March 11, 2019
5:15 p.m.
A Regular Meeting of the Board of Appeals & Advisors of the City of Chula Vista was called to
order at 5:15 p.m. in Conference Room 137, located at Public Service Bldg. `B", Chula Vista,
PRESENT: Chair Doria and Member Combs and Sclafani
ALSO PRESENT: Lou El-Khazen, Building Official, Carol Trujillo, Deputy City
Attorney, Megan McClurg, Deputy City Attorney, Brian
Catacutan, Senior Code Enforcement Officer, Daniel Padilla, Code
Enforcement Officer, Secretary Salvacion and Ernie Chen, legal
counsel for Appellant
There were none.
Consideration of the Findings and Decision on the Appeal of a Notice and Order of
Dangerous Building, 1161 Third Avenue, Chula Vista, California, as an Unsafe Building
and Public Nuisance, which the Board denied on February 27, 2019 and upheld the
Building Officials recommendation; if approved, directing Vice Chair Combs to execute
the same.
Building Official El-Khazen stated the Board had reviewed this case on February 27, 2019
and staff was bringing it forward for formal approval and signature of the Board of Appeals
and Advisors.
Ernie Chen, Legal Counsel, for Appellant at 1161 Third Avenue stated regarding the board
meeting on February 27, 2019 the appellant demonstrated good cause and believed the Board
should reconsider the appellant's request to continue the meeting instead of finding that the
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property is in violation of the alleged violations. In his opinion, the decision to move forward
despite Mr. Cindrich's unavailability amounted to a deprivation of due process of his client.
His client had made arrangements, as he explained to Ms. McClurg, that Mr. Cindrich was
the attorney that was going to be appealing the City's allegations. Mr. Cindrich is still in trial
he has been in trial since February 7, 2019. He pointed out the city agenda potentially
contains inaccuracies or at a minimum some misleading statements namely on the first page
on Item 1, second paragraph 7 lines down, middle of the page 1 of 3. "Staff informed the
Board that they confirmed with Sacramento County that Michael Cindrich was in trial there
starting February 25, 2017 and that the trial might last seven to eight days". Mr. Chen noted
the typo's concerning year and said Mr. Cindrich has been in trial since February 7th so this
was not a last-minute request. Starting February 7th° the initial prognosis of that trial was 7 to
8 days. He would have been available but for that trial which he is currently in today. Based
on that information he believed the Board's decision to not continue the hearing for Mr.
Cindrich to have an opportunity to be heard on merits is improper.
Deputy City Attorney McClurg clarified the information from Sacramento County was a
conversation she personally had with the Sacramento County District Attorney's Office who
said they were in trial with Michael Cindrich starting Monday, which was February 25, 2019.
Whether they meant starting or restarting she did not know, but they did confirm he was in
trial in Sacramento County as he presented. She was trying to confirm the information they
gave not in anyway to detract from it.
The facts remain the same that there was a dangerous building at this location and that
circumstance alone was a greater consideration to the board. The potential danger that it
posed to the public took precedent over any request that they made. It was generally felt by
the Board and the City that Mr. Cindrich had other attorneys in the office that could have
come and represented the appellant. While it was understood there was an exclusive
representation agreement, when you have other attorney's and need coverage for conflicting
things they felt it was incumbent on their office to find coverage for hearings they could not
attend. Ms. McClurg stated the City stands by the Board's final determination that it was
imperative to go forward when they did based on the severity of the allegations at this
Deputy City Attorney Truijllo, asked Mr. Chen if he had the client's authority, if Mr.
Cindrich has an exclusive agreement, to appear on their behalf at this hearing? Mr. Chen
replied he had been in communication with the client, but he had not authorized him, he was
here at the hearing to passively represent him. The client is frustrated with their law office
and the City. The Sacramento trial is the longest trial Mr. Cindrich has been a part of. He
believed it was in it's 5th week of trial. In the meantime, Mr. Chen has been in constant
contact with Ms. McClurg and they've tried to reschedule other hearings before this City and
they have been successful on at least one occasion. Although they've had to continue the
hearing because Mr. Cindrich was not available due to being in trial in Sacramento. Ms.
