Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. October 23, 1979
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Public Services Building,
276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, Cox (arrived at 9:20 p.m.), McCandliss
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: Assistant City Manager Asmus, Assistant City Attorney Harron,
Development Services Administrator Robens, Director of Planning
Peterson, City Engineer Lippitt, Director of Building and Housing
Grady, Director of Parks and Recreation Hall, Fire Chief Longerbone,
Director of Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation Thomson
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde followed by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilwoman McCandliss, seconded by
Councilman Gillow and unanimously carried by those present
that the minutes of October I1 and 16, 1979 be approved,
copies having been sent to each Councilman. Mayor Hyde
abstained on the minutes of October 16, 1979 as he was not
present for the entire meeting.
a. PROCLAMATION - Mayor Hyde read a Proclamation declaring Wednesday, October
DECLARING OCTOBER 24, 24, 1979 as "United Nations Day" in Chula Vista. Me presented
1979 AS "UNITED NATIONS the Proclamation to Mrs. Kitty Raso, Chairman of the Chula
DAY" IN CHULA VISTA Vista United Nations Committee. Mrs. Raso extended an
invitation to the Council to attend the United Nations Day
Program on Wednesday, October 24, 1979.
b. PROCLA~t~TION - Mayor Hyde read a Proclamation declaring the week of October
DECLARING THE WEEK OF 29, 1979 as "Telephone Pioneers Week~' in Chula Vista in
OCTOBER 29, 1979 AS recognition of the humanitarian services of the San Diego
"TELEPHONE PIONEERS Council, De Anza Chapter #68, of the Telephone Pioneers of
Mayor Hyde presented the Proclamation to Mr. Charles ("Chuck")
Love, President of the De Anza Chapter #68.
Niek Slijk Mr. Slijk said the Town Centre Business and Professional
Chula Vista Chamber Association was interested in Item 18 on the Agenda and
of Commerce there were several speakers present to address this issue;
however some are short of time and cannot stay for the
entire meeting. He asked if the Council would consider
Item 18 "out of order" and discuss it after 0ral Communi-
Item 18 to be considered With the concurrence of the Council, Mayor Hyde announced
after Public Hoaring Item 6 that Item 18 would be considered after thc second public
hearing, Item 6.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 2 - October 23, 1979
a. REQUEST TO WAIVE FEES The Chula Vista Jaycees requested that the fee of $45 paid
FOR CHARITY SOFTBALL for the use of General Roca Park on October 17, 1979 be
TOURNA~NT refunded since the net proceeds from the charity softball
games played by the Fiesta de la Luna Service Clubs will
be donated to the Starlight Center.
Motion to approve request It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilwoman
McCandliss and unanimously carried by those present that
the request be approved.
(See subsequent motion following Item 4b.)
b. REQUEST TO WAIVE The Town Centre Business and Professiona~ Association asked
REQUIREMENTS OF that the ordinance requirements be waived for November 1,
ORDINANCE REGULATING 2 and 3 for a sidewalk sale between "E" and "F" Streets
SIDEWALK SALES ON for the Grand Opening of Third Avenue following public
NOVEMBER 1, 2 AND 3, improvements through the Redevelopment Agency. They also
1979 IN CONJUNCTION requested that the street sweeping be done just prior to
Motion to approve request It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow
as recommended by staff and unanimously carried by those present that the request
be approved as recommended by the staff.
Motion to reconsider It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
Item 4a and carried by a vote of 3-1 (Councilwoman McCandliss
voting "no") that Item 4a be reconsidered.
Speaking against request Councilman Scott spoke against granting this request
indicating that it amounts to an ultimate gift to the
Starlight Center. He said if the Council wants to give a
gift to the Center, it should be done directly and not by
waiving fees as this creates difficulties in making
determinations on other similar requests.
Motion not to waive fee It was moved by Councilman Scott that the Council not waive
the $45 fee.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of a second.
Motion to grant waiver It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow
and carried by a vote of 3-1 that the request be approved
as submitted with Councilman Scott voting "no".
5. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE opened the public hearing.
VISTA TRACT 79-21, TERESA Director of Planning said the applicant submitted a tentative
CONDOMINIUMS - 144 GARRETT subdivision map for Teresa Condominiums in order to convert
AVENUE 34 existing apartment units located at 144 Garrett Avenuo in
the R-3 zone into a one lot condominium. He stated that
the balconies of the second story units will be enlarged
in order to provide adjacent storage as required by the
Condominium Conversion Ordinance, and with this as a condition
of approval along with two other conditions, the Planning
Commission recommended approval of the tentative map.
Staff concurs.
Council discussion Council discussion followed concerning separate gas and
electric meters for the units and whether the modification
of the balconies should be referred to the Design Review
October 23, 1979
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m.
Eugene York Mr. York, the applicant, said that each apartment has its
160 Brightwood own electric meter which covers everything except hot
Chula Vista water. There is a single gas service to the project to
provide hot water, and heat for the dryers in the laundry
room, which will be handled by the Homeowners Association.
He briefly discussed the architectural review and said the
modification to the balconies will not appreciably change
the appearance of the exterior and the materials will
conform to the requirements.
Mrs. Anne Gwynne-Craig Mrs.(~/nne-Craig said shefinds no fault with Mr. York, but was
144 Garrett, Suite 25 asking that consideration be given to senior citizens on
Chula Vista limited income to protect them from being evicted in
(Teresa Apartments) condominium conversions. She said a line needs to be drawn
when they are forced to move from apartment to apartment
as conversions occur, and that she was informed there is
no limit in Chula Vista as to the time required for notifying
tenants concerning conversions.
