Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. September 11, 1979
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on the
above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Public Services Building, 276 Fourth
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow (arrived late), ~og, McCandliss, Scott
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Director of Public Services Robens, City Engineer Lippitt,
Director of Planning Peterson, Administrative Analyst Swartfager,
Director of Parks & Recreation Hall
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde followed by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman Scott
and unanimously carried by those present that the minutes of
the meeting of September 4, 1979 be approved, copies having
been sent to each Councilman.
a. OATH OF OFFICE City Clerk Fulasz administered the Oath of Office to:
Herbert Lemmons - Civil Service Commission
John Harris - Parks and Recreation Commission
Jerry Rindone - Library Board of Trustees
(Counailman Gillow arrived at this time. )
b. RESOLUTION NO. 9764 Mayor Hyde praised the team for their enviable record of
COMMENDING THE CHULA victory in winning the National Championship for four ou~ of
VISTA BOBBY SOX TEAM the past five years.
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the text was read by Mayor Hyde,
passed and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen McCandliss, Scott, Gillow,C(
Noes: None
Absent: None
c. RESOLUTION NO. 976S By this resolution, the Council commended Mrs. Brainard for
COMMENDING NORMA her exemplary leadership of the Bobby Sox team making them
BRAINARD FOR HER FINE the National Champions for the fourth time in the past five
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the text was read by Mayor Hyde, pass~
and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen McCandliss, Scott, Gillow,C(
Noes: None
Absent: None
Recess At this time, the Council recessed to honor the players of
the Bobby Soxers' team. Cake and punch were served in the
Reception Room. The Council recessed at 7:20 p.m. and the
meeting reconvened at 7:37 p.m.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 2 - September 11, 1979
a. Clarence Knight Mr. Knight discussed the "Course in City Government" which
117 Jefferson ~v~nue the staff put on in 1972 and asked that it now be repeated.
Chula Vista
Motion to refer to City It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilwoman McCandl:
Manager and unanimously carried that this matter be referred to the
City Manager and ask him to repeat this program that was con
ducted back in 1972, as suggested by Mr. Knight, with a repo:
back to the Council in two weeks.
b. Jack Harper Mr. Harper asked for permission and City help in sponsoring
Chula Vista a Chula Vista Band Review on November 17, 1979 from 10:30
to 1:30 p.m.
Discussion Discussion followed regarding the cost of such an event; the
number of bands participating - about 40; City's help in get
ting a judges' stand, and police reserves; route of the
Motion to refer to the It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Hyde and
City Manager unanimously carried that this request be referred to the Cit
Manager for a report back at the next Council meeting as to
the estimated cost, problems associated with the event, and
staff recommendations.
c. James Matherly Mr. Matherly read a speech he gave before the Metropolitan
402 Oaklawn Avenue Transit Development Board in San Diego on September 10, 1979
Chula Vista in which he asked them to "cancel contracts and go out of
business" on the Tijuana heavy track passenger train.
a. Request for waiver Chairman of the Fiesta, Mr. F. R. Phillips, requested a
of fees for Fiesta waiver of all fees for the event scheduled to take place in
de la Luna October.
Request granted It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow
and unanimously carried that the request be granted subject
to staff conditions.
5. PUBLIC MEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF PRECISE opened the public hearing.
MERCIAL STRUCTURE AT Referring to his written report, Director of Planning Peter.
712 "E" STREET IN THE son explained that the applicant has submitted a precise pl~
C-V-P ZONE - C. BROWN for the development of a 6,020 square foot parcel located o7
AND MATTHEWS the south side of "E" Street inunediately west of the Cavali~
Motel in the C-V-P zone on which it is proposed to construcl
a two-story commercial structure with 12 offstreet parking
Planning Commission On August 22, 1979, the Planning Commission adopted the
Recommendation Negative Declaration (IS-80-13) and recommended approval of
the precise plan in accordance with their Resolution PCM-80
Analysis of proposal Mr. Peterson detailed the existing site characteristics, la~
use, architecture and proposed signs for the development.
noted that one condition of approval was that the building
and parking maintain a minimum 1d-foot setback from the
property line. This was imposed to get additional landscap
ins on "E" Street which is designated as a scenic route and
a gateway to the City.
