HomeMy WebLinkAboutPCS 18-0001 R,ESM.A.FrION NO., 111"S, M0001 RESOLMON OF THE C117Y OF ClIVIA, VISTA PLANNIN(w COMMU K)NAPVROVING' 11FIENTATIVE SWBI)IIIVISION MAP PCS-18, 0001 TO SUBDIVIDE, A ,5.724C7111.� SITE I INFO TEN (1.01) CO MMMil 1CIAL (XVINDOM 0�, K)II INDIVIDIJAL A- 11 24M X'EN'ON STREET HE AS„on.Jur 1 5,mi s,a,duty,verified application Rwr a Tentative Subdivision Map was filed Nwitil the C."ity,of(;"hula,Vi.5ta I)evelop ment Servi ces,I)epaitmejil,by [?aol At 'Flark I'll Iwo, Iltw, (Apphicant); mJ WHEREAS, the application reqwesb appwvid U), subdivide a, 5'.72-acre side into ten (10) Condamimlim uriitstbt indivicW—omlerAip Oojea);knit WA]M.bIAS,,, tk-; pm,p0sed, individual lownemship, COrr SiSIN Of n1twe, (9) indiwrial. buildings and.one(1)ouldbut area; and W1113M13AS, the area,ofland!that is the sab ecl:of this Resohition, is An existing, 5,72,,acre tmnzl located at 2430 Fenton Street(Ptoject Site); and, Will EM,the Development Servioes Ditector has reviewed,t1w. PrRject for Complimice whil alifarnia Envirenmiantal, Quality Act ((,I`/-QA), aml, has deter ii ned Itiat the Project was p I rovIously Covert-A by existing Mitiggtion, Negative Declaration (IS-00-03) andlitig ption, Monitonqjz and,RePro ing V.-mm adopted by'tile (Illula Vista City wil icollto ocbtrU, 1199% Port "Thus,, no f4riber enviimunetital review is requiMA;'and WI.:[]RE,,ASflic Development Servklesll Direclor sett the dult, for (fie; hearing of the Map applicall(IM, and,tiotIce of die; hearing" topther with its pulpow" was given by it's pa bli I cation in:a nemmpaper of general circulation, in the Chy and maited low rove rt 0WIDeIrs resildvit's, withisi, $00, feet. of tbe exterior txmildImies. of thevo, at I east, 10 days 1) Perty' prioir to said,hewi':ng date,; and, W1.1 4,15R 1 ;.i',,AS, a, hearitig at (lie time and, place as awl vetfised in,the Council Chambers, 2,76 Fourth Avenue,was heli beforr the Planning(.,nmmiszIo,n and,salid'hwirig'was themifter closeck and WII[,`;,RW,, (be, plam-iing, Comraiss,,ion, reviammod arid owlsidt-,red Tentative Subdivision, Map PCS-'.i52In aocordanot witli till City Codbm,and requirement& NOW,71-1l:--,,REFORlir 13E IT REi SOLVED 1hat the 1"ImIliting("amm ission dkv1lrereby tind, and d eterm j ne as fb]lo.ws, REVIEW "T' the Develolmileart,Services I Xrector has reviewed the propus.ed,Projec,t for ConvIlimice wilb, the, (I'lafif6mia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and, hm detemineAd tfkM the Page,2. Ivapras Project, wasla urat l OVETC2241 in thcpm, viouslyadopted Miligat Negative I. :laratior! and Mitigation Monitoring and l rdn'g Pmgmin ISM-03, op the Otulal Vista City Colitricil on October 28,, 19919, and therefbm, no furtlier, environmeinital, ra: Planning Commission Rm.I1utIo'n'N'O,,, P.I('*S-J 8-001011. Page';3 . 7., plarks and Recreation Co 71"he propose' pum ro would, not induce significant popo.],Mlon growth, a it is a m(xCquire ,miailI " prolect. No patik'mN,-uhution and, ,qu develo mentfow;ae, reired PI 111WI , city, ExIgIneer" Fire and Police Dcp&rtments have reviewed the proposed Prqjmt "lee"LS with City mfllety' oliciest,ir.Ldha�vedetermiitL�d,tliatt,heIproposaI th,m staxidards" 9 Npi*m, The,Proj(zct bas beem,revitwe-d for conviiance wfib the Noise Element and will,comply, With IMICUSIUresattbefinv,of issuan.ce of the first Building Penmil., 'Noah g 111shw ; The, Project,. Site is tocated' adjactnt to or visible fTuin a, &-sigmated scejTie 'highwqy. 