Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. August 23, 1979
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California was
held on the above date beginning at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Conference Room, City Hall,
276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Cox, McCandliss, Scott (arrived late)
Councilmen absent: Councilman Gillow
Staff present: City Manager Cole, Assistant City Manager Asmus, Assistant City Attorney
Harron, City Engineer Lippitt, Development Services Administrator Robens,
Senior Planner Pass, Senior Civil Engineer Harshman
1. FEE CO~ITTEE REPORT Mayor Hyde referred to the Fee Committee's report and the
recommendations of the City Manager (memorandum of May 7,197~
Motion to accept portion It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
of recommendations unanimously carried by those present that the Council accepts
and approves the following recommendations of the Fee Com-
mittee because, among other things, there are no objections
from the staff:
la. Institute a simple cost accounting system.
lc. Annual review and report by City Manager with an
analysis of the hourly rate based on the Public Works,
Planning, and Building and Housing Departments, said
cost to include basic salary, fringe benefits, retire-
ment and overhead, the basis for the cost accounting
le. P~o~ulgate a revised fee and deposit schedule of two
puts - one section with the language and verbiage of
th~ ordinance referring to the fee or deposit in the
8eeon~ s~etien, thereby reducing changes; the second
s~ctien to consist of titles and fees/deposits for
quick reference.
2. Limitation in processing of construction applications
for specific functions where public input is routine.
Id. The cost accounting City Manager Cole explained his recommendation supporting
hourly fee or deposit the hourly fees but suggested that the amount of deposit to
not be increased or be made be left to the Department Head having primary re-
decreased without sponsibility for the work involved. Mr. Cole noted that
Council approval the deposit was an amount expected to cover the expected
cost and it would be difficult for the Council to have to
set the amount for all the deposits that would have to be
Mr. Leonard Moore, Chairman of the Fee Committee, stated he
had no objection to the staff's recommendation.
Councilman Cox suggested establishing some guidelines ~hereve~
possible ~departmentally or within the purview of the
Deputy City Manager).
Motion to approve ld It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Hyde and
unanimously carried by those present that recommendation id
be approved with the added changes as suggested by staff.
3. Caution in fees charged Mayor Hyde noted there was little or no disagreement on the
for functions or use part of the City Manager to this recommendation.
that may adversely affect
the public good or the Mr. Moore stated that the Committee agrees with the City
economic health of the Manager's recommendation.
Motion to approve No. 3 It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilwoman
McCandliss and unanimously carried by those present that
recommendation No. 3 be approved, noting the City Manager's
"Imposition of an exorbitant fee could cause a businese to
locate elsewhere. Likewise, it could diacourage a potentia~
resident from moving to Chula Vista. The difference to the
community is simply a matter of degree. Most of the fees
charged by the City could TO SOME DEGREE adversely affect
the public good or the econemic good of the City. We
question why businesses should be given any special con-
sideration. Any fee not paid in fuZ1 by the recipient of
the service must be otherwise subsidized by the rest of the
community. We concur with the concept of Item 3, but urge
that the concept be equitably applied to all permittees."
4d. A review of all permit City Manager Cole stated his recommendation would be $100
fees be conducted and rather than the $50.
where in excess of $50,
they be processed within Mr. Moore said he had no objection to the increased amount
the cost accounting that there ware pros and cons among the Committee members a
system to what the fees should be.
Motion to approve 4d. It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
unanimously carried by those present that approval be given
to 4d as recommended by the staff.
4f. If there is to be a delay City Manager Cole disagreed that single-family dwelling fee
in instituting a cost were disproportionate but before any changes are made, the
accounting system, it is services performed and the cost to the City need to be
recommended that a number analyzed. He added that this City's charges were in line
of fees within the with those of other jurisdictions.
Building and Housing
Department for S/F Sub- Mr. Moore remarked that in the question and answer periods
divisions be adjusted to (during their Committee meetings), the Building and Housing
correct disproportionate Department agreed with the data before the Committee - that
charges now paid for the fees for single-family unit improvements (patios, addi-
services provided tions,etcO were costing the City more than what was being
(Councilman Scott arrived at this time - 4:17 p.m.)
Public Services Administrator Roberts declared that the
Building and Housing Department has no problem with con-
ducting an analysis to determine what those fees are and
making proportionate adjustments.
Motion to approve 4f. It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
unanimously carried by those present that 4f be approved
as submitted by the Fee Committee.
Discussion Discussion followed regarding the various departments havi~
different overhead computations~ methods of computing over-
head; striving to have standardization unless there are
some overriding factors; computing in a percentage amount
for City overhead (Administration).
lb. The City Council appoint The City Manager disagreed with this Committee recommendat:
a committee composed of stating that he should be charged with this responsibility
appropriate talent to for the analysis of the hourly cost charged for fees throul
perform a one-time, de- the Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation group, rather t]
tailed analysis of the utilizing a citizens committee.
hourly cost charged to
the public for fees and
other associated services
by the following depart-
ments: Public Works,
Planning and Building and
Motion to accept City Manager's It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Recommendation Cox and unanimously carried by those present that the
City Manager's recommendation on lb be accepted.
Motion for letter of thanks Mayor Hyde thanked Mr. Moore for chairing this Committee.
to the Committee
It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilwoman
McCandliss that the staff prepare a letter of appreciation
to all members of the Fee Schedule Committee on behalf of
the Council, and for the Mayor's signature.
Committee dissolved Mayor Hyde noted that the Committee is now dissolved.
Councilman Cox suggested they be invited to a Council meet-
ing and given a Certificate of Appreciation.