Land uses .proposed Mr. Peterson noted the uses proposed for this development
stating they were not generally allowed for a C-V zone:
Beauty shop, liquor store (lst floor) and offices on the
second floor.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 3 - September 11, 1979
Wayne Schneitker Mr. Schneitker, architect of the project, discussed the ad-
230 Glover Avenue vantages of having a beauty parlor in order to meet the needs
Chula Vista of the tourists. He added that he has documented evidence
for the use of an easement and their right to it to use the
adjacent driveway which now provides access to the bowling
Council discussion A general discussion ensued regarding the types of uses
allowed in the C~V zone; the staffls recommendation of
"stretching" these uses in order to accommodate the project;
the easement needed for access; appropriateness of the
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against, the
hearing was declared closed.
ia. RESOLUTION NO. 9766 Offered by Councilman Gillow, the reading of the text was
APPROVING pRECISE PLAN waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the fol-
FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A lowing vote, to-wit:
STRUCTURE AT 712 !'E'l AYES: Councilmen Gillow, Cox, Hyde, McCandliss, Scott
Absent: None
6. PUBLIC HEARING - Councilman Scott noted that before the Council can consider
CONSIDERATION OF PRECISE this development, it must first decide whether or not the
PLAN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF street will be vacated. This matter should be considered
A TWO-STORY OFFICE concurrently with the precise plan and can be docketed for
BUILDING AT 646 TELEGRAPH the next Council meeting.
Motion to continue It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Gillow that this matter be put over until next week so that
the Council can first take up the matter of abandoning the
David Malcolm Mr. Malcolm said it was important to them that the office
683 Calma Place building be considered this evening. They have no objection
Chula Vista to having the contingency of the street vacation imposed upo]
the approval of the office building.
Second withdrawn Councilman Gillow withdrew his second to the motion for the
one week's continuance; therefore, the motion died for lack
of a second.
This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
opened the public hearing.
Director of Planning Peterson submitted a plat noting the
propert7 in question, adjacent land use and zoning. He dis-
cussed the applicant's precise plan for the construction of
a two-story 24,17S square foot office building on the 1.3
acre parcel. The applicant is proposing to construct a 31-
foot high building and seeking relief from the 25-foot heigh
limitation requirement. Also requested is that 20% of the
required parking be compact spaces and that the 2½ foot high
wall along the northerly property line adjacent to Telegraph
Canyon Road be eliminated.
Planning Commission On August 22, 1979, the Planning Commission adopted the
recommendation Negative Declaration (IS-80-5) and recommended approval of
the precise plan in accordance with their Resolution PCM~80-
Staff recommendation Mr. Peterson stated that the staff concurs with the Planning
Commission recommendation, and in addition, recommends that
the applioant be required to demonstrate that the mirrored
facade will not pose a hazard to traffic on Telegraph Canyon
Road -- such demonstration to be made prior to the issuance
of a building permit.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 4 - September 11, 1979
Condition #6 - Parking Spaces Councilman Cox questioned the practicality of imposing this
condition: "All compact parking spaces shall be assigned
to employees and marked accordingly."
Mr. Peterson commented on the problems in trying to enforce
the condition.
Council discussion Discussion followed regarding the staff's recommended condi-
tion on the mirrored facade; how this was to be demonstrated
angling the windows in such a way as to get less reflection
from the sun; other buildings using this same type architec-
David Malcolm Mr~ Malcolm commented that should the vacation (of the stree'
go through first and the office building be turned down, the
applicant would have no access to the property and they woul.
be forced to enter into a long-term lease with United Enter-
prises, whereas, today they can have the use of the land for
free. This necessitates having the building approved first,
for financial reasons. Mr. Malcolm noted several buildings
San Diego that have this same "mirrored facade" and that iitI
is still allowing buildings with this type of glass to be
built in that City.
