Held Tuesday - 5:00 p.m. May 27, 1980
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Public Services Building,
276 Fourth Avenue.
EXECUTIVE SESSION The City Council convened in Executive Session at 5:00 p.m.
for personnel negotiations and recessed to the regular
meeting at 7:00 p.m,
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen gillow, Cox, McCandliss, Scott
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Development Services Administrator Robens, Director of Planning
Peterson, Current Planning Supervisor Lee, City Engineer Lippitt,
Director of Parks and Recreation Hall, Director of Building and
Housing Grady, Traffic Engineer Hansen
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde followed by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman Gillow
and unanimously carried that the minutes of the meetings of
May 15, 19, and 20, 1980 be approved, copies having been
sent to each Councilman.
James Matherly Mr. Matherly asked that the City Council take action to
402 Oaklawn Avenue oppose the operation of the proposed Tijuana train.
Chula Vista
Clarence Knight Mr. Knight spoke against the installation of a signal at
117 Jefferson Avenue "E'~ Street and Woodlawn and asked that it be installed at
Chula Vista Jefferson and "E" Street as a more appropriate location -
or at least that a marked crosswalk be placed at Jefferson
and "E". He said he was speaking on behalf of the residents
in this area. He also commented that the Safety Commission
did not consider this matter as it was not referred to them.
Motion to refer signal It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor ttyde and
at Woodlawn and "E" to unanimously carried that the signal at Woodlawn and "E"
Safety Commission Street be referred to the Safety Commission with a report
back to the Council.
Jack Skapin Mr. Skapin said that the traffic problem on Nacion has been
942 Nacion Avenue alleviated considerably; however, when the boulevard stop
Chula Vista sign was installed at Roman Way and Nacion, it was recom-
mended that two palm trees and a small tree in between be
removed so the stop sign would be visible, and this was
not done.
Motion to refer tree It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox
removal at Roman Way and unanimously carried that the removal of the trees be
and Nacion to staff referred to staff with a report back to the Council.
Held Tuesday - 5:00 p.m. -2- May 27, 1980
a. REQUEST FROM TOWN CENTRE 71ae Town Centre Business and Professional Association request-
BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ed permission to display the American Flag along Third Avenue
ASSOCIATION TO ATTACH on June 14 by attaching them to the parking meter posts in
FLAGS TO PARKING METER a manner that will not interfere with the operation of the
POSTS ON JUNE 14, 1980 meters.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman Scott
request subject to and unanimously carried that the request be approved subject
staff conditions to staff conditions.
5. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF DEVELOP- opened the public hearing.
SECTIONAL PLANNING AREA The applicant submitted a Sectional Planning Area plan for
AND TENTATIVE ~P FOR the development of the Ranchero area of E1 Rancho del Rey
CHULA VISTA TRACT 80-5, Specific Plan located north of Telegraph Canyon Road approxi-
EL RANCHO DEL REY mately one-half mile east of 1-805. He filed a letter
UNIT 6 (Continued from registering general concurrence with the Specific Plan and
5/13/80) a tentative map identified as E1 Rancho del Rey Unit 6.
Director of Planning Peterson stated Unit 6 is located
between E1 Rancho del Rey Unit 5 and Casa del Rey tract.
He noted that the Specific Plan requires each developer of
more than 250 units or more than 50 acres to provide two
housing types, and this development complies in providing
three types - detached single family, zero lot line units,
and couplets (duplexes).
Current Planning Supervisor Lee, using overhead transparen-
cies and slides, described the development in detail in-
cluding: (1) total area of 180 acres; (2) open space;
(3) environmental concerns; (4) high school site;
(5) standard, couplet and zero lot line lots; (6) park
sites and fees; (7) a portion of the area is in the County
and must be annexed prior to approval of the final map;
(8] architecture and development standards. Mr. Lee noted
that the Planning Commission approved the Sectional Planning
Area plan in accordance with their Resolution PCM-80-7 and
the tentative subdivision map in accordance with their
Resolution PCS-80-S, with several conditions attached.
Council discussion Council discussion followed concerning zero lot line units,
lot size, Dark site and park fees, and density allowance for
the entire Ranchero Sectional Planning Area (415 units).