120-day notice required In answer to a query from Mayor Hyde concerning the type
under State Subdivision of notice for occupants of rental property prior to their
Map Act need to vacate, Assistant City Attorney Harron said the State
Subdivision Map Act requires that a 120-day notice be given.
Eugene York Mr. York said his tenants have already been given official
160 Brightwood notice of the intended conversion to condominiums which
Chula Vista will be a minimum of nine months and perhaps a year or more.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the hearing was declared closed.
Concern regarding Mayor Hyde expressed his concern regarding the modifications
modifications to the buildings (the balconies) and questioned staff as
to whether they felt it appropriate to process this through
the Design Review Committee.
If modification is not In response to Mayor Hyde's concerns, Director of Planning
compatible, staff will Peterson said if the modification is made as agreed to by
process it through the Mr. York, it will be entirely compatible with the present
Design Review Committee design; and if it is not for any reason, staff would then
want to refer it to the Committee.
Motion for addition to It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow
Planning Commission and unanimously carried by those present, as an amendment
condition of ~pproval to the conditions of the Planning Commission, that under
paragraph 2c (page 2, PCS-79-21) an addition be made to
the sentence at the end of the paragraph to make it read:
"The design, configuration and material shall be coordinated
with existing balconies and subject to ~he approval of the
D~e~or of Plan~ing."
Sa. RESOLUTION NO. 9817 - Offered by Councilwoman McCandliss, as amended, the reading
APPROVING TENTATIVE of the text was waived by unanimous consent of those present,
SUBDIVISION MAP FOR passed and adopted bi the following vote, to-wit:
TERESA CONDOMINIUMS AYES: Councilwoman McCandliss, Councilmen Scott, Gillow,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Cox
In answer to a query from Councilman Gillow concerning the
owner of a converted apartment notifying the displaced renters
Director of Planning Peterson said after the Council approves
the final map, the developer is required to give staff stamped
envelopes addressed to the tenants, then staff encloses the
notice and mails the envelopes.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 4 - October 23, 1979
6. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE opened the public hearing.
VISTA TRACT 79-22, Director of Planning Peterson said the applicant submitted a
BRIGHTWOOD CONDOMINIUMS, tentative subdivision map for Brightwood Condominiums in
160 BRIGHTWOOD AVENUE order to convert 22 apartment units located at 160 Brightwood
Avenue in the R-3 zone into a one lot condominium. He
stated the proposal did not fully comply with the requirements
for adjacent storage, but the developer again agreed to
expand the storage area in the balconies of the second
story units which will bring them into conformance with
the conversion ordinance.
Mr. Peterson said on September 26, 1979 the Planning
Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval subject to the
four conditions in their Resolution PCS-79-22 and that
staff concurs.
Eugene York Mr. York (the applicant) said that since one of his projects
160 Brightwood won a City Beautification Award for apartment buildings in
Chula Vista 1976, the Council may be assured nothing will be done
to ruin that image as the project is one of the better
projects in the City. He briefly discussed the storage,
stating that it is in excess of what is required under the
ordinance, and with two exceptions, the balance of the
storage is in one place.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the hearing was declared closed.
Concern regarding Mayor Hyde said he had the same concern with regard to
modifications to balconies alteration of the structure.
Motion for addition to It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilwoman
condition in Planning McCandliss and unanimously carried by those present that
Commission resolution the condition specified by the Planning Commission on
page 2 of their Resolution (PCS-79-22), under paragraph
2c, that an additional sentence be added at the end of
paragraph c which would say: "Such modigication shall be
subject to ~he approval of ~he Ditcher of P~an~ing."
6a. RESOLUTION NO. 9818 - Offered by Councilman Gillow, as amended, the reading of
APPROVING TENTATIVE the text was waived by unanimous consent of those present,
SUBDIVISION MAP FOR passed and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
BRIGHTWOOD CONDOMINIUMS AYES: Councilmen Gillow, Hyde, McCandliss, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Cox
18. REPORT ON REMOVAL OF City Engineer Lippitt submitted a written status report on
SHORT TERM PARKING SPACES three temporary parking spaces which stated that in
ON "F" STREET EAST OF accordance with Council action on April 17, 1979, and to
THIRD AVENUE facilitate traffic flow, improve CVT operations and provide
on-street parking, unless otherwise directed, staff will:
(1) Remove the three short term parking spaces and reinstall
the CVT bus stop on the northeast corner of Third Avenue/
"F" Street; (2) Reinstall the second westbound through lane
on "F" Street at Third Avenue; and (3) Install two metered
spaces on "F" Street west of Church Avenue (in front of the
Security Pacific Bank).
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 5 - October 23, 1979
Rationale for modification Mr. Lippitt discussed the staff's rationale for the modified
of proposal proposal, rather than returning to the same conditions as
they were before, noting that two additional metered
parking spaces are provided for; and that the bus stop
location is preferred due to the shorter distance required
to transfer to San Diego Transit and the safety of having
a signal to cross the street.
Shirley Groshong Ms. Groshong said the downtown area caters to the senior
486 Hilltop Drive citizen population and handicapped people. She spoke
Chula Vista against removing the parking spaces on "F" Street and asked
(Chula Vista Pharmacy) for additional spaces near the bus zone in front of the
store. She requested Council consideration to extend the
present parking for six months until a study can be made
of short term parking in the area and said she would like
to participate in the study if possible.