11 'rove the q0, 11d'uhni edge oftk,Projice,has been dtsigned to comply with,the Wznk madway requirement by fheing the main building entry ancvsto dw South edge of the p Thi'Sliar" de itxIndes lighted,canoplies"9tote"ftiont system camers,awlh:kd. put COMI Oro tilt'rubWrtsttuction.The,landk-aIN. ,&,mign will provide a row oftrees to gettem. the bufldings ftom(XaI.-AteRoad W the qmmith., In,a(Mition to An approximately 65 - ,foot boilding setNck, t1w.: southern boundary ea ntaims a naWrall y steep lo' pe (approximately 251-46et)thal:will redm e the:view from Ot#Y,Lakes Road, below. B" Porsuamt to O"'w"evinvetit: Cock, Section, 6,6473.1, of O'be Snbdivfisioll NI'411 Act the configuration, oriettlation., r.md topography of the afte allaws for,the oplixau�) 81ting'0"Iiiots fornatural,and passive ho tinfta d woling opportnnifies and devetolmment of tfv:,� , it, fl! 'I S, e W be s4iject to siw,ptan am]ambitted,=I review to insure the maKbumn totifization of natural MA pwive:htatingvuW(ux)(4iing opportunilliCs". C. Pursuant 0, ()ovem 1'. ('x)&:Section 664,123 of the Subdivision Map Act., (be; Fl puha Commission bas oonsfdmd. the efl.mvt of this apptnval on the housing oceds of the,� nion aWaft nd has need se nemls again �st ( Ubk'serylict, needs ofllC- f , reqj�4ent.'s of the: (,'�jjy �and,the available fiscal and envlv)�i Itjl mso t[Twe 9. 1), P`uramt to (.3ovemxnelit Coje Seetion, 664,74 (a)-W, of the Subdivision Map, Act, the Planning, Commi,%sion finds That.the propmu.-A prqjea': 1" isonsistent with applicable 6,eneral and,sliecific plans as spectilled in Section 6,545 1, Applicant proposes to sub,divdde ten, (110) Units and, eormtmct, n4w, (9) new Miall buildings totating app'Imirnalely' 89,03 squate-1:6em" A tentative map is meMed to allow f0t itwividtial Owner6ip,by which mnall''husin ess" owners, will hatheahility lo,own their c:),Nvn building(via condominium owtwrship), Tlie PrqJeCt, is Conjistent, with,$c 1011WIM ViRta,Genie ral,Plait land, use, transpo;,,tation". Planning No. PCS4 9-0001 Page 4, ecommic, developrnellt* hous"iren g'. public fa(,Hifies, and services,, envirmuneental; and g,tv all management objectives vind polieies Z l esign,or imNII ovemenI is comsigtent with ap plicable general, olid,spoeffl p!a xis C Gw,tml Plan. esiablisbes the Vision f6r time Castel7l pan of(Ile City'll and tbc .F.Flastlakv, Busime&s,C',enter, 11, SmOolial, Plai"Ininn Area,(ISFIA)Plan dk;Pines the land,trse clwamr Krid, Mi X Of' US34S, (10SIStl 011"teria, Ci illation sys-tem, and pu'blic infrastmeture mquiltments for the Proj9CIt. The 'rentative Map, I's ConaisIxmI with the gehm-.1 and, specific plans,,, I Site is suitable ffir the.pr opoKw4c derksityofi&,veloprnent. "Flie,Project is surrounded by sma-fllot residential, indmtrialmedical, and,a ffiftire hoted tme and is designtd, to 'be comilpatible with,the summi4ing community, 4, Site ispfiysicAly suitable Forthe type,of developima:sit nr—Project site 1393 previou-sl.Y been, mam gra&d, has swo-widing infimtructure mul rill. actor ntmodate the Project in accovdame with t;i4istlake Bitsinems,Center 11 Sectional,101annins,Area,(SPA)n 5,. The &.sign,of the, mibdivisdon, or tfw,� proposed irnptovemmts are wt likely lo, Cause sulmtandat environ.mv,,mital,damqgc,or substantially and avoidably ixqure:fish or%ildlife oil their habilat Tile-, Project was previously nullms graded and hen bfton desig.