HomeMy WebLinkAboutDR19-0003 R.ESOLI.J'T'10�N'NO, ,D;R,,I,")(LI, R!.ES0IJ,JTI(.)N0IF TIIE CITY' OF C1-JVD,,A VISTA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING A DESIGN REVIEW PERMIT DR191-0004, TO CONSITRUCt' A k3,M141 SQ1UARP.,! ,Poo,r ONE S7FORY COMMERCIALIINDUS,"I'MAL )XIII)ING ON A 2.79-ACRE SITE H)ENEI VIIS D, A$, IjOT 6, wal"UN' THE 0TAY RIVER BUSINESS PARK SPECIFTC PLAN' W 14E TKI AS,,on IFebruary 1'2,2019,a,duly ven fied app]icadan f4r,a Design Rewiew Penni t was filed,mMfi the City, ol:'Chuila,V ist�a DevOopment Siervices DepaMnenf by OrUiy River Business Park 1.),evelopment, ,,LC (Applicant); arxi, WHER.1 , tbe application reques approval of a 1)esign Review Pcrnjj[t 1,() afjovv, c4wns(ruction of one single-soory building total un g 43,51(W squm-feet for Use, on approximately 239,-ac-res located, witbin, the: Otay River Bumlnunm Park,, Specific Plim Area, WIlf'REAS, the ima of Im"I that is thL- sukj=f of this ReRolution, is an axisfing, site comsisfing of or parce,I (APN 162 ,,0310-06) iocaj,'M an the ,&,ouih side of in Street", between 401 and 7"'Avenues to the,eaxt aW,weMl, ami,1"'aivm Street 10 the South,(Projmt Site); and WHEREAS,, flie, Development Services Directot has reviewed, the, proposed Prqj��� Cox compliamea with Ow Quality Act and 1 detennix W that ffim pro, , posall MUD Project was ad", juatel y mweted 'in, the P kus MiAgated Negative Declaration (MND), and Mitigation, Monitoring and Reporting Prue grarn IS]5-0M&1MdIPAl 5,,0022, Lidopted by, the ('%ula, Visla,City'Comnoil on March,6,20,18. No fbither environniental mmiew is requirm]; and, WHEREAS,the, Director of Development ."knice s set 111C tirne and Place R r A,bearing on tier; Design. Review Pennit application, axW rwd": of the:hertring, together with its, parpose,, wa,,% givllcll by its pubfilmdork in a new"perof ral!cimulation,in the it amid US maiii rapo,p rope"Lly ownets and mi'dent's withift ,500 Int Of t.he eXteti;or txpundaries of, the propetty at least 110 days pior to tbe liearhg; and WHEREAS, the IwAring was hold' attin; dwe and, plas adwmiscid intbe: ("ounicil "!=tubers, 2,76 FouAlt Aventw, beCdre the Plaiming Commission, rid the heating was therea-fter closext; and WHEREAS', the 'Pimning, (7ommigsimi, having received cerWrt evidenee at the subjeO, heanng, as set fodh in,the record of its promedintp therein, revielwed die Desipt Levik w PRO- 0003); NOW" 11,111 BE IT R.ES'0j'.V'l7D brant the City of chuls, VLka p1m),ifing (,`/ommiwion does, heretry,rind and determine as,fbilows, K'.�!Rrsqlgtion DR,I 91.omli 1. ENVIRONMENTAI.,REMEW That the, Developnwnt" Services, Dircclor has tvvimuj the rm.)j,)OSed, Projewt for compliame with, the Quality Act(CEQA), -and,has.,detennined. that(Ite projxmed Project %las adetTmtely covered in dic previous Mitigated Negative Dectaration,w. .d Mitip., tion Monitonlng andReporting Progmm, ,III 15-OOOS/NIIPA15-it 022,,,, adopted, by t)>#., IChula Vista. City, Coundfl on Mamh 6, 20 1.8, and, tberef6re,no,furdwr environinIN-AW review ills,required. 111. DOSION,R".1i,N]EW I hat: tht preposod Project Is, eousisteat, wiffi the development regulations contake'd in the(7bula Vlh;ta Munkipal CodGuvernmcm,tCodc�and(,Iula Vbta Design Manual, (P.