Mark Lopez Mr. Lopez asked that the present metered spaces be retained
291 "F" Street as they are used extensively and also because they help
Chula Vista to reduce the vehicle speed on "F" Street. He noted that
(Owner of Joseppi's the bus stop at one time was located south of Berner-Judd
Beauty Salon) and recommended that it be reinstalled there.
Michael Steiner Mr. Steiner asked that the total project be considered in
287 "F" Street terms of the need faced by the business people. He said
Chula Vista some of his customers have said they will go elsewhere due
(Merle Norman Cosmetics) to the parking situation. He also supported the extension
of time for a study and suggested the two additional metered
parking spaces be 12 minute parking.
In answer to a query from Councilwoman McCandliss, Mr.
Steiner said he has not noticed people taking undue
advantage of the 12 minute parking.
Donald Ritchey Mr. Ritchey said he was speaking for the Town Centre Business
92 "F" Street and Professional Association and asked that the existing
Chula Vista parking conditions remain for at least one year as they
are working well. He spoke in favor of the 12 minute meter
parking, and was opposed to the two lanes for westbound
traffic on "F" Street, stating this makes it a "freeway."
He said any changes would only be short term changes as
conditions will be different when the Creaser-Price building
and the condominiums are completed.
Motion to retain three It was moved by Councilman Gillow, seconded by Mayor Hyde
short term parking spaces and unanimously carried by those present that the short
on "F" Street for six term parking spaces be retained for a period of six months.
Motion for study regarding It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde and
12-minute metered parking unanimously carried by those present that a study be made
on Third Avenue and a review of the possibility of changing the first two parking spaces
of the bus stop - or whatever is necessary - on Third Avenue around the
corner next to the landscaping to 12-minute metered spaces -
a study by the Safety Commission, Parking Place Commission
and staff; and also a review of the bus stop.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 6 - October 23, 1979
7. RESOLUTION NO. 9819 - In September, 1979 the Council approved a precise plan
VACATING A PORTION OF for an office building at 646 Telegraph Canyon Road on
TELEGRAPH CANYON ROAD a site within an island created by a northward realignment
WEST OF BRANDYWINE AVENUE of the road. The proponents of the project have advised
the City that they have reached an agreement with the
owners of the old right of way to provide parking for their
project once the street has been vacated. Section 1930
of the Streets and Highways Code authorizes the Council to
vacate any portion of a street which has been superseded
by relocation.
Staff recommended the vacation subject to the reservation
of an easement for sewers and utilities.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the readin~ of the text was
waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Gillow, Hyde, McCandliss
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Cox
Adequate turn-around In response to a query from Mayor Hyde as to how
to be provided segment will be ended, Mr. Lippitt said that one df the
conditions on the precise plan before the Council was that
an adequate turn-around be provided for fire vehicles, etc.
8. RESOLUTION NO. 9820 - Funds budgeted for the installation of a solar heating system
APPROVING AGREEMENT at Loma Verde Pool included the cost of engineering consultant
BETWEEN MITCHELL-WEBB fees for the preparation of plans and specifications. A
ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR THE letter was sent out to a number of engineering consultants
PREPARATION OF PLANS AND and six firms responded, l~ter conducting interviews, staff
SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE selected the firm of Mitchell-Webb Associates, Inc. to
CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR perform the engineering consultant services for this project.
Selection method described In answer to a query from Councilwoman McCandliss concerning
the criteria used to select the firm, City Engineer
Lippitt said a committee was set up of members from the
Engineering, Building and Housing and Parks and Recreation
Departments and he briefly outlined the evaluation form
used to determine the selection of the firm with the best
Resolution offered Offered by Councilwoman McCandliss, the reading of the text
was waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed
and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilwoman McCandliss, Councilmen Scott, Gillow,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Cox
9. RESOLUTION NO. 9821 - In October 1977 the Council approved an agreement for an
EXTENDING UNCONTROLLED uncontrolled embankment in the 1400 block of East
EMBANKMENT PERMIT FOR Street with the material to be removed if the site was
L ~ L DEVELOPMENT CO. not developed by October 1, 1979. A moratorium on develop-
ment in the E1 Rancho del Rey area forestalled the proposed
development; however, on October 16, 1979 the Council
approved a variance from the west to east development policy
for this property and staff recommended that the uncontrolled
embankment permit be extended to October 1, 1981 to
accommodate this work.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 7 - October 23, 1979
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent of those present, passed and adopted
hy the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilwoman McCandliss, Councilmen
Scott, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Cox
10. RESOLUTION NO. 9822 - A Joint Powers Agreement has been developed to resolve the
APPROVING JOINT FIRE fire protection problem in the Bonita "Contract Area."
PROTECTION AGREE~NT The proposal had previously been approved in concept by
WITH BONITA/SUNNYSIDE both the City Council and the Bonita/Sunnyaide Fire
FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Protection District Board of Directors.
Two changes requested Assistant City Manager Asmus reported that the Fire Protection
by the Fire District District Board of Directors met and approved the Agreement
subject to two changes: (1) Page 2, Section 2 - Term: They
would like the term to coincide with the end of a fiscal
year. Staff recommended the proposal he re-written for a
term of 32 months. (2) Section 3 - Termination. In order
to carry out the philosophy of a fiscal year basis, either
party would be required to give 12 months written notice
prior to termination of the contract.
