Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. August 14, 1979
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Public Services Building,
276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, McCandliss, Scott
Councilmen absent: Councilman Cox
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, City Engineer Lippitt,
Acting Director of Planning Lee, Director of Community Development
Desrochers, Director of Parks and Recreation Hall, Police Chief
Winters, Administrative Analyst Swartfager
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde followed by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Gillow and carried 3-0 that the minutes of the meeting of
August 7, 1979 be approved, copies having been sent to
each Councilman. Mayor Hyde abstained since he was not
present at the last meeting.
REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ~ETING Mayor Hyde announced that the Redevelopment Agency meeting
would trail the Council meeting.
Wayne Martin Mr. Martin said he was representing the North Pony League
678 Gretchen Road and Chula Vista South League. He asked that the Leagues
Chula Vista not be required to pay for the lighted field at 5th and "C"
Street (Menzel Field) - $1400, stating that because of this
cost, the Leagues have cut down their night time games; that
the City build a rest room on the field; and that the City
reimburse the Leagues for the monies already paid this
year - $1100.
Motion to refer to It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow
staff and Parks and and unanimously carried by those present that this matter
Recreation Commission be referred to staff and to the Parks and Recreation
Commission for consideration and recommendation to Council.
a. REQUEST OF UNIVERSITY The University Medical Center requested endorsement and OF CALIFORNIA FOR SUPPORT support of their plan to provide a Helicopter Emergency
OF A HELICOPTER EMERGENCY Care Service for the people of San Diego and Imperial Counti~
Referred to staff It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilwoman
McCandliss and unanimously carried by those present that
this matter be referred to staff.
b. REQUEST OF SAN DIEGO The Board of Directors of the Country Club requested Council'
COUNTRY CLUB FOR A opposition to ACA 28 - legislation concerning the tax status
LETTER OF OPPOSITION of private golf clubs.
Motion to file It was moved by Mayor Hyde that the request be filed.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of second.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 2 - August 14, 1979
Referred to Legislative It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilwoman
Committee McCandliss and unanimously carried by those present that
the request be referred to the Legislative Committee.
c. RESIGNATION OF Mrs. Sheresh submitted her resignation from the Human
JOY SHERESH Relations Commission.
Resignation accepted It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
with regret and unanimously carried by those present that the resignatio
be accepted with regret and a letter of appreciation sent
to Mrs. Sheresh thanking her for her services on this
d. REQUEST TO APPOINT LAPCO requested a replacement for Councilman Egdahl who
REPRESENTATIVE ON was the City's representative on the Commission's Cities
LAFC0 COmmITTEE Advisory Committee.
Motion to bring back It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow
next week and unanimously carried by those present that this item
be brought back at the next meeting.
S. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF CONDEM- opened the public hearing.
WITH VILLA SAN MIGUEL City Attorney Lindberg explained that L & M Professional
DRAINAGE AND SEWER EASEmeNT Consultants, Inc. requested that the City consent to the
(Continued from 8/7/79) acquisition of an easement which would be for a sanitary
sewer and storm drain to serve the Villa San Miguel Subdi-
vision. The easement is near the boundary line of property
belonging to Mr. Frank Eerreira.
City Engineer's comments City Engineer Lippitt stated that the Council approved the
tentative map for this subdivision (Resolution 9S40).
Condition SA of that approval stipulated that all lots were
to be served by a gravity sewer. Offsite drainage conditio~
were also required and to provide this, a right of way
acquisition was necessary. The original proposal for the
sewer was to connect to the existing sewer in Eucalyptus
Court (west boundary of the apartment complex); however,
upon objections of Mr. Prank Ferreira (owner of that properl
the staff and developer decided to install the sewer along
the easterly boundary of the apartment complex since a
drainage easement was needed here, thereby connecting into
the existing sewer of Bonita Glen Drive.
Staff recommendation Mr. Lippitt added that because this drainage easement is
needed for protection of Mr. Ferreira's property and nine
of the 10.9 acres cannot be served by gravity to Hilltop
Drive, and it is undesirable to use a permanent pump statim
for sewer service purposes because of the high capital cost
energy costs, etc., staff recommends that the Council adopt
the resolution consenting to the easement by means of emine:
Ferreira's proposed Mr. Lippitt said he was just handed a copy of a proposed
development development of Mr. Ferreira for the adjacent property in
which Mr. Ferreira plans to construct apartment units five
feet off the property line. This could present a problem
for having the sewer and drainage easement together as this
requires a IS' easement. Since he just received the propos
Mr. Lippitt stated he could not respond to all its impli-
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 5 - August 14, 1979
Richard Paul ~tr. Paul, Attorney representing L & M Professional Consultan
2100 Union Bank Building stated that the issue before the Council is whether the
San Diego CA 92101 condemner (private developer) can exercise the private
developer's right of condemnation. The Civil Code gives
this right to the developer; if the resolution is adopted,
the City will not be involved beyond tonight's proceedings.