-siglanted PAP ancl is Permitted fiau®commerciavindiust6al,use.,Tfic PR)Ject is, incomplian"O With the Otay River Illusi,ttess, Palk Spelcific Plan and Chula Vista 1.)Uign Guideffnes.,and is consi,Meolt with die Cafilb' rnia Govermnent C'bde and(1,jula Vista,'Municipal code((NMC). 711c Applicant is,proposing to,Imild a single slm.)y 43,5010square-fout concrete i i d m I n strial t,.Yui[ding with, oadi4g docks.in,the:nvmt 'Dw ftoject provicivs open parking spaces, and landscarx-1.41 areas, In conjunction, Nvith, die twiliditig design, Lwand scaping has berm placed,along the perimeterof 011e At andarmad the parkitig lot, area. Enhanced architectural details aur v piv)p,.x%.A along thc'� mtrect elevations mid the Lay-out of the, site, providest!)r a,M. Itqrian. Oriented design, in accordarwe with tilt, IOrtay Rivex l3usirvess,Park, Specific Plan and,Chula Vista,Design (Widelincs. 'I'lic Ptofmccla dle: zone requirments,, 2., 'That the proposedProject, is consistent witbi Mt requirerntats and recanimendations leauntalmed In the Otay River Business Park, Specific Plan and dOVVIO�PlMnt StAFWArds,lof the Chula VISOn Design Gitilde[Inits. 11W., project. Parea T.Kx%.,s,a modr.im architectural desigin,to bring a,new seam; ofstthe t ; tem v, area., Y The building will be neutral in, color but ptavide high Oontrast 'in the, finishesi selected for aefs-thetics, 1,11we' 'Wild-ing will, consim:of lilt, up concrete stnx,turcs whiciv shall tv; painted. All rnawn"als used,1.1%thege buildings will, be, high,quality,durahte and require Low mainteimet, Both the,buitclin Nre, 00rdlimted.to,Pvide a hesive 1370 co cv ksigia mid PTOVi4C,' 4 WnSc of pedestrian wmle at the gmund,level of the' adations IM,IXKA hCiP,1hU,andc' formis Wil I pruvide int erem,in character and various shadows. Wall planc-i) have been staaerc,4 to help draw,autta'ntion t Icointrics and architectmal f, turves, ID-wh[buililding entry,was designed to be)an inviting, space with,low owed ian)&s,and,cotorful femfti res,for visma I cuem. Becatim:oftlw., modern design,colx.),rful 1pop Outs" widi,LoncretC mYealS helP ell",'wem as wc,11. In older to screen mimAh of the loadiritvr/ttuck' dock.amus fs-rxm tla a soulb land, geteen wa.113 wid), twhi tand,scape, have, been Wed, 'Ilie, ImOxape archilvect, has located niumerous shrubm tuid, tee&to soften the screen w4iffis and ca:nlimic t1w.�look,of the neartly, trails. K!Reseltolom DR1.9-0003 PW 13, The, ral I design, form =1 scale, afthe, building f1tihiftbin lbe: guldelines of t1m, Otay RIvet l5winemss Park, Specific Plan ,ORBPSP) and Chula Vista Design Guidelimn., and is complimentary tD the comrmcial and h0ustrial,character adliacent to the ptoject,Site, 130 IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Pimining Camnthssion, hawd on tfic finding's above, he approves the Project,subitct to the, fiAlming conditions: L The, ffilloving shall be accompl isiv.d to the, satidmAian 0f the Dim etor of Devekipnwat Services, (w dwigonee,,jXior taissume of Building Permits, imlass othemfise spedfied,, Planning Division L 'The 1-11roject Site 9hall