-m4 to pvovide a,WJ scared, buffew ft)rdw. Sumundiol;community, 6. TIw desi6m, of'the subdi Vision or typet or improvements, is not likely to cause, scrious the Projeetlames ken desipied to pix)vi4e-:qaalItpen Y spgwz,, ell aq,pedestrian connectioln,to adjacent areast, 7, Stub division ov the type of improvements NvIll, not Confill'ict With memel.wts, acq'ulited, by, t1w PuNic at large, fOr Oux.mg.b, or, um; �of, pix.)penly within the propos-ed slihdi visiml, 11"I,thi 8 Conne-dion,the governing body may approve a,rna,v if itfinds,fliat idtetmitc; crasements" f6r are"s u)y R.Pt wse, w0l, be powided, ard that, t1WAe �Nrjfl, subm, antiaily (NuIivalen( to orlog Previa-Lisily acqLdred 4y Ille piwhlic,, 'Tliis wNmectioo 41"I'll.1 apply oni I y to ewsements of vword or to Gntatilishex],by"JuLISrnelit afa Courtof-Coln P to aJ cgl,shtd VC.,hod to polblic athirge luamgr utlrmM l eta rwium w. for acoessflhrou. �orurge of proTwttywithin the proposed subdivisjiml'. E - commemialrhidusoial devel m,. The,Project Site, is, physi rimlly, snoilted kw tiX. .opo oposed kwpmr t becatm&e: it, is located,within an, exisfin86.ss "I'llk dtsigmd, for this type of lwoject. The,Ptoject CorifimIns to al I stmidaj-di tabllafvcd:by,thele City for a, devefopmatt. F, 11le conditions liereinimpas ed t,,t the grant ot"'Permit or other entitlement herein contaimAd ,am apprommatelly propertilonal tvth in nature, and oextent to die impaot created by dw, proposed,P w-A Page,5 HIM TENTATIVE MAP GENERAL CONDMONS,OF'APPIIO,VAI.', UnIcss, o31herwisc specified or required by law, the Cotididons of Approvattind Cadc requirements, set fiarth below Atafl he compIcted, prior to, du: relatexi, Final Map gas by the Dew-Iopment, Servicea ffir,=Wr and t1w, City' Engirteer. of designe-CS5 unless cath erwi.9c sp(xificd, "dedicafe" mew-ja g�"ant O'ic ora pproprialt emoment, rather Than fifle'. where T. ca'sewment; is required flit, Appli=tsWI 111, be requiml, to, provide gubor&nat'ion of any,prior hen and,casement holders, in,order,to custue:1114 dw City has,A, r Ir,st .riocky n guich land,unless otherwise excased t by he,Cite y. Wk--rititerest and, rl"Ots i. I r6c lftlis granted, or &,diviled to, thel City, said, f6e 611c: shall W, fill aivj c1 ax of al I emumbrance-4, untess, olthemise excused by the City. Shou,.H,conflicting wording,or A loolzur betwectli, 1hesle;(",00ditions OUA,pproval and, ally other, as to Mly conflict Shal.111 bc,: res,oIlved by the City Maliager ut demignim '1 1. "MeApplicant,lor his/h—car quccessar's in intemst,shall develop l maIntain the Project She plans ,on f1i'lic in the Plr.=IIIK Division, dw, coMitions contained herein,, amt lCit "s Municipal Code,`1111c, 19, 2. All driveways,monurnent Aps,uti Ry bl uW fire hydranIs 11(,xatIi(),n,sball Wrnply with the sight of"Chuta, VisUi,Municipal Code Sections 12,12,120 and 12.l'I 130, and City of Chula,Vista l Vi.-Aa Sigbt Design,Stwxfard CVD-IR0713. 1. Improveinculs (such, las retwe" asphalt ramps, Signs, ctc.), and all pmate fac[lifies (if upplicab1c), locaitcd within, pll ri.gW,,lof-way or l easennent witl require an EncroachnieliA Permit 4,. l ApI,,Aiunt shall eviler inlo, a, Storm Warer Managenvent, F`acIIWes Mafntcnancaw Arcement to perpetually maintain pri'vate bl'Ofiiftrat'ion trusions! and, Ea]l Best Manageimrif Prata, OIMPI's)facilifile's k"xzuted,within the Projeact prior to the issmuce otany (Irading or Building Permits,Whichever occurs flrst'. S Tb e Ap .pray paid nuc incudingIX-posit ,plicant'shal. infutlany'un Alewunt No, DDAD234, 16. "11.1c Appikant sNII,be requin-M to pay,Land J.)evelopment Faus,based on,the firml,ap I prolved Bufl,ding-Plms for t1u.