Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. July 17, 1979
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Public Services Building,
276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor pro Tempore Gillow, Councilmen Cox, Scott (Councilwoman McCandli
assumed Council Seat No. 1 at 7:05 p.m.)
Councilmen absent: Mayor Hyde
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Deputy City Manager Robens,
City Engineer Lippitt, Director of Buildin~ and Housing Grady, Fire
Chief Longerbone, Director of Personnel Thorsen
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor pro Tempore Gillow followed by a moment
of silent prayer.
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox
and unanimously carried by those present that the minutes of
the meetings of July S and 10, 1979 be approved, copies havin
been sent to each Councilman.
5~tion to appoint Gayle It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman Gillo~
McCandliss to Council and unanimously carried by those present that Ms. Gayle
McCandliss be appointed to Council Seat No. 1 (to fill the
unexpired term of Councilman Egdahl).
a. OATH OF OFFICE - City Clerk Jennie Fulasz administered the Oath of Office to
GAYLE McCANDLISS, Ms. Gayle McCandliss.
(Councilwoman McCandliss assumed the Council seat at 7:05 p.n
Thomas L. Root Mr. Root requested permission for the Cub Scouts to use the
Boy Scouts of America area at East "I" Street adjacent to Hilltop High School for
667 Arthur Avenue the Cubmobile derby on July 21, 1979.
Chula Vista CA 92010
Motion to approve request It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox
subject to staff recormnen- and unanimously carried by those present that approval be
dations granted subject to any recommendations from the staff, and
that staff have the option to disapprove the request.
a. RESIGNATION FROM Gayle McCandliss submitted her resignation from the Environme
ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL Control Commission/Historical Site Board, effective July 17,
Motion to accept resignation It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Gillow and unanimously carried by those present (with
Councilwoman McCandliss abstaining) that the resignation be
accepted and that a lotter of gratitude be sent to Ms.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 2 - July 17, 1979
b. REQUEST TO USE GENERAL The Chula Vista Jaycees requested the use of General Roca
ROCA PARK FOR FIESTA Park for the Fiesta de la Luna carnival, October 16 through
DE LA LUNA CARNIVAL October 22, 1979.
John Harris Mr. Harris said this is one of the few locations where there
635 Mission Court is sufficient land available for this activity and he asked
Chula Vista CA for Council approval.
In answer to a query from the Council, City Manager Cole said
he does not know of any major problems with this request, but
some programs will have to be rescheduled.
Motion to refer to It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox
staff for recommendation and unanimously carried by those present that this request
be referred to staff for recommendation.
c. REQUEST TO HOLD SEVENTH The Friends of the Chula Vista Library requested permission
ANNUAL BOOK FAIR to hold their Seventh Annual Book Fair from 9:30 a.m. to
3:00 p.m. in the parking lot of the Library on Saturday,
October 6, 1979.
Motion to approve request It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman Scott
subject to staff conditions and unanimously carried by those present that this request be
approved subject to staff conditions.
5. RESOLUTION NO. 9679 In March 1964, the City executed the basic agreement with the
APPROVING EXTENSION OF THE Spring Valley Sanitation District for use of the District's
AGREEMENT WITH SPRING VALLEY outfall trunk sewer. Because of legal restrictions, the
SANITATION DISTRICT agreement was limited to 15 years. An amendment has been
l>repared extending the agreement another 15 years - to
March 9, 1994. Ail other terms remain unchanged.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Gillow, Cox, McCandliss
Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Hyde
6. RESOLUTION NO. 9680 A major revision has been proposed to the Emergency Services
APPROVING SECOND AMENDED Agreement between the County and Cities transferring respons-
EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT ibility and authority for policy from the County Office to
BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN the Unified Disaster Council (14 Cities and the County).
DIEGO AND THE INCORPORATED The City's budget allocations will remain the same.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent of those present, passed and adopted
by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, McCandliss, Scott, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Hyde
July 17, 1979
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 3 -
6A. RESOLUTION NO. 9681 On June 26, 1979 the Council established the Operations
TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM Contingency Fund. These funds are now needed to meet City
THE OPERATIONS CONTINGENCY obligations for the current fiscal year. The resolution
FUND TO OTHER FUNDS transfers a total of $3,498,000 to the appropriate accounts
City Manager Cole said the contingency fund was established
to accommodate the language of the initiative "Spirit of 13"
that has qualified for the ballot. The intent was to overcom,
problems that may arise in the future in the interpretation
of the definition of "reserves."