Low and moderate income Director of Planning Peterson discussed the issue of Iow and
housing moderate income housing. He referred to the letter from
Mr. Dick Brown (representing the Gersten Company) proposing
seven alternatives, particularly noting the option to
construct Section 8 housing off site at Telegraph Canyon
Road and Nacion. Mr, Peterson said, in order to comply
with the Housing Element requirements, he would recommend
that the low and moderate income housing be provided within
the development.
Dick Brown Mr. Brown referred to Item 13 of the Planning Commission
1050 Pioneer Way Resolution PCS-80-5 (page 5). He said an agreement has
E1Cajon been reached with the Elementary School District and docu-
(Representing the meats signed; however, no agreement has been reached with
Gersten Co.) the High School District. He reported that they have made
several efforts to resolve the matter with the ltigh School
District, and since they have not shown there is a shortage
of classroom space or overcrowding, he asked that the
developer be relieved of any responsibility to the Sweet-
water High School District.
Held Tuesday - S:00 p.m. -3- ~ay 27, 1980
Extension of Pasco del Mr. Brown referenced Item 18 of PCS-80-5 relating to the
Rey extension of Pasco del Rey north of "J" Street to "H" Street.
He said in view of the Watt development plans, the developer
would like to delete the off site improvements or defer
them. He asked that they be given permission to work with
staff on this matter on an alternative to bonding.
Reimbursement District - With regard to Items 29 and 30 (page 8/PCS-80-5) concerning
"H" Street, Telegraph reimbursement districts, Mr. Brown referred to a proposed
Canyon Road and Paseo amendment to these items presented this evening designating
Ladera the precise amounts. He said they have not had time to
review this and cannot respond at this time; however, he
said they will participate as appropriate and will agree
not to protest the formation of a district.
Low and moderate income In connection with low and moderate income housing, Mr. Brown
housing discussed the alternatives presented in his letter (Agenda
Item 5a, Exhibit 3), particularly noting the option to com-
bine the requirements for 26 units in the Terrace Appartment
development with the 27 for E1 Rancho del Rey Unit 6 for a
total of 63 units and suggesting they be placed on another
site or a combination of sites, or allow increased density.
He described the area at Paseo Ranchero and Telegraph Canyon
Road where Section 8 housing could be developed as their
preferred location.
Philip Jolliff Mr. Jolliff explained that the District Board has scheduled
Director of Facilities this item for their meeting of June 5 when they will be
and Budgets, Sweetwater considering school fees. He referred to a resolution sub-
High School District mitted to the Council previously which is still in effect
regarding overcrowding, Itc said the District cannot assure
that school facilities will be available and is requiring
fees from the developers. He also discussed the proposed
school site in this development, commenting on the size
being below the normal requirement and the problem of
financing construction.
Jerry Valk Mr. Valk expressed his concern regarding the provision for
291 Camino Vista Real school facilities and suggested that consideration be given
Chula Vista to planning for adequate school facilities throughout the
Dick Brown Mr. Brown said the School District staff has been cooperative
(Gersten Co.) and the Gersten Company is agreeable to paying the fees
established in the past.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against, the
hearing was declared closed.
Sa. RESOLUTION NO. 10102 - Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived
APPROVING DEVELOPMENT by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the following
PLAN FOR RANCHERO vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen McCandliss~ gillow, Cox
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
In response to a query from Mayor Hyde, Mr. Peterson said
he would recommend the Council require the provision of
37 low or moderate income units within the E1 Rancho del
Rey Unit 6, and that the slight increase in density was
6f little concern. Discussibn followed indicating that
the increase in density resulting from the removal of a
number of single family homes and the construction of 37
apartment units would be on the order of 20 - 25 units.
Held Tuesday - 5:00 p.m. -4- May 27, 1980
Motion to modify It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman Cox
Condition 2 of that Condition 2 (page 4, PCS-80-S) be changed as follows:
PCS-80-5 - page 4 Everything in the last line from the word "or" be stricken -
"...or in an alternative location acceptable to the City
Council" to require the solution of the problem on site; with
suggested language as follows: "Approval of the tentative
map is contingent upon the applicant's provision of 10 per-
cent of his housing units for rental units affordable to
low or moderate income families on the subject site."
