Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. August 19, 1980
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Public Services Building,
276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Scott, Gillow, Cox, McCandliss
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Development Services
Administrator Roberts, Director of Planning Peterson, City Engineer
Lippitt, Director of Building and Hous~n~ Grady, Director of Finance
The Fledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde followed by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MSUC(McCandliss/Cox) that the minutes of the meetings of
August 7 and 12, 1980 be approved, copies having been sent
to each Councilman.
Hal Coupar Mr. Coupar asked permission to hold a carnival this weekend
Chula Vista Jaycees at the "J" Street Marina and that the fees be waived.
Motion to approve request MSUC(Scott/Gillow) that the fees be waived and the request
subject to staff condi- be approved subject to appropriate staff conditions.
Jose Godinez Mr. Godinez(with the aid of Mrs. Medina as his interpreter)
941Norstad Street asked that he be permitted to operate his E1Ranchero lunch
San Diego truck on a permanent location in the City. This requires
an amendment to the City Code.
City Atto~ney Lindberg explained that Mr. Godinez has been
operating his lunch truck at a stationary location in
violation of the City Code and has been taken to Court on
two occasions. He stated that apparently the Court Judge
has suggested to Mr. Godinez that he make the request to
the Council to amend the ordinance.
Motion to refer to staff MSUC(Cox/Scott) that this matter be referred to staff with
a report back to the Council.
a. REQUEST FOR REPORT ON The Chamber of Commerce requested a report relative to the
TOURIST STUDY AND study of the Tourist Consultant hired by the City and
ALLOCATION OF BUDGETED whether or not unused funds are still available for visitor
Motion to refer to staff MSUC(Scott/McCandliss) that this request be referred to
Rezoning of 701 "D" Mayor Hyde referred to Item 12 on the agenda - second reading
and 708 "H" Streets of Ordinance No. 1919. He explained for the benefit of
scheduled for interested parties in the audience, that until this ordinance
September 23, 1980 is in effect, the Council will not consider the related
items concerning rezoning of mobile home parks at 701 "D"
Street and 708 "H" Street. This has been scheduled for
September 23, 1980.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -2- August 19, 1980
12. ORDINANCE NO. 1919 - b~UC (Scott/Gillow) that Item 12 be moved forward
AMENDING CHAPTER 19.27, and considered at this time.
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Scott that this ordinance be
second reading and placed on second reading and adopted and that the reading
adopted of the text be waived by unanimous consent. The motion
carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Scott, Gillow, Hyde, Cox, McCandliss
Noes: None
Absent: None
5. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF opened the public hearing.
DEL REY REIMBURSEMENT One of the conditions approving the tentative map was that
DISTRICT (Continued the developer could seek reimbursement for off-site improve-
from July 8 and July ments that benefited other properties. Based on discussions
22 meetings) at the public hearing on July 8 and on meetings held with
the applicant and affected property owners, staff recommend-
ed several changes in the original proposal to correct valid
objections which had been presented.
Letter noted for City Engineer Lippitt reported that he received a letter
the record this evening from Project Design Consultants concerning
facts to consider in determining "excess" costs.
Dick Brown Mr. Brown discussed the position of the Gersten Company
10SO Pioneer Way concerning the determination of the costs and referred to
E1Cajon Chapter 15.50 of the ~lunicipal Code, Sections 15.50.070 and
(Representing the 15.50.080, specifically noting the reference to the require-
Gersten Company) ment for the Director of Public Works to prepare and file
"an estimate of the excess costs" and for the public hearing
notice to include a statement regarding the "estimated or
actual excess costs necessary to pay for the public improve-
ments,'' which Mr. Brown said was not done. He outlined the
public improvements required which the Gersten Company
believes are "normal" for this project declaring that only
"excess" costs should be distributed to other property owners.
Mr. Brown asked that the Council continue the hearing for
at least 60 days so they can work with the staff and the
proponent to resolve these issues.
Craig Beam Mr. Beam stated his opposition to the continuance commenting
22S Broadway that Council input is needed at this point. He stated the
San Diego off-site public improvements have been installed by the
(Representing Pardee developer at the specific request of the City.
Construction Company)
Staff suggestion for City Engineer Lippitt suggested that staff prepare an
interim report interim report to the Council regarding the "excess" costs
and other points brought up by Mr. Brown.
Motion to continue ~ISUC (Nyde/McCandliss) that thls hearing be continued for
hearing until a period of 30 days during which tlme the staff will pre-
September 23, 1980 pare a presentation to the Council on the justification -
philosophical or otherwise - for the parameters in deter-
mining the identification of excess costs to be spread in
this reimbursement district project.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -3- August 19, 1980
6. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Hayer Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF THE opened the public hearing.
