HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda 5.27.20 t CHI�,ASTA. City of Chula Vista Boards & Commissions Planning Commission REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA May 27,2020 VIA TELECONFERENCE 6:00 P.M. Council Chambers 275 4th Ave, Building A Chula Vista,CA 91910 PLEASE NOTE THAT, PURSUANT TO THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA'S EXECUTIVE ORDER N-29-20, AND IN THE INTEREST OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY, MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND STAFF MAY PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING VIA TELECONFERENCE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EXECUTIVE ORDER, THE PUBLIC MAY VIEW THE MEETING ONLINE AND NOT IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL. HOW TO WATCH:Members of the public can access a link to watch the meeting:via Iivestream t:www,chulavistaca:gavi bc ards. Recorded meetings will be available on the City's website. -IOW-TO SUBMIT!COMMENTS: Visit the online eComment portal for this meeting at: j htt s://chul.avista. raniCLIsideas.com/meetin 7s. The commenting period will be open shortly after the agenda is published for a particular meeting and will remain open through the meeting, as described below. All comments will be available to the public and the Planning Commission using the eComment portal. Comments must be received prior to the time the Chair.calls for the close of the commenting period. Comments received after such time will not be considered by the Planning Commission. If you have difficulty or are unable to submit a comment, please contact Kelly Broughton @kbroughton@chualvistaca.gov. chualvistaca.gov. ACCESSIBILITY: Individuals with disabilities are invited to request reasonable modifications or accommodations in order to access and/or participate in a Planning Commission meeting by contacting the Development Services Department at psalvacion{i chulavistac;a.ov {California Relay Service is available for the hearing impaired by dialing 711) at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. ***The City of Chula Vista is relying on commercial technology to livestream and accept public comments via Granicus, Inc. With the increase of virtual meetings, most platforms are working tv scale their systems to meet the new demand. If we have technical difficulties, we will resolve them as quickly as possible. City staff will take all possible measures to ensure a publicly accessible experience. ** Page 2 1 Planning Commission Agenda May 27, 2020 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL:Commissioners Burroughs, De La Rosa, Milburn, Nava,Torres,Zaker,and Chair Gutierrez PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND MOMENT OF SILENCE CONSENT CALENDAR The Board/Commission will enact the Consent Calendar staff recommendations by one motion, without discussion, unless a Board/Commission Member, a member of the public, or staff requests that an item be removed for discussion. if you wish to comment on one of these items, please submit comments electronically at:https://chulavista.granicusicleas.com/meetings. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES February 26,2020 Staff recommendation: Commission approve the minutes. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC COMMENTS Persons may oddress the Board/Commission on any subject matter within the Board/Commission's jurlsdictian that i� not listed as an item on the agenda. State law generally prohibits the BaordJCommissioh from discussing or taking action on any issue not included on the agenda, but, if ; appropriate ,.the Board/Commission may schedule the topic for future discussion or refer the matter to sta#i.i Jf you wish to comment, please submit comments electronically at. htt s: chulavista. ranicusideas.com roeetin s. PUBLIC HEARINGS The following item(s) have been advertised as public hearing(s) as required by low, if you wish to comment on one of these items, please submit comments electronically at: htt s: chulavista. ranicusideas.com meetin s. 2. PUBLIC HEARING DR19-0025 Design Review consideration of a 27,821 square-foot building with a 4,185 square-foot covered entryway for supportive uses to include a vehicle collision l and automotive repair facility on approximately 2.2 acres located at 1880 Auto i Park Place, Resolution. of the City of Chula Vista Planning Commission approving a design Review Permit, DR19-0025, to construct a 27,821 square-foot building with a 4,185 square-foot covered entryway for supportive uses to include a vehicle collision and automotive repair facility on approximately 2.2 acres located at 1880 Auto Park Place. Applicant: Stephen Dose Project Manager: Oscar Romero,Associate Planner Page 3 1 Planning Commission Agenda May 27,2020 Staff recommendation: That the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing and adopt the propose Resolution DR19-0025 approving the project based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. That the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing and adopt the proposed resolution as follows: • Approve Resolution DR19-0025 approving a vehicle collision and automotive repair facility at 1880 Auto Park Place. 3. PUBLIC HEARING DR19-0019 Design Review consideration to construct 280 multi-family units on 11.6 acres within the Village Eight West Master Planned Community. Resolution of the City of Chula Vista Planning Commission approving Design Review Permit DR19-0019 to construct 280 multi-family units with 428 parking spaces,on 11.6 acres within the Village Eight West Master Planned Community. Applicant: Homefed Village 8, LLC Project Manager: Janice Kluth,Senior Project Coordinator Staff.. Recommendation: That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution DR19-0019 for the development of a 280 multi-family project, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. That the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing and adopt the proposed resolution as follows: • Approve Resolution DR19-0019 of the City of Chula Vista Planning Commission approving Design Review Permit DR19-0019 to construct 280 multi-family units within the Village Eight West Master Planned Community, 4. PUBLIC HEARING Consideration of Transportation Study Guidelines which implement the requirements of Senate Bill 743,including using Vehicle Miles Traveled to determine the significance of a project's transportation impacts under the California Environmental quality Act. Resolution of the City of Chula Vista Planning Commission finding that the Chula Vista Transportation Study Guidelines (TSG) are consistent with the Legislative Intent of Senate Bill 743 and referring the Chula Vista TSG to the City Council for Adoption, Submitted by: Scott Barker,Transportation Engineer Staff Recommendation; That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No.2020-01, recommending City Council adoption of the Chula Vista Transportation Study Guidelines as required by SB 743. Page 4 1 Planning Commission Agenda May 27, 2024 That the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing and adopt the proposed resolution as follows. ■ Approve Resolution 2020-01 finding that the Chula Vista Transportation Study Guidelines are consistent with the Legislative Intent of Senate Bill 743 and referring the Chula Vista TSG to the City Council for Adoption. OTHER BUSINESS S. DIRECTOR'S REPORT 6. COMMISSION COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT to the regular meeting on June 10, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. via teleconference in Chula Vista, California. Materials provided to the Planning Commission related to any open-session item on this agenda are available for public review in the Development Services Department,located at 276 Fourth Avenue,Building 3, Chula Vista during normalbusiness hours or online at www.chulavistaca.gy„v/boards. i i declare under penalty of perjury that I amu employed by the City of Chula_ Vista In j Development Services and that I posted this J document on the bulletin board according to BrownApt requirements. l3atedT � Signed i