be developed and, :inaintaffied in accordance, wtlh the ap pvL M plmis� ro hu la include Site ard Liuxiscape Plans, 1-100'r Plan', and Elevation Plan, om luil in, the Develo, rneilt� Plannin IS] n p g Divi ion, the co ditions contabied 1weirt, an Chala,Vista Municipal, to$ h� 11'tt 11 , , I ("We("Muint"Cipal Code Ulf, cvm'(,�,), ritie, q. 1 2. Prior,ta, or in conjunction with 0W., iswmwe of dw: lits st'l)udding Permit, 'the Applicant shall, py all, aplylicablefoes, inclitkfirwg any, unpaid balances of permit processing 14,s fin- depo,"'t account DDA0406. 3, The Wors and maierials s fied on the, Building Plans, must be corisixtent with th.c. colors zuid materials, shown on 11w, She Plan and colored rnaltvials shett, approved, by, the Planning C1011"QU I ssioqlll. 4, A graffiti resistant trealineint shall, be st)"ified, f4t, all firstfloor wall as buil4ing sudams. '1 is Shall, be m*X1 fbr any Builiding and Wall lllans� Additionally,thet"ro), I rt shatt Conform to Section,9.20.055 of the,Municipal (,."ode rejWding graftj fi. controf,. 5. Allroof'app urfenances, including air conditiOners and othet roof Mountemil equipment: arwvor projections, Shall Ix 811,1eldixt fvom View and the goundl buffered, from adjacent propel it and, stree'(9, such SeTeeningshall be,architecturally integrated Nidi tk�, building dtmign. 6,� All,ground, trxxmted, utitity'a-,Pp,tlrltnance�9,;%uchas tram;fx)rmer'sA(',,' connem.rs, etc." Shall 1)e� loewd, out of public view and, adepately wreened thmugh the use of a combination, of concrete,or mawnry walls,Benning,m vd/air Ia.Adscaping,. 7. AH exteriar fighting shall inchode shielding U.) reaiove racy glare; from adjacerit residmmls, Delada fin mid lighft,shal I bic included in the Ari cliftectural lel ms "I"he A licant 0matl obtain, approval of a Sig P 14) pi ermilt Jhr ea-ch sign. Sips sUl. comply N ith all,applicable requirements oftlie Municiml Code,, 9. Pdortai immim. of Grading arxi'Building Permitg,the Applicailtashll demowlt-We c�,,.),mpliancxe with, 441 of the Outy River Busitie&% Park, Specific, Plan Mitigalion. Monitoring Reporting Program(MMRP),mitigation, measures in ac-cordance with ISI 54W)WIPA I 5-002,2'� W Rmobilior IEM.1.9-0003 Vhigp,4 1' , Prior 60,tile aprx.oval oftile first Building Perinit, awl pussuant to Chq)ter 5 oftlie 10111ay River Buginesg Park Specifie,Plan,a,conTmhensive signProgmm1br.,the Otay River 13,usifte!m Par,�k sball,Ix sutanifted,W,and reccive approval,hy 1,1, Prior to appmival rat' an individual tamn't improvement p1mis, an acoustical Study for lie Projed must fxt s4b"IRIed 1`01° rem and,nipp-oval, by the,Zoiiing,Adiitini.-5,Ucul or. Land,Mvelopausit Division/14ndscape Architecture Div-41,10a A, GDSNERAI,COMMENTS AND FEES:, 12, Thc, followitig f'6es and ollm, wk-Iftionall fimi if tkjn,)Iicable willbe, re(pire(lbamd, (.m, the F Building Pkmg submittelod. Plicase"Se/e,refctcfxt,to fee Schedule at,. nwxl ................ W(' al .................................................................................... ta ..................... liar bj. Thaffic Signal,Feas e, Public NlAfit Developly"Ient (ITIrkadf,aV' s (PE"DIF) cl. Western TranVottation Development Impact Fees i(WTDIF) e. Ortay Valley Rood Fee, Recovery District,Fees I It taller J,"mgirWXMog Focs,as applicable peg' refercn,ex-d Mmster For,:Schedule. 