Additional amendment Mr. Asmus referred to page 3, Section 6 - Dispatch Service.
to agreement suggested The last sentence of the paragraph reads: "It is further
understood and agreed that if crt somg future date a combined
dispatch service is established for South Bay Zone S..."
Mr. Asmus said he believes the intent was that this sentence
read: "It is further understood and agreed that if, da/~ing
the term of th~s agreement, a combined dispatch service is
established..." - then the City would be fully responsible
for the costs. He suggested the Council consider this
additional amendment to the Agreement.
Question regarding Councilman Scott referred to prior contracts with the District
deletion of provision which contained a provision that if over one-half of the
in contract area annexed at any time, the City and the District would
begin negotiations for the City to take over the District.
He noted that this clause was included at the request of
the Local Agency Formation Commission and asked if LAFCO
has approved its deletion.
Mr. Asmus said he contacted the Acting Director of LAFCO
who was familiar with prior agreements and was informed
she could see no reason from LAFCO's standpoint why it
should remain.
Paul Southworth In answer to a question from Mayor Hyde, Mr. Southworth
Chairman of the Board said he had no personal objection to the modification of
Bonita/Sunnyside Fire Section 6 as suggested; however, he said he could not speak
Protection District for the other Board Members, and he will have to call a
special meeting to take action on this before the Agreement
has to be extended again. He said he will do this and
keep staff informed.
Letter from Chula Vista At Mayor Hyde's request, Assistant City Manager Asmus read
Fire Fighters read for a letter for the record from the Chula Vista Fire Fighters
the record opposing the cooperative manning concept, outlining the
problems and the cost to the City (they estimate a cost of
$159,000), and recommending that the Fire District's original
proposal for central dispatching be accepted.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 8 - October 23, 1979
Council discussion The Council and staff discussed the letter in detail and
responded to each item presented hy the Association: (1)
The matter is not a meet and confer item, but a meet and
consult, and staff did meet with the Fire Fighters and
discussed the proposed contract; (2) the reduction of
manpower at Station 3 is true, however, the overall level
of protection for the City and the contract area outweighs
any disadvantages in this regard; (3) The District is
saving on manpower costs and the City is saving in terms
of contract costs, with a savings to the taxpayers of
approximately $110,000; (4) The "Jaws of Life" will serve
both north and south on 1-805; (5) ~he overtime costs have
increased due to the 17-man minimum level established as of
J~ly, 1978.
Donald Byrum Mr. Byrum said he supports the comments made in the letter
President Local 2180 and expressed his concern with the fire fighting manpower
Chula Vista Fire Fighters in Chula Vista proper and even in Bonita if the District
should have financial problems.
Motion to include It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
amendments to agreement and unanimously carried by those present that the changes
as proposed proposed by the Bonita/Sunnyside Fire Protection District
be incorporated (in the agreement) as far as the "Term"
(32 months) and the "Termination" (12 months' notice) and
also the suggestion of the Assistant City Manager as far
as the wording on the Dispatch Service - to substitute
the wording "d~ng the t~m of this agreeme.~."
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, as amended, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent of those present,
passed and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Gillow, Hyde, McCandliss
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Cox
11. RESOLUTION NO. 9823 - By Resolution No. 9755 the Council approved the subdivision
ESTABLISHING CENTER STREET map for To~m Centre-Townsite Tract No. i which included
AS A ONE-WAY STREET the southerly half of Center Street from Landis Avenue to
(WESTBOUND) BETWEEN LANDIS a point approximately 270 feet west of Garrett Avenue vacated
AVENUE AND A POINT 270 FEET by the City. This necessitates making this section of Center
WEST OF GARRETT AVENUE Street a one-way street in the westerly direction.
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent of those present, passed and adopted
by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilwoman McCandliss, Councilmen
Scott, Gillow
Noes: None
Councilman Cox
12. RESOLUTION NO. 9824 - In July 1979 the City awarded a contract to Meza-Hab
APPROVING CHANGE ORDER Construction Company for the construction of an improved
NO. 1 AND AUTHORIZING drainage channel south of East Naples Street between
EXPENDITURE OF ADDITIONAL Monserate Avenue and Helix Avenue to eliminate a recurring
FUNDS FOR EAST NAPLES flood problem and to eliminate odors and mosquito breeding
STREET DRAINAGE CHANNEL ponds during dry weather, Adjacent property owners have
expressed concern regarding erosion to the channel banks
resulting in damage to their property. After investigating
complaints, the Engineering staff recommended a modification
to the channel to carry a 50 year design flow without erosion.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 9 - October 23, 1979
Staff recommended that Change Order No. 1 be approved in
the amount of $11,318 and that a 26-working day extension
be granted to the contractor to complete the extra work.
This will result in an additional expenditure of $6,644.42
above that previously authorized by the Council.
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent of those present, passed and adopted
by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilwoman McCandliss, Councilmen
Scott, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Cox
RECESS A recess was called at 8:40 p.m. and the. meeting reconvened
at 8:53 p.m.
13. ORDINANCE NO. 1881 - The Assistant City Manager and the City Attorney met with
Ab~NDING CHAPTER 5.54 OF representatives of the taxicab companies regarding the
THE CITY CODE REALTING TO proposed ordinance. Differences of opinion remain among
THE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES various operators because of the nature of their operation
FOR THE OPERATION OF TAXICABS but an attempt was made to fairly and equitably resolve
IN THE CITY - FIRST READING such differences and the ordinance was appropriately revised
for Council action.
