Held Monday - 4:00 p.m. May 18, 1981
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California,
was held on the above date beginning at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Conference Room, City
Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Scott, Gillow, Cox, McCandliss (arriyed
at 4:87 p.m.)
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, Assistant City Manager Asmus, Development
Services Administrator Robens
City Manager Cole commented on the anticipated shortfall and Councilman Scott noted his
concern for utilizing reserve funds to make up for such shortfalls. Discussion centered
around plans to deal with shortfalls by attrition, control of expenditures and estimating
revenues conservatively.
ACTIVITY 1301-1340 Development Services Administrator Robens pointed out
BUILDING AND HOUSING that the Construction and Repair Group is no longer
budgeted within the Building and Housing account since
it has been transferred to the Public Works Division.
The Director of Building and Housing has requested two
custodians in addition to the present force, and after
discussion it was found that there is one current vacancy.
City Manager recommends that the current vacancy not be
filled and to exclude the two requested custodial positions.
Mr. Robens said that custodial services will be performed
during daytime hours to obtain increased productivity.
Director of Building and Housing Grady said that one
custodian will remain in the Public Services Building
during evening hours, one in the Police Department and
possibly one custodian will r~main in the Library which
would be subject to change as to operation.
ACTIVITY 130] Budget Request: $74,120
ADMINISTR~FION City Manager Recommendation: $75,550
MSUC (Cox/McCandliss) to approve Activity 1301 as
recommended by the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1320 Budget Request: $269,250
INSPECTIONS City Manager Recommendation: $268,920
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve Activity 1320 as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1330 Budget Request: $554,490
MAINTENANCE City Manager Recommendation: $344,360
MSUC (Hyde/Scott) to trail this item until May 20, 1981
session (Public Works - Operation).
ACTIVITY 1340 Budget Request: $64,960
COMMUNICATIONS City Manager Recommendation: $65,600
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve Activity 1340 as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1401-4020 Development Services Administrator Robens in his over-
ENGINEERING view said that City Engineer Lippitt requested one
Assistant Civil Engineer which was not recommended by the
C!t3' Manager. He added that the City Manager is recom-
l~nding the addition of one Clerk I position to replace
ti~e CETA person.
Held Monday - 4:00 p.m. -2- May 18, 1981
ACTIVITY 1401 Budget Request: $144,410
ADMINISTRATION City Manager Recommendation: $131,660
MSC (Gillow/Hyde) to approve Activity 1401 as recommended
by the City Manager. (Councilman Scott was out of the
room for this vote).
ACTIVITY 1420 Budget Request: $384,590
DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION City Manager Reco~mmendation: $359,020
MSUC (Cox/Gillow) to approve Activity 1420 as recommended
by the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1421 Budget Request: $129,3]0
PLANNING AND City Manager Recommendation: $135,070
MSUC (Hyde/Cox) to approve Activity 1421 as recommended
by the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1422 Budget Request: $236,780
LAND DEVELOPMENT City Manager Recommendation: $201,610
MSUC (Cox/Scott) to approve Activity 1422 as recommended
by the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1430 Budget Request: $ 96,110
TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION City Manager Recommendation: $ 96,340
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve Activity 1430 as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1431 Budget Request: $628,370
TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND City Manager Recommendation: $627,660
MSUC (Gillow/Scott) to approve Activity 1431 as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 2250 Budget Request: $1,578,450
SEWER SERVICE FUND City Manager Recommendation: $1,578,450
City Engineer Lippitt reported that staff would be
recommending a rate increase in the future when detailed
costs are available from the City of San Diego (some-
thing less than $5.40 rate) and will also be looking
into the possibility of using "hook-up fees" to help
offset some of the costs.
In answer to a question from Mayor Hyde, City Engineer
Lippitt advised that letters were sent to the members
of the participating agencies and discussed four million
gallons of capacity for sale and the interest exceed5
the four million gallons. Me added that any sale would
need to be approved by the City of San Diego.
