HomeMy WebLinkAboutDR18-0011 am.MA)"FlION,,NO. DR, 1.84011 RESOLUTIOo:F mt,, CTI T OF (101A VIASTA PLANNIN(.�l (,,VMM'LS,6",'1 ' AP'P'R,OVIN : DESIGN REVI'FW PER.Mrvaip", m TO, ALLOW' FOR CONSTRUCTION OF' NINE (9) BUILDINGS "11'i MT APPROXIMATUM 89,1073 SQUARE-FEET ON' A VAC�ANT PARCEL C*ONSIST`lNG, OF 5.72-ACIRIUS LOC ATEMAT 2430FENTON'S"IMEE.71' W LHF,RAS,:,,on June 1A, 2()l$ adia , dal, verifiled at,)pNuxtion ftyr a,D4eviFW tn R11)"Urlyll"t Mod with the(',�ltyof, ('.'hula Vista,Demlaq (ApplicAuit); and, WHERJ;!'el&S, d application, rcqucStS approval of a Design Review, Permit to allow consttutlion of nine cummerciallidui W—ial buildings Wallng appmxlitnately 891�073 sqwe44e(on i approximately 332-acres, located at 2.4310 Femtomi Strmot; and, Wl,11.lR.fi,A$, the ama ofland that �of this Resolution is an exi.Ang site consis'dog, of oneparec]. (APP' 595-711-20) located en lbe ,xmoth side ofFertlo.ni Street, betn Lalw,Avenue ond,(Xay 1-akes1Zoad (Project Site,); aml, WHIMEAS, the Development, Semi= Directot has mwitwed, the propowdPf"Dject f(,,.)r complim)), , with!he (',�'afifomia,Envirol'I'mental Quality Act and Im&tcnnined that theproposed, Wx,)ject uattly mvered, by existing Mitippled, NegmfiVc, Declaration (IS-00-4,B) Mitigatbon Mfynitorimg and Repc)xting Program adopted by the Chula Vista ("'it y coumil on 0corilvir 28, t 999. Nolurther environmental review is requiovd;and WI-TEREAS, (be'Di:rmt(.,W of Developimcnt Scrvkcs set t1 Time art d pfikce f6r a bcaring on 61. the De ',gn,Review, Pcinait application, andocoke, ofthe heating, together with its purpok�w., vas given by its publicaticnin a mewspaper o(Wne-ral circulatioii in the G�y and its mailling 6)property owners and, residemIN wilhin 5100 fectof the exterior bounda6es o�flhe projtx%tty at teamm, 10, days pT lb r to the h mrin&.;and WHEREAS:, the heanag was held at the timeandplact, as adverl-l" in the Cowwall ChamIxf"s,276 Fourth Avenme, be-fore the Planning Commissi,o,a and,ttw h, dvg was thereafter clos-ed.;and WHEREAS, the Ptannin�g Commission havingy receive4 codaitl evidence at the SL]IbjcTt hearing,,ws set forth in the:r mm'd ofAs Procieedin p,therein,reviewed,dw. - 1.)OsigmReview(DRJ$�- 0011,; 'Ti�,�IE,R.F,)'Fq,.)�R,.]-'!',,,. 13E IT RESOLVI.31) that, the City of Challa, Vista Plannitig, C animisuglon,does hemby fli n(l anA deternii ne a,;fb I I Qws. I. EONVIRIONMENTAIREVIEW' That the 1,kvelo neat serviv-. 1)[im' ':4or h.tis reviewed the �ropose4 Project for cornt,)fianee M. I P With theCalftVirnhi Environmental Quality Act and,hm delomwined'that the proposed Pro, at e 1, ed by existing Mitigated Negmtivv DmIaration and Mitigation Ject was adequ Y cover Mon&mbg aml, Reporting Progtam ISOO,03� adopted Iliy the (',lbula. ViMa. City, Cmatwil on Cktober 28, 1999, oild thoref6re, nofunher,etivimnniental review is m.poired. IL DESIGN REVIEW L ThAt the 'Prepasod Projed: im, consistent with Ok,dory,vidopintat, resulations, contained :in the Chu la Visfa ,mjunkipsl Co4e, Govemmettt CW Chula, Vista Nsi "I It* g said Eastlake Business Ctmiter H Sectional Planning Area ( 'N) 'Pl m and Design Gaidelfims. 