James Hobel Mr. Hobel remarked that they are planning to "over landscape
716 Anza Way the area. The trees that will be planted would be large
Chula Vista specimen-type trees that will cover the problems of reflecti
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against, the
hearing was declared closed.
Motion for regular size It was moved by Councilman Scott that ail parking spaces be
spaces regular size spaces required by ordinance.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of a second.
Motion to delete Condition It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Councilman
No. 6 Cox that anyone can park in that lot and not just the em-
ployees -- to delete Condition No. 6: "Ail compact parking
spaces shall be assigned to employees and marked accordingl)
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilm~n Scott, Cox, Gillow, Hyde
Noes: Councilwoman McCandliss
Absent: None
Motion to impose condition It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
regarding mirrored facade unanimously carried that the condition stipulated by the
Planning Director with regard to the applicant demonstratin~
to the staff that the window surfaces will not create a
safety hazard be ~e~ired ~s~a condition..
6a. RESOLUTION NO. 9767 Offered by Councilman Cox, as amended, the reading of the
APPROVING PRECISE PLAN FOR text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by
CONSTRUCTION OF AN OFFICE the following vote, to-wit:
CANYON ROAD IN THE AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, McCandliss, Scott, Gillow
C~O-P ZONE Noes: None
Absent: None
7. RESOLUTION NO. 9768 The Council is endorsing the Comprehensive Planning Organiz
SUPPORTING COMPREHENSIVE tion Board's request supporting the change of name to the
PLANNING ORGANIZATION NAME "San Diego Council of Governments" - SANCOG. However, the
CHANGE AND OPPOSING Council is not endorsing adding four ex-officio members to
ADDITION OF EX-OFFICIO the Board (1 - San Diego Unified Port District Board; 1 -
MEMBERS THERETO representing the School Districts in the region; and 2 -
representing the Special Districts in the region).
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 5 - September 11, 1979
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived by
unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the following vote
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen McCandliss, Scott, Gillow, Co
Noes: None
Absent: None
8. RESOLUTION NO. 9769 When Bonita Ridge Estates, Unit No. 3 (Map No. 8633) was
APPROVING AND GRANTING approved and recorded, the developer failed to reserve an
EASEMENT TO MLM DEVELOPERS easement over Open Space Lot 154 for access purposes for the
INC. FOR ACCESS PURPOSES benefit of Lots 146, 147, 148 and 149. The easement now heir
requested by California World Title Company in behalf of MLM
Developers, Inc. is coincidental with a 30-foot general
utility, sewer and access easement granted to the City in cot
junction with the approval of Map 8633 and will provide the
legal access to Lots 146, 147, 148 and 149 from Palm Drive.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was waive(
by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, McCandliss, Scott, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: None
9. RESOLUTION -- The Pinto automobile used by the CETA Park Warden to patrol
AUTHORIZING LEASE OF the City's 30-plus parks and recreation facilities has now
VEHICLE FOR CETA PARK accumulated over 110,000 miles and is no longer economical
WARDEN AND AUTHORIZING to maintain. In order to provide the Park Warden with a
EXPENDITURE OF CETA reliable vehicle during the coming year, staff recommended
FUNDS that the Pinto be replaced with a mini pickup leased for a
one-year period on a lease/purchase agreement using CETA fun
Council discussion Discussion centered around the actual purchase of a vehicle
rather than the one-year lease.
Motion to purchase It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox
that a resolution be brought back to the Council authorizing
the purchase of a lease vehicle for the CETA Park Warden and
authorizing the expenditure of CETA funds (in lieu of this
present proposal).