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Gillow, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed and
adopted by the following vote to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Gillow, Cox, McCandliss, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Hyde
7a. REPORT ON CHANGE IN The Traffic Engineer submitted a written report discussing
TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT the changes in traffic conditions at this intersection since
EAST "L" STREET/CUYAMACA the signal was changed in March, 1979. Staff contends that
AVENUE SINCE THE TRAFFIC traffic control devices are intended to promote the orderly
SIGNAL HAS BEEN OPERATING flow of traffic throughout the City and the unnecessary
UNDER FIXED TIME CONTROL stopping of traffic wastes non-recoverable materials (gasolin
(Continued from 6/26/79) and increases driver impatience and frustration. It was
recommended that the signal operation be returned to semi-
actuated operation.
Motion to continue for It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Councilwoman
additional three months McCandliss that this item be held over for three more months
to have additional time to have more facts.
Suggestion for time Councilman Cox questioned whether three months is a
period of six months sufficient period of time since Southwestern College is not
in session during the summer. He suggested the matter be
continued for a period of six (6) months.
Motion carried as amended Councilman Scott agreed to change the motion to extend the
extending period of time time for six months. Councilwoman McCandliss agreed as the
six months second and the motion carried unanimously by those present.
7b. RECOMMENDATION TO MAINTAIN The Safety Commission reviewed the Traffic Engineer's report
"FIXED TIME CONTROL" TRAFFIC and reaffirmed its recommendation that the traffic signal
SIGNAL AT EAST "L" STREET/ at this intersection be established as a "fixed time" signal
CUYAMACA AVENUE on a permanent basis.
(Continued from 6/26/79)
(Continued for six months. See motion under Item 7a.)
8. REQUEST FOR FUNDS FOR At the meeting of July 10, 1979 Mr. Bob Montgomery, rcpresenl
SAN DIEGO YOUTH SYMPHONY the San Diego Youth Symphony requested financial assistance
(Continued from 7/10/79) from the City to defray expenses of the group while playing
in Scotland this summer. They requested the sum of $1,000
or $100 per s~udent-musician. A representative of thc
Sweetwater Union High School District verified that there
are three students from Chula Vista participating. Staff
recommended, if the request is approved, that a total of
$300 be allocated - $100 for each of the three students from
Chula Vista.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 4 - July 17, 1979
Concern regarding Councilman Cox expressed his concern regarding allocation
funding request of funds for these kinds of requests since he is not certain
the City is being represented in these tours. He said he
would not be opposed to paying for a concert series in the
City by the Youth Symphony.
Motion for mini-concert It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded by Councilwoman
by Youth Symphony McCandliss that the City fund up to $600 to the San Diego
Youth Symphony, contingent upon their providing a mini-
concert in conjunction with one of the Sunday park concert
Councilman Scott noted that this matter needs a 4/5 's vote
and said he would vote against this motion. He suggested
that this be held over for a full Council.
Substitute motion to It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox
continue for one week and unanimously carried by those present that this item be
held over until next week.
8A. REPORT ON COUNCIL CHA~ERS Staff presented a summary of methods and costs to resolve
VISUAL DISPLAY PROBLEMS the problems of eye contact with staff and to provide better
(Continued from 7/12/79) visual aid presentations.
Council discussion A discussion was held on the disadvantage of reducing the
wood shield at the dais in view of the possible use of video
equipment; concern regarding costs; Video Equipment Corporati
of America willing to permit City staff to install equipment
and they will still honor their warranty; lack of eye contact
with staff being a minor problem - visual aid being a major
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
visual aid equipment Cox and unanimously carried by those present that the Council
approve the concept of the visual aid, i.e., television
monitor system, and not take the recommendation on the
other part of the report at this time (changing the dais).
9. ORDINANCE NO. 1872 - This Ordinance was placed on first reading following a public
AMENDING THE BAYFRONT hearing at the joint meeting of the City Council and
REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND THE Redevelopment Agency on July 5, 1979. It provides for the
TOWN CENTRE REDEVELOPMENT Bayfront Redevelopment Project Area and the Town Centre
PLAN - SECOND READING AND Redevelopment Project Area to be merged.