Correction to wording Assistant City Manager Asmus noted a correction to the
of ordinance ordinance stating that as a solution to one problem, it was
agreed a fee of $100 per year would be paid, plus $3 per
cab that the owner operates, whether he operates them in
the City or not. Thus, in the first sentence at the top
of page 2, starting in the fourth line, the words "twenty
five dollars per quarter for each vehicle certified by the
Council and" will be deleted. In addition, starting in
the seventh line, the words "which he might operate from
time to time within the City of Chula Vista as authorized
by this ordinance" will also be deleted. (No change to be
made in the last sentence.)
Discussion of ordinance Mr. Asmus briefly discussed various aspects of the proposed
ordinance including inspection requirements, insurance
requirements, and rate review. He noted the taxicab operators
have asked that the ordinance become effective on January
1, 1980 as that is when their insurance policies must be
renewed; also quarterly fees have been paid to this date.
Letter submitted by Mr. Asmus called attention to a letter received from Mr.
Charles McMillan Charles McMillan (Mack's [lack) in which he offers objections
to (1) inspection fee charged by the City; (2) increased
insurance required; ($) requirement to post both San Diego
City and Chula Vista fares on the outside of his cab; and
(4) requesting that the effective date be January 1, 1980.
Bill Hilton Mr. Hilton asked that the Council reconsider the inspection
Yellow Cab Co. procedures required. He said Yellow Cab Company and Diamond
San Diego Cab have their own maintenance facilities and they concur
that there is no need to inspect vehicles over two years
old. He also said he supported the request to have the
ordinance become effective January 1.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 10 - October 23, 1979
Charles McMillan Mr. McMillan said he does not object to the vehicle inspections
413 Moss Street but only to the fee charged by the City. He reiterated
Chula Vista his objections to the insurance requirements and to the
(Mack's Hack) necessity of posting both fares for San Diego and for
Chula Vista on the outside of his vehicle.
Raymond La Duke Mr. La Duke said he is an independent operator. He referred
3433 University Avenue to th~lastmntencemder Section 5.S4.010 which reads: "It
San Diego is further the intent of the City Council that all taxicabs
operating within the City shall be owned by the certified
operator, provided that that operator may for purposes of
internal organization of his operation lease said vehicles
to a driver." He asked that the words referring to
"leasing vehicles" be deleted from the ordinance.
Suggestion to clarify Assistant City Manager Asmus agreed that this point should
provision for leasing be clgrified as it is critical to some operators insofar
vehicles as their status as an "employee" is concerned.
Thomas Harkins Mr. Harkins said he is an independent operator and that he
4376 Polk supported the request to delete the reference to leasing of
San Diego vehicles, stating that this provision will hurt drivers
(Clipper Express Cab Co.) but deleting it will not hurt the companies.
Leasing provisions In answer to a query from Mayor Hyde, Assistant City Attorney
not essential Harron said the provision regarding leasing would make the
certified owner responsible for the fees and not the person
leasing the cab; however, he said it is not essential that
the provision be in the ordinance and deleting it will not
affect the insurance requirements.
Discussion of inspection In answer to questiofis from Councilwoman McCandliss, Assistant
fees City Manager Asmus said the staff does not have a breakdown
of fees, but the concern is the mechanical condition of the
car, and if inspections are made in the City of San Diego,
they would be acceptable in the City of Chula Vista. Also,
he said he would have no problem with the City paying for
the inspections as the City of San Diego does.
(Councilman Cox arrived at this time - 9:20 p.m.)
Motion to delete It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott and
reference to leasing carried by a vote of 4-0 (Councilman Cox abstained) that in
vehicles Section 5.54.010 the last three lines he deleted, starting
with the words "provided that ..." (This deletes reference
to the leasing of vehicles.)
Mayor Hyde referred to the first paragraph at the top of
page 2, Section 5.54.020.
Motion to delete fee It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded hy Councilwoman
of $25 per quarter McCandliss and carried by a vote of 4-0 (Councilman Cox
abstained) that the following words be deleted starting in
the fourth line: "twenty five doffers per qua~er for each
ve~i~le ce~fied by the Coun~ and" (as proposed by the
City Manager).
Motion to delete It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
additional wording and carried by a vote of 4-0 (Councilman Cox abstained)
in Section 5.54.020 that starting in the seventh line, the following words be
deleted: "which he migh~ op~e from time to time within
the City of Chula Vista a~ a~ho~ed by t~s ordinance."
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 11 - 0ctoher 23, 1979
Concern regarding language Mayor Hyde referred to page 3, Section 5.S4.0S0, paragraph
in Section S.S4.0S0 B and expressed his concern regarding the language that the
annual inspection will be made h¥ a "gQvc~ent aga3~c~
including, bu~ not lim~ed to, the City Qf Chula Vista or
by a r~ponsible and licensed automobile mechanic doing
business in the City of Chula Vista..."
Motion to amend wording It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott and
in Section 5.54.050, unanimously carried that in Section 5.54.050, paragraph B,
paragraph B regarding the wording be amended to read: "...showing th~ an annu~
inspections inspection ha~ been made by an acceptable government agency
including, but not lim~ed to, the Cry of Chula Vista,"
and that the following words be deleted: "or by a responsible
and lice~ed automobile mechanic doing busings in the City
of Chola V~ta and/.." (The next sentence to start with
the word "Failure.")