'Me: PtOiect Site is, dvsiF3afed I)C-4 and is pelllit ed or pa"nitted Aker mws,,71m;rMilect is in compliance with the Eastlake,Buiness Ceiller,11 Sectionall Planning Area (§PA), Plan and Design, (ILsidelims and is comiistent with the., Callfbirnia Grovernment, Code and Cluda, Vista Municil),all (7ode, (CVMQ., 'The: Applig'an't i's prolIx"Wingto Nifil)(fau."A of�mine (p) itidusim"I buildings.' The Prqjject providms open patking" sl), es arKI landscaped areas in, conjunction with the building, (,ksign. Landsmipiqg haserr placed ahmkg the perimeteesu-ofthe ,site and around dw jmrking lot area., Enhanoed ars„hitecturall detains—areproposed allong the street, elevatiorm Tlx,,� Project,moe:ts, the zone m-Ittirenwn(ts. Z, Uat the propommed ProJect is consiste-irit with the dmign, vvquireatents and retommendations contained in the Ex laBusiness (",enter 11' SPA Plan and development standards rofthe Chula Vkta Msiga Guidelinems., All buildings wi 1, be coms-truelvd in mmxele� filt, u (paimed), which will include swrefirmt I I P symms with steel,canopies at eadm building:entrance to P110videborizantail, is do li'Mrs. Each builtding will, be, provided with a strip of'IM14,90apinjacent to the exterior walk Overallo the,aMmitectum, %vill have dif' �ent hon"ZOn'ta"11 atul,vetfical plam; to break wall confirioily,and acale, 1,11C S0011"lem edge ot the Ptoject has been &sigped to co,niply �vhli the,� sewmit highway, req uimneo.ent by facoilng the main e,,ntrances to 1he swuth edge ofthe, properry. "I'llis rava&- inclu4cs, lighted can , skxelftont 'SyStem corners, and tmi,iiited comevete: tilt up. The 1xvd.w. ape desig-11 will, Provide a row, of trees 0'.) sereem the buildifTom the [tig)iway. Additionally, the &xmnasus Ixamdaty, contains a Liaturally stee), SION�x (Approxinvatedy 25 lbet.) that Will reduce 1,11c,view ftom,the highway below. -IFY 1 31) f3E U FLJRT1 3R I RESO M! ' thwu tbe. 1111anning, Commission, bmed on, the, findt"'rip above,hereby,approves die 1"IX)Jelct subjvct to,the following comfidons, FIC, RmItIfim DR 1&001 11 Nge 3 111. (".77ONDIFIFIONS OV :PP ROVAL 111e, fbiloWng Shall, acicomplished to the SatiSfactioll, of the Director Of I".)evel'opment Serviv ,or clesi esgnme,prior to issuance of Builldinig Pennit%. unlessOtherwise cif ed Planning 1XVIS'lou 1, The Prpject Site sbal't be develoj:wd anil maintained In, accordame, with the approved plans, whic,"bi include Ske. and I'midscape Plams, Floor P'Lan, and EkOvation Plan on file in the Development Planning Division, the con4ifians c4,.)-n[t ned, 11cmin, and,Chula Vista M'�inicipal Code("Murticilyal,Code,"'or"'CV l(:;1`)Title 1'9_ 1 Prior to,, or in, canj unction witli the 6'suance; of the, first Bui Iding Perm it, the, Applicimit sball pay all app licable Srf6c" inclukling Einy unpaid, balances, of`peg grit processing feefor det.mit amount DDA0235, 3. TIve colom and, materials spec cif iod oil, tile Building I'llans must be consistent with, the colors and male6als Aown, on the Site Plan tind cok),red materials slxvt approved by, the Pltannin� commission. 4, A grall iti resistant trealtntnt shall be specified for all, fir.4-floor woAl md, building surf"ac m. This shall be of for mv Biuildir%g and all.Plans., Additionally,the Prqject all conform, to Section,9,20.1015.5 oftMunici. r ocle, egm ding gmftl contr,6L, IJ pal C 5. All roofall)INirtei-mces, imuJuding air cAmtditione", mid,other roof mount'eid equiptnent amVor projectiom shall lac Shielded from view and Clic sowid bu&red ffimiadjac=vt properties and, atretts,. ISuch Iczeening shall Iv. ,arcIfitecturiAty integraled, With the building desiv.