Held Thursday - 4:03 p.m. March i3, I980
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California,
was held on the above date beginning at 4:03 p.m. in the Council Conference Room, City Hall,
276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, Cox, McCandliss (arrived at 4:29 p.m.),
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Development Services Administrator Robens, Director of Building
and Housing Grady, Director of Planning Peterson, Director of Policy
Analysis and Program Evaluation Thomson
Also present: Mr. Mike Neshitt, San Diego Gas & Electric Company
Mr. Rick Phillips, San Diego Gas & Electric Company
1. ENERGY CONSERVATION Referring to his written report, Director of Building and
Housing Grady outlined the purpose of the meeting: (i) to
make Council aware of what has been accomplished by the
City government in the area of energy conservation; (2) to
present the staff-developed list of proposed energy saving
programs. He noted the importance of working closely with
the Comprehensive Planning Organization on any programs
which may be instituted with respect to energy conservation.
Director of Building and Housing Grady listed the City's
conservation in the following areas: (1) reduced unneces-
sary lighting; (2) set thermostats to 68 degrees and 78
degrees; (3) commenced conversion of street lighting to
sodium vapor; (4) trained four energy auditors; (5) built
the energy efficient Public Services Building; (6) purchased
smaller replacement City vehicles; (7) installed solar
heating of Public Service Building and City Hall, and
(8) in all public buildings, water flow at spigots has been
reduced to 2~ gallons per minute.
Certified Energy In answer to a query from Councilman Scott, Mr. Grad7 stated
Auditors that the Department of Energy requires certified energy
auditors in the State of California for obtaining any grants
or having an energy plan accepted.
Mayor Hyde asked the SDG&E representatives if the gas company
has made provisions for an outreach program to audit busi-
nesses and conm~ercial areas.
Mr. Nesbitt explained that the gas company has a program
in the City of San Diego, but not in the City of Chula Vista
at the present time.
Use of smaller sized Mayor ttyde questioned whether the City is contemplating
vehicles going to smaller sized vehicles (in particular within the
Police Department). City Manager Cole stated that compact
cars have been utilized and cited the problems with placing
prisoners in and out of the smaller cars in addition to
the protective equipment.
Regulations cited In continuing, Mr. Grady stated that the City has amended
the uniform plumbing code to require pressure relief valves
to be set at a maximum of 35 psi on water lines ahead of
in-house fixtures.
Held Thursday - 4:03 p.m. -2- March 13, 1980
Motion regarding It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
pressure relief valves and unanimously carried by those present that staff be
directed to look into the feasibility of requiring pressure
relief valves to be set at a maximum of 35 psi on water
lines for all new apartment and condominium complexes in
addition to condominium conversions.
Mr. Grady added that staff has been directed to prepare an
ordinance requiring solar heating of domestic hot water
and swimming pools to mesh with the County ordinances
effective October 1, 1980. He also noted that by
regulation, the City now requires attic insulation be in-
stalled as part of improvement for which improvement of
loan is granted within the redevelopment areas.
WHAT CAN THE CITY OF CHULA Mr. Grady listed twelve suggestions made by staff to con-
VISTA DO TO CONSERVE ENERGY? serve energy: (1) provide incentives for carpooling;
(2) providing collection stations for recyclable materials;
(3) using smaller vehicles, fewer vehicles and scheduling
less trips; (4) closer control of fuel thru centralized
automated fueling; (5) providing electronic banking for
the employees; (6) instituting a 4-day work week; (7) using
more concrete rather than asphalt in road construction;
(8) allowing decomposed granite in driveways; (9) improving
efficiency of HVAC systems in public buildings; (10) expand
use of solar energy in public buildings; (11) establish
satellite government offices; and (12) set up a solar
utilities division to install and rent solar heating of
pools and domestic hot water.
Carpooling Programs Discussion followed regarding efforts taken by the City to
encourage carpoolin~; distributing free bus tickets;
encouraging vanpooling.
(Councilwoman McCandliss arrived at this time 4:29 p.m.)
Development Services Administrator Robens stated that very
little has been done by the City to encourage carpooling/
vanpooling other than the Commuter Computer, but added that
there are many areas in which the City could participate
in composing carpooling programs.
SOLAR UTILITIES DIVISION Referring specifically to Item No. 12, Mr. Grady explained
that the solar collectors can either be rented or franchised.
City of Santa Clara, as an example, Mr. Grady advised that
the collectors are rented by the utility company.