Motion for effective date It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow
to be January 1, 1980 and unanimously carried that the effective date of the
ordinance be January 1, 1980.
Discussion of inspection Council discussion ensued concerning the inspection fee
fee charged by the City of $25 and whether it is an appropriate
fee. Mayor Hyde said if it is determined by the staff that
it is not a proper amount, the Council will ask that they
come back with a modification.
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Mayor Hyde that the ordinance be placed on
first reading first reading as amended, and that the reading of the text
be waived by unanimous consent. The motion carried by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, Cox, McCandliss, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
Motion for staff It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilwoman
recommendation regarding McCandliss and unanimously carried that prior to the last
appropriate fees for meeting in December, 1979, the staff bring back a recommenda~
City inspections tion for the appropriate fee to be charged for City inspection
of taxicabs and the rationale for it.
14. ORDINANCE NO. 1880 - This ordinance amends the Code to designate the City
AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL Engineer rather than the Planning Commission as the person
CODE RELATIVE TO PROCESSING responsible for acting on requests for deferral of public
OF REQUESTS FOR DEFERRAL improvements. The right of appeal to the Council is unchanged.
OF IMPROVEMENTS - SECOND The ordinance was placed on first reading on October 16, 1979.
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Scott that the ordinance be placed
second reading and on second reading and adopted and that the reading of the
adopted text be waived by unanimous consent. The motion carried by
the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Gillow, Cox, Hyde, McCandliss
Noes: None
Absent: None
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 12 - October 25, 1979
a. REPORT ON AIR POLLUTION San Diego Councilman Stirling addressed a letter to the
CONTROL MANAGEMENT Mayor regarding the Board of Supervisors' proposal to
PROCESS assume the total responsibility for air quality in the
San Diego County region, and the Council was requested to
communicate to the State "that the present shared responsi-
bilities for air quality improvement be continued in San
Diego County."
In a written report, the City Manager stated that while the
current system has problems of coordination and implementation
with the lead responsibilities shared by CPO and the County
Board of Supervisors sitting as the Air Pollution Control
Board, the proposed program does not offer the cities a
better means of carrying out the process. Staff recommended
that because of the complex nature of this matter, it may
he appropriate for the Council to hear from County and
CPO staff on the County's proposed process and the current
operating procedures.
Motion to schedule It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded by Councilman
presentation by County Scott that the City Manager schedule a meeting ~ith the
staff and CPO staff County staff and CPO staff to make a presentation to the
Speaking against motion Mayor Hyde spoke against the motion stating that to date
no information has been received from the County to the
effect that they wish to assume the total responsibility
for air quality control.
Substitute motion It was moved by Mayor Hyde that this matter be tabled at
to table this time.
No second to motion The substitute motion died for lack of a second.
County planning to City Clerk Jennie Fulasz reported that Supervisor Hamilton
coordinate meeting with has asked to speak to the Council on November 13 concerning
Chula Vista and National this matter. He is trying to coordinate a meeting with both
City Chula Vista and National City for the same date and will
call back to confirm.
Councilman Gillow suggested that nothing be done until
further information is received from Supervisor Hamilton.
Motion withdrawn - Councilman Cox withdrew his motion. Councilman Scott did
second did not agree not agree to the second.
Speaking in favor of motion Councilman Scott spoke in favor of the motion, stating that
it is important that the Council receive information
concerning this matter to be better prepared and not wait
until the last minute. He said the Council will not be
taking action, but only asking for the information.
Motion carried The motion to schedule a presentation carried by th~
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Gillow, McCandliss
Noes: Councilman Cox, Mayor Hyde
Absent: None
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 13 - October 23, 1979
b. STATUS REPORT ON On July 17, 1979 the Council approved approximately $25,000
CITY-WIDE CLASSIFICATION for a City-wide classification and salary study to be
AND SALARY STUDY performed by an outside consultant. A Request for Proposal
was sent to five California based firms and each responded.
In a written statement, the City Manager said it is
anticipated that the recommendation of a firm for Council
acceptance will be made at the November 6, 1979 meeting.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
c. REPORT ON SUMi~R On September 27, 1979 the Council directed staff to transfer
EDUCATION/RECREATION funds from the balance remaining in the summer education
PROGRAM account to the General Fund in an amount to cover the
cost to the City for administering the program. The City
~lanager, in a written report, noted that when the Council
authorized the program, the action taken by the Council
was to approve the staff recommendation for the City to
absorb the administrative costs. (The School District was
absorbing custodial and other maintenance costs.) The
report noted that the action of the Council at the September
27 meeting will be carried out unless the Council makes a
change at this meeting.
Staff recommendation to Assistant City Manager Asmus said the Director of Parks and
have City absorb cost Recreation has reported that the City's administrative
expenses in connection with this program amounted to
approximately $800 for staff time, processing checks for
the teachers, etc. Previously the expense had been
estimated at $150. Mr. Asmus said staff is still recom-
mending that the $800 remain in the $2600 balance held
in trust to support the program next year, if the program
is continued.
Concern regarding City Councilman Scott expressed his concern in using this money
expense for educational for educational purposes as an aftermath of Proposition 13
programs and stated the City should get administrative costs back.