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Cox that Ordinance No. 1872 be
second reading and placed on second reading and adopted and that the reading
adopted of the text be waived by unanimous consent of those present.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Gillow, Scott
Noes: None
Abstain: Councilwoman McCandliss
Absent: Mayor Hyde
a. REPORT ON CRITERIA TO In a written report, Acting City Manager Asmus said that
ESTABLISH COMPENSATION during negotiations, it was brought to the Council's attentio
OF CITY MANAGER, CITY that a number of positions may be erroneousl7 compensated
ATTORNEY AND CITY CLERK because duties and responsibilities change, but relative
compensation does not. The Council particularly expressed
concern over the lack of objective criteria in determining th
appropriate salaries for the City Manager, City Attorney and
City Clerk and requested a staff report be brought back on
a way to resolve this matter.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 5 - July 17, 1979
Staff presented a detailed analysis of the problem and
recommended that a conrprehensive classification and pay
plan study be conducted by an independent outside consultant
to develop the methods the Council is seeking.
Motion to accept staff It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor pro
report and recommendation Tempore Giltow and unanimously carried by those present
that the report be accepted and that staff be asked to
develop a request for proposal.
b. Request for Executive City Manager Cole requested that an Executive Session be
Session held for possible litigation regarding the Bayfront Local
Coastal Plan.
Motion to hold Executive It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor pro
Session Tempore Gillow and unanimously carried by those present that
an Executive Session be held as requested (at the conclusion
of the agenda).
c. Meeting held by Mr. Cole said that as a result of the meeting held on June
Gersten Company and 11 with the Gersten Company and the Watt developers, commu-
Watt Developers nications are open and coordination is expected between
the two developers.
d. Thermostats to be Mr. Cole noted that in accordance with the Presidential
set at 78 degrees directive, the tkermostats in the City-owned facilities
in summer and 65 will be set at 78 degrees in su~nmer and at b5 degrees in
degrees in winter winter, effective Wednesday, July 18.
e. Application for Mr. Cole said the staff met on June 12 with personnel from
pool cover may the Regional Office of the Federal Urban Park and Recreation
he approved Program to discuss a pool cover for the Park Way Pool, and
it appears the City has a "fair" chance of receiving approval
on this application.
f. Rase restaurant Mr. Cole reported that the Rase restaurant project is
project proceeding proceeding and the relationship of the City with the Rase
family is congenial and problems are being resolved.
g. Committee to meet ~. Cole noted that by Resolution No. 9678 the Council
with Bonita/Sunnyside directed meetings to be held with the Bonita/Sunnyside Fire
Fire Protection Protection District. He said it is necessary for the Council
District to select one or two members to he on this committee and
a schedule of meetings can then be set up.
Motion to appoint Mayor It was moved by Mayor pro rempore Gillow, seconded by
Hyde and Councilman Scott Councilman Cox and unanimously carried by ~hose present that
to committee Mayor Hyde and Councilman Scott be appointed to this
h. Cormputer service Mr. Cole commented that staff has negotiated with the Chula
to be provided Vista Elementary School District for the City to provide
Elementary School computer service to the Distriot and that arrangements have
District been made with the Glendale School District to purchase thei~
programs to be modified as necessary to provide this service.
i. Hearing continued Mr. Cole reported that the hearing on the City's Local
on Local Coastal Plan Coastal Plan before the State Coastal Commission has been
continued until August 15 at the Sheraton Harbor Island
j. Governor vetoed Mr. Cole discussed the Governor's veto of AB 227 and SB 154
AB 227 and SB 154 clarifying and redefining "reserve" funds. (The City would
have received one half million dollars under the Bills.)
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 6 - July 17, 1979
11. REPORT ON TEMPORARY In a written report, City Engineer Lippitt said that on
ACCESS TO LA BELLA PIZZA July 5, 1978 the Council approved a staff proposal to provide
trash pickup to the rear of La Bella Pizza restaurant by
extending the Madrona Street parking lot and installing
a drainage system. Mr. Rase gave the City $2,000 to cover
the cost of hiring an engineer for the design of the drainage
facilities and parking lot to expedite the project.
Alternative suggested In view of a subsequent Block Grant Project approved for a
drainage system under the building, staff suggested that a
more feasible solution to the Rase trash problem would be
to construct a temporary pedestrian bridge across the drainag
channel from the parking lot to the restaurant addition (at
an estimated cost of $500 to $1,000) until such time as the
ultimate drainage system is completed.
In answer to a query from Mayor pro Tempore Gillow, City
Engineer Lippitt said that Mr. Rase concurs with this suggest
Mayor pro Tempore Gillow expressed his concern that the $2,00
received from Mr. Rase was not used in essence to give priori
to the project.
