Held Saturday - 8:00 a.m. May 16, 1981
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California,
was held on the above date beginning at 8:00 a.m. in the Council Conference Room, City
Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Scott, Gillow, Cox, McCandliss, who
arrived late
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, Assistant City Manager Asmus, Development
Services Administrator Robens
BUDGET OVERVIEW Mr. Cole presented the FY 1981-82 Budget and acknowledged
City Manager the innovative assistance of all members of management
and middle management who took part in the preliminary
budget sessions. He reported that expenditures are
projected to exceed revenues by $700,000, resulting from
the State's reduction of bail out funds, and added that
the unexpected revenues from Disaster funds and Harbor
bonds reduced the deficit from $1.0 million. The pre-
liminary budget reflects a 4.7% increase in the proposed
FY 1981-82 operating budget, excluding wage adjustments,
from $18,338,220 last year to $21,219,420.
Mr. Cole distributed a "Summary of Personnel Changes,
1981-82 Preliminary Budget", reflecting a net decrease
in personnel of 2.41 positions. He discussed the impact
of each addition and deletion on service levels within
the affected departments, noting that the changes would
entail effort and adjustment of ail personnel. Specific
discussion related to reductions in Parks and Recreation,
the Library, street sweeping, building maintenance,
custodial service and various clerical and technical
functions, the possibility of reduced counter hours to
reduce interruptions and increase staff efficiency, and
secretarial consolidations in City Hall (following re-
location of the Municipal Courts), Public Services
Building and the Word Processing Center. Noting the
deletion of the Legal Secretary position in the office
of the City Attorney, Council and staff discussed the
immediate need for secretarial backup and possibly hiring
of a part-time secretary to be available for vacation
Development Services Discussion related to the Budget recommendation of
Administrator transferring Construction and Repair from the Building
and Housing Department to a newly established Public
Works Operations Department, which would also include
the Street Division and Equipment Maintenance. This
change would entail addition of a new department head
who would report to the Development Services Administrator.
Mr. Roberts presented a comparison of utilities costs for
the five fiscal periods 1977-78 through 1981-82, re-
flecting an increase in energy consumption of $1.0 million
from costs associated with vehicle and equipment operation,
street lights and traffic signals.
Council recessed at 9:00 a.m. and reconvened at 9:15 a.m.
Held Saturday - 8:00 a.m. -2- May 16, 1981
Director of Finance Mr. Grant detailed the effects of the State's reduction
of bail-out funds and added that Chula Vista's allocation
was reduced by 96% of the first year allocation. The
total reduction was in excess of $737,000.
Discussion followed concerning substantial revenue accounts
of $1 million or more. In addition to Secured Property
tax revenue, Mr. Grant commented on Sales and Use Taxes,
Utility Taxes, and revenue from State Motor Vehicle
Licenses. Ne reported that Investment Earnings were
projected low because they are based on anticipated
revenues, and that actual earnings on investments are
historically higher than budget forecasts. Discussion
related to proposed sewer fee increases; allocations of
$90,000 per quarter in Federal revenue sharing (this
being the first year of a three-year entitlement period);
allocation of $1,099,000 in Community Development Block
Grant funds, representing a 2.8% decrease; consideration
of theatre tax referendum; and revenue from the Transient
Lodging Tax.
REPORTS REQUESTED BY Mr. Thomson presented reports regarding (1) the City's
COUNCIL grantsmanship procedures and evaluating the need for a
grantsman/lobbyist staff position, and (2) evaluation
Director of PAPE of a police dictation system. He recommended against
the staff position and in favor of the dictation system.
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to accept the report as presented.
Discussion followed regarding the grantsmanship expertise
of the Community Development staff and assistance avail-
able through SANDAG and the League of California Cities.
ACTIVITY 105 Budget Request: $55,050
CITY COUNCIL City Manager Recommendation: $55,050
MSUC (Scott/G]llow) to approve Activity 105 as recommended.
Council discussed the increase in the allocation for air
fare and reiterated Council policy regarding use of air
fare for one in-state and one out-of-state conference,
at the discretion of the individual Couneilmembers.
