HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4 - Attachment 5 Disclosure Statement D eve | Vprnent S erVic e Oep artnnemt Planning Division | Development Processing CITY Or CHULA VISTA APPLICATION APPENDIX 8 Disclosure Statement Pursuant to City council Policy 101-01, prior to any action on a matter that requires discretionary action by the City Council, Planning Commission or other official legislative body of the City, a statement ofdisclosure ofcertain ownerships,financial interest, payments,and campaign contributions must befi|ed The foUowinginformation must be disclosed: ' 1, List the names of all persons having a financial interest in the project that is the subject of the application, project orcontract (e.g,,owner,applicant, contractor, swbcontractur, material supp|/er) TADKXUR8(}KA STANTONH�3R|UCH/ ' KEN MURAOKA MICHAEL KINOSHITA ROY MURAOKA 2. If any person* identified in section 1. above is a corporation or partnership, list the names of all individuals with aninvestment of $2OOOormore 7nthe business (cmrpmratiom/partne,*Npentity. ' 3, If any person* identified in section 1.above is a non-profit organization or trust, list the names of any person who |sthe director ofthe non-profit organization mrthe names mfthe trusree beneOdary andtrustor ofthe trust. ' N/A 4, Please identify every person, including any agents, employees,consultants,or independent contractors, nvhomyou have authorized turepresent you before the City |nthis matter.5, Has any person *identified in l 2 3 or above,or /1h this, , .' , , vv scontoact, project orapplication, had any financial dealings with anmfMda!°°mfthe City ofChula \ �— as |tre|atestmthis contract, project mapplication within the past 12 months? YesNo X ������ |fyes, briefly describe the nature ofthe financial interest the nfNcia|** nnayhave inthis contr�ct N/A ' 4of9 276 Fourth Avenue A Chula Vista | California | 91910 | (619) 691.5101 Rev 0gYe / gpnnent Services Deparirnemt tffti IF Planning Division | Development Processing C"y OF 04A.A VISTA APPLICATION APPENDIX B Disclosure Statement ' Page 2 6. Has any person *identified in 1.,2., 3., or 4., above, or otherwise associated with this contract, project or application, made a campaign contribution of more than $250 within the past (12) months to a current member ofthe City ofChula Vista Council ? YeyNo X if yes vvh|chcound| mennber7 NIA ----- —'--- 7. Haaanypeoon *|demtified |n1., 2, 3, or4, above, orothemwbeassoc|atedwiththiscontmct, puoject or application, provided more than $420 (or an item of equivalent value) to an official"of the City of Chula Vista inthe past (12) months7 (This includes any payment that confers apersonal benefit onthe recipient,a rebate or discount in the price of anything of value, money to retire a legal debt, gift, loan, etc.) YesNo_X___ |fyes,which mhhda|" and what was the nature ofthe item provided? N0' 8. Has any person *identified in l, I, 3, or 4., above,or otherwise associated with this contract' project orapp|ication, baenasuurceofincomeof$S0Oornomnetoano1fidm|**oftheOtyof Chula Vista |nthe past (l]) months? Yes_____ |fyes, which of0da|" and the nature ofthe item provided? Date MICHAEL KINOSHITA Print or type name of Contractor/Applicant ° Person isidentified as:any individual,firm, co-partnership,joint venture,association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate,trust, receiver, syndicate,any other couinty,city, municipality, district or other political subdivision, m/any other group or combination acting as a unit, ** official includes, but |snot limited to: Mayor, Council member, Planning Commissioner, Member ofa board,commission orcommittee ofthe City,and City employee o, staff members. *�* This disclosure Statement must be completed at the time the project application,or contract, is submitted to City staff for processing, and updated within one week prior to consideration by legislative body. Last Updated: March 16,2010 5of9Im