Only administrative costs In response to a query from Councilman Cox, Mr. Asmus said
involved with staff time "front money" is not needed, but if the balance is held
over, student fees can be reduced next year. He explained
that the $800 was not actual funds expended, but was the
calculation for staff time with minimum direct costs for
the issuance of checks.
Motion to deduct City It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
administrative costs Scott and unanimously carried that the previous Council
from fund balance direction be carried out to go ahead and charge the $800
off the ($2600) balance of the fund.
d. REPORT ON SOROPTOMISTS' At the October 16, 1979 meeting, the Council discussed the
REQUEST FOR CHRISTMAS Soroptomists' request for an ethnic Christmas tree decorating
TREE DECORATING EVENT ceremony. After an analysis of the request, staff recom-
mended that the Council approve the proposal to spearhead
a community Christmas tree decorating event, provided:
(1) Trees are donated by organizations; or (2) Trees in
the Library park are decorated.
Motion to approve It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman
staff recommendation Scott that the Council approve the City Manager's recom-
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 14 - October 23, 1979
In response to a query from Councilman Cox, Mr. Asmus
said that staff had intended this year to buy only one
large pine tree for all community organizations to decorate,
unless the organizations want to provide the trees.
Motion carried The motion to approve the staff recommendation carried
e. REQUEST TO DELAY Assistant City Manager Asmus asked that the Council delay
REPORT REGARDING the staff report to be submitted regarding the need for
ADDITIONAL ACCOUNTANT an additional accountant in the Finance Department that
IN FINANCE DEPARTMENT came before the Redevelopment Agency when the City Auditor
suggested more help was needed. He said this needs further
study and staff would like to bring this to the Council at
the November 6 meeting.
Motion to approve delay It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilwoman
McCandliss and unanimously carried that the request for
a delay be approved.
f. TV MONITORS Mr. Asmus noted that the Council had viewed the model of
the TV monitor and asked if some indication could be given
as to their reaction.
Level surface to be Mayor Hyde asked if the units would be able to be raised
maintained and lowered as the model indicates they will he in a fixed
position. In response, Mr. Asmus said a flat level surface
will he maintained when the monitors are not in use, but
they can be tilted slightly.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Councilman
model in concept Cox that the Council approve this in concept, and staff
be directed to continue looking for a system that can move
up and down as previously discussed.
Concern regarding Councilwoman McCandliss expressed concern that the Council
mock-up models has only seen a mock-up and until it is actually installed,
it will not be known whether the monitor will work or not.
Director of Building and Housing Grady said a monitor can
be installed in a model and connected up to determine how
it will work.
Motion carried The motion to approve the model in concept carried unanimously.
16. REPORT ON THE SALE In April 1979 the Council adopted Resolution No. 9572
OF BEER AND WINE AT granting an appeal by the Atlantic Richfield Company for
TWO ARCO STATIONS two ARCO service stations, located at 8~8 Third Avenue and
196 Broadway, to sell packaged beer and wine subject to
certain conditions.
In a written statement, Director of Planning Peterson said
the staff monitored the two stations for the past six
months and found no reported incidents or any appreciable
increase in traffic; therefore, it was recommended that the
sale of beer and wine be allowed to continue subject to
the original condition~.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor lfyde
and unanimously carried that this report be accepted.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 15 - October 23, 1979
17. STATUS REPORT ON NACION On October 2, 1979 the Council accepted a staff report
AVENUE BETWEEN EAST "L" recommending investigation of long term solutions to the
AND EAST NAPLES STREETS traffic safety problem on Nacion Avenue and requested
status reports regarding short term measures to improve
safety conditions. In a written report, the City Engineer
outlined a number of positive actions that have been taken.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox and unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
Mayor Hyde asked that a report be made at the next Council
meeting (November 6, 1979) based upon the Safety Commission's
meeting on October 25.
18. REPORT ON REMOVAL OF (Item 18 was considered out of order - see pages four and
SHORT TERM PARKING five of the minutes.)
19. REPORT ON TEMPORARY G.L. Cory, Inc., general building contractors for the
CLOSURE - CENTER STREET construction of the "To~n Centre, Townsite No. 1 Development,"
FROM GARRETT TO FOURTH requested permission to close Center Street between Garrett
AVENUE Avenue and Fourth Avenue for a period of two weeks beginning
Monday, October 22, through November 2, 1979. Staff concurred.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilwoman
and approve request McCandliss and unanimously carried that the report be
accepted and the suggestion implemented.
20. REPORT ON FEASIBILITY OF At the meeting of October 16, 1979 the Council voted to
CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO A attach two conditions to the variance request by the developer
VARIANCE FROM WEST TO EAST of Chez Bonita for exemption from the "west to east develop-
DEVELOPMENT POLICY - ment policy" of E1 Rancho del Rey Specific Plan. The staff
PCV-80-1, CHEZ BONITA expressed concerns regarding the mechanics involved in
order to carry out the Council's directions.
City Engineer Lippitt noted the two conditions placed on
the variance: il) that the developer pay his fair share
for the construction of "H" Street and (2) that the develop-
er pay his fair share for the construction of Otay Lakes Road.
Mr. Lippitt said the normal procedure is for the conditions
to be imposed on the developments at the time the precise
plan or building permits are approved. He stated the
applicant in this case has informed the staff that due to
market conditions, he does not expect to apply for a
building permit for 8 to 9 months or longer.