MSUC (Gillow/Scott) to approve Activity 2250 as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 2350 Budget Request: $ 79,300
TRANSIT SERVICE FUND City Manager Recommendation: $ 62,110
MSUC (Cox/Gillow) to approve Activity 2550 as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 2360 Budget Request: $243,750
TRANSIT-HANDICAPPED City Manager Recommendation: $240,450
MSUC (Cox/Gillow) to approve Activity 2360 as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
Held Monday - 4:00 p.m. -3- May 18, 1981
ACTIVITY 4020 Budget Request: $1,226,150
SCOOT City Manager Recommendation: $1,226,220
MSUC (Cox/Scott) to recommend to the SCOOT Board that
the City Manager's recommendation of $1,226,220 for
funding be approved.
MSUC (Scott/Hyde) to direct staff to prepare a brief
report on the consideration of a policy providing free
bus service for Chula Vista City employees going to and
from work.
ACTIVITY 1011-1100 Assistant City Manager Asmus said that this activity has
POLICE been reduced to essentially maintain present levels of
service without any addition to staff with the exception
of ARJIS. He noted one error within this activity in
terms of overtime adding that this would be explained in
detail when that particular activity is discussed.
In response to Councilman Gillow's question, Director
of Public Safety Winters said that a request for five
additional peace officers was made so that one officer
could be added to each shift which would create another
beat around the clock.
Director of Public Safety Winters noted that $4,290 was
spent in overtime for officers working burglary to go
out and give Neighborhood Watch presentations, and that
he was recommending discontinuing this service.
Council made several suggestions for retaining the
Neighborhood Watch service: utilize Police Reserves,
volunteers, hiring a retired police officer on a part-
time basis.
MSUC (Hyde/Cox) that the $4,290 from the Investigative
Division be placed on the want list to be considered at
the conclusion of budget schedule.
A dinner break was taken at 5:50 p.m. and the meeting
reconvened at 6:24 p.m.
MSUC (Scott/Cox) to retain the position of Director of
Public Safety for a period of one year.
ACTIVITY 1011 Assistant City Manager noted that this does not include
ADMINISTRATION Transportation Account 5221 ($1740.)
Budget Request: $75,910
City Manager Recommendation: $75,070
MSUC (Cox/Scott) to approve Activity 1011 as recommended
by the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1012 Budget Request: $92,690
TRAINING City Manager Recommendation: $g2,650
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve Activity 1012 as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1020 Budget Request: $260,250
TRAFFIC SAFETY City Manager Recommendation: $250,550
MSUC (Gillow/Hyde) to approve Activity 1020 as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1030 Budget Request: $677,980
SERVICES City Manager Recommendation: $656,544
MSUC (Hyde/Gillow) to approve Activity 1030 as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
Held Monday - 4:00 p.m. -4- May 18, 1981
ACTIVITY 1040 Budget Request: $2,642,220
UNIFORM PATROL City Manager Recommendation: $2,387,620
Assistant City Manager Asmus referred to the May 15,
1981 report given to Council which discussed police
dictation systems costing $4,140 to lease and noted
that this figure was not included in the proposed budget.
MSUC (Scott/Cox) to include the amount of $4,140 in
Activity 1040 to cover the lease of police dictation
MSUC (Scott/Cox) to amend the previous motion to include
$100 to cover the costs of the tapes for said equipment.
MSUC (McCandliss/Hyde) to approve Activity 1040 as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1050 Budget Request: $ 842,910
INVESTIGATION City Manager Recommendation: $ 784,390
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to add $34,710 back into Activity
1080 (this amount includes $4,290 for the Neighborhood
Watch Program).
(*Yh~ motion precludes CountY's previous motion to
place the $4,290 fund~ (Neighborhood Watch Program)
on the "wa~t ~t".)
MSUC (Scott/Hyde) to approve Activity 1050 as recommended
by the City Manager.
MSUC (Gillow/Hyde) to place $26,000 (for two Community
Service persons) on the "want list".
MSUC (Cox/Scott) to delete $5,000 (#5565) covering the
purchase of one new sedan.
ACTIVITY 1060 Budget Request: $ 26,050
SUPPORT SERVICES City Manager Recommendation: $ 24,650
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve Activity 1060 as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1100 Budget Request: $ 114,170
ANIMAL REGULATION City Manager Recommendation: $ 109,140
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve Activity 1100 as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1211-1250 Assistant City Manager Asmus noted the deletion of one
FIRE pumper from Capital Outlay and Council's previous
request to budget funds for restoration of the 1911
pumper ($5,000) to aupplement that which has been
donated by the community. He concluded by stating that
this activity reflects no changes other than inflation
factors; and pointed out that the request for replace-
ment of two fire prevention vehicles has been deleted.
