,735.48 SR FSCL OF SPEC 0175 ACE B $1,822:.25 SR FSCL OF SPEC 0175 ACE C $1,913.37 SR FSCL OF SPEC 0175 ACE D $2,009.03 SR FSCL OF SPEC 0175 ACE E $21109.49 SR FSCL OF SPEC 0176 UCHR A $1,335.48 SR FSCL OF SPEC 0176 UCHR B $1182.2.25 SR FSCL OF SPEC 0176 UCHR C $1,.913.37 SR FSCL OF SPEC 0176 UCHR D $2,009.03 SR FSCL OF SPEC 0176 UCHR E $2,109.49 SR GARDENER 662.1 ACE A $21038.74 SR GARDENER 662 . ACE B $2,.140.67 SR GARDENER 662.1 ACE C $2,247.71 SR GARDENER 662 . ACE ID $2:,360.1 . SR GARDENER 662.1 ACE E $2,478.10 SR GIS SPEC 3080 ACE A $2,771.56 SR GIS SPEC 3080 ACE B $2,91.0.15 SR GIS SPEC 3080 ACE C $3,055.65 SR GIS SPEC 3080 ACE D $3,208.44 SR GIS SPEC 3080 ACE E $3,368.86 SR GRPHC DESGR 2764 PROF A $2,886.40 SR GIRPIHC DESGR 2764 PROF B $3,030.72 SR GRPHC DESGR 2764 PROF C $3,182.26 SR GIRPIHC DESGR 2764 PROF ID $31341.37 SR GRPHC DESGR 2764 PROF E $3,508.44 SR HR ANALYST 3308 PRCF A $3,205.48 SR HR ANALYST 3308 PROF B $3,365.76 SR HR ANALYST 3308 PRCIF C $3,534.05 SR HR ANALYST 3308 PROF D $31710.75 SR HR ANALYST 3308 PRCIF IE $3,896.29, SR HR ANALYST 3313 UCHR A $3,2015.48 SR HR ANALYST 3313 UCHR B $3,365.76 SR HR ANALYST 3313 UCHR C $3,534.05 SR HR ANALYST 3313 UCHR D $3,310.75 SR HR ANALYST 3313 UCHR E $3,896.29 SR HR TECH 3316 CONT A $2,305.93 SR HR TECH 3316 CONF B $2,421.23 SR HR TECH 3316 CONT C $2,542.2:9 SR HR TECH 3316 CONF D $2,669.42 SR HR TECH 3316 CONF E $2,802.88 SR HVAC TECH 6441 ACE A $2,567.87 SR HVAC TECH 644 . ACE B $2,696.2 " SR HVAC TECH 6441 ACE C $2,831.07 SR HVAC TECH 644 . ACE D $2:,972.62 SR HVAC TECH 6441 ACE E $3,121.25 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. 4 Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo Mibtaf49 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBA►1RG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, SR IT,/POL SP II T) 3031 PROF A $3,338.43 SR IT[POL SP II ( 3031 PROF B $3,505.35 SR IT,/POL SP II T) 3031 PROF C $3,080.02. SR IT IP L SP II ( 3031 PROF D $3,864.65 SR IT,/POL SP 11 T) 3031 PROF E $4,057.88 SR ITS SPC 3012 PROF A $3,029.52 SR ITS SPC 3012 PROF B $3,181.00 SR ITS SPC 3012 PROF C $31340.05 SR ITS SPC 3012 PROF D $3,507.05 SR ITS SPC 3012 PROF IE $3,+582:.40 SR LAND SRVYR 6285 INCE A $3186+5.99 SR LAND SRVYR 0285 WCIE B $4,000.32 SR LAND SRVYR 6285 INCE C $4,203.37 SR LAND SRVYR 0285 WCIE IU $4,476.53 SR LAND SRVYR 6285 INCE E $41700.34 SR LEGAL ASST 2453 CONF A $2:,344.50 SR LEGAL ASST 24+ 3 CONF B $2,401.72. SR LEGAL ASST 2453 CONF C $2:,584.8:1 SR LEGAL ASST 2403 CONF D $2,714.05 SR LEGAL ASST 2453 CONF E $2:,849.10 SR LIBRARIAN 7053 MM A $2,756.76 SR LIBRARIAN 7053 MM B $21894.50 SR LIBRARIAN 7053 MM C $3,039.33 SR LIBRARIAN 7053 MM D $3,191.29 SR LIBRARIAN 7053 MM E $3,350.86 SR LIFEGUARD 7589 UCHR A $1.0337.40 SR LIFEGUARD 7589 UCH R B $1,404.27 SR LIFEGUARD 7589 UCHR C $1,0474.48 SR LIFEGUARD 7589 UCHR D $1,548.21 SR LIFEGUARD 7589 UCHR E $1,525.62 SR LN DSCPE I NSP 62915 ACE A $2,802.58 SR LN DSCPIE I NSP 62915 ACE B $2,942.11 SR LN DSCPE I NSP 5295 ACE C $3,089.84 SR LN DSCIPE I NSP 62915 ACE D $3,244.32 SR LN USCPE I NSP 5295 ACE E $3,406.55 SR LTNT PRT EM 51:10 ACE A $3,308.93 SR LTNT PRT EXM 511.0 ACE B $3,474.39 SR LTNT PRT EXM 51:10 ACE C $3,548.10 SR LTNT PRT EXM 5110 ACE D $3,830.51 SR LTNT PRT EXM 5110 ACE E $4,022.03 SR MAI NT WKR 6371 ACE A $2,038.74 SR MAINTWKR 6371 ACE B $2,.140.67 SR MAI NT WKR 6371 ACE C $21247.71 SR MAI NTWKR 6371 ACE D $2:,300.11 SR MAI NT WKR 6371 ACE E $214478.10 Approved and Adopted: U' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 442taf493 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, SR MGMT ANALYST 0200 PROF A $3,040.34 SR MGMT ANALYST 0200 PROF B $3,1.98.00 SR MGMT ANALYST 0200 PROF C $31358.59 SR MGMT ANALYST 0200 PROF ID $3,520.52 SR MGMT ANALYST 0200 PROF E $3,102.85 SR OFFICE SPEC 0173 ACE A $11052.84 SR OFFICE SPEC 0113 ACE B $1,135.49, SR OFFICE SPEC 0173 ACE C $1,822:.20 SR OFFICE SPEC 0113 ACE D $1,91.3.38 SR OFFICE SPEC 0173 ACE E $2,009.03 SR 0S INSP 0309 ACE A $2,802.59 SR 0S INSP 0309 ACE B $2,?942.2 SR 0S INSP 0309 ACE C $3,089.85 SR 0S INSP 0309 ACE D $3,244.33 SR 0S INSP 0309 ACE E $3,400.50 SR ME SPEC 5125 ACE A $1,921..17 SR ME SPEC 5125 ACE B $2,011.18 SR PSE SPEC 5125 ACE C $2,118,.04 SR ME SPEC 5125 ACE D $2,22.3.93 SR PSE SPEC 5125 ACE E $2,335.14 SR PARK RANGER 1439 ACE A $2,038.74 SR PARK RANGER 7439 ACE B $2,.140.67 SR PARK RANGER 1439 ACE C $2,241.11. SR PARK RANGER 7439 ACE D $2:,300.11. SR PARK RANGER 1439 ACE E $2,418.10 SR PARK ENF OFF 5157 ACE A $1,070.54 SR PARK ENF OFF 5157 ACE B $1,754.07 SR PARK ENF OFF 5157 ACE C $1.,841.77 SR PARK ENF OFF 5157 ACE D $1,933.80 SR PARK ENF OFF 5157 ACE E $2,030.54 SR PGMMR ANLYST .3091 PROF A $3,529.14 SR PGMMR ANLYST 3091. PROF B $3,705.00 SR PGMMR ANLYST .3091 PROF C $3,890.88 SR PGMMR ANLYST 3091. PROF ID $4,085.42 SR PGMMR ANLYST 3091 PROF E $4,289.09, SR PLAN CK ENG 4740 WCE A $3,098,8+5 SR PLAN CK ENG 4740 WCE B $3,883.82. SR PLAN CK ENG 4740 WCE C $4,.078.00 SR PLAN CK E,NG 4740 WCE D $4,281.90 SR PLAN CK ENG 4740 WCE E $4,490.00 SR PLAN CK TECH 4751 ACE A $2,080.72 SR PLAN CK TECH 4751. ACE B $2,8/4.70 SR PLAN CK TECH 4751 ACE C $2,955.49, SR PLAN CK TECH 4751. ACE D $3,1.03.2:8 SR PLAN CK TECH 4751 ACE E $3,258.44 Approved and Adopted: U' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo Kktaf49 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, SR PLANNER 4432 PROF A $3,193.01. SR PLANNER 4432 PROF B $3,353.29 SR PLANNER 4432 PROF C $3,52.0.95 SR PLANNER 4432 PROF ICS $3,591.00 SR PLANNER 4432 PROF E $3,551.55 SR PLNINING TECH 4529 ACE A $2,202. 0 SR PLNNING TECH 4529 ACE B $2,312.74 SR PLN IN I NG TECH 4529 ACE C $2:,425.35 SR PLNNING TECH 4529 ACE a $2,549.79, SR PLNINING TECH 4529 ACE E $2,.677.2:9, SR POL RCD SPEC 0135 ACE A $1,727.99, SR POL RCD SPEC 0135 ACE B $1,514.39, SR POL RCD SPEC 0135 ACE C $1,905.09, SR POL RCD SPEC 0135 ACE D $2,000.35 SR POL RCD SPEC 0135 ACE E $2,100.37 SR PROC SPEC 3725 PROF A $2,619.6 . SR PROC SPEC 3725 PROF B $2,750.59 SR PROC SPEC 3725 PROF C $2,555.12 SR PROC SPEC 3725 PROF D $3,032.52 SR PROC SPEC 3725 PROF IE $3,154.15 SR PROJECT COOR 4214 PROF A $3,193.61. SR PROJECT COOR 4214 PROF B $3,353.291 SR PROJECT COOR 4214 PROF C $3,520.95 SR PROJECT COOR 4214 PROF D $3,691.00 SR PROJECT COOR 4214 PROF E $31551.55 SR PS ANALYST 5260 PROF A $2,555.66 SR PS ANALYST 5250 PROF B $3,929.95 SR PS ANALYST 5260 PROF C $3,181.45 SR PS ANALYST 5250 PROF D $3,340.52 SR PS ANALYST 5260 PROF IE $3,507.54 SR PW INSP 9101 ACE A $3,052.53 SR PW INSP 6191 ACE B $3,236.95 SR PW INSP 9101 ACE C $3,395.53 SR PW INSP 6191 ACE D $3,,568.77 SR PW INSP 9101 ACE E $3,747.19 SR PW SPEC 6702 ACE A $2,,33 ..06 SR PW SPEC 6702 ACE B $2,447.61. SR PW SPEC 6702 ACE C $2,569.99 SR PW SPEC 6702 ACE D $2,695.49, SR PW SPEC 6702 ACE IE $2,533.42 SR RECORDS SPEC 221.5 ACE A $1,900.77 SR RECORDS SPEC 22.15 ACE B $1,995.81 SR RECORDS SPEC 221.5 ACE C $2,095.59, SR RECORDS SPEC 22.15 ACE D $2,200.3 SR RECORDS SPEC 221.5 ACE E $2,310.40 Approved and Adopted: U' ,IYI. 4 Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 444ta r 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, SR RSK MCAT SPEC 3365 PROF A $3,205.48 SR RTC MGT SPEC 3365 PROF B $3,365.76 SR RSK MCAT SPEC 3365 PROF C $3,534.05 SR RSK MGT SPEC 3365 PROF D $3,1:10.75 SR RSK MST SPEC 3365 PROF E $31896.29 SR SECRETARY 0:139 CONF A $1,8:18.:13 SR SECRETARY 0139 CONF B $1,909.04 SR SECRETARY 0:139 CO�NF C $2,004.49 SR SECRETARY 0139 CONF D $2,104.72 SR SECRETARY 0:139 CO�NF E $2,209.95 SR SECRETARY 0177 ACE A $1,818.13 SR SECRETARY 0177' ACE B $1,909.04 SR SECRETARY 0177 ACE C $21004.49 SR SECRETARY 0177' ACE D $211O. 4.72 SR SECRETARY 0177 ACE E $21209.95 SR TREE TRIMMER 0573 ACE A $2,.242.61 SR TREE TRIMMER 6573 ACE B $2,354.74 SR TREE TRIMMER 0573 ACE C $2,.472.48 SR TREE TRIMMER 0573 ACE a $2,590.10 SR TREE TRIMMER 0573 ACE E $2:,325.90 SR WEBMASTER 2779 PROF A $2,890.98 SR WEBMASTER 27'79 PROF B $3,04:1.83 SR WEBMASTER 2779 PROF C $3,193.92 SR WEBMASTER 27'79 PROF D $3,353.62 SR WEBMASTER 2779 PROF E $3,521.30 STKPR SUP 3732 ACE A $2,038.14 STKPR SUP 3732 ACE B $2,140.67 STKPR SUP 3732. ACE C $2,241.11 STKPR SUP 3732 ACE D $2,360.11 STKPR SUP 3732. ACE E $2,478.10 STMWR CP INS 1 0127 ACE A $2,215.47 STIVIWR CP INS 1 6127 ACE B $2,320.24 STMWR CP INS 1 0127 ACE C $2,442.55 STIVIWR CP INS 1 6127 ACE D $2,504.09 STMWR CP INS 1 0127 ACE E $2,692.91 STIVIWR CP INS 11 6125 ACE A $2,431.04 STMWR CP INS 11 0125 ACE B $2,558.87 STIVIWR CP INS 11 6125 ACE C $2,686.83 STMWR CP INS 11 0125 ACE D $2,82.1.16 STIVIWR CP INS 11 6125 ACE E $2,907.22 STMWR EN SPC 1 0137 ACE A $2,547.80 STMWR EN SPC 1 6137 ACE B $2,675.:19 STMWR EN SPC 1 0137 ACE C $2,808.95 STMWR EN SPC 1 5137 ACE D $2,949.40 STMWR EN SPC 1 0137 ACE E $3,090.87 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo&Fsta r 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, STMWR EN SPC 11 0135 ACE A $2,802.59 STMWR EN SPC 11 0135 ACE B $2,942.12 STMWR EN SPC 11 51.35 ACE C $3,089.85 STMWR EN SPC 11 0135 ACF U $3,244.33 STMWR EN SPC 11 51.35 ACE E $3,400.50 STMWR PG MGR 0131 MM A $3,505.34 STMWR PG MGR 0131 MM B $31743.01. STMWR PG MGR 0131 MM C $3,930.79 STMWR PG MGR 0131 MM D $4,127.33 STMWR PG MGR 6131 MM IE $4,333.09 STOREKEEPER 3734 ACE A $1,098.95 STOREKEEPER 3734 ACE B $ .,783.89 STOREKEEPER 3734 ACE C $1,873.10 STOREKEEPER 3734 ACE D $1,900.15 STOREKEEPER 3734 ACE E $2,005.09 SUPV PS ANALYST 52.41 MM A $3,318.51 SUPV PS ANALYST 5 241 M M B $3,484.44 SUPV PS ANALYST 52.41 MM C $3,058.00 SUPV PS ANALYST 5241 MMI U $3,841.59 SUPV PS ANALYST 52.41 MM E $4,033.07 SURVEY TEC I 5151 ACE A $2,11.9.15 SURVEY TECH I 0151 ACE B $2,225.10 SURVEY TEC I 5151 ACE C $2,330.35 SURVEY TECH 1 0151 ACE U $2,4.53.17 SURVEY TEC I 5151 ACE E $2,575.84 SURVEY TECH 11 0141 ACE A $2,331.00 SURVEY TECH 11 0141 ACE B $2,447.01. SURVEY TECH 11 0141 ACE C $2,509.99 SURVEY TECH 11 0141 ACE U $2,098.49 SURVEY TECH 11 0141 ACE E $2,833.42 SYS/CSB ADMIN 3015 PROF A $31223.71 SYS/UB ADMIN 3015 PROF B $3,384.90 SYS/CSB ADMIN 3015 PROF C $3,554.14 SYS/UB ADMIN 3015 PROF IU $3,731.85 SYS/CSB ADMIN 3015 PROF E $3,918.44 TELECOM SPEC 3027 ACE ,A $1,901.21 TELECOM SPEC 3027 ACE B $2,059.27 TELECOM SPEC 3027 ACE C $2,102:.23 TELECOM SPEC 3027 ACE U $2,270.34 TELECOM SPEC 3027 ACE E $2,383.80 TINY TOT AIDE 7503 U C IH R A $0.00 TINY TOT AIDE 1503 U C1H R B $0.00 TINY TOT AIDE 7503 UCNHR C $1,101.72 TINY TOT AIDE 1503 UCIHR D $1,.219.81 TINY TOT AIDE 7503 UCNHR E $1,280.80 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 446ta r 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PTCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, TINY TOT SPEC 7505 UCHR A $1,264.33 TINY TOT SPEC 7505 UCHR B $1,327.55 TINY TOT 5IDEC 17505 UCHR C $1,393.92. TINY TOT SPEC 7505 UCHR D $1,463.+52 TINY TOT SPEC 17505 UCHR E $1,536.80 TRAFF CTRL ASST 5155 UCHR A $0.00 TRAFF CTRL ASST 515.5 UCHR B $0.00 TRAFF CTRL ASST 5155 UCHR C $0.00 TRAFF CTRL ASST 515.5 UCHR Q $0.00 TRAFF CTRL ASST 5155 UCHR E $1,.255.20 TRAFF OFFICER 5293 UCHR A $1,139.42 TRAFF OFFICER 5293 UCHR B $1,195.84 TRAFF OFFICER 5293 UCHR C $1,255.53 TRAFF OFFICER 52.93 UC,HR D $0.00 TRAFF OFFICER 5293 UCHR E $0.00 TRAFF S&L TCH 1 6187 ACE A $2,232.98 TRAFF S&L TCH 1 6187 ACE B $2,344.63 TRAFF S&L TCH 1 6187 ACE C $2,46 ..86 TRAFF S&L TCH 1 6187 ACE U $2,584.95 TRAFF S&L TCH 1 6187 ACE E $2,114.20 TRAFF S&L TCH 11 5185 ACE A $2,456.28 TRAFF SNCL TCH 11 0185 ACE B $2,579.09 TRAFF S&L TCH 11 5185 ACE C $2,108.05 TRAFF SNCL TCH 11 6185 ACE U $2,843.44 TRAFF S&L TCH 11 5185 ACE E $2,985.62. TRAFF S&L SUPV 6181 ACE A $2,824.72 TRAFF S&L SUPV 6181 ACE B $2,965.96 TRAFF S&L SUPV 6181 ACE C $3,114.25 TRAFF S&L SUPV 6181 ACE U $3,269.97 TRAFF S&L SUPV 6181 ACE E $3,433.45 TRAIN PGM SPEC 5258 UCHR A $1,961.03 TRAIN IPC M SPEC 5250 UCHR B $2,059.07 TRAIN PGM SPEC 5258 UCHR C $2,162.03 TRAIN IPC M SPEC 5250 UCHR D $2,.270.13 TRAIN PGM SPEC 5258 UCHR E $2,383.64 TRAIN IPC M SPEC 5262 ACE A $1,?9 1.03 TRAIN PGM SPEC 5262 ACE B $2,059.07 TRAIN IPC M SPEC 5262. ACE C $2,162:.03 TRAIN PGM SPEC 5252 ACE U $2,219.13 TRAIN PGM SPEC 5262. ACE E $2,383.54 TRAM ENCS 'W CERT 6031 WCE A $3,866.99 TRAM ENG W CERT 603 . "WCE B $4,060.32 TRAM ENCS W CERT 6031 WCE C $4,263.37 TRAM ENCS 1W CERT 603 . "WCE a $4,476.53 TRAM ENCS W CERT 6031 'VCE E $4,100.34 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 44i rta r 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PCI IBARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE, TRAM ENCS 'WO CRT 6033 VCE A $3,582.85 TRAM ENCS WO CRT 0033 ""WCE B $3,800.99 TRAM ENG WO CRT 5033 WCE C $4,000.33 TRAM ENG WO CRIT 0033 "'WCE D $4,263.37 TRAM ENCS WO CRT 0033 WCE E $4,475.53 TREE TIRI I R 0575, ACE A $1,808.85 TREE TRM R 5575 ACE B $11962.29 TREE TIRIIR 6575 ACE C $2:,000.40 TREE TRMR 5575 ACE D $21103.41 TREE TIRI IR 6575 ACE IE $2,.271.59 TREE TRIVI R 5 PV 6572 ACE A $2,579.02. TREE T MR 5 PV 0512 ACE B $2,101.98 TREE TRIVI R 5 PV 6572 ACE C $2,843.36 TREE T MR 5 PV 6512 ACE U $2,985.52 TREE TRMR 5 PV 6572 ACE E $3,134.81 VET 5308 UCHR A $3,8 .0.80 VET 5308 UCHR B $4,007.55 VET 5308 UCHR C $4,.208.02 VET 5308 UCHIR U $4,418.42. VET 5308 UCHR E $4,039.34 VET(PERMITTED) 532.2 UCHR A $5,558.44- VET(PERMITTED) 5322: U+CHR B $5,.836.37 VET(PERMITTED) 532.2 UCHR C $6,128.19 VET(PERMITTED) 5322: U+CHR D $0,434.59 VET(PERMITTED) 532.2 UCHR E $6,756.32 VET(PERMITTED) 533:1 PROF A $4,00.".:14 VET(PERMITTED) 5331 PROF B $4,837.49 VET(PERMITTED) 533:1 PROF C $5,079.37 VET(PERMITTED) 5331 PROF D $5,333.34 VET(PERMITTED) 533 . PROF E $51000.00 VET ASS 5323 UCHR A $1,531.33 VET ASST 5323 UCHR B $1,0017.90 VET ASST 5323 UCHR C $1,588.29 VET ASST 5323 UCHR D $1,372.71 VET ASST 5323 UCHR E $1,861.34 VET ASST 5325 ACE A $1,f531.33 VET ASST 5325 ACE B $1,607.89 VET ASST 5325 ACE C $:1,088.2:8 VET ASST 5325 ACE D $1,772.71. VET ASST 5325 ACE E $:1,80 ..34 VET 1 5335 PROF A $3,272.11. VET I 5335 PROF B $3,435.7:1 VET 1 5335 PROF C $3,607.50 VET I 5335 PROF ID $3,781.8 " VET 1 5335 PROF E $3,977.27 Approved and Adopted: i' ,IYI. Agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo Mho taf 3 CITY OF Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation schedule VISTA Effective April 23, 2021 POSITION TITLE, PTCI IBARG STEP 131-WEEKLY RATE, VET II 5333 PROF A $3,762.92. VET II 5333 PROF B $3,951..05 VET II 5333 PROF C $4,148.62 VET II 5333 PROF ICS $4,35+5.05 VET II 5333 PROF E $4,573.85 VOLCOORD 71.31 ACE A $1,573.98 VOL COORD 7131 ACE B $1,757.58 VOLCOORD 7131 ACE C $1,845.57 VOL COORD 7131 ACE a $1,937.84 VOLCOORD 7131 ACE E $2,034.73 W EBMASTER 2777 ACE A $2,519.51 WEIBMASTER 27'77 ACE B $2,645.58 WEBMASTER 2777 ACE C $2,777.87 WEIBMASTER 27'77 ACE D $2,91.5.75 IWEBMASTER 2777 ACE E $3,062.59 Effective Pay Period Beginn6ng December 31, 2021 POSITION TITLE PCN BARG STEP BI-WEEKLY RATE* EMT(NON-SFT ) 5657 IAFF A $1,200.00 EMT(NON-SFT'Y) 5657 IAFF B $1.,2:50.00 EMT(NON-SFT ) 5657 IAFF C $1,323.00 EMT(NON-SFT'Y) 5657 IAFF D $1.,389.1.5 EMT(NON-SFT ) 5657 IAFF E $11458.51 PARAMEDIC (NS) 5655 IAFF A $1,440.00 PARAMEDIC (NS) 5655 IAFF B $1,512.00 PARAMEDIC NS 5655 IAFF C $1,587.60 PARAMEDIC (NS) 5655 IAFF D $1,666.98 PARAMEDIC NS 5655 IAFF E $1.,150.33 Revised July 28, 2020(Effective July 17,2020) October 61, 2020(Effective October 9, 202 November 17,2020(Effective November 20,2020) November 171 2020(Effective January 1, 2021) February 2, 2021 (Effective Februray 12,2021) May,4,2021(Effective April 23, 2021) Approved and Adopted: U' ,IYI. ,agenda "Ye k/y rate shown is based©n an 80hour per pay period,With exception of sworn Fire positrons with anPugo 444tafi493 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIME CITY OF CSI-ULA VISTA APPROVING A MEMORANDUM DUM Off" UNDERSTANDING ("MOU")OU") BETW EN TIME CITY OF CSI-ULA VISTA AND THE CULA VISTA POLICE OFFICER'S ASSOCIATION ("PCNA"), RELATED TO COMPENSATION ANIS OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT; ANIS AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER, AS SET FORTH HEREIN, TO EXECUTE THE AFOREMENTIONED MOU AND ANY ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS WHICH MAY B NECESSARY OR REQUIRED TO IMPLEMENT SAID MOU WHEREAS, the City of Chula Vista ("City") and the Chula Vista Police Officer's Association "PCNA") bargaining unit have met and conferred in good faith, as required by the Meyers-Mi l i as-Brown Act ("MMBA") California Government Code Sections 3500 et. seq.; and WHEREAS, the City and.PCNA have reached agreement on compensation and other terms and conditions of employment, and consistent with the 1` MBA, have set forth those terms in a Memorandum of Understanding MOU), which has been designated as Attachment 1 for identification In this Resolution- and WHEREAS, the aforementioned MOU was ratified by a vete of t e POA membership on April 27, 2021 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Coity Council of the City of Chula Vista, that it hereby does (1) approve the MMU between the City of Chula Vista and the Chula Nista. Police Officer's association, (2) authorize the City Manager or his designee(s) to execute said OU and any additional or required documents necessary to implement said MMU; and 3) authorize the City Manager or his,designee to make such minor modifications to said MOU as may be approved or recommended by the City Attorney's Office. Presented by Approved as to fora b Courtney Chase Glen.R. Googins Director of Human. .Resources/Rist .Management City Attorney 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 150 of 493 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIME CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE REVISED FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 COMPENSATION SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE APRIL 23, 20211 AS REQUIRED Y CALIFORNIA NIA COD OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 2, SECTION 570.5 WHEREAS, California Code of Regulations, Title 2, Section 570.5 requires that, for purposes of determining a retiring employee's pension allowance, the pay rate be limited to the amount listed on a pay schedule that meets certain requirements and be approved by the governing body in accordance with the requirements of the applicable public meeting laws; and WHEREAS the revised Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule ("Compensation. Schedule") was last approved by the City Council at their meeting of February 2, 2021; and WHEREAS, any changes including but not limited to, across-the-.board increases, classification changes and salary adjustments approved subsequent to this date, will be reflected on a revised Compensation Schedule and submitted to Council approval; and WHEREAS, the revised Fiscal. Year 2020-2021. Compensation Schedule effective April. 231 2021, reflects the salary and equity adjustments for Peace Officer, Police Agent, Police Sergeant and Police Lieutenant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, that it hereby does adopt, as required by California Code of Regulations Title 2, Section 570.5, the revised Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Compensation Schedule, a copy of which is available in the City C"lerk"s Office, to reflect the salary and equity adjustments is for Peace Officer, Police Agent, Police Sergeant and Police Lieutenant classifications. Presented.by Approved as to form by Courtney Case Glee R. Goo i s Director of Human Resources Risk Management City Attorney 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet :Page 151 of 493 zmr, ..' l v r r C1TY' C,0UNC'1L A,GEN' DA S,TIA, "nEMENT l 1 CITY, OF CHUIAVISTA May 4,2021 File ID 21-0077 „MITI A. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA INITIATING PROCEEDINGS FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 FOR OPEN SPACE DISTRICTS 1 T RU 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 23, 4, 2 , 311 33, EASTLAKE, TOWN CENTER AND BAY BOULEVARD OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA PURSUANT O THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 B. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S REPORT, DECLARING THE INTENTION 'TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS; AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE FISCAL YEAR,2021-2,2 ASSESSMENTS FOR OPEN SPACE DISTRICTS 2 THROUGH , 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20 (ZONES 1 THROUGH 9), 23, 4, 26) 31, 33, EASTLAKE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO 1 (ZONES A, B,AND D),AND BAY BOULEVARD MAINTENANCE DISTRICT C. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S REPORT, DECLARING THE INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS; AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2021-22, ASSESSMENTS FOR OPEN SPACE DISTRICTS 10, EASTLAKE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO 1 (ZONE E),AND TOWN CENTER MAINTENANCE DISTRICT D. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S REPORT, DECLARING THE INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS; AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDIN+G THE FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 ASSESSMENTS FOR OPEN SPACE DISTRICT 1 F. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S REPORT; DECLARING THE INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT .ASSESSMENTS. AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING RE+GARDIN+G THE FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 ASSESSMENTS FOR OPEN SPACE DISTRICT EASTLAKE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO 1 (ZONE C) RECOMMENDED ACTION Council adopt the resolutions and set the public hearing for June 1.5, 2021. SUMMARY The City administers and maintains 36 Opera Space Districts and associated zones that have been established over the last 30 years. The Open Space Districts provide a financings mechanism to maintain the public open space areas associated with each specific development. The City Council's approval of the ley is required by the first week of august in order to meet the annual deadline established by the Sara Diego County Auditor- P I 1 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 152 of 493 Controller. This item represents the initial step in an annual two-step process. Specifically, it declares the intention to levy and collect assessments, approves the Fiscal Year 2021-2,2 Engineer's Report, and sets the date of the public hearing, which is step two in the annual process. These efforts provide for the levy of assessments to provide maintenance services, as detailed below and ensures that the County Auditor- Controller deadlines are met for all of the City's Open Space Districts and their associated zones. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Director of Development Services has reviewed the proposed activity for compliance,with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that the, activity is not a "Project" as defined under Section 15378 of'the State CEQA Guidelines because the proposed activity consists of reporting and creating governmental fiscal/funding mechanism which does not result in a physical change in the environment; therefore,pursuant to Section 15060(c)(3) of the State CEA Guidelines,the activity is not subject to CEA. Thus,no environmental review is required. BOARD/COMIMISSION/COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Not Applicable. DISCUSSION Open Space Districts (OSDs) were established in conjunction with each development to ensure a financing mechanism was available for the funding of perpetual maintenance of common open space areas. 'The City levies annual assessments within each OSD to cover the costs of maintenance associated with each OSD area of maintenance. Once City Council approves the annual assessments,they are sent to the County for inclusion on the secured property tax bills of each affected parcel. Each year the City Council must take two actions before levying the annual assessments. Tonight's item is the first step and includes Council approval of the Engineer's Report on Open Space Districts, declaration of the City's intention to levy the annual assessments and setting of the date and time for a public hearing. The second action, scheduled for June 15, 2021, is conduction of the public hearing, consideration of public testimony,authorization to,levy annual assessments and confirmation of the amount to be collected. Pursuant to California State law and Municipal Code, the City Engineer has prepared and filed the annual report for all existing O�SDs. Exhibit 1 lists the names and locations of the OSDs. The annual report provides Council the opportunity to review the history of the OSDs. The report includes information regarding: N The proposed budgets IN Funds remaining in the account • The proposed assessment(based upon prior year assessment plus an inflation factor) The collectible (thee amount needed from each property owner to provide sufficient funds for the following fiscal year's maintenance) Improvements and Services The facilities and items to be maintained by the Open Space Districts currently consist and will remain, in general,of the following: P 2 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 153 of 493 • Irrigation 0 Fertilization • Aerification 0 Pest Control • Insect infestation control N Removal of weeds,trash and litter • Removal of noxious plant material N Trail maintenance • Public walkway cleaning 0 Low flow and brow channel maintenance • Weed abatement 0 Slopes and Canyons • Pedestrian light maintenance N Signage within trails/canyons • Pruning of trees and shrubs 0 Repair of irrigation equipment • Irrigation equipment upgrades 0 Brush clearance • Encroachment trims N Fencing maintenance • Replacement of dead or diseased plant m Retaining walls material Assessments&Collectibles The City of Chula Vista Municipal Code makes the distinction between the assessment and the amount that the City may collect against the assessment (i.e., the collectible). Each year, the prior year's maximum assessment amount is adjusted by an inflation factor, pursuant to the Municipal Code. This inflation factor is based upon the lower of two inflation factors: 1) the San Diego Metropolitan Consumer Price Index(CPI), and 2) the Governor's California 4th Quarter per Capita Personal Income Index. In the mid-1990's (and for all Open Space Districts established after that date), Council approved the assessments with an inflation factor. Since that date, Council may annually adjust the assessment by this inflation factor without this adjustment being construed as an increase,and thus being subject to an DSD balloting,per Proposition 218. The assessments for FY 2021-22,are proposed at the FY 2020-21 amounts adjusted by the inflation factor of 1.50%pursuant to the Municipal Code. This index is the lower of the two inflation factors mentioned above, and represents the percentage change in the San Diego Metropolitan Area All Urban Consumer Price Index (CPI). The collectible,is the amount to be actually collected from the property owner and is equal to,or lower than, the proposed assessment. The collectible is based on the budget,the reserve requirement for operating and asset replacement activities,prior year's savings and fund balance,and interest income. Illustrated in Exhibit 2, are the proposed Assessments and Collectibles for FY 2021-22. The proposed FY 2021-22 Collectibles per EDU are preliminary and will be updated with actual amounts at the public hearing on June 15,2021. The current amounts in the table are based upon estimated fund balances and EDUs at this time. The Collectibles per EDU are set at the Assessment per EDU to allow for the collection of up to the maximum amount allowable. Town Centre LMD: A downtown Property and Business Improvement District(PPID) replaced Town Centre Landscape Maintenance District (LMDin 2001. At that time, it was anticipated that the'Town Centre LMD would be dissolved. However,the City determined that there was some potential long-term exposure for the City based on the remote possibility that the current PBID might not receive sufficient support for re- P 13 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 154 of 493 approval in the future. If the PBID was not re-approved at some future date, and if the Town Centre LMD was dissolved,there would no longer be,a funding mechanism for downtown landscape maintenance. Based on this possibility,the Town Centre LMD remains open as a"contingent" district. This means that the City will set the maximum assessment amount for the District on an annual basis, even though property owners will not be,billed any sum on the tax roll. Should the PBID not be re-approved,the Town Centre LMD will be in place to provide the necessary funding mechanism for downtown landscape,maintenance. The current PBID was renewed with the adoption of Council Resolution No. 2016-122, for a period of ten (10)years. Given this,the Town Centre LMD will remain a"co tingent" district. ,Standard Notice Process for Annual Levy Upon approval by City Council,the public hearing will be noticed pursuant to Government Code 6061,which requires that a notice be published in a newspaper of general circulation at least 10 days before the public hearing. Tonight's resolution approves this report and sets the date and time for a public hearing to consider the levy of assessments and the collection of the funds. DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT" Staff has reviewed the property holdings of the City Council and has found that potential conflict exists; in that members have property holdings within 500 feet of the Open Space District listed below by City Council member. Consequently, pursuant to California Code of Regulations Title 2, sections 18700 and 18702.2(a)(7),this item presents a disqualifying real property-related financial conflict of interest under the Political Reform Act(Cal. Gov't Code§87100,et seq.) for the member identified below: Mayor Salas: For Open Space District 10, Eastlake Maintenance District No. 1 [ELMD# 1) Zone E, and Towne Center Maintenance District which is the subject of Resolution C of this action. Council Member McCann: For Open Space District 1,which is the subject of Resolution D of this action. Council Member Padilla: For Eastlake Maintenance District No. 1 (ELMD#1) .one C, which is the subject of Resolution E of this action. Staff is not independently aware and has not been informed by any City Council member, of any other fact that may constitute a basis for a decision-maker conflict of interest in this matter. Staff has reviewed the property holdings of the City Council and has found that Mayor Salas and Council Member McCann have real property holdings within 1,000 feet of the boundaries of the property which is the subject of this action. However, to the extent that any decision would have a reasonably foreseeable financial effect of the member's real property,the effect would be nominal,inconsequential, or insignificant. Consequently, pursuant to California Code of Regulations Title 2, sections 18,700 and 18702(b), this item does not present a real property-related conflict of interest under the Political Reform Act(Cal. Govt Code§ 8,7100, et seq. . P : ge 4 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 155 of 493 Staff is not independently aware and has not been informed by any City Council member, of any other fact that may constitute a basis for a decision-maker conflict of interest in this matter. LINK TO STRATEGIC GOALS The City's Strategic Plan has five major goals: Operational Excellence,Economic Vitality,Healthy Community, Strong and Secure Neighborhoods and a Connected Community.Approval of this item is congruent with the City's Strategic Plan goal of Healthy Community by maintaining landscaped open space areas throughout the city. CURRENT-YEAR FISCAL IMPACT For Fiscal Year 2021-22,the full cost of providing landscape maintenance services int e Open Space Districts totals$3,629,437. In addition to the landscape maintenance services costs,$267,700 in planned projects will be included in Fiscal Year 2021-22. All landscape maintenance costs and planned project expenditures are recovered through the OSD collectibles and reserves of each Open Space District. Given this,there is no direct impact to the General Fund. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT None., AT'TACHMENT'S 1. City of Chula Vista Open Space Districts 2. Historical and Proposed FY 2021-22 Assessments/Collectibles 3. Open Space Districts Annual Administration Report Staff Contact: David Bilby, MS A, CPFO, Director of Finance/Treasurer P 5 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 156 of 493 RESOLUTION N NO. 2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA INITIATING PROCEEDINGS FOR THE LEVY ANIS COLLECTION CATION CSF ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021-221 FOR OPEN SPACE DISTRICTS 1 T RU 11, 14, 15, 11, 1 , 20, 231 24, 261 31, 33 EAS TLAT .E, TOWN CENTER ANIS BAY BOULEVARD OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING ANIS LIGHTING ACCT OF' 19,72 WHEREAS, the City Council has by previous Resolutions formed and levied annual. assessments within the Chula vista Open Space Districts 1 thru 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 26, 311 33, Eastlake, Town Center and Bay Boulevard (hereafter referred to as the "Districts"), pursuant to the provisions of the Landscape and Lighting Act of1972, part 2., Division 1:5 of the California Streets and Highways Code (commencing with Section 22500) (hereafter referred to as the "Act") and the Chula vista Municipal Code Chapter 17.07 to pay for the maintenance and servicing of all improvements and facilities related thereto; and WHEREAS, all District and Zones of the Open Space District are attached hereto as Attachment A and. WHEREAS, Section 22622 of the Streets and Highways s "ode requires the City Council to adopt a resolution that. a) generally describes any proposed new improvements or any substantial changes in existing improvements within the Open Space Districts; and b orders the preparation and filing of an Engineer's Report (hereinafter the "Report") prepared in accordance with Article 4 (commencing with Section 22565) of the Streets and Highways, Code for the assessments is which are proposed to be levied on assessable lots and parcels of land within the Open Space Districts for the 2021-22 Fiscal Year; and, WHEREAS, the Coity Council has retained Spicer Consulting Croup LLC, for the purpose of assisting with the Annual Leery of the District, and to prepare and file a report with the City Clerk in accordance with the Act. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, FOUND, DETERMINED, AND ORDERED BY THE CITY COUNCIL CIL FC R.THE CITY { F' C HULA VISTA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals The Recitals set forth above are true and correct. Section 2. Annual Levy Report The City Council hereby orders Spicer Consulting Group LLCM,to prepare and file with the City Clerk the :Engineer's Annual Levy Report concerning the levy and collection of assessments for the District for the Fiscal Year commencing July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022 in accordance with Article (commencing with Section 22565) of Chapter 1 of the pct. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 157 of 493 Resolution No. 2021- Page 2 Section 3. District Improvements The facilities and items to be maintained by the Open Space Districts currently consist and will remain, in general, of the following: irrigation, Aerification, Insect infestation control, removal of noxious plant material, public walkway cleaning, weed abatement, pedestrian light 1 0 encroachment trims maintenance, pruning of trees and shrubs, irrigation equipment upgrades, replacement of dead or diseased plant material, fertilization, pest control, removal of weeds, trash and liter, trail maintenance, low flow and brow channel maintenance, slopes and canyons, signage within trails/canyons, repair of irrigation equipment, brush clearance, fencing maintenance, and retaining walls, pursuant to Sections 22565 through 22574 of the Streets and Highways Code. Services provided include all necessary service, operations, administration and maintenance required to keep the above-mentioned improvements in a healthy, vigorous and satisfactory working condition. There are no proposed new improvements or substantial changes to existing improvements within the Open Space Districts. Section 4. Severability That the City Council declares that, should any provision, section, paragraph, sentence or word of this Resolution be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences or words of the Resolution as hereby adopted shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5. Effective Date That this Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption. Section 6. Certification That the City Clerk shall certify as to the adoption of this, Resolution and shall cause the same to be processed in the manner required by law. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 4th day of May, 2021. Mary Casillas Salas Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Glen Googins Kerry K. Bigelow City Attorney City Clerk 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 158 of 493 ATTACHMENT A Open Space District Name El Rancho del Rey I Units 1-4 2 Lark haven Rancho Robinhood 3 Units I & 2 4 Bonita Ridge 5 Southbay Villas 6 Hilltop Vista 7 Zenith Units 2, 31 &4 Rancho Robinhood 8 Unit 3 9 El Rancho del Rey El Rancho del Rey 6, 10 Casa Del Rey 11 Hidden Vista Village 14 Bonita Long Canyon 15 Bonita Haciendas 17 Bel Air Ridge 18 Rancho del Sur 20 Zone I Desilting Basin 20 Zone 2 Rice Canyon 20 Zone 3 H Street 20 Zone 4 Business Center 20 Zone 5 SPA 1 20 Zone 6 SPA 11 20 Zone 7 SPA III 20 Zone 8 N Desilting Basin Telegraph Canyon 20 Zone 9 Channel Otay Rio 23 Business Park 24 Canyon View Homes 26 Park Bonita Telegraph 31 Canyon Estates Broadway Business 33 Home Village Eastlake Maintenance - District No. I Zone A Eastlake Maintenance - District No. I Zone B Eastlake Maintenance - District No. I Zone C Eastlake Maintenance - District No. I Zone D Eastlake Maintenance - District No. I Zone E 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 159 of 493 Open Space .District Name Bay Blvd Maintenance district Town Center Maintenance district 2021-05-04,agenda Packet Page 160 of 493 RESOLUTION NO. 2021. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF C HULA VISTA APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S REPORT, DECLARING THE INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS; AND SETTING A PUBLICS HEARING REGARDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 ASSESSMENTS FOR OPEN SPACE DISTRICTS 2 THROUGH 9, 11, 14, 15, 17, l , 20 ZONES 1 THROUGH ), 231, 241 261 31, 33, EASTLAKE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO 1 (ZONES A, B, ANIS D),, AND SAY BOULEVARD MAINTENANCE DISTRICT WHEREAS,pursuant to Article 4, Chapter 1,part 2 of Division 15 of the California Streets and Highways Code, also known as "Landscapingand Lighting Act of 1972" and Chula Vista. MunicipalCode Chapter 1.7.07, Spicer Consulting Group, LLC. , has pre prepared and filed on behalf of and under the direction of the City Engineer, the annual report (Engineer's, Report) for all existing Open Space Maintenance Districts in the City of Chula Vista (City); and. WHEREAS, the Engineer's Report is presented to the Council for approval in order to proceed with the public hearing set for June 15, 2021, in accordance with the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972. The Report covers Open Space Districts 2 through 9, 11, 1.4, 15, 17, 18, 20 (Zones 1 through 9), 231, 241 261 3133, Eastlake Maintenance District No 1 (Zones A, B, and , and Bay Boulevard Maintenance District; and [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 161 of 493 Resolution No. 2021 Page 2 WHEREAS, the proposed assessments for Fiscal Year 2021-22 are as follows: Assessment per EDU Collectibleper ED Open Space District or Proposed Proposed Projected Revenue Zone FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 Variance Variance(%) (5) 2 $6588 $66.86 $65.89 $66.87 $0.99 L50% $16,581.28 3 $451.12 $457.88 $451.12 $457.89 $6.77 1.50% $58,150.76 4 $476.48 $483.62 $476.48 $483.63 $7.15 N 1.50% $1 O0,592.96 5 $464.64 I $471.60 I $464.64 $471.61 $6.97 1.50% $57,535.20 6 $22978 $23122 $229.79 $233.24 $3.45 I 1.50f $37,781.64 7 I $16050 $16190 $160.50 $162.91 I $2.41 I 1.50f $16,290.00 8 I $733.30 $744.30 $733.30 $744.30 $11.00 1.50% $81,873 00 9 $207.80 $210.92 $207.82 $210.94 $3.12 N 1.50% $81,204.20 11 $141.92 I $144,05 I $141.92 $144.05 $2.13 1.50% $190,295.81 14 I $456.20 $463,04 $456.20 $463.04 $6.84 I 1.50% $399,140.48 15 I $437.68 $444,24 $437.68 $444.25 $6.57 I 1.50% $25,3,21.68 17 I $209.50 $212.64 $209.51 $212.65 $3.14 1.50% $9,781.44 18 $430.00 $430.00 $495.06 $502.49 $7.43 N 1.50% $187,480.00 20 Zone I-Desilting basin I $76.49 $77,64 $76.49 $77.64 $1.15 I 1.50% $68,485.47 Zone 2-Rice Canyon $5.79 $5,88 $5.79 $5.88 $0.09 1.50% $23,285.88 Zone 3-If Street $8.27 $8.39 $8.27 $8.39 $0.12 N 1.50% $51,583 78 Zone 4-Business Center $63.61 $64.56 $63.61 $64.56 $0.95 N 1.50% $168,025.61 Zone 5-SPA 1 $464.90 I $471,88 I $464.90 $471.88 $6.97 1.50% $847,018.61 Zone 6-SPA 11 1 $357.20 $36156 $357.20 $362.56 I $5.36 I 1.50% $207,820.02 Zone 7-SPA 111 $220.49 $223.79 $220.49 $223.79 $3.31 1.50% $261,568.19 Zone 8-N Desilting Basin $50.82 $51.58 $50.82 $51.58 $0.76 1.50% $6,129.26 Zone 9-Tel Cyn Channel I $40.35 I $40.96 I $40.35 I $40.96 I $0.61 I 1.50% $2,048..42 23 1 $499.82 I $50732 I $566.04 $574.53 I $8.49 I 1.50% I $,58,331.39 24 $848.20 $860,92 $848.21 $860.94 $12.72 1.50% $,34,436.80 26 $665.70 $675.70 $665.72 $675.70 $9.99 1.50% $,12,838.3O 31 I $580.00 I $580.00 I $687.69 I $698.00 I $10.32 I 1.50% $199,520.00 33 J $0.00 I $0.00 I $1,1680.69 $1,1705.90 I $25.21 I 1.50% I $0.00 ELMD I Otay Lakes Rd(2) Zone A-Eastlake 1 $15.72 $15.95 $15.72 $15.95 $0.24 1.50% $138,773.72 Zone B-Eastlake Greens $25.75 $26.13 $25.75 $26.13 $0.39 1.50% $88,210.03 Zone D-Salt Creek 1 J $284.38 I $288.64 I $284.38 $288.64 I $4.27 I 1.50% I $122,327.68 Bay Boulevard t4') $1,995.30 $1,995.30 $3,668.82 $3,723.85 $55.03 1.50% $12,749.97 Total Projected Revenues $3,565,181.58 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 162 of 493 Resolution No. 2021 Page 3 NOW,, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, that it approves this Engineer's Report for City Open Space Districts 2 through 9, 11, 14, 15, 17, M 20 (Zones I through 9), 23, 24, 26, 31 33, Eastlake Maintenance District No I (Zones A, B, and D), and Bay Boulevard Maintenance District, in the form presented, with such minor modifications as may be required or approved by the City Attorney, a copy of which shall be kept on file in the Office of the City Clerk. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista declares its intention to levy and collect the assessments for City Open Space Districts 2 through 9, 11, 14, 151 1 7, l 81 20 (Zones, I through 9), 23, 24, 26, 31 33, Eastlake Maintenance District No I (Zones A, B, and D), and Bay Boulevard Maintenance District, as identified in the Engineer's Report, for the Fiscal Year 2021-22. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council sets June 15, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City of Chula Vista, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, Califomia as �1 the date and time for the public hearing on the assessments. Presented by Approved as to form by: David Bilby, MSBA, CPFO Glen R. Googins Director of Finance/Treasurer City Attorney 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 163 of 493 RESOLUTION NO. 2021 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF C HULA VISTA APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S REPORT, DECLARING THE INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS; AND SETTING A PUBLICS HEARING REGARDING THE FISCAL. YEAR 2021-22 ASSESSMENTS FOR OPEN SPACE DISTRICTS 10, EASTLAKE MAINTENANCE E DIST ICT NO 1 ZONE E) AND TOW CENTRE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT WHEREAS,pursuant to Article 4, Chapter 1,part 2 of Division 15 of the California Streets and Highways Code, also known as "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" and Chula Vista Municipal Code Chapter 1.7.07, Spicer Consulting Group, LLC, has prepared and filed, on behalf of and under the direction of the City Engineer, the annual report Engineer's deport) for all existing open Space Maintenance Districts in the City of Chula Vista(City); and WHEREAS, the Engineer's Report is presented to the Council for approval in order to proceed with the public hearing set for June 15, 2021, in accordance with the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972. The Report covers open Space Districts 10, Eastlake Maintenance District No. 1 (Zone ) and.Town Centre Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, the proposed assessments for Fiscal Year 2021-22 are as follows: Assessment per EDU Collectible per EDU Projected Open Space District or Zone FY 20-21 Proposed FY 21- FY 20-21 Proposed FY 21- Variance Variance �Revenue 10 $14(.2 $142. 4 $140.23 $142. 4 $2.10 1.50% $93,481.89 Zone F-Tel Cyn Channel $20.00 $20.00 $40.54 $41.15 $0.61 1.50% $13,360.60 Town Centre $01,00 $0.00 $1.13 $0.13 $ $2M Total Projected(Revenues 1 $106,842,49 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Nista, that it approves this Engineer's Report for City open Space Districts 10, Eastlake Maintenance District No. 1 (Zone E) and Town Centre Maintenance District, in the form presented, with such. miner modifications as may be required or approved by the City Attorney, a copy of which shall e Dept on file in the office of the City Clary. E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista declares its intention to levy and collect the assessments for City open. Space Districts 10, Eastlake Maintenance District No. 1 (Zone E) and. Town Centre Maintenance District, as identified in the n in.eer"s .Report, for the Fiscal Year 2021-22. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 164 of 493 Resolution No, 2021 Page 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council sets June 15, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City of Chula Vista, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, California as the date and time for the public hearing on the assessments. Presented by: Approved as to form by: David Bilby, MSBA, CPFO Glen R. Goo ins Director of Finance/Treasurer City Attorney 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 165 of 493 RESOLUTION NO. 2021 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIME CITY OF C HULA VISTA APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S REPORT, DECLARING TIME INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS; AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE FISCAL, YEAR 2021-22 ASSESSMENTS FOR OPEN SPACE DISTRICT T I WHEREAS,pursuant to Article 4, Chapter 1,part 2 of Division 15 of the California Streets and Highways Code, also known as "Landscaping and Fighting Act of 1972" and Chula Vista re Municipale Chapter , Spicer Consulting roup,. , asp pare and filed, on behalf of andd under the direction ofthe Coity Engineer, the annual report (Engineer's Report) for all existing Open Space Maintenance Districts in the City of Chula Vista(City); and WHEREAS, the Engineer's Rep p approval in order to g ort 1s resents to the Council for a.. proceed with the public hearing set for June 15, 2021, in accordance with the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1.972. The Report overs Open Space District 1, and. WHEREAS, the proposed assessments for Fiscal Year 2021-22 are as follows; Assessment per EDU Collectible per EDU Open space District 'variance Projected or Zone FY 20-21 Proposed Fir'21.22 FY 20-21 Proposed FY 21.22 Variance (%) Revenue(1) 1 $142.03 $144.16 $142.03 $144.16 $2.13 1.50% $94,455.02 Total Projected Revenues $94,455.02 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Nista, that it approves this Engineer's Report for City Open space District 1, 1n the form presented, with such minor Codifications as may be required or approved by the Coity Attorney, a copy of which shall be Dept on file in the Office of the City Clerk. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, declares its intention to levy and collect the assessments for City Open Space Districts 1, as identified in the Engineer's Report, for the Fiscal Year 2021--22. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council sets June 15, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City of Chula Nista, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Nista, California as the date and time for the public hearing on the assessments. Presented by: approved as to forte y: David Bilby, MSBA, CPFO Olen R. ta-oogins Director of Finance/Treasurer City Attorney 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 166 of 493 RESOLUTION NO. 2021 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIME CITY OF C ULA VISTA APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S REPORT, DECLARING TIME INTENTION TO LEVY ANIS COLLECT ASSESSMENTS; AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE FISCAL, YEAR 2021-22 ASSESSMENTS FOR OPEN BRACE DISTRICT EASTLAKE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO 1 (ZONE C WHEREAS,pursuant to Article 4, Chapter 1,part 2 of Division 15 of the California Streets and Highways Code, also known as "Landscap,ing"Landscapingand Lighting Act of 1972" and Chula "Nista 1lunicipal. Code Chapter 17.07, Spicer Consulting Croup, LLC, has prepared and filed, on behalf of and under the direction of the City Engineer, the annual. report (Engineer's Report) for all existing Open Space Maintenance Districts in the City of Chula Vista (City); and WHEREAS, the Engineer's Report is presented to the Council for approval in order to proceed with the public hearing set for June 15, 2021, in accordance with the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1.972. The Deport covers Eastlake Maintenance District No I (Zone C and WHEREAS, the proposed assessments for Fiscal.Year 2021-22 are as follows; Assessment per EDU Collectibleper EDU Projected FY 2+0- Proposed FY 20- Proposed Revenue Open Space District or Zone 21 FY 21-22 21 F"Y 21-22 Variance 'variance (1) ELMD No. l Zone C-Otay Training Ctr $3.34 $3.:34 $213.22 $216.42 $3.20 1.50% $31,279.71. Total Projected Revenues 7$31,279.71 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, that it approves this Engineer's Report for Eastlake Maintenance District No 1 (done Q, in the form presented., with such minor modifications as may be required or approved by the City Attorney, a copy of which shall be kept on file in the Office of the City Clerk. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of ChulaVista declares its intention to levy and collect the assessments for Eastlake Maintenance District No I ( one Q, as identified in the Engineer's Report, for the Fiscal Year 2021-22. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council sets June 15, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City of Chula Vista, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, California as the date and time for the public bearing on the assessments. Presented by. Approved as to form y: David Bilby, MSBA, C:PFO Glen R. Goo ins Director of Finance/Treasurer City Attorney 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 167 of 493 Table 1.Open Space Districts within the City of Chula Vista O # Name Location 1 El Rancho del Rey Units 1 —4 East of Paseo Ranchero—H Street&Telegraph Canyon 2 Lark Haven South and East of Loma Verde Park 3 Rancho Robinhood Units 1 &2 South of Allen School Lane 4 Bonita Ridge Camino Elevado north of Otay Lakes Road 5 South Bay Villas North end of Crest Drive south of E Street 6 Hilltop Vista Camino Vista Real north of Telegraph Cyn Rd '7 Zenith Units 2, 3,and 4 North&South of Palomar,east of 1-805 8 Rancho Robinhood Unit 3 Surrey Drive southwest of Otay Lakes Road 9 El Rancho del Rey Paseo del Rey, north of Telegraph Canyon Road 10 El Rancho del Rey 6,, Casa del Rey West of Paseo Ranchero—H &J Streets 11 Hidden Vista Village East H Street,east of 1-805 14 Bonita Long Canyon North of East H Street—Otay Lakes Road &Corral 15 Bonita Haciendas Canyon Drive, east of Otay Lakes Road 17 Bel Air Ridge Northeast of Paseo Ladera&East J Street 18 Rancho del Sur East end of East Naples Street 20 Zone 1 Desilting Basin North of East H St,west of Otay Lakes Road Zone 2 Rice Canyon Zone 3 H Street Zone 4 Business Center Zone 5 SPA I Zone 6 SPA 11 Zone 7 SPA III Zone 8, N Desilting Basin Zone 91 Telegraph Cyn Channel 23 Otay Rio Business Park West of Heritage/Otay Valley Road,south of Otay Rio 24 Canyon View Homes Rutgers Avenue,south of East H Street 26 Park Bonita West of the intersection of E St&Bonita Road 31 Telegraph Canyon Estates North of Otay Lakes Road,west of SR-125 33 Broadway Business Home Village West side of Broadway—J &K Streets ELMD Zone A Eastlake I Eastlake Maintenance District No. 1 (ELMD) Zone B Eastlake Greens Zone C Olympic Training Center Zone D Salt Creek I Zone E Telegraph Cyn Channel Bay Boulevard Maintenance District Bay Boulevard—E&F Streets Town Centre Maintenance District 1Third Avenue—E&G Streets 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 168 of 493 Asses'sme' nt per EDU Colleicliblpet EDU Proposed Proposed Projected Open,Space Distriet;or Zone F I Y20-21 FY,21-22 F I Y20-21 PY,21-22 Var I I a nc e V,,a I ria'd1ce,(0/0) Revenue'(6), 1 $142-03 $144.16 $142-03 $144.16 $2.13 1.5,0% $94,455-02 2 $65.88 $66.86 $65.89 $66.87 $0.99 1.50% $16,,581.28 3 $451.12 $457-88 $451.12 $457-89 $6.77 1.5,0% $58,150.76 4 $476.48 $483.62 $476.48 $483.63 $7.,15 1.50% $100,592.96 5 $464.64 $471.60 $464.64 $471.61 $6.97 1.5,0% $57,535.20 6 $2,29.78 $233.22 $2,29.79 $233.24 $3.,45 1.50% $37,781.,64 7 $160.50 $162.90 $160.50 $162.91 $2.41 1.5,0% $16,290.00 8 $733.30 $744.30 $733.30 $744.30 $11.00 1.50% $81,873.,00 9 $207.80 $210.92 $207.82 $210.94 $3.12 1.5,0% $81,204.20 10 $140.23 $142.34 $140.23 $142.34 $2.,10 1.50% $93,481.,89 11 $141.92 $144.05 $141.92 $144.05 $2.13 1.5,0% $190,295.81 14 $456.20 $463.04 $456.20 $463.04 $6.,84 1.50% $399,140.48 15 $437.68 $444.24 $437.68 $444.25 $6.57 1.5,0% $25,321.68 17 $209.50 $212.64 $2,09.51 $212.65 $3.,14 1.50% $9,781.44 18 $430.00 $430.00 1 $495.06 $502.49 $7.43 1.50%J $187,480.00 20 Zone 1 -Desilting Basin $76.49 $77.64 $76.49 $77.64 $1.15 1.50% $68,485.47 Zone 2 Rice Cany©n $5.,79 $5.88 $5.,79 !t5.88 $0.,09 1.50% $23,285.,88 Zone 3-H Street $8.27 $8.39 $8.27 $8.39 $0.12 1.50% $51,583.78 Zone 4 Business Center $63.61 $64.56 $63.61 $64.56 $0.95 1.50% $168,025.61 Zone 5-SPA 1 $464.90 $471.88 $464.90 $471.88 $6.97 1.50% $847,018-61 Zone 6 SPA 11 $357.20 $362.56 $357.20 $362.56 $5.36 1.50% $207,820.02 Zane'7-SPA 111 $220.49 $223.79 $220.49 $223.79 $3.31 1.50% $261,568-19 Zone 8 N Desilting Basin $501.82 $51.58 $50.82 $51.58 $0.76 1.50% $6,129.26 Zone 9-Tel Cyn Channel $401-35 $40-96 $40-35 $40.96 $0.61 1.50% $2,048.42 23 $4991.82 $5017.32 $566.04 $574.53 $8.49 1.50% $58,331.39 24 $848.20 $860.92 $848.21 $860.94 $12.72 1.5,0% $34,436-80 26 $665.70 $675.70 $665.72 $675.70 $9.99 1.50% $12,838.30 31 $580.00 $580.00 $687.69 $698.00 $10.32 1.5,0% $199,520.00 33(l) $0.,00 $0.00 $1,680.69 $1,7,05.90 NIA.(')L... N/A $0.00 ELIVID No.1 Otay Lakes,Rd(2) $0.00, $0.00 $2.50, $2.50 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 Zone A-Eastlake 1 $15.72 $15-95 $15.72 $15.95 $0.24 1.50% $138,773.72 Zone 13-Eastlake Greens $25.75 $26.13 $25.75 $26.13 $0.39 1.50% $88,210.03 Zone C-Oly Training Ctr $3.34 $3.34 $213.22 $216.42 $3.20 1.50%, $31,279.71 Zone 113-Salt Cre6k 1 $284.38 $288.64 $284.38 $288.64 $4.27 1.50% $122,327.68 Zone -Te,l Cyn Chni(3) $201.00 $20.010 $40-54 $41.15 $0.61 1.50% $13,360-601 �Bay Boulevard(4) $1,995.30 $1,995.30 $3,668.8 723.85 $55.03 1.50% $12,749.97 Town Centre(5) $0.00, $0.00 $0.13 $0.13 N/A(5) NIA(5) $0.00 Total Projected Revenues $357979758.12J (')OSD 33 was formed several years ago in anticipation of development.The project has not progressed and consequently there is no (2)Zones A-D share in the cost of Otay Lakes Road medians and off-site parkways.Collectible and projected revenue for Otay Lakes Road are (3,)Portions of Eastlake I and Eastlake Greens are in this Benefit area. (4)Bay boulevard rates are based on acres. (5)Town Centre rates have been based on parcel square footage since FY 20011-02. However,a Downtown PB[D replaced this District in 2001, but the City determined that there was some potential long-term exposure for the City based on the remote potential that the current PB[D might not receive sufficient support for renewal processes. (6�The Projected Revenue are preliminary figures based upon the prior year's EDU assignments and the Proposed Rates for(Fiscal Year 2021- 22. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 169 of 493 I I rr n, ! r r �.IV� �u� ���I��V�, I � N�,rr+"/i�i�i/����/'Jird i l i�"��f✓� r�ri fyh� � I ����„� ,�«„�,, � ”.��i wry�rrnuG/�fJ✓��//p:?��/��i/��,!�r�i�!�"u✓G</ r a ,,, W ,. ✓ m+r a ���~ n�'�� r �° r r � J'� � �mp�f 4 �!' �� �✓/%/� .P ,";ww, ,,. !� ,1 dol' .n r / � / irii n l i "'Mm ✓/��/ /////���/�% i, p ir///rl"�t F>���� Y��,'�i�vv���,,jr,✓✓s P�,4/i°i r0�!(���� �/�fl✓fiv✓//%rr6�l���.'.�"T'.,,"'rr^, / tl✓i, � o, ��" �� ,�„Hi LTi,� gf ,,y,,, ;,�aJ! �;.�✓,i'nN!✓dYNObtW',rcu.Mr rwarr✓lwl yaw iroue; mr�n?:w�aw�',,,, y. y oioa° 1011 oe, I! ■M Table of Contents -----------1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-----------1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-----------1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Sections I Executive Summiary I ii Introduction ill 1 OS,D No. 1 (El Rancho Del Rey Units 1 -4) 1 2. OSD No. 2, (Lark Haven), 2 3. OSD No. 3, (Rancho Robinhood Units 1 - 2) 3 4. OSD No. 4 (Bonita Ridge) 4 5. OSD No. 5 (Sout,hbay Villas) 5 6. OSD No. 6, (Hilltop Vista) 6 7. OSD No. 7 (ZeniIth Units 8. OSD No. 8 (Rancho Roblinhood Unit 3) 8 9. OSD No. 9 (El Rancho Del Rey) 9 10. OSD No. 10 (El Rancho Del Rey 6 & Casa Del Rey) 10 11. OSD No. 11 (Hidden Vista Village) 11 12. OSD No. 14 (Bonita Long Canyon) 12 13. OSD No. 15 (Bonita Haciendas), 13 14. OSD No. 17 (Bel Air Ridge) 14 15. OSD No. 18 (Rancho Del Sur) 15 16. OSD No. 20 (Rancho Del �Rey, Zones 1 -91) 17 17. OSD No. 23 (Otay Rio Business Park) 24 181. OSD No. 24 (Canyon View H�omes) 26 19. OSD No. 26 (Park Bonita) 27 20. OSD No. 3,1 (Te,legraph Canyon Estates) 28 21. OSD No. 33 (B,roadway Business Home,Village) 29, 22. Eastlake Maintenance District No. 1 (Zonie,s 23. Bay Boulevard Maintenance District 36 24,. Town Centre Maintenance District 38 25. Assessment �Diag�rams 40 26. n Engieer's Signature 41 City of Chula Vista Engineer's Report OSD,s . ............. SP'c'26JoTtsW!'64' AgendaPacket p&opj 322 Table of Contents -----------1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-----------1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Appendices, Appendix A—Assessment Diagrams Appendix B—DefinitiogIete�d Items Appendix C— District Cost Summary Appendix D—Assessment Rolls, City of Chula Vista Engineer's Report OSD's ............... sP'c'NdVtsW4f4 Agenda Packet p&O&al Y2%?QP322 AGENCY: CITY OF CHULA VISTA PROJECT: OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS ENGINEER'S REPORT TO: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF CHULA VISTA STATE OF CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, the City Council (the "City Council") of the City of Chula Vista (the"City"), pursuant to State of California Law, Part 2 of Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code, the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 (the "1972 Act"), and City of Chula Vista Municipal Code (collectively referred to hereafter as the "Acts"), previously formed each Open Space District ("OSD") referenced herein; WHEREAS, the City Council directed staff to prepare and file a report for Fiscal Year 2021-22 presenting, for each OSD, the plans and specifications for the improvements, an estimate of the costs of the improvements, an assessment diagram and an assessment of the estimated costs to maintain, operate and service the improvements; WHEREAS, the assessments for Fiscal Year 2021-22 have been levied in accordance with the assessment methodology as, confirmed by the City Council upon the formation of each OSD and are proportional to the special benefit received by each parcel. The amount assessed to each parcel is equal to, or less than the maximum assessment approved at the time of formation plus any allowable increases as described herein; NOW THEREFORE, the following Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessments are made to finance the costs to maintain, operate and service the improvements within each OSD: El Rancho del Rey 1 Units 1-4 $144.16 $144.16 2 I Lark haven I $66.86 $66.87 Rancho Robinhood 3 Units 1 &2 $457.88 $457.89 4 I Bonita Ridge I $483-62 I $483-63 5 I Southbay Villas I $471-60 I $471-61 6 I Hilltop Vista I $233.22 I $233.24 7 I Zenith Units 2, 3,&4 I $162.90 I $162.911 Rancho Robinhood 8 Unit 3 $744-30 $744-30 91 I El Rancho del Rey I $210.92 I $210.94 El Rancho del Rey 6, 10 Casa Del Rey $142.34 $142.34 11 Hidden Vista Village $144.05 $144.05 14 I Bonita Long Canyon I $463.04 I $463.04 15 I Bonita Haciendas I $444.24 I $444.25 17 I Bel Air Ridge I $212-64 I $212-65 18 Rancho del Sur I $430.00 $502.49 20 Zone,1 Desilting Basin $77.64 $77.64 20 Zone 2 I Rice Canyon I $5.88 I $5.88 20 Zone 3 I H Street I $8-39 $8-39 20 Zone 4 I Business Center I $64.56 I $64.56 �C�� City of Chula Vista Engineer's Report OSD,s ....................................... ........... SP'cNffts,dSr!N Agenda Packet p&opj Yj%?Q0322 �En.ce;utive S i�-f air y a g e ii ................................................................................................ 20 Zone 5 SPA 1 $471-88 I $471.88 20 Zone 6 I SPA 11 I $362.56 I $362.56 20 Zone 7 I SPA 111 I $223.79 I $223.79 20 Zone 8 N Desilting Basin I $51.58 $51.58 Telegraph Canyon 20 Zone 9 Channel $40-96 $40-916 Otay Rio 23 Business Park $507.32 $574-53 24 I Canyon View Homes $860.92 I $860.94 26 Park Bonita $675.70 $675.70 Telegraph 31 Canyon Estates $580-00 $698-00 Broadway Business 33 Home Village $0.00 $1,705-910 Eastlake Maintenance - District No. 1 Zone A $15.95 $15.95 Eastlake Maintenance District No., 1 Zone B $26.13 $26-13 Eastlake Maintenance District No. 1 Zone C $3.34 $216.42 Eastlake Maintenance District No. 1 Zone D $288.64 $288.64 Eastlake Maintenance District No., 1 Zone E $20.00 $41-15 Bay Blvd Maintenance District $1;995.30 $3,723-85 Town Center Maintenance District $0.00 $0.13 �C�� City of Chula Vista Engineer's Report OSD,s .......... sP'c'fefts,W!N Agenda Packet p&opj Y4%?QP322 The City administers and maintains 36 Open Space Districts and associated zones that have been established over the, last 40 years. The OSDs provide a financing mechanism to imaiintain the public open space areas associated with each particular development, ensuring the continued maintenance, operations, servicingi, and administration of various improvements located within the public right- of-way and dedicated easements;all within the boundaries of each O,SD. This report has been prepared to support the annual assessment of the OSDs within the City's boundaries. The followings information is presented to provide general information about the OSDs. Additional details specific to each OSD are listed in each OSD's dedicated section of this Engineer's Report. Proposition 218 In November 1996, California voters approved Proposition 218. The provisions of the Proposition are now contained in the California Constitution Articles XIIIC and XIID. All assessments described in the report and approved by the City Council are prepared in accordance with the 1972 Act, the City's Municipal Code, and are in compliance with the provision of the California Constitution Article XIIID. Pursuant to California Constitution Article XIIID Section 5, certain existing assessments are exempt from the substantive and procedural requirements of the Article XIIID Section 4 and the property owner balloting for the assessments is not required until such time that the assessments are increased or assessment methods changed. 'Therefore, any pre-existing assessment amount (and any assessment identified in the Report) for those districts is subsequently exempt from the procedural requirements of Article XIIID Section 4. However, any future assessment increases in excess of that will be subject to the new requirements identified in California Constitution Article XIIID.. Plans and Specifications The boundaries for each OSD can be located in Appendix A. The specific plans and specifications related to the continued maintenance, operations, servicing, and administration of the various improvements, is detailed in each OD's dedicated section of this report. Cost Summades The summary of the costs for each OSD can be located in Appendix C of this report. The summary includes the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget,the projected number of units for each OSD, and the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per unit for each OSD. Annual Inflation Factor Pursuant to the City's Municipal Code, annually the maximum assessment amount is subject to an inflation factor. The maximum assessment shall be the prior year's assessment increased or decreased by the inflation factor. The City's Municipal Code defines the inflation factor as the lesser of (1) the January to January San Diego Metropolitan Area All Urban Consumer Price Index (CPI) or (2) the change in the estimated California Fourth Quarter Per Capita Personal Income as contained in the Governor's budget published in January. The maximum assessments for Fiscal Year 2021-22, are proposed at the Fiscal Year 2020-21 amounts adjusted by the inflation factor defined in the City's Municipal Code. The inflation factor for the Fiscal Year 2021-22 equals 1.50%, which is the change in the San Diego M�etropoll�itan Area All Urban Consumer Price Index(CPI)from January to January. City of Chula Vista '10 Engineer's Report OSD,s .......... . ...... sP'c'fefts,dSr!N Agenda Packet p&opl YS%?QP322 o �age i,""ii t�i,o d c t��o rf M�ethod of Apportionment Statutory Considerations �Pursuant to the Acts and Article XIIID, all parcels that receive a special benefit conferred upon them as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements and services shall be identified, and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel shall be determined in relationship to the entire costs of the maintenance and operation of improvements. The Acts permit the establishment of assessment districts by local agencies for the purpose of providing certain public improvements which include the operation, maintenance and servicing of landscapingi improvements. The Acts and more specifically, the, 1972 Act requires that, maintenance assessments must be levied according to benefit rather than according to assessed value. This Section states: "The net amount to be assessed upon lands within an assessment district mar be apportioned by any formula or method which fairly distributes the net amount among all assessable lots or parcels in proportion to the estimated benefit to be received by each such lot or parcel from the improvements." The 1972 Act also permits the designation of zones of benefit within any individual assessment district if"by reasons or variations in the nature, location, and extent of the improvements, the various areas will receive different degrees of benefit from the improvement" (Sec. 22574). Article MID, Section 4(a) of the California Constitution limits the amount of any assessment to the proportional special benefit conferred on the property. Article MID also provides that publicly owned properties must be assessed unless there is clear and convincing evidence that those properties receive no special benefit from the assessment. Examples of parcels exempted from the assessment would be the areas of public streets, public avenues, public lanes, public roads,, public drives, public courts, public alleys, public easements and rights-of-ways, public greenbelts and public parkways. Special Benefit �Pursuant to Proposition 218, or more specifically Section 2(i) of Article :IIID "Special benefit means a particular and distinct benefit over and above general benefits conferred on real property located in the district or to the public at large. General enhancement of property value does not constitute special benefit." All parcels,that have special benefit conferred upon them as a result of the improvements and services provided shall be identified, and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel shall be determined in relationship to the entire cost of the services and activities. Basis of Assessment 'The basis of assessment and method or apportionment for each OSID is provided within each SID's section of this Engineer's Report. City of Chula Vista '10 Engineer's Report OSD,s .......... . ...... sp'c'feftsiWIN Agenda Packet p& raj Y QP322 I 1 (..........)S" 1 (1 IE I II Jf a�i i,c[')o e e y U r� t s 4 a g e Open Space District No. 1 (OSD No. 1)was formed on August 7, 197'3 to fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district., Descrlptloin of District B,oundariies Open Space District No. 1 is generally located between East H Street to the north, Otay Lakes Road to the east, Telegraph Canyon Road to the South, and Paseo Ranchero to the west. A copy of the boundary map for OSD No. 1 can be located in Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities, and services to be maintained by OSD No. 1 under these proceedings is described as follows, but shall not be limited to: Irrigation Fertilization Removal of weeds,trash and litter Pruning of trees and shrubs Replacement of dead or diseased trees and shrubs Repair of equipment and facilities Weed abatement 'Trail maintenance Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost of operating, maintaining, .1 servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22. The Fiscal Year 2020-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. 'i Pursuant Year 2,021-22 Assessment Pursuant to the Assessment Law, all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit conferred upon them as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are identified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. 'To apportion the total estimated costs of the district during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are assiigin�ed Equivalent Dwelling Units(EDU) based upon the number of dwelling units present on each parcel. 'The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218,proceedings.The Total EDUs within CSD No. 1 is 655.20. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $941455.02 EDU 655.2,0 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $144.16 'The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$144.16 per EDU. City of Chula Vista '10 Engineer's Report OSD,s .......... . ...... sP'c'fefts,dSr!M Agenda Packet p&0&al Y?