POWERS FOR ACCESS TO Director of Planning Peterson reported that in the original
CHULA VISTA WOODS review of the tentative map (1978), the Council considered
SUBDIVISION (WEST OF exercising its power of eminent domain in order to provide
BRANDYWINE AVENUE, access to the proposed development, but the proceedings
SOUTH OF TELEGRAPH were abandoned when the owner withdrew his request. The
CANYON ROAD) property is now under the ownership of Jack Gardner who has
been unsuccessful in negotiating with United Enterprises
for access to the project.
Mr. Peterson recommended against the use of eminent domain
based on his belief there is no public purpose to warrant
the exercise of this power -- no public safety or welfare
involved. He stated that it appears to be a matter of
convenience for one property owner over the objections of
another property owner.
City Attorney Lindberg advised the Council that there is no
legal problem with regard to the acquisition of right of way
for a public purpose by the use of the powers of eminent
Thomas Davies Mr. Davies said the access road would benefit the adjacent
2550 5th Avenue property owner and his client is willing to pay for the
San Diego land for a street to be dedicated to the public, and if the
(Representing John access is denied, the 20-acre parcel is useless.
W. Gardner, Jr. - owner)
John Goddard In answer to Council's query, Mr. Goddard said that the
8240 Parkway Drive possibility of taking access north and west of Oleander
La Mesa would require a combination of eminent domain and using
(Engineers for public property for the road, and would be a difficult
Mr. Gardner) grading problem.
John Gardner Mr. Gradner said he has made several attempts to purchase
4363 Grace Road property for access to his project. He felt this was a
Bonita possibility in working with Mr. Newell, former Chief Admin-
(Owner) istrator for United Enterprises; however, since Mr. Newell's
death, the present administrator refuses to accept any offer.
Rose Patek Mrs. Patek outlined the history of the problem, stating that
1000 Telegraph Canyon Road at no time was United Enterprises in favor of any condemna-
Chula Vista tion actions or in granting easements for sewer and drain-
(President, United age. She restated the position of United Enterprises --
Enterprises, Inc.) that they should not be forced to give up their land to
provide economic benefits to another private property
In response to a query from Councilman Cox, Mrs. Patek
said they would have no objection to giving access to Mr.
Gardner on the west side of their property to Naples Street;
however, the sewer easement would still be a problem as it
bisects United's property.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the hearing was declared closed.
Councilman Cox said that utilization of this property can
only be made if it has access necessary for development,
and this is now a "last resort" of the developer to have
the City to exercise its power of eminent domain.
Motion for resolution MS (Cox/Gillow) that the Council direct staff to bring
to proceed with back a resolution indicating willingness to use the power
condemnation of eminent domain to provide access to the subject
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -4- August 19, 1980
Speaking against the Mayor Hyde spoke against the motion stating he is not
motion convinced of the public need for the street as there are
no people living there.
Councilman Scott said the power of eminent domain should
be used only when absolutely necessary and in this case
it does not seem appropriate.
Motion carried The motion for a resolution passed by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Cox, McCandliss, Gillow
Noes: ~ayor Hyde, Councilman Scott
Absent: None
Resolution will Councilman Scott noted that the motion for a resolution
require a 4/5's vote passed by a vote of 3-2; however, the resolution will re-
quire a 4/8's vote for adoption.
Motion for MSUC (McCandliss/Gillow) that the Council rescind its
resolution rescinded previous action.
7. RESOLUTION NO. 10234 - The contract with John B. Reed Construction Company will
ACCEPTING THE WORK expire on August 22, 1980. The only portion not completed
ON THE PARK WAY is the installation of a folding door that divides the
COMMUNITY CENTER activities room. It was recommended that the work be
accepted and the City retain $3,000 until the door is
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Gillow, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Gillow, Hyde, Cox, McCandliss, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
Motion for letter MSUC (Cox/Hyde) that a letter be prepared for the Mayor's
of commendation signature commending the construction company and people
involved in this project for their timely development and
fine job.
8. RESOLUTION NO. 10235 San Diego Gas & Electric Company requested the City to agree
APPROVING AGREEMENT with their plan to convert ail street lights on wooden poles
WITH SAN DIEGO GAS & to high pressure sodium vapor, which will save the City
ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR approximately $38,S00/year.
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Cox, McCandliss, Scott,
Noes: None
Absent: None
9. RESOLUTION NO. 10236 In accordance with Council direction, a resolution has been
SUPPORTING A CALIFORNIA prepared in support of Assemblyman Jim Ellis' request to
CONSERVATION CORPS URBAN establish a California Conservation Corps Urban Center to
CENTER IN SAN DIEGO AREA serve the South Bay and greater San Diego area to more fully
utilize the services of the Corps.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -5- August 19, 1980
Resolution offered Offered by Councilwoman McCandliss, the reading of the text
was waived by unanimous consent.