111 Additional deposbri or fee.,q in accordmxe: With, the: C"lly Subdivision MIgnual, a MastrorIFOO SrAwdule:nuty,be reqpire,4 flor tlW, , 8xibmiflAt fthe following;item.S: b. Encroakhment Petmit 1.4. Ho to tlife apmval Ofarty Planmihg Entitlement, the ownedapplicant shall submit idu licate ,P Pi copics ofall, commercial, indu*, Ial, or mulfifWnily Pix)j4..'as" in digital fbmlia� M.,xit, as (PXF) garra;plAir, fife, on au CD or throtigh e-mall based, on Califamia State 1"Ime Coordinale Sau em (NAD 83, 7one 1+ the City"'s GuWelines 1"6r, Digital Submittal, J.)XI file 811411 iJklude a"utility Plan showirkg any and allroposcd,,%, r or glorm dm (in she, ,P 4wc 84� �AMEM 5,114.E.E.IdAN C.O.Mm N."". 1 S, All, d;,WeNvays s1vatl, co'n.form to the ('311, of' Chula, Vista"s sight distm-ce rquiremejUs in uo,)rdamt:with Section l..' ,1 ofthe Municipal Ccmk., orips X11 not obstruct die,visibility,of my driver at t& reet inter sec,lions ot vim r. 16. Praf)osed, Fire Accros, Roadshall, incvt 11-20, Loading requiren is, or idiall, be dtsigriod, ibr a Tmflic Index,('17.1)of 5. PCkulimijon DR1.9.003 Pap" q I. ',, Tem orary sm�provernents(such,m feme,,asphalt ramps, sig P petc) lou aW. in the Il ala cdi,gh( of wqy,011ty0a.11WITIMITS or City,ovat OpcIri,Spa"., UM will,requin-,an h'.6mcroW,mu-nit Permit. 18, Ux, Aj?plicant shall dernonstrale conipliance, with, the current Califfinfia I'lumbin,'g, Code, gninimum srweT grade (121/4) limn thoc, fartfirst unit, on die sitar 0.) ,thc stwer inain within 4W, ProJect, D. STORM IYATER MANAGEMEMr: 1910 All c(instruction sites ame required to implement,Construction Best"Management Practices, ( ;M me),In we sur vvith,01c pem6muirice stamInds outlineidin,APPemlix K,of du-,BMP' Design Manunt In gerioral., 8. For,Projects, di.%Wrbing:one,(1) wre,or rnore requires coverage;WRler and cxmp]I iance with, the., Corustniction Gcnffal Perimit (C(31% the mnstruction RMPs must be i4c);ItIfied in a SIx),r-mWWerPo,Il u0m), Prevention Vlarii(SWIIIII.,I) lay be b., For PnTjCCt thAt q,LWirIes for' an Erosivity Waiver undem the, CXIPIa, C'IS, WP('.',,P n submitted in li cu of a S W PI'Tflow r°, if,!be: Erwivity Waiver ex"t"m I r° s, Imor toprqjcc�t comm.P101,10fl,the pr(Imet aPplicant:shall obtaia amw Wac Discharge,Identification,numlxr and submit a,SWPPP,, ,20, A completc,and accurate Notiec-of-Intent(NOI) raust,befiled"with Itic Sm Diego Rtgional. Watet Qualfty (.7,011trol Board (S'R,WQ(.'7l3' 'for any prt�j'ft,,t covmd umWer tht,CGP,. A�CO.py I of the ackncmUl N I has, zQ'i'ved fbi,thia Pm, gmment fforn the SIRWQ(7B that a bccn jv JIMI(I 8,1411 he filed Wid"11 11,w ("Ity, of(,',hula,Vista wficnrecei.vC.M. 2 1, Projects shot] comply vath, the,, mquiverm.,its of Ibe, National PoIllutant, Dimburge, Eliftkift3fi,M) System,(NMES)Grjv-rall Pen.nit,f Storm,Wi-aer Dischargers Amociate vd,,Ih Industrial Activities(IG1,11) C.)Tdcr 2014-O(*7-I.)WQ E. PRIVATE ONSITE IMPROVEMEN LSk, 22., All proposed siclewalks,, walkways, pm lestriam ramps, and, di.