(Deleting the words "at a price" and "either.")
Clarification of Mayor Hyde clarified that the intent of the motion is to
motion provide 10% rental units for low and moderate income families
on site.
Speaking against motion Councilman Scott expressed his concern that this may not be
workable and also that the concept of the P-C zone is not
being followed in planning for the overall area, but planning
is being done "subdivision by subdivision."
Suggestion for addition Councilwoman McCandliss suggested as part of the motion, that
to motion the Condition state "the provision of at least 10%" - adding
the words "at least."
City Attorney suggestions City Attorney Lindberg suggested that approval of the final
map be conditioned upon the provision of the 10% low and
moderate income units - not the tentative map; and recom-
mended the addition: "...that prior to submission of the
final map, the developer shall present the program for the
means o£ achieving this goal for consideration and approval
by the Council."
Additions to motion - Mayor Hyde said he would incorporate both suggestions by
motion carried the City Attorney and Councilwoman McCandliss in his motion.
Councilman Cox agreed as the second and the motion carried
Motion to retain It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Mayor Hyde
Condition 18 that Condition 18 (page 7, PCS-80-5) remain as drafted by
the staff. (Improvement of Pasco del Rey.)
Suggestion to modify City Engineer Lippitt suggested that Condition 15 (last
Condition 18 line) be modified to change the word "bonding" to "security"
and after City Engineer, add "and/or City Council, as appro-
priate.'' (The last sentence to read: "Improvement of
Pasco del Rey may be deferred subject to security approved
by the City Engineer and/or City Council, as appropriate."
Motion modified and Councilman Scott said he would add this modification to his
carried motion. Mayor Hyde agreed as the second and the motion
carried unanimously.
Mayor Hyde expressed his concern that Condition 14 leaves
the decision to the developer as to the selection of Para-
graph "a" or
Motion to amend It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman Scott
Condition 14 and unanimously carried that additional wording be added to
Condition 14 (page 6, PCS-g0-5) that "the final decision will
be subject to Council approval at the time of the final
Proposed amendment Mayor Hyde referred to written material submitted by the
to Items 29 and 30, City Attorney thi~ evening as a Recommended Amendment to
page 8 - PCS-80-5 Item No. 29 and 30, page 8 - Conditions of Tentative Map
Held Tuesday - 5:00 p.m. -5- May 27, 1980
City Engineer Lippitt said the amendment really applies to
Item 30 and that Item 29 should remain as written. The City
Attorney concurred that this would be appropriate.
Motion to approve amend- It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilwoman
ment to Item 30 as McCandliss and unanimously carried that the amendment to
presented by the City Item 30, as presented by the City Attorney be approved.
Attorney (Relative to a reimbursement district -Paseo Ladera)
5b. RESOLUTION NO. 10103 - Offered by Councilman Cox, as amended, the reading of the
APPROVING TENTATIVE text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by
MAP FOR EL RANCHO DEL the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilman Cox, Hyde, McCandliss, Gillow
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
Motion to consider It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox
Item 26 and 26a after and unanimously carried that, after the public hearing on
the public hearing on Item 6, the Council consider Item 26 and the related 26a -
Item 6 installation of signal lights on "L" Street at Helix and
6. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF opened the public hearing.
GROUNDING REQUIREMENTS Mr. A1Moutkamp is relocating his business from its existing
AT 333 THIRD AVENUE location at 328 Third Avenue to another existing building
at 333 Third Avenue. In order to conduct his business,
extensive interior modifications are necessary and due to
the value involved (more that $20,000], the City Code requires
that the existing overhead utility services be undergrounded.
In a written statement, the City Engineer said that enforce-
ment of the mndergrounding requirements at this time would
place an undue financial burden upon the business owner and
recommended that the request for deferral be approved and
the service undergrounded as part of the formation of an
overall undergrounding district.
Public hearing closed There being no comments, either for or against, the public
hearing was declared closed.