Discussion of motion Councilwoman McCandliss commented that 10% of the CETA funds
~rc used for administration. At this point, the City is
spending at least that 10% to administer the program, and if
there are some dissolutions that the City is taking federal
money to purchase a vehicle, this is wrong because eventuall
the City would have to use general fund monies to pay for th
administration of the CETA program.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Cox, Gillow, Hyde
Noes: Councilwoman McCandliss
Absent: None
Further discussion Further discussion involved not filling the Park Warden
position in mid-year; having the employee use his private
vehicle and get reimbursed for the mileage.
10. RESOLUTION NO. 9770 The City Manager, City Attorney and City Clerk held a pub]i(
INTENTION TO SBT PUBLIC hearing on August 22, 1979 to hear testimony from all
HEARING TO CONSIDER THE "designated employees" regarding their inclusion in the Con-
CONFLICT OF INTEREST flict of Interest Code. The City Manager has made his
CODE FOR THE CITY OF recommended changes in the Code and requested that the matt~
CHULA VISTA be set for public hearing on 0ctober 2, 1979.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was wa:
by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the following v,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Gillow, Cox, Hyde, McCandliss
Noes; None
Absent: None
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 6 - September 11, 1979
11. ORDINANCE - City Attorney Lindberg submitted a written report explaining
AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL that the new ordinance eliminates the restrictive practices
CODE RELATING TO THE of cities and makes it possible for anyone satisfying basic
ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES financial, mechanical and safety provisions of the ordinance
OF CONVENIENCE AND to enter into the field of providing taxicab service. The
NECESSITY FOR THE OPERA- ordinance provides more stringent regulations relative to
TION OF TAXICABS WITHIN insurance coverage, safety requirements and cleanliness and
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA - sanitary requirements.
Discussion The Council held a general discussion to discuss and questio~
the various aspects of the ordinance. Mayor Hyde questioned
the propriety of the wording of Section 5.54.050 (B): "Ail
vehicles to be used ma7 be subjected to mechanical and safet)
inspections ....... "
Motion to change wording It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Mayor Hyde
to delete the word "may" and substitute the word "shall".
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote~ to-wit:
AYES; Councilmen Scott, Hyde~ Cox, McCandliss
Noes: Councilman Gillow
Absent: None
Motion for bi-annual It was moved by Councilwoman McCandliss and seconded by Mayo~
inspections Hyde to amend the second part of Section 5.54.050 (B):
("Said inspections may be renewed on an annual basis on the
anniversary date of said two-year age limit.") to state that
"Said inspections shall be renewed on a bi-annual basis on ti
anniversary date of said two-year age limit."
Discussion of motion Councilman Scott remarked that the one-year inspection makes
more sense to start off with, and then with experience, if i
is decided this was not necessary, the Council could then
change it to a two-year inspection.
Second withdrawn Mayor Hyde withdrew his second; the motion died for lack of
a second,
Five-passenger vehicle Councilman Cox questioned the feasibility of limiting the
vehicles to five-passenger ones.
Motion to delete requirement It was moved by Councilman Cox that this sentence be deleted
(Section 5.54.050 B): "All vehicles shall be limited to
five (5) passenger vehicles, four~door sedan body styles."
No second to motion The motion died for lack of a second.
Thomas P. Harkins Mr. Harkins said he is the owner of "Clipper Express Cab
4376 Polk Company" - a 13-year old Volvo rated as a four-capacity
San Diego, California vehicle. Mr. Harkins objected to the ordinance as (1) vague
(2) arbitrary; (3) insensitive; (4) object to the certifical
of necessity and convenience; (5) requirements are out of ii
(6) delete the last sentence in the "Purpose and Intent"
paragraph: "It is the intent of the Council that all taxi-
cabs operating within the City shall be owned by the certifJ
operator provided that that operator may for purposes of in.
ternal organization of his operation lease said vehicles to
a driver."
City Attorney Lindberg stated that all references in the
ordinance to "certificates of necessity and convenience"
should be for "certificates" only.