%abled parking sbAl, tv, desi,gaed to,meet the(Ity olf'Chula Vista Design Slitrkdar-ds, ,Ar,limL-rieauns,with [Asability Act (AI)A' Slanda*s,and Thlc'24,5tandIards,as ap plicablie, F. cc muldo te umftst;, .. ..... 231Ilio obtain approval ull'flx-,Covenant ,Conditions&Restriction's(CURs') prior to aliproval of the,jFjnaj_P( _M:ap I'd' the id, 'C&'R,*s shatl I ImAude ibIIow'Iqg:, a, Indemnification of'City for,privatc,sewcr!.Vitlage. b1.4.9ting, of maintakwd private:facilitits. 0 111c City's right but not the obli& , ;atic PC Reza kalAm DR,19-0003 I?agc 16 d., Provision, that m private facilities shall tv reqqesW lobecome, pubfic unt M,, all 1mwnc-rs mW 1 0%of t4z,,,first mottme obl I igm have signed awitten,petition., e� Maintenancr, of all Walls, fences, lighting structums, paths, recreafionat amenifics, and structures, sorwagp feu c'ilitile's, drainage,stnw.uircs and,1m..dsua �in I p 9 1'. Implernont mfucation and,entbromentprogram to,lwvent dic dinharge of 1,11utants fiam, t)o all on-site gouitms to the storm water coInveyanct:systent, 24. Sixid, C!C&Rls shall be c�,onsistent, with, Chapiter 18.44 of(lu 'Subdlvisi.oft Orclinancc, and shall be; reCorded concumently,with dw Final, Plarml Malp. G. CHULA MIS'FA MIJNIIJI�AL QQJDE,.=? JJW 25. Pri Any, vate facilffics,(if app icable) within die Public right-of-way or City casenw.nt will I A ti!Dtlt,olimproveniL,�ntPan,or,, ailding]"erraita roval, I B PP 26, All utilities aim,vi;ng thesubject property and exisking uti lities lova W Within oraraj mxnt 1b Ox., Rubject, Property shall. be -ander p-junded in accord:asnce: with, the Mtmicipal, Code, Furtivar, all nm utilities Oving,the: subject Propedy shall,be uindcrWgounded prior to, the, issuancof8tulding,Permil& 27,. Upon appmval of thct)eani gxi Roview and,prior to, aPproval afid, issuance ofany 1341ilding Pertnit, dw: Ap licant shall submit dirce, (3� WS Ofcompletc: .la mimm coms-truction p0 clocuments for approval, denifonstrating dmt Ow in8talled landscape, will, comply, with die Ch "of Chula,Vistal.AvW;scapcl)Water Conwryation,Ordinance�(' ' WCO), C op.ter 20.12 of' the Municipal Code,,,. 'rho title slwct ofthe c4xistrmtion dra*fngs; "ll also include, the signed statmenthom the ImWIscalpt, a.r6itcm.'t of work,O's,flow above,, ;11 manor 118miliar With and,a tri,comply wit.1f,the,requimMonts offt larmbcapc imptowt-ment plans as,described in Chapto-20 12"of lilt(114Y of(", ula,Vista Municipal Code, I have prepared diese Plans in,compliance wit!)those re"Rulatiolm F ce tai thri�xt Itm, p1m] implements the rep 14-ifiong to pmvidc el."ficient wawr ase),) [AndscW;:constrixtion documents,qlol l be s-ubpriflVed,m a,separate pwk-age, Building'Divislon 218. This Ptqect must he design W-1 by mi Architect,Of E'.11,girwer licensed by,the tat t of(7afifornia,, [Cafil rbrnia,l3uqsim imams and Prof6sslonal Code 55316,1, 6735 1., I'M The Applican(Amall PM,vidt a,Note on the covcr shect indicating thisProject will camply w,th 2016 Califomia,Building C,'We,201 (.Witbrnia,Exiergy,Code,20 16 Califbmia Fire-Co4c,.20 11 6 Calif6mia, ElectricalCott-o, 2016' California P"lumbing Code, 2016 Califomia Mechanical