Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. May 20, 1980
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Public Services Building,
276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, Cox, McCandliss, Scott
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Development Services Administrator Robens, Director of Planning
Peterson, Current Planning Supervisor Lee, City Engineer Lippitt,
Director of Building and Housing Grady, Director of Parks and Recrea-
tion Mall, Community Development Director Desrochers
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde followed by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilwoman McCand-
liss and unanimously carried that the minutes of the meetings
of May 10, 12, 13 (4:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. sessions) and
May 14, 1980 be approved, copies having been sent to each
Reynolds Heriot Mr. Heriot discussed the budget presented to the Council for
Chairman of Chula Vista the operation of the information centers, and expressed
Chamber of Conuaerce concern that this matter has been postponed. He also
Convention and Visitors commented on the seminar conducted by the Office of Tourism
Bureau Coordination which was scheduled for a Monday morning and
proved to be unsuccessful. He said he would like to clarify
that the Chamber of Commerce was not asked to assist with
this seminar, and they will be conducting programs to
educate the community regarding tourism as they feel there
will be interest i£ the proper approach is made.
Nick Slijk Mr. Slijk referred to Item 15 on the agenda relating to
230 Glover, Chula Vista "consumer commodities price marking." He said the Chamber
(Representing the has not had an opportunity to check into this and asked
Chamber of Commerce) if there is any urgency in adopting the ordinance as they
would like to delay action on this matter for about three
City Attorney Lindberg said there is no urgency in adopting
the ordinance. He said the State law expired on January 1,
1980 and several requests have been received to implement
an ordinance on the local level.
Anne Hedenkamp Ms. Hedenkamp expressed her appreciation to the Council
Chula Vista for considering this ordinance, She stated citizens of
Chula Vista need the continued item pricing in grocery and
other stores, and noted that similar ordinances have been
adopted by the County and other cities.
Motion to consider It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
Item 15 at this time and unanimously carried, due to the interest in Item 15,
that it bo moved up and considered at this time.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -2- May 20, 1980
15. ORDINANCE - It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
ADDING A NEW CHAPTER unanimously carried that this matter be continued for a
5.64 TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE period of three weeks (to June 10, 1980).
MODITIES PRICE MARKING - Councilman Scott said that the Council has information on the
FIRST READING ordinance adopted by the City and County of San Diego and
from other proponents. He suggested that information should
also he presented from the opposite viewpoint to balance the
Clarence Knight Mr. Knight discussed the item in the STAR-NEWS concerning the
117 Jefferson Avenue ~mount of Capital Improvement funds to be spent on traffic
Chula Vista signals, including a signal at "E" Street and Woodlawn. He
questioned if this is an appropriate location for a signal.
a. PETITION REQUESTING THAT Mrs. Edgard Franco-Ferreira presented a petition on behalf
LEFT TURN SIGNALS BE of residents of Fredericka Manor requesting that left turn
INSTALLED AT THIRD AVENUE signals be installed at the intersection of Third Avenue and
AND "£" STREET "E" Street, or that the timing of the green signal be in-
creased to aid senior citizens in crossing the street.
~otion to refer to It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox
staff and Safety and unanimously carried that the petition be referred to staff
Commission and the Safety Commission.
5. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor ltyde
CONSIDERATION OF AN opened thc public hearing.
MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING The proposed ordinance is an amendment to the City Code to
TO ~AINTENANCEOF LAND- establish landscape maintenance of the public right of way
SCAPING BY PROPERTY between thc private property line and the curb line. On
OWN£RS (Continued from May 6, 1980, at thc request of Niek Slijk representing the
May 6, 1980) Chamber of Commerce, the Council continu¢8 the public hearing
until this evening.
Director of Building ~nd Housing Grady said this regulation
will assist the staff in enforcing thc lanSscape maintenance
ordinance and identifying landscaping deficiencies, as well
as providing more uniform requirement~ throughout the City.
Nick Slijk Mr. Slijk said that t~e Bo~rd of Directors of the Chamber
(Representing the met with Mr. Grady who made ~ presentation on the ordinance.