Councilman Scott spoke against the motion stating he does
not feel there is any justification for another government
Resolution adopted The resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilwoman McCandliss, Mayor Hyde, Councilman
Noes: Councilmen Scott, Gillow
Absent: None
10. RESOLUTION NO. 10237 There is currently a backlog of about 26 annexations in the
URGING BOARD OF County which cannot be processed until agreement on a tax
SUPERVISORS TO ADOPT distribution formula is reached. As the fairest distribu-
PROPOSED TAX EXCHANGE tion, the cities represented on the task force support a
FORMULA formula wherein a city would receive the same ratio of taxes
on annexed property as it receives on property already
within the city. The formula urged in the resolution was
approved by the San Diego County Division of the League of
California Cities.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, McCandliss, Scott, Gillow, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
Councilman Scott noted that some cities have been negotia-
ting with the County privately on this matter which is not
in the best interest of the cities. He suggested that the
Executive Committee of the California League of Cities
should point out that the "County is dividing the cities"
with private settlements.
Motion for Mayor to It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Councilman
ask for cooperation Gillow that the Mayor point this out at Executive Committee
from all cities through meetings and ask for cooperation. The motion carried by a
League of California vote of 4-1 with Mayor Hyde voting "no".
11. ORDINANCE NO. 1920 Since the approval of Proposition 13, the Council is re-
SETTING THE TAX RATE FOR quired to annually set the appropriate tax rate for debt
FY 1980-81 - FIRST READING service. The Director of Finance recommended that the
AND ADOPTION Council set the tax rate of $.029 per hundred dollars of
assessed valuation to meet the 1980-81 requirements for
the Police Facility Bonds.
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Scott that this ordinance be
first reading and placed on first reading and adopted and that the reading of
adopted the text be waived by unanimous consent. The motion
carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Gillow, Hyde, Cox, McCandliss
Noes: None
Absent: None
12. ORDINANCE NO. 1919 - (Considered prior to Public Hearings. See motion on
AMENDING CHAPTER 19.27, page 2 of the minutes.)
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -6- August 19, 1980
a. RECOMMENDED DATE FOR City Manager Cole said representatives from Cadillac
COUNCIL TOUR AND Fairview Homes West are willing to make their presentation
PRESENTATION ON THE any Saturday in September. Mr. Cole recommended that
JANAL RANCH September 13 be scheduled for this tour.
Motion to schedule MSUC (Scott/Cox) that the presentation and tour be scheduled
tour on September 13 for September t3 at 8:00 a.m.
Possibility of bus Development Services Administrator Robens reported that there
employee's strike is a possibility of an Aztec Bus employee's strike as of
midnight Friday. A meeting with Aztec has been scheduled to
discuss the contingency plans to be enacted to provide
services by Monday.
14. REPORT ON THE USE OF In accordance with Council direction on May 6, 1980 the
VIDEO EQUIPMENT NOT Director of Building and Housing submitted a written report
BEING USED IN THE on the disposition of the video equipment originally pur-
COUNCIL CHAMBERS chased for the Council Chambers. Mr. Grady stated that
both the Police Department and Library could use this type
of equipment and he would recommend that it be placed in the
Library to be available to all departments.
Motion to accept report MSUC (Scott/McCandliss) that the report be accepted.
15. REPORT ON FEASIBILITY At their Energy Conference on March 13, 1980 the Council
OF REQUIRING THE requested a study on the feasibility of requiring 35 p.s.i.
INSTALLATION OF PRES- pressure regulators on multi-family dwellings. In a
SURE REGULATING VALVES written statement, Director of Building and Housing Grady
ON WATER SUPPLY SERVING recommended that this requirement not be adopted as the
MULTI-FAMILY DWELLINGS State requirement for low flow equipment and fixtures is
Motion to accept report MSUC (Hyde/Scott) that the report be accepted.
16. REPORT ON PURCHASE OF During budget hearings for FY80-81, Council approved the
CITY OF SAN DIEGO'S rebuilding of the City's Mobile sweeper, but directed staff
USED STREET SWEEPERS to investigate the purchase of a used sweeper. In a
written report, Development Services Adminstrator Robens
informed the Council that Street Department personnel
inspected the City of San Diego street sweepers and it was
determined that it would not be practical for the City to
purchase them. It was recommended that staff be directed
to proceed with rebuilding the 1964 Mobile sweeper.