6a. RESOLUTION NO. 1010~ - Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the test was
DEFERRING UNDERGROUNDING waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
REQUIREMENTS AT 333 THIRD following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Gillow, Cox, Hyde, McCandliss
Noes: None
Absent: None
26. RBPORT ON REQUEST FOR In February 1980 thc Council referred a petition to the
INSTALLATION OF SIGNAL S~fety Co~ission which requested the installation of signal
LIGHTS ON "L" STREET lights on "L" Street at Helix and Melrose; and the Council
AT HELIX AND MELROSE also asked the Commission to study more fully the traffic
problem with regard to Cook Elementary School.
In a written report~ the Safety Commission informed the
Council that after reviewing v~rious data and meetlng with
interested citizens and the Principal of Cook Elementary
School, the Commission is recommending (1) that a traffic
signal be installed at Monserate and "L" within FY 1980-81;
an~ (2) that a traffic signal be installed at Melrose and
"L", contingent on tho installation of a cul-de-sac on
Nacion Avenue.
Held Tuesday - 5:00 p.m. -6- May 27, 1980
26a. REPORT ON REQUEST FOR The petition requesting installation of traffic signal
INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC lights on "L" at Helix and Melrose and the traffic problem
SIGNALS ON "U' STREET with regard to the Cook Elementary School was also referred
BETWEEN NACION AND to staff. The City Engineer submitted a written statement
CUYAMACA recommending that: "No action be taken until a final deci-
sion is made on the intersection of Melrose and "L" Street
and the sharp vertical crest easterly of this intersection."
'Council discussion The Council and staff held an in depth discussion on the
request for these signals on "L" Street, including the future
need for a signal at Melrose as it now meets the warrants
for a signal, subject to the hill to the east being graded;
the intersection at Monserate does not meet the criteria
for a signal; the signals at First and Second on "L" have
had a minor impact on slowing traffic; the Council has
previously determined there will not be a cul-de-sac on
Nacion; and the action taken at the budget session to defer
the installation of a signal at Melrose for one year.
Steve Morrison Mr. Morrison clarified that the Safety Commission report
Chairman, Safety covered two separate items - the petition for a signal at
Commission Melrose and "L" and the traffic problem with regard to the
Cook Elementary School, with a recommendation on each item.
He said the Commission is concerned with the traffic problems
on "L" Street as experienced by the citizens in the area, and
they believe the basic problem is speed. He noted the dif-
ficulty in enforcing the speed limits in the Courts.
Mr. Morrison said the Safety Commission would urge the Coun-
cil to reconsider the decision to delay the installation of
a signal at Melrose and "L".
Dr. Robert Montgomery Dr. Montgomery spoke in favor of the signal at Monserate as
Principal a solution to the problem regarding Cook School. He urged
Cook Elementary School that the signal be approved as there is more of a problem
in the summer months with children crossing the streets to
the playground. He also said he could control the crossing
at Monserate with a junior patrol crossing guard under his
Charles Johnson Mr, Johnson spoke in favor of the signal at Monscrate which
908 Monterey Court will help people on Monterey Court to make a left turn on
Chula Vista "L" Street.
Council discussion Council discussion ensued with staff concerning the cost of
moving a signal if one was installed at Monserate and later
moved to Melrose; the cost of underground equipment which
would have to remain; and the possibility of doing this as
an interim solution.
Motion to install It was moved by Councilman Cox that the installation of a
signal at Monserate and traffic signal mt Monserate and "L" be approved.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of a second.
Motion for staff It was moved by Councilman Gillow, seconded by Mayor Hyde
report and unanimously carried that the staff be asked to come
back to the Council and indicate if there is enough evidence
to begin engineering work in this fiscal year, and perhaps
begin the project itself, and have this brought back before
the budget is approved.
RECESS A recess was called at 9:40 p.m. and the Council reconvened
at 9:50 p.m.
Held Tuesday - 5:00 p.m. -7- May 27, 1980
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Gillow, seconded by Councilman
(Items 7 through 13) Cox and unanimously carried that the Consent Calendar be
approved and adopted.
