Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. June 10, 1980
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers~ Public Services Building,
276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow, Councilmen Cox, McCandliss, Scott
Councilmen absent: Mayor Hyde
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager Asmus,
Development Services Administrator Robens, Director of Planning Peter-
son, City Engineer Lippitt, Director of Finance Grant, Director of
Parks and Recreation Hall, City Librarian Simon
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow followed by a moment
of silent prayer.
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow, seconded by Council-
woman McCandliss and unanimously carried by those present
that the minutes of the meeting of June 3, 1980 be approved,
copies having been sent to each Councilman.
5. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Pro Tem-
CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE pore Gillow opened the public hearing.
VISTA TRACT 80-13, Director of Planning Peterson stated that the applicant has
CARABELLA submitted a tentative subdivision map known as Carabella for
the development of a 16,1SO sq. ft. parcel, located at
457 "E" Street in the R-3 zone, into a one lot condominium
project consisting of 11 townhouse units. He noted objec-
tions offered at the Planning Commission hearlnv by two
property owners concerning their loss of privacy due to
development, but reported that the Design Review Committee
has approved the plan.
The Planning Commission approved the project s~ject to the
conditions listed in their Resolution PCS-80-]3.
Randy Muelheim Mr. Muelheim said he was representing the applicant ("E"
1516 W. Redwood Street Ventures) and that they agree with the conditions
San Diego 92101 stated in the Planning Commission Resolution.
(J. H. Hedrick & Company]
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against, the
public hearing was declared closed.
a. RESOLUTION NO, 10124 - Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was waived
APPROVING TENTATIVE by unanimous consent of those present, passed and adopted
SUBDIVISION MAP FOR by the following vote, to-wit:
CARABELLA AYES: Councilmen Cox, McCandliss, Scott, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Hyde
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -2- June 10, 1980
6. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Pro Tem-
CONSIDERATION OF GENERAL pore Gillow opened the public hearing.
ACRES AT BAY BOULEVARD Referring to his written report, Director of Planning Peter-
AND "J" STREET son explained that this item involves a change in the General
Plan designation of approximately 13 acres on the west side
of Bay Boulevard and in the northeast and southeast quadrants
of the intersection of Bay Boulevard and "J" Street (Bay-
front Redevelopment Project Area) from "Visitor Commercial"
and "General Industrial" to "Research and Limited Industrial"
and "Thoroughfare Commercial." The proposed city initiated
amendment is designed to bring the recently certified Local
Coastal Program of the City and General Plan into conformity.
The Planning Commission recommended approval in accordance
with their Resolution GPA-80-4.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against, the
public hearing was declared closed.
6a. RESOLUTION NO. 10125 - Offered by Councilwoman McCandliss, the reading of the text
ADOPTING AMENDMENT TO was waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed and
GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
BOULEVARD AND "J" STREET AYES: Councilwoman McCandliss, Councilmen Scott, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Hyde
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow, seconded by Coun-
(Items 7 through 12) cilman Cox and unanimously carried by those present that the
Consent Calendar be approved and adopted.
7. RESOLUTION NO, 10126 - Jimmy N. Keller filed an application with the City Clerk to
GIVING NOTICE OF INTENTION operate taxicabs in the City under the name of "Kimchee Cab
TO HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING Company." The resolution sets the date of July 1, 1980 at
TO CONSIDER THE APPLICATION 7:00 p.m. for the public hearing by the City Council.
8. RESOLUTION NO. 10127 - This project consists of street improvements on Third Avenue
ADOPTING IS-80-47, THIRD and will include existing curbs, gutters, sidewalks, cross-
AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENTS, walks and street lighting. The Environmental Review Commit-
"F" TO "G" STREETS tee recommended that the Council find that the project will
not result in any significant adverse environmental impact
and that the Negative Declaration IS-80-47 be certified.
9. RESOLUTION NO. 10128 - R.E. Hazard Contracting Company completed the placement of
ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVE- street reaurfaclng on Fourth Avenue from "D" to "F" Streets.
