HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 10 - Presentation
Proposed Multifamily and Conservation OrdinanceBenchmarking and Commercial Energy
2017 Chula Vista Climate Action Plan Ordinance for City Council consideration.” and Commercial Energy Conservation Directed city staff to “develop a Residential •public disclosure” policies
Calls for “building performance reporting and •by 2035and commercial space to achieve 50% savings Set a target of retrofitting 20% of multifamily •Adopted by City Council •
California AB 802 Provides opportunity for local control•Multifamily buildings must report by June 1, 2019.•Commercial buildings must report by June 1, 2018.•Requires buildings 50,000
sq ft and over to report their energy usage•
Benchmarking energy efficiency improvements over time.efficiency investments and track -Benchmarking can help prioritize energy•know how efficient or inefficient it may be. Helps measure
the performance of a building and lets tenants and owners •••Benchmarking is the process of measuring a building’s energy consumption•
Benchmarking Basics each year starting 2022electronically submit building data Click Chula Vista’s reporting link to •similar buildingsScore allows easy comparison between •100 ENERGY
STAR Score between 1 and Portfolio Manager calculates an •from SDG&E Energy bills electronically imported •Portfolio ManagerRegister buildings in ENERGY STAR •
A snapshot of subject to reportingProposed ordinance would add 480 buildings •reported, 24 have an Energy Star score below 80Of the 39 proposed covered buildings that have •reported39
of proposed required buildings have complied and •368 buildings fall under AB802•Chula Vista buildings
Proposed Energy Benchmarking Ordinance tenantstenants on improvements that help businesses and residential Local program provides staff the ability to work with owners and up on audits-Assure
follow–Performance standards Low cost, immediate results–commissioning -Retrohighest return on investmentRequires audits to prioritize energy efficiency improvements with Proposed
ordinance proposes a reach code to attain CAP goalsprogram to be exempted from reporting to the stateAB 802 allows for buildings reported under a local benchmarking
Proposed Chula Vista Program Design beginning 2028Every 10 years, consumptionreduce energy the audit in order to measures identified in effective -Apply cost15% energy use reduction)-(10requirements
after 10 years of benchmarking meet Minimum Improvement do not that Buildings with ENERGY STAR score below 65 a minimum ROI)effective with -improvements that are cost(Based on the
audit, apply Improvestarting 2023Every 5 years appropriate)commissioning where -(including RetroLevel I AuditConduct an ASHRAE reduction)30% energy use -5 years of benchmarking (10meet
Performance Targets after do not that Buildings with ENERGY STAR score below 80 systems to identify issues)(Conduct a study of building AuditStarting 2022tenantsprospective owners
and report to current and Provide benchmarking AllStar data to the city of Chula Vista)(Report consumption and Energy Disclose2022Annually from Submit energy dataAllsimilar buildings
in similar climates)(Compare energy used to Benchmark WhenWhatWho
Proposed Chula Vista Program Design ftsqAll Buildings > 20,000 years and score < 8030% after 5 -improved 10>Buildings that have not below 65Buildings with score Improve (after 10 years)Audit
(after 5 years)Benchmark and Disclose Annually effective-costOnly when
Multifamily Buildings and score < 8030% after 5 years -improved 10>Buildings that have not Attic Insulation•Duct Sealing•Flow Water Fixtures-Low•LED Lighting•applicable prescriptive
upgrades where time -effective one-Install cost•2006)-(built pre Tenant Spaces (if building has significant common load)Common Areas ft (tenant spaces and common areas)sqAll Buildings
> 20,000 < 8030% after 5 years and score -10>Buildings that have improved 65 below >Buildings with score Improve (after 10 years)Audit (after 5 years)Benchmark and Disclose Annually
effective-costOnly when
Benchmarking Impacts these emissions by 6% after 10 years and 8% after 15 years.Based on study findings, staff estimates the ordinance is projected to reduce •20K square feet are emitting
113,000 metric tons CO2e/year In Chula Vista, multifamily, commercial and industrial buildings over •point ENERGY STAR score increase-On average over those years, all buildings saved
up to 7% energy and had a 6•2011EPA study conducted on buildings benchmarked between 2008 and •
Proposed Ordinance Benefits Guarantees energy data disclosure•Encourage market transparency for building energy efficiency •Improve Chula Vista building stock •the market.Marketing point
for building owners versus their peer group in •family buildings-multiReduce greenhouse gas emissions of existing commercial and •
Implementation opportunitiesFacilitate tailored guidance for energy efficiency programs and other •energy outreach This will leverage over 10 years of staff expertise in commercial building
•Staff will provide outreach and support•Help promote more efficient buildings to potential tenants•Website will assist with sharing info on building energy data•Guide the building
owners throughout the process, as needed •step instructions-by-Provide tutorials and step•Notify building owners•Office of Sustainability staff will:•
Proposed Ordinance Recap
Recommended Action Tentative Adoption Schedule March 20, 2022DeadlineBenchmarkingFirst 2022Ordinance in EffectTBDCity Council Second ReadingFebruary 16, 2021City Council First ReadingAugust
10, 2020Sustainability Commission TimeframeAction in 2022Approve for implementation Staff Recommendation: and next steps
QUESTIONS cwisniewski@chulavistaca.govEnvironmental Sustainability ManagerColeen Wisniewski
Building Performance Ordinances benchmarking already requires California AB802 •citiesthan 30 major US Adopted by more •
What Are Other Cities Doing?