-i, All rutin 1. moutAcd Utility appu4cilances Suctli as transfomcirs, ACcondensm, et as, Aa]] be locatc:4 oixt of public view and adequitly screened, throup i t use, of a combiI natim, �of he I v:xrwrete oir tnmnrywall s,beTming,andler lm&waping, 7,. ,lll tefio.)t lighting sduidl, include shielding to,, retnove an.y glamo fron-,t adjacent residenis, Details fbr said lighting shall, be iricftxlxl in tbe Archilzc�tu,ralPlans,, 'iIlc; Applicant shall. obtain approval,of a Sign Pemitfiyr can is Sign. Signs shall coniply with all applicab[c, of Ott, NwAkipaA Code. 9. Pdortx3 Lssuanceof(],,rading argil Building Permits,, lilt,Applicant shall dcwnormmratecompliance with all of Tb e fllastlake Business Center IF Mitigatioji 1 'or"dtorin ,Rr1ingPr, a rn(MURP) MifigatiO,n fnEd'SUTV&in accordxxm: with N-001-03. 101. in we(Vidmice with Section 11,43A of the,Ikstign Guidelines fin the, Eastlake Biwsincms, Center 11 Supplemental STIA, a con,tpmfiensive Sign,Program f6r,flie. Prcjectshall be submitted to and reuive approval by the Zoning Adminkralor. J PC,Rewkxioa,DR][8-00 1.1 PW, 4, 11. Prior lo, approval of any individiwl tenan't improvement plans, an, acx,)ustital ^�tudy for the Projecit must he,sOntitt'Ki f1br,mvie,,w and approval by,theZoning Administrator. 11 Any deviadons frorn, the Conditionally per-miltcA, uses, or in their hours of'operalion, as autlined in the, "?arki.ng Study, for Eastlake Park Place'"' prepared 11y Un, d' ,,sc ott, [Aw, and (.Jreenspan, (F 1,Q), d0ed Julty 2001 201,11%, shall,neve�ssd.tatt-' the subnlitlal of A,revised parkiag analysis fibr review,aml aPprovat poor to issuance of any additional, tertant, IMPA"INCIMIC'n't. pku. m. wi,th Mid i&%='we of any additional tenant improverrient plam be,111g at the digctetion of the,&)xting Administrator whialt may be, withfield, Land Developme'll"t A, GENERAL g:,QMjMj2 N 13, Twhw: rol.k1wing fev% wid other addifiomal fixg if applieublIe will lire required lard on dxw 17[nal Building Plans submitted, Me=see, r.efitretlee to the city"s Master Fee Sehe4' le ate hl.'tz Igtoo a...'. stqr'.4'6gn��hp&jg ....................... ....................... a. Sewer anit Capeity Fees b,. Traffic Si se Fee,,;,, C4 pkibliQ Facilities I)eveloptnent Impact Fws (FPFDIF) d. E i.Tn!"ortafion Development lmpacit ` �TDIP) le" (Miler]"I'ngineering Is as appl cable per reftrven"d,Muster Fee Sewule 14., Additional deposiLs or fias in awordox= with the Subdivision Martwil and, Master Fee Schedule!will be rNjuired for the:suhtnittal of theCoflowi g iterns, a, Grading Hams 1% Strocot 1,111Provenw,1111 p1tans c. Final Map, 1.5. PH1(.,srtodw�approval of any,Planning Entitlement,the Owne,OAPPHaant shall gubrnit duplicate cqpW ofall, coaunercial, industfiat or nuiltitimlly Pr fects, in, dig lal f6rmat, smh 4%, (1.)XF0 gra-plue file, on a, CD or� through, e-rnail, based on, Cali"Romila, Stau., Plane ("oolAftatstem (NADI 81, Zojie 16) in, acconlaswe with, tile City's Guidelines for Digital SubIrniUaL DIX11W file, shall include a,utility,plen ng airy and all prqxxsed iewe or skvin drain on,Site. 1,6PleAj,)p1J!caat s—hall: clearly show existing and, proposed sanitary,sewer Hoes ml how the s!te Will corillec"t to the cit:y"'apul'Aio sewag,0 ,systeni,. AN Sewer laterals and stone drains, 5,11all privately niaintained 6=1 each tnuilding unit to 11w (Ily-Maintained,publicticilities. NO 5CNVL*,r line t Will be allcrwe'd to be located urt&r vxisting or proposed, buildings, The, App),icasit Miall indicate wbether sewer finels,are Private ar,Public, The Pub,lic Works OPeratkxv °tlon. 