Motion to refund It was moved by Mayor pro Tempore Gillow that the $2,000 for
the $2,000 the engineering design be returned as the project was not
completed quickly.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of a second.
Motion to accept It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor pro Tempor¢
staff recommendation Gillow and unanimously carried by those present that the
staff recommendation be accepted.
12. RECOMmeNDATION THAT THE The Chairman of the Safety Commission indicated the Commissi¢
COUNCIL REQUEST CALTRANS TO made this recommendation based on the fact that since the fu]
EXPEDITE THE INSTALLATION opening of 1-805 in 1977, the number of vehicles entering an¢
OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS FOR THE exiting to and from 1-80S at Telegraph Canyon Road has been
"ON AND OFF RAMPS" OF 1-80S steadily on the increase, particularly the conflict of turnil
AT TELEGRAPH CANYON ROAD movements of vehicles entering and exiting the northbound
1-805 traffic flow. The Commission felt that with the growtt
in residential development to the east feeding higher volume~
of traffic onto Telegraph Canyon Road, the accident potentia~
is bound to increase.
M~tion to make recommendation It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox
to CALTRANS by resolution and unanimously carried by those present that the Council ma]
the recommendation (to CALTRANS) and that a resolution be
brought back to the Council.
13. RECOMmeNDATION FOR COUNCIL At their meeting of June 14, 1979 the Mayor's Ad-Hoc Crime
CONSIDERATION OF UTILIZING Prevention Committee voted unanimously to recommend that the
MOBILE HeMPs IN CITY PARKS Council consider the use of mobile homes in the City parks i~
an effort to prevent vandalism and crime.
Motion to schedule Item 13 It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox
for a Council Conference and unanimously carried by those present that this item be
held over for a Council Conference session.
Program to have paintings In response to a query from Councilman Cox, City Manager Col~
in the parks said a report will be coming to the Council on the proposal
to have paintings in the parks as the staff and the Parks
and Recreation Commission are working on developing this
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 7 - July 17, 1979
Motion to consider both It was moved hy Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor pro Tempore
reports at the same Gillow and unanimously carried by those present that this
Council Conference report be tied into the Council Conference with the report
and recommendation concerning having trailers in the parks.
Welcome extended to Mayor pro Tempore Gillow welcomed Councilwoman McCandliss
Councilwoman McCandliss to the Council.
Public Poll Mayor pro Tempore Gillow referred to the poll approved recentl
by the Council with Council members and staff to submit
recommendations on 24 questions to be polled.
Motion for deadline in It was moved by Mayor pro Tempore Gillow, seconded by Councill
submitting recommendations Cox and unanimously carried by those present that a deadline
for poll date be set for the closest Council meeting to August 1 for
recommendations and input to be submitted. (August 7, 1979).
Councilman Scott commended Mayor pro Tempore Gillow on the
manner in which he conducted tonight's Council meeting. He
also extended a welcome to Councilwoman McCandliss.
Councilwoman McCandliss expressed her appreciation for being
appointed to the Council and said she will be dedicated to
this service for the next few months.
Councilman Cox added his congratulations to Councilwoman
McCandliss and commended Mayor pro Tempore Gillow on the
efficient handling of the meeting.
LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Councilman Cox said that Assemblyman Naylor has introduced
RECOMMENDATION - Assembly Bill 1930 dealing with a course of action for
AB 1930 excessive governmental regulation providing for the recovery
of damages against the City which, through a constitutional
exercise of police power, reduces the value of property. The
Legislative Committee felt this Bill will induce litigation
and recommended that it be opposed.
Motion to oppose It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor pro Tempore
AB 1930 Gillow and unanimously carried by those present that the
Council oppose AB 1930 and that appropriate members of the
Legislature be contacted immediately.
SB 133 - Councilman Cox referred to a report prepared by the Mayor's
program for youth Ad-Hoc Crime Committee recommending support of SB 133
crime prevention (Robbins) permitting the entry of juveniles into the State
penitentiary to participate in a program where prisoners
discourage youth from crime.
Motion to support It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilwoman
SB 133 McCandliss and unanimously carried by those present that the
Council go on record as supporting this Legislation (SB 133).
EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council recessed to Executive Session at 7:5S p.m. for
possible litigation purposes. The City Clerk was excused and
City Manager was appointed Deputy City Clerk. He reported th
the meeting reconvened at 8:20 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor pro Tempore Gillow adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m.
ta the regular meeting of Tuesday, July 24, 1979 at 7:00 p.m.