7. RESOLUTION NO. 10105 - Arrow Electric Company has completed the construction of
ACCEPTING PUBLIC street lights on Fourth Avenue in accordance with contract
IMPROVEMENTS - STREET documents dated November 29, 1979. A final inspection was
LIGHTS ON FOURTH AVENUE completed on May 9, 1980 and the City Engineer recommended
BETWEEN "E" AND "F" that the project be accepted.
8. RESOLUTION NO. 10106 - Mr. Parker, owner o£ the property, applied for permission to
APPROVING ENCROACHMENT encroach into City right of way to construct a retaining wall
PERMIT NO. 80-10 TO in order to prevent slippage of the slope adjacent to the
W. R. PARKER AT right of way line. He proposes to construct a 5 foot wall for
342 CAMINO DEL CERRO a distance of 90 feet along Camino Elevado, 6-1/2 feet
GRANDE behind the curb. The City Engineer recommended approval with
the condition that a separate construction permit be obtained
from the Engineering Department.
9. RESOLUTION NO. 10107 - The City Charter requires that a public hearing be set to
GIVING NOTICE OF A provide for citizen comment on the proposed use of Revenue
PUBLIC HEARING TO Sharing funds and on the Fiscal 1980-81 budget. The resolu-
CONSIDER THE ADOPTION tion sets the public hearing for June 17, 1980.
FOR THE FY 1980-81
10. RESOLUTION NO. 10108 - Chula Vista Sanitary Service, Inc., filed a letter of request
SETTING A PUBLIC to increase certain rates, effective July 1, 1980. The
HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION Director of Finance recommended that the date of June 17,
OF RATE INCREASES FOR 1980 be set for the public hearing. A schedule of present
TRASH SERVICE, CHULA and proposed rates is available in the City Clerk's office.
11. RESOLUTION NO. 10109 - As directed by the City Council on May 20, 1980 a resolution
OPPOSING PROPOSITION 9 has been prepared memorializing their opposition to Proposi-
tion 9, the 50% cut in the state income tax. After careful
consideration, the Council indicated that the wisdom of
Proposition 9, in combination with Propositions 13 and 4,
is dubious and they wish to record their opposition to this
]2. RESOLUTION NO: 10110 - It is proposed to leave the present carpet in place (replac-
APPROVING CHANGE ORDER ins sections that are worn or loose) to be used as the pad
#1 FOR CITY HALL for new carpeting. This will result in a credit of $3,450
REMODELING PROJECT ~orremoval and installation of new carpet padding. Also,
it wa5 determined that the drinking fountain does not have
to be relocated, resulting in a credit of $80.00, for a
total credit of $3,530.
13. RESOLUTION NO. 10111 - On removing a wall supporting a porch roof beam and later the
APPROVING CHANGE ORDER plaster~ it was revealed that the existing beam wa5 two
#2 FOR CITY HALL beams at one time supported by a column. In order to bridge
REMODELING PROJECT the 21 foot span and carry a roof and ceiling load, it is
necessary to install a beam and columns supported on pier
foundations, at a total cost of $1,727.56 for material and
Held Tuesday - 5:00 p.m. -8- May 27, 1980
14. RESOLUTION NO. 10112 - Bids were received for dredging three lakes at the Municipal
REJECTING BID FOR THE Golf Course from three contractors as Follows: (1) DiMent's
DREDGING OF THREE LAKES Backhoe Service - $43,200; (2) Cabrillo Crane and Rigging -
AT THE CHULA VISTA $83,578.50; and (3) Ursa Corporation - $88,425.00. The
MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE low bidder has presented evidence that he made an error in
his computations which would result in a significant dif-
ference in the cost; he also indicated that he does not own
the type of equipment necessary to do the job, but was
planning to rent itHe requested that his bid be withdrawn.