ACTIVITY 150 Budget Request: $152,060
CITY ATTORNEY City Manager Recommendation: $128,980
Highlights of Activity 150 are deletion of the Legal
Secretary position and deletion of air fare to out-of-
state conferences in accordance with the new administrative
policy applicable to all department heads.
Council discussed the educational benefits of attending
conferences and preferred that a set dollar amount be
budgeted, to be utilized at the discretion of the depart-
ment heads, rather than entlrely deleting tile allocation.
MSUC (Scott/McCandliss) for staff to come back with a sum
certain to be included in the budget for travel to con-
ferences and provide staff with the option of deciding
which conferences to attend.
In response to Council query, Mr. Lindberg commented on
the need for additional secretarial backup, particularly
during vacations.
MSUC (Hyde/Gillow) to provide .5 secretarial position
at $7,840, which represents one-half of the deleted Legal
Secretary position ($15,680).
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve Activity 150, as amended.
Held Saturday - 8:00 a.m. -3- May 16, 1981
ACTIVITIES 160 & 170 Held over until City Clerk is present.
Council recessed at 10:25 a.m. and reconvened at 10:35 p.m.
ACTIVITY 210 Budget Request: $277,700
ADMINISTRATION City Manager Recommendation: $271,180
Highlights of Activity 210 included transfer of one
Administrative Secretary to PAPE and a corresponding
reduction of $14,970, and a $500 increase in maintenance
costs for three vehicles assigned to Administration.
MSUC (Scott/McCandliss) to approve the activity as
ACTIVITY 212 Budget Request: $113,760
PAPE City Manager Recommendation: $112,910
The Activity reflects addition of $14,760 for a Secretary II
position (transferred from Administration).
MSUC (Hyde/McCandliss) to approve the activity as
ACTIVITY 213 Budget Request: $229,060
DATA PROCESSING City Manager Recommendation: $225,590
Mr. Thomson highlighted increases in the Data Processing
budget, primarily in projected personnel acquisitions.
He referred Council to page 69 of the Supplemental Budget
to justify the increased costs and noted that a correspond-
ing increase in revenues is projected from servicing new
Data Processing customers. He added that the requested
positions would not be filled unless justified by sufficient
new business.
MSUC (Cox/Scott) to approve Activity 213, as recommended.
Clerk's Note: At this point in the session (approximately
11:30 a.m.) the tape recorder malfunctioned, the tape
broke, and staff was unable to correct the malfunction.
ACTIVITY 214 Budget Request: $104,880
WORD PROCESSING City Manager Recommendation: $ 73,400
Mr. Thomson highlighted the substantial allocation of
$30,260 in Employee Services, noting that the increase
reflects addition of one Word Processing Supervisor and
one Word Processing Operator. He added that these positions
would be offset by the clerical staff reductions in Plan-
ning and Transit.
MSUC (Hyde/Gillow) to approve Activity 214, as recommended.
ACTIVITY 250 Budget Request: $205,070
PERSONNEL City Manager Recommendation: $190,610
Director of Personnel Thorsen highlighted the elimination
of pre-employment physicals for all new employees, ex-
cepting Police and Fire, and the corresponding savings of
$3,250 in Account 5201 (Professional Services). Council
discussed the potential value of pre-employment physicals
in the event Workman's Compensation claims are filed and
recommended budgeting funds so that physicals could be
required in cases where there ~s demonstrated need.
Held Saturday - 8:00 a.m. -4- May 16, 1981
MSUC (Hyde/Scott) to direct staff to analyze Account
5201 (Professional Services) to determine whether it
would be appropriate to include funds for pre-employment
physicals for selected positions.
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve Activity 250, as amended.
ACTIVITY 255 Budget Request: $1,250
VOLUNTEER SERVICES City Manager Recommendation: $1,250
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve Activity 255, as recommended.
ACTIVITY 420 Budget Request: $275,150
FINANCE OPERATIONS City Manager Recommendation: $273,050
Director of Finance Grant highlighted his departmental
budget, and discussed use o£ one person to function as
part-time Business License Clerk, and part-time Buyer
for Purchasing when that employee is on leave.
MSUC (Scott/Cox) to approve Activity 420, as recommended.