MENTS, STREET RESURFACING, A final inspection was made on May 29, 1980 and the work was
FOURTH AVENUE AVENUE FRO}~ found to be in accordance with the plans and specifications
"D" STREET TO "F" STREET and completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
10. RESOLUTION NO. 10129 - The Griffith Company completed the construction of a right
ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVE- turn lane and street light modifications at the northwest
MENTS, RIGHT TURN LANE, corner of Broadway and "H" Street. A final inspection was
BROADWAY AND "H" STREET made on May 29~ 1980 and all work was found to be completed
in accordance with the plans and specifications and to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer.
11. RESOLUTION NO. 10130 - The Final Map for the Offerman Condominiums has boon checked
APPROVING FINAL MAP FOR by the Engineering Department and found to be in conformity
CHULA VISTA TRACT 79-13, with the Tentat5ve Map. Ail public improvements adjacent
OFFERMAN CONDOMINIUMS to the project site are existing and are in a condition
acceptable to the City Engineer.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -3- June 10, 1980
12. RESOLUTION NO. 10131 - Construction of the ballfields in the Sweetwater Regional
CERTIFYING ENVIRONMENTAL Park is included in the 1980-81 Capital Improvement Program.
IMPACT REPORT FOR THE The project will consist of four practice fields, one lighted
SWEETWATER REGIONAL PARK field, a parking lot and other related improvements. The
BALLFIELDS County of San Diego, as the lead agency, prepared an EIR
on the overall project. The City of Chula Vista functioning
as a responsible agency, participated in the preparation of
the document.
13. RESOLUTION NO. 10132 - During FY 1980-81 budget sessions, the Council tentatively
APPROVING APPROPRIATION agreed that the following equipment be purchased with Cali-
OF STATE LIBRARY FUNDS fornia State Library Act funds from anticipated FY 1979-80
2 Centronics terminal printers and interfaces $ 2,400
1 6053 Dasher display CRT with wand 4,325
2 Recognition equipment Model 120 wands 4,020
1 IMB correcting selectric typewriter 920
Sales Tax 700
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent of those present, passed and adopted
by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES; Councilmen Cox, McCandliss, Scott, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Hyde
14. RESOLUTION - The City has provided maintenance services at the "J" Street
APPROVING THIRD A[~END~NT Marina during FY 1979-80 in accordance with the second amend-
TO AGREEMENT WITH SAN merit to an agreement with the San Diego Unified Port District.
DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DIS- The proposed third amendment changes the dates and adjusts
TRICT FOR MAINTENANCE OF the cost to reflect inflation to provide for the City to
"J" STREET MARINA recover all maintenance costs.
Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow said there are some questions to
be resolved concerning this item.
Motion to continue Item It was moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow, seconded by Coun-
14 for one week cilwoman McCandliss and unanimously carried by those present
that Item 14 be continued for one week.
15. RESOLUTION NO. 10133 - On June 4, 1980 bids were received to construct two new
ACCEPTING BIDS AND greens to replace the first and thirteenth greens destroyed
AWARDING CONTRACT FOR by flood erosion during winter rains. Staff recommended
THE CONSTRUCTION OF that the Council (1) authorize the expenditure of $37,620
TWO NEW GREENS AT THE from the Golf Course Disaster Fund, 1980, Account No.
CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL 601-6010-FDA104; and (2) accept bids and award contract to
GOLF COURSE Woodstone Landscaping, Inc. (iow bidder) in the amount of
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed
and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow, Councilmen Cox, McCandliss,
Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Hyde
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -4- June 10, 1980
16. RESOLUTION NO. 10134 - At the budget sessions in May, the Council included $35,000
APPROVING THE CLAIM FOR in the Local Transportation Funds (LTF) bicycle program for
2% NON-MOTORIZED TRANS- Chula Vista and staff was directed to use most of this money
PORTATION DEVELOPmeNT for actual capital improvements rather than for a needs
ACT FUNDS FOR FY1980-81 study. The public hearing on the budget is set for June 17;
however, the Comprehensive Planning Organization Board meets
on June 16 for approval on this project. The City Engineer
reconunended that the Council authorize the claim for $20,000
of the 2% Non-motorized Transportation Development Act fund
for FY 1980-81.
Councilman Cox commented that during budget sessions, it was
agreed that the City would apply for $35,000 for Capital
Improvement items relative to bicycle routes, and not for
a study.
