Held WednesdaS - 4:30 p.m. May 27~ 1981
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California
was held on the above date beginning at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Conference Room, City
Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Scott, Gillow, Cox, McCandliss
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, Assistant City Manager Asmus, Development
Services Administrator Robens
LEGISLATIVE MATTERS Councilman Cox reported on the following legislative bills:
AB 591 (Costa) provides that cities adopt the latest revisions
or additions of the Plumbing Code of the International Conference
of Building Officials.
MSUC (Cox/Gillow) to support AB 591.
AB 1754 (Chacon) changes the tax code to allow a tax credit to
developers and owners of low and moderate income multi-family
housing units of ten or more if at least 35% of the units are
devoted to low or moderate income people.
MSUC (Cox/Gillow) to support AB 1754.
AB 1080 (Leonard) relates to the bidding process for Public
Works contracts in excess of $10,000.
MSUC (Hyde/Scott) to oppose AB 1080.
AB 780 (Deddeh) Sick Leave Benefit Plan for the City of San Diego.
Provides allowance for police officers to use one year of sick
leave and one year of unused sick leave to retire early.
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to oppose AB 780.
LIBRARY OPERATIONS Assistant City Manager Asmus commented that the hiring of a new
City Librarian will take place either in late July or early
August. Mr. Asmus asked whether the Council would be willing to
pay one-half of the transportation costs (airfare) for those
candidates selected for the assessment center.
Mayor Hyde asked staff to narrow the list down to a certain number
and bring back the estimated transportation costs to the next
Council budget meeting (Thursday, May 28, 1981).
Library Clerk I In response to the Mayor's query, Senior Administrative Analyst
Leuck explained the reduction in the Clerk I positions -- from
a requested 9½ positions to 2½ positions. She indicated that her
review of the Library functions revealed a "misuse" of seasonal
assistants working out of class -- this was done because of the
inappropriate level of staffing of the reliance of the temporary
part-time positions.
Assistant City Manager Asmus referred to the Library study (80%
complete) being conducted by Mrs. Leuck which will show that in
terms of total staffing, staff believes the Library can operate
efficiently with only 1½ additional personnel. The work dis-
tribution will be handled by "proper staffing level" in terms of
hours, assignments and a place for the seasonal assistants.
Mr. Asmus asked that the Council not deal with this subject at
this time until they get the complete report.
Budget Review Session No. 4 -2- May 27, 1981
Audio-Visual Discussion followed during which Councilman Scott questioned
Equipment whether any thought was given to elimination of special services
such as the video cassettes which tend to serve a certain type of
user; the lease of projectors, movies; getting full-cost recovery
for these services; re-evaluating the City's membership in the
Serra System; keeping some of the program in-tact such as those
for the hard-of-hearing; general overview of the Library review
being made by Mrs. Leuck which will be coming to the Council in
the near future.
ACTIVITY 1611 Budget Request: $65,930
LIBRARY City Manager Recommendation: $52,080
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve Activity 1611 as recommended by
the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1620 Budget Request: $198,790
LIBRARY ADULT City Manager Recommendation: $193,590
MSUC (Scott/Hyde) to approve Activity 1620 as recommended by
the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1630 Budget Request: $68,410
CHILDREN'S City Manager Recommendation: $65,310
Mrs. Leuck noted that the CETA position in this department will
be terminated in September and it is one of the areas in the
Library where CETA is being recommended to be replaced (with
Seasonal Assistants).
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve Activity 1630 as recommended by
the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1640 Budget Request: $72,110
AUDIO VISUAL City Manager Recommendation: $65,100
MSUC (Gillow/Cox) to approve Activity 1640 with a hold on the
expenditure of funds for the audio visual material until
acceptance of the report being prepared by the Senior Administra-
tive Analyst.
ACTIVITY 1650 Budget Request: $126,920
ACQUISITION City Manager Recommendation: $115,450
Mrs. Leuck noted that with the hiring of the Data Entry Operator,
there was a shifting of 60 seasonal assistant hours to try to
offset this position.