Staff recommended that the bids be rejected and they will
be making alternate suggestions as to what means should be
used to remove material from the lakes.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Gillow, Cox, Hyde, McCandliss
Noes: None
Absent: None
15. RESOLUTION NO. 10113 - The Traffic Engineer has assumed the additional duty of
ESTABLISHING SPECIAL Transit Coordinator until this position can be filled. Due
PAY FOR TRAFFIC to the increased responsibility and extra workload, 3taff
ENGINEER/ACTING TRANSIT recommended an added 5 percent salary for the Traffic
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Gillow, Cox, Hyde, McCandliss
Noes: None
Absent; None
16. RESOLUTION NO. 10114 - When the Master Fee Schedule was adopted, the fee for a
PROVIDING FOR A FEE FOR General Plan Amendment was not included so it remained at
GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS, $200.00 plus $2.00 for each acre over 5 acres involved in
AND A REDUCED FEE FOR the application. In February 1980 the Council directed
GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS staff to look into setting up a special fee for a General
AND REZONING FILED Plan charge and arezonlng at the same time. Staff recommended
CONCURRENTLY that a fee be established for General Plan Amendment appli-
cations at $1100.00, plus $2.00 for each acre over 5 acres
and a combined fee for General Plan Amendment and rezoning
applications at the sum of the two separate fees minus 10%.
Concern regarding Councilman Scott expressed his concern that the 10% is not
discount percent adequate to make people request a General Plan change along
with a rezoning. He suggested that it be 15% to 25% as this
would help the procedures before the Planning Commission and
Council if people are encouraged to file both at the same time.
Motion to amend It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman Scott
resolution to increase that the fee be reduced by 20% and the procedure to be
percentage figure evaluated aEter one year of operation to see what the impact
is. The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Scott, Gillow, Cox
Noes: Councilwoman McCandliss
Absent: None
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, as amended~ the reading of the text
was waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen McCandliss, Scott, Gillow,
Noes: None
Absent: None
Held Tuesday - 5:00 p.m. -9- May 27, 1980
Motion for evaluation It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
in one year and unanimously carried that the results of this action be
evaluated a year from now at budget session.
17. RESOLUTION NO. 10115 - The Third Avenue Street Improvements program in 1980-81 is
FINDING NO SIGNIFICANT located between "F" and "G" Streets and was not environ-
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT mentally reviewed last year. After an Initial Study Appli-
DUE TO A CO~qUNITY cation on this project, the Environmental Review Committee
DEVELOPMENT BLOCK recommended that the Council find the project will not result
GRANT PROJECT in any significant adverse environmental impact. It has
been included in the 1980-81CIP budget.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilwoman McCandliss. the reading of the text
was waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilwoman McCandliss, Councilmen Scott, Gillow,
Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
18. ORDINANCE NO. 1911 - At the meeting of May 6, 1980, the Council determined they
AMENDING SECTION 5.54.100 would no longer conduct a public hearing to consider the
OF THE CITY CODE RELATING adjustment of rates for taxicabs in the City. The ordinance
TO FARE RATES FOR TAXI- amends Section 5.54.100 to eliminate public hearing require-
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Scott that the ordinance be
first reading placed on first reading, and the reading of the text be
waived by unanimous consent. The motion carried by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Gillow, Cox, Hyde, McCandliss
Noes: None
Absent: None
19. ORDINANCE NO. 1912 - The Council approved the recommendation of the Youth Conunis-
AMENDING SECTION sion regarding the procedures for making appointments. The
2.46,040 OF THE CITY ordinance implements the following procedure: (1) The
CODE RELATING TO Council will select one student from each high and junior
APPOINTMENTS FOR THE schoo] within the City limits; (2) one member will be
YOUTH COS~qlSSION - selected "at large"; (3) the terms of office will be
FIRST READING staggered and will be two-year terms; (4) four members to
be selected in odd-numbered years; (5) five members to be
selected in 1980 to serve two-year terms expiring in even-
numbered years.
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Cox that the ordinance be placed
first reading on first reading, and the reading of the text be waived by
unanimous consent. The motion carried by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, McCandl]ss, Scott, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: None
20. ORDINANCE NO. 1910 - The ordinance amends Chapter 12,32 o£ the City Cede to
AMENDING CHAPTER 12.32 establish landscape maintenance of the public right of way
OF THE CITY CODE RELAT- between the private property line and the curb line. The
lNG TO MAINTENANCE OF Council placed the ordinance on first reading on May 20,
Held Tuesday - S:OO p.m. -10- May 27, 1980
Ordinance placed on It was moved by CounciIman Scott that this ordinance be
second reading and placed on second reading and adopted and that the reading
adopted of the text be waived by unanimous consent. The motion
carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Gillow, Cox, Hyde, McCandliss
Noes: None
Absent: None
a. REPORT ON DESIGN REVIEW The Council referred Design Phases 2 and 3 to the Design
COF~qlTTEE ACTION ON THE Review Committee for recommendation. The Committee recom-
GLENN RESTAURANT mended Phase 3 subject to several conditions. Staff recom-
mended that the Council accept Design Phase 3 subject to the
conditions as recommended by the Committee, except considera-
tion of the deck area on the north side of the building; and
to authorize the architect to proceed with the design develop-
ment and construction document phase subject to execution
of an architectural agreement.