- Pr(.)j MCI a. mer mer("'Onnec(onmid aptihy FeL ,s K Traffic Signal, c� Public F�acitit Mveloprtiont IMH ct Fees(PIMIF) P d. Em stern"I"ransportati 0,11 Devel 0 Proe'll( 1 11',Tpact f"llee 8 1"1: 11 Planning,Comrnimioxi Reso lution,N'O,, P(S-1,84.100 1, Page 6 e. Other E,ngina-criqg Fees as applicable per Cily of(I'llula Vista,Mager 11 cv, SCWL11101. 7. Additional deposits or facs,inaccordancc� with dic City Subdivisiou, Max-owd, and, Mmict Fee Schedule, will be m,,.qiuir,,,cd fr the,s4ifxmiftal. of itenw, a., Gra in Plans blSlxecl� Improvel.nent I Plans c., Final,Map 8, 11te onsite a and storm, d1rain System shall t Iprivate,. All sewen- later"als wW �twxnv drains shall he Nat inaintained,ftoni eakc1% build,ing unit to City-maintairmd, Saab is PH P facilititSI, 19, The Applicant shall cornply withadl requilretn'ents,of the ChIula Vista,DevelopInm-it"Stri Water Mantud, (,StI. WaI Manual) f6r,both construction and poo,,-oonslnicd�on,phasa of the Project., Prior,to (jr-ading Penrvit approwal, docuin tatiotI two rovided, to the satiaNction, oft a ity, Enginee.,,T,ix),cknnonstratc:swh.cur npliarice., 1,10. Prior to aPpria val. I Nmal I the Applicant shall, prem:,ta: vorl"fication to the, City lit kgirteer in the,: fivm of a. lettrot,fiom the Otay Water District that thesubdivisiou, will bc,, provided,adequate waterserviLe and long,,I water,storage f4cifide, i 1, 1 Applicant shod] enter into an agreement prior to approval,of the Final Map W's ecure all Public,linprovcrnentI required for ifie developinent or'dw projeact., 1,2. "'rho Applicant hall awzc:to hold the l' less(hyin any liabithy fi)r letomim.t,siltation, habitua imPact,or lacrea9ml flow,vol me or diwharge ralt, resulting from this Project,, .r Uct P 13. Prioto approval of'any( onion I ernik,theApplltant shall.ensuft tfizit all cul erg.ency road, ae desugned, With,Ia Ice Index of 5 Lind conqmicted ovt of'concretc:or as approved by,the City EnginceL 14, Ire Applicant. shall, submit and obtain approval of the C",ovestraits, Conditions,' And Rest fiebians (ccov's by the Oty Attorney Cily 1, 19)inctorl, ai.W, tlw, Dia cctxv of Dowelopment Services 1.)ejwrtment prior t&approval ofthe Final Map, Saild,CIC&R's shall iwdvide tfic fbllowi.ngo a, let&MIT.11ifitation of it for private,sawer spillage. b, fense& Itold Efan-hless of,City, c, llifing oftnaintained,private facilitics, d, The (,'ity's right but wit, (he,obligation to enfarce:Cc&R,"s e let o vl, as that no private fkilitics -shall, 1v wue�sWd U.) be-�,Ulmc ,public, unless all houleovaters and, 1,00%,of thrst n1ortgaScobligee have signed,a written,peAfifion. Planning Commission,Resolution Page, 7 C Maintenance of'all walls, 'fin ,s tighfing strmt'ur", juidts, recreatIonal aluenhics and structums, a wage laud fitks,drti[nage stniictutes and, landscaPing, gIniplenumt education a:LYJ enforcernent: program W prevent die discha ;e of Pollutants ftom,call on,sJI)e sot(rces to the:,q4(,,.)rr.n,watcT('011 Vey'anCe Systern,, 15. Said CG&Rs shall be amsistuil, witis ("Impter, 18,44 of dww Sub divisimi Ordinance and, shal I Iber=orded c(,xwametifly with ffie Fitial, Map. [6. Prior to the, a proval ofany Building emit the, Appliemat shall submit, duplicate co P P Ples of'ala rw at t a, ru iaatl, industrial 11toilects in digital,format,'such os(DXF),grq*hicIIIe,on,aCD or through,e-mail bused on Califomia.State Plane CoordinateSy'stem(NAD 83,Zone 6) in accordance with the("hy's Gklklefirlesft.)r I.Agifitl St',ibmittaf.DXF