No communication with In answer to several questions from Council, Mr. Grady
the Sweetwater Authority commented that: (1) there has not been any communication
or San Diego Gas & with Sweetwater Authority or SDG&E concerning the solar
Electric Company systems; (2) that this type of a system could be a "profit
making" system.
(4~40 p.m. Mayor Hyde temporarily left the meeting)
Motion made and carried It was moved by Councilman Scott, ~econded by Councilman
for staff to contact the Cox and unanimously carried by those present that staff be
Sweetwater Authority directed to contact Sweetwater Authority to inquire as to
their interest in pursuing this concept of the installation
of solar heating systems for swimming pools.
(4:45 p.m. Mayor Hyde returned)
RECYCLING The subject of recycling was discussed and it was noted
that efforts to this date have proved to be unsuccessful.
Mayor Hyde suggested having recyclable items picked up
simultaneously when trash collections are made.
Held Thursday - 4:03 p.m. -3- March 13, 1980
CALIFORNIA ENERGY COM}4ISSION Mr. Grady referred specifically to Item No. 2 (require
STANDARDS CITED some or all of the California Energy Commission Standards
on existing residences or as a condition sale). In answer
to the Council's query, Mr. Nesbitt, SDG&E representative,
stated that the cost for attic insulation is approximately
30¢ per square foot.
Director of Building & Housing Grady advised Council that
staff had an additional item under C. By Political Influence
(6. Have year-round daylight savings time).
ENERGY CONSERVATION CO~ITTEE Mr. Grady stressed the importance of the City to compose
Recommendation of Staff an Energy Conservation Committee. Councilman Scott stated
that the Environmental Control Commission could handle the
charge without creating another committee.
Environmental Quality Mayor Hyde suggested that the Environmental Control Commis-
and Energy Conservation sion be restructured, assigning energy conservation as a
Commission function, and renaming the Commission "Environmental Quality
and Energy Conservation Commission."
Motion to include It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
energy conservation in Gillow and unanimously carried that the proposal of restruc-
ECC function turing the ECC to include energy conservation as a function
and renaming the Commission the "Environmental Quality and
Energy Conservation Commission" be referred to the Environ-
mental Control Commission for their reaction.
LAND USE REGULATIONS Development Services Administrator Robens briefly reviewed
REVIEWED the Land Use Regulations and in answer to questions from
Mayor Hyde, advised that: (1) Mr. Grady is currently the
"energy coordinator" for the City and (2) that staff feels
an energy team should be composed. He noted the staff
time which would be required to implement the proposed
Motion to endorse It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow
concept for conservation that the Council endorse the idea at this time for the
of energy City to embark on a more vigorous role with regard to
energy conservation and attempt to organize that within
the staff structure.
Setting priorities - Councilman Scott expressed concern in setting priorities
concern noted at this time rather than during budget deliberations noting
the posibility of Proposition 9 passing and the possibility
of revenue sharing being cut out of the Federal budget.
Clarification of motion Mayor Hyde clarified his motion by stating that "the Council
approves of the concept of going in the direction of energy
conservation and that the program be evaluated in competi-
tion along with other programs during budget time."
Councilman Gillow agreed as the second.
Motion carried The motion, as clarified, carried unanimously.
Use of Solar Heating Councilman Scott noted the improtance of an ordinance
concerning utilization of solar heating for swimming pools
and water heating.
Motion made and carried It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Gillow and unanimously carried that staff be directed to
move ahead now on all matters relating to hot water heating
by solar energy and with plans for citing of buildings and
subdivisions to achieve energy conservation.
Held Thursday - 4:03 p.m. -4- March 13, 1980
SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC Councilman Gillow suggested that SDG&E and the City of
COMPANY AND CITY OF CHULA Chula Vista sponsor an award program to recognize those
VISTA - AWARD PROGRAM who conserve the most gas and electricity. SDG&E represen-
tative, Mr. Phillips, commented that SDG&E currently has
a program of this type in progress, however, it covers
basically only the commercial areas.
COUNCIL COMIdENT$ It was moved by Councilwoman McCandliss, seconded by Council-
man Cox and unanimously carried that staff be directed to
look into the problem of enforcing the current ordinance
prohibiting bicycles on sidewalks (in particular the down-
town Third Avenue area).
CITY MANGER'S REPORT City Manager Cole requested an Executive session to discuss
possible litigation.
Motion for Executive It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow
Session and unanimously carried that the Council adjourn to execu-
tive session for discussion o£ possible litigation.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 5:37 p.m. to an execu-
tive session and to the workshop session scheduled for
Saturday, blarch 1S, 1980 at 8:30 a.m.