ACTIVITY 440 Budget Request: $136,380
PURCHASING City Manager Recommendation: $ 99,590
Mr. Grant and Mr. Cole highlighted the deletion of one
Buyer to be added to Purchasing as a back-up Buyer when
needed. It was contemplated that this individual would
perform other needed functions in the Finance and
Purchasing areas.
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve Activity 440, as recommended.
ACTIVITY 2300 Budget Request: $77,160
PARKING METER FUND City Manager Recommendation: $77,160
Council discussed revenue generated by the parking meters
compared to costs incurred in operating the fund.
MSUC (Hyde/Gillow) to direct staff to prepare a one-time
report for presentation September 1, 1981 regarding the
Parking Place District, covering all phases of its
operation and budget.
Council recessed for lunch at 12:00 and reconvened at
12:55 p.m.
ACTIVITY 700 Budget Request: $262,670
INSURANCE City Manager Recommendation: $262,670
Discussion focused on whether or not assumptions made
several years ago concerning insurance rates were still
true; whether the City should increase coverage; and con-
tracting for a risk management analysis. Mr. Asmus
commented on the status of a joint powers agreement with
the County for joint purchasing of public liability
MSUC (Scott/Hyde) to direct staff to look into whether or
not the City's assumptions are still valid and to trail
action on this item until an outside analysis is con-
ducted to determine whether to remain "bare" on $800,000.
MSUC (Hyde/Gillow) to approve Activity 700, minus the
Public Liability and Property Damage portions.
Held Saturday - 8:00 a.m. -S- May 16, 1981
ACTIVITY 730 Budget Request: $23,000
NON-DEPARTMENTAL City Manager Recommendation: $38,000
Mr. Cole highlighted the addition of $15,000 in Account
5568 to replace vehicles which are expected to be repaired
or replaced before the end of the year. He explained
that this is a contingency fund so that staff could be
assured of repair/replacement funds being available as
they may be needed. Expenditures from this account
would require 3/5's vote of the Council, whereas
appropriations of unbudgeted amounts would require 4/5's
Councilman Scott objected to budgeting funds for needs
which have not yet arisen and commented that the vehicles
should be specifically identified.
MSC (Gillow/McCandliss) to approve Activity 730, as
recommended. Councilman Scott voted "no".
ACTIVITY 3050 Budget Request: $ 52,410
GOLF COURSE BOND City Manager Recommendation: $ 52,410
Staff conunented that this is a 30 year, $600,000 bond
due in 1995.
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve Activity 3050 as
ACTIVITY 3100 Budget Request: $123,370
POLICE FACILITY BOND City Manager Recommendation: $123,370
Staff reported that this is a 20 year bond, due in
1990 on a principal amount of $720,000.
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve Activity 3100
as recommended.
ACTIVITY 620 Budget Request: $478,880
PLANNING City Manager Recommendation: $4S9,280
Mr. Roberts indicated that one Secretary I position is
deleted and that it is otherwise a "hold-the-line"
Council commented on the previous reference by Mr. Cole
(See Overview - Reduced Service Levels) to reduced
counter time and it was noted that the Planning Depart-
ment would benefit from the opportunity for desk-work
on the General Plan and procedures. There was dis-
cussion concerning segmentation of the General Plan
and updating it portion-by-portion so that at the end
of a given number of years, the revisions could be
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve Activity 620 as
Continued discussion related to staff conducting
advance planning and General Plan review.
MSUC (Scott/Hyde) for one action to include two motions:
(1) for staff to come back with a logical division of
of the City's General Plan into a stated number of
planning units; and (2) subsequently to come back with
a projected schedule for review of the specific areas.
Continued discussion related to zoning of properties
on Third Avenue between "H" and "I" Streets as C-O.
Mr. Peterson commented that the specific properties
are under many ownerships and uses, and should be
addressed by the Planning and Redevelopment Departments.
Held Saturday - 8:00 a.m. -6- May 16, 1981
ACTIVITY 620 MSUC (Hyde/Scott) to direct the Planning Department
PLANNING to look into the need for rezoning of the properties
(Continued) between "H" and "I" Streets on Third Avenue, and to
report back to Council within 60 days.