ri to shall include a,uflity, plan,Ahming, any,arid,aff'lar oposed,sewer or"storm drains On B. Thefolkming on-goiugcvnidftivna shall aPply to Me Projimt Site ua loagus iIt refies on this approval: 1, Approval oaf dais roquest, shill n(4 waive compliance with tiny sectioas ofthe nO.T. any other applicable City Okfinances in,effix!at the Ii me of'BUIlding 11ennit issuance,, 2. The Ptoperty Owner and Applicant shal I arid do agrcr ix) indemnirY, prtAecf, defend mul hold, harmless City, its, Planning (.7ommission Members, officers, emplqyees and amd,against any and all liabil-Wea, loose danulgdernandst claims and costs,�i mMuding court"costs and,a Ito",le 'S. lima;(colleetively,1"I'abditles incunred'by,the, 'Y City arWng,directly ()r nadir ectly, ftorn,(a)Cky',s apptoval of this tentative map,(h Cit 's approval or, immance of' nny anther Permit or aefioti, w1wih-ex- dh m1i.(,,xnary mar non - disc rfionary, in cannection, MIJI, the use, cxxiviletriplated, on the Project Sile arid, (c) any, envirorumaltal Icktemi.natk:orts for the Pr 'ect. "Imi be Pn:),peqy ()mer and Applicant 8fiall 01 acknowledge their is- cernent to this provision b,y ellxecuting a, copy, Of'this Rusalution, w1wre indicaied betow,, "The; Flvn'xrty Ovmcotlsand, Applicant's. compliamue with thi;s p rovi ion, sbal.1' bc inlite 6, on, any md all of The Ps-.)perty' Owtirt's and Appheant's successors and aasigus,, 1 I All,of the terms,covenants and mndidows,(x),n1ained hu-win shall be binding upon and,irture to the, benefit of the lei r.%,, suceessors, assl'gns and m-presentatives, of ply Applicant as to, any orall. of the, Pro rty.' 4a 'The,Apt,)[icant shal I comply with a]I requireni cuils and,guidetines,of the City of'ch-ula Vista Genets],Plan;the City"'s ("irowth,Mannement Ordinance; Chula Vista I,andscajx: Anual, 11 M (.7,1tula-De,sign Man andthe Non-Renew ablie Energy Couservadion FlIan as anittiuded, &D.M time to firile, unlu.'s specifically, M"Ai"fied, by the Irp. ropriate departme"nt head, with tht.; P , approval oftfut City Manager. "Me-se plansrnay be sukject to, Milm irtodification.S by the appropriatt dep,rtment�head,Wilh the approval of the("Ity Mallager,however,any,materiall modifiLations shall be suhilectu.') aproval, by,the Planning Cau ,P I Planning Comilliscion Re,501 ution No PICSL 1,9-0001 PES c 8 5 (f,any of the (exam, covematws or comiditions contafiv-4 hercin WWI pi" ll to,o0cur or if t:1 'are"by their temis,to be implemented and mairitairwi,over time, if any of'suich conditiovas flul to,Imm so iinpleinvated mid inaftnAllined,gwoording to their terms, 111-0, C,!ity, Aid] have:the, rigt,i,t to revoke, (it rnodd, all iftliptuvals twxvin granted irictuditig issuarwe 044, Building Pem.its, danyt or finther condidon the sasequ mmt ap. ,r -ed, fix)m 'the p1rovaig, that are, dL-,iv appi-ovals herein grarited;irm-fitute:and prowcute fifigation to coropel,their c4im fianw-ewith, said conditioris; an&or,seek daniages f4r,their violation. 111ea p days in,advmwc prior,to anyof the aboveactionglii.