Chamber of Commerce) As a result of the meeting, the Board voted unanimously to
endorse the implementation of the regulation~
There being no Further comments, either for er against, the
public he~ring was declared closed.
a. ORDINANCE NO. 1910 - It was moved by Councilwoman MeCandlis~ that the ordinance
AMENDING CHAPT£R 12.32 be placed on flr~t r¢~ding, and that the reading of the text
OF TH~ MUNICIPAL CODE be wai~ed by unanimous consent. The motion carrie8 by the
RELA~ING TO MAINTEN~uNCE following vote,
OWNERS - FIRST READING AYES: Co~ncilwom~n M¢CanSli~s, Councilmen $cott~ Gillow,
~ox~ Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -3- May 20, 1980
6. PUBLIC HEARING - This Being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE opened the public hearing.
VISTA TRACT 80-17, CASA Director of Planning Peterson said the applicant submitted
DE MIGUEL a tentative subdivision map, known as Casa de Miguel, for
the development of 42,630 sq. ft. of land located at
436 "F" Street (in the R-3 zone) into a one lot condominium
project consisting of 30 units. He said the projects con-
sists of six parcels and the design has been reviewed by
the Design Review Committee. He noted that it meets all
ordinance requirements, and that the Planning Commission
recommended approval in accordance with their Resolution
PCS-80-17. He completed his summary with a brief slide
presentation of the project.
In answer to a query from Councilwoman McCandliss, Mr. Peter-
son said that U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Develop-
ment (HUD) would not make an allocation to this area for
senior citizen housing.
Michael Foote Mr. Foote said he was happy with the process as it was
9865 Erma Road handled by the City and was pleased with the project. He
San Diego 92131 offered to answer any questions which Council may have.
(Michael Foote Developers,
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against, the
public hearing was declared closed.
~n reply to a question from Councilman Scott, Mr. Peterson
said the R-3 zone allows up to 32 units per acre.
a. RESOLUTION NO. 10092 - Offered by Councilman Gillow, the reading of the text was
APPROVING TENTATIVE waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
SUBDIVISION MAP FOR following vote, to-wit:
CASA DE MIGUEL AYES: Councilmen Gillow, Cox, Hyde, McCandliss, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
7. RESOLUTION NO. 10093 - A revised plan for development of the South College Sectional
CERTIPYING ENVIRONMENTAL Planning Area was reviewed by the Environmental Review Com-
IMPACT REPORT EIR-80-4 mittee and the Planning Commission certified the final EIR
AND ADOPTING CEQA FINDINGS on March 19, 1980. Direqtor of Planning Peterson recommended
FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE that the Council find, in accordance with CEQA findings
SOUTH COLLEGE SECTIONAL attached to Resolution EIR-80-4-A, that changes or altera-
PLANNING AREA tions have been required or incorporated into the project
~ich mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effects.
Mr. Peterson answered questions from the Council concerning
the educational services being the responsibility of the
school districts and explained that incases where the mitiga-
tion measure is the responsibility of another governmental
agency, that is not grounds for the City to hold up approval
of the project. He noted the developer has met with the
school district to consider school facilities, and to date
no correspondence has been received from the districts
concerning this matter.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, McCandliss, Scott, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: None
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -4- May 20, 1980
8. REPORT - SOUTHWESTERN Director of Community Development Desrochers said it was
COLLEGE PARCEL/PACIFIC proposed that the Redevelopment Agency transfer $1S0,000
SCENE DEVELOPMENT to the City from the Agency's special Housin~ Fund to be
utilized to purchase 1.S acres from Southwestern College
to implement a lower cost housing program. He said it
appeared a program could be proposed for moderate income
persons to purchase at least 10% of the homes planned for
the Pacific Scene development, and it is now evident that
due to the length of time before the units are priced, it
will he impossible to devise such a program.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow
and unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
9. PUBLIC HEARING - It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Councilman
CONSIDERATION OF Gillow to hold this matter over until after Thursday's
DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR meeting on the extension of "H" Street.
SECTIONAL PLANNING AREA Councilman Cox questioned whether this Sectional Planning
AND TENTATIVE MAP FOR Area had any obligation for "H" Street as it is tied into
CHULA VISTA TRACT 80-20, the development of Telegraph Canyon Road.