8hal.] h'.tq' =t'aqY CXM"Sti" Sewer laterals arm connecti,4-,nis that are:to,be used by the Ptoject, I.Aterals and,connections atay, need replacement as A,rendt(if this, inspection, K"RmWiemi DR 1341011 Page 5 1,7, All,proposedsi(Jewalks, walkwqys,la,edes(rian rantpa,mid dig Abled p mking shall lie designed to meet dw City of Chula Vista, Design Standard,%, Atmerkan's wit'll Disability Act (ADA) Stan4fa*,mid I`ide 24 Amud ardam, as q,plickle: 18,. Any pivafe ftucilities (if applicable) within, the public right-of-way or, a Chy, easement will requiTe,im Encroachment Pertnit,p,riot,to ravernent,Plan cpr l3uilding,Pt,,"n.itRpPnvval. IMP I 19, JI utilities serving 01p; subject projvmly alul,exisfing utilides located, within,(it adjacent-to. the su ;fect property sbil be undergtotmded,in mxonfanm with the Chula is Municipal C'Ne, Furthermore, all new utilifics,serving(be subject property, shall, be under grounded prior to the is"Isjuance:of'BUJIlding Pennits., 24 'Fhe:,Apj,)l1'!c&rvt shull provide a cimmlatilon,an alysis denionsttatlng,, a, Soli(I Wavle Truck Movemnos,th.rouOx,,.)ut,the Pr 6 eel,Site. b", Flow''Vehictes can turn aromd,wkn pulling out ofilie Prormsed parking staills 21, All drj,vciwws shall oonforim, W, the: Cli1y of Chula Vista's sight dhOaura cae mquiremerits, in omordaner.:wilhSlection 12.42.120 of tht Municip,a]Code. Also,landsczpinstd.0,f4mitige, orsigmshall mt obstruct the viSibility of any drivcm,at,the shvef in',termidans or driveways. 122. Proposed Fite Access Roads shall imeet,11,20 Load.ing,mquirviments or,shall be desigived fbIr a, Traffik''Index,(LL)of 5, 21, Ternporaq I mlyrovements (smh as fences, aV,, .hat( ranirks, signs, eta) located, in the public right-Of-way (", Y, C W. y " ,It mmnmt, or cit Gvnmr IOIJNII SPOCC AtS will Mquire, an 'I'acro mbment Pelmit pfioito Imp:rovenwnt Plan,or,114i ilding Pennit approval, ,C., SEWER: 2W T1 pplicant all demonstrate compliance with the current Catif6mia Plunking Code, minimum sewr grade (2%) ,korn the bAhest unit, on, the sitc, to the sewcr. main witilin the, Project. IX 25a The j,"m*4 shall coimply with, all the mquirements, of the National Pollutant Dischargv ElIkiination System permit (Kinicipal Separate Storm Swer Sysitans, Order No,,. R.9'-2.013- 000, and as aawn&d b4 1 m i y0rderNosl?9-210115-0 I &R9-20115-011,100 (11MS Pe Wland(leily Of CITUIR ViStt BMP Design Manual, Dene m,lxr,210 IS and im augur endled (BMP I.k--sign Manutd) Pniorterm Plannhg at 0 al ,wp rov documentation shall, be Provided, to flie Ofthe City, dentonstrute Such compliance, A copy oftfv:BMII Design Manual is,available on the City,of Chula Vista,wekwilte: PC,Resoididt, DA i8-t0 111 Pa gp 6, pm. 2& ui rL:rnentsApplicabliity q. Checklist (IntakoForm) R)r All Pemit,Applications (see Appa4x AA, of the BMP [knign Manual)with any Planning Application r aL 27. All, constrimbion siitcs: art-, M-luired, to), implement Constrtmtlott Best Managemerit Practices (BMPs), �in, accoMance, with the perf6l't'll'ance Standards ouffined, in Appendix K, of the RMP Dip, Manual. 2& 'Me!Applicant must rtiter tanto a,StoffnWater Managoment Facilities toenwtually mAximmin all.pemminent BMI's located within the Prx.)jmt prior to issua.nee of any Girading,Corvstnmlion,or Etuilding Pertnits, wifiche octurs,Ant". 