The question before the Council is whether the easement,
in its present configuration, is located in such a way to
cause the least possihle harm to the burdened property while
providing the greatest possible benefit to the condemning
Mw. Paul discussed the configuration of the easement as
originally proposed and the final alignment being proposed
to the Council this evening, one that they feel will minimiz
the damage while still being able to run it out to Bonita
Glen Drive.
Cost of acquisition Mr. Paul discussed Mr. Ferreira's proposed plan which he ssi
they examined at 12:30 p.m. today for the first time. They
surmised that the acquisition of the easement as proposed
tonight would cost them $S5,000; however, under Mr. Ferreira
proposal, it will be a minimum of $90,0011 with the possibili
of an additional $16,000.
Terence O'Malley Mr. O'Malley asked for rebuttal time.
2100 Union Bank Building
San Diego CA 9210~
Mike Poynor Mr. Po)rnor, Attorney representing Mr. Ferriera, submitted
22S W. Broadway a diagram to the Council noting an alternative easement
Suite 1900 which his client feels would cause the least damage to his
San Diego CA property. The developers' easement would cut out 16 units
from Mr. Ferreira's proposed apartment complex.
Mr. Poynor submitted, for the record, a copy of the building
permit obtained by Mr. Ferreira in September 1974 for a
retaining wall which was built along the boundary line of
the property and which will support the future carports
of his apartment complex.
Guy Winton Mr. Winton, Civil Engineer, submitted a schematic layout
3368 Second Avenue of the property showing the gravity sewer back to Hilltop
San Diego CA 92103 Drive, stating that it shows there is no "incontestahle
need for condemnation of the easements under consideration."
Frank Ferreira Mr. Ferreira explained that when CalTrans put in Bonita Gler
2S0 Bonita Glen Drive Drive, he was informed he had to put in a 35" concrete
Chula Vista CA culvert along the easterly side of Bonita Glen Dirve. The
City refused to put it in at that time, indicating it was
to be put in when the property was improved. Mr. Ferreira
added that he feels he should not be burdened with this
cost which should be someone else's expense. Mr. Ferreira
added that he objects to any condemnation proceedings on
his property as the property could be drained through
gravity to Hilltop Drive without any hardship to the develot
William A. Moser Mr. Moser, Chief Engineer representing L & M Professional
485S Ruffner Street Consultants, discussed ~lr. Ferreira's proposed plans noting
San Diego CA 92111 what he considered several ,'problems" with it: density,
setbacks, necessity of grade and fill, not meeting fire
requirements. Mr. Moser noted the implications of the
easement alternative proposed by Mr. Ferreira, stating that
a storm drain is needed (northeast corner of the property)
and making this easement S' wider for their sewer would
not present an inconvenience to Mr. Ferreira.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 4 - August 14, 1979
Further comments Further comments ensued with the Council concerning the
elimination of the 16 units of Mr. Ferreira's proposed
plan; the configuration of the apartment complex; hhe cost
of the sewer easements; legal standards of the proposed
easements; Ferreira's plan which was conceived five years
ago and the money spent to date on implementing the plan;
property rights of the owner and of the developer; question
of being able to serve the area by gravity to Hilltop Drive.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the hearing was declared closed.
City Engineer's comments In answer to the Council's query, Mr. Lippitt stated he
could not respond in detail to Mr. Ferreira's proposed
plan as he has not had a chance to review it. He could
come back with a recommendation in two weeks.
Motion for 2 weeks It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilwoman McCand~
continuance and unanimously carried by those present that this matter b~
continued for a period of two weeks and be brought back witt
appropriate recommendations by staff.
Sa. RESOLUTION - Continued to the meeting of 8/28/79.
6. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE opened the public hearing.