Concern regarding Councilman Scott expressed his concern that no development
"H" Street should be approved until it can be seen how close the City
is to a plan for "H" Street.
Mayor Hyde stated he did not feel this property has any
~ommitment.to the solution of the "H" Street problem.
Motion to hold The motion to hold Item 9 over until after May 22 failed by
Item 9 failed the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Gillow
NOES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, McCandliss
Absent: None
This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
opened the public bearing.
Director of Planning Peterson said the applicant has submit-
ted a Sectional Planning Area plan and a tentative subdivi-
sion map, known as Charter Point, to subdivide and develop
the easterly 41 acres of the South College Area of E1 Rancho
del Rey Specific Plan, located at the northwest quadrant of
Telegraph Canyon Road and Otay Lakes Road.
Alternatives to In connection with the problem of low and moderate income
low and moderate housing, Mr. Peterson said the Planning Commission resolu-
income housing tion would require the developer to provide 26 units within
the development or in some location off-site as approved by
the Council. He recommended that this option be kept open,
and also to consider the possibility to require the developer
to make payment in lieu of providing the housing as a third
Current Planning Supervisor Lee, using a glide presentation,
discussed the project in detail including (1) boundaries;
(2) open space; (3) density -260 units; (4) street system;
(5) easement for access to 1-1/2 acres of excess property
of the College; (S) parking; (6) architecture; (7) recrea-
tion areas; (8) floor plans and elevation. He said staff
recommends approval with 30 conditions attached to the
tentative map and about 6 to 8 conditions for the Area Plan.
In reply to a query from Councilman Cox, Mr. Lee said that
access to the 1-1/2 acre5 could be offered for dedication or
could be a part of the development.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -5- May 20, 1980
Pat McCardle Mr. McCardle said he agrees with the staff report and would
3900 Harney Street be available to answer any questions the Council may have.
San Diego
(Pacific Scene, Inc.) Mayor Hyde asked if Mr. McCardle had any suggestions on
providing the required low and moderate income housing.
Mr. McCardle said they have worked on this problem with staff
and have been unable to resolve it as it is difficult to
determine conditions in the future as to pricing, interest
rates, etc. In response to ~rther questions, he stated they
do not have any problem with the third alternative of payment
in lieu.
Jerry Valk Mr. Valk expressed his concern regarding the provision of
291Camino Vista Real adequate schools, particularly for junior and senior high
Chula Vista schools. He also questioned the possibility that the
developer could purchase the excess college property of
1-1/2 acres without the bidding process.
Mayor Hyde assured Mr. Valk that the matter of the provi-
sion for schools will be resolved before development proceeds.
Charles Johnson Mr. Johnson said he is concerned about the impact of the
908 Monterey Court development on the traffic on Telegraph Canyon Road which
Chula Vista also affects "L" Street.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, for or against, the hearing
was declared closed.
Open space maintenance In answer to a query from Mayor Hyde, Mr. Lee said the open
space will be maintained by an association, with the excep-
tion that the slope hank along Otay Lakes Road will be
offered for dedication.
Addition to conditions City Engineer Lippitt referred to Planning Commission Resolu-
of development tion No. PCS-80-20, page 5 - Condition 18. He recommended
on the second line of this paragraph that the wording
"...to provide a total of 40 feet from the centerline of
said road to the property line..." be deleted and substi-
tute the wording "...in conformance with Engineering Draw-
ing T-59~." The drawing provides for 3 bike lane.
Motion to modify It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Condition 18 - Resolu- Cox and unanimously carried that the addition be made a5
tion PCS-g0-20 recommended.
Modification to Mr. Lippitt also recommended that Condition 19 - line 3 -
Condition 19 - Resolu- be modified to delete the wording "...the typical section
tion PCS-$0-20 on the tentative map..." and substitute the wording "Engi-
neering Drawing T-599 as approved by the City Engineer."
This relates to construction of street improvements.
Motion to modify It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde and
Condition 19 unanimously carried that the modification to Condition 19 be
made as recommended.