Motion amended Mayor Hyde amended his motion to state that it be a letter
of thanks and appreciation to the Committee and that an
appropriate Certificate of Appreciation be presented to
them at a regular City Council meeting.
Councilwoman McCandliss agreed to the second and the motion
carried unanimously by those present.
2. UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING City Manager Cole, referring to the material submitted by
PROJECT PRIORITIES the City Engineer, noted that the priority listing should b~
considered a guideline since this could change (i. e., a
capital improvement project might change the listing).
City Engineer Lippitt explained the three things involved:
(1) methodology system of trying to assign value to criteri~
that is important in developing a priority list; (2) the
list itself; (3) a program to be approved by the Council;
and (4) a comparison between the old and new methodology.
Council discussion Discussion ensued regarding the priority listing; the re-
development area projects; and the recommendations of the
Underground Utility Advisory Committee.
Councilman Scott commented that the numbers (priorities)
were arbitrary and insignificant - the list was just a
guideline subject to change.
RESOLUTION NO. ~35 Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was
AMENDING RESOLUTION NOS. 6684, waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
710S AND 8668, ADOPTING RE- following vote, to-wit:
UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, McCandliss, Scott
GROUNDING PRIORITY LIST Absent: Councilman Gillow
3. NEW INTERNATIONAL BORDER City Manager Cole explained that the request from CPO
STATION COMPLEX (Comprehensive Planning Organization) is for Council's
input on the proposal of the General Services Administratlo~
of the Federal Government to establish a second border
station at the junction of Harvest Road and the Internation:
Border, about one mile south of Otay Mesa Road.
Recommendation of Planning The Planning staff has reviewed and analyzed the proposal
Staff and recommends that it not be supported until the adoption
of a sound planning, growth management townscape and im-
plementation policy for the area.
Senior Planner Pass noted the route and location of the
proposed second crossing stating that the area is relative-
ly flat and ideal for industrial development.
James Matherly Mr. Matherly read a prepared speech in which he stated his
402 Oaklawn Avenue opposition to the second crossing.
Chula Vista 92010
Council discussion The Council indicated their inability to make a decision
based on the little information presented to them.
Motion not to support It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilwoman
McCandliss and unanimously carried by those present that
staff's recommendations be sent on to CPO with a footnote
stating that until these concerns are resolved, the Council
does not feel this is a good proposal.
Mayor Hyde suggested the following change in wording of
staff's report which will be sent to CPO: 2. '~Zthough the
second border crossing maH (in plaas of the word '~ould")
improve public convenience and improve circulation, the
City of Chula Vista cannot support the establishment of a
second border station until joint regional planning, growth
management, townscape and implementation policy, in connecti
therewith, have been adopted by the respective governmental
agencies concerned: San Diego County, City of Chula Vista,
City of San Diego, City of Imperial Beach, City of National
City, City of Coronado, Tijuana and the State of California.
Suggested wording adopted Councilman Scott agreed to Mayor~Hyde's phrasing of the
motion; Councilwoman McCandliss agreed to the second and the
motion as amended carried unanimously by those present.
4. COUNCIL INSURANCE City Manager Cole reviewed his memorandum sent to the Counci
COVERAGE in February 1979 outlining the present insurance policies
and coverage provided members of Council.
A general discussion ensued regarding the cost of the in-
surance and the need for Council's coverage during the
time they are traveling on City business.
Motion for staff report It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
unanimously carried by those present that the staff look
into the cost and practicality of providing for insurance
coverage for members of the City Council for death or in-
jury while traveling in the course of their Council duties.
Motion for life insurance It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
report and unanimously carried by those present that the staff
come back with information with regard to the availability
of life insurance coverage for Council members similar to
that available to the top and middle management and the
cost related thereto - for Council consideration.
5. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT City Manager Cole reported that the City will be holding
the Assessment Center on August 31 for the ten candidates
applying for the position of Director of Policy Analysis
and Program Evaluation.
a. Appointment of member to Mayor Hyde stated he intends to appoint Robert "Dusty"
Environmental Control Rhodes to the vacancy on the Environmental Control Commissi~
Motion to ratify appointment It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried by those present that the
appointment of Mr. Rhodes be ratified.
b. Meeting with Supervisor Mayor Hyde said he met with Supervisor Moore regarding the
Moore action of the County Supervisors on the Long Canyon develop
ment. The meeting with Supervisor Moore was "polite,
served and cool". The item will be before the Board of
Supervisors on Monday, August 27, at which time he will
appear on behalf of the City.
c. Interviews for Boards/ It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
Commissions unanimously carried by those present that the Council meet
on Thursday, August $0, at 4:00 p.m. to conduct interviews
for the vacancies on the Parks and Recreation Commission,
Civil Service Commission and Library Board.
d. Human Relations Commission Mayor Hyde asked for Council's suggestions for appointments
Appointments to the Human Relations Commission.
e. Civic Recognition Awards Mayor Hyde noted that the date for the Civic Recognition
Awards Banquet is October 12. He asked for Council nomina-
tions for Civic Recognitions no later than September 11,197[
f. Visitor Industry The Visitor Industry Advisory Committee was originally
Committee established as the Mayor's Visitor Industry Advisory Committ
Mayor Hyde asked if the Committee should now be established
a formal Committee.
Councilman Scott said he felt it should stay as an Ad Hoc
Committee since he did not envision it operating beyond
this next year.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at S:15 p.m. to the meetinl
scheduled for Tuesday, August 28, 1979 at 7:00 p.m.