In response to the Mayor's explanation that the Council was
trying to de-regulate the taxicab operations in the City an,
allow more operators to come in, Mr. Harkins said he mia-
interpreted the ordinance and had no objections.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 7 - September 11, 1979
Bill Hilton Mr. Hilton declared that the staff should have consulted the
Vice President taxicab industry before writing the ordinance. He cited
Yellow Cab Company several aspects of the ordinance which he felt needed modifi-
cation and/or deletions: (1) City inspecting the records of
their company; (2) yearly safety inspections; (3) providing
the City with certified copies of any leases; (4) clarifica-
tion of the maximum rates for a calendar year; (5) having a
City employee act as a passenger in the taxi to verify the
accuracy of the charges. Mr. Hilton requested that the or-
dinance be sent back to the City Manager and have him meet
with the taxicab industry to go over these issues.
Motion to refer to City It was moved by Councilwoman McCandliss, seconded by Council-
Staff man Cox and unanimously carried that the ordinance be referrc
back to staff and ask them to meet with representatives of
the taxicab industry - the report to be brought back in one
Ray La Duke, Taxicab Driver Mr. La Duke urgedthe Council to "stick to the inspections of
3433 University Avenue the vehicles."
San Diego
12. ORDINANCE 1879 - This ordinance was approved and placed on first reading by
AMENDING THE ZONING the City Council at its meeting of September 4, 1979.
SECTION 19.18.010 OF THE
TO R-3-P-8 FOR 15.14 ACRES
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Cox that this ordinance be placed
reading and adopted on a second reading and adopted, and that the reading of the
text be waived by unanimous consent. The motion carried by
the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox~ Myde~ Scott, Gillow
Noes: Councilwoman McCandliss
Absent: None
a. Report on National City In a written report to Council, the City Manager referred to
vs. City of San Diego the brochure submitted to the Council at the meeting of
regarding Route 252 September 4, 1979 along with the showing of a 4-minute film
supporting the construction of Route 252. The Council con-
tinued this matter for one week to allow the City Attorney
to obtain more information and advise them on the legal as-
pects of joining in support of National City's action.
City Attorney's statement City Attorney Lindberg stated that he was not able to con-
tact the National City Attorney. He will do so this week
and will report back to the Council at the next meeting.
b. Council Conferences City Manager Cole presented the Council with an updated list
of Council Conferences and topics.
c. Bonita/Sunnyside Fire Mr. Cole said the next meeting is to be held on Friday at
Protedtiofi ~istrict Meet- 4:00 p.m. (September 14, 1979) and asked the Council repres~
ing tives to be at City Hall at 3:30 p.m. so they can discuss t?
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 8 - September 11, 1979
d. Executive Session It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
unanimously carried that an Executive Session be called
(at the close of the meeting) for personnel reasons.
14. Report on request of Director of Parks and Recreation Hall submitted a report on
Bonita Business and Pro- the Association's request for a waiver of all fees and for
fessional Association assistance from the City for equipment and services.
concerning the Bonitafest
Parade Mr. Hall noted that the Parks and Recreation Commission is
now completing its proposal for a fee structure recommenda-
tion to cover these activities, and in the absence of such a
policy at this time, he recommended that the parade be
approved subject to staff conditions and that all permit fee
be waived.
Motion to accept staff It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
recommendations Gillow and unanimously carried that the report be accepted
and the staff recommendations be approved.
a. Appointment of Betty Wright It was moved by Councilman S¢ott,~seconded by Councilman Cox
to Human Relations Com- and unanimously carried to ratify the Mayor's appointment of
mission Betty Wright to the Human Relations Commission.
b. Appointment of Delegate It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
to National League of Cities Gillow and unanimously carried that Mayor Hyde be appointed
Conference Delegate to the National League Conference to be held in Las
Vegas in November.
c. Appointment for It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde an~
Alternate unanimously carried that Councilwoman McCandliss be appointc
Alternate to the National League Conference.