"In lieu" fees Councilman Cox questioned where the condition of "in lieu"
fees could bc added. Mr. Pctcrson suggested the wording on
page 3 of Resolution PCS-80-20 be modified in thc paragraph,
following "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED" to read: "...contingent
upon the applicant providing 26 units of low or moderate
income housing either on site or in an alternative location
acceptable to the C2ty Council, oa f~ea ~n lieu of actu~
co~StM~oatioa of ~ueh houAi~g, subject to the following
Motion to further It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded by Councilwoman
modify Resolution McCandliss that Resolution PCS-80-20 be modified as recom-
PCS-80-20 mended.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -6- May 20, 1980
Council discussion Council discussion followed with staff concerning a policy
that the requirement of the Housing Element for low and
moderate income housing he accommodated on site; the
difficulty that small developments may face in this regard;
this modification does not mean the developer is entitled
to off site locations or in lieu fees, but is merely leaving
the options open.
Speaking against motion Mayor Hyde spoke against the motion stating this modifica-
tion may compound the problem elsewhere.
Motion carried The motion to further modify Resolution PCS-80-20 carried
by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Gillow, Scott
Noes: Mayor Hyde, Councilwoman McCandliss
Absent: None
9a. RESOLUTION NO. 10094 - Offered by Councilman Co×, the reading of the text was
APPROVING DEVELOPMENT waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
PLANS FOR SOUTH COLLEGE following ¥otej to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, M¢Candlias, Gillow
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
9b. RESOLUTION NO. 10095 - Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was
APPROVING TENTATIYE waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
SUBDIVISION MAP FOR ~ following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Co×, Hyde, M¢Candliss, Gillow
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
(Items 10, 11 & 12) unanimously carried that the Consent Calendar be approved
and adopted.
10. RESOLUTION NO. 10096 - The Otay Municipal Water District requested permision to
GRANTING PERMISSION TO use a City owned one-foot control lot at the east end of
OTAY MUNICIPAL WATER Gotham Street for access to a reservoir. The construction
DISTRICT TO USE A CITY and future maintenance and operation of the reservoir
CONTROL LOT FOR ACCESS depend on the ability of the District to gain access to the
11. RESOLUTION NO. 10097 - Applied Conservation Technology, Inc., and American Pacific
INCLUDING APPLIED Environmental Consultants, Inc., submitted information to
CONSERVATION TECHNOLOGY, the Environmental Review Committee for placement on the
INC. AND AMERICAN PACI- City's list of environmental consultants. The information
FIC ENVIRONMENTAL CON- was reviewed and it was the finding of the Committee that
SULTANTS, INC. ON THE both firms meet or exceed the standards for inclusion in
12. RESOLUTION NO. 10098 - The deadline for adoption of the Conflict of Interest Code
DECLARING INTENTION is June 30, 1980. The resolution sets the hearing on this
TO SET A PUBLIC HEARING Code for June 17, 1980, The Code will be adopted by a
TO CONSIDER THE CONFLICT resolution which will incorporate by reference the model
OF INTEREST CODE FOR Code approved by the State of California Fair Political
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA Practices Commission on March 31, 1980.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -7- May 20, 1980
13. RESOLUTION NO. 100ga - The City has been advised by HUD that the proposed goals
AMENDING THE CITY'S and objectives relative to the production of low and moderate
HOUSING ASSISTANCE income housing should be decreased, because the level of
PLAN financial assistance expected to be available from HUD is
not enough to allow the City to meet its original goals.
The amended goals will still permit the City to participate
in low and moderate income housing and be within HUD guide-
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Gillow, Cox, Hyde, McCandliss
Noes: None
Absent: None
14. RESOLUTION NO. 10100 - The Pullman/Standard Company (Pullman, Inc.) is exploring
AUTHORIZING THE IS- the possibility of constructing a Research and Development
SUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL facility in the Bayfront Project. The firm asked the City
DEVELOPMENT BOND - to consider the sale of Industrial Development Bonds as a
PULLMAN, INC. possible alternative to Mortgage Revenue Bonds. The adop-
tion of the resolution only initiates the process and does
not obligate the City.
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the teat was waived
by unanimous consent.
Speaking against Councilman Scott spoke against the resolution, stating that
resolution the same resolution is being presented to the Redevelopment
Agency and he felt this would be setting a precedent in
using City credit, which more appropriately should be
handled with the Redevelopment Agency.