%?QP322 (D"",d �`,J 2 a a V, a g e � 2 0 e Open Space District No�. 2 (OSD No. 2)was formed on October 2, 1973 to fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. Description of District Boundarles The OSD No. 2 is generally located South and East of Loma Verde Park and north and south of East Orange Avenue. A copy of the boundary map for OSD No.2 can be located in Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities, and services to be maintained by OSD No. 2 under these proceedings is described as follows, but shall not be limited to: Irrigation Fertilization Removal of weeds,trash and litter Pruning of trees and shrubs Replacement of dead or diseased trees and shrubs Repair of equipment and facilities Weed abatement Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost of operating, maintaining, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22. The Fiscal Year 2020-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 20,21-22 Assessment, Pursuant to the Assessment Law, all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit conferred upon them as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are identified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that receive direct,and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. To apportion the total estimated costs of the district during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are assigned Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU), based upon the number of dwelling units present on each parcel. All parcels receive 1.00 EDU per unit. The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total EDUs within OSD No. 2 is 248.00., The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows. - Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $16,581.28 EDU 248.00 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $66.86 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$00.87'per EDU- City of Chula Vista '10 Engineer's Report OSD,s .......... . ...... sP'c'fefts,dSr!M Agenda Packet p&0&al Y % QP322 a r�C (........), a g 0 S o� 3 ( 1) � �� o o d U i-t,, t s 1 -- 2) Open Space District No. 3 (OSD No. 3) was formed on November 30, 1973 to fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. Description of District Boundaries The CSD No. 3 is generally located within the boundary of the Rancho Robinhood 1 and 2, Subdivision. A copy of the boulndary map, for OSD No. 3 can be located in Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities, and services to be maintained by OD No. 3 under these proceedings is described as follows,, but shall not be limited to: Irrigation Fertilization + Removal of weeds,trash and litter + Pruning of trees and shrubs Replacement of dead or diseased trees and shrubs Repair of equipment and facilities Weed abatement Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District, Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost,of operating, maintaining,, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22. The Fiscal Year 20,20-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 20,21-22 Assessment, Pursuant to the Assessment Law, all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit conferred upon the as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are lidentified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. To apportion the total est,imated costs of the district d�uring any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are assigin�ed Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) based upon the number of dwelling units present on each parcel�. All parcels receive 1.,00 EDU per unit. The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the,total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to, determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment,per EDU unless the district has successfully und�ert,aken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total EDUIs within OSD No. 3 is 127.010. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $58,150.76 EDU 127.00 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $457.88 'The maximum allowable Assessment Irate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$457.89 per EDU. City of Chula Vista Engineer's Report OSD,s ........... sP'cNffts,W!M Agenda Packet p& raj Yg%?QP322 �age � 4 Age "[D �"',,,,,Jlo, 4 (Bw t a F", Open Space District No. 4 (OSD No. 4) was formed on August 6, 1974 to fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. Description of District Boundaries The(SSD No. 4 is generally located on Camiino Elevado north of Otay Lakes Rd and south of Acacia Avenue.A copy of the boundary map for OSD1 No.4 can be located in Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities, and services to be maintained by OSD No. 4 under these proceedings is described as follows,, but shall not be limited to: Irrigation Fertilization + Removal of weeds,trash and litter + Pruning of trees and shrubs Replacement of dead or diseased trees and shrubs Repair of equipment and facilities Weed abatement Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District, Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost,of operating, maintaining,, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22. The Fiscal Year 20,20-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 20,21-22 Assessment Pursuant to the Assessment Law, all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit conferred upon the as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are Iidentified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. To apportion the total estimated costs of the district d�uring any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are assigin�ed Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) based upon the number of dwelling units present on each parcel�. All parcels receive 1.,00 EDU per unit. The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the,total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to, determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment,per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total EDU�s within OSD No.4 is 208.010. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2921-22 Budget $100,5912-96 EDU 208.00 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $483.6 The maximum allowable Assessment Irate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$483.6,3 per EDU. City of Chula Vista Engineer's Report OSD,s ........... sP'cNffts,W!M Agenda Packet p& raj k6%?QP322 I (S y V a s I a g e � 5 Open Space District No. 5 (OSD No. 5) was formed on August 5, 1975 to fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. Description of District Boundaries The (SSD No. 5 is generally located at the north end of Crest Drive and south of East J Street. A copy of the boundary map for OSD No. 5 can be located in Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities, and services to be maintained by OSD No. 5 under these proceedings is described as follows,, but shall not be limited to: Irrigation Fertilization + �Removal of weeds,trash and litter + Pruning of trees and shrubs Replacement of dead or diseased trees and shrubs Repair of equipment and facilities Weed abatement Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District, Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost,of operating, maintaining,, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22. The Fiscal Year 20,20-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 20,21-22 Assessment Pursuant to the Assessment Law, all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit conferred upon the as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are Iidentified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. To apportion the total est,imated costs of the district d�uring any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are assigin�ed Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) based upon the number of dwelling units present on each parcel�. All parcels receive 1.,00 EDU per unit. The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the,total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to, determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment per EDU unless the district has successfully und�ert,aken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total EDU�s within OSD No. 5 is 122.010. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $57,535.20 EDU 122.00 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $471.60 The maximum allowable Assessment Irate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$471.6,1 per EDU. City of Chula Vista Engineer's Report OSD,s ........... sP'cNffts,W!M Agenda Packet p& raj kT%?QP322 . �ae 6 ...... SI..,.,).......' o. 6 t o V a s t a g Open Space District No. 6 (OSD No. 6) was formed on December 23, 1975 to fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. Description of District Boundaries The OSD No. 6 is generally located on Camino Vista Real and Camino Entrada, north of Telegraph Canyon Road, and east of Nacion Avenue.A copy of the boundary map for OSD No. 6 can be located ins Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities, and services to be maintained by OSD No. 6 under these proceedings is described as follows,, but shall not be limited to: Irrigation Fertilization + Removal of weeds,trash and litter + Pruning of trees and shrubs Replacement of dead or diseased trees and shrubs Repair of equipment and facilities Weed abatement Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District, Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost,of operating, maintaining,, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22. The Fiscal Year 20,20-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 20,21-22 Assessment, Pursuant to the Assessment Law, all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit conferred upon the as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are Iidentified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. To apportion the total est,imated costs of the district d�uring any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are assigin�ed Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) based upon the number of dwelling units present on each parcel�. All parcels receive 1.,00 EDU per unit. The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the,total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to, determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment,per EDU unless the district has successfully und�ert,aken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total EDUIs within OSD No. 6 is 162.010. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $371781-64 EDU 162.00 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $233.22 The maximum allowable Assessment Irate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$233.24 per EDU. City of Chula Vista Engineer's Report OSD,s ........... sP'cNffts,W!M Agenda Packet p& raj k2%?QP322 )age � 7 Open Space District No. 7 (OSD No. 7) was formed on October 12, 1976 to fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. Description of District Boundaries The OSD No. 7 is generally located north and south of East Palomar, east of 1-805 and west of Oleander Avenue. A copy of the boulndary map for OSD No. 7 can be located in Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities, and services to be maintained by OSD No. 7 under these proceedings is described as follows,, but shall not be limited to: Irrigation Fertilization + �Removal of weeds,trash and litter + Pruning of trees and shrubs Replacement of dead or diseased trees and shrubs Repair of equipment and facilities Weed abatement Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District, Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost,of operating, maintaining,, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22. The Fiscal Year 20,20-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 20,21-22 Assessment, Pursuant to the Assessment Law, all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit conferred upon the as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are Iidentified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. To apportion the total est,imated costs of the district d�uring any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are assigin�ed Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) based upon the number of dwelling units present on each parcel�. All parcels receive 1.,00 EDU per unit. The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the,total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to, determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment,per EDU unless the district has successfully und�ert,aken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total EDU�s within OSD No. 7 is 100.010. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $16,2910.00 EDU 100.00 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $1 The maximum allowable Assessment Irate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$162.911 per EDU. City of Chula Vista Engineer's Report OSD,s ........... sP'cNffts,W!M Agenda Packet p& raj kj%?Q0322 (1)f. C ��, ;��r' h(If.y II J' 1h ��`„alr o o d t 3 a g f )� � H-) 8 Open Space District No. 8 (OSD No. 8)was formed on June 14, 1977 to fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. Description of District Boundaries The OSD No. 8 is generally located at Surrey Drive southwest of Otay Lakes Road. A copy of the boundary map for OSD No., 8 can be located in Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities, and services to be maintained by OSD No. 8 under these proceedings is described as follows,, but shall not be limited to: Irrigation Fertilization + Removal of weeds,trash and litter + Pruning of trees and shrubs Replacement of dead or diseased trees and shrubs Repair of equipment and facilities Weed abatement Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District, Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost,of operating, maintaining,, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22. The Fiscal Year 20,20-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 20,21-22 Assessment Pursuant to the Assessment Law, all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit conferred upon the as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are Iidentifiied and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. To apportion the total est,imated costs of the district d�uring any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are assigin�ed Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) based upon the number of dwelling units present on each parcel�. All parcels receive 1.,00 EDU per unit. The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the,total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to, determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment,per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total EDU�s within OSD No. 8 is 110.010. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $811873-00 EDU 110.00 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $744.30 The maximum allowable Assessment Irate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$744.30 per EDU. City of Chula Vista Engineer's Report OSD,s ........... sP'cNffts,W!M Agenda Packet p& raj k4%?QP322 age � 9 .......... .....�D) o, 9 (II,,., c o e v) Y, Open Space District No. 9 (OSD No. 9) was formed on October 25, 1977 to fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. Description of District Boundaries The OSD No. 9 is generally located at Paseo Del Rey, north of Telegraph Canyon Road and south of East J Street. A copy of the boundary map for OSD No. 9 can be located in Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities, and services to be maintained by OSD No. 9 under these proceedings is described as follows,, but shall not be limited to: Irrigation Fertilization + Removal of weeds,trash and litter + Pruning of trees and shrubs Replacement of dead or diseased trees and shrubs Repair of equipment and facilities Weed abatement Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District, Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost,of operating, maintaining,, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22. The Fiscal Year 20,20-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 2,021-22 Assessment Pursuant to the Assessment Law, all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit conferred upon the as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are identified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. To apportion the total estimated costs of the district during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are assigin�ed Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) based upon the number of dwelling units present on each parcel�. All parcels receive 1.,00 EDU per unit. The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the,total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to, determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment,per EDU unless the district has successfully und�ert,aken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total EDU�s within OSD No. 9 is 385.010. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $81,204.20 EDU 385.00 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $210.9 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$210.914 per EDU. City of Chula Vista Engineer's Report OSD,s ........... sP'cNffts,W!M Agenda Packet p& raj k5%?QP322 D e � 10 y 6 & e arj y 1 0 S o, 10 (�E a c o e .......... Casa 11.) Open Space District No. 10 SD No. 10) was formed on January 23, 1979 to fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. Description of District Boundaries The OSD No. 10 is generally located along East J Street,west of Paseo Ranchero Road,I north of Telegraph Canyon Road, and south of East H Street.A copy of the boundary map for OSD No. 10 can be located in Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities,I and services to be maintained by OSD1 No. 10 under these proceedings is described as follows,, but shall not be limited to: Irrigation Fertilization + Removal of weeds,trash and litter + Pruning of trees and shrubs Replacement of dead or diseased trees and shrubs Repair of equipment and facilities, Weed abatement Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District, Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost,of operating, maintaining,, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22. The Fiscal Year 20,20-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 2,021-22 Assessment Pursuant to the Assessment Law, all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit conferred upon the as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are identified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. To apportion the total estimated costs of the district during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are assigin�ed Equivalent Dwelling Units(EDU) based upon the number of dwelling units present on each parcel. The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the,total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to, determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment,per EDU unless the district has successfully und�ert,aken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total E,D,Us within OBD No. 101 is 6,56.76,., The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $93,481-89 EDU 656.76 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $142.3 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$142.34 per EDU. City of Chula Vista '10 Engineer's Report OSD,s 'c.......... . ...... ' ftsWMAgenda Packet p&opjkg%?QP322 E A '1 0 S o, � ,� �' flddei�, Vasta V�Hdage) a g e Open Space District No,. 11 (CSD No. 11)was formed on December 13, 1983 to fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. Description of District Boundaries The OSD No. 11 is generally located along East H Street and Hidden Valley Drilve, and east of 1-805. A copy of the boundary map for OSD No., 11 can be located in Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities, and services to be maintained by OSD1 No. 11 under these proceedings is described as follows,, but shall not be limited to: Irrigation Fertilization + �Removal of weeds,trash and litter + Pruning of trees and shrubs Replacement of dead or diseased trees and shrubs Repair of equipment and facilities, Weed abatement Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District, Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost,of operating, maintaining,, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22. The Fiscal Year 20,20-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 20,21-22 Assessment Pursuant to the Assessment Law, all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit conferred upon the as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are lidentified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. To apportion the total estimated costs of the district d�uring any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are assigin�ed Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) based upon land use type. Single family homes and condominiums will receive 1.00 EDU per unit, apartment,properties will receive 0.50 EDU per unit, and commercial property will receive 8.5333 EDU per acre. The annual Collectible per EDU within the district pis calculated by dividing the,total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment,per EDU unless the district has successfully und�ert,aken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total EDUs within SD No. 11 is 1,321�.04. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows. - Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $190,2915-81 EDU 1,321.04 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $144.0 The maximum allowable Assessment Irate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$144.05 per EDU. City of Chula Vista '10 Engineer's Report OSD,s 'c.......... . ...... ' ftsWM Agenda Packet p&opjk?%?QP322 E 0 S 0 I'll g a I y0 1"1 age ,,_,y Open Space District No. 14 (OSD No. 14) was formed on January 14, 1986 to fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. Description of District Boundaries The OSD No., 14 is generally located north of East H Street, north east of Otay Lakes Road, and along and south of Corral Canyon Road.,A copy of the boundary map for OSD No., 14 can be located in Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities,I and services to be maintained by OSD1 No. 14 under these proceedings is described as follows,, but shall not be limited to: Irrigation Fertilization + Removal of weeds,trash and litter + Pruning of trees and shrubs Replacement of dead or diseased trees and shrubs Repair of equipment and facilities, Weed abatement Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District, Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost,of operating, maintaining,, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22. The Fiscal Year 20,20-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 20,21-22 Assessment Pursuant to the Assessment Law, all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit conferred upon the as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are Iidentified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. To apportion the total est,imated costs of the district d�uring any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are assigin�ed Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) based upon the number of dwelling units present on each parcel�. All parcels receive 1.,00 EDU per unit. The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the,total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to, determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment,per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total E,D,Us within OSD No. 14,is 862.00., The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $399,140.48 EDU 862.00 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $463.0 The maximum allowable Assessment Irate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$463.04 per EDU. City of Chula Vista '10 Engineer's Report OSD,s 'c.......... . ...... ' ftsWM Agenda Packet p&opjkg%?QP322 E o, "15 a g e � 13 Open Space District No. 15 (OSD No. 15) was, formed on October 14, 1986 to fund the Imalintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. Description of District Boundaries The OSD No. 15 is generally located at Canyon Drive and Via Hacienda Road, east of Otay Lakes Road.A copy of the boundary map, for OSD No. 15 can be located in Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities,I and services to be maintained by OSD1 No. 15 under these proceedings is described as follows,, but shall not be limited to: Irrigation Fertilization + Removal of weeds,trash and litter + Pruning of trees and shrubs Replacement of dead or diseased trees and shrubs Repair of equipment and facilities Weed abatement Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District, Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost,of operating, maintaining,, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22. The Fiscal Year 20,20-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 20,21-22 Assessment Pursuant to the Assessment Law, all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit conferred upon the as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are identified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. To apportion the total estimated costs of the district d�uring any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are assigin�ed Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) based upon the number of dwelling units present on each parcel�. All parcels receive 1.,00 EDU per unit. The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the,total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to, determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment,per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total EDUs,within OSD No. 15 is 57.00. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $25,321-68 EDU 57.00 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $444.24 The maximum allowable Assessment Irate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$444.25 per EDU. City of Chula Vista Engineer's Report OSD,s ........... sP'cNffts,W!M Agenda Packet p& raj k9%?QP322 0r , '111) II fir,„ 17 (B e II A ii ir Ilfii'd',g Gr y II,,,, Open Space District No,. 17 (OS,D No. 17)was formed on December 15, 1987 to fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. Description of District Boundaries The OSD No. 17 its generally located north of East J Street and west of Dorado Way. A copy of the boundary map for OSD No. 17 can be located in Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities,I and services to be maintained by OSD1 No. 17 under these proceedings is described as follows,, but shall not be limited to: Irrigation Fertilization + �Removal of weeds,trash and litter + Pruning of trees and shrubs Replacement of dead or diseased trees and shrubs Repair of equipment and facilities, Weed abatement Erosion Repair Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District, Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost,of operating, maintaining,, .1 servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22". The Fiscal Year 2020-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 20,21-22 Assessment, Pursuant,to the,Assessment .aw,I all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit,conferred upon the as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are identified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire, cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that, receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in prolport,ion to the estimated benefit received., To apportion the total estimated costs of the district during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are assigin�ed Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) based upon the number of dwelling units present on each parcel�. All parcels receive 1.,00 EDU per unit. The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to, determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total EDUs within OSD No. 17'is 46.00. The Fi .- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $91781.44 EDU 46.00 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $212.6 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$212.65 per EDU. City of Chula Vista '10 Engineer's Report OSD,s 'c.......... . ...... ' ftsWM Agenda Packet p&opj�6%?QP322 E age � 15 o, 18 (["I [.,))eII ��" II,........ Open Space District No. 18 (OSD No. 18) was formed on August 9, 1988 to fund the maintenance of various, improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. Description of District Boundaries The OSD No. 18 is generally located at the east end of Naples Street, both east and west of the north end of Medical Center Drive, and south of Telegraph Canyon Road.A copy of the boundary map for OSD No. 18 can be located in Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities,I and services to be maintained by OSD1 No. 18 under these proceedings is described as follows,, but shall not be limited to: Irrigation Fertilization + Removal of weeds,trash and litter + Pruning of trees and shrubs Replacement of dead or diseased trees and shrubs Repair of equipment and facilities Weed abatement Erosion repair Maintenance and ornamental light costs for entry monumentation and decorative sidewalks at the intersections of Medical Center Drive with Telegraph Canyon Road and East Naples Street. Stucco"Community Theme"walls, Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of this report for the CSD District Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost of operating, maintaining, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22. The Fiscal Year 20,20-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year,2021-22 Assessment Pursuant to the Assessment Law, all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit conferred upon the as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are identified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. 'To apportion the total estimated costs of the district during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are assigfined Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) based upon land use type. Single family homes will receive 1.00 EDU per unit and condos and apartment properties will receive 0.50 EDU per unit. The annual Collectible per EDU within the district pis calculated by dividing the total annual costs by the total number of'existing EDU within the district to determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The 'Total ED,Us within OSD No. 18 is 436.00. The Fi .- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $1871480.00 EDU 436-00 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $430-00 City of Chula Vista '10 Engineer's Report OSD,s .......... . ...... sp'c'feftsiWIN Agenda Packet p& raj T%?QP322 age � 16 o, 18 (["I [.,))eII ��" II,........ The maximurn allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$502.49 per EDU. City of Chula Vista Engineer's Report OS sp'c'feftsiWIN Agenda Packet p&opj %?QP322 Z C, II a g 9) 16� 0,",-"D o, 2 0 .............1,.a� ...... D e�� 1""Z e y Z-111 '),1t 1 Open Space District No. 20 (OSD No. 20) was formed on December 5, 1989 to fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. The district originally consisted of seven zones,, Zones 1 - 7. Furthermore, Zone 8 was formed on July 26, 1994 and Zone 9 was formed on July 11, 19,95. Description of District Boundaries The OSD No. 20, Zones 1 through 9 are generally located along of East "H" Street, north of Telegraph Canyon Road and west of Otay Lakes Road.A copy of the boundary map for OSD No. 20 can be located in Appendix A of this report. Descriptian of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities,l and services to be maintained by OSD No. 20, Zones 1-91 under these proceedings is described as follows, but shall not be limited to: Drainage systems Maintenance of drop structures + Irrigation systems + Landscape maintenance Wall maintenance Maintain, repair,and replacement of the desilting basins Maintaini repair,I and replacement of the access road Maintenance of the drainage channel Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District Cost Summary that outlines, the estimated cost of operatiing, maintaining, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22". The Fiscal Year 20,20-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 2,021-22 Assessment Pursuant,to the,Assessment Law,I all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit,conferred upon them as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are �identified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire, cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that, receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in prolport,ion to the estimated benefit received., The Fiscal Year 2021-22,assessment for each Zone and the associated assessment methodology is detailed as follows: City of Chula Vista '10 Engineer's Report OSD,s .......... . ...... sp'c'feftsiWIN Agenda Packet p& raj %?QP322 Z C, II a g e 18 9) 16� 0,",-" o, 2 0 .............1,.a,,�r�...... e�� 1""Z e y Z-111 '),1t 1 Zone 1 To apportion the total estimated costs ofSD No. 20 - Zone 1 during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of Zone 1 are assigned Equivalent Dwelling Units,(EDU) used upon land use type,density,and runoff coefficients. Land Use and EDU Assignments Single Family Detached 0-2 0.60 1.00 2-40.60 0.33 4-6 0.60 0.20 6-8 0.60 0.14 8-10 0.60 0.11 Single Family Attached 10-12 030 0.10 12-20 0.70 0.07 Multi-Family 20+ 0.80 0.05 Employment Park 0.90 1.50/acre Commercial 0.80 1.33/acre Church/School 0.70 1.17/acre Dayca,rp. 0.70 1.17/acre The annual Collectible per EDU within the district IIs calculated by dividing the total annual costs by the total Inumber of existing EDU within the district to determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The current sum of the EDUs within CSD No. 20-Zone 1 is 8,82.09., The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment for Zone I is spread as follows.. Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $68,485.47 EDU 882.09 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $77.64 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$77.64 per EDU. Zone 2 'To apportion the total estimated costs of OSD No. 20 - Zone 2 during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of Zone 2 are assigned Equivalent Dwelling Units(EDU) based upon land use type and population factors. Recreation Population Factor Milli MEM Residential 2.67/EDU 1.00 Commercial 1 5/EDU 5.62 Business Park 40/acre 14.99 The annual Collectible per EDU within the district IIs calculated by dividing the total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment per EDU unless the district has undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The current sum of the EDUs within CSD No. 20-Zone 2 is 3,9591.20. City of Chula Vista '10 eer's Report OSD,s .......... . Engin...... sp'c'feftsiWIN Agenda Packet p&opj�4%?QP322 Z C, II a g e 19 9) 16� 0,",-" o, 2 0 .............1,.a� ...... e�� 1""Z e y Z-111 '),1t 1 The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment for Zone 2 is spread as follows.. Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $23,285.88 EDU 3,959.20 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $5-88 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$5.88 per EDU. Zone 3 To apportion the total estimated costs ofSD No. 20 - Zone 3 during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of Zone 3 are assigned Equivalent Dwelling Units(EDU) based upon land use type and average daily traffic(ADT)generation factors., ADT Factor Single Family Detached 0-10 1.00 Single Family Attached 10-20 0.80 Multi-Family 20+ 0.60 Employment Park 30.00 per acre Commercial 40.00 per acre Church 1.00 per acre p Da care 1.00 per acre The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the,total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to, determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total EDUs within OSD No.20-Zone 3 is 6,147.49. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment for Zone,3 is spread as follows.. Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $511583.78 EDU 6,147.49 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $8.39 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$839 per EDU. Zone 4 To apportion the total estimated costs of OSD No. 20 - Zone 4, during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of Zone 4,are assigned Equivalent Dwelling Units(EDU) based upon land use,type and average daily traffic(ADT)generation factors. AD T Factor 11IMM"1,W'i Single Family Detached 0-10 1.00 Single Family Attached I 10-20 I 0.810 Multi-Family 20+ 0.60 Employment Park 30.00 per acre Commercial 40-00 per acre Church 1.00 per acre Daycare, 1.00 per acre 0. City of Chula Vista J,9 Engineer's Report OSD,s .......... s P'c' eftsWIM Agenda Packet p& raj�5%?QP322 Ef E C, II a g 9) 16� 0,"E" o, 2 0 .............1,.a�r��...... e�� 1""Z e y Z-111 '),1t 1 The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the total annual costs by the total inumber of'existing EDU within the district to determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The 'Total EDUs within OSD No.20-Zone 4 its 2,602.49. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment for Zone 4 is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $168,025.61 EDU 2,602.49 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $64-56 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$64.56 per EDU. Zone 5 To apportion the total estimated costs of OSD No. 20 - Zone 5 during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of Zone 5 are assigned Equivalent Dwelling Units(EDU) based upon land use type and average daily traffic(ADT)generation factors., AD T Factor. l II �'r�� �Illr I I I I � Single Family Detached 0-10 1.00 Single Family Attached 10-20 0.80 Multi-Family 20+ 0.60 Employment Park 30.00 per acre Commercial 40.00 per acre Church too per acre p Da care 1.00 per acre The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to, determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total EDUs within OSD No.20-Zone 5 is 1,795.00. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment for Zone,5 is spread as follows.. Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $8471018.61 EDU 1,795.00 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $471.8 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$471.88 per EDU. City of Chula Vista C Engineer's Report OSD,s .......... sp'c'feftsiWIN Agenda Packet p& raj %?QP322 7 C, II a g e 21 9) 16� 0,"E" o, 2 0 .............1,.a�r��...... le I� 1""Z e y Z-111 Zone 6 To apportion the total estimated costs of OSD No. 20 - Zone 6 during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of Zone 6 are assigned Equivalent Dwelling Units, (EDU) used upon land use type and average daily traffic (ADT)generation factors. AD T Factor. l II 'r�� �IIIrIIII ,Oulm Single Family Detached 0-10 1.00 Single Family Attached I 10-20 I 0.80 Multi-Family 20+ 0.60 Employment Park 30.00 per acre Commercial 40.00 per acre Church 1.00 per acre p Da care 1.00 per acre The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to, determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total EDUs within OSD No. 20-Zone 6 is 573.201. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment for Zone,6 is spread as follows.. Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $2071820.02 EDU 573.20 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $362.5 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$362.56 per EDU. Zone 7 To apportion the total estimated costs of OSD No. 20 - Zone 7 during any fiscal year,l each of the parcels within the boundaries of Zone 7 are assigned Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) based upon land use,type and average daily traffic (ADT)generation factors. AD T Factor Single Family Detached 0-10 1.00 Single Family Attached 10-20 0.80 Multi-Family 20+ 0.60 Employment Park 30.00 per acre Commercial 40.00 per acre Church too per acre Daycare 1.00 pre acre The annual Collectible per EDU within the district its calculated by dividing the,total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to, determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment,per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218, proceedings. The Total EDUs within OSD No.20-Zone 7 is 1,1 168.79. City of Chula Vista C Engineer's Report OSD,s .......... sp'c'feftsiWIN Agenda Packet p&opj�?%?QP322 Z C, II age � 22, 9) 16� 0,"E" o, 2 0 .............1,.a,,� ...... e�� 1""Z e y Z-111 '),1t 1 The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment for Zone 7 is spread as follows.. Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $261,568.19 EDU 1,158.79 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $223.7 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$223.79 per EDU. Zone 8 To apportion the total estimated costs of OSD No. 20 - Zone 8 during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of Zone 8 are assigned Equivalent Dwelling Units(EDU) based upon land use type,density,and runoff coefficients. Land Use and EDU Assignments Single Family Detached 0-2 0.60 1.00 2-4 0.60 0.33 4-6 0.60 0.20 6-8 0.60 0.14 8-10 0.60 0.11 Single Family Attached 10-12 070 0.10 12-20 0.70 0.07 Multi-Family 20+ 0.80 0.05 Employment IPark 0.90, 1.50/acre Commercial 0.80 1.33/acre Church/School 0.70 1.17/acre Daycare 0.70 1.17/acre The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is, calculated by dividing the total annual costs by the total inumber of'existing EDU within the district to determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per ED�U exceed the maximum assessment per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The 'Total EDU!s within OSD No. 20-Zone 8 is 118.82. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment for Zone 8 is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $6,1291.26 EDU 118.82 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $51-58 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$51.58 per EDU. City of Chula Vista '10 Engineer's Report OSD,s 'c..........,, ',;,;'Iot. ...... ' ftsWN Agenda Packet p&opj�g%?QP322 E Z C, II a g e 23 9) 16� 0,",-" o, 2 0 .............1,.a,,� ...... e�� 1""Z e y Z-111 '),1t 1 Zone 9 To apportion the total estimated costs ofSD No. 20 - Zone 9 during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of Zone 9 are assigned Equivalent Dwelling Units,(EDU) used upon land use type,density,and runoff coefficients. Land Use and EDU Assignments MM I Single Family Detached 0-2 0.60 1 1.00 2-40.60 0.33 4-6 0.60 0.20 6-8 0.60 0.14 8-10 0.60 0.11 Single Family Attached 10-12 030 0.10 12-20 0.70 0.07 Multi-Family 20+ 0.80 0.05 Employment Park 0-90 1.50/acre Commercial 0.80, 1.33/acre Church/School 0.70, 1.17/acre Daycare 0.7�O 1.17/acre The annual Collectible per EDU within the district IIs calculated by dividing the total annual costs by the total Inumber of existing EDU within the district to determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per ED�U exceed the maximum assessment per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total EDUs within OSD No.20-Zone 9 is 50.01. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment for Zone 9 is spread as follows.. Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $2,048.42 EDU 50.01 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $40.96 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$40.96 per EDU. City of Chula Vista C Engineer's Report OS .......... s feftsWMAgenda Packet p&opj 9%?QP322 P'cE �J 0 J S 11 S S Open Space District No. 23 (OS,D No. 23)was formed on September 15, 1992 to fund the maintenance of'various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. Description of District Boundaries The GSD No. 2,13 is generally located south of Main Street, and west of Heritage Road. A copy of the boundary map for O,SD No. 23 can be located in Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities,1 and services to be maintained by OSD1 No. 23 under these proceedings is described as follows,, but shall not be limited to: Maintain landscaping and irrigation system improvements within the designated open space lots,, medians and within the parkways adjacent to open space lots Maintain theme walls and entry monuments located withlin open space areas including graffiti removal Maintain brow ditches Repair, iremoval, or replacement of all or any part to any improvement Irrigation,fertilization,trimming, and replacement of dead or diseased landscaping Weed abatement Removal of trimmings,trash and litter Removal of debris from brow ditches, Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of thus report for the GSD District Cost Summary that outlines, the estimated cost of operating, maintaining, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22". The Fiscal Year 20,20-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 20,21-22 Assessment, Pursuant,to the,Assessment Law,1 all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit,conferred upon them as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are �identified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire, cost of the maintenance and operation of imlprovemenits. Only parcels that, receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in prolport,ion to the estimated benefit received. To apportion the total estimated costs of the district during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are assiginled Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) based upon the estimated traffic generated by the, parcel. A standard established within San Diego County is the average daily traffic (ADT) published by the San Diego Association of Governments (SA AG . An ADT factor has been assigned to each land use type and these factors are used to estimate the traffic generated by each parcel. GSD No. 23 only contains industrial parcels which have the same SANDAG generation factor(200 trips per acre of land),. Therefore,1 the total ADT for each parcel will be directly proportional to the gross area of the parcel. For purposes of distributing the assessment,1 each gross acre of land is equivalent to one EDU. The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to, determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The 'Total ED,Us within OSD No. 23 is 114.98. City of Chula Vista '10 Engineer's Report OSD,s .......... . ...... sP'c'fefts,dSr!N Agenda Packet p&0&aJK6%?QP322 j 0 �j S 11 S S The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $58,331.39 EDU 114.98 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $507.�3 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$574.53 per EDU. City of Chula Vista ,10 Engineer's Report OSD,s .......... . ...... ' eftsWIM Agenda Packet p&O&aJKT%?QP322 sp'cEf D o, 2 4 (C a ��yw-,� V��ew i o rr, a g e � 26 Open Space District No. 24 (OSD No. 24) was formed on July 21, 19�9�2 to fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. Description of District Boundaries The OSD No. 24 is generally located along Rutgers Avenue, south of East H Street.A copy of the boundary map for OSD No. 24 can be located in Appendix Ad of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities,1 and services to be maintained by OSD No. 24 under these proceedings is described as follows,, but shall not be limited to: Maintain landscaping and irrigation system improvements within the designated open space,lots Maintain stucco walls located within the open space lots + Maintain drainage facilities within the open space lots + Repair, iremoval, or replacement of all or any part to any improvement Irrigation,fertilization,trimming, and replacement of dead or diseased landscaping. Weed abatement Removal of trimmings,trash and litter Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District, Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost,of operating, maintaining,, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22. The Fiscal Year 20,20-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 20,21-22 Assessm�ent, Pursuant to the Assessment Law, all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit conferred upon them as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are identified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. To apportion the total estimated costs of the district during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are assigin�ed Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) based upon the number of dwelling units present on each parcel�. All parcels receive 1.,00 EDU per unit. The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the,total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total EDUs within OSD No. 24 is 40.00. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $34,436-80 EDU 40.00 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $860.92 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$860.914 per EDU. City of Chula Vista '10 Engineer's Report OSD,s .......... . ...... ' eftsW!N Agenda Packet p&0&ajK2%?QP322 sp'cEf o„ 2 6 (1 D' a r k �B o I`III t a D a g e � 27 Open Space District No. 26 (OSD No. 26) was formed on August 18,, 1992 to fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. Description of District Boundaries The OSD No. 26 is generally located north of Bonita Road, east of Hilltop, Drive, and southwest of E Street. A copy of the boundary map for OSD No. 26 can be located in Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities,1 and services to be maintained by OSD No. 26 under these proceedings is described as follows,, but shall not be limited to: Maintain landscap�ingi and irrigation system improvements within the designated open space lots and within the parkways along Boinita Road and E Street adjacent to the open space lots Maintain the theme walls located within the open space lots Maintain the brow ditch adjacent to the westerly boundary from "E”Street to the existing curb and gutter Repair, iremoval, or replacement of all or any part to any improvement Irrigation,fertilization,trimming, and replacement of dead or diseased landscaping. Weed abatement Removal of trimmings,trash and litter Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District, Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost,of operating, maintaining,, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22. The Fiscal Year 20,20-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 20,21-22 Assessment, Pursuant to the Assessment Law, all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit conferred upon them as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are identified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. To apportion the total estimated costs of the district during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are assigin�ed Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) based upon the number of dwelling units present on each parcel�. All parcels receive 1.00 EDU per unit. The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the,total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to, determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment,per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total E,D,Us within OSD No. 26 is 19.00. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows. - Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $12,838-30 EDU 19.00 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible DU $675.7 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$675.7'0 per EDU. City of Chula Vista '10 Engineer's Report OSD,s 'c.......... . ...... ' ftsWN Agenda Packet p&0&aJK1%?QP322 E I/ e � 28 o, 3 1 e e g�r a i-t,, �E,s t a t e s' Open Space District No. 31 (OSD No. 31) wase formed on March 15, 1994 to fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. Description of District Boundaries The OSD No. 31 is generally located north of wtay Lakes Road and west of SR-125.A copy of the boundary map for OSD No. 31 can be located in Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities,I and services to be maintained by OSD No. 31 under these proceedings is described as follows,, but shall not be limited to: �Repair, removal, or replacement of all or any part to any improvement Landscaping, includingi cultivation, irrigation,trimming,spraying,fertilizing, or treating for disease or injury + Grading activities and the iremoval of trimmings, rubbish, debris,and other solid waste. + The installation or construction of planting or landscaping, supplemental facilities, public lighting facilities, curbs, gutters, walls, sidewalks, paving,water, drainage, and electrical facilities 'The installation of view, sound,wrought iron and decorative walls, and pedestrian fences and retaining walls Installation of pedestrian walks Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost of operating, maintaining,, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 20,21-22. The Fiscal Year 2020-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 2021-22 Assessment Pursuant to the Assessment Law, all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit conferred upon them as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are identified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. 'To apportion the total estimated costs of the district during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are assigned Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) based upon the number of dwelling units present on each parcel. All parcels receive 1.00 �EDU per unit. 'The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment,per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218' proceedings. The Total E- 'Us within SD No. 31 is 344.00., The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $199,520.00 EDU 344.00 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $580.0 'The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$698.00 per EDU. City of Chula Vista Engineer's Report OSD,s ........... sP'cNffts,dSr!M Agenda Packet p&0&cJK4%?QP322 A D Open Space District No. 33 (OS,D No. 33)was formed on November 21, 1995 to fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district., Description of District Boundaries The OSD No. 33 is generally located on the West side of Broadway between J Street to the north and K Street,to the south.A copy of the boundary map for OS,D No. 33 can be located in Appendix A of this report. Descript1w of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities, and services to be maintained by OSD No. 33 under these proceedings is described as follows, but shall not be limited to,: Parking area maintenance Trellis/planters Sidewalk sweeping 'Tree service Back screen wall Shrubs Irrigation Ground covers Vines Miscellaneous planting Annual color Miscellaneous Estimate of Costs OSD No., 33 was formed several years ago in anticipation of development. The project has not progressed and consequently there is no maintenance required. Should the project develop in the future the District may be assessed to cover future maintenance expenses. Fiscal Year 2021-22 A,sses,sm�ent, Pursuant to the Assessment Law, all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit conferred upon the as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are identified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. To apportion the total estimated costs of the district during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are assigned Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) based upon the number of dwelling units present on each parcel. All parcels receive 1.00 EDU per unit. The annual Collectible per EDU within the district pis calculated by dividing the total annual costs by the total number of'existing EDU within the district to determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The 'Total EDUs within OSD No. 33 is 0.00. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows. - Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $01-00 EDU 0.00 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $0.00-J City of Chula Vista '10 Engineer's Report OSD,s .......... . ...... ' eftsW!N Agenda Packet p&0&aJK5%?QP322 sp'cEf A D Note: OS,D 33 was formed several years ago in anticipation of development. The project has not progressed and consequently there is no, maintenance required. Should the project develop in the future the district may be assessed to cover future maintenance expenses., The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$1,705.90 per EDU. Currently OSD No. 33 is not being developed so at this time the District is not being levied. City of Chula Vista '10 Engineer's Report OSD,s .......... . ...... sp'c'feftsiWIN Agenda Packet p&O&aJKg%?QP322 e 12 k,,',e a t e a r�c e s�,,:�r�c I[ o, 1 (Z o�i ii e s A , �E Eastlake Maintenance District No. 1 (FLuMQ No. 1) was formed on January 21, 1986, to, fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. The district, originally consisted of two zones, Zone A and Zone B. Furthermore, Zone C was formed on June, 1911 1990, Zone D was formed on September 24, 1991, and Zone E was formed ons August 21 1994. Description of District Boundarles 'The Eastlake Maintenance District No,. 1,Zones A through E are generally located as follows: Zone A: Contains the property within the approved Eastlake I SPA known as Eastlake Business Center, Eastlake Village Center, Eastlake, Hills and Eastlake Shores. Zone B: Eastlake Greens-generally located south of Telegraph Canyon Road,, north of Olympic Parkway,west,of Hunte Parkway and east of SR-125. Zone C: Olympic Training Center-generally located south of Olympic Parkway and west of Wueste Road. Zone D: Salt Creek I -generally located south of Proctor Valley Road, north of East "H" Street, west of Mount Miguel Road and east of SR-125. Zone E: Three phases of the Telegraph Canyon drainage channel between Eastlake and the end of the improvements at the western boundary of Rancho del Rey east of Paseo Ladera. A copy of the boundary map for ELMD No. 1 can be located in Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities, and services to be maintained by ELM[ No,. 1, Zone A E under these proceedings is described as follows, but shall not be limited to: Maintain landscaping and irrigation system in designated public street median areas; Maintain landscaping and irrigation system in designated public maintenance easements; Maintain supplemental lighting and provide for additional costs associated with operating supplemental lighting in designated streets. Repair, removal, or replacement of all or any part of any improvement; Providing for the life, growth, health, and beauty of landscaping, including cultivation, irrigatiion�, trimming, spraying, fertilizing, or treating for disease or injury; The removal of trimmings, rubbish, debris, and other solid waste; Providingi administration for the maintenance of improvements; 'The installation of planting or landscaping; The,installation or construction of supplemental facilities; The,installation or construction of supplemental public lighting facilities; The installation or construction of any facilities which are appurtenant to any of the foregoing or which are necessary or convenient for the maintenance or servicing thereof, including grading, clearing, removal of debris, the installation or construction, of curbs, gutters,walls, sidewalks, paving,water, irrigation, drainage, or electrical facilities; The installation of view, sound,wrought iron and decorative walls, pedestrian fences and iretaiining walls; The maintenance or servicing, or both, of any of the foregoing. Maintain open space lots owned in fee by the City of Chula Vista, includingi slopes adjacent to SR 125 right-of-way. Maintenance will conform to approved landscape plans for the subject area. Maintain landscaping and irrigation systems improvements in the street parkways adjacent to the open space lots located along East "H" Street, Mt. Miguel Road and Proctor Valley Road. Maintenance will conform to the approved landscape plans for subject area. Maintenance, repair, and replacement of the Telegraph Canyon Channel. City of Chula Vista ', '10 Engineer's Report OSD,s .......... ;,;'Iot. ...... sP'c'fefts,dSr!N Agenda Packet p&O&aJK?%?QP322 e 12 e a t e a r�c e s�,,:�r�c I[ o, 1 (Z o�i ii e s A -, �E Estimate of Costs �Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost of operating, maintaining, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22. The Fiscal Year 20,20-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 2021-22 Assessment �Pursuant to the Assessment Law, all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit conferred upon them as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are identified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment for each Zone and the associated assessment methodology is detailed as follows: Zone A To apportion the total estimated costs of ELMD No. 1, Zone A during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of Zone A are assigned Benefit Units(BUS) based upon land use type and density. Land Use and BU Assignments Low Density-Residential Dwelling Unit 1.25 Medium Density-Residential I Dwelling Unit I 1.00 Employment Park Acre 25.00 Commercial Acre 62-50 The annual Collectible per BU within the district is calculated by dividing the total annual costs by the total number of existing BU within the district to determine the annual Collectible per BU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per BU exceed the maximum assessment per BU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total BU's within ELMD No. 1,Zone A pis 8,698.96. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $138,773.72 EDU 81698.96 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $15.95 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$15.95 per U. City of Chula Vista '10 Engineer's Report OSD,s 'c.......... . ...... ' ftsWN Agenda Packet p&O&ajKg%?QP322 E e 3 3 12 e a t e a r�c e s�,,:�r i c I[ o, 1 (Z o�i ii e s A -, �E� Zone B, To apportion the total estimated costs of ELMD No. 1, Zone B during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of Zone B,are assigned Benefit Units(BU) based upon land use type and density. Land Use and BU Assignments Low Density-Residential Dwelling Unit 1.25 Medium Density-Residential Dwelling Unit 1.00 Employment Park Acre 25-00 Commercial Acre 62.50 The annual Collectible per BU within the district is calculated by dividing the total annual costs, by the total number of existing BU within the district to determine the annual Collectible per BU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per BU exceed the maximum assessment per BU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total BU's within ELMD No. 1,Zone B is 3,375.18. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $88,210.03 EDU 31375-18 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $26-13 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$26.13 per BU. Zone C To apportion the total estimated costs of' ELMD No. 1, Zone C during any fiscal year, each of the parcels, within the boundaries of Zone C are assigned Benefit Units(BU) based upon land use type and density. Land Use and BU Assignments Low Density-Residential Dwelling Unit 1.25 Medium Density-Residential Dwelling Unit 1.00 Employment Park Acre 25.00 Commercial Acre 62.50 The annual Collectible per BU within the district is calculated by dividing the total annual costs by the total number of existing BU within the district to determine the annual Collectible per BU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per BU exceed the maximum assessment per BU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total BU's within ELMD No. 1,Zone C is 9,375.63. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $3112791.71 EDU 9,375.63 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $3.34 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$216.42 per BU. �C�� City of Chula Vista J,9 Engineer's Report OSD,s .......... sp'c'feftsiWIN Agenda Packet p&O6ajK9%?QP322 e � 34 12 k,,,e a t e a r�c e s�,,:�r�c I[ o, 1 (Z o�i ii e s A , E Zone D 'To apportion the total estimated costs of ELIVID No. 1, Zone D during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of Zone D are assigned Equivalent, Dwelling Units (EDU!) based upon the estimated traffic generated by the parcel. A standard established within San Diego County is the average daily traffic (ADT) published by the San Diego Association of Governments (SAND,AG). An ADT factor has been assigned to each land use type and these factors are used to estimate the traffic generated by each parcel. Zone D only contains residential parcels which have different SANDAG generation factors for each residential land use type. Therefore, the total ADT for each parcel will be directly proportional to the special benefit received by each parcel. To apportion the total estimated costs of Zone D during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of Zone D, are assigned (EDUs) based upon land use type and ADT. Land Use,and EDU Assignments , ; � �'I A Im I 'I ME 4 �1 1111111111111 1 Single Family Detached 10.0 1.00 Single Family Attached 8.0 0.80 Condominium Units, 6.0 0.60 The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The 'Total EDUs within ELM No. 1,Zone D pis 423.80. The Fi .- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $122,327-68 EDU 423-80 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $288.64 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$288.64 per EDU. Zone E To apportion the total estimated costs of EL No. 1, Zone E during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of Zone E are assigned Equivalent Dwelling Units(EDU) based upon land use type, density, and runoff coefficients. Land Use and EDU Assignments Single Family Detached 0-2 0.60 1.00 2-4 0.60 0.33 4-6 0.60 0.20 6-8 I 0.60 I 0.14 8-10 0.60 1 0.11 Single Family Attached 10-12 0.70 0.10 12-20 0.70 0.07 Multi-Family 20+ 0.80 0.05 Employment IPark I I 0.90 I 1.50/acre Commercial 0.80 I 1.33/acre Clhurch/Schoo I I 0.70 1.17/acre Daycare 0.70 1.1 Macre City of Chula Vista '10 Engineer's Report OSD,s sp'c'feftsiWIN Agenda Packet p&O&ajyO%?QP322 e 12 k,,',e a t e a r�c e s�,,:�r�c I[ o, 1 (Z o�i ii e s A -, �E The annual Collectible per EDU within the district is calculated by dividing the,total annual costs by the total number of existing EDU within the district to, determine the annual Collectible per EDU. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per EDU exceed the maximum assessment,per EDU unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218, proceedings. The Total EDUs within ELMD No., 1,1 Zone E is 668.,03. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $131360-60 EDU 668.03 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible DU $20.00 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$41.15 per EDU. City of Chula Vista Engineer's Report OSD,s sp'c'feftsiWIN Agenda Packet p&O&ajYT%?QP322 lam 'ry o ji,,��e v a�i,di a t e ,a c e c t, a g e � 36 The Bay Boulevard Maintenance District was formed on July 27, 19,99 to fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. Description of District Boundaries The Bay Boulevard Maintenance District is generally located along Bay Boulevard south of E Street, north of F Street, and west of 1-5. A copy of the boundary map for the Bay Boulevard Maintenance District can be located in Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements,i facilities, and services to be maintained by the Bay Boulevard Maintenance District under these proceedings is described as follows,, but shall not be limited to: The maintenance of the parkway on the west side of Bay Boulevard between from just south of the Nature Interpretive Center entrance at "E" Street to Lagoon Drive/7" Street. This parkway is composed of Acacia and Canary Island pine trees. Street lighting is also included. Maintenance of the park located at the northwest corner of Bay Boulevard and Lagoon Drive and 7" Street. This park includes two separated lawn areas with picnic tables and trees, shrub and ground planting.There is also a small planted area on the northeast corner of"F"Street and Bay Blvd. Area lighting is,also included. Furnishing of services and materials needed to maintain the landscaping and lighting, including irrigation, trimming, spraying,fertilizing and treating the landscaping for disease and injury. Removal of solid waste. Furnishing of water for irrigation and electricity for lighting and the irrigation system. Repairing the lighting and irrigation system. Trash collection and disposal.. Estimate of Costs �Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District, Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost,of operating, maintaining,, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22. The Fiscal Year 20,20-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 20,21-22 Assessm�ent, Pursuant to the,Assessment Law,I all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit,conferred upon them as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are �identified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire, cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that, receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in prolport,ion to the estimated benefit received. To apportion the total estimated costs of the district during any fiscal year, the annual costs will be apportioned based upon the parcel size of each parcel in acres. The,annual Collectible per acre within the district is calculated by dividing the total annual costs by the total number of existing acres within the district to determine the annual Collectible per acre. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per acre exceed the maximum assessment per acre unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Total acres within the Bay Boulevard Maintenance District is 6.39. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows. - Total Fiscal Year 2921-22 Budget $1217491.97 EDU 6.39 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible DU $1,995.30 City of Chula Vista Engineer's Report OSD,s 'c.......... .......... ' ftsWN Agenda Packet p&0&aJy2%?QP322 E 'rv; o e v a�i,di ,%/I a rii t e it,a c e s t r I�c a g e � 37 The maximum allowable assessment irate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 i3,723.8 per acre. City of Chula Vista Engineer's Report OS sp'c'feftsiWIN Agenda Packet p&O&ajYj%?QP322 e' 1-E"! a II Ir i'-[ e I S I I"II C a g e � 38 The Town Centre Maintenance District was formed on November 21, 1995 to fund the maintenance of various improvements and services within the boundaries of the district. Description of District Boundaries The Town Centre Maintenance District is generally located on Third Avenue between E Street on the north and G Street on the south. A copy of the boundary map for the Town Centre Maintenance District can be located in Appendix A of this report. Description of Improvements and Services A general description of the improvements, facilities, and services to be maintained by the Town Centre Maintenance District under these proceedings is described as follows, but shall not be limited to: Improvements on Third Avenue between "E" and "G" Streets: various improvements located between the curb and building fronts, including enhanced stamped concrete sidewalks and walkways, raised planters, container planters, shade structures with vines, supplemental tree plantings, landscaped covered bus stops, park benches, decorative street lamps, ornamental accent lighting in shade structure, decorative litter containers, ashtrays and an outdoor decorative clock. Improvements on 7" Street between Garrett and Third Avenue (south side of street): Supplemental tree plantings enhanced concrete sidewalks, and decorative street lamps. Estimate of Costs Please see Appendix C of this report for the OSD District Cost Summary that outlines the estimated cost of operatiing, maintaining, 11, servicing and administering the improvements for Fiscal Year 2021-22. The Fiscal Year 2020-21 costs are also provided for comparison purposes. Fiscal Year 20121-22 Assessment Pursuant,to the,Assessment Law,1 all parcels within the boundaries of the district that have special benefit,conferred upon the as a result of the maintenance and operation of improvements are identified and the proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel has been determined in relationship to the entire, cost of the maintenance and operation of improvements. Only parcels that receive direct and special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. To apportion the total estimated costs of the district during any fiscal year, each of the parcels within the boundaries of the district are apportioned theirs ecial benefit received biased upon the parcel size of each parcel in square feet. The annual Collectible per square foot within the district is calculated by dividing the total annual costs by the total number of existing square feet within the district to determine the annual Collectible per square foot. Under no circumstances, can the annual Collectible per square foot exceed the maximum assessment per square foot unless the district has successfully undertaken the appropriate Proposition 218 proceedings. The Fiscal Year 2021-22 assessment is spread as follows.- Total Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget $0.00 EDU 0.00 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Collectible per EDU $0-00 The maximum allowable Assessment rate for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is$0.13 per square foot., City of Chula Vista Engineer's Report OSD,s .......... s P'c` eftsW!N Agenda Packet p&0&aJy4%?QP322 Ef fl11111, 1,11,11, 11 )1 11 )1 D e' 1-E"! a II Ir i'-[ e I S I"I C a g e � 39 A downtown Property and Business Improvement District (PBID) replaced Town Centre Maintenance District (LIVID) in 2001. At that time, it was anticipated that the Town Centre LIVID would be dissolved. However, the City determined that there was some potential long-term exposure for the City based on the remote possibility that the current PBID might snot receive sufficient support for �re- approval in the future. Should the PBID not be re-approved at some future date, and if the Town Centre Maintenance District were dissolved, there would no longer be a funding mechanism for downtown landscape maintenance. Based on this possibility, the Town Centre Maintenance District is kept open as a "ghost" district. This means that the City will set the maximum assessment amount for the district on an annual bas,is,, even though property owners will not be billed on the tax roll. Should the PB,ID not be re-approved, the Town Centre Maintenance District remains in place and would provide the necessary funding for downtown landscape maintenance,. 'The current PBID was renewed with the adoption of Council Resolution No. 2016-122, for a period of ten (10) years. Therefore,, the 'Town Centre Maintenance District remains as a"ghost"district. ;, City of Chula Vista ', '10 Engineer's Report OSD,s .......... ;,;'Iot. ...... sP'c'fefts,dSr!N Agenda Packet p&O&ajY5%?QP322 "? e s s D.e t a g r a i s a g e � 40 Assessment Diagrams The Assessment Diagrams have been submitted to the City Clerk in the format requiired under the provisions of the Acts. The lines and dimensions of each assessable parcel, as shown on the maps of the County Assessor for the current year, are made part of this report by reference in Appendix A. City of Chula Vista Engineer's Report OS D,s .......... .......................... sp'c'feftsiWIN Agenda Packet p&O&ajYg%?QP322 Ii i,e e r's S I g If at i,J r e Page 41 Executed this day of 2021. V[S V C C846FRANCISCO MARTINEZ JR - �40 � PROFESSIONAL CIVIL E,N�G,IN�EER NO. 84640 S, ENGINEER OF'WORK CITY OF CHULA VISTA fC k STATE OF CALIFORNIA I HEREBY CERTIFY that the enclosed Engineer s Report,together with the Assessment Roll and Assessment Diagrams thereto attached,was filed with me on the day of , 2021, by adoption of Resolution No. by City Co�uncil�. CITY CLERK CITY OF'CHULA VISTA STATE OF CALIFORNIA I HEREBY CERTIFY that the enclosed Engineer's Report,together with the Assessment Roll and Assessment Diagrams thereto attached,was approved and confirmed by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California on the day of 2021. CITY CLERK CITY OF CHULA VISTA STATE OF CALIFORNIA City of Chula Vista C Engineer's Report OSDs .......... sP'c'fefts,W!N Agenda Packet p&0&ajy?%?QP322 APPE, NDIX Assessment D*iagrams , , , ii i him i i i / / / / rr 1 �� �w m uuuuu V�000����� W�tl�ommmmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu� nwwww SPICER CONSULTING G R 0 U P «rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 7777"A ,,, 4 I n.n' &Jjf 41 w44y ryl� ^. i ry IIII ''w �*p� �f ""w NINww Esc b hryµ ... 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ICI",.",",","' $ I w.�, � �w h $�y�"w"�w• � I� �$��ww"µ $�����"� � w I „�� ��I MI w."^�� Illh 2....� o Lo q�l p $p �fi$h �.�. .»•il�'�mwI � � � � ,�� � �fi'� w.:W^:' �Iw� ,,,,..SII$ fi$,I I�II w„w.ww,°'” '"" $I� $II�„„w„"www”' ^I� y,�,«”,^":W�I ��, w Al Www M III qr % ^•"° p w IIII pq, w,."," 4 '4j .,"h� w,yy IIS '9 ,L 0 .ww hh �^ �h 4 9, I II o�vov h h� 'wwwwa rq hpl VIII � hh Ww � www hh ISI �� w 4 I $ I - $� �``�µ ��. h$ � "olo " $ $ w� q w� r "w� ""7 1` � q $ . � fi� I� w m CIL. w ��.~✓��� �� �� m �`� �m � << �$ �$ w�� �"`� �I���w�..��w��w��w �$� ''�, �� ..w�,w� howl.. �w�w 5hO Feet( 125 25+ h IIS r r r CITY OF CHULA VISTA, ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM SOWN CENTRE / NS ,. wM C17Y OF SPICESPICER CONSULTING C ' SISTA JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 246 of 493 APPENDIX B Defi*ni*t*ions , ................................. , , ii i i i i i i / / / / i 1 �� �w m uuuuu V�000����� W�tl�ommmmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu� nwwww SPICER CONSULTING G R 0 U P Def�i��i�t',o t-�,s Of BUdgeted Iterriis The following definitions describe the costs that are included in the OSDs estimate of costs shown in Appendix C of this report: Personnel Services include the cost for non-traditional department staff members, such as legal review. Utilityq� include the furnishing of electricity for irrigation controllers, pedestrian lighting and telephone service to centralized irrigation controllers. Trash Collection & Disp include forty cubic and roll off dumpsters to facilitate fire clearances, trail clearances and general large-scale clean-up projects. Water Charg��include the furnishing of water required for the operation and maintenance of the landscaping facilities. Services to Maintain Strinclude irrigation system repair and replacements. This pays for any labor costs involved with the installation of these parts. City include the costs of all particular departments and staff of the City for providing the coordination of o services, inspections, annual bid management, operations and maintenance of the improvements, response to public concerns, public education, and procedures associated with the levy and collection of assessments. Contractual Services include the furnishing of landscaping companies to, perform landscape maintenance tasks and the services of other experts typically outside the realm of routine landscape maintenance. �Landsc,ape Sup plies include plant material for the re-vegetation of'bare areas, crop failures or enhanced supplemental plantings. Materials to Maintain Structures and Grounds include the furnishing of parts and materials for the correct operation of systems. This pays for the parts/materials only, not any labor involved in the installation. �Backflow Certification includes annual State of California required testing,I repair and replacement of backflow prevention devices. Professional Services include unique contracts required for landscaping not covered under"Contractual Services."' Supplemen�tals include labor associated with one-time maintenance. Other Commodities include the product costs of one-time maintenance. Advertising includes the furnishing of advertised bidding announcements for landscape contracts in local newspapers. Transfer: r r include a portion of the debt service due on the property where services are coordinated Storm Maintenance includes the maintenance of detention basins, storm drains,I catch basins, hydrodynamic devices, infiltration basins and all other facilities that are directly related to storm water quality control. Special Maintenance Fund includes maintenance items that occur as needed over a number of years(deferred maintenance costs). Il is the amount collected to maintain reserves; the operating reserve will be funded through the annual collection of assessments. City of Chula Vista Ip Engineer's Report OSDs m Woo SPICE R CONSULTING Fiscal Year 2020-,21 G, R 0 U P 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 24,8 of 493 APPENDIX C D*lstr*lct marotyjr , , , ii i i i i i i / / / / i 1 �� �w m uuuuu V�000����� W�tl�ommmmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu� nwwww SPICER CONSULTING G R 0 U P OISD I El Rancho Del Rey Units - M N ONE direct Coats Utility Charges $1,030.00 $1,133.00 ..........................................................................."I'l""I'll""I'll'll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll""lI..............."I'l""I'll""I'll'll""I'l,"",',,",',,""I',,""II............... ............... ............... ...............Trash Collection&Disposal l Pees $61.00 $0.00 Water Charges $34,550.00 $40,552.00 Cit �te�ff Services 7 30+0.00 5...27+0.00... ! ! Contractual Services $33,522.00 $37,252.00 ................................ ................................... ................ .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................... .. Material to maintain structures,grounds $2,293.00 $2,293.00 Professional Services $35.00 $35.00 ................................ ....................................................................................... ................ ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................... Required Ba�clkflow Inspection(Estimate $0.00 $5401.00 TotalDirect Costs • 8 08 0 w w 0 0 Indirect Costs Administration Costs $7,194.00 $5,554.00 ......................................................... ............................................................................... Assessment(Engineer $1,0791.00 $1,111.00 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .. Auditor Controller $54.50 $54.50 .. 'Totalw Costs $%3317.80 ,1 • ww Levy Breakdown Operating Deserve ReplenishrmenV ontri utio $0.00 $0.00 ......................................................... ............................................................................... Capital Improvement Replenishment/(Contribution) $205.80 ($483.78) ................... .. Contribution(Due to�hortfallll $0.00 $0.00. Balance to Levy $93�051.60 $9i4�455.02 Equivalent Dwelling Units(lEDUs)(1) 555.20 555.20 Date......er�DtJ................ .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... ................................................. ................................................................................................1 �.�3.. 144 . p $ $ Max Rate per IEDIJ $14 .03 $144.15 Percent Change,from Prier year(Max Date 2.30% 1.50% Total Annual Oasts $92,845.80 $94,938.80 Total Assessment $9131051 $9i4�455-02 is, I��"0111111MV, 1� �1�I�1i1111 11 ( " Reserve Account Activity Operating Deserves Beginning Balance(2) $47,459.40 Operating Deserves Replenishment $0.99 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ending Ballance, $47114169.40 Capital Improvement IEeginning Ballance() $37,525.32 Capital Improvement Replenishment $0.00 capital Improvement Contribution .7 BalanceCapital Improvement Ending (1)EDUs have been projected based upon Fiscal Year 2029-21 information. ()The estimated June 301,2021 fund balance was projected based upon fund balance as of June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 250 of 493 OISD 2 Lark Haven ONE MNMill,!11111##0 Ili direct Coag 111 1 Utility Charges $31............... ...............0.00 $328.00 ................. Water Charges 3 5?'5.00 5.,.,15,00. City Staff Services $1,144.00 $931.00 ............... Contractual�►�rices5, .�00 5 1587.00 Material to maintain structures,grounds...............11111111"'I'll............... $1,203.00 $1,203.00 ...................... Professional Services $18.00 $19.00 .................... Required Backflow(Inspection(Estimate $0.00 $50.00 Total Direct Costs $111748.00 $131283-00 Indirect Costs Administration n istrat�on Costs $4,255.00 $2,057.00 Assessment Engineer $278.00 $286.00 Auditor Controller X24.30 $24.30 Total Indirect Costs $415617.80 Levy Breakdown Operating Reserve Replenishmen ` ntrii uti $22.44 $0.43 .............. ......................""I'll""......""I'.............................................................. .................................................................. .......................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... Capital l Improvement Replenishment/ ntri tin $0.00 $0.00 ................. Contribution(Due to Shortfall $0.00 $0.00 Ballanice $161338.24 $16,581.28 Equivalent Dwelling Units(ICDUs)(1) 55.3355.35.243.00 243.00 ...... ................ .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... ................................................. ...................................................................................................... .. Rate per ED�J Max Rate per IEDIJ $65.89 $66.87 ............................................................................................................................................................. Percent Change,from Prior year(Max RateL 2.30% 1.50%0 Total Annul Casts $165315.80 $%580.80 Total Assessment $161338.24 % • 01 J�%� ffilmill Deserve Account Activity Operating Reserves Beginning Balance( ) ($6,37917) Operating Reserves Replenishment $0.43 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 OperatingReserves Ending ($i653178-69) Capital Improvement(Beginning Ballance() $0.00 Capital Improvement Replenishment $0.00 Capital Improvement Contribution $0.00 BalanceCapital Improvement Ending 00 (1)EDUs(have been projected based upon Fiscal Year 2020-21 information. ()The estimated June 30,2021 fund balance was projected based upon fund balance as of June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 251 of 493 OISD 3 Rancho Robin ood ONEV 0111111111 gMAN W �ilii,1III! i i �l li erect Costs 222222 Utility Charges $1,09!0.00 $1,135.00 ............... .................................................. Trash Collection&Disposal l Fees $463.00 $400 00 Water Charges $15,203.00 $15.,..203.00 � Cit �tef �ervices5 054.00 4,314.00 ... Contractual Services $25,300.00 $25�,570.00 ................................ ................................... ................ .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................... .. Material to maintain structures,grounds $11,000.00 $1,000.00 Professional Services $11.00 $12.00 ................................ ....................................................................................... ................ ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................... Required Ea�clkflow Inspection(Estimate $0.00 $5001.00 Total Direct $50J21.00 % 00 Indirect Coats Administration Costs $5,192.00 $51432.00 ......................................................... ............................................................................... Assessment(Engineer $312.00 $335.00 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .. Auditor Controller $1270 $12.70. 'Total Indirect Costs $71�016.70 $711280.70 Levy Breakdown Operating Reserve Replenishment) ontri utio $154.54 $0.00 ......................................................... ............................................................................... Capitan Improvement Replenishment)( ntrii ti $0.00 1 Contribution leas to�hortfallll $0.00 $0.00.................................................................................................................................. . .. Balance to Levy $57�292.24 $58J50.76 Equivalent Dwelling Units IEDUs}(1) 127.010 127.010 Date per CDU $451.12 $457.33............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ... Max Rate pe,r(EDU $451.12 $457.89 Percent Change from Prior year(Max Rate 2.30% 1.50% Total Annual Coats $57,13 .? $58J64.70 1 Reserve Account Activit Operating Reserves Beginning Balance(2) $29,0132.35 Operating Reserves Replenishment $0.00 Operating Reserves Contribution Operating Reserves Balance t Capital Improvement(Beginning Balance(2) $4,270.53 Capital Improvement Replenishment $0.00 lCapital Improvement Contribution ($13.94)11 Capitall Improvement Ending Balance $41256.74 (1)EDUs(have been projected based upon discal Year 2020-21 information.. (2)The estimated June 30,2021 fund balance was projected biased upon fund balance as of,June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 252 of 493 OISD 4 Bonita Ridge ONE MAN W i i �l Diirect Coats Utility Charges $2,140.00 $2,313.00 ............................. Trash Collection&Disposal l Fees $400.00 $400 00 Water Charges $1°0,010.00 $1°0,010.00 City�te�ff�ervices� °0 533.00 7 552.00. y , Contractual Services $73,400.00 $73,270.00 ................................ ................................... ................ .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...............................11""ll"".............ll"".................................................. ....................................................................................""I'..................................... .. Material to maintain structures,grounds $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Professional Services $120.00 $133.00 ................................ .....................................................................'l""............ ......""I'.... ......""I'..................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................ ............................................................................""I'll""......,,""................. Required Ea�clkflow Inspection(Estimate $0.00 $0001.00 Total Direct Costs rr 0rr Indirect Coats Administration Costs $7,930.00 $61304.00 ......................................................... ................. Assessment(Engineer $1,347.00 $1,337.00 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .. Auditor Controller $2030 $20.30. 'Total Indirect 1%2917.80 1 71,7111 Levy Breakdown Operating Reserve Replenishment) ontri utio $0.00 $0.00 ......................................................... ............................................................................... Capital Improvement Replenishment)( ntrii ti 1 1 ($13�073.84) Contribution leas to�hortfallll $0.00 $0.00.................................................................................................................................. . .. Balance to Levy $9%1017.84 $110%592.96 Equivalent Dwelling Units IEDUs}(1) 203.010 203.010 Date per CDU $475.43 $43 .02 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Max Rate pe,r(EDU $476.48 $483.63 Percent Change from Prior year(Max Rate 2.30% 1.50% Total Annual Costs $ %526.80 $11113,666.80 I � l Reserve Account Activit Operating Reserves Beginning Balance(2) $5,61833.40 Operating Reserves Replenishment $0.00 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Balance I Capital Improvement(Beginning Balance(2) $701343.03 Capital Improvement Replenishment $0.00 lCapital Improvement Contribution ($13,073.84)1 Capitall Improvement Ending Balance $57�269.24 (1)EDUs(have been projected based upon discal Year 2020-21 information.. (2)The estimated June 30,2021 fund balance was projected biased upon fund balance as of,June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 253 of 493 OISD 5 S'ouay Villas ONE MAN �i i �l direct Coats UtilityClharges $2 '01.00.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. $293.00 w1l Water Charges $18,435.00 $201238.00 City Staff Services $4,480.00 4,414.00 Contractual........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............... ...............Services $251287.00 1,� �' . 2 ��„p� Material to maintain structures,grounds..............."I'l""I'll""I'll'll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll""II $1,384.00 $1,384.00 Professional Services $9.00 $10.00 Required Backflow(Inspection(Estimate $0.00 $180.00 Total Direct Costs $49 ,441792.00 Capital Improvement Projects Project: Revegetation of landscape areas $0.00 $5,0100.00 Total Capiltall Improvement Costs $0.00 $6,000.00 Indirect Costs Administration Costs $5,843.00 $5,908.00 Assessment(Engineer $812.00 $836.00 ..... ................ Auditor'Controller $12.20 12.20» Total IndirectCosts $616617.20 Levy Breakdown Operating Deserve Replenishment/( ntriiuti 0.00 0.00 .................. .................................................... ................................... ............. ................. ................................ ............... ................................. .................................................... ..................................................................................................................... Capital l Improvement Replenishment/(Contri tion) $153.88 ($13.00) Contribution(Due to Shortfall $0.00 $0.00 Ballanice to Levy $56,16816.08 $511!,535.20 Equivalent Dwelling Units(CDUs)(1) 122.00 122.00 ............ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Date per EDU 4!04.+04 $471.60 . Max ate per IVDU $464.64 41,51 Percent Change,from Prior year(Max Date 2.30% 1.50% Total Annual Casts $565532.20 $57,548.20 Total Assessment $5616816.08 $57,535.20 01 J�%� ffilmill Deserve Account Activity Operating Deserves Beginning Balance( ) $25177'4.10 Operating Deserves Replenishment $0.00 Operating Deserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ballance w Capital Improvement(Beginning Ballance() $521151.78 Capital Improvement Replenishment $0.00 Capital Improvement Contribution EndingCapital Improvement Ballance $521738.78 (1)EDUs(have been projected based upon Fiscal Year 2020-21 information. ()The estimated June 301,2021 fund balance was projected based upon fund balance as of June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 254 of 493 OISD 6 Hilltop Vista ONEN0111111111 g �, � Wll �ilii,1III! i ili I Costs 41111111 222222 UtilityClharges $5001.00.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................. $547.00 Water Charges $111,025 00 $111,025 00 CityStaff Services $3,153.00............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. $2,035.00 .... ............... Contractual�erices $141920.00 $1310192.00. Material to maintain structures,grounds $1,1991.00 $1,199.00 ............... Professional Services $27.00 $29.00 Required Backflow(Inspection(Estimate $0.00 $130.00 Total Direct rw $301834.00 J Capital Improvement Projects Project: Invasive weed removal along Otay Lakes Road $0.00 $5,000.00 Total Capiltall Improvement Costs $0.00 $5,000.00 Indirect Costs Administration Costs $5,737.00 $4,0155.00 Assessment(Engineer $545.00 $561.00 ... .................. Auditor Controller $15.20 X15.20 Total Indirecto0 $4,642.20 Levy Breakdown Operating Deserve Replenishment/( ntriiuti $0.00 $0.00 .................. .................................................... ................................... ............. ................. ................ ................ ............... ................................. .................................................... ............................................................ Capital l Improvement Replenishment/(Contr tion) $92.15 ($17.56) Contribution(Due to Shortfall $0.00 $0.00 Ballanice to Levy $371224-36 $32,781-64 Equivalent Dwelling Units(CDUs)(1) 1602.00 1602.00 ........ ................................. Date ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... � per EDU p 29.73 $233.22. ........... Max ate per IVDU 29.79 23�.24 ............................................................................................................................................................. Percent Change,from Prior year(Max DateL 2.30% 1.50%0 Total Annual Casts $3715132.20 $37J99.20 Total Assessment $371224-36 r e I J�% ffilmill NNI IIIILI�I�I�IIIII I�� I lI �, Reserve Account Activity Operating Reserves Beginning Balance(2) $1601399.50 Operating Deserves Replenishment $0.00 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ending Ballance $161399-60 Capital Improvement(Beginning Ballance() $5601753.26 Capital Improvement Replenishment $0.00 Capital Improvement Contribution CapitalBallancew (1)EDUs(have been projected based upon Fiscal Year 2029-21 information. ()The estimated June 301,2021 fund balance was projected based upon fund balance as of June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 255 of 493 OISD 7 Zenith ONE V 01111111111 g0004111! � �ilii,i i �l li direct CoagMill,!11111##0 Ili 4111 111 1 Utility Clharges $1301.00 $193.00 ............... Water Charges $61,000.00 $61,000.00 . City Staff Services $1,467.00 $1,518.00 Contractual Services $12,995.00 $1310180.00. Material to maintain structures,grounds $5010.00 $5010.00 A ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................. utomotive IEquiiipment0 00 $0.00 ... ............................................................................... Wireless and Data Access Charges $2001.00 $0,00 Total Direct rw '" J Indirect Costs Administration Costs $3,01 5.00 $3,281.00 A "I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll,'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll,'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll,'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll'I............... ssessment(Engineer $278.00 $286.00 Auditor ControllerX10.00 X10.00 Total rw o $31303.00 Levy Breakdown Operating Reserve Replenish men ` ntriiuti $0.00 $0.00 Capital l Improvement Replenishment/ ntr tin ,59H:0) ($8,57& Contribution(Due to Shortfall $0.00 $0.00 Balance to Levy $161050-00 $16,290.00 Equivalent Dwelling Units(ICDUs)(1) 100.00 100.00 ...... ................ .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... ................................................. ................................................................................................1 .5010�.'g0. .. .. Rate per EDU ! 0 Max Rate per IVDU $160.50 $162.91 ............................................................................................................................................................. Percent Change,from Prior year(Max RateL 2.30% 1.50%0 Total Annul Casts $24,645.00 $24,868.00 Total Assessment $161050-00 $%290.00 01 J�%� ffilmill. ,IIIIIII,1,I�lilll l� I '�,. Deserve Account Activity Operating Reserves Beginning Balance( ) $12,434.00 Operating Reserves Replenishment $0.00 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ending Balance $121434.00 Capital Improvement(Beginning Ballance() $201071.72 Capital Improvement Replenishment $0.00 Capital Improvement Contribution BalanceCapital Improvement Ending , (1)EDUs(have been projected based upon Fiscal Year 2020-21 information. ()The estimated June 301,2021 fund balance was projected based upon fund balance as of June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 256 of 493 OISD 8 Rancho Robin ood Unit 3 Diirect Coats Utility Charges $6991.00 $739.00 Trash Collection&Disposal l Fees $250.00 $259 00 ....... Water Charges $14,8�66.00 $14,86 .00 . City Staff Services 723.0� 7,901.00 Contractual Services $40,71 5.00 $47,591,3,00 ................................ ................................... ................ .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................ ....................................................................................""I'......""I',,""................... Material to maintain structures,grounds $2,159.00 $21159.00 Professional Services $44.99 $47.00 ................................ ....................................................................................... ................ 'l""..........l""I....................................................................................................................................l""I. ................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................... Required Ea�clkflow Inspection(Estimate $9.99 $430.00 Total Direct Costs $7111 9817.00 ,0.00 Indirect Coats Administration Costs $7,300.00 $7,02.2.00 ......................................................... ............................................................................... Assessment(Engineer $1,0791.00 $1,111.00 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .. Auditor Controller $11.00 $11.00. 'Total Indirect Costs $%450.00 $8,1744.00 Levy Breakdown Operating Reserve Replenishment) ontri utio $0.00 $0.00 ......................................................... ............................................................................... Capital Improvement Replenishment/I(Contribution) $220.00 11 001) Contribution leas to�hortfallll $0.00 $0.00.................................................................................................................................. . .. Balance to Levy $801,663.00 $8,11 8173.00 Equivalent Dwelling Units IEDUs}(1) 110.010 110.010 Date per CDU $�'33.3 $744. 0 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Max Rate pe,r(EDU $733 30 $744.30 ................................................................................Percent ange from Prior year(Max Rate 2.30% 1. g�/� Total Annual Costs $80,437.0 $811, 4 0 Reserve Account Activit Operating Reserves Beginning Balance( $40,942.00 Operating Reserves Replenishment $0.00 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Balance400 Capital Improvement IEeginnIing Balance(2) $31,593.04 Capital Improvement Replenishment $0.00 lCapital Improvement Contribution $11.00] Capitall Improvement Ending Balance $311 5817.64 (1)EDUs(have been projected based upon discal Year 2020-21 information.. (2)The estimated June 30,2021 fund balance was projected biased upon fund balance as of,June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 257 of 493 OISD 9, El Rancho Del Rey ONEV 0111111111 g0004 W �ilii,1111! i i �l li I Costs 0111111 IEEE22 Utility Charges $3001.00 $324.00 .. Water Charges 2'03201�240.00 7.00. City Staff Services $5,530.00 $5,372.00 Contractual.............................. .. Services $331143.00 $171619.,00. Material to maintain structures,grounds $1,534.00 $1,534.00 ...................... Professional Services $71.00 $75.00 Required Backflow(Inspection(Estimate $0.00 $420.00 Total Direct rw 1018-00 $ J Indirect Costs Administration Costs $7,470.00 $7,577.00 Assessment(Engineer $1,079.00 $1,111.00 ..... ................ Auditor Controller $33.40 X33.40 Total Indirect Costs $815817.40 $8,826.40 Levy Breakdown Operating Reserve Replenishment/( ntriiuti $397.50 $5,143.75 .............. ............................................................................................................ .................................................................. .......................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... Capital l Improvement Replenishment/ ntri tin $0.00 $7172.3.05 Contribution(Due to Shortfall $0.00 $0.00 Ballanice to Levy $801003-00 $811,2104.20 Equivalent Dwelling Units(ICDUs)(1) 335.00 335.00 .... ...... ................ .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... ................................................. .............................................................................................. .. Rate . per EDUX07.3010.9 Max ate per IVDU $207.82 210.84 Percent Change,from Prior year(Max Rate 2.30% 1.50% Total Annul Casts $7'95605.40 $67,337.40 Total Assessment $801003-00 $811!�2104.20 01 J�%ffilmill.NNIVIII Reserve Account Activity Operating Reserves Beginning Balance(2) $27,524.95 Operating Reserves Replenishment $0,143.75 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ending Ballance $331668.70 Capital Improvement(Beginning Ballance() $0.00 Capital Improvement Replenishment $71723.05 Capital Improvement Contribution $0.00 Improvement Ballance (1)EDUs(have been projected based upon Fiscal Year 2020-21 information. ()The estimated June 301,2021 fund balance was projected based upon fund balance as of June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 258 of 493 OISD 10 El Rancho Del Rey 6& Casa Del Rei" MAN ONEimm"'I i ,,ll ��I�1 direct Coag Utility Clharges $5501.00 $505.00 Trash Collection&Disposal l Pees $0.00 $0.00 Water Charges $23,0100.00 32,113.00 . Cit Staff Services ����.�� �,313.00 . Contractual Services $45,242.00 39,03.00 ILan�dscape Supplies $0.00 $0.00 Material to maintain structures,grounds $1,300.00 $1,300.00 ...................... Professional Services91 00................................................................................ $96.00 ................................................................ Require Baclkflow(Inspection(Estimate $0.00 $350.00 Total Direct Costs $821688.00 $801865.00 Indirect Costs Administratlion Costs $3,053.00 $3,250.00 Assessment(Engineer $1,079.00 $11,111 00 ..... 7,7-- Auditor Controller X55.30 X1 55...1�11�11---.30 TotalCosts $9,2017.30 $91426.30 Levy Breakdown Operating Deserve replenishment/( ntriti $0.00 $0.00 .............. ............................................ .............. ................................. .................................................... .......................................................................................................... .................................................................... .................................................... ............................ ..... CapitalImprovement Replenishment/ ntr tin $195.64 $3,190.59 Contribution(Due to Shortfall X0.00 X0.00 ■. llanice to Levy $9121090.94 $93,481.89 Equivalent Dwelling Units(ICUUs)(1) 050.10 650.75 ...... ................ .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... ................................................. ................................................................................................ .. Rate per EUU140. 3 $142.34 . ........... Max ate per IVDU 140. 3 14�.34 Percent Change,from Prior year(Max Date L 2.30% 1.50%0 Total Annul Casts $915895.30 $90,2911.30 Total Assessment $9121090.94 $93�481.89 is, I�� i "0111111MV, WIll�l�l�l�� Reserve Account Activity Operating reserves Beginning Balance(2) 45,145.55 Operating reserves replenishment $0.00 Operating reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ending Ballance $451145-65 Capital Improvement(Beginning Ballance() $711010.75 Capital Improvement Replenishment $3,190.59 Capital Improvement Contribution $0.00 Capital :. . (1)EDUs have been projected based upon Fiscal Year 2020-21 information. ()The estimated June 301,2021 fund balance was projected based upon fund balance as of June 30 2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 259 of 493 OISD I I Hidden Vista Villa ONE #111@1`1 01111N� 04 l Diirect Coats Utility Charges $1,020.00 $1,133.00 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Trash Collection&Disposal l Fees $0.00 $0.00 Water Charges $65,0100.00 $65,0100.00 . . . . City�teff�ervices1� 139.8818,358„pp . Contractual Services $35,435.00 $33,720.00 ................................ ................................... ................ .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................... .. Material to maintain structures,grounds $3,240.00 $3,240.00 Professional Services $203.00 $214.00 ................................ ....................................................................................... ................ ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................ .............................................................................................. Required Ea�clkflow Inspection(Estimate $0.00 $72,01.00 Total Direct Costs $172�037.00 $117003.00 Indirect Coats Administration Costs $12,432.00 $121772.00 ......................................................... ............................................................................... Assessment(Engineer $2,415.00 $2,433.88 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .. Auditor Controller $37.90 $37.90. 'Total Indirect Costs $114�984.90 $115�347.90 Levy Breakdown Operating Reserve Replenishment) ontri utio $0.00 $0.00 ......................................................... ............................................................................... Capital Improvement Replenishment)( ntrii ti $451.14 $4,054.91 ................... .. Contribution leas to�hortfallll $0.00 $0.00. Balance to Levy $1187483.04 $1190�295.811 � Equivalent Dwelling Units IEDUs}(1) 11321.04 11321.04 Dateper CDU $141.82 $.:144.85................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ... Max Rate pe,r(EDU $141.92 $144.05 Percent Change from Prior year(Max Rate 2.30% 1.50% Total Annual Costs $187,0211.90 $1186,230.90 i Reserve Account Activit Operating Reserves Beginning Balance(2) $93,115.45 Operating Reserves Replenishment $8.88 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ending Balance $93J15.45 Capital Improvement(Beginning Balance(2) $132,533.55 Capital Improvement Replenishment $4,0154.91 lCapital Improvement Contribution $0.00 Capitall Improvement Ending Balance $186�698.57 (1)EDUs(have been projected based upon discal Year 2020-21 information.. (2)The estimated June 30,2021 fund balance was projected biased upon fund balance as of,June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 260 of 493 Utility Charges Trash Collection&Disposal Fees off if ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- Water Charges $1 5412�30.00 $1541230-00 City Staff Services $331985.010 $33,838.00 .............................................. ---------------------- ............................................................................................................................. 1591481.00 $146,689.00 Material to maintain structures,grounds 0 11 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Professional Services $,2:99.OiOi $314.00 Wireless and Data Access Charges $1 12801.010 $1�,280400 ---------------------------------- ... ............ Fil III I V-40 I rwrotm,A I W 111RISM411 MI11111 43 11 ism 05 1 1 oil Total Direct Costs $362,028.00 $349,1529.00 of III am, Project:Post and rail/wrought iron fencing repairs fill 10 of Project-Invasive weed re m o v a a long Otay Lakes Road of Total Capital Improvement Costs $14,000.00 $10,1000.1100 W 1 4 1 ---Ad m-i n i stration-Costs------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------$i20i_,7015.0101-----------------------------------------------$20,852-.00--, Assessment�Engi'neer $,51355.:00 $5,515.00 ................ Auditor Controller Totall Indirect Costs $26J46.20 $261453.20 a a 'L Operating Reserve Replenishment/(Contribution)l $0400 ............... ................................................ ,W""llI Contribution Due to Shortfall 111 111 Balance to Levy $393,244.40 $399,1140.48 Equivalent Dwelling Units(EDUs)(1) 862.0101 862.00 ............................. Rate per EDU $463.04 No Ir"a ii Via Sri Percent Change from Prior year Max Rate ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Totall Annual Costs $392J74.20 $375,982.20 EMMMIMM Total Assessment $393,2441.410 $3991140.48 IIIIIMI 11=! Iiii Im, 111311" !�!;1`1111 sl,(1�1 1 11"11!,E111,11,1711111111111 111111111:111 M11111iiii,Im 11,11,11 Operating Reserves Beginning Balance(2) Operating Reserves Replenishment $0.00 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ending Ballance $1875991.10 Capital Improvement Beginning Balance(2) $45,873.51 Capital Improvement Replenishment Capital Improvement Contribution Capital Improvement Ending Balance $591:031.79 1 0 dr gap der OS Bonita HaciendasONEV. 0111111111 gMAN W �ilii,1III! i i �l li I Costs 222241111111 22 Utility Charges $3001.00 $322.00 � .. w1l�ater Charges 7 944.00 $71,944.00.............................. . City Staff Services $2,073.00 $1,233.00 ............... ............... Contractual�►�rices .......... .......... �C�. �,�,444 �C��?���p. (Landscape Supplies $0.00 $0.00 ................................ ................................... ................ .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................... .. Material to maintain structures,grounds $11,000.00 $1,000.00 Professional Services $18.00 $10.00 .............................................Wireless and Data Access Char es $ 00. 130 $130.00 . $ requir...ed Baclkflow Inspection(Estimate $0.00 $300.00 Total Direct Costs $181914.00I -0 Indirect Costs Administration Costs $5,533.00 $3,550.00 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. Assessment(Engineer $278.00 $286.00 Auditor Controller $5.70 $5.70 Total Indirect Costs $51966.70 $319517.70 Levy Breakdown Operating Deserve Replenish ment/(Contri ti $07.05 $3,353.05 .................. .................................................... ................................... ............. ................. ............... ................ .............. ................................. .................................................... ........................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................. Capital Improvement Repleiniiishment/ ntr tin $0.00 $0.00 Contribution(Due to Shortfall $0.00 ■. t t• Equivalent Dwelling Units(CUUs)(1) 5700 57.00 ............... ........rate per EDU X37.08 4.2�4. p $ $ Max Rate per IVDU $437.58 $ 4.25 Percent Change,from Prior year(Max rate L 2.30% 1.50°0 Total Annul Casts $24,880.70 $21,967.70 Total Assessment r 4• is, �W1 1�1�l�lillllll������ ��11 11 ll' Reserve Account Activity Operating reserves Beginning Balance(2) ($ 3,405.24 Operating reserves replenishment $3,353.08 Operating reserves Contribution Operating Capital Improvement(Beginning Ballance(2) $0.00 Capital Improvement Replenishment $0.00 Capital Improvement Contribution $0.00 CapitalBallance0.0 (1)EDUs(have been projected based upon Fiscal Year 2020-21 information. ()The estimated June 301,2021 fund balance was projected based upon fund balance as of June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 262 of 493 OISD 17 Bel Air Ridge ONE � 01111V� 11 �� Diirect Coats CityStaff Services.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. $501.00 $478.00 .... ............... � Contractual Services $61587.00 $61017.00 . ILLandscape Supplies 0.00 0.00 ................................ ................................... ................ .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................. Material to maintain structures,grounds $0.00 $0.00 Automotive(Equipment0.00.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................ 0.00 .......... .. Professional services 9.00 $10.00 . Total Direct Costs $7110917.00 $61505.00 Indirect Coate Administration Costs $2,871.00 $2,761.00 /.......................................................... ............................................................................... Assessment(Engineer $278.00 $286.00 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .. Auditor Controller $4.60 X4.80. 'Total Indirect Costs $21953.60 $31051.60 Levy Breakdown Operating Reserve Re lenishmentl ontri do 0. 0.00 .............................................................................. Capitan Improvement Replenishment/( ntrr ti 1 $224.84 ...................C ..ontriibution Due to�hortfallll !�.0+� X0.00. Balance to Levy $9116317.00 $9J81 I Equivalent Dwelling Units IEUUs}(1) 40.00, 40.001 Date per TUUX200.50 $212-64 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Max Rate per EDU $209.51 $2121.65 Percent Change from Prior year(Max Rate 2.30% 11. Total Annual Oasts050.6 $9,556.60 Total Assessment $9116317.00 $9117811 ylflli (III Reserve Account Activity Operating Reserves Beginning Balance(2) $4,778.30 Operating Reserves Replenishment $0.00 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ending Balance $41778.30 Capital Improvement(Beginning Balance(2) $41885.85 Capital Improvement Replenishment $224.84 lCapital Improvement Contribution $0.00 C�apital Improvement Ending Balance $511111 (1)EDUs have been projected based upon Fiscal Year 2820-21 information.. (2)The estimated June 30,2021 fund balance was projected biased upon fund balance as of,June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 263 of 493 OSD 18 Rancho Del Sur Direct Coats WEI Utility Chargees $860.00 $897.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ r hr 22. . ate a ges $66, 00 $66, 00 CityStaff Services ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................$..2..0,...699....00 $207461.00 .....Contractual�ervic�s $78,128.00 $777949.00 Material to maintain structures,gro�u�n�ds $3,662.00 $3,662.00 ................................ ................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................--- .................................................................................................................................... Professional Services $8.................................................................0.00 $84.00 Required Backflow Inspection E..................stimate $ ............................................................................. 0.00 ,$720.00 Total 1 $16811681.00 $170,027.00 Capital Improvement Projects Project: Electric Meter Pedestal Replacement" $8,000.00 .............. ................ ................................. ....................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Project: Irrigation Controller Cabinet Replacement $6,000.00 $0.00, Total Capital Improvement Costs $11351000.00 $831000.0;0 Indirect Costs Administration Costs $14743.00 $147001.00 AssessmentEngineer $2,683.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. --------------------------------------------------------------------.00 $2,7'63.00 ......... e 49, 20... Auditor Controller . $ $40„20 Total Indirect $171803.20 Levy Breakdown Operating Reserve Replenishment/(Contribution), $0.00 $0.00 Capital l Improvement Replenislhmentl o tri tions 11,676.20) ($8135020) ................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... Contribution Due to Shortfall $0.00 $0.00 Balance to Levy $187,480.00 00 Equivalent Dwelling Unita(EDUs)(') 436.00 436.00 Rate per EDU! $430.00 $430.00 .......... s per ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Max .............................RatEDU .......................................................................................................................................................... $49 .06 $502.49Percent Change from Prior year Max Rate 1 2.30% 1.60% Total Annual Costs $186,1 .20 $11873830.20 Total $1875480.00 A888000 I Reserve Account.Activity Operating Reserves Beginning i Balance(2) $93,916.10 Operating Reserves Replenishment $0.00 loperating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Qperating Reserves Ending Ballance $933915.10 Capital Improvement Beginning Balance(2) $316,661.76 Capital Improvement Replenishment $0.00 Capital Improvement Contribution �3 . 1 Capital dBal $30173311.56 (1) DUs have been projected based upon(Fiscal Year 2020-21 information. (2)The estimated June 30,2021 fund balance was projected based upon fund balance as of June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 264 of 493 OISD 20 Zn I Derrlting Basin at East H Street ONE � i01,111V� l 1111111111 g fiirect Coats 41111111 City Staff Services $24,219.00 $24,501.00 ............................................................................................................................................. Contractual.... �erices $0.00 $0.00 . ........ Storm Maintenalnce $31,100.00 3 1,100.00 Total Direct rw 9-00J Capital Improvement Projects Project:Storm Water Access Road $50,000.00 $0.00 .............. .............. .................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................ ......................... Project.(Rice Canyon Channell maintenance $501000.00 $50,000.00 Total Capilital Improvement Costs $100MO-00 $5%0001.00 Indirect Costs Administration Costs $01477.00 $51035.00 /.......................................................... ............................................................................... Assessment Engineer $812.00 $335.00 ................................. �uditOr Controller.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ..... �''3� .30 $282.301 . 'Total '1 $71115130 Levy Breakdown _F, .............................................. Operating Reserve Replenishment/i(Contribution) $0.00 $0.00 Capital Improvement R+epleniishm+entl trr til ($44p428-83) ContributionDue to�hoirfalll X0.00 X0.00. .. Balance to Levy $6711441-64 $68�485.47 Equivalent Dwelling Units(EUUs}(1) 832.019 832.019 Rateper EDU................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. $76.49 77.64 Max ate per EDU $76.49 $77 04 ............................................................................................................................................................... Percent Change from Prior year(Max Rate 2.30% 1.50% Total Annual Casts $62,8901.30 ,$62,914.30 Total Assessment $67�441.64 $68�485.47 1,I"�I I ylflliw� �, Reserve Account Activity Operating Reserves Beginning Balance(2) 31,457'.15 Operating Reserves Replenishment $0.00 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Balance Capital Improvement(Beginning Balance(2) $454,304.52 Capital Improvement Replenishment $0.00 lCapital Improvement Contribution428.83) Capital Improvement Ending Balance $411%8175.79 (1)EDUs have been projected based upon Fiscal Year 2020-21 information.. (2)The estimated June 30,2021 fund balance was projected biased upon fund balance as of,June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 265 of 493 OISD 20 Zn 2 Rice Canyon Trail Area ONE MAN #111@1`1 01111 i i ll direct Coag Utility Charges $0.00 $0.00 w1later.char...es......... ....................... 0. 0. . 00 City Staff Services....................................................................................... ............... $1,520.00 $303.00 .... ............... Contractual Services $10,933.00 $111,077 00 ................. Material to maintain structures,grounds $0.00 $0.00 .............................................................................................................................................. Automotive IEquiiipment0 00 $0.00 ................................................................................Professional Services $30.00 $33.00 Total Direct Costs $121489.0019178.iOO Indirect Costs Administration Costs $5,21'01.00 $3,453.00 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. Assessment(Engineer $273 00 2$5 00 .................. ... ................................................................................Auditor+Dontrolier $2201.00 X2201®90 TotalIndirectCosts $517117.90 90 9 r Levy Breakdown Operating Reserve Replenishment/( ntriiuti $4,7013.05 $7,347.05 .............. ............................................................................................................ .................................................................. .......................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... Capital l Improvement Replenishment/ ntri tin $0.00 $0.00 Contribution(Due to Shortfall $0.00 $0.00 Ballanice to Levy $221909-96 $23,285.88 Equivalent Dwelling Units(ICDUs)(1) 3,050.20 3,050.20 Rateper EDU5.795.55....... ...... ................ .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... ................................................. ............................................................................ .. .......................................... .................................................... .... ... Max Rate per IVDU $5.79 $5.88 Percent Change,from Prior year(Max Rate L 2.30% 1.50°0 Total Annul Casts $181206.90 $%937.90 Total Assessment, $221909-96 r• %J601011111 ow� Reserve Account Activity Operating Reserves Beginning Balance(2) ($108,631�0 Operating Reserves Replenishment $7,347.988 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ending Ballance ($1011283-08) Capital Improvement(Beginning Ballance(2) $0.00 Capital Improvement Replenishment $0.00 Capital Improvement Contribution $0.00 ImprovementCapital Ballance0.0 (1)EDUs(have been projected based upon Fiscal Year 2020-21 information. ()The estimated June 30,2021 fund balance was projected based upon fund balance as of June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 266 of 493 OISD 20 Zn 3' East H Street ONE #111@1`1 01111V� 04 l Diirect Coats Utility Charges8301.00 $8801.00 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Water Charges K000.00 $10,744.00 . City Staff Services $4,343.00 $2,778.00 .... Contractual Services $27,0152.00 $231647.00. Material to maintain structures,grounds5010.00 $5010.00 ................................ ....................................................................................... ................ ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................ .............................................................................................. Required Backflow Inspection(Estimate $0.00 $1201.00 Total Direct Costs $1411 00r Indirect Coate Administration Costs $81887.00 $4,413.00 /.......................................................... ............................................................................... Assessment(Engineer $812.00 $838.00 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .. Auditor Controller 342.90 342.90'Total Indirect . Costs $711041.90 $5,591 111' Levy Breakdown Operating Reserve Replenishment/i(Contribution) $2,C24.go 8,244.7 /.......................................................... ............................................................................... Capitan Improvement Replenishment/ ntrr ti 0.00 $1,098.13 ...................C ..ontriibution Due to�hortfallll !�.0+� o.0O. Balance w, " $50J91.80 I80 , Equivalent Dwelling Units IEUUs)(1) 81147.49 81147.49 Date per TUU $8.27 8.39 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Max Rate per EDU $8.27 $8.39 Percent Change from Prior year(Max Rate 2.30% 1.50% Total Annual Oasts $48,766.90 $144,2401.90 Total $50J91.80 $511�583.78 1,I"�I I ylflli mm 1�1 #1111=11MIENEENEEM I 1 Reserve Account Activity Operating Reserves Beginning Balance(2) $15,875.70 Operating Reserves Replenishment $6,244.75 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Balance Capital Improvement(Beginning Balance(2) 0'.00 Capital Improvement Replenishment 1,gg8.13 lCapital Improvement Contribution $0.00 Capitall Improvement d Balance (1)EDUs have been projected based upon discal Year 2020-21 information.. (2)The estimated June 30,2021 fund balance was projected biased upon fund balance as of,June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 267 of 493 OISD 20 Zn 4 SPA Phaseusines�s Center ONEMAN #111@1`1 ll01111 Diirect Coats Utility Charges $1,354.00 $1,354.00 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Trash Collection &Disposal l Fees $11,200.00 $11,200.00 Water Charges $33,0100.00 $4.0.,..012.00 � City�teff�ervices14020.0014707„00 . Contractual Services $05,775.00 $33,275.00 ................................ ................................... ................ .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................... .. Material to maintain structures,grounds $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Professional Services $52.00 $55.00 ................................ ....................................................................................... ................ ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................... Required Ea�clkflow Inspection(Estimate $0.00 $1301.00 Total Direct . r 0r Indirect Coats Administration Costs $111,535.00 $111,555.00 ......................................................... ............................................................................... Assessment(Engineer $2,145.00 $2,212.00 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .. Auditor Controller $4.50 $4.50. 'Total 8 4 d 0 Levy Breakdown Operating Reserve Replenishment) ontri utio $0.00 $0.00 ......................................................... ............................................................................... Capital Improvement Replenishment)( ntrii ti $504.32 $10,325.11 ................... .. Contribution leas to�hortfallll $0.00 $0.00. Balance to Levy $1165�542.32 $11%025.61 Equivalent Dwelling Units IEDUs}(1) 21502.40 21502.40 Date per EDU $63.61 $54.50 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Max Rate pe,r(EDU $63.61 $64.56 ............................................................................................................................................................... Percent Change from Prior year(Max Rate 2.30%D 1.50% Total Annual Gaeta $165,037.50 $ 57,69'9.50 9 9 � 1 Reserve Account Activit Operating Reserves Beginning Balance(2) $7515491.75 Operating Reserves Replenishment $0.00 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ending Balance $718�849.75 Capital Improvement(Beginning Balance(2) $115,253.09 Capital Improvement Replenishment $10,325.11 lCapital Improvement Contribution $0.00 Capitall Improvement Ending Balance $128ifiI091.20 (1)EDUs(have been projected based upon discal Year 2020-21 information.. (2)The estimated June 30,2021 fund balance was projected biased upon fund balance as of,June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 268 of 493 Utility Charges ____Trash__CoI lectio-n--&-Disposal-Fees------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- W if Water Charges $210,000.00 City Staff Services $63,987.00 $,478,552.:00 ............... -----L a-n-d-s ca p e_,S u p p I i e s-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------., Material to maintain structures,grounds $51500.OiOi $57500.00 Professional Services $428400 Required Backflow Inspection Estimate Total Direct Costs $767,955.00 $7621:409.00 . It 11, 0 11111 0 1 Project-Post and rail/wrought iron fencing repairs $1�0,000 4 00 Total Capital Improvement Costs $0.00 $105:000.100 Administration Costs $351535.01(��] $35,514.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- - I-------------------111 Assessment Engineer $10,699.00 Auditor Controller Totall Indirect Costs $146,393.70 $46,693.70 Operating Reserve Replenishment/(Contribution)l $0.00 ............... $201147.66 Contribution Due to Shortfall 111 • 111 Balance to Levy $834,496.36 $837,1018.61 Equivalent Dwelling Units(EDUs)(1) 11795.010 1,795.00 ............................. Rate per EDU $471.88 Percent Change from Prior year Max Rate ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Totall Annual Costs $8114�348.70 $809,102.70 EMMMIMM 111011100MEMENNINNIM= Total Assessment $8341,4196.36 $847,018.61 1� 11 mmi,Im, 111"Ell". 11 M1111,1'111�1�1�1 I Kill,1!, 1111,111=1 110,11, 1101,1111,�1111:111 mi,im,1111 Operating Reserves Beginning Balance(2) $404,551-35 Operating Reserves Replenishment $0.00 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ending Ballance $4041:551�.35 Capital Improvement Beginning Balance(2) $154,383.17 Capital Improvement Replenishment Capital Improvement Contribution Capital Improvement Ending Balance $182$i299.08 1111, 1111;MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIII, 111m,1111,17,111,11,F1,11,11,11,11,11,11,11=1111M Utility Charges $530.0 $587.00 ............... I..............I Trash Collection&Disposal Fees $1,600.0 41910,10 --------------------- -----Water-Charges---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $40,000.00 ----------------------------------------------$4-01000-.00 $19)613.00 $197558-00 .................... $12 1 18691.00 to maintain structures,grounds Professional Services ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wireless and Data Access Charges MAI Total Direct Costs $182,,535.00 $118531489-00 Project: Post and rail/wrought iron fencing repairs out'a $107000. Total Capital Improvement Costs $0.00 $10,1000.00 $13�887.00 $137942.00 Assessment Eng�ineer $2,683.00 $21763.00 ....................................................................................... ..................IN I Ill 10 ...........I.................. 0 4: Auditor Controller 11�1 Total Ind[rect Costs $116,1627-00 $161762.00 pe�rating Reserve ReplenishmenV(Cointribution)i ---------- Capital Improvement Replenish�ment/(Cointribu�t�on)i ($4,430.98) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ....................I -----Contri-buti-on--Due to Shortfall 40 Balance to Levy $204,747.04 $2017,A201.02 573.20 573.20 ■ $357.20 $362.:56 ax Rate per EDU Percent Change from i +1 r year Max Rate Total Annual Costs �$199,162.00 $20i23251.00 Total Assessment $204,1747.04 $2017,A201.02 111�m�Ilmv,�, ITIII,�;1�1111111r" Vlmill,�,=11mixim, Operating Reserves Beginning Balance(2) $10 1 1125.50 Operating Reserves Replenishment $0.00 6perating Reserves Contribution — Qperating Reserves Ending Ballance $1101113125.50 Capital Improvement Beginning Balance(2) $441 1513,.37 Capital improvement Replenishment $0.00 6a1ital Improvement Contribution ($4�430.98) Capftall Improvement Ending Ballance $1437310182.39 OISD 20 Zn 7 SPA 3 ONEV 0111111111 g0004 W �ilii,1111! i i �l li I Costs 222241111111 22 Utility Charges $2,289.00 $2,2891.00 .. Water Charges +8�8�790.00 09...729.00................... ... City Staff Services $22,004.00 $20,100.00 ...............Contractual Services $184176 00 $1861256.,00 Material to maintain structures,grounds $1,000.00 $1,000.00 ............... Professional Services $150.00 $158.00 Required Backflow(Inspection(Estimate $0.00 $240.00 Total Direct Costs $280J62.00 ;I JI Capital Improvement Projects Project: (Post and rail/wrought iron fencing repairs $0.00 $3,0100.00 Total Capiltall Improvement $0.00 IiN 00 Indirect Costs Administration Costs $14,400.00 $13,122.00 Assessment(Engineer $312,17'.00 $3,313.00 ......... . Auditor Controller $121.70 $121.70 TotalIndirecti O Levy Breakdown Operating Deserve Replenishment/( ntriluti $0.00 $0.00 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. Capital l Improvement Replenish ment/(Contr tion) ($40,,212.16) ($3 , . 1 Contribution(Due to Shortfall $0.00 $0.00 Ballanice to Levy $25751693.54 $258,568-19 Equivalent Dwelling Units(CDUs)(1) ........ 1,100.79 1,100.79 Rate per EDU $�Z0.49 $223.79 . ........... Max ate per IVDU $20.49 $22�.79 ............................................................................................................................................................. Percent Change,from Prior year(Max DateL 2.30% 1.00°0 Total Annual Casts $297,905.70 $2965894.70 Total A .19 ssessment w w M •w %J6 0401,111 ow M"M Reserve Account Activity Operating Reserves Beginning Balance(2) $148,447.30 Operating Deserves Replenishment $0.00 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ending Ballance $14854147-35 Capital Improvement(Beginning Ballance() $296,682.e80 Capital Improvement Replenishment $0.00 Capital Improvement Contribution 1 Capital Improvement Ending i (1)EDUs(have been projected based upon Fiscal Year 2020-21 information. ()The estimated June 301,2021 fund balance was projected based upon fund balance as of June 30 2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 271 of 493 OISD 20 Zn 8 Desilting Basra at Glen Abbey ONE MAN Direct Coats City Staff Services $2,297.00 $1,502.00 .... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. Contractual�►�rices 0.00 $0.00 . ............................ Storm Maintenance $3,000.00 $3,0100.00 Total Direct Costs $512917.00 $41592.00 Capital Improvement Projects Project: IDrailnage structure Irepairs $25,000.00 $25,000.00 Total Capiltall ImprovementoIIL INIJ Indirect Costs Administration Costs $4,1 x'2.00 $3,42'91.00 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. Assessment(Engineer $2?8 00 $286.00 ............................. ................ Auditor Controller $1 5.50 $1 5.50 Total dosts $41465.50 $31730.50 Levy Breakdown Operating Deserve Replenishment/( ntrilti $0.00 $0.00 .................. .................................................... ................................... ............. ................. ............... ................ ............... ................................. .................................................... .............................................................................................. ..................... Capital l Improvement Replenish ment/ ntr ton ($28,,724.64) ($27,,193.24) Contribution(Due to Shortfall $0.00 $0.00 Balance $6,129.26 Equivalent Dwelling Units(CDUs)(1) 118.82 118.82 Date......er EDU................ .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... ................................................. ...................................................................................................... 0.8�.. 1„ 8. p $ $ Max Rate per IVDU $50.82 $51.58 Percent Change,from Prier year(Max Date L 2.30% 1.50%0 Total Annual Casts $95762.50 $85322.50 Total Assessment $650317.86i 4 i J�% ffilmill NI i Reserve Account Activity Operating Deserves Beginning Balance(2) $41,101.25 Operating Reserves Replenishment $0.00 Operating Deserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ending Balance ,4 5161 1.;25 Capital Improvement(Beginning Ballance() $1481108.14 Capital Improvement Repllenislhlment $0.00 Capital Improvement Contribution �1 Capital Improvement Ending :. . $1205914.90 (1)EDUs(have been projected based upon Fiscal Year 2020-21 information. ()The estimated June 30,2021 fund balance was projected based upon fund balance as of June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 272 of 493 OISD 20 Zn 9 Telegraph Canyon Cannel SPA 3 ONE I� ��� 11 111- ', � 0004i i #11M)"i ll01111 direct Coats City Staff Services6001.00 $5001.00 .... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. Contractual�►�rices 0.00 $0.00 . Storm Maintenance $0.00 $600.00 Total Direct Costs $600-00 $151i001-00 Capital Improvement Projects Project:Telegraph Canyon Channel maintenance 10,000.00 sm,000.00 Total Capiltall Improvement Costs $105000-00 $105000-00 Indirect Costs Administration Costs $3,315.0"0 $2,55'01.0~0 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. Assessment(Engineer2?3 00 $286.00 ............................. ............................................................................................................................................. ................ Auditor Controller $37.80 37.30 Total Indirect Costs $41133.80 $21992.80 Levy Breakdown Operating Deserve Replenishment/( ntriiti $0.00 $0.00 .................. .................................................... . Capital l Improvement Replenish ment/ ntr ton) ($12,,720.76) ($1 Contribution(Due to Shortfall $0.00 $0.00 Balance I $2,048.42 Equivalent Dwelling Units(ICDUs)(1) 50.01 50.01 ...... ................ .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... ................................................. .................................................................................................... .. Date per EDU40.35 $40.96 . Max Rate per IVDU $40.35 $40.96 Percent Change,from Prier year(Max Date L 2.30% 1.50°0 Total Annual Casts $45733.80 $45092.80 Total Assessment $25013.04 $25048.42 W jffi�Nfll � Reserve Account Activity Operating Deserves Beginning Balance(2) $2,045.40 Operating Deserves Replenishment $0.00 Operating Deserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ending Balance $250416.40 Capital Improvement(Beginning Ballance(2) 551547.52 Capital Improvement Replenishment $0.00 Capital Improvement Contribution p p ($12,044,38)1 BalanceCapital Improvement Ending 0 , (1)EDUs(have been projected based upon Fiscal Year 2020-21 information. ()The estimated June 301,2021 fund balance was projected based upon fund balance as of June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 273 of 493 OISD 23' OtaIy Rio BusineIss Park ONE #111@1`1 01111V� II l Diirect Costs ��Utility Charges $5401.00 $5401.00 ............................................................................................................................................................ Water Charges $81,000.00 $81,000.00 . City Staff Services $4,518.00 4,391.00 .... ............................................................................................................................................................ Contractual Services $36,892.00 $371292.00. Material to maintain structures,grounds $1,505.00 $1,505.00 ................................ ....................................................................................... ................ ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................ .............................................................................................. Required Backflow Inspection(Estimate $0.00 $12,01.00 Total Direct Costs $511 6.0 9.00 Capital Improvement Projects Project. Revegetation of landscape areas o.00 $10,000.00 Total Capital Improvement Costs $0.00 $11%000.00 Indirect Costs Administration Costs $5,382.00 $5,220.00 ......................................................... ............................................................................... Assessment(Engineer $545.00 $561.00 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .. Auditor Controller !D.g0 �p.g0. 