ACRES AT THE SOUTHEAST Acting Director of Planning Lee explained that the applican'
CORNER OF BONITA ROAD is requesting a change in the prezoning from A-8 (Agricultu:
AND OTAY LAKES ROAD FROM 8 acres minimum) to R-3-P-8 (Multiple family, 8 units per
A-8 TO R-3-P-8 AND C-C-P acre) for 15.14 acres and C-C-P (Central Commercial subject
- ADMA COMPANY, INC. to a precise plan) for 3.00 acres.
The Environmental Impact Report on this project (EIR-79-7)
was certified by the Planning Commission on April 18, 1979
and reviewed by the City Council on May 15, 1979.
Council action On May 22, 1979, the Council took action to amend the Gener
Plan to prezone the 3-acre portion of the property at the
southeast corner of Otay Lakes Road and Bonita Road to
C-C-P and the remaining 15 acres to R-3-P-8. Staff concurr
with this action and asked that the matter be referred back
to the Planning Commission for further report and recommen-
Planning Commission On July 11, 1979, the Planning Commission recommended chang
action the prezoning for the entire 18.14 acres to R-3-P-8 in
accordance with their Resolution No. PCZ-79-J, based upon
their contention that the General Plan should not be amende
to allow more commercial activities east of Otay Lakes Road
Applicant's plans Mr. Lee further explained that the applicant intends to
develop 120 residential units and 20,000 square feet of
commercial space which will be divided into 15 shops of
approximately 1,000 square feet each and 5,000 square feet
of floor space for a restaurant or financial building.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 5 - August 14, 1979
Nathan Adler, President Mr. Adler, the applicant, stated that they now have 97%
ADMA Company occupancy in their present Bonita Centre shopping center
4398 Bonita Road and feel that the additional commercial area requested for
Bonita the Bonita East shopping area is merited and necessary.
He added that the proposed Bob's Big Boy restaurant will
not be locating in the Centre; however, another restaurant
will be a tenant and there may be a problem with adhering
to the strict conditions of architectural compatibility.
Mr. Adler declared that he stands to honor all commitments
imposed by the City Council.
Edward Anderson Mr. Anderson asked that the Council consider the noise and
1009 Calle Mesita lighting factors as it affects the neighboring residents.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against, the
hearing was declared closed.
Motion to refer to It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Mayor Hyde
Planning Commission for that the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission
report and recommendation for report and recommendation indicating the intent of the
Council to prezone the 3 acre portion of the property at
the southeast corner of Otay Lakes Road and Bonita Road to
C-C-P and the remaining 15 acres to R-3-P-8.
Discussion of motion Councilwoman McCandliss commented that the issue is not
the development nor whether Bonita Road has been lost
because of the commercial development that has gone on,
nor the sales tax revenues to the City - she, in general,
concurs with the findings and recommendations of the PlanninI
Commission -- that there is no need for additional commercia
development in this area; therefore, she will vote against
this motion.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hyde, Gillow
Noes: Councilwoman McCandliss
Absent: Councilman Cox
7. RESOLUTION NO. 9726 During the 1978/79 fiscal year, Environmental Care, Inc.
ACCEPTING MAINTENANCE completed all maintenance work on the Open Space Districts
CONTRACT WORK ON OPEN in accordance with a contract approved on June 20, 1978.
SPACE DISTRICT NOS. 2, A final inspection was made and all work was found to be
3, 4, S, 6 AND 7 completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Parks and
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Gillow, Hyde, McCandliss
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Cox
8. RESOLUTION NO. 9?27 On February 17, 1976, the Council approved a cooperative
ACCEPTING CERTAIN SLOPE AND agreement with the County of San Diego for participating in
DRAINAGE EASEMENTS AND the cost of widening Main Street from Fresno Avenue easterly
ACCEPTING, NAMING AND to the 1-805 freeway. Under the agreement, the County was t
DEDICATING CERTAIN PORTIONS purchase or condemn the necessary rights of way and the City
OF MAIN STREET, OTAY VALLEY was obligated to reimburse the County for this cost. On
ROAD AND HILLTOP DRIVE March 22, 1977, (Resolution No. 8551) the City Council
authorized $113,303.25 for the rights of way. The County ha
now submitted the quitclaim deeds to the parcels.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 6 - August 14, 1979
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Gillow, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Gillow, Hyde, McCandliss, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Cox
9. RESOLUTION NO. 9728 The County of San Diego proposes to signalize the intersecti~
APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN of Hilltop Drive and Main Street in the vicinity of Chula
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND Vista. Since this intersection is partially in the County
THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO FOR (2/3) and partially in the City (1/3), it is necessary to
CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE execute an agreement specifying responsibility for maintenan
OF A TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM and distribution of costs. The estimated $60,000 cost will
AT THE INTERSECTION OF be shared jointly - 2/3 for the County's share and 1/3 for
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent of those present, passed and adopted
by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilwoman McCandliss, Councilmen
Scott, Gillow
Noes: None
Councilman Cox
10. RESOLUTION - The Council appropriated $60,000 to assist in the promotion
APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN of tourism and conventions in the City. Under the agreement
THE CITY AND THE CHAMBER OF the Chamber is to receive $34,700 to be paid quarterly for
CO~qERCE VISITORS BUREAU operating the two information centers. This amount will be
COMMITTEE IN REGARD TO THE adjusted depending on the cost of payment for the consultant
City Manager's comments Mr. Cole stated that the Chamber informed him that they woul
not sign the agreement in its present form since they feel
the City has the potential of reducing the amount of money
they would receive to operate the two nformation Centers
for a full year.