In answer to a question from Mayor Hyde, Assistant City
Manager Asmus said it is his recommendation that the decking
on the north side not be included at this time.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox
with staff recommendation and unanimously carried that the report and staff recommenda-
tion be accepted.
22. QUARTERLY REPORTS FOR Development Services Administrator Robens submitted a detailed
CVT (SCOOT) AND quarterly report for Chula Vista Transit and HandYtrans,
HANDYTRANS including the following summary:
Chula Vista Transit: (1) The total ridership for CVT was
up 22.1 percent in the third quarter of this fiscal year
compared to the same quarter last year. Six of the seven
routes had increased ridership. (2) The farebox revenue
increased 49.9 percent for this quarter compared to FY 1979
third quarter, and all of the cost-per-passenger figures
have shown a substantial decrease.
HandYtrans: This report covers the period ,January through
March, 1980. Comparing statistics between the second and
third quarter are not too meaningful as the second quarter
costs are inflated due to a starting date of November 19, 1979
and start-up costs. Ridership has increased each month, with
an average of 85 revenue passengers per day using the system
in March 1980.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilwoman McCandliss, seconded by Council-
man Scott and unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
23. REPORT ON SECTION In accordance with Council direction, the Director of Planning
66412.2 OF THE SUB- st~mitted an analytical report on Section 66412.2 of the
DIVISION I~P ACT, State Subdivision Map Act and made the following two recom-
HOUSING NEEDS BE (1) That the Council find the provisions of Section 66412.2
CONSIDERED AND BALANCED would be met hy making the general finding in connection
AGAINST LOCAL PUBLIC with each tentative map as recommended by the City Attorney's
SERVICE NEEDS AND FISCAL office, e.g., "The City h~s considered the effect of this
AND ENVIRONMENTAL ordinance and/or action on the housing needs of Chula Vista
RESOURCES and has balanced these needs against the public service
needs of its residents and available fiscal and environmen-
(2) That the Council find detailed substantiation of the
above finding will not be generally required for subdivision
map proposals and local subdivision legislation.
Held Tuesday - S:00 p.m. -11- May 27, 1980
Motion to accept report It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilwoman
McCandliss and unanimously carried that the report be
24. REPORT ON MISS SOFTBALL The Chula Vista League of Miss Softball America requested
AMERICA REQUEST FOR that the City provide permanent facilities for the League
BALLFIELDS at City expense.
Director of Parks and Recreation Hall provided a written
explanation of the Council policy on youth league facilities
and recommended, in accordance with the policy, that (1) the
Miss Softball America League continue to be assigned their
present playing area as long as the League is viable; (2) the
League be permitted to erect permanent type structures on
their assigned area, at their expense, as long as the
structures do not prevent the area from being used for
multipurpose sports activities; and (3] the playing area
assignment be re-assessed each year as it is for other youth
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde and
unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
Motion for letter It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow
advising League of and unanimously carried that the President of the Miss
Council action Softball America League be advised of the Council's action
on this request by letter.
25. RECOMMENDATION FOR THE Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Goodrich, owners, requested designation
INCLUSION OF THE "STAFFORD of this house as an historic site subject to the provisions
HOUSE" ~F 640 FIFTH AVENUE of the City Code. They submitted a letter substantiating
IN THE HISTORICAL SITES that the site meets the established criteria for recognition.
The Historical Site Board at their meeting on May 19, 1980
recommended that the "Stafford House" be included in the
City's Historical Site Register. Staff concurred.