MSUC (Gillow/Scott) to approve Activity 1650 as recommended by
the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1660 Budget Request: $192,700
CIRCULATION City Manager Recommendation: $129,220
MSUC (Hyde/Scott) to approve Activity 1660 as recommended by
the City Manager.
ACTIVITY 1670 Budget Request: $157,710
BUILDING MAINTENANCE City Manager Recommendation: $156,110
Assistant City Manager Asmus discussed the 25% increase in the
energy costs; the need to reduce killowatt hours in order to meet
the budget; the recent Council approval of the air conditioning
unit in the computer room; a study being conducted by the Building
and Housing Director on the use of custodians in the Library.
Council discussion followed on the merits of merging the City's
Library services with that of the County and comparison of the
services provided with that of the other cities in the County
(primarily Carlsbad).
Budget Review Session No. 4 -3- May 27, 1981
LIBRARY OPERATIONS MSUC (Gillow/Scott) to approve Activity 1670 as recommended by
the City Manager.
COM Cataloging Assistant City Manager discussed the COM Cataloging System which
the Council saw demonstrated approximately one year ago stating
that the staff is not convinced that this is the method they
would like to pursue. Several other alternatives are being in-
vestigated at this time and a recommendation will be made to
ACTIVITY 0160 Budget Request: $122,350
City Manager Recommendation: $99,190
Records Management City Clerk Fulasz commented on the amount recommended by the City
Consultant Manager for the Consultant ($1,200) stating that she met with the
City Manager and the PAPE staff today and they have arrived at
some agreement.
City Manager Cole noted that the amount recommended in the budget
was the minimal amount for a consultant to design a program for
the City -- a two day on-the-job consultation. The City Clerk
expressed her concern over the technical aspects of the scope of
the program (State laws re retention and destruction of records)
and the recommendation now would be to "plug in" an amount of
$6,000 into the budget, send out Requests for Proposals to various
consultants, and try to get one on-board for at least two to four
weeks. This would give the City Clerk a better handle on the
program and a stronger start in implementing the system.
Account 5298 MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to increase this account by $4,800 for the
Other Contractural services of a Records Management Consultant (from $1,200 to
Services $6,000).
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve Activity 0160 as amended and as
recommended by the City Managen
ELECTIONS Budget Request: $31,190
ACTIVITY 0170 City Manager Recommendation: $31,190
City Clerk Fulasz commented that the overhead charges for the
elections have not been set by the Registrar of Voters; however,
a meeting of the city clerks in the County has been called for
Friday, May 29 at which time some determination will be made.
The City Clerk noted that the amount budgeted covers two
elections: Mayor's Election in November 1981 and the Council
Office Election in April 1982. If there are to be any run-off
elections, she will have to ask the Council for a special
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve Activity 0170 as recommended by
the City Mana9er.
DINNER BREAK The meeting was recessed at 5:57 p.m. and reconvened at 6:30 p.m.
ACTIVITY 1520 Director of Parks and Recreation Pfister reported that the heaviest
Account 5251 used courts in the City are those at General Roca Park, South-
Utilities western College and Hilltop High School. To convert the lighting
at General Roca tennis courts (4), would cost $15,000. To install
pay meters, the cost would be $1,000 per court. Mr. Pfister said
it would be his recommendation to use PAD money under the CIP to
install meter lighting in the four courts at General Roca Park on
a trial basis for one year. If this proves worthwhile, then meters
can be installed at the other two heavily-used courts. He added
that it would also be his recommendation to "pull the plug" on all
the other courts in the City with the possible exception of South-
western College and Hilltop High School if money can be found in
the budget for the utility costs.
Budget Review Session No. 4 -4- May 27, 1981
CARRY OVER ITEMS -- continued
Account 5251 Utilities
Motion to approve MSUC (Cox/Scott) to keep the lights on at General Roca Park and
lighting at two Southwestern College tennis courts -- new lighting to be installed
tennis courts at General Roca and these lights are to be come from one of the
high school courts (unless there is a problem with the school
district in which case staff is to come back to Council asking for
the funds).