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) that the pumper be placed on the
"want list" and that a report come back to Council at
the end of the budget session and that the funding be
looked at (residential construction rather than the
General Fund).
In answer to Councilwoman McCandliss' concerns, Director
of PuBlic Safety Winters said that $2,200 has been
donated By the community to be used for restoration
of the 1911 fire truck; that it would cost approximately
$11,500 to complete the fire truck. Mr. Winters sug-
gested that repainting the truck is not that necessary at
this time (cost $3,000); however, $2,000 to rebuild the
engine, to recore the radiator $1,000 and tires costing
Held Monday - 4:00 p.m. -5- May 18, 1981
Discussion consisted of how the fire truck could be
used; whether it should be donated to the Hook & Ladder
of San Diego Museum; placed on display somewhere within
the City of Chula Vista; the fact that the Chula Vista
Firefighters would like to become more PR oriented and
the truck could be part of that program.
MSUC (Hyde/Scott) to place this matter on the "want list".
The Director of Public Safety said that there is interest
of the Firefighters Association taking over the truck if
the City would donate it.
ACTIVITY 1211 Budget Request: $49,170
ADMINISTRATION City Manager Recommendation: $50,430
MSUC (Gillow/Hyde) to approve Activity 1211 as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1212 Budget Request: $35,250
FIRE TRAINING City Manager Recommendation: $34,310
MSUC (Gillow/Hyde) to approve Activity 1212 as recom-
mended by the City Manager
ACTIVITY 1220 Budget Request: $68,860
FIRE MAINTENANCE City Manager Recommendation: $73,770
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve Activity 1220, as modified,
and as recommended by the City Manager. (*The amount
of $5,000 has been placed on the "want list").
ACTIVITY 1230 Budget Request: $101,050
FIRE PREVENTION City Manager Recommendation: $ 94,830
MSUC (Hyde/dillow) to approve Activity 1230 as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1240 Budget Request: $2,032,690
FIRE SUPPRESSION City Manager Recommendation: $1,886,860
In answer to Councilman Scott's query, the Director of
Public Safety said that this year the Bonita-Sunnyside
contract will receive $24,000 for dispatching services
and that for FY 81-82 they will receive $31,200.
MSUC (Scott/Hyde) to look at the contract with Bonita-
MSUC (Cox/Gillow) to approve Activity 1240 as recommended
by the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1250 Budget Request: $4,900
EMERGENCY SERVICES City Manager Recommendation $5,140
MSUC (Gillow/Seott) to approve Activity 1250 as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m. to the
regular meeting of Tuesday, May 19, 1981 at 7:00 p.m.
'-~Patric~ Wesp, Co-u~cil S~c-ret~y
I, Jennie M. Fulasz, being first duly sworn depose and say:
That I am the duly chosen, qualified and acting City Clerk of the
City Council of the City of Chula Vista;
That the regular adjourned meeting of the Council of the City of
Chula Vista was held Monday~ Ma)~ 18~ 1981
and said meeting was adjou, rned to the time and place specified in
the order of adjournment ATTACHED HERETO:
That on May 18, 1981 at the hour of 7~K p
I posted a copy of said order at a conspicuous place on or near
the doo~,, of the place at which said meeting of
was held.
~~ City Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
day of
Notary P~olic in and for said County
and State of California
Held May 18~ 1981
The City Council met in the Council Chamber at the Public Services
Building, 276 Fourth Avenue on the above date at 4:00 p.m. with
the following
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde: ~ounci]men Keott: Gi llow. Cox. McCandlis~
Councilmen absent: None
The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m. untilTuesda~,
May 19. 1981 at 7:0~ _p.m. in the Council Conference
Room, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, California.
I, Jennie M. Fulasz, City Clerk of the City of Chula Vista, DO
HEREBY CERTIFY that this is a full, true and correct copy of an order
by the City Council at ~e meeting of May 18, 1981
City of Chula Vista, California