Coodc,, anki 2016 Califbrnia Green 'SSUmdards Codt as adoFAcd and, amerWed by the)� Strang: of Cali fornia,and the Cilty'of'Chtila Vista., Fire Departatent tom!Rm�I uti Pap,7 JQ, Prior to,final inspection, the Applicant %hill obtainimy all, fire jxmxits related tic) under"Mund fise'rvices lutflities, fire-sprinklers wid fire:alarms. u.. ne imloNvi in on-,go�I ing,coInditions shail apply to tbz Project Site:as,long as,it,relies on,tht"S approvat, 3 L The Applicant, shall hustall all IWIdsC ,pial I and hardscW-, irnpTovo,'nents in accordance wifli the approved LmWdscape Plaft. 1'"Okiscapiq'shal I be mmintait cul by the, owner at"KI,sumessx."n,in, perp,etuilty,,incliudirig any strect trees in the ng ht of way, 32, Apjroyai offliC rNzsIgn Review Peimit shall not walve coo liar any�e,ctiklns of'ritle 19 of the Munici;)a) (,ode, wr my Ober apiplicabk-, laws arW regulations in efibctthe time offti[ding Permit issuainit-At. 33 17he Proi Owner arul Applicant shall itnd do agret,to indeinnify, Pro'lixt, defbnct and held harmless,("Ity,its City Council,members,,Planning, Curr mi. sion,Membem. l "ucen",employ,ft".8 and,representatives, fr6m anda-gair,'st,any aild all liabilities losses, dan'llages,dunandi,claijus utd costs, including, court cAnts and, attorney's fm (willectivugly, liabililies) incurm.A, by flw, Cris it aini Y I &dimcAly or indirectly, ftoin(a)''("Ally s PI Oval and issuance,of this Design R aview, y other Peo 1) rm,m-dinted,onary, in couneclion vvuWl 1w, Lue contemplated an, the Project, Site and, (C) any ,environmental determinatio-nis f6r, tfic pvt j 1X ro Ilie Pro rty wricr and, Applicant Aall IIII O ,l led their a .meat to time :provision Iyxecutinga copy 1"�'thIs DesI gn Revielw xy, Own PI ice With this Permit w,&,rc indiealW, Nolow The,; Pvvet .er's atul, Appilicant's corn, iat I pi n,s1W !be binding, on.tiny and,all of the Pwperty Owner's and Applicant's summors and,aaaigps. 34.,"]'his Dimsily)''Review Permit shall beearne v and hw-ffective,if not utilized,within three years from the eftlbcdve date diocreof"., inamoirdum with ; lion, 1,9,14AX)of the Muni4pw 111. GOVERNMENT(MDE SEX"I 10N "020(d)(f) NDTI('E Purswrit to (kwerrinlent 'Code, 'S"ecdon 660210(d) (1)-, ,N0`T((rE IS that telae 90- dayP eriod to protest mpo the is"ition of any, llnpwt .kt, dtdinflomer n,, vation, or oti er exulion desct-lbed in difis resolWionibegins,on,thQ eft—live datc,ofthis,rics-oi amid any.5uch,protest must, bin,a,manner that conliplies%ith Government C"O&Section,6,6070(a)ariAl.fa ilure,to tini�,ei follow this powedure, willbar any subsq.uent legal acti tion, to attack,, revim, set aside,,, void or annul, Imposition. The tight Ix) protest thc fees, dedicatiolwis, re-ax-rVatlions" or othICT exactions, does, not apply to planning, 7zning, grading, or other similar appl ication,prrocessing f6es or service fu es in, coinudion with this and it does �nw.)t apply W, any t'�x-n, dedivation, rug .r or,other exactions which have, been given riotice, similar to this, nor does, it, revive chullenge's to any foes, fin which the stat uie,offirnitations has Previowly exp irext. IV. EXECIPTION OURE USOIAYTION OF APPROVAId "d Ma Pri Owner and ApPlicunt shall, execute this doctimient signing ot,,t the lines pix)ivided 3(1 1 7 I IMP. txOow, 1rudio-afing thO the Prcf", , y Oww�r and Applik"Ord, luave each, reW, undemstood and agr",A nedherei, nId will Uponekezut"On, thl'$,doow-nont slia R arab rpt A- DeveloplMent ....................................