'Total Indirect Costs $51927.90 $5,7811 Levy Breakdown Operating Reserve Replenishment/i(Contribution) $0.000.00 ......................................................... ............................................................................... Capitan Improvement Replenishment/(Contribution) ($1 ($9,299-51) ................... .. Contribution(Due to�hortfallll !�.0+� o.00. Balance to Levy $57�469.26 $58�331.39 Equivalent Dwelling Units IEDUs}(1) 114.98 114.98 Rateper CDU................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 499.82 507.32 Max Rate per(EDU $566.04 $574.53 Percent Change from Prior year(Max Rate 2.30% 1.50% Total Annual Casts $57,483.90 $57,6301.90 Total Assessment $57�469.26 $58�331.39 �I I ylflliw� IIIA 1 f 1 III Deserve Account Activity Operating Reserves.Beginning Balance( ) $28,815.45 Operating Reserves Replenishment $0.00 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ending Balance $28�815.45 Capital Improvement(Beginning Balance(2) $105,752.00 Capital Improvement Replenishment $0.00 l�Capital Improvement Contribution ($9,299.51)1 Capital Improvement Ending Balance $916�462.49 (1)EDUs have been projected based upon Fiscal Year 2020-21 information.. (2)The estimated June 30,2021 fund balance was projected biased upon fund balance as of,June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 274 of 493 OISD 24 Canyon View Homes ONEV0111111111 g �, � Will �ilii,1 111!i l� Costs 41111111 222222 UtilityCharges $2801.00.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................. 289.00 Water Charges $13,500.00 $131500.00 . City Staff Services $3,0018.00 $1,538.00 .... � ............... Contractual erices $7�+3�.�C� �023,0p. , , Material to maintain structures,grounds $82.00 $82.00 ................................ ....................................................................................... ................ ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................... Required Backflow Inspection(Estimate $0.00 $1801.00 Total Direct Costs $23�9317.00 $22J117.00 Indirect Coate Administration Costs 5,889.00 $3,841.00 /.......................................................... ............................................................................... Assessment(Engineer $545.00 $561.00 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .. Auditor Controller $4.00 $4.001 . 'Total Indirect Costs $61438.00 $41406.00 Levy Breakdown Operating Reserve Replenishment/i(Contribution) $3,553.00 7,313.80 /.......................................................... ............................................................................... Capitan Improvement Replenishment/ ntrr ti o.00 $0.00 ...................C ..ontriibution Due to�hortfallll !3.0+� g.0p�. Balance w, Levy 1 0 1 ! 1N 0 Equivalent Dwelling Units IEUUs}(1) 40.00, 40.001 Date per TUU 848. 0 850.92 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Max Rate per EDU $848.21 $860.94 Percent Change from Prior year(Max Rate 2.30% 1.50% Total Annual Oasts $3%3175.00 $27J23.00 Total Assessment $33�928.00 $34�436.80 1,I"�I I ylflli mm �, # Reserve Account Activity Operating Reserves Beginning Balance(2) $1,392.13 Operating Reserves Replenishment $71313.80 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ending Balance $811705.93 Capital Improvement(Beginning Balance(2) $0.00 Capital Improvement Replenishment $0.00 lCapital Improvement Contribution $0.00 Capitall Improvement Ending Balance $0.00 (1)EDUs have been projected based upon discal Year 2020-21 information.. (2)The estimated June 30,2021 fund balance was projected biased upon fund balance as of,June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 275 of 493 OISD 26 Park Bonita ONE MAN �i i �l Diirect Coats UtilityCharges $.......................................................................................................................... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ...................... ............... ............... ............... ...............1491.00 $143.00 � .. w1l�ater Charges 2 8.00 $41,280.00.............................. . City Staff Services901.00 $6201.00 Contractual....................................................................................................................................... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ...............1111111"I'll"............... ............... ............... .. Services $3,912.00�.�C� �392.0p. , , Professional Services $13.00 1 . ................................ ....................................................................................... ................ ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................. .. Required Ea�clkflow Inspection(Estimate $0.90 $69.00 Total Direct Costs $711369.00 $811519.00 Indirect Coate Administration Costs $4,965.00 $31332.00 /.......................................................... ............................................................................... Assessment(Engineer $273.00 $236.00 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .. Auditor Controller $1.90 $1.901 . 'Total Indirect Costs $5,244.90 $31619.90 Levy Breakdown Operating Reserve Replenishment/i(Contribution) $34.40 099.40 /.......................................................... ............................................................................... Capitan Improvement Replenishment/ ntrir ti $0.00 $0.00 ...................C ..ontriibution Due to�hortfallll !3.0+� 0.00. Balance w' Levy • 0 Equivalent Dwelling Units IEUUs}(1) 19.00, 19.001 Date per TUU 665.7 67 .7 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Max Rate per EDU $665.72 $675.70 Percent Change from Prior year(Max Rate 2.30% 1.50% Total Annual Oasts $12,6113.90 $112J38.90 Total Assessment 9 r/ 9 A w .30 �I I ylflli m �, # J I Reserve Account Activity Operating Reserves Beginning Balance(2) ($41,322.79) Operating Reserves Replenishment $099.40 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ending Balance ($3�623.39) Capital Improvement(Beginning Balance(2) $0.00 Capital Improvement Replenishment $0.00 lCapital Improvement Contribution $0.00 Capitall Improvement Ending Balance $0.00 (1)EDUs have been projected based upon discal Year 2020-21 information.. (2)The estimated June 30,2021 fund balance was projected biased upon fund balance as of,June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 276 of 493 OS D 31 Telegraph Canyon Estates Direct Costs 15,111 ...................... Utility Charges $3,090-00 $4,4917.00 ............... ............... ................ .............. Trash Collection&Disposal Fees $2,650-00 $2,650-00 ............... Water Charges $40,000.00 $40,000.00 ............... City Staff Services $12,940.00 $14,148.00 ............... Contractual Services $85,807.00 $92,667.00 ............... Material to maintain structures,grounds $3,500-00 $3,500-00 ............... Professional Services $55-00 $58-00 1111,11,11,11,............... ............... Required Backflow Inspection Estimate $0.00 $120.00 TotaI Direct Costs $148,042.010 $15710640.010 Capital Improvement Projects Project:Reve,getation of landscape areas $13,200.00 $10,000-00 ............... Project:Post and rail/wrought iron fencing repairs $10,000-00 $10,000-00 Project:Playground improvements $8000-00 $0.00 ............... Project:Invasive weed removal along Otay Lakes Road $8,800-00 $7,200.00 P roject:--1 rri g anon Controller Ca-b i ne-t-Re-p I a ce m e n-t.............................................................................................$0.00...........................................$13,,599.99...Capital Improvement Costs $401000.001 $401700.001 Indirect Costs Administration Costs $8,914.09 $9,608-00 ............................ Assessment Engineer $2,68�3-00 $2,763-00 Auditor Controller $34.40 $34.40 Total Indirect Costs $11,631.401 $121405.401 Levy Breakdown Operating Reserve Replenishment/(Contribution) $0.00 $0.00 ..................... Capital IImprovement Replenishment/(Contribution) ($15140)1.........................................(-$11,225A0) .............................. ........................................ Contribution Due to Shortfall $0.00 $0.00 Balance to�L,evy $1999520.010 $199,520.010 Equivalent Dwelling Units(EDUs)(1) 344.00 344.00 ............... Rate Iper EDU $580.00 $580.00 ............... Max Rate per EDU $687.69 $698.00 Percent Change from Prior year Max Rate 2.30%, 1.50%, CIA Total Annual Costa $159,673.40 $1701,045.40 ;I TotaI Assessment $199105200 $1991520.010 Reserve Account Activity Operating Reserves Beginning B,alanC42) $85,022.70 Operating Reserves Replenishment $0.00 lOperating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ending Balance $851022.1701 Capital IImprovement Beginning Balance() $400,588-90 Capital lImprovement Replenishment $0.00 lCapital lImprovement Contribution(3) ($11,2215.40) Capital Improvement Ending Balance $389,36150 (1)EDUs have been projected based upon Fiscal Year 2020-21 information. (2)'The estimated June 30,2021 fund balance was projected based upon fund balance as of June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 277 of 493 Utility Charges ----Water-Charges------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------$-39-,270.0-0--1 $39,270.00 City Staff Services $9;5,16-00 fill ............... Contractual Services $57,577.001 $59,38 .00 .............................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................. ................... -----Profession al-Servi ces---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------11 --------- Wireless and Data Access Charges $,6iOiOi.OiOi $600.00 .................................................................. ............................... .............. Required Backflow Inspection Estimate Total Direct Costs $1112,948.00 $1141:882.,00 Project.Revegetation of landscape areas Total Capital Improvement Costs $5,000.00 $73000.100 Administration Costs $7,384400 N-111,=AA Auditor Controller Totall Indirect Costs $9,722.70 $91563.70 a a peratin�g Reserve Replenishment/(Contribution)l -- ----------------------------------------------- Capital Improvement Replenis�h�me�nt/(Contributi'o�n�)I $01.00 .................................. Ot,ay Lakes Rd Collectible $21 5747.40, $21�,747440 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WO Met11 1 11 Balance to Levy , $1136,686.14 $138,0773.72 Equivalent Dwelling Units(EDUs)(1) 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------., -------------------------------- Otay Lakes Rd Collectible/EDU $2-50i $2.50 Rate per EDU ............... Percent Change from Prior year Max Rate .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................------------------ Totall Annual Costs EMMMIMM KNKNIMN����NNINNEE= Total Assessment $1136,686-141 $1381773.72 1�11,11711-11,11,1111M,11=! Iiii Im, 111311" !�!M11,11, I MIR ,1'1511�1,i"111i Mail Ili Operating Reserves Beginning Balance(2) $73,096-55 Operating Reserves Replenishment $0.00 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ending Ballance $731:096.,55 ipital Improvement Beginning Balance(2) $33,631.08 Capital Improvement Replenishment Capital Improvement Contribution Capital Improvement Ending Balance $19$211.70 Water Charges $17,00 $17,000.00 ............... ............................................ taff Services $6)312.00 Contractual Services $54�543.00 $561305.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- $1;000.00 $17000-:00 rofessional Services $9.00 $i10.00 ....................................................................................... 11.......... ............................................................................................................................................ 0&0 I MIAMI Wireless and Data Access Charges immmml4 Total Direct Costs $79,17164.00 $801629.00 V I - I 1 0 MTN i i Project: Revegetation of landscape areas ILI a$ Total Capital Improvement Costs $5,000.00 $8,1000.00 istration Costs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auditor Controller Total Ind[rect Costs $75062.80 $71530.170 r. TMTo 1411,13 i l L $0.00 $0.00 ($13�38i6.95) ($161387�62) ............... .......... a F, tay"I"akes Rd Collectible .. ......... ............. ribution Due to, hort all of oil Balance to Levy $86,880.80 $88,211 0.03 .....Wivalent Dwelling Units(EDUs)(1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- arr $2.501 $2.50 Aar i $25.75 $26.:13 ................................................... ax Rate per EDU a...n....g'e from Prior year Max Rate Total Annual Costs $95�267.75 $96,597.65 Total Assessment $86,880.80 $88321!0.03 **4 Operating Reserves Beginning Balance(2) $48,298.88 Operating Reserves Replenishment $0.00 6perating Reserves Contribution Qperating Reserves Ending Ballance $481298.8�8 Capital Improvement Beginning Balance(2) $142,883,.12 Capital improvement Replenishment $0.00 6apital Improvement Contribution ($16,387.62) Capital Improvement IEndinlg Balance $11,2631495.50 Fries CONE. Diirect Cosh City Staff Services68.00 $0.00 ............... Automotive Equipment so.00 $0.00 . TotalDirect o 10 Indirect Costs Administration Costs $71507.00 $71575.00 /.......................................................... ............................................................................... Assessment Engineer $273.00 $235.00 ......Auditor Controller $0.40 $0.401. 'Total $711785.40 $71,8611 Levy Breakdown Operating Reserve Replenishment/i(Contribution) $0.00 $0.00 ................................................ .......... ....................... .............-......... ............................................................................... Capital Improvement Replenishment/ ontrir ti , F 1 7 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................./.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Otay Lakes Rd Collectible $231439.08 $231439.08 Contribution(Due to Shortfall $0.00 $0.00 M M Balance ' , �;' , .71 Equivalent Dwelling Units(CDUs)(1) 91375.53 91375.53 ..... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Otay Ladles Rd Collectible/EDU $2.50, $2.50, Rate per EDU $3.34 $3.34 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. Max Rate per(EDU $2113 22 $2115 42 ............................................................................................................................................................... Percent Olhange from Prior year(Max Rate 2.30%1 1.50% Total Annual Casts $3 ,292.48 $311,3001.4 (III f Reserve Account Activity Operating Reserves Beginning Balance(2) $15,650.24 Operating Reserves Replenishment $0.00 Operating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Balance $115�6501.24 Capital Improvement(Beginning Balance(2) $134,553.33 Capital Improvement Replenishment $0.00 lCapital Improvement Contribution ($20.77)11 C�apital Improvement Ending Balance $134�547.56 (1)EDUs have been projected based upon Fiscal Year 2020-21 information.. (2)The estimated June 30,2021 fund balance was projected based upon fund balance as of,June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 280 of 493 Eastlake Direct Costs water�Clharges $25,324.00 $25,483..00 .......................................................................................................................................................... City Staff Services1 0,250.00 $'0,'028.00 ................................ ................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... Contractual Services $55,584.00 $55,258.00 IMaterial to maintain structures,grounds $..4....73...0..0 $473.00 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Professional Services �5�.010 $55*00 Wireless and Data Access Charges $450.00 $450.00 ............... .....Required backflow Inspection Estimate �0,001 $50*00 Total Direct Costs $92,172.010 $92,738.00 Capital Improvement Projects Project:Post and rail/wrought iron fending repairs $7,500.00 $5,000.00 Total Ga�pitall Improvement Costs $7,500.001 $51000.00 Indirect Coats Administration Costs $8,820..00 $0,1170.00 Assessment Engineer $1,514.00 $1,552.00 Auditor Controller ,, 5 .30 $52*30 Totalr ,90 Levy Breakdown Operating Reserve Relplenlishment/ ontrib trio 1 $0,288.12 $0.00 .............................. Capital Improvement Replenislhment/ ntri ution $0.00 $125545.88 ................. ................... Ctay Lakes Rd Collectlible $1,05'0.50,,.......... $1,05'0.50 ..........................................................11�........Contribution IDue to Shortfall $0.00Bal $0.00 v to $1201514.92 $1122,327-68 Equivalent Dwelling Units FIDUs)(1) 423.80 428.80 Ctay Lakes Rd Collectible DU $2.50 $2.50 ..... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Rate per F EDU ,$ 84.38 $288.54 Iax Rate per U $..2..8..4....38 $288.54 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Percent Change from(Prior year Max Rate 2.30% 1.50% Total Annual Costs $ 03,726.80 $104,681.80 Toltal Assessment $1201514.92 8 1 MWMN,11,111 Oil, ReserveAccount,Activity Operating Reserves Beginning Balance(2) $52,340.00 Operating Reserves Replenishment $0.00 loperating Reserves Contribution $0.00 Operating Reserves Ending Ba Capital Improvement Beginning Balance(2) $12,532.53 Capital Improvement Replenishment $12,545.88 Capital Improvement Contribution $0.00 Capital Improvement Ending Balance $25,278.41 (1)EDUs have been projected based upon Fiscal Year 2020-21 information. ()The estimated June 30,20,21 fund balance was projected based upon fund balance as of June 30,2.020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 281 of 493 Eastlake E ONE direct Coats City Staff Services $3,25'9.00 $3,450.00 ............... Contractual Services $0.00 $0.00 . Storm Maintenance $6,5010.00 $ , 00.00 Total Direct Costs $91759.00 $91950.00 Capital Improvement Projects Project:Telegraph Canyon Channel maintenance $60,000.00 $60,000.00 Total Capiltall Improvement Costs $605000-00 $605000-00 Indirect Costs Administration Costs $3,194.00 $3,485.00 A "I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll,'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll,'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll,'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll'I............... ssessment(Engineer $278.00 $286.00 Auditor Controller $65.40 $65.........40» Total Indirect Costs w .40 Levy Breakdown Operating Deserve Replenishment/( ntriiti $0.00 $0.00 Capital l Improvement Replenish ment/ ntr ton) ($59,,935.80) ($60, Contribution(Due to Shortfall $0.00 $0.00 Balance to Levy wrw w Equivalent Dwelling Units(CDUs)(1) 668.03 663.03 Date......er EDU................ .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... ................................................. ......................................................................................................��D.gg.. g.gg. p $ $ Max Rate per IVDU $40.54 $41.15 ............................................................................................................................................................. Percent Change,from Prier year(Max DateL 2.30% 1.50%o Total Annual Casts $ x,296.40 $13J86.40 Total Assessment wrw 60 w 01 J�%� ffilmill. ,IIIIIII,I�I�lilll �� I I �' Deserve Account Activity Operating Deserves Beginning Balance( ) $5,393.20 Operating Deserves Replenishment $0.00 Operating Deserves Contribution $0.00 OperatingReserves Ending $61893.20 i9 Capital Improvement(Beginning Ballance() $1591355.55 Capital Improvement Replenishment $0.00 Capital Improvement Contribution EndingCapital Improvement :. . +'N (1)EDUs(have been projected based upon Fiscal Year 2020-21 information. ()The estimated June 3011,2021 fund balance was projected based upon fund balance as of June 30,2020. 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 282 of 493 Total Direct Costs $3,803.00 $5,058.00 1 1 •1 1 'Total Indirect Costs $4,454.40 $4,462.140 Balance to Levy E12,749.92 $12,749.97 MA Ali a Total Assessment E12,749.92 $12,749.97 Rio ida III. jj Operating Reserves Ending Balance 54,760.20 •1 11 Capital Improvement Ending Balance $44,794.94 a I A A I I A ale I of 9 A 1 8,0 1 1 1 1 APPE, NDIX Assess�ment Rolls, , , , , ii i i i i i i / / / i 1 �� �w m uuuuu V�000����� W�tl�ommmmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu� nwwww SPICER ONSULTI�NG G R 0 U P ls� Assessment Roll 6014-02"- OSD 1 CI'W OF Fiscal Year 2021-22 CHUIAVISTA APN Levy APN Levy APN Levy 6420501600 $402.20 6422520800 $144.16 6422533100 $144.16 6420502600 $200.38 6422520900 $144.16 6422533200 $144.16 6420502700 $144.16 6422521000 $144.16 6422533300 $144.16 6420502800 $867.84 6422521100 $144.16 6422533400 $144.16 6422510100 $144.16 6422521200 $144.16 6422533500 $144.16 6422510200 $144.16 6422521300 $144.16 6422533600 $144.16 6422510300 $144.16 6422521400 $144.16 6422533700 $144.16 6422510400 $144.16 6422521500 $144.16 6422533800 $144.16 6422510500 $144.16 6422521600 $144.16 6422533900 $144.16 6422510600 $144.16 6422521700 $144.16 6422534000 $144.16 6422510700 $144.16 6422521800 $144.16 6422534100 $144.16 6422510800 $144.16 6422521900 $144.16 6422534200 $144.16 6422510900 $144.16 6422522000 $144.16 6422534300 $144.16 6422511000 $144.16 6422530100 $144.16 6422534400 $144.16 6422511100 $144.16 6422530200 $144.16 6422610100 $144.16 6422511200 $144.16 6422530300 $144.16 6422610200 $144.16 6422511300 $144.16 6422530400 $144.16 6422610300 $144.16 6422511400 $144.16 6422530500 $144.16 6422610400 $144.16 6422511500 $144.16 6422530600 $144.16 6422610500 $144.16 6422511600 $144.16 6422530700 $144.16 6422610600 $144.16 6422511700 $144.16 6422530800 $144.16 6422610700 $144.16 6422511800 $144.16 6422530900 $144.16 6422610800 $144.16 6422511900 $144.16 6422531000 $144.16 6422610900 $144.16 6422512000 $144.16 6422531100 $144.16 6422611000 $144.16 6422512100 $144.16 6422531200 $144.16 6422611100 $144.16 6422512200 $144.16 6422531300 $144.16 6422611200 $144.16 6422512300 $144.16 6422531400 $144.16 6422611300 $144.16 6422512400 $144.16 6422531500 $144.16 6422611400 $144.16 6422512500 $144.16 6422531600 $144.16 6422611500 $144.16 6422512600 $144.16 6422531700 $144.16 6422611600 $144.16 6422512700 $144.16 6422531800 $144.16 6422611700 $144.16 6422512800 $144.16 6422531900 $144.16 6422620100 $144.16 6422512900 $144.16 6422532000 $144.16 6422620200 $144.16 6422513000 $144.16 6422532100 $144.16 6422620300 $144.16 6422513100 $144.16 6422532200 $144.16 6422620400 $144.16 6422513200 $144.16 6422532300 $144.16 6422620500 $144.16 6422520100 $144.16 6422532400 $144.16 6422620600 $144.16 6422520200 $144.16 6422532500 $144.16 6422620700 $144.16 6422520300 $144.16 6422532600 $144.16 6422620800 $144.16 6422520400 $144.16 6422532700 $144.16 6422620900 $144.16 6422520500 $144.16 6422532800 $144.16 6422621000 $144.16 6422520600 $144.16 6422532900 $144.16 6422621100 $144.16 6422520700 $144.16 6422533000 $144.16 6422621200 $144.16 6422621300 $144.16 6422712000 $144.16 6422722500 $144.16 6422621400 $144.16 6422712100 $144.16 6422722600 $144.16 6422621500 $144.16 6422712200 $144.16 6422722700 $144.16 6422621600 $144.16 6422712300 $144.16 6422722800 $144.16 �5> Page I of 5 City of Chula Vista -,AgendaPacket PaPgU5r'p1f4RB ls� Assessment Roll 6014-02"- OSD 1 CI'W OF Fiscal Year 2021-22 CHUIAVISTA APN Levy APN Levy APN Levy 6422621700 $144.16 6422712400 $144.16 6422722900 $144.16 6422621800 $144.16 6422712500 $144.16 6422723000 $144.16 6422621900 $144.16 6422712600 $144.16 6422723100 $144.16 6422622000 $144.16 6422712700 $144.16 6422723200 $144.16 6422622100 $144.16 6422712800 $144.16 6422723300 $144.16 6422622200 $144.16 6422712900 $144.16 6422723400 $144.16 6422622300 $144.16 6422713000 $144.16 6422723500 $144.16 6422622400 $144.16 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of Chula Vista Agenda Packet PaPA8r'p1f4RB ls� Assessment Roll 6014-83-OSD 20 Zone 9 CI'W OF Fiscal Year 2021-22 CHUIAVISTA APN Levy APN Levy APN Levy 6400902300 $81.92 6403407400 $5.72 6403516400 $5.72 6403402000 $5.72 6403407500 $5.72 6403516500 $5.72 6403402100 $5.72 6403407600 $5.72 6403516600 $5.72 6403402200 $5.72 6403407700 $5.72 6403600100 $8.18 6403402300 $5.72 6403407800 $5.72 6403600200 $8.18 6403402400 $5.72 6403407900 $5.72 6403600300 $8.18 6403402500 $5.72 6403408000 $5.72 6403600400 $8.18 6403402600 $5.72 6403408100 $5.72 6403600500 $8.18 6403402700 $5.72 6403408200 $5.72 6403600600 $8.18 6403402800 $5.72 6403408300 $5.72 6403600700 $8.18 6403402900 $5.72 6403408400 $5.72 6403600800 $8.18 6403403000 $5.72 6403408500 $5.72 6403600900 $8.18 6403403100 $5.72 6403513300 $5.72 6403601000 $8.18 6403403200 $5.72 6403513400 $5.72 6403601100 $8.18 6403403300 $5.72 6403513500 $5.72 6403601200 $8.18 6403403400 $5.72 6403513600 $5.72 6403601300 $8.18 6403403500 $5.72 6403513700 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it of Chula Vista Agenda Packet PaP424ruffE49B ls� Assessment Roll 6014-30- OSD 213 Cl'W OF Fiscal Yeair 2021-22 CHUIAVISTA APN Levy APN Levy APN Levy 6450201300 $12,642-34 6450210200 $1,420.48 6450213500 $502.24 6450201700 $161903.82 6450210300 $21313.36 6450214700 $16,563.92 6450210100 $629-06 6450213400 $542-82 6450221100 $6,813.26 Totals, Parcels 91 Levy $581,331.301 Page I of 1 City of Chula Vista Pagir422r'p1f4RB ��lAgenda Packet ls� Assessment Roll 6014-31 - OSD 214 Cl'W OF Fiscal Yeair 2021-22 CHUIAVISTA APN Levy APN Levy APN Levy 5953100100 $860.92 5953101500 $860.92 5953111100 $860.92 5953100200 $860.92 5953101600 $860.92 5953111200 $860.92 5953100300 $860.92 5953101700 $860.92 5953111300 $860.92 5953100400 $860.92 5953101800 $860.92 5953111400 $860.92 5953100500 $860.92 5953110100 $860.92 5953111500 $860.92 5953100600 $860.92 5953110200 $860.92 5953111600 $860.92 5953100700 $860.92 5953110300 $860.92 5953111700 $860.92 5953100800 $860.92 5953110400 $860.92 5953111800 $860.92 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OSD 31 CI'W OF Fiscal Year 2021-22 CHUIAVISTA APN Levy APN Levy APN Levy 5954500100 $580-00 5954505700 $580-00 5954511000 $580-00 5954500200 $580.00 5954505800 $580.00 5954511100 $580.00 5954500300 $580-00 5954505900 $580-00 5954511200 $580-00 5954500400 $580.00 5954506000 $580.00 5954511300 $580.00 5954500500 $580-00 5954506100 $580-00 5954511400 $580-00 5954500600 $580.00 5954506200 $580.00 5954511500 $580.00 5954500700 $580.00 5954506300 $580.00 5954511600 $580.00 5954500800 $580.00 5954506400 $580.00 5954511700 $580.00 5954501400 $580.00 5954506500 $580.00 5954511800 $580.00 5954501500 $580.00 5954506600 $580.00 5954511900 $580.00 5954502100 $580.00 5954506700 $580.00 5954512200 $580.00 5954502200 $580.00 5954506800 $580.00 5954512300 $580.00 5954502300 $580.00 5954506900 $580.00 5954512400 $580.00 5954502400 $580.00 5954507000 $580.00 5954512500 $580.00 5954502500 $580.00 5954507100 $580.00 5954512600 $580.00 5954502600 $580.00 5954507200 $580.00 5954512700 $580.00 5954502700 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OVV����VV!.W�NV�WMmmmm�uww'm�w�muuwo�mWWWW����� rrrrrrwwwww SPICER CONSULTING G 0 " P zmr, ..' l v r r C1TY' C,0UNC'1L A,GEN' DA S,TIA, "nEMENT l 1 CITY, OF CHUIAVISTA May 4,2021 File ID: 1-10129 „MITI A. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ADOPTING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA. AND THE ASSOCIATION OF CHULA VISTA EMPOYEES COVERING THE PERIOD OFDECEMBER 12,201'7 to JUN E 3O, 2020 REGARDI N G THE ADDITION MJF'A POST'EMPLOYMENT H EALT'H PLAN PEHP B. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ADOPTING POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN FOR ELIGIBLE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RECOMMENDEDT Council adopt the resolutions. SUMMARY In response to requests from staff to address the cost of health care post-retirement,the Human. Resources Department is proposing to enter into a Post Employment Health Plan with Nationwide Retirement Solutions ("Nationwide" or "NRS") for the Association of Chula Vista Employees (SCF) bargaining group represented employees at no cost to the City. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The activity is not a "Project" as defined under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines; therefore, pursuant to State Guidelines Section. 506011(c)(3) no environmental ental review is required. BOARD/COMMISSION/COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Not applicable. DISCUSSION In response to requests from staff to address the cost of health care past-retirement,the Duman Resources Department is proposing to enter into a Post Employment Health Plan("PEHP")with.Nationwide for the SCE bargaining ,group represented employees at no cost to the City and amending the labor agreement as appropriate. PIi3ge 1 2021-05-04,agenda Packet :Page 475 of 493 A APEHP is a tax-exempt Voluntary Employee's Beneficiary Association ("VEBA") Trust, which provides employee, benefits pursuant to IRC Code section 501(c)(9). A PEHP creates a defined contribution health reimbursement program that allows for money to be set aside to pay for future medical expenses. All contributions,accumulations,and reimbursements are tax exempt. .A PEHP allows for the reimbursement of health insurance premiums expenses such as medical, vision, dental, long term care, Medicare Part B and COBRA continuation., A PEHP may be funded with Employer contributions, mandatory Eligible Employee contributions or combination of both on behalf of the eligible employees in a manner permitted under the Plan; however the proposed PEHP will be, funded with mandatory Eligible Employee contributions, specifically any unused vacation and compensatory time off(CTO) balances due to the employee at the time of retirement will be rolled over into the PEHP. Currently the Mid-Manager/Professional Association bargaining group, Senior Managers and Executives have elected to participate in a similarly designed PEHP. Additionally, the Police Officer's Association bargaining group participates in a PEHP where biweekly contributions are made during the course of employment and 100% of vacation balances are placed into a PEHP at the time of retirement. All labor groups have been provided with information about Nationwide's PEHP and have the ability to participate and design a plan that meets their members'needs,if they elect to do so. DIECISION,MAKER CONFLICT Staff is not independently aware, and has not been informed by any City Council member, of any other fact that may constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. CURRENYYEAR FISCAL IMPACT No impact to the General Fund as the post-employment health plan will be funded with mandatory eligible employee contributions, specifically any unused vacation balances due to the employee at the time of retirement. ONGOING FISCAL IMPAC oil No impact as noted above. ATTACHMENTS 1. Second Amendment to 2017-2,02,0 MOH Between the City of'Chula Vista and Association of'Chula Vista Employees Covering the Period of December 12, 2017 to June 30, 2020 Regarding the Addition of a Post Employment Health Plan (PEHP) Staff Contact: Courtney Chase, Director of Human Resources IRisk Management P 2 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 476 of 493 SECOND AMENDMENT To MOU BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND 'THE ASSOCIATION OF CRUD VISTA EMPLOYEES ("SCE" COVERING THE PERIOD FECE BER 12, 2017 TO JUNE 30, 2020. REGARDING THE ADDITION OF A POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN (PIP WHEREAS, the City of Chula Vista ( `City") and the Association of Chula Vista Employees ("ACE") entered into a memorandum of understanding ("MOU") covering the period of December 12, 2017 to June A, 2020, regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment ("2018-2020 Mold"), within the meaning of the Meyers-Ml as-Brown Act ("MMBA"); and WHEREAS, the City and ACE extended this memorandum of understanding to June 30, 2021 ("MOUExtension"); and. WHEREAS,S, the City provides to unrepresented Executive Group and. Senior Management employees an. Insurance Prenmiunm.Reimbursement Account("106 Plan") Post Employment Health.Plan (collectively"PHP") that is funded by all unused accrued vacation. available at retirement. ACE wishes to receive the same P HP benefit, to include allowing for up to maximum vacation cash out the last full pay period worked and expanded to also include all. Compensatory Time off("CTO") accruals to fund this benefit. NOWTHEREFORE, the City and ACE agree as follows: 1. The 201.7-2020 MOU shall be amended to add Article 2.24, regarding Post Employment Health Plan, as follows.- "Article ollows.` Artic a 2.24 Post Employment Health Play. ACE represented Employees may participate in an Insurance Premium Reimbursement Account (106 Plan) Post Employment Health Play (PEEP), subject to time terms of the P IMP document, solely funded with any unused vacation or CTCV balances due to the employee at the time of retirement. Those employees not wishing to participate may sell back up to 100% of vacation(annual) and CTO balances the last full pay period of employment prior to retirement as presently done. No City funds shall be used to maintain or fund this plan. Employees are fully responsible for meeting all funding requirements. Employees are further solely responsible for any and all tai consequences related to the 106/PE P plan." 2, Except as expressly provided herein, all other terms and conditions of the 2017-20201'` OU, as amended via the MOU Extension, shall remain in full force and effect. SIGNATURES ON NEXT :PAGE 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet :Page 477 of 493 FOR THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA: FOR ACE: Courtney Chase Nicole ob1 son Director of Human Resources/Risk Management President, ACE 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 478 of 493 RESOLUTION No. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL of TIME CITY OF CHULA VISTA ADOPTING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO TIME MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND THE ASSOCIATION OF CHULA VISTA EMPLOYEES COVERING THE PERIOD OF DECEMBER 12, 2017 TO JUNE 301 2020 REGARDING ADDITION OF A POST-EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN (PEHP) WHEREAS, in response to requests from staff to address the cast of health care post retirement,the Human.Resources Department is proposing to enter into a Post Employment Health Plan ("PEHP") with Nationwide for the Association of ChulaVista Employees bargaining group represented employees at no cost to the City and amending the labor agreement as appropriate; and WHEREAS, a PEHP is a tai-exempt VoluntaryEmployee's Beneficiary Association ("VEBA") Trust, which provides employee benefits pursuant to IRC Code section 501 c) �; and WHEREAS, a PERP creates a defined contribution health reimbursement program that allows for money to be set aside to pay for future medical insurance premiums; and WHEREAS, a PEHP may be funded with Employer contributions, mandatory eligible Employee contributions or combination of both on behalf of the eligible employees in a manner permitted under the Plan, but with regard to the proposed PEHP it will be funded with mandatory Eligible Employee contributions, specifically any unused vacation and compensatory time off (CTO)balances due to the employee at the time of retirement will be rolled over into the PEHP. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, that it hereby does adopt the Second Amendment dment to the 201.7-2020 MOU between the City of Chula Vista and Association of Chula Vista covering the Period of December 12, 2017 to June 301 2020 regarding the addition of a Post-Employment Health Play (PEHP), a copy of which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Presented.by Approved as to form by Courtney Chase Glen R. Googin.s Director of Human Resources Risk Management City Attorney 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 479 of 493 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIME CITY OF C ULA VISTA ADOPTING A POST-EMPLOYMENT PLAN FOR ELIGIBLE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, in response to requests from staff to address the cost of health care past retirement,the Duman Resources department is proposing to enter into a Post Employment dealt Plan "PEEP") with Nationwide for Association of Chula Vista Employees bargaining group represented employees at no cost to the City and amending their respective Memorandum of Understanding as appropriate; and WHEREAS, PEHP is a tax-exempt Voluntary Employee's Beneficiary Association. ("VEBA") Trust, which provides employee benefits pursuant to IRC Code section 501(c)(9); and WHEREAS, a PEHP creates a defined contribution health reimbursement program that allows for money to be set aside to pay for future medical expenses; and WHEREAS, a PEHP may be funded with. Employer contributions, mandatory Eligible Employee contributions or combination of both on behalf of the eligible employees in a manner pen-nitted under the Plan; and,with regard to the proposed PEHP, it will be funded with mandatory eligible employee contributions, specifically any unused vacation and compensatory time off (CTCV)balances due to the employee at the time of retirement will be rolled over into the PEHP. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, that it hereby does adopt a Post-]employment Health Plan(PEHP) for eligible public employees. Presented by Approved as to form by Courtney Cease filer R. Groogi s Director of Human Resources/Risk Management City Attorney 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 480 of 493 zmr, ..' l v r r C1TY' C,0UNC'1L A,GEN' DA S,TIA, "nEMENT l 1 CITY, OF CHUIAVISTA May 4,2021 File ID: 21-010 ,TITS A. QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDING MARCH 3 , 2021 B. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA MAKING VARIOUS AMENDMENTS TO THE FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 BUDGET TO ADJUST FOR VARIANCES AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR 4/5 VOTE REQUIRED) RECOMMENDEDT Council receive the report and adopt the resolution. SUMMARY Quarterly Financial Report The Finance Department,in collaboration with other Cite departments,prepares quarterly financial reports for the General Fund that reflect budget to actual comparisons, projected revenues and expenditures, and highlight major variances that may require additional action or changes as of March...31,2021. The quarterly financial reports are in compliance with Section 504 0 of the City Charter, which requires that quarterly financial reports be filed by the Director of Finance through the City Manager. In preparing the quarterly financial projections, staff has identified various budget changes that are needed to reflect actual revenues and expenditures or address changes in budgetary needs. For government entities, a budget creates a legal framework for spending during the fiscal year. After the budget is approved by the City Council, there are circumstances which arise that could require adjustments to the approved budget. Council Policy 220-02 "Financial Reporting and Transfer Authority"wasestablished in:January of 1996 and allows for budget transfers and adjustments to be completed.This report discusses budget adjustments that staff recommends in the General Fund as well as various other funds to address identified fiscal issues. In addition to the Fiscal Year 2020/2021 budget recommendations for City funds, this report includes an update on Measure P and Measure A actual revenues and expenditures as of March 31, 2021. ENVIRONMENTAL E The Development services Director has reviewed the proposed activity for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act CEQA and has determined that the activity is not a "Project" as defined under Section 15378 of the state CEQA Guidelines because the proposed activity consists of a governmental fiscal/administrative activity which does not result in a physical change in the environment; therefore, P 11 2021- 5-+04 Agenda Packet Page 481 of 493 pursuant to Section 15060(c)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines,the activity is not subject to CEQA. Thus, no environmental review is required., BOARD/COMMISSION/COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Not applicable. DISC'USSION The Third Quarter Report is developed using nine months of recorded (July 2020, through March 2021) revenue and expenditure activity for Fiscal Year 2020/2021 as of March 31, 2021. City revenues and expenditures are forecasted through the end of the Fiscal Year in collaboration with City departments, consultants, statistical data, trend analysis and other resources. The data in this report is the most current data available; however,the data and projections are subject to change. This report will provide summary information for the following areas: • Major General Fund Revenues and Expenditures • Adjustments to General Fund Expenditures • Adjustments to non-General Fund funds • Update to the Measure P and Measure A Funds Attachment A- Quarterly Financial Report provides additional information for the financial outlook for the General Fund for the current fiscal year including City revenues and expenditures. The Finance Department will continue to monitor the City's actual revenues and expenditures and will provide any significant changes in subsequent quarterly budget monitoring reports. General Fund Overview The City's Fiscal Year 2020/2021 financial outlook is primary unchanged as overall General Fund expenditures are projected to slightly exceed revenues by approximately$0.1 million (General Fund deficit). Overall, Sales Tax projections are below budget by $0.4 million based upon updated information from the City's sales tax consultant. Several other General Fund revenues are projected to be under budget, largely due to the ongoing CO 'IU-1'9 pandemic and related restrictions on travel, special events and use of'City facilities and programs. For example, Transient Occupancy Tax revenues are projected to be $0.4 million under budget and Charges for Services revenues are projected to be$2.2 million under budget.Funding from the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act received from the County and State of$5.5 million for Fiscal Year 20�2O�/20�21 has helped to offset some of the unbudaeted expenses incurred related to the COVID-19 response. Additional information on General Fund revenue and expenditures are provided in the attachment to this report. Major General Fund Revenues The City's major General Fund revenues, which make up approximately 76% of the City's General Fund revenues, are projected to be $0.8 million less than the Revised Budget amounts, largely as a result of decreased projections for Transient Occupancy Tax and Sales Tax revenues are projected to be under budget based on current trends. Table 1:Fiscal Year202012021 Major General Fund Revenue Projections summarizes the revenue projections. P 2 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 482 of 493 The remaining General Fund revenues (not represented in Table 1) are anticipated to be greater than the Adopted Budget amounts. All the, General Fund revenues are summarized in Attachment A. The overall General Fund revenues are projected to be less than the Revised Budget by approximately$1.7 million. Table 1 - Fiscal Year 2020/2021 Major General Fund Revenue Projections Revenue Category FY 2021 Revised FY 2021 Projected Variance Budget Actualls Property Tax 37,555,758 37,555,758 Sales Tax 36,931,855 36,529,356 (402,499) Measure P Sales Tax 21,51 2,000 21,51 2,000 Measure A Sales,Tax 21,591,000 21,591,000 PT in llieu of MIotor Vehiclle License Fee VI F) 241950,1254 241950,1254 Franchise Fees 12404,935 12404,935 Utility Users Taxes 4,651,423 4,651,423 Transient Occupancy Tax 4,925,3321 475311,374 (395,458) TotaI $ 164,624,057 $ 163,826,100 $ (7917 Major General Fund Expenditures The City's major General Fund expenditures,which make up approximately 73% of the City's General Fund expenditures, are shown in Table 2.As of the end of the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2020/2021, Personnel Services expenditures are projected to be underbudget by approximately$0.3 million, Supplies and Services expenditures are projected to be under budget by approximately$0.5 million, and Utilities are projected to over budget by approximately $0.3 million resulting in a net decrease of approximately $0.5 million in expenses. Based on the percentage of the Projected Budget expended to date, the major General Fund expenditures are in line with projections. Staff will continue to monitor expenditures to identify any costs that might continue to trend higher than anticipated and propose future actions to address these expenses. Additionally,information related to departmental expenditures is provided in the attachment. The remaining General Fund expenditures (not represented in Table 2) are largely in line with projections but include increased costs for,the City's CO,VID-19 testing site, COVID-19 response expenses, Fire Academy and Fire Strike 'Team, and other departmental updates. What is not included in the projections are the anticipated funding that will be received from the recent passage of the Federal American Rescue Plan that is anticipated to be approximately$6,1 million allocation to the City of Chula Vista.Staff will bring forward a separate action to appropriate the funding once those funds have been received along with how those funds will be utilized based on the rules provided by the U.S. Department of Treasury. P 3 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 483 of 493 Table 2 - Fiscal Year 2020/2021 General Fund Mlajor Expenditure Projections FY 20 Expenditure Category 121 Revised FY 2021 Projected Expended to date % Expended Budget Actuals Personnel Services 134,019,088 133,699,851 98,464,943 73.61% Supplies and Services 16,501,748 15,990,564 11,331,5 '4 72.1% Utilities 4,848,401 5,188,789 3,559,428 68.6% Tota I $ 155�36%236 154,8791204 $ 113,55 1945 73.3% Proposed Fund Adjustments General Fund At the conclusion of the third quarter,of Fiscal Year 2020/2021,the proposed adjustments are: 1), inter-and intra- Department transfers; 2) expense appropriations associated with offsetting revenue (e.g., grants); appropriations associated with changes in projected revenue. The proposed adjustments are anticipated to result in a General Fund net cost increase of approximately$0.2 million(increase of expenses by$0.4 million and revenue by $0.2 million). The following chart provides a summary of the proposed budgetary adjustments. Tah"Ie 3 - Gen,ellra,],Ftln,d,Btld, en:ts St iii:ma� te F"sca"I'Yea 201120/201121 get Adj"'tlstm 'I ry- 3rd, Qtiar- ,r 11, r NNIEL SUPPLIES Ii& TRANSFERS TOTIAL 1IAL F0110,tnate SERVISERVICES IIT UTILMES EXPIMSE REVENUE NIET COST GENEFULFUNDI Ciq-,Clerk 1 7,000 7,000 7,000 City Attorney 2 —(3,5 0 0) (3,500 Nome-De artmenta 93,208 57,948 15 1,15 61 110,9 412 Poilice,CGrg Key 1"13,3 3 5 (1 3,335 Follice,COrg Key' 2 1413) 1"133 3 5 1"133 3 5 113,335 Fire 5 11,5 Is 152,350 - 1613 P 8 618 1613 8 6,B) -Farks and.Recreation, 61 6,000 70,000 761,000 761,000 LM111"brary 7 6,00 - i 61,00 (60 - TOTAL GENERALIFUND 11J51H 255j,658 57;1943 7Q,00G, 3,195,124 (174,,,676), 22 D,44, General Fund Amendtnettt Footnates 1.Citylerk- PP Increasesm, I 11lieSand.se,nrices ex, e seap I o1priatilions by$7,000 dueto j ncreas e c oists For des,tru.c.1ttilioln,olf Ciffs ite stora p ,n pr gL 2.C I"I qyAtt orn.ey-D ecr eas e a s u� I e s an d,s en,111 ,en,c e s ex s e appr prili,atilll,oins,by'$3 1!'500, PP P 1. 3.N oin-D epartmental-Increas e transfers ol"Lit expems eap'PTOI'p�r'i 12ti ons by$5 TP 94,6 foir coirrecti,oin.to,the fm ont Cani,niftment Fund,and, III by$9 3,2 0 8 foir einergency,repa"Irss at-%rarlll C` Fac"11"t"es and.other related.�� roil'ectts. Increas e the Su11"e7and Senlicesa propria,ians Pp 1, S P t 3, 1,01US ItY 3,313 P [ncreas e rev,enu.es approlpiriati,ons 13,y$10,2 0 B Foir un bu.dgeted,insurance reini"burs eni,ents received.during the fm s cal year. 1. 1. 4.Police,-Realloicate$113133 115 1 in Pers oinnei S,e'�rvices, ap,'pMi'p�r I 1.qti oin.s from 0 rg K ey 1415 2J412(Croiss B oir der V i ol 1,enr e)to,0 rg K ey 1415 2J41, (TOC Global),grants. 11. S.F1 j re-1,ncrL,I,L,W e sea o I iiatialm-by$1613,6618 to, u. chase e lacenaellnt Flli re equi ine, t that have surpassed.thel r u,s eal,1,1 ife"Fol th. p ,n RRr VC v 1, Q p r ,r p �p ,n L auni of the Eire Acade,,"my'budget bas ed. acatuals For the amolunt olf$23,8618.Increase,reirenues APIP tio, s by For I"ncreased,Fj re Strilike, relve Ues. rolp"Mai ,n ,n 1. 6.Far.ksand.Recreation,-[ncrease suppliesand.serviliceS L,.K'P,e��n,.r,.e,a,p,"p,�rol"p���r I tatil",onss byfoir increas e to,Polioll,chenii,cal,colists d."Li.e to, Sup ly S" 'd III t1111,111tIll r L p hartages,a,n J n.creas e u 1 2,1 e s,"b,u,dg et by$7 0,0 0 0 For I ncreasemrate colk.,-jtsd.u,etoli,,,ac,',kol,f,rallJ nfall d,u ri"ng the curr-,I s ca i y eI a,n.d. mcreas ed.rates For park wateri ng. 11. 7.Library-I n.cre,�se,,rL-,ve,,n.Li.ea,n.d.ex. e Sea Joinatioln,tolfund.su I liesand.senricesfrolm,the CV Wolman.'s Clu,b. ,p n Ppr olprllati olln s by$6,0 0 For a L PP P 4 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 484 of 493 The significant adjustments to the General Fund are described below. • "'ire Department - Increase expense appropriations by $163,,868 to purchase replacement Fire equipment that have surpassed their useful life for the sum of$140,000, and adjust the upcoming Fire Academy budget based on projected actuals for the amount of $23,,868. Increase revenue's appropriations by$163,868 for unbudgeted Fire Strike Team revenues. • Non-Departmental-Increase transfers out expense appropriations by$57,948 for correction to the Bayfront Commitment Fund, and increase the Supplies and Services appropriations by $93,208 for emergency repairs at various City facilities and other related projects. Increase revenues, appropriations by $10,20for unbudgeted insurance reimbursements received during the fiscal year. • Police Department-"transfer$113,335 in personnel appropriations from Org Key 145 2142 (Cross Border Violence)to Org Key 1452143 (TOC Global) grants. Other Funds The following recommended adjustments are for funds outside of the General Fund. The proposed adjustments, displayed in Table 4,, result in a net cost increase by approximately $0.8 million. A brief discussion follows the table on the significant proposed adjustments. Table 4-Fiscal Year 2020/2021 Other Fund.Budget Adjustments Summary-3rd.Quarter Fiscal Year 2 020/2021 PERSONNEL S"IP PPL UES& OT HE R CtP1 TRANSFERS TOTAL TOTAL Fac mart SERVIC ES, SERVIC ES, EXPENSES BUDGET OUT EXPENSE R EVENU E NET COST OTHER FUNDS 2 016 M eas ure 11,S,a1 T : - 4,7 39 (4 7 39) 39 6 4,(.� 3 .�,646 3 9 6 4 6 2 01�`3 M eas ure A S a les.Tax 2 (17,4 351 17,435) - - - - T ra ns 1)011"ta U 01 11 S a les Ta X 3 - - - 960 960 960 Other C'."rant's 4 10,6 08 - - 10,6 0 (A Pecleral C'."ral"Et's 5) - 1 3,000 - - I�`.�,000 (I�`.�,000_ state C." uut's 6 4 1,6 99 22,5)00 - - - 6 4,19 9 (6 4,19�'Y) 3,0 00 -- - C 11 u la V is ta 11 ous i ng A Lit:110,ri ty 7 - 1��3,0 00) - 1 Public 1,iabihty'Trust - 232,000 - 232,000 232,000 13ayfro'nt SpecialTax District 9 - 1511,000 - I"J",,0(LOP 1 15 0,0 0 01-) 0 35,00 01-) S"entral C'."arage Puncl 11 20,000 20,000 40,000 (4 0,0 Off) T ran 1)O,rt 1 n te rpris e 12 - 110,400 110,400 110,400 -Capital irn"pro'Vern"ent fli"O,��eas 14 - - 6 4 9,0 11 649,011 (3 7 3,2�`.�6) 275,725 Othe rTra ns 1)O,rta U 0,n 11'ro,gra 1"n, 15) - - - (9 60, 1W01,'AL,011'HE R,FIU N DS S 44,264 S 211,484 2412,26 1, fj047,6S7 S 18,960 S I,S64,62S S (718,8241, S 84S,8,01 ther,kinA, Ft no,tes I..2016 Measure P SalesTax Pund-increase('11"project expense approqniabo,rks by$$9�'3,646 for Measure 11,Svending Plan to,transfer$,4,739 appropriatio,rks betwe,een 01the'.,rexpenses ancl supplies and services ve a di Jus trille 11 ts, 2.201�`3 Measure A Sales fax-1"I"al"E'ster$,17,435)appro,priabo'n's betvveen perso,nnel expus es,and supplies and set vice s,fo,r upccn,ning Fire ALadenicy esti niatetl actuals 3 Tra nsp 0,rta U 0,n S a les Tax-I n C re ase tra ns fe r ou t a 1)1)ro,1)ri a U o,ns by,S9 6 0 as a 1)u Lige ta ry,c lea nu 1)(to Oth e r T ra n sp,o,rta ti o,n Prcigra ivi,Fu n cl tra n s fe r-i n 4 the r C,",ra n ts-Inn C re ase rove n Lie a 11 cl ex pe ns es f o,r$10,6 0 1`o,r P!IV]A Ci,ra n t re i rn,1)u rs e rn,e,n t" 5) Ye cle ra I C'.",ra n ts-I n creas e re ve n Lie a 11 cl ex 1)e nses fo,r$1 0 0 0 fou re i rn,1)u rs e rn,e rk t fou 1A LI D gra tit,fro,ni,n o,n-fetl e ra I s o,Lo rce s, 6 S tat C."',ra n t's-1u°crease re ve n Lie a n cl e x pe uses fo,r$,64,1 9 9 fo,r the S tate o,f C'a I i f7o,rn ia 1,i 1)ra I Y Grant 7 Ch u[a Vi s ta 11 o,usi rk g Au th o,ri t Y,-I n crea se rev,e n u e a 11 L�l ex p e ns e s fo,r$1 00 0 fo,r re i rn,1)u rs e ni le 11 t f7o,r 1A LI 1)gra n t ft,o,ni,nt)n-fetl e ra I s,ou rc e s 8 Plu b I i c 1,ia b i h trus t-1 rhe rease a pp ro,1)ria U o,ns by,$,20 0,0 0 0 fro,rn,a v,a i la 1)1 e fu rk Lba la n ce f7o,r a n ti ei pa te LI a LIL-11 i:ti:C-P na 1:C,1")sts,a bov e cu rre n t ye a r b u Lige t,a n Ll a I lo,ca te$3 2 00 0 fo,r co,n ta C t s e I Vices fo,ra to,tal o,f$2-32,0M 9Bayfro'nt Special'Tax Distri ct-increase revenue by$150,000 and expens es by$15,000 fcl,r the newly fi-nni,&LI 13ayfro,nt Sp,edal Tax District I Ox Oven Space District.4,23-Approlpriate$3j.324 i n eve nues fro'n't",a partial insurance, a nd appro,priate$,215,y`302 for clan-Lage i.ncurretl WILI o,ther repairs. I I�("e...tra I C'."a rage Yu n cl-Ap 1)ro,1)ri a te reve n u es a nd ex pe ris es o,f$40,0 0 0 o,f a L�l L�l i ti o,nal("lea rk we rg eq y,rev e n u e s to,c oiv,e r i n creas,e i n ve h i c le u i 1)ni,e n t nw i n te na n ce c c)s ts 2 a " �1 �Trrks1ie1l-A ) 1aLI e i 1siSiig aici La ,,rt cci,s,ts,re[a tetlconi,i ngftcinvi la b Ifu n Ll poa 1 v a p balarkce. 11 Cv Bayfro,rkt Pi na 1"hee Autho,rity,-Apprcqniate tran's fer-in revenues d$57,9C'3 fo,r the City's,contributicni to,the 13ayft,cnit prciject bas,etl a revisetl calcula-ticni fcw PY201 9_21 14.Capi tall rnprcilve irtent flt,ci,fects-Appro,pria te$373,2�.36 in revenues fro,rn,a n i 1"Is urance,re"Cove ty,paynient,and a ppro,priate$,649,0 11 i n("W'expe ns es e tnergency repai rs; a t the Xe n 1'e e 1.1 u i I ch ng 15)�0,the rT ra nsp 01 1"ta U 01 n flt,cl,gra rn"-1 rhe rease t In ns fe r-i n a 1)1)ro,pria U 0,Its by$9 6 0 as a 1)u Ll ge ta ry,dea n u 1)(ft,o,ni Tra n sp,o,rta ti o,n S a I e s,Tax F u n Ll tna ns fe r-t,,-.-i,u t') P 5 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 485 of 493 The significant adjustments to the Other Funds are described below. 0 Capital Improvement Projects - Appropriate $373,286 in revenues from an insurance recovery payment,and appropriate$649,011 in CIP expenses emergency repairs at the Ken Lee Building. 0 2016 Measure P Sales Tax Fund - Increase CIP project expense appropriations by $398,646 for Measure P Spending Plan amendments, and to transfer $4,739 appropriations between other expenses and supplies and services for administrative corrections. 0 Transport Enterprise Fund - Appropriate supplies and services expenses of $110,400 of higher than anticipated transport costs related coming from available fund balance. Measure P Fund Overview In November 2016,Chula Vista voters approved Measure P, authorizing a 1/2 cent sales tax increase on retail sales within the City for ten years. The funding from the sales tax measure is to allow the City to make, progress toward replacing and repairing failing City assets. In December 2016,the City Council adopted the expenditure plan for the Measure P funding. 'The expenditure plan identified critical deferred maintenance and infrastructure projects for which the Measure P funding was to be allocated toward. The following table provides an update on the allocation and expenditures (unaudited) for the Measure P funds. P �3ge 6 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 486 of 493 Table 5-Measure P Citywide Infrastructure, Facilities and Equipment Expenditure Plan 1/2 cent Sales Tax Revenues over 10 year period Summary Table as of 3/31/21 10-'Year FY 2020-21 To Mate Total by Mlajor Category Timeframe Total Totals REVENUES: Sales Tax Revenues $ 196,286,554 $ 11,658,799 $ 73,780,255 3 Investment Earnings $ - $ - $ 4,295,792 Miscellaneous $ $ - $ 232,987 Total Revenues $ 196,286,SS4 11,658,799 $ 78,309,034 EXPENDITURES: Fire Stations (Repairs/Replacement $ 26,210,449 $ 12,319,0,816 $ 19,379,827 Fire Response Vehicles $ 19,847,580 $ 487,050 $ 7,086,585 Fire Safety Equipment $ 5,197,913 $ 2,928 $ 667,519 Total Fire Services $ 51,255,942 $ 12,809,064 $ 27,133,931 Police Response Vehicles $ 12,951,470 $ 1,302,280 $ 4,712,480 Public Safety Communication Systems $ 8,678,862 $ 205,459 $ 3,423,020 Police Facility Repairs $ 2,1071,00707 $ 301P890 $ 751,550 Police Equipment $ 611,145 $ - $ 173,166 Total Police Services $ 24,342,477 $ 1,538,629 $ 9,060,216 Streets $ 22,906,310 $ 6140519 $ 19,916,224 Other Public Infrastructure $ 16,822,846 $ 824,327 $ 10,493,967 Sports Fields and Courts $ 15,442,995 $ 70,875 $ 784,350 Non-Safety Vehicles $ 11,195,10707 $ 437,047 $ 4,986,520 Recreation and Senior Centers $ 15,136,617 $ 10488,119 $ 4,198,983 Civic Center and South Libraries $ 4,032,000 $ 91,501 $ 1,686,663 Other Public Facilities $ 7,271,160 $ 1,359,532 $ 3,394,708 Traffic Signal Systems $ 7,000,000 $ 21,140 $ 210,936 Park Infrastructure $ 10,467,507 $ 951,466 $ 2,962,779 Citywide Network Replacement $ 2,080,700 $ - $ 2,082,334 Citywide Telecommunications $ 2,155,602 $ 25,875 $ 1,902,805 Total Infrastructure $ 114,510,837 $ 5,884,401 $ 52,620,269 Total Allocations $ 190,1091,256 $ 20,232,094 $ 88,814,417 City Staff Time $ - $ 427,879 $ 2,531,956 Total City Staff Time $ - $ 427,879 $ 2,531,956 Debt Service Principal & Interest $ 78,234,834 $ 1,121,750 $ 25,245,084 Total Debt Service Expenses $ 78,234,834 $ 1,121,750 $ 25,245,084 Audit/Admin $ 48,773 $ 11,111 $ 211?261 Bond Administration $ 65,3S6 $ 4,000 $ 56,543 Banking/investment Fees $ - $ - $ 16,611 Cost of Issuance $ 563,210 $ $ 553,023 Total Administrative Expenses 677,339 15,111 647,438 Total Expenditures 269,021,429 2'1,796,834 $ 117,238,895 Notes: Audited Total Unaudited Total Includes audited 4404 Change in Value book entries of$703,217 Measure A Fund Overview In June 20,18,the citizens of Chula Vista approved Measure A which enacted the 1/2 cent sales tax to support public safety staffing.The measure imposed a 1/2 cent transaction and use tax(sales tax) on retail sales within the C'ity of Chula Vista and became effective on October 1, 2018.Concurrent with the approval of placing the P 17 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 487 of 493 measure on the ballot, the City Council adopted an Intended Public Safety Expenditure, Plan for the anticipated revenues generated from the measure.By doing so,the City Council expressed its intent to spend the sales tax revenues exclusively on the critical staffing needs of the City's police and fire departments, including necessary equipment and support provided by other City departments. The following table provides an update on the allocation and expenditures to date totals) for the Measure A funds., Table 6 - Measure A Intended Public Safety Expenditure Plan Phase I - Critical Needs Summary Table as of 3/31/20! 21 POLICE DEPARTMENT FY 2021 As of Remaining Budget 3/31/2021 Balance REVENUES: Federal Revenue 142,500 799 141,0701 Transfer In 10,,671,352 5,820,011 4,851,341 Total Police Department Revenues $ 10p813p852 $ 5,820,810 $ 4,993,042 EXPENDITURES: Personnel Costs 7,797,234- 41F413.*730 3.383504 Supplies & Services 525,882 50,910 474,972 Utilities - - - Other Expenses 375,375 141,347 234,028 Other Capital 415,,011 364,281 50,730 Internal Service 30,767 81,316 22,451. Total Police Department Expenditures $ 90144..269 1 $ 4..978..584 $ 4..165..685 FIRE DEPARTMENT FY 2021 As of Remaining Budget ---1--3/31/2021 Balance REVENUES: Federal Revenue 34.1983 26,w830 8J*154 Transfer In 10,890,993 5'F710.R849 5,180,144 Total Fire Department Revenues $ 10,v925..9176 $ 5,737,678 $ 5,188,298 EXPENDITURES: Personnel Costs 6,167,331 3,975,,422 2,191,909 Supplies & Services 269,741 71,081 198,660 Utilities - 1,692 (1,692) Other Expenses 375,375 1410,469 233,900- Other Capital 21.5,03 ' 228,1;31. (1-3,094) Internal Service 37,789 7,326 30,463 Transfers Out 2181,942 - 218.*942 Total Fire Department Expenditures $ 7,284,214 $ 4,425,121 $ 2,859,094 Total Measure A Revenues $ 21,739,82.7 $ 11,0558,488 $ 10,181p339 Total Measure A Expenditures $ 16,428,483 $ 9,403,705 $ 7,024,77 DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT Staff has reviewed the decision contemplated by this action and has determined that it is not site-specific and consequently, the real property holdings of the City Council members do not create a disqualifying real property-related financial conflict of interest under the Political Reform Act(Cal.Govt Code§8,7100,et seq.). P 18 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 488 of 493 Staff is not independently aware,and has not been informed by any City Council member,of any other fact that may constitute,a basis for a decision-maker conflict of interest in this matter. CURRENT-YEAR FISCAL IMPACT The Second Quarter Monitoring Report presents updates to revenue and expenditure projections as of March 31, 2021. As a result of the revised projected revenues and expenditures within this report, the overall General Fund expenditures are projected to exceed projected revenues by approximately$0.1 million. Staff will continue to monitor actual revenue receipts and expenditures to determine if any budget adjustments will be needed in the future. Across the non-General Fund funds, multiple actions are recommended for the second quarter,leading to a net decrease in costs of approximately$0.8 million to non-General Fund accounts. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT There is no ongoing fiscal impact related to this action for the General Fund. ATTACHMENTS 1. FY2021 Third Quarter Financial Report Staff Contact:David Bilby, Finance Department P �3ge 9 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 489 of 493 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' CHULA VISTA MAKING VARIOUS AMENDMENTS NTS TO THE FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 BUDGET TO ADJUST FOR. VARIANCES ANIS APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR WHEREAS, the City Charter states that at any meeting after the adoption of the budget, the City Council may amend or supplement the budget by a motion adopted by the affirmative votes of at least four members; and WHEREAS, staff has completed the budget review for the quarter ending March 31, 2021 and is recommending a number of budget amendments; and. WHEREAS, staff is recommending increasing $395,1.24 in expense appropriations to various departments in the General. Fund and increasing revenues appropriations by $174,676, resulting in a negative net impact of$220,448 to the General Fund; and. WHEREAS, the bayfront Special. Tax District Fund, CV Bayfront Finance Authority, and. Other Transportation Program gr Fund will e positively impacted as a result of increased revenue appropriations resulting from the recommended changes, and. WHEREAS,EAS, the 2016 Measure P Sales Tax Fund., Transportation Sales Tai. Fund, Public Liability Trust Fund, Open Space District #23 Fund, Transportation Enterprise Fund, and the Capital Improvement Proects Fuad will be negatively impacted due to adjustments that will add appropriations that will be made from the available balances ofthese funds; and WHEREAS, the recommended adjustments to the 2018 Pleasure A Sales Tai Fund, Other Grants Fuad, Federal Grants Fund, State Grants Fund, Chula Vista Housing .Authority Fuad, and the Central Garage Fund consist of offsetting adjustments between revenue and expenditure categories and are neutral resulting in no net impact to gess funds; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, that it does hereby amend the fiscal year 2020121 budget and approves the following appropriations and transfers: [REMAINDER of PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY] 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 490 of 493 Resolution Q. Page 2 Summary of General Fund Appropriations and/or Transfers General Fund,Budget Adjustmems Summary_Mrd,Quarter Fiscal Year 2 02 0/2 02 1 PERSONNEL SUPPLIES& TRANSFERS TOTAL TOTAL DEPARTMENT" SERVICES SERVICES OUT", UTILITIES EXPEN"SE REVENUE NET COST" GENERALFUND City Clerk 171,1000 117,11,000 171,1000 City Attorney (311,50 - - (3111,500) (311,500) Nore-Departinental 93,208 57,948 - 11511111156 (10,208) 1140pI948 Police(Org Key 1.4521.42) (1.1.3,335) - - - (1.1.3 3 3 5) Police(Org Key X452 X43 1.1.3,335 - - - 1.1.3,335 1.1.3,335 Fire 11,51.8 1.52,350 - - 1.63,,868 (1,63,,868) - Parks,and Recreation - 6,11000 - 170,11000 176,111000 - 1176,11000 Library - 600 - 600 (600) - L GE E, L LGENERAL FUND 1101518 25501658 57PI948 70PD010 39,501124 (174PI676), 220,448 Summary of Appropriations and/or Transfers for Other Funds Other Funds Budget Admendments Summary-3,rd Quarter Fiscal Year 2020/2021 PERSONNEL SUFFLIES& OTRER IF TRANSFERS TOTAL TOTAL DEPARTMENT SERVICES SERVICES EXPENSES BUDGET OUT EXPENSE REVENUE N ET COST OTHER FUNDS 2016 Measure F Sales,'Tax 4,739_ (4,739) 398,6 4 6 398,646 398,,646 2018 Measure A Sales'Tax (17,435) 17,435 - - - - Transr.tatio n Transportation Sales,'Tax - 960 960 960 Other Grants, 1.0,60B - 1.0,608 fl.011160:B) - Federal Grants, - 1.8"000 1.8"000 p.8"000) State Grants 41,699 22,500 - 64,199 (64,199) Chula Vista Housing Authority - (1.8"000) - 1.8"000 - - Public Liability Trust 232,,000 - 232,000 232,,000 Bayfront Special'TL ix District 15,,000 1.5"000 (1.50,000) (1.35,,000) Opeu Space District#23 - 25,802 - 25,302 (3,324) 21,978 Central Garage Fund 20,,000 20,000 40,000 —iio,00011 - TranspOrt Enter rise - 11.0,400 110,400 -'I i 1.10,,400 CV Bayfront Finance Authority - - - (57,948) (57,948) Capi I Iniprovement Projects 649,011. 649,01.1. (373,286) 275,725 Other Trans,portatiou Program - (960). (960 TOTAL OTHER FUNDIS S 441,264 S'21 ,404 $2421,261 S1,0047,116,57 S 1,8,F960,-F$1,119"0625 S (7 182411 $' 0451'801� Presented by Approved as, to form by David Bilby Glen R. Googins Director of Finance/Treasurer City Attorney 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 491 of 493 • • r � r � � I w � � r r� � � r r r r r r r rw • a. r r a r •l_ r r r r r w � � w w � � � ■ � ! w � w w � � I �w Owl w w i a a w r MA a �y • • r r a r, !j r w; M a r r a w r r w r w w a a a� a a a � +!� � � � a a a r, r ` w r � a a w `• w r �' �r ar N r w �r `� ` �` � ` r I �r I ` � � �� r�I � � • � I r� ` r ` w . a. a a. a ` a r' r r • a ` ` !` Im r • a a a a ` ar a a a w r a gap � - - II I IIIA MI I MII IIII SIV�� {i 1110 w a w a a ,fit � J � � �#� - � •. »r ����� � I���� Mil�i a a a r a r r - r All - � w , - ■ �� w �* � �I���,1�9 III ' /��SII"+�i'�i �I j ��� a a a a a a a i' i • • r • r � • • r a � a �r#w ` � I a � � � a ar r Iw aw IN a a r �a a '"M Itr `�� � ` w r w a a w 1� r r a w a � • � •. w Iw i r a a � a r a � � ■ a � �w a� r ,1�1 ■ w `� �' w � � � � `� � �, a � w � `!w r r a a �a � •"� w � � � r a MAb 111 M I'll�� 0�1111' ��Hlh M �111111mh If Budget after 75% of the fiscal year (9 months). IFY 2021 FY 2021 Department Revised Projected Variance Overall, departmental expenditures are tracking Budget Actualls consistent with the total Revised Budget as of the end City Council 1,614,038 1,538,825 75,214 of the,third quarter. Boards&Commissions 125,000 131,297 (6,297) City Clerk 974,409 1,024,881 (50,472) City Attorney 3,,252,155 3,121,919 130,236 FY 2021 Expended as Administration 2,,517,473 2,484,739 32,733 Department Revised of 3/31/2021 Expended information Technology 3�,856,059 3,212,134 643,9125 Budget Human Resources 2,,960,644 3,002,903 (42,260) City Council 1,,614,038 1,014,925 62�9% Finance 3,761,079 3,653,438 107,6�41 Boards&Commissions 125,000 68 0.1% Non-Departmental 54,486,,156 55,987,445 (1,501,289) City Clerk 974,409 752,307 77.2% Animal Care Facility 2,,931,789 2,847,032 84,75�6 City Attorney 3,,252,155 2,223,967 68.,4% Economic Development 3,,308,282 3,411,435 (103,15,3) Administration 2,517,473 1,785,825 701.9% Planning&Building 3,,918,857 3,699,934 218,923 Information Technology 3,,856,059 2,341,983 60.7% Engineering/Capital Projects 10,027,,444 9,642,582 384,862 Human Resources 2,960,644 2,099,529 70.9% — Finance 3,,761,079 2,690,562 71.,5% Police 57,971,,726 57,33,1,967 639,759 No�n-�De part mental 54,486,156 29,581,223 54.3% Fire 36,395,,951 37,785,658 (1,389707) Animal Care Facility 2,,931,789 2,011,410 68.6% Public Works 12,336,,177 12,174,673 161,505 Economic Develqpment 3,308,282 2,658,967 80�.4% Parks and Recreation 10,473,,133 10,1�46,759 326,374 Development Services 3,,918,857 3,013,082 76,�9% Library 3,,491,713 2,708,919 782,795 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 214,402,084 $ 213,906,539 $ 495,545 Engi�neering/Capital Project 10,027,444 6,614,168 66.0% Police 57,971,,726 41,778,873 72.1% Fire 36,395,,951 27,625,548 75.,9% In review of specific departmental expenses, the Fire Public Wo�rks 12,336,,177 8,740,175 70�.8% is pro�jecting to be over,budget by year-end primarily Parks and Recreation 10,473,133 7,184,478 68.6% due to increased overtime costs. Non-Departmental Library 3�,491,713 1,986,959T 56 TOTAL EXPENDITURE BUDGET $ 214,402,0�84 $ 144,104,0491 negative savings is due to a budget salary savings tarLyet that was budgeted in the current fiscal year.For Staff will continue to monitor department all departments, staff will continue to monitor expenditures to identify any costs that might trend expenses to determine if future budget amendments higher than anticipated and proposed future actions would be necessary. to address these trends as appropriate. At the end of the fiscal year, the Finance Department The next table reflects the pro�jected expenditures will be seeking to make transfers from other through June 30, 2021. The Projected Actuals is expenditure categories with projected savings and anticipated to be less than the Revised Budget by appropriate available revenues to fully utilize approximately$0.5 million. The primary driver of the resources and mitigate any departmental deficiencies. projected lower actuals is due to Supplies and Services savings of $0.5 million, and anticipated Personnel There are no additional recommendations for budget Services savings of $0.3 million, offset by Utility actions at this time due to the uncertainty expense overages of$0.3 million. surrounding: 1) federal and state funding; 2) course of the COVID-19 pandemic,vaccinations and public health activities; 3) continued impacts on City revenues as a result of COVID-19 business,travel and social restrictions. Staff will continue to monitor General Fund expenses and look for potential cost saving measures in order to remain within budget during the current fiscal year. 2 2021-05-04 Agenda Packet Page 493 of 493