Thursday, January 28, 1982 Council Conference Room - City Hall
Councilmen present: Mayor Cox, Councilmen Gillow, Campbell, Scott (arrived late)
Councilmen absent: Councilwoman McCandliss
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Development Services
Administrator Robens
City Manager Cole referred to the agenda statement prepared by the City Engineer indicating
that there are a number of questions still to be answered on this proposed project. The
staff is working with the SANDER staff and hopes to have their final report and recommenda-
tion to the Council within three to six months.
Supervisor Hamilton stated that one of the questions - the updating of the Environmental
Impact Report - is a long and expensive project. Before a full-blown EIR will be done on the
"J" Street site, the County would like to know whether or not the City is "firmly" consid-
ering the site and whether there is a definite possibility of locating the plant there
if the EIR will show no unmitigable circumstances. Supervisor Hamilton added that after
the preparation of the EIR, it will then go to the community for input, then to the
Planning Commission and City Council for hearings. He further commented that time is of
the essence since it costs about $20,000 for each day's delay.
City Engineer Lippitt noted that the main question - "do we want this plant located in the
City?" - can be determined within one month. He recommended that the Councilmembers tour
a similar site and see how the operation works - look at the surrounding area - find out
how that community accepts it.
Supervisor Hamilton remarked that he would be happy to arrange a tour of the Chicago plant
for all members of the Council plus any reporters with the expenses paid by SANDER. The
tour can be scheduled in late February or early March.
(Councilman Scott arrived at this time - 4:15 P.M.)
Miss Kathy Warburten of the SANDER staff described the comparable features of the Chicago
plant with that of the one proposed for this city.
City Engineer Lippitt commented that Rohr Industries is quite interested in this project
and may want to purchase some power and steam.
MSUC (Cox/Campbell) to accept the report and ask staff to monitor this and report back
to the Council every two weeks with a status report.
Mayor Cox stated that the Councilmembers will be polled as to the most appropriate days
for the Chicago tour.
Director of Planning Peterson referred to his written report explaining that in 1978, he
first began talking to the Council about amending the General Plan in two ways: (1) narrow
down the current residential ranges on the Plan; (2) study all that area designated as
"Agriculture and Reserve" and come up with a series of urban-type designations for those
areas in anticipation of future development proposals.
Mr. Peterson commented that Cadillac-Fairview has "beat us to the punch" and has filed
their application for development.
Mr. Bud Gray, Contract Planner hired to revise the General Plan, submitted a map illus-
trating the areas involved in Task I and Task II.
Council Conference -2- January 28, 1982
Mr. Gray said he is seeking (1) Council's acceptance of the work program and the
schedule for the two jobs; and (2) for Council to commit to holding quarterly
conferences to review the work as it goes along.
Task I will consist of preparing a comprehensive amendment to the residential density
standards and ranges of the General Plan and will include the Sweetwater and Montgomery
planning areas.
Task II will consist of preparing a draft plan which will include goals, objectives,
and policies for the areas to the east of the City limits - the areas designated as
"Agriculture and Reserve."
MSUC (Cox/Scott) to accept the staff recommendations and work schedule - to hold regular
quarterly conferences.
Mayor Cox asked that the Planning Commissioners be invited to these quarterly conferences.
City Manager Cole noted that some of the scheduled dates proposed by Mr. Gray may have
to be changed to meet the Council's schedule of meeting dates.
Development Services Administrator Roberts asked for Council's input on projects they
wish considered so that the staff can complete the preparation of the CIP budget.
Mr. Robens, using a flip sheet, briefly reviewed the over 2-1/2 million dollars worth
of projects which have been committed and put into the existing funds. However, over
$550,000 worth of these projects did not fit into the existing funds - making the CIP
funding short of approximately $780,000. If the CIP Committee approves all of these
projects, the only other place to get the funds would be from the revenue sharing monies.
Referring to the list of projects submitted by the department heads, Development
Services Administrator Robens noted that four of the projects submitted by the Parks
and Recreation Department may come from a Park Land Grant - these projects would remain
in the CIP only if the grants were not approved (Rienstra Sports Complex; Park Way Pool
renovation; General Roca Ballfields relamping and Loma Verde Center renovation).
Mayor Cox noted that the Harborside School Park ($125,000) should be eliminated as it is
covered by Block Grants.
Mr. Robens remarked that the projects proposed by Building and Housing are energy,savings
projects and would have a "pay-off period" from two to three years.
The Public Works Operations project is for a new roof for the City Hall.
Council discussion followed regarding the Fogg drainage report and the work completed
to date on that; the moving of the computer equipment in the Library; the effluent
irrigation water study - running lines from the Spring Valley irrigation district to the
golf course; the proposal for a central tennis court complex in the City; flooding of
Hilltop Park area onto the area of Second Avenue; a new computer system for traffic
flow; Telegraph Canyon Creek construction.
In answer to the Mayor's query, City Manager Cole commented that the County presently
owns the Marshal's building (corner of Davidson and Guava); the City owns the land.
Once this building is vacated, the improvements are dedicated back to the City. As
to the trailers, they will be removed once the Regional Court Complex on "H" Street opens
and the County is obligated to re-landscape the area.
Councilman Scott remarked that there should be some continuity with these plans - the
staff should find out what the County is proposing to do - their time schedule - what
use will the Marshal's office and the Health Center be put to, etc.
Mr. Cole suggested having the CIP committee look into the possibility of setting
aside some money for renovation of this building.
Mr. Robens briefly reviewed the various projects proposed: Public Safety - 2 projects
($68,000)', Parks and Recreation - 9 projects ($624,000)', Engineering - 17 projects
($1,264,000); Library - 2 projects ($24,600); Building and Housing - 10 projects ($383,000);
Public Works Operations - 1 project ($58,000).
Council Conference -3- January 28, 1982
Mayor Cox noted that sometime ago, he inquired about having something done with the
information booth in City Hall - perhaps having some glassed-in display area constructed.
City Manager Cole said he would report on this - perhaps include it in the renovation
project (after the Court leaves).
As to any new CIP projects, Councilman Scott noted the project proposed by Councilman
Gillow - street lighting on Bay Boulevard next to the restaurants.
Development Services Administrator Robens then briefly reviewed with the Council the pro-
jects proposed for FY 1982-83; FY 1983-84; FY 1984-85; FY 1985-86.
MSUC (Gillow/Scott) for a brief status report on the East "H" Street construction.
Mr. Robens commented that a CIP teur for the Council will be scheduled the latter part
of February or the first part of March.
Council discussion followed on what to do with the City-owned property at the northeast
corner of 1-805 and "H" Street. Councilman Scott remarked that at one time, this was
proposed for a soccer field. Mr. Roberts explained that the City is presently using it
for land fill and will continue to do so for the next two years until the area is
brought up to standards. Councilman Scott felt that if the City had no plans for it,
the property should be sold and put back on the tax rolls.
5. MAYOR'S REPORT - Mayor Cox reminded the Council of the San Diego Society of Natural
History exhibit on Friday, January 29, from 5:30 to 7:30 P.M. for the first showing
of the important marine vertebrate fossils recently excavated in San Diego County by
the Department of Paleontology of the Natural History Museum.
ADJOURNMENT at 5:15 P.M. to the meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 2, 1982 at 7 P.M.
Jennie M. rFulasz' CMC,~ty Clerk