William D. Edwards Mr. Edwards, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce,
747 Monserate Avenue stated that if they are going to perform this service for
Chula Vista the City, they want a contract, as specific as possible,
and to have it covered for one year. He referred to the
Copley Report which was critical of the operation of the
Centers and asked that the Council bear in mind that the mol
coming into Chula Vista are more than the $34,000 allotted
by Council for the operation of the Centers.
K. Nick Slijk Mr. Slijk said he received a check from the City for the
Executive Director first one-quarter payment. They have set it aside in a
special bank account until this item has been resolved.
Mr. Slijk stated that the Chamber was under the impression
that they would be financed for one full year. He asked to
get together with the staff to redraft the resolution to
change some of the wording and come back to Council with it
next week.
General discussion Discussion followed regarding the priority of hiring a
consultant first; the cost of getting the consultant;
adjusting, if necessary, the balance of the account for the
operation of the two Centers if this is the recommendation
of the consultant; drafting an interim agreement with the
Chamber for the three month period of time until the
consultant is hired.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 7 - August 14, 1979
Motion to continue It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilwoman
for one week McCandliss and unanimously carried by those present that
this matter be continued for one week and that staff be
directed to contact the Chamber representatives to attempt
to resolve the differences that appear to exist.
a. REPORT ON REQUEST TO City Manager Cole reported that staff met with representati~
HOLD HALF-MARATHON ON of the Optimist Club and realized that because of all the
SEPTEMBER 16, 1979 - work done to this point, there was no way to revise the
BONITA OPTIMIST route. The staff worked out ~ays to handle the run and
recommend that if the Council approves the program, to
authorize it in its present location.
Mr. Cole recommended the approval be based on the following:
(1) City should be indemnified for any liahility for this
run in the same amount required for the Fiesta de la
Luna - $1 million.
(2) Have a deposit of $100 to cover the minimal expenses
(gas and mileage cost of cars used by the Police Reser~
Don LeCompte Mr. LeCompte, representing the Optimist Club, stated that
1615 Elmhurst Street the disclaimer clause, as recommended by the City Manager,
Chula Vista is in their flyer - a standard disclaimer found on all
marathon runs. As to the insurance coverage, the premium
for one-half million dollars for one day comes to $350;
the million dollar stipulation would be at least twice that.
Mr. LeCompte noted the insurance coverage the Optimist Club
has for this run indicating it was sufficient to cover the
Motion for approval It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde an(
unanimously carried by those present that the request be
approved subject to the insurance being approved by the sta:
and the $100 deposit.
Motion for policy It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilwoman
McCandliss and unanimously carried by those present that
whatever policy comes back to the Council (for these runs)
is to include covering the direct costs of the City.
b. REPORT ON FINANCIAL City Manager Cole reported on the request for financial
ASSISTANCE REQUEST assistance of $1,000 for travel expenses for both the Minor
FROM CV ALL STARS and Major All Stars of the Chula Vista Bobby Sox teams
to compete in Buena Park for the National Championship on
August 11-17 and August 18-24 respectively. Mr. Cole liste~
both "positive" and "negative" aspects in his report with
the concluding recommendation of denial.
Bill Stratton Mr. Stratton stated that so far the teams are winning in
300 Spruce Street this tournament. He commented on the Bobby Soxers' program
Chula Vista which he felt was wholesome, both physically and mentally,
for the 200 girls involved with no delinquency cases. Mr.