—......... ...... ................... Y ........................— ................. Devok.1pnKtat. LLC Richard,Slutuns,,1 Oe J�3 reslArnt ............................. .... Purina'mf Naln Data 11p) ore of icalu ........... . ................... ............. Otay Pivcr Rtr&iness Park Development, LILC Richa Sim I rd. Pt-imted Name of'Applif',a n i V", CO�NK,,F,1QUFNCE OF T"AIJAME OF(X)NOTTIONIS, 11,tloy Of thu fare mita cotkii6ons fifil 4a.iec:or iT or if they an., I)y their tcuns, to W. impliern,",a,i.ted, aml maintaitud over (Ime, if any ofsuch cmdit,ons All tx), be so itnplotri cuu-'A, god nvdLutAh'W'd acoord,11I to their t'I t1w- City s4mll have tbe rlight (e consWer, in, a ooticod publiQ,, hicaritv wndiuoted, L-Wer, SeQtian T 9,�1*2 70 of the Mionk,,IpalC(Ae, whtA"., to revoke or Tnodify all P m�, 04 ap, rovals Iin. grunWd,. deny,,.or fttil,,h-er conctiliorl,issuanct 'i,]] fWI ureI building pexdeny. , svvo,ke, ar,fi-wr0i r condtion all, certificates of accopancy lssk,icd undew the aluthority old approval s, hei d[rhgrwitedd, ftistlj,t,uU,, and,prosec-uIx'O, I, itipti"on, to C*,mpel (heir compli"alice 'MA1 said coIjAiliell's or sink,dam,R&OL5 for flicir Vi(Aation, Faittiroto,aaflisify the cgrOftiolls ofthis pe'I may a regi it in the itrip ositiori oficivi"t or lerifnittal,pe'lla,Ifit's. Vt. INVAIAIWITT AUTOMMA,TIC REVOCA111)NN It is Ovek ink.-astion Plannin (.�,ommiuiori that Its adopfibn, mil Ilii Its depon.dieti: ktpon the,cliforceability of cacfi. muLd every tferni, provision and cpincl flop hellreh! at d; aml that ffi,, t1w., west tbat ariy wwi or' store tw,,rfis, p1rovIw1011.5 Or, C()Ixfitions are deterinined 6y a COILArt Of 00M.PC(ellf j UdSdiOiori to be: iiwvatid, dloi l. or nils res,ologion wyl,the,pemlit shall, be deminaA,' To be autcmat'ically revoked, w1d of no A111ber,Awe and effect" 14omII In stwh, art, event,dijw�-.Proorty Owner/A )p, ficant shall ham thc right, 6y �ying a pliuiblc ro-w%kin .,f " w ,P p I PLA p, p g ee bring wt F N=iest for El, C01141,6011al U ,PorwJ4 without the '11111valiT` c(miditions(s) liack to 1 ,ie lis-et-iotiury body w1tic iap 11, I ,pc roved the Permit a,dietcmtinaticirl by,I'liat body as to whether,o I� of the 61W,111gs 1,1a `t-Issrity f6r the issuij° of the PT(TP(,,)sW Ilernilt can st-U] be made In the ahscnoo, (If,the "invalild",cc,1rWiticFtI(,$). MO.)= bod, 0 , y Y shall, have the ahsolute, ri0s-)l to aj)plrove, djsp ;rove inor m,�odi ftie protiosed, Perinit arid Ito mulifian(s) co'n.ttuiriet! 1"C:N esolWa;cyn,11)R1,9,4001 P, ,19 Pmented byy- Approved m to form b ,. -.. Kelly Br6ugfW PASSIH), AND APPROVED BY THE PLANNING C.,"OMMISSIONOF 111E CITY01F CHULA VI's IA, ("A ,.1,1 ORNIN this 1 day ,oil August 220119,E by-the fh1lurrwi IoW,to-wit: AYE'S,. 1 q0t ,D t,,Rosa, (,'Wierrez, Milburn,Nara,, Toz, ZRker NOR&R& BENT_ 01 TTI '