-ing takenbytheCityalw Shall.be giveri the:opportunity,to n-miedly,any defidoicies identifted by ItieIty", W, GOVERNME.,NT com SECT110N 66020 140110E Pursuant to NCMCE 18, the, 90 day period,to,lir` test the imposition of any ii nipact f) , dedication,reservation, or, othe v e"NACtioll degud.bed in this reso4utioln'begins Oil Ow. C."'Motive dale,of this,resolution and any guch protest us be In an maiwer that CAM.plics vAth Governnwnt Sectiowt 6(020(a) and Wilure to follow timoly, this proc-edure will bar any MiNeq'wril. leVd, action to attack, set idle, void or annual irnposi0am, Dw,right to pmW.St th.e fleoes, dedications,,,rew Nations, or other exactiorm does wt apply, to planning, wning mdjing, or, other s.,iriti Mar ap zkori plit PR)CCssingtees or service fees, n,connection wifth,the In joct; ,Ml it docs riot,apply to facs, cledic.1tion, rmcrvaMons, or other exvictions which have been, give,"11 n0fice Similar to if this,, nfor, aloes 111t wvIve challenges, to any fbes, fbr whichi tile, Statute of 1dirnitatioris has r.wevi.10111sly expire& V, E.,X.EC1JTF1'ON AND OF APPROVAL The Property Owne"T Mid Applicant shall execute this, doeurtlent sigoing on the lines prowidrd below', indicating, that the Propemy Owner and, ApplicmTt have ea6 read, understood mid avved to,the conditions cont ltbedtherein,aW will,impleme�,,rit sarn.e., Upon ex�utiion,this,d(vuriijentshall be rvmrded with,the County Recorder'of the County of Swi I.Xegp, at"the'WIC expense of the,propedy Owm andlar Applicant,and as sivied, starr ped. copy rauwd to the City's Development Services De pantrient, I Failure to,return the sigr.ied and 8143tn�pcd copy afthis record =-inlenl: Within Al 10 days�of reccirdbfion shall iadicato the Property Ownerl'. " " -:project, d ant'1? ,wrrespom"fing application, licant'j esire that the ddib perm,, X lot Shies license, M:held In ayance,Without ajq7rovaj, 17a, .............................. .....................................1,—,,A,�............... ......................................— .............................. griature Property 11(0), F Date ........... ..,Z 'M ................... ............... .............. �Name of NOP 7 Date, ...... ............ ................... .. .......... ............................... of ficant Date Plamliks-Commission. Rm,luti an,No+ M P("SS-18-0001 PlAge 19 ...................... PrinteKjN4'a��rne e�k:AA�p--p J.-J c VI. CONFORMANCE WITH CITY'SURDIVISION MANIJAI, Tk Planning Commisgio'n does, hereby find, thail: the Prqjlied 11 "is, " dormancr. with the in CityofChula, It is die, intaition, of the Phuvving: Commi&siom that 'Its akl000n of this Resolusim), hs depenjellt Upon the:ell.form-abillty ofcach'atad,levery tenn,pwvisicm,aud Colidificn.1 herein 4,atedll- and that in the, event that any loom. ar inore lenms,, 1,)rovisions, or conditions are detemine-d b pe's j wea L y a C(mvt of win tit'um to, &gt itivalid, illegal,, or unenfirx this,rvsx.Aution and,the pert.nit dull be deemed to,he aiomnati,cally revoked arid,ofto furthef force and ect abinifia. BE I'l, FLYWITIER. lel.5"SOLVED that thiz City of(11)Wla Vista,,Planniqg doe's I e rtby approve,Tentati ve IS ut,,Pdi,v i,,,do ri Map(Pl",Sl�, 5-02.)1.8 Ubfleet to the,condition s I I sted above Cor the,subdivislon,to aS 72-m-e site ffitwten ("'110)wndumhiium units fhr individual owiershit)at 24310 Stme,1"" Pment. �y:: Approved aks wlbnn by- .................. ......................... k Y Bi lighton, (illen, Develloptnent,Servilces Direetor OCKY, 1-Y' I Phuming C.�Onlovission,Re w"Aution No. PCSI&,,WO 1, N- ge! 1.0 PASS17D AND APPROVE), BYT,"IMPIANNING, COMMIik$$IjON' 10,,Ffl,'..Tl�.:.%', CITYOF CUULA VI,S']',"A,,CALIFI)RINIA,this 11.th day of'SeptembLu',20,19,by,the:fi)ltowiq-,�-vote,to-wit: A,YES 1, F)c L a Raw, Guti crr e'7.,�.,, M ilb un,,,i,, 'I orres, ZAt"t rr NOES: AMEN'] ; Burrougbs, Nav'a ABSTAIN, 7. ............... .............. 7' chait ATTEST. )&.4i�........... �0 , -crow''Y' paincift a onSL