In response to a question from Mayor Hyde, Director of
Community Development Desrochers explained that the attorneys
for Pullman, Inc. and Bond Counsel discussed this and it
was determined that under the City Charter, the City could
issue such financing; however, the resolution limits it to
redevelopment projects. He said that funds are not being
committed at this time and the procedure could reduce the
cost of the bond issue.
Resolution adopted The resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Gillow, Cox
Noes: Councilmen Scott, McCandliss
Absent: None
15. ORDINANCE - (Item 15 was continued for three weeks - to June 10. See
ADDING A NEW CHAPTER page 2 of the minutes.)
a. REPORT ON PROPOSED The Assistant City Manager submitted a written report dis-
JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT cussing a design study (prepared by the firm of Kindler &
FOR LIABILITY COVERAGE Laucci) to determine the feasibility of forming a joint
powers ~uthority among the cities of the County to establish
a joint liability self-insurance program. He stated the
information provided indicated Chula Vista and other cities
would benefit financially if the authority could be formed.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -8- May 20, 1980
Staff recommendation It was the recommendation of the staff that the Council
authorize them to indicate this City's interest and desire
to be a participant subject to preparation of a joint powers
agreement acceptable to the City.
Council discussion A discussion was held between the Council and staff concern-
ing this concept, including comments on (1) insurance rates
are going down; (2) reduced resources of the City;
(3) action tonight does not commit the City; (4) seven
successful joint powers agreements for this purpose are
operating in the State; and (5) opposition can be expected
from the insurance firms.
Suggestion to modify Councilman Scott expressed his concern regarding the wording
language of staff in the staff recommendation. He suggested that the language
recommendation of the recommendation ".,.indicate this City's interest and
desire to be a participant.." be changed to delete the
words "and desire."
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilwoman
and modify wording of McCandliss and unanimously carried that the report be
recommendation accepted with the modification (as suggested by Councilman
Scott) to delete the wording "and desire."
16b. REPORT ON PROPOSITION 9 The Council received a request from the Library Board to
oppose Proposition 9, which was referred to staff for
evaluation and recommendation.
The City Manager submitted a written report in which he
discussed a memorandum prepared by the Director of Finance
noting the potential loss of State revenues (depending upon
State Legislature actions) and also possible losses to the
City of $633,000 to $1,590,000 if Proposition 9 passes.
Reference was made to statistics from the State Controller
showing 43% of the savings would go to 5.6% of the income
tax payers of the State. It was the recommendation of the
staff, all things considered, that the Council go on record
opposing Proposition 9.
Motion to oppose It was moved by Councilwoman McCandliss, seconded by Mayor
Proposition Hyde and unanimously carried that the City Council go on
record in opposition to Proposition 9 for reasons presented
in the report of the City Manager.
Motion for resolution It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
and unanimously carried that a resolution be brought back
for approval expressing the Council's opposition to Propo-
sition 9.
17. ORAL REPORT ON SOFTBALL On May 13, 1980 the Council accepted a report concerning
LEAGUE REGISTRATION softball league registrations and requested an oral report
on the 75% resident requirement.
Director of Parks and Recreation Hall said he discussed the
75% residency requirement with the Park supervisors and it
is their feeling from the opinions expressed by the mana-
gers of the teams that they would like to try the 75%-25%
requirement for one year. This does not exclude any teams
after the first week and the only problems may be with the
12" leagues.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilwoman
McCandliss and unanimously carried that the oral report
be accepted.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -9- May 20, 1980
18. REPORT ON STIMULATING In a written statement, the Director of Parks and Recreation
NEIGHBORHOOD ACTION outlined the City's participation in a joint summer school/
PROCESS (SNAP) SU~qER playground program with the Chula Vista City School District.
PROGRAM He reported that the SNAP Council offered to underwrite
summer programs at three community schools - Harborside,
Lauderbach and ~ueller - and the District is requesting the
City to co-sponsor the summer programs at these schools at
no cost to the City. Staff recommended that the City parti-
cipate in these summer programs.
Motion to accept It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
report and recommendation Cox and unanimously carried that the report and staff
recommendation be accepted.