McClurg stated Mr. Chen had been communicating with her and they did continue another
hearing where they also asked for a continuance but again they continued it and they asked
for another continuance after that. The City's concern is when you are in a gigantic long-
term trial you need someone to cover your matters. You should provide people to fill in for
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something especially when its an issue that involves an unsafe building that the public is
entering and exiting and where violations continue to exist.
Chair Doria asked staff if there were any comments concerning this issue.
Mr. El-Khazen said it was a serious issue and they needed to address it as soon as possible.
To keep continuing it made no sense.
During the discussion the Board questioned Mr. Chen whether their law office tried to
convince the client to consider him or the other attorney in the practice to represent them.
Mr. Chen stated as far as he knew he had convinced them passively to allow him to appear
today on his behalf, but regarding any prior hearings he personally did not do that. His
involvement in this matter was only to communicate with Ms. McClurg that Mr. Cindrich
was not going to be available by email since he was inundated with trial. He could not speak
as to whether Mr. Cindrich had attempted to get his client to reach an alternate agreement.
The Board felt their primary responsibility, of this board, was to protect the citizens of Chula
Vista. They had ample reasons to believe from the fire marshal and inspectors there were
legitimate aspects of the building that were unsafe to the public. They did discuss the need
for their client's due process; however, at the same time to the extent that the business
continues to operate there would be a hazard to the citizens of Chula Vista. The decision
they took at the last meeting, February 27, 2019, was to uphold the Notice to Vacate and
deny the appeal for that reason.
Chair Doria asked if this would be their final decision both members Sclafani and Combs
concurred that it would. Deputy City Attorney McClurg asked Mr. Chen if he wanted to
present evidence tonight or was he wanting to argue as to the continuance. Mr. Chen replied
to the latter.
Staff asked the Board if they would make a motion to correct page 1 of Item 1, second
paragraph, 7 lines down, middle of the page the correction of date February 25, 2017 to 2019
and on line 12 correction of date February 25, 2017 to 2019.
ACTION: Vice Chair Combs made a motion to correct the date at Mr. Chen's request and
keep with their original decision to approve the Findings and Decisions on a
Appeal of a Notice and Order of Dangerous Building, 1161 Third Avenue, Chula
Vista, California, as an Unsafe Building and a Public Nuisance, which the Board
denied on February 27, 2019 and upheld the Building Official's recommendation;
if approved, directing him to execute the same. Member Sclafani seconded the
motion and it carried 3-0.
Attorney Chen asked staff what the exact amendment was to Item 1. Deputy City Attorney
Trujllo said Mr. Chen had pointed out the date where there was February 25, 2017 in two
places half -way down the page and then there was another reference to February 25, 2017
just below that. The board's motion would be to change the 2017 to 2019. Mr. Chen asked
the Board to consider his representation that the trial has been ongoing since February 7,
2019. Ms. McClurg said they could strike out there starting (on line 8) and the sentence
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would read: Staff informed the Board that they confirmed with Sacramento County that
Michael Cindrich was in trials February 25, 2019 and that the trial may last seven to eight
days. Mr. Chen said his client would like to have on the record, with the board's approval,
that he has been in trial since February 7, 2019. Ms. McClurg said she would find a way to
incorporate Mr. Chen's information to accurately reflect for the record that he represented to
the board that Mr. Cindrich had been in trial since February 7th. Mr. Chen concurred with
Deputy City Attorney Trujillo said she would make the corrections to the Findings and
Decision document today and Vice Chair Combs could sign it. They would provide Mr.
Chen with a copy of it.
At 6:06 p.m., Chair Doria adjourned the meeting to a Regular Meeting on April 8, 2019 at 5:15
p.m. in Conference Room 137 located at Public Service Bldg "B", 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula
Vista, California.
Rosemarie Rice, Secretary
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