Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. September 13, 1979
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista, California, was held on the
above date beginning at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Conference Room, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow (arrived late), Cox, McCandliss, Scott
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Development Services Administrator Rohens, Director of Plannit
Peterson, Director of Building and Housing Grady
1. CONSIDERATION OF STAFF City Manager Cole stated that the Booz, Allen and Hamilton
RECOMmeNDATIONS REGARDING report was done under a set of circumstances that have now
THE BOOZ, ALLEN AND changed considerably. There has been a reorganization of
HAMILTON REPORT the departments mainly involved in the planning process;
therefore, some of the things in the report have been done,
and others are not as appropriate as they were before.
June 1, 1979 Memo Mayor Hyde referred to the memo written by Planning Directo~
Peterson to the City Manager dated June 1, 1979 noting the
Planning Commission recommendations and that of the City
Manager. He stated this would be the document considered
by the City Council today.
General discussion A general discussion followed each of the recommendations
being considered. The following actions were taken by the
Recommendation No. 1 City Manager's recommendation: "~ke the Zoning AdmZ~txa.t
rath~ than the P~anning Commission responsib£e for a~ing
on all va~nces."
Planning Commission recommendation: "The Commission recom-
mended no change in the zoning ordinance to make the Zoning
Administrator rather than the Planning Commd~sion r~ponsib~
for acting on all va2c~ance applications."
Motion to accept City It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilwoman
Manager's recommendation McCandliss and unanimously carried by those present (Gillow
on No. 1 absent) to accept the City Manager's recommendation regardil
the responsibility for acting on variances - moving it from
the Planning Commission to the Zoning Administrator.
Review in one year Mayor Hyde suggested that all motions have the statement
inserted that "it will be reviewed in one year."
Included in motion Councilman Cox included this in his motion; Councilwoman
McCandliss agreed to the second.
Recommendation No. 2 City Manager's recommendation: "Make the Cry Engineer ra~}
than the Planning Commission responsible for acting on requ~
for def~al of public improveme~. Requests for m~ivers
would remain with the Planning Comm~sion. Decisio~ on
requests for deferral or waiv~ of the requirement to
underground ulili~ies would remain ~L~h the City Council."
Planning Commission action: "The Comm/ission endorsed recom-
mendation No. 2 above."
Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. - 2 - September 13, 1979
Motion to accept City It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox
Manager's recommendation and unanimously carried by thoae present (Gillow absent)
on No. 2 that the City Manager's recommendation be approved with
regard to the role of the City Engineer acting on requests
for deferrals of public improvements - this action to be
reviewed in one year.
Recommendation No. 3 City Manager's recommendation: "Make the Design Review
Committee responsible for review of precise plans in
commerc~ and industrial zones in addition to th~ present
a~ho~ity in the R-3 zones. It is recommended that tS
a~ho~ty not be ex~ended to the review of dev~opment~ in
the P-C zone at th~ t~me."
Planning Commission action: "The Commission endowed
recommendation No. 3 with the stipulation th~ they, rath~
than the Design Review Committee, review plans for commerci~
and industrial dev~lopme~ in the P-C zone and that appeals
from the Design Review Committee ~uld be heard by the
Planning Commission. (Council wo~d ~so review commercial
and ind~tri~ plans in the P-C zone.)
Motion to accept City It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde anB
Manager's recommendation unanimously carried by those present (Gillow out) that the
on No. 3 recommendation of the City Manager be approved; this action
to be reviewed in one year.
Recommendation No. 4 City Manager's recommendation: "Make the Zoning Admin~t~a~
responsible for the site plan~ing and ~chitectu~ compati-
bility aspects of the moving of structures ~ithin the City
and the Direetor of Building and HoMing responsible for
se~ing to it that such struct~es meet present codes."
Planning Commission recommendation: "The Commission endo~e
recommendation No. 4 with the provision that appeals from
the dec~ion of the Zoning Administrator would be he~rd by
them. (This procedure was actually impleme~ed wi~h the
adoption of Ordinance 1851 on January 16, 1979 by the City
Planning Director's ~ommen~s Mr. Peterson referred to the State law governing move-ins
stating the City ordinance has been changed in this respect;
therefore, recommendation No. 4 is now in effect and needs
no action by the City Council.
Recommendation No. 5 Staff recommendation: "For condomimium dev~opments within
the redevelopment ~ea, direct staff to schedule own~
parti~pa~ion agreements so that they can be considered by
the Agency the same evening the Council considers ~h~
tentative map, w~ere the applicant desires such dual consid-
Motion to accept staff It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Hyde and
recommendation on No. 5 unanimously carried by those present (Gillow out) that the
staff's recommendation on No. 5 be approved.
2. ORDINANCE NO. 1835 City Manager Cole discussed the Council's concern regarding
AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF the application of this ordinance feeling that staff's in-
CHULA VISTA AMENDING TITLE terpretation was different from that of the Council. Staff
15 OF THE CHULA VISTA interpretation was that for any construction in the City,
MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING a traffic fee would be collected, Council's thinking was th
THERETO A NEW CHAPTER 15.51 in those new construction5 where a traffic signal was needed
ALL RELATING TO REQUIREMENTS the fee would be collected in that area.
Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. - 3 - September 13, 1979
Development Services Mr. Robens explained the staff's reasoning that whoever
Administrator Robens creates the need should pay for the signals that are put
in in the future, and every development in the City adds
traffic to the city streets. No matter where the traffic
signal is put in, they would he using it and should be
liable for the fees.
The ordinance was meant to apply to the entire city, and
arriving at the $7.00 per trip formula, the staff took into
account the entire population, projecting the figure into
1995, estimating the number of traffic signals that would
be needed at that time.
Council discussion Councilman Scott commented that this ordinance is nothing
more than a "tax that is put into a pot so that the City
would never have to buy another traffic light." He added
that both his thoughts and that of the Council's were that i'
would apply to new areas only that need a traffic light at
the point of development and not applied to fully-developed
(Councilman Gillow arrived at this time - 4:45 p.m.)
Mayor Hyde agreed remarking that many of the modifications
and updating of the traffic signals made in the City were
done because of the traffic generated by 1-805 and 1-5
Phil Creaser Mr. Creaser noted the letter from Tom Huntington, Chairman
of the Project Area Committee,requesting that the traffic
signal fee for new construction not be applied to any new
or remodeling construction within the boundaries of the
redevelopment project. In view of his own development
(office building at the northeast corner of Garrett and "F"
Street), Mr. Creaser said he is replacing an existing
structure (South Bay Chevrolet) that created a need for
many of the lights existing downtown.
Motion for revision It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott and
to ordinance unanimously carried that the staff be directed to bring back
a revision to the traffic signal policy which would provide
that assessments for traffic signal costs of installation
be limited to those subdivisions which constitute new first-
time developments or for either commercial, residential
or industrial property.
Clarification of ordinance The City Attorney noted that all remodeling and redevelopmen
are being eliminated by this motion.
Staff recommendations Mayor Hyde asked that the staff bring back the proposed
requested modifications, and if there are any problems with it, to
bring back recommendations for the changes.
Motion for staff report It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
on fees collected and unanimously carried that the staff be directed to
bring back a list of fees that have been collected since
this ordinance has been in effect in order for the Council
to consider refunding to those participants the fees collect
if they would not be charged under the proposed revis~n
Mayor Hyde also asked that the staff advise the Council on
what the impact of that would have in terms of future
installation of traffic signals or other budgetary impacts.
Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. - 4 - September 13, 1~79
3. PROPOSED GLENN RESTAURANT Assistant City Manager Asjnus noted the Councilts previous
REMODELING AND LEASE action (July 12, 1979) in accepting the restaurant operator'
MODIFICATIONS plan (in a sense) agreeing that they were not too happy
with the layout but accepting it as a conceptual plan and
"go from there." Final remodeling plans were to be brought
hack to the Council by October 2, 1~7~.
Mr. Asmus explained the recent second revision to the plans
submitted by Mr. Danielson (Glenn restaurant lessee),
indicating that both staff and Danielson agree that "somethJ
better could be done."
Staff recommendations Using flip charts, Mr. Asmus discussed the terms of the
existing lease agreement and made the following recommen-
1. Council action is needed for the tentative acceptance
of the proposed lease modifications.
2. Approval of the extension of time to November 2, 1979
to submit new remodeling plans.
RENT: (1) The base rent he $5,000 a month with annual CPI
increase or (2) 6% of the gross volume, whichever is greate:
FUTURE EXPANSION: This has not been resolved; however, no
specific time will be proposed.
AMORTIZATION: City would amortize improvements to realty
but not fixtures, carpeting, drapes, etc.
MAINTENANCE: Lessee would be responsible for the interior
maintenance including air conditioning units, and the City
would maintain the exterior of the building.
LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE: (1) Lessee to maintain the grounds
around the building, and (2) City would maintain the parkin
lot landscaping.
SIGN MAINTENANCE: Lessee would maintain.
Staff proposals accepted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded hy Councilman
Gillow and unanimously carrried that the staff proposals
be accepted.
Mr. Danielson stated that he has been working on these
proposals with the staff for the past four days and finds
the conditions"fair~~''
Expansion plans In answer to the Mayor's query, Mr. Asmus said that some
language will have to be put into the lease specifying a
time for expansion - a review in 5 years, for instance.
EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
unanimously carried that the Council recess to Executive
Session, at the close of the meeting, for reasons of pendin
DIRECTOR OF POLICY ANALYSIS City Manager Cole introduced Mr. James R. Thomson, selected
AND PROGRAM EVALUATION for the appointment to this position.
Appointment approved It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Gillow and unanimously carried that the Council approves
the appointment of Mr. Thomson.
Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. - 5 - September 13, 1979
Business Community Committee Mayor Hyde reported that a "self-appointed Steering Committe
of representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Rohr
Industries met to put together a program which would endeavo
to show the opportunities and activities of the business
community in this City. It is hoped that tbe program will
culminate in March 1980.
San Francisco Trip Mayor Hyde said he will be going to San Francisco tomorrow
morning to participate in the final signing of the documents
regarding the financing of the Zogob project, and he may not
be back for the Bonita-Sunnyside Fire Protection meeting
scheduled for 4:00 p.m.
Executive Session The Council recessed to Executive Session at 5:35 p.m. and
the meeting reconvened at 5:38
ADJOURN~NT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meetin~ at 5:38 n.m. to the meeting
scheduled for Tuesday, September 18, 197~ at 7:00 p.m.