19. REPORT ON PANHANDLE At the time of the adoption of Ordinance No. 1968, the Council
LOT ORDINANCE requested that a report be submitted in one year on the
effects and language of the amendment to the Code relative
to panhandle lots and lots served by an easement.
Director of Planning Peterson submitted a written report
listing five parcel maps submitted involving the creation
of panhandle lots: 80-2 at 121 Second Avenue; (2) 80-4
at 343 "D" Street; (3) 80-5 at 161 "D" Street; (4) 80-6
at 641 First Avenue; and (5) 80-8 at 1328 Hilltop Drive.
He said the maps are in various stages in the parcel map
procedure. In conclusion, he said so far the language
of the ordinance has not proved to be ambiguous and has
not posed any problems.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman Scott
and unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
Developer of Charter Councilman Scott commended the developer oF Charter Point
Point commended on the excellent project.
Discussion of "gross" Councilman Scott asked for further clarification of number
and "net" acres of units permitted per "gross" and "net" acre.
Mr. Peterson said that the R-$ District Ordinance specifies
net lot area, not including streets, tte said the density
of this project is consistent with the General Plan desig-
natioD for the "net" acre allowance.
Freeway sign on Councilwoman McCandllss asked about the "Hang your hat in
I-S Chula Vista" sign on I-5. After brief comments, she said
she would continue the discussion with the Chamber of
Weed problem on In response to a question from Councilman Cox concerning the
"H" Street landscaping on "H" Street between Hilltop Drive and 1-805
needing attention, DSA Robens said staff will check into
this immediately.
RECESS The Council recessed at 9:00 p.m. to convene the Redevelop-
ment Agency meeting. The Council meeting reconvened at
9:02 p.m.
Motion for Executive It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilwoman gcCand-
Session liss and unanimously carried that an Executive Session be
held for litigation purposes.
Held Tuesday - 7:0Q p.m. -10- May 20, 1980
EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council recessed to Executive Session at 9:03 p.m. and
reconvened at 9:20 p.m.
20. RESOLUTION NO. 10101 - A settlement has been reached in the acquisition of the
PROVIDING FOR THE Dowler and Lee parcels on Telegraph Canyon Road in the sum
SPECIAL APPROPRIATION of $120,00Q and the remaining portion owed by the City is
OF FUNDS FOR ACQUISITION $25,602.40. This resolution authorizes the Director of
OF THE DOWLER AND LEE Finance to appropriate the $25,602.40 from the Gas Tax Fund
PARCELS for acquisition of the property.
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen McCandliss, Scott, Gillow,
Noes: None
Absent: None
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 9:21 p.m. to Wednesday,
May 21, 198Q at 5:00 p.m. for an Executive Session on
personnel negotiations, and to the meeting of Thursday,
May 22, 1980 at 4:00 p.m.
-- f /Deputy City Clerk
Held Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. May 20, 1980
The City Council met in the Council Chambers/CIJ~t~xgl~hx~L~oh~xgxlRXoX~B,
276 Fourth Avenue on the above date at 7:00 p.m. with the
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, Cox, McCandliss, Scott
Councilmen absent: None
The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 9:21 p.m. until Wednesday, May 21, 1980
at 5:00 p.m. in the ~mxxxxi~lx~kmxx/Conference Room, 276 Fourth
Avenue, Chula Vista, California. - for personnel negotiations. (Executive Session)
I, Jane A. Diedrichs, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Chula Vista, DO HEREBY
CERTIFY that this is a full, true and correct copy of an order adopted
by the City Council at the meeting of May 20, 1980.
JANE A. DIEDRICHS, Deputy City Clerk
City of Chula Vista, California
Jane A. Diedrichs,b~nq ~1%:ty sw~ dc~o~e a~%d
· ~ ' ~ ,~ ~.i~ ~n~ ~ t~ -~ Deputy City Clerk of the
('[Ulg~ V~S~:; ~.~ h~!I~ ~esday, May 20, 1980
TD;~. '~'~ Wednesday, May 21, 1980 ~ +: ~ ~:--'.~: c~', 9:00 a.m.
tn~ door of ~ piaee at which ~aid m,2r~tin~ of - ~az.~.1980
Deputy City
S~zcrlbed and sworn ko before me
Adele A. Sarmiento