d. San Onofre Tour Mayor Hyde said that Councilman Scott would be the only
Councilman making this tour and noted the change in the
meeting place: East parking lot in Fashion Valley.
e. City Attorney's memo It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott an¢
re Code enforcements unanimously carried that the memo from the City Attorney re-
garding Code enforcement on matters of parking of motorhome!
etc.and regarding the prohibition of individual outdoor an-
tenna systems for television or radio/ham operations be set
for a Council Conference on October 25.
a. Memo from City Attorney It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott an,
regarding redactron unanimously carried that this matter be docketed for the nel
agenda and staff to bring back a recommendation.
b. "Shared Co-Ops" Councilwoman McCandliss said she heard on a Los Angeles
radio station that many communities in that area have come
with condominium conversion ordinances of different types.
There is a new approach called "Shared Co-Ops" -- buying
shares into the condos and only shareholders are allowed to
purchase the apartments.
Motion for report It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde an
unanimously carried that the staff look into this concept a
see what action the Council should take, if any. The repor
is due in one or two weeks.
Supervisor Moore's speech Councilwoman McCandliss said she will be attending the meet
the evening of September 12 sponsored by the Bonita Busines
men's Association at which Supervisor Moore will speak.
Jogging at Golf Course Councilman Cox noted that the jogging course at the golf
course is to terminate as of October 4 and asked the City
Manager for a report on this.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 9 - September 11, 1979
Mr. Cole remarked that the Parks and Recreation Commission
is also considering and making a report to the Council on
this subject.
Motion to keep southern It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox
course open for joggers and unanimously carried that the southern part which is on
the equestrian trail not be closed (for the joggers) until
the Council receives the recommendation from the staff.
Clarification of motion In answer to Councilman Cox's query, Councilman Scott indica~
that the intent of his motion was to keep the signs posted or
the west end of the golf course; that October 4 is the cut-o]
date for the joggers, but to allow them on the southern peri-
meter of the course.
Comments from the Director Mr. Hall declared that the golfers are against having the
of Parks and Recreation joggers use this course. The joggers are cutting right down
the middle of No. 3 (west end of golf course) and through
No. 13~ darting in and out. Signs have been posted in this
area notifying the joggers that citations will be issued
after October 4, 1979.
Mr. Hall then expressed his concern as to the actual enforce.
ment of the ordinance -- who issues the citations -- is the
Park Warden to be deputized?
Refinement of General Plan Councilman Gillow discussed refining the General Plan which
was a topic in the Management's Seminar held a few months
ago. He said he has written a memo detailing the time
element for this and one of the specific points to be ac-
complished in September is to look into the manpower to get
the project done; specifically, the need to consider hiring
an outside consultant.
Motion for staff report It was moved by Councilman Gillow, seconded by Councilman
Scott and unanimously carried that this matter be referred
to the staff -- the idea of beginning to look at the refine-
ment of the General Plan, concentrating at this point on the
manpower that is going to be required~ both from staff and
any outside consultants that might be required.
Motion to docket item It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman Scott
for next meeting and unanimously carried that this item be docketed for the
next meeting.
15. Legislative Committee City Manager Cole reported that the Legislative Co~nittee re
Report on Assemblyman viewed SB 534 and recommended opposition to the bill because
Deddeh's bill regarding it would allow the appointment of non-elected officials to
the Metropolitan Transit the Board which was not the intent when the Board was es-
Development Board tablished.
Motion to oppose SB 534 It was moved by Councilwoman McCandliss, seconded by Council
man Cox and unanimously carried that the staff recommendatio
be accepted (oppose SB 534).
Executive Session The Council recessed to Executive Session at this time -z
10:13 p.m. The City Manager was designated Deputy City Clef
and he reported that the meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 10:35 p.m. to the meeting
scheduled for Thursday, September 13, 1979 at 4:00 p.m.
/~t~nni; M. Ful~sz, City C~'e-rk ~