MSUC (Cox/McCandliss) that the report be accepted.
17. REPORT ON MINUTES OF On May 10, 1980 the Council directed the City Clerk to
CITY MEETINGS prepare a report on the structure of the minutes of Council,
Boards, Commissions and Committee meetings. Concern
centered on the cost and staff time expended in preparing
minutes. The City Clerk and Director of Policy Analysis
and Program Evaluation submitted a detailed report to the
Council recommending that the Council (1) approve the
minute format as presented for Council meetings; (2) direct
staff to use the same format as a general guide for all
minutes, allowing particular flexibility for Planning
Commission meetings; and (3) direct the City Clerk to
provide ~ follow-up report in December 1980 on the new
Motion to try new It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Councilman
format for three Gillow that the new minute format be tried for a three-
months month period.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -7- August 19, 1980
Suggestion for amendment Mayor Hyde suggested that the now motion be amended to
to motion include the recommendation of the City Manager to forward
the suggested minute £ormat to the various Boards and
Commissions For their comment.
Motion re-stated It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Gillow and unanimously carried that the staff recommenda-
tion be accepted and to include sending the recommendation
to the Boards and Commissions and have the City Council
minutes done prior to the report from the Boards and Commis-
sions; and have a £inal report back in three months as to
how it is going.
18. CRIME PREVENTION The Crime Prevention Committee requested the expenditure
COMMITTEE REQUEST o£ $300 to cover the cost o£ "Neighborhood Watch" advertise-
FOR FUNDS ments for a three-month trial period with the Chula Vista
Motion to approve MSUC (Scott/Hyde) that the recommendation be accepted and a
request of Crime resolution brought back.
Prevention Committee
William (Pete) Edwards Mr. Edwards questioned the expenditure of funds by the
747 Monserate Avenue committee when the Police Department has been operating a
Chula Vista Neighborhood Watch program for some time.
Chula Vista Taxpayers
Association Councilman Gillow responded to Mr. Edwards concerns and explained
that the Crime Committee is working closely with the Police
Department and augmenting their efforts in crime prevention
without having a duplication of effort.
Ad hoc committee set Mayor Ityde reported he attended a meeting of coastal cities
up to assist cities to discuss the implementation o£ the Coastal Act. He said
with Local Coastal Plans an ad hoc committee has been set up to aid cities in the
preparation of Local Coastal Plans.
Program for grant Mayor Hyde said that the Comprehensive Planning Organization
assistance approved approved the request of Chula Vista that a grant assistance
by CPO service be established on a nine-month trial basis.
Suggestion for study Councilman Scott noted that in 1968 several commissions were
of Boards and Commissions established. He suggested that a study should be made to
see what the functions of the various Boards and Commissions
are and whether or not they are necessary.
b~tion for ad hoc MSUC (Scott/McCandliss) that a committee be formed to study
committee the Boards and Commissions to see what their functions are
or should be - an ad hoc committee with a life span of six
Budget deliberations Councilman Gillow suggested that due to the time involved,
that budget preparations begin ~n .January with informal
meetings on policy matters.
Motion to start budget HSUC (Gillow/Scott) that staff prepare a plan for doing the
planning in January budget sessions in some manner beginning in January.
Mayor Hyde suggested that this be a topic at a Council
Conference discussion.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -8- August 19, 1980
Motion to include ad hoc MS (Gillow/C0x) that the City's committees be included in
committee members Jn the annual banquet as well as Boards and Commissions.
annual banquet
Substitute motion for MSUC (Scott/Gillow) that a report be brought back on
report carried how many ad hoc committees there are and how much money
was budgeted for the banquet and what the total cost would
be to include the committee members.
Report on AB 2853 Councilman Cox reported that the Legislative Committee sent
a letter to the Senate Local Government Committee supporting
an amendment to Assembly Bill 2853 regarding cities' "fair
share" of regional housing demands to remove the burden of
proof from the city when a challenge is brought as to the
"fair share determination."
Concern regarding Councilman Cox referred to locations in the City that are
1911 Act street in need of 1911 Act street improvements. He asked what
improvement the status is of these areas.
Report to be made in City Engineer Lippitt said that based on the CIP program
three months for this year, staff is studying all locations and will have
a report ready in about three months.
Discussion of evaluation Councilwoman McCandliss expressed her concern regarding the
of regional social evaluation of various social service agencies and asked if
services this would be an appropriate thing for the CPO to do.
Mayor Hyde explained the function of the CPO and said he
will discuss this further with Councilwoman McCandliss.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 9:50 p.m. to the meeting
on Tuesday, August 26, 1980 at 7:00 p.m.
Deputy City Clerk