Motion to accept It was moved by Councilwoman McCandliss, seconded by Mayor
recommendation Hyde and unanimously carried that the reconunendation he
26. REPORT ON REQUEST FOR (Considered following public hearing on Item 6 - see page 5
26a. REPORT ON REQUEST FOR (Considered following Item 6 - see page 6 of the minutes.)
Historical Building Mayor Hyde said the Historical Building Preservation Commit-
Preservation Comsnittee tee is "alive and functioning" in an effort to encourage
people to identify location of historical buildings that
may be threatened with demolition.
Boards and Commission Mayor Hyde announced that on June 30 a number of uancancies
vacancies coming up will occur on various City Boards and Commissions. He said
he would appreciate any recommendations from Members of the
Council for appointments.
Held Tuesday - 5:00 p.m. -12- May 27, 1980
Councilman Scott discussed the problem of not being able to
enforce traffic speed limits because of Court decisions.
Motion to contact It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Councilwoman
State Legislators McCandliss that the Council contact the City's Legislators,
both Senate and Assembly, and ask them to help in preparing
a law to provide a maximum speed limit with certain criteria
and safety factors the City needs for the safety of citizens
of Chula Vista.
Suggestion for resolution Mayor Hyde suggested that the motion include that a resolu-
tion be prepared for consideration by the California League
of Cities at their annual convention.
Addition to motion - Councilman Scott included the Mayor's suggestion in his
motion carried motion. Councilwoman McCandliss agreed as the second and
the motion carried unanimously.
Concern regarding Councilman Cox said he had a call from Julian Lopez, Assistant
traffic control at Superintendent of the Sweetwater High School District,re-
Bonita Vista Junior garding a traffic problem at Bonita Vista Junior High School.
High School He expressed a concern in that the School assigns faculty
members to stop traffic at the crosswalk using a sign which
may create a liability to the School District and the City
for using lay people to control traffic.
Motion for report It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman Scott
from City Attorney and unanimously carried that the City Attorney report back
and staff to the Council regarding the liability of the City and/or
the School District when professionals or volunteers are
utilized in controlling traffic at school crossings; and
that staff be requested to consider whether there are any
viable alternatives available to utilizing manual traffic
controls at Bonita Vista Junior High School on 0ray Lakes
Councilman Gillow referred to the problem of overcrowding
at various schools.
Motion for meeting It was moved by Councilman Gillow, seconded by Councilman
with School District Scott and unanimously carried that staff be asked to set up
Boards a Council Conference with the School Boards, with staff to
propose a date.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 10:23 p.m. to an Execu-
tive Session for personnel negotiation matters on Thursday,
May 29 at 4:30 p.m. and to the regular meeting on June 3, 1980
at 7:00 p.m.
i -
AL, "/ / "- <~" " " > Y r~ ~-..
By - ~[-.. ,~Z~ '~., - "- -
~ / D~puty City Clerk
Held Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. May 27, 1980
The City Council met in the Council Chambers/Council Conference Room,
276 Fourth Avenue on the above date at S:00 p.m. with the
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, Cox, McCandliss, Scott
Councilmen absent: None
The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 10:23 p.m. until Thursday, May 29, 1980
at 4:30 p.m. in the ~Xgx~g~Bg/Conference Room, 276 Fourth
Avenue, Chula Vista, California.
I, Jane A. Dicdrichs, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Chula Vista, DO HEREBY
CERTIFY that this is a full, true and correct copy of an order adopted
by the City Council at the meeting of May 27, 1980
City of Chula Vista, California
~ Jane A. Diedrichs · -~
,r., , v - .... ' ' ~_ , r~t :.~,, ' ' ' an:; :~: tt,~': Deputy City Clerk of the
,. ~, .,: . ~S ~: held ~esday, May 27, 1980,
':'::.~t ~:,': Wednesday, May 28, 1980 '.t ~ .,' z~-'.rz :7: 9:30 a.m.
taa doo~ Of th~ t~lace ~% which
. Za.~,a a~aetln~ of May 27, 1980
pu~y Cl. ty
~ day of
/.~ennie M. Fulasz, City C~rk, CMC City of Chula Vista