Stratton commented on the promotional standpoint of repre-
senting Chula Vista - the "girls have put Chula Vista on th~
map!" The financial assistance being requested is a one-
time need and they are willing to return any portion of the
money to the City if either team is knocked out of the
tournament in less than the eight days.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 8 - August 14, 1979
Motion for $500 It was moved by Councilwoman McCandliss and seconded hy
Mayor Hyde that $500 be appropriated.
Discussion of motion City Manager Cole stated that a resolution would have to
come back which will need a 4/5's vote of the Council.
Councilman Scott suggested this come back in 2 weeks when
there will be a full Council as he is planning to vote
against the motion.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilwoman McCandliss, Mayor Hyde, Councilman
Councilman Scott
Councilman Cox
12. REPORT ON AIR CONDITIONING A report was submitted by Development Services Administrator
OF CITY HALL Robens which referred to Council's action on July 26, 1979
reaffirming its decision to include air conditioning in
City Hall and not stop the mechanical engineer in his
design process.
In his written report, Mr. Rohens listed a few system altern
tives along with the costs, recommending Alternate 4 -
"Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning" at a cost of
Staff report and It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
recommendation accepted and unanimously carried by those present that the staff
report and recommendation be accepted.
13. RBCO~4ENDATION FOR THE The Historical Site Board recommended inclusion of the
INCLUSION OF TWO SITES following two homes:
REGISTER Bronson House, 613 Second Avenue
Bronson Carriage House, 611 Second Avenue
Motion to accept It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilwoman
recommendation McCandliss and unanimously carried by those present that
the Bronson House, 615 Second Avenue and the Bronson
Carriage House, 611 Second Avenue be included in the
Historical Sites Register and the owners encouraged to
maintain these sites.
Air Conditioning in Mayor Hyde asked the staff to check the air conditioning
Council Chamber unit in the Chamber - what could be done to improve the
climatic condition.
Coastal Commission Mayor Hyde announced that the State Coastal Commission will
meeting consider Chula Vista's local coastal plan tomorrow morning
at 8:00 a.m. at the Grant Hotel in San Diego.
Action of Board of Mayor Hyde made reference to th~ action of the Board of
Supervisors re Supervisors last week in approving the development of this
Long Canyon development area. Since there is a great deal of confusion in the mind
of the staff, the Mayor said he would arrange a meeting wit
Supervisors Hamilton and Moore to discuss this action.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 9 - August 14, 1979
Letter from Superintendent A letter was received from Superintendent Servetter thanking
Servetter, Chula Vista City the Council for participation in the summer school program.
School District
CPO Assistance in The Mayor noted the article recently appearing in the CPO's
public polls bulletin noting their assistance to the City of Vista in
preparing a public opinion poll.
Motion for staff to It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott and
contact CPO unanimously carried by those present that the staff, at the
appropriate time, contact CPO in regard to possible assistan
of CPO in the implementation of the questionnaire program
which the City of Chula Vista is going to undertake.
Financial Report Councilman Gillow referred to the financial statement for
June 1979 which noted the bailout money to he received.
Councilman Gillow cautioned that steps not be taken by the
Council to replace a nUmber of programs based on this
"healthy" budget, but that he would suggest looking at
reducing the utility users tax, some fees, and perhaps
turning some street lights back on.
Motion for Conference It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow
and unanimously carried by those present that in October,
at a time convenient to the staff, the City Manager schedule
a Council Conference whereby the City Council can analyze
and evaluate the impact of budget adjustments due to changes
in the income which will be reflected because of potential
receipt of additional State funds.
Included in motion Mayor Hyde stated that the intent of his motion was to
incorporate having the staff look into the effect of
legislation on the budget and how it will be projected out
into the future.
"Vial-of-Life" Program Councilwoman McCandliss announced that the Department of
Human Services of the County is sponsoring a "Vial-of-Life"
program designed for senior citizens, especially those
home-bound, invalids, etc. The Vial will contain a medical
record of the person and it will be put in the refrigerator
with a sign on the front notifying emergency personnel that
the information is available. Councilwoman McCandliss invit
the Council to the "kick-off" on Monday, August 20 at the
Salvation Army headquarters.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 9:45 p.m. to the meeting
scheduled for Tuesday, August 21, 1979 at 7:00 p.m.