291. The APP11 icant shall submit a detailed Opelvfion,& MAintemame(O&,M),plan,for all,pernment perible: of the RMPs., Llpon completion of loonstruction of B,MPSfPrqjeCt,, the,Appficant Shall,Up4ateVrIna-117e,the I'llanto mffixt constructed structural BMP s with,as-buil't plans ,and baslin photos., 30, All, commmlion sites, are mcloirlim ed to plement ("onstru0ion-OMPs, in acex.)rdancr. with the performance standaas outlill M. in,,Appendams K, ofthe IMP Tknign,Mi mm In generl a. For projects disturbing mile, (1) acre or rnoev, roxjutrem coverage under and. complimjoe witil. tlx, Construction Genexal Pemit (C(.3P), the constrLictit mi BMP's :mium llie, identiried, in a Storm Waler Pollution Prevention Plan,(SWI?"M b, Fox, pmilect that, qualiflies for all, l,:1,1r0S1v1 Al"alver under the C(],P, a CSM-1103 inay bel m bmitted in, Hell,of a, SWPPP., However, if tile 1;wmsj,vity, Wai ver expl.re's prior to prqjilect cornpletion.,, the, AppliCan't slml] obuin a,new Waste, Disebarg-C Identification, jl�all(I �Vublnit a SWPPR 3 1. A colmplete and accumte Notice-of 4ntait (NO 11) mu.0 be, filled, withtham; San Diego, Regiflo.Ral , 1 01 Water Quality Control, I'loWd, SORWC71.1 for armor projed covered under the CGR A c4YP Y �1 tille aiark,,ri(owledgetne,mit tioni the. SD,RWCB, that a NO ham been rectivexi tk)r this Project S1151 I bt,filed,with the City,of Chula Vista NvIten recelvvo& 32, PrOjetts shall con'llply with the reilluirernents,of ffit, Naltional PlollUtant Discharge ERM.hlatiolt Systaim (NPl.)FS,3l) (ioneral Pernfit fix Sum Water D,=' ha.q;,ers, Associate with, IfIdUSITU'd Activil ties (1K.1 11) 2.011 -0057,[l)krQ, 33,�, T"he Al-.jilicant shall obtain approval of 01c, Project (.'bvenants, (�nditions, & Rastrictions i 'CC&,,R"s) prk)rtai all p,j�oval,o,f'tt,w, MinalMaP. wing: PCRePtolutidtj DR, 19,41011 Fagj�I In4envolimtion,of Oty f6r private sewer,spi'llagpe., K Indemnification, Dek-me & Hold Hanmims of Clity, c, Usling offtiluirttainedprivatt fiacilities", d., Thet City'g night but not the obligation to,enfurce CC&R,`s c,,, provisiom tat no private fh(Jllifies Shall, 'be requested 0) bm,mmtibito unless aft homeomitts,and 100%(if tbo first mort bfigehave signext awitten etition, f Maintananec ofall wafls* f6we.-., lighting trim s, jx4lis, rwreatiomil mmenifies arid, *Se ping. Structures, Sewage Ca6litiels,id"r-aint �stmetures and landsca I Imp I Lqm ent educaion,and,enforce men t j,.Yro V am,to p revent the,discltWe of pollulants frkml g 4111 ork-ske sources lo,lie stonri, water conveyamr, systen-i,. Said (..!CWR`s slmfl be comisten't with, (,"hapter 18.44 of Itie Subdivision Ordinamee and, Shall tv recouleti cone"In'Tantly,With the Final P. 3$, This,Pmject most bdasigned by an Arellitect,orEjigineer Hcetimi tthe StaW of Cafifmnia., Calif ia, Rusimtss am' (77A 536.1, 6,73,5, 1 36,, The Apptimtt shall,provide a NoW on,tc(,,.)ver,%heet imficatiog this PmJect Nvi it ccumply With the 201,16 Califom.iia Building,Cu&n, 2016 Cal ifarnia 13hergy(",ode,2,,()1,16 Ca,jj fignia, r1r,e(1`1% 20416 califol-rda,1131ecivical,(*6de,,20116(.7iti.f5orma.Plumbing Code,20116('741ifomia,MechankA. Code, and, 20116 Califxyrnia Green Stmidt.