Swimming Pool - Director of Parks and Recreation Pfister stated that he talked to
Southwestern the staff at the college and they have given the City three
College options: (1) the pool would be rent-free from June 15 to August 6
with the City paying for the lifeguard and recreation aide at a
cost of $6,900. The class lessons and pool attendants' cost can
be deducted $3500) for a total of $3,400.
Option 2 is to lease the pool from August 6 through August 22 at
$10 per hour. Averaging 5 hours per day this would cost $2,883
of which $1,300 in revenues can be subtracted making it a net cost
of $1,583.
Option 3 would be a combination of both Option I and 2 at a cost
of $4,983.
Mr. Pfister said it would be his recommendation to go with Option
No. 1, then if the City so desires, the extension or the combina-
tion can be utilized.
MSUC (Scott/Hyde) to approve Option No. 1.
MSUC (Hyde/Cox) to adjust the Parks and Recreation budget by the
appropriate amounts necessary to support the motion just passed.
Playground Program Director of Parks and Recreation Pfister stated it would be his
recommendation to continue the playground program at the following
five schools: Castle Park, Harborside, Halecrest, Feaster and
Tiffany schools.
MSUC (Gillow/Cox) to approve the funding for five schools; that
the staff draft a letter for the Mayor's signature to the
President of the School Board indicating what the Council is
doing in retaining the program for these five schools but that
final judgment is reserved until such time as the Council hears
from the School Board concerning this proposal.
Park Warden Director of Parks and Recreation Pfister stated that the position
is a valuable one to the community and he would like to see it
retained. It is presently funded under CETA (approximately
MSUC (Hyde/McCandliss) to retain the position of Park Warden
MSUC (McCandliss/Scott) to have Personnel Department evaluate
the position (for salary).
Board of Appeals Budget Request: $1,490
City Manager Recommendation: $200
Assistant City Manager Asmus explained the reduction was made
by eliminating having one of the members attend the ICBO
Conference (International Conference of Building Officials) in
Budget Review Session No. 4 -5- May 27, 1981
Civil Service Budget Request: $360
Commission City Manager Recommendation: $290
The deletion involved having one member attend the Affirmative
Action Workshop in Los Angeles instead of two.
Board of Ethics Budget Request: -O-
City Manager Recommendation: -O-
Human Relations Budget Request: $670
Commission City Manager Recommendation: $660
International Budget Request: $710
Friendship City Manager Recommendation: $710
Library Board of Budget Request: $1,250
Trustees City Manager Recommendation: $1,000
The reduction was made so that one member would attend the
California Library Association Conference in San Francisco
instead of two.
Parking Place Budget Request: -O-
Commission City Manager Recommendation: -O-
Parks and Recreation Budget Request: $750
Commission City Manager Recommendation: $750
Resource Budget Request: $2,500
Conservation City Manager Recommendation: $1,310
Assistant City Manager Asmus explained that the reduction was
made to have the Historical Site Booklet printed in-house
rather than an outside vendor plus deletion of one member
attending the League of California Cities Conference in San
Salary for the The salary plus benefits request is $19,130. City Manager
Board/Commission recommendation is $18,890 eliminating the sick leave pay in
Secretary lieu of $170 since the secretary is not now entitled to it.
Assistant City Manager Asmus added that they are recommending
that the salary amount be left in and an adjustment can be
made, if necessary, after Personnel completes its classification
study of this position. Also deleted was the amount of $700
for vacation relief.
Motion to approve MSUC (Cox/Scott) to approve the Boards and Commission budget as
Boards/Commission recommended by the City Manager.
Planning Commission Budget Request: $1,270
ACTIVITY 111 City Manager Recommendation: $1,270
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve Activity 111 as recommended by
the City Mana§er.
COMMUNITY PROMOTIONS City Manager Cole generally reviewed the requests and his
recommendations stating that he based it on "where we are
getting the most for our money."
Bonita Business and Budget Request; -O-
Professional City Manager Recommendation: -O-
City Manager Cole explained that the Association is requesting
various services and equipment for their Bonitafest celebration
which the City will provide to them at no cost.
Budget Review Session No. 4 -6- May 27, 1981
City Summer Concert Budget Request: $5,679
Program City Manager Recommendation: $4,000
Councilman Gillow spoke against the appropriation noting that
it amounts to $400 per event and the Library Concert series is
one-half that amount. He asked if the two could be combined.