Councilman Cox discussed use of a Master EIR and
charging off the cost proportionately to specific
areas covered. Comments related to the advantages
and disadvantages of a Master EIR and it was noted
that Supplemental EIR's can be used when necessary.
MSUC (Hyde/Gillow) that staff look into the feasibility
of having a Master EIR and report back to Council by
the first week of September on what action, if any,
should be taken and identifying what areas could be
included in a Master EIR~
ACTIVITY 260 Budget Request: $ 939,130
CO,UNITY DEVELOPMENT City Manager Recommendation: $ 956,580
Community Development Director Desrochers provided
general highlights of the Community Development budget,
indicating a projected year-end balance of $2.0 million.
Expenditures are anticipated to be $1.3 million next
year, leaving a balance of $800,000. Over the next
twelve months, income from land sales is projected at
$1.0 million and $100,000 in investments.
Concerning the Housing Coordinator, Mayor Hyde commented
that he expected to see discernible progress in the
construction of iow- and moderate-income housing.
MSUC (Cox/Gillow) to approve Activity 260, as recommended.
REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUNDS: Budget Request: $ 756,540
City Manager Recommendation: $ 764,150
ACTIVITY 9901 Mr. Desrochers highlighted the expenditure for legal
TOWN CENTRE I PROJECT advertising and discussion ensued regarding the need
for promotional activities for the Redevelopment Agency.
Staff noted that several proposals had been received
from public relations firms and that the Redevelopment
Agency members would be polled to serve on a committee
to develop a promotional campaign for the fifth year of
the Town Centre project. It was recommended that the
need for public relations material be examined in depth
for both Town Centre and the Bayfront.
MSUC (Hyde/Cox) to direct staff to consider a5 an
additional project included under Professional Service5
a promotional program for the Redevelopment Agency, to
be presented when the Agency considers the final budget
at its next regular meeting.
MSUC (Hyde/gillow) to recommend to the Redevelopment
Agency approval of Activities 9901, 9902, 9903, and
9907, as follows:
Budget Request City Manager Recommendation
Town Centre I $ 756,540 $ 764,150
Town Centre II $ 48,570 $ 49,470
Housing Project $ 30,060 $ 53,120
Bayfront Project $ 104,160 $ 109,840
Held Saturday - 8:00 a.m. -7- May 16, 1981
ACTIVITY 5750 Budget Request: $ 12,630
TOWN CENTRE LANDSCAPING City Manager Recommendation $ 13,370
MSUC (Scott/Hyde) to approve Activity 5750~ as
In response to Council query, Mr. Desrochers commented
on the status of the project and use of "Peppermint
Trees". Discussion also related to the comparatively
high energy use o£ decorative lighting compared to
standard lighting; staff commented that $14,000 front
money will come back to the City from the assessment
district over a period o£ time.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the Budget Session at 2:40 p.m.
to the Session scheduled for Monday, May 18, 1981, at
4:00 p.m.
Elizabeth W. Conti, Deputy City Clerk
I, Jennie M. Fulasz, being first duly sworn depose and say.:
That I am the duly chosen, qualified and acting City Clerk of the
City Council of ~he City of Chula Vista;
That the regular adjourned meeting of the Council of the City of
Chula Vista was held Saturday~ May 16~ 1981
and said meeting was adjourned to the time and place specified in
the order of adjournment ATTACHED HERETO:
That on Saturday, Ma~ 16, 1981 at ~he hour of 2:30
I posted a copy of said order at a conspicuous place on or near
the door of the place at which said meeting of May 16, 1981
was held.
Deputy City Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
day of
Notary Public in and for said County
and State of California
Held Saturday, Ma~ 16, 1981
The City Council met in the Council Chamber at the Public Services
Building, 276 Fourth Avenue on the above date a% 8 am ~m~ with
the following
Councilmen present: H~de, Scott, Gillow, Cox, McCandliss
Councilmen absent: None
The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 2:40 p.m. until Monday,
May 18~ 1981 at 4 p.m. in the Council Conference
Room, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, California.
I, Jennie M. Fulasz, City Clerk of the City of Chula Vista, DO
HEREBY CERTIFY that this is a full, true and correct copy of an order
by the City Council at the meeting of May 16, 1981
by Deputy City Clerk
City of Chula Vista, California