-urds Code mg, adopj'e,4 =4 amanded by 111e, State of Calif mia and�the:City of'("hulay sia Fire Department: ,37.,P-dot to,final inspection,dw,Applicant shall obtain,mly all fire PeTatib rel aW t im4ex,91rounct, flre, services udflfifire,qtrhiklers amf r1re:Wdamns., IV, GENERAL(.",ON'D1r'rI,(.)NS OF APPROVAL "Me fbillowing: on-going: conditions shall qpprofect Site mti lwigas it relies on, this approval,, 38,, 'the APpficant shall hl-,;-;,tall all-larxisca,jitng and hami W11.: tniprovealetits in 9 curJanw, with, the rale pvvedt.aod"v, Plan, I.Andscapinn shall be maintaim-4 by'the owner,wwW sarm m:ssor In ptrpelullyl,hicluding any street tree, in,lbe right ofWay, 39. Due to overhiinging of automoMles irate thelands"1011 lri rr.t✓m r area,adjactnt to the East prop is lim, all, larxiscaping alor% this edge slmill be a low spreading groundcover wi1b, n-laximim h6ght:of 6 inches,. Siald landscapi;119 shaltbe:maintain exi On a,healthy and,thriving Lo.ndition's 0. . pproval' of'the Ikk pm Review 11'emidt, stiall rv,,A waive cornrr4janze With tiny'recti ons ofTile 19 of'0 e u,nicipal Code, f1m my other ap ti I Im , plicable laws and rcgulatknis inn effect at,1b. e ofl.)WId,mg Pennit issuanu. PC RmWm DR i'&-001 t PR90:$ 41, The Pro y, Owner,ark Applicant sliall ami do agree to indemirY,po, , defend rid hold pen 40Ct and,reprseiitativ'es,from and, irust any and,all liabilifliesI'low, s, demnands, claims =I co'sts, ine"Juding court c4mAs alui, attorney',-.; ft-es (coltectively' fiabilitles') incurred, by die Girt yarising„directly or indirectly,fioni i(a,)City's approval mud,issuanc-v of this DesignAeview, I,lermitr (11) city"N,approval,or issuance.,ofanyother permit oraction, wbiedier 1xv-ofior dionary in, con.nectim wldi the uut; , c) Content,plated, o:ft the No ect i Ste zutd ( � any euvironumntaI &-terminations, fuer, the Project, Uic )"Toperty Qwier andApp,llcar,4 shall, zAnowledge: 11teir, agreement to this prov111S11'.(.in, by exetuting a, copy of this, Destgn Review Pemit where tndicalcd. below. 'The Property Owiier's, and Ap licant's comp iance with, this, p 11 pro,visioiri shallbay 'bit ilint g,on,any and all of the ("roperly Owner's and APplicant's suzA.7c,-,-.9orS and assip.g. 42111i's Design Re-Nd'ew.Pemit sti-all.becor void,Ems,imffective if neat utilized,within,thrceyyeani from the effklive date hereof, 'in accordance with 'Stdion l9.1:4,60141 ol'the Mbrdelpal Co& IIL, GOA: : ,NT orDDE STEXT[ON 660,20(4)(1),NOTICE I Pursuant" toGovemment Code Section 1660, 1(1N(Y"I"ICE IS Y,�GIVEN"that the900 daypediled to protest 11w, imposidon ofany ornpact f0c, &-Aicadon, msexvafiop., Or Other exactiml & dkxd in'this resolution be.gins on,the efIft-five date of this revolutiogi and any such,pmteMmus.1 be,in a mannL that,complies,with,Govenirnent,("ode Seqtia-,m,66022,10(a)and Nlure,to timely ro'llow this procedure will bur any Rulmsequent legal actioti, to, att4ick, relview, wt aside, void or annol, ittrr;ltolition., -['he, right to, protest; the fees, dedications, reservatioj'15, oio0w exactiormdoes, not epply to planninp, 2.10n I krig, gfadin& or ottier sirn-tillm-application procto4sirlgflces,or Service f6es in. C041MC6,A)MI Willi this project; and it: Cl" et not applY to, any fees, dedication, reservations, orothet exactions which, have 1,.)e-c:n given, notim, sbrilar to this,, nor does it revive, challenges to arty fem, fair which,thestatuWorf imitAm'.)ns hasreviousl expire& p I y IV, EXECUTION SMFIl 'OF APPROVAL rl"be Projr, ,rty Owner and Applicant shall execuu-, this doctunent giping an the lines provided Mc)w, imficating,that, thct P", erty Owrier ano Applicant have each, MIA, urkdet-sk.xart and agreed, to the conditions cojitained.herviol,md will i sanu:,. UpOn execution,this docuiment shall foumen be 5,i,g.t1eq_qudx0umed to th, .! t) t Stwices Dejm4niejA, 7 01" pro -d .. ......... ........................ ............................................ .............................................. ........................................ si, n ,g ,g ,gate aropefty 0 I I I + ................. ......, .............. ....... .................................... .......................... Printed Nanie.of'llro. I ty (0) Date .... ........................ .................................... ......................................... ........... .......... ...................... st, cur f pficluit, gr urv-011 T. aatar IT',Resolulioll,IJR,18,001 t Page 4) z......................... ......................................... ...... ............................. . ........................................................................ Pfintc-d Name of'Applicant V. CONSEQUENCE OF FAILURE OF CONDITION, $ If any ofthe foregoing conditions, fail to Mx"'Lfr' Ot if they are, by their terms, tobe iniple'Fx1elited ,mid maintwined over tin , if an of'sm'll, condillOns f4il to, be w impterrmted' ,aa d, maimmined, accordixig to thoir tcrmis, the City, shall. love the right w comsidet in. a noticed public lieaAng conducu,4 u.nder Sectiom 19,14,270 of the Munkipal, (,',ode wbetier, to, revoke: or modiry, all apprMIS,hocrcirt ggranttd, deny,m fin'theT com'11tion, issuance otall future buildiingpermit"s., deny, revoke, or ffirdwr contlition all certificates of occuPmey hq�kjg"'4 under, %he,, twivin granted, in's-Otute wid pros"Ute 'litipfion to con-1011, their comptrees ce, °ifth said conditions or mwk damagesfor their violation. Failure,to gutisf'y the uanditions of thfivfmrmit may also result �in,the impo5i1:ion,tof e�ivfl or eriminal,penalties,. VL IN"V'A.LIDl"FY�-, AUI"l'O(MA"ITCREVO�CA"F'1,0�14 It is the IfttelitiOn of'the, Planning Conumisslion that its adoption, of this. Resolutionis &,perident upon the, enforccWifily of'each and every,term, provision arae oondition fiett-In qutcdd;-and that in the mnt that any, one ot nwn tCM.8, PtOlViSiOu2; OT Conditions are detertmined by a Cour" of comptent,Jurisdiction to be invalid., iftepil or uneilfbiceimble" Illis resoltifion utd, (he Permit shall be &wcmmd, to bc, autoirmtic ,ll y, nwok ed cuW of no rurthor furce and effect. However, in such,an ri event,the Propefty(NmerlApplicant slial 1,have the rii gjt, by paying applir�ablc,pocmng&es,to, bring, a, req=st for a, C<,,wnJilional ().w Penn,it, wi(bout dw "favalie comiitions(s) b.r.wk to, the diisuctionary, ich,Sp body Wf H, proved,the F"annit for a,dekeminatioun by is body as to whether,all afthe findinp, necewwy flan®flKlissua M- C Q'I'llie IM-cTmied Ivnnit Can st II, bemwfc';in tbe ab rue of t&�,:"invidid"O condWonts). Suchihm-Apita g shall be,a,hearing de,riovoi,andl the dlictetionaly body Aaft have flic, absoI mute 'p, jit to, appruve, disV.prove, Qr modifi (he proposed Pennit and, die, corWitioc(s)contained tbercim P resented �y; Aprmwexl as,to roxim,hy+'� kcjL .......... ...... .... .... ............................................................................ ... ..... .. Broughton Mvel urae;rat Services I'Xrector C ly" Y ey PC Rcuolutlat DR 1&40 11 Page, I I'D PASS EDAND APPROIVIED 13Y-11111.1'i'll PLANNING CITY OF (MR.A.A VISTA, CALIFORNIA, this, 1,1,th day of September 20119,by the Bollowing vosc,,,jo-wit, AYES,. De La,Ron, Gulierrez., M-il b,t,n,,Torres, Zaker NOES- Btirroughs,Nava ABSTAIN, ............................. ier Labe cul r Z, Mir i SR,vt Sou