Mrs. Evans, Director of the Library series, remarked that these
are Chamber music concerts not conducive to outdoor events.
MSC (Hyde/Cox) to approve the sum of $4,000 as recommended by
the City Manager. Councilman Gillow voted "no".
Chula Vista Budget Request: $3,000
Jaycees City Manager Recommendation: $3,000
A representative of the Jaycees noted that $2,500 of this
amount will be used for the Fiesta de la Luna and $500 for
Miss Chula Vista contest. He remarked that the total budget
for the Fiesta was about $100,000 this year since it is to
be a competitive parade event.
Motion for Motion made by Councilwoman McCandliss to fund the Jaycees in
$2,000 the amount of $2,000. The motion died for lack of a second.
Motion for $3,000 MSC (Cox/Gillow) to approve the sum of $3,000 as recommended
by the City ~qanager. Councilman Scott and Councilwoman
McCandliss voted "no".
COMBO Budget~Request: $2,600
City Manager Recommendation: -O-
Council discussion involved taking this money and using it
for the Library concerts; not funding this organization be-
cause of the tight budget; it is a "token" payment.
Motion for $2,000 MS (Hyde/McCandliss) to approve the amount of $2,000. The
motion failed with Councilmen Scott, Gillow and Cox voting
Motion for $1,000 MSC (Hyde/McCandliss) to approve the amount of $1,000 for
COMBO. Councilman Gillow voted "no".
Library Chamber Budget Request: $1,382 or $1,033
Concert Series City Manager Recommendation: -O-
Mrs. Gretchen Evans submitted a detailed expenditure requesting
the sum of $1,051 to cover both the Fall and Spring concert
MSUC (Cox/Gillow) to approve $1,051.
Meals-on-Wheels Budget Request: $2,061
City Manager Recommendation: $2,000
MSUC (Hyde/Gillow) to approve $2,000 as recommended by
the City Manager.
"OUR HOUSE" Budget Request: $16,920 or $58,571
City Manager Recommendation; $12,000
Mayor Hyde referred to the letter written by the former
Executive Director, Bernadette Probus, and her allegations
as to the conduct of the organizational operations.
City Manager Cole said that a copy of the letter was sent to
the Board of Supervisors. In contacting them today, they
indicated they were not withdrawing their support but are
making a study of the charges. Mr. Cole recommended that the
Council support this organization with the stipulation that no
funds will be given out until the City makes its own
Budget Review Session No. 4 -7- May 27, 1981
"OUR HOUSE" Ms. Victoria Mohr, Acting Director, Katherine Lembo, Program
Director and Jim Sahey, President of the Board of Directors,
responded to the letter sent out by the former Executive
Director and explained the new programs being proposed.
Motion to fund MS (Hyde/Gillow) to fund this organization as recommended by
$12,000 staff ($12,000) but prior to dispersal of any funds that the
staff contact the County to have benefit of their input re-
garding support of this program and that staff contact members
of "OUR HOUSE" and their Board of Directors to determine
whether or not the Council should continue funding this.
Council discussion of the motion followed in which Councilman
Scott voiced his concern with getting more information as to
the type of programs being offered; how many people are involved
etc., rather than just relying on what the County will be doing,
and also to get police input.
Motion rephrased Mayor Hyde said he would rephrase his motion to state that the
amount would be plugged into the budget and that staff is to
re-evaluate it in light of the particular areas expressed in
the letter from the former Executive Director and the conditions
recited and to determine if (the Council) should continue fund-
ing it.
Councilman Cox asked if the motion would include getting a
recommendation from the Police Department.
Mayor Hyde included this in his motion; Councilman Gillow
agreed to the second and the motion carried unanimously.
Project JOVE Budget Request: $69,118 City Manager Recommendation: -O-
Ms. Beverly Brown, Regional Manager, South Bay, with offices
at 2005 Highland Avenue, National City, explained the staffing
and operation of this program which was set up in 1970 to
assist ex-offenders of the County in obtaining a second chance
(job placements, counseling, education, assistance etc.).