Mr. Lippitt stated that the condition concerning Otay Lakes
Road is feasible as the City has a CPI project for the
widening of Otay Lakes Road. Staff is working with the
property owners for this project and by the time Mr. Lewsader
starts his development, they will have a fairly accurate
estimate of the costs and what the developer's fair share
will be. As for "H" Street, there are many unknown factors
and at this time staff has no way to determine an accurate
cost estimate for this project. Mr. Lippitt said that at
best, staff can make a rough estimate at the time the
development starts, and if it is too high, exce55 funds
would be reimbursed to the developer; and if they are
underestimated, the City would bear the loss.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 16 - October 23, 1979
Suggestion that estimate In response to a question from Mayor Hyde, Assistant City
of costs be made and Attorney Harron said that to require the developer to
condition imposed when agree to a "blank check" would not be feasible and could
precise plan is Submitted not be defended in court. He suggested that a reasonable
estimate be made and the developer assured that if it is
more than required, he will be reimbursed, with the
estimate made at the time the precise plan is submitted.
Mr. Harron indicated that otherwise the conditions cannot
he implemented and the developer in effect has no variance.
Motion for appropriate It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman Cox
language for substitute that the City Attorney and staff get together and come
conditions back with language for the Council to consider as a
substitute condition for the ones voted upon at the previous
Council discussion Council discussion ensued as to the need for a substitute
condition, clarification for staff of Council intent, and
the appropriate timing to implement the conditions.
Substitute motion to It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
develop criterion of and unanimously carried that the staff be directed, at
"fair share" the time of the filing of the map, to come up with what
they feel at that time would meet the criterion of
"fair share" for both Otay Lakes Road and "H" Street.
Report regarding grant Mayor Hyde reported on the meeting held today with a
under UDAG representative of the First Federal Savings and Loan
Association regarding the City's application under UDAG.
Appointment to Safety Mayor Hyde said he is appointing Joy Sheresh to the vacancy
Commission on the Safety Commission
Motion to ratify It was moved by Councilwoman McCandliss, seconded by
appointment Councilman Cox and unanimously carried that the appointment
be ratified.
Meeting held on Mayor Hyde reported on the meeting at the Lauderbach
Montgomery annexation School on the upcoming Montgomery annexation. He said
considerable discussion was held on the problems relating
to the fate of the Fire Protection District and to the
intentions of the City of Chula Vista, but it was a
peaceful meeting.
No meeting on 10/30/79 Mayor Hyde announced that there will be no meeting on
October 30, 1979 as it is a fifth Tuesday.
Dinner for Boards and The Mayor reminded the Council of the Boards and Commissions
Commissions on 11/8/79 dinner on November 8, 1979.
Memorandum regarding Councilman Cox referred to a memorandum in the Council
City Hall remodeling packets concerning the City Hall remodeling.
Motion to accept staff It was moved by Councilman Cox that the Council accept the
proposal on phasing phasing proposed in the memorandum.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of a second.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 17 - October 23, 1979
Reference to condominium Councilwoman McCandliss referred to the Condominium
conversions Conversion Ordinance and stated when it was considered,
staff reported there would probably be few additional
conversions, but there seems to be a number of them since
that time.
Motion for staff report It was moved by Councilwoman McCandliss and seconded by
Councilman Cox that the staff prepare an analysis of
(1) the number of remaining rental units in the City;
(2) the number of units converted this last year; (3)
if possible, include some statistics on the price range
converted units are selling for vs. new condominium units;
and (4) whether they are owner occupied or rented.
Statistics regarding Director of Planning Peterson said he could respond to some
condominium conversions questions raised by Councilwoman McCandliss: (1) Since
1971, including the units approved this evening, 506
apartment units have been approved for conversion; and (2)
in this last year, again including the number of units
approved tonight, 228 apartment unita have been approved as
condominiums out of the total of 50~.
Council discussion Council discussion ensued concerning the total units
remaining that can be converted, the time involved in
making this study, percentage converted is still low.
Motion restated It was moved by Councilwoman McCandliss, seconded by
Councilman Cox and unanimousl7 carried that the staff
prepare a report to come back in one month, outlining
(1) the number of conversions in the past year; (2) the
number of total conversions, breaking out the number of
those converted as they were being built as opposed to
rental units converted; (3) the price range thc converted
units are selling at as opposed to the price range of new
units; and (4) whether they are omxer occupied or rentals.
Motion clarified The Council concurred that staff is only directed to do
the best they can with these statistics and an indepth
study is not required.
Report to be scheduled It was the concurrence of the Council that when the report
for a Council Conference comes back, it will be scheduled for a Council Conference.
Enforcement of sign Councilman Scott referred to the field trip the Council took
ordinance questioned sometime ago, noting the apparent sign ordinance violations,
particularly as far as the temporary signs on Broadway are
concerned. He questioned the enforcement measures being
taken on the ordinance.
Report being prepared Director of Building and Housing Grady said staff did look
into this, and a report will be coming to the Council along
with the items noted by the Council on the tour.
Trash problem on 1-805 In answer to a question from Councilman Cox regarding the
trash problem on 1-805 and "L" Street, Development Services
Administrator Robens said this has been discussed with
CalTrans and the area will be put on their routine ~aintenance
to be cleaned about once a month.
ADJOURNmeNT Mayor Hyde adjourned tho meeting at 10:37 p.m. to the meeting
scheduled at 4:00 p.m. on October 25, 1979 and to the meeting
of November 6, 1979 at 7:00 p:m.