Motion was made by Councilman Gillow to place this on the
"want list". The motion died for lack of a second.
Motion for staff MS (Hyde/Gillow) for staff to look into funding this particular
recommendation service and report back to the City Council after budget period
is over with regard to whether or not the Council should con-
sider funding it at some level possibly below what they are
talking about.
Motion fails The motion failed with Councilmen Cox, McCandliss, Scott
Motion not to fund MSC (Cox/Scott) to accept the staff's recommendation - no funds
for Project JOVE. Councilman Gillow voted "no".
UNITED NATIONS DAY Budget Request: $380
COMMITTEE City Manager Reco~endation: $350
MSUC (Hyde/Scott) to approve the City Manager's recommendation.
Chula Vista Chamber Budget Request: $25,000 to $35,000
of Commerce City Manager Recommendation: $2,500
K. Niek Slijk, Executive Vice President, clarified the fact
that this was not a request of the Chamber, but rather a re-
quest for promotional activities. City Manager Cole's
recommendation was to fund $2,500 for printing the City maps.
Budget Review Session No. 4 -8- May 27, 1981
Chula Vista Chamber Councilman Cox noted the "want list" includes a recommendation
of Commerce from Community Development Department for a market survey or
economic study of Chula Vista.
Development Services Administrator Roberts stated that this re-
port will be made to the Redevelopment Agency at the next
meeting or two.
Motion to file MS (Hyde/Gillow) to file this particular item and that the
request Community Development staff contact the Chamber in its prepara-
tion of their recommendation for the comprehensive Community
Promotions program.
Motion withdrawn Councilman Cox asked that the money for the maps be approved.
Mayor Hyde withdrew his motion; Councilman Gillow agreed to
the second.
Approval of staff MSUC (Hyde/Gillow) to approve the staff's recommendation
recommendation ($2,500).
Motion to contact MSUC (Hyde/Gillow) that the Redevelopment staff contact the
the Chamber Chamber for possible involvement of the Chamber in the
Community Promotions report.
Del Rey Nutrition Budget Request: $3,000 or $4,500
Program City Manager Recommendation: -O-
MS (Gillow/McCandliss) to support the program in the amount
of $3,000.
Councilwoman McCandliss expressed her concern in wanting to
know exactly what the $3,000 was buying.
Motion restated MS (Gillow/McCandliss) to approve the $3,000 based on staff
contacting the school for the budget breakdown.
Council discussion involved the type of program, the people
it serves, consideration of its being a "subsidy".
Substitute motion MSC (Gillow/McCandliss) to place this on the "want list" and
staff to request the school district to come back with a cost
breakdown. Councilman Scott voted "no".
Regional Poison Budget Request: unspecified
Center City Manager Recommendation: -O-
Anthony Manoguerra, Director of Professional Services,
University of California, San Diego, explained the support
coming from the Board of Supervisors - those in the unincorporated
areas only - and the directive from the Board to go to the in-
corporated areas for the additional funding.
MSUC (Hyde/Cox) to approve staff's recommendation - (no funding).
Motion for letter to MSUC (Scott/Hyde) that a letter be drafted for the Mayor's
Board of Supervisors signature to the County Board of Supervisors stating that this
Council feels it is the obligation of the County to provide
this service to all of the County and not just to the un-
incorporated areas.
Councilwoman McCandliss asked that a copy of the letter be sent
to the San Diego County Division of the League of California
Cities and San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG).
Councilman Scott included this in his motion.
Budget Review Session No. 4 -9- May 27, 1981
Chula Vista Band Budget Request: $610
Review City Manager Recommendation: -O-
City Manager Cole stated the City will provide them with
in-kind services (barricades, police reserves etc.) instead
of money.
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve the staff's recommendation.
Miss Softball Budget Request: $20,000
America City Manager Recommendation: -O-
MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to approve the staff's recommendation
(no funding).
Time of next meeting MSUC (Scott/Gillow) to schedule the next budget meeting for
Thursday, May 28, 1981 at 6:00 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. to the meeting scheduled
for Thursday, May 28, 1981 at 6:00 p.m.