Council discussion Council discussion ensued concerning the need for a study
to plan programs to be submitted for approval and that the
funds can be used for staff time in planning for on-going
allocation of funds. City Engineer Lippitt explained that
it is anticipated to use college students in the summer to
assist with the study.
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed
and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow, Councilman McCandliss,
Noes: Councilman Cox
Absent: Mayor Hyde
17. RESOLUTION NO. 10135 - Annual renewal bids for the City's public liability insurance
AI~ARDING PUBLIC were received and reviewed by the Director of Finance. He
LIABILITY INSURANCE recommended that the Cit7 maintain the present $500,000 self-
COVERAGE insured retention and accept the bid of Admiral Insurance
Company/NewEngland Re in the amount of $34,608 (low bidder
under Option IV).
~layor Pro Tempore Gillow questioned the $500,000 self-insured
retention and said that in discussing this with the insurance
carrier, they recommended $250,000 retention.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent of those present, passed and adopted by
the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, McCandliss, Scott
Noes: Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow
Absent: Mayor Hyde
18. ORDINANCE - This item was continued until tonight's meeting at the re-
ADDING A NEW CHAPTER quest of Mr. Nick Slijk, representing the Chula Vista Cham-
5.64 TO THE CITY CODE bet of Commerce. The ordinance was prepared at the request
RELATING TO CONSUMER of the Council as a result of the expiration of the State
CO~qODITIES PRICE law (as of January 1, 1980) requiring such individual con-
MARKING - FIRST READING sumer pricing.
(Continued from 5/20/80)
Letters dated June 9, 1980 were reeieved from the Chula
Letters received in Vista Chamber of Commerce and the San Diego Grocers Associa-
opposition tion opposing this ordinance, maintaining that there is no
need for it in Chula Vista.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -5- June 10, 1980
No additional information Councilman Scott referred to the request of the Council for
from staff additional information from the staff on the experience in
other areas in this regard and noted this information was
not available.
~tion to continue It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman Scott and
Item 18 for two weeks unanimously carried that this item be continued for two weeks
and specifically ask for the comments Councilman Scott made
reference to; and also inform those people who were present
when this was on the agenda previously that it will be con-
sidered at that time (June 24).
19. RESOLUTION NO. 10136 - On June 3, 1980 the Council requested staff to return with
APPROVING LIEN AGREEb~NT a lien agreement to cover the cost of drainage improvements
FOR THE COST OF DRAINAGE required in connection with the development of Parkway Place
IMPROVEMENTS IN CHULA Subdivision. The lien agreement provides that each of four
VISTA - PARKWAY PLACE lots share equally in the lien amount of $21,808, making the
SUBDIVISION lien against each lot in the amount of $5,452 with an interest
rate of 8% per annum.
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow, the reading of the text
was waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed
and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow, Councilmen Cox, McCandliss,
Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Hyde
19a. RESOLUTION NO. 10137 - The final map has been checked and found to be in conformity
APPROVING THE FINAL MAP with the tentative map. Resolution No. 10136 approved a
FOR CHULA VISTA TRACT lien agreement to cover the cost of drainage improvements
80-8, PARKWAY PLACE SUB- required in connection with this subdivision.
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow. the reading of the text
was waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed
and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow, Councilmen Cox, McCandliss,
Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Hyde
Joint meeting with City Manager Cole referred to the Council's request for a
school districts joint meeting with the school districts. He said a joint
proposed for 7/10/80 meeting has been tentatively set for ,July 10, 1980 and if
the District Boards confirm this date, items for discussion
will be requested and a meeting notice prepared.
21. REPORT ON VILLA SAN The City Engineer discussed his written report explaining
MIGUEL IMPROVEMENTS AT that development of Villa San Miguel will require the modi~
THE CRESTA WAY/LION fication of existing improvements at the intersection of
CIRCLE INTERSECTION AND Cresta Way and Lion Circle. It will be necessary to remove
UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING and replace a portion of that curb and to pave over a small
ALONG LION CIRCLE area of undedicated property. Ne said the owner of the
property has declined to grant permission for this work and
the City Engineer proposed that the developer of Villa San
Miguel enter into an agreement with the City wherein the
City is held harmless from any damage liability or legal
costs in exercising the assumed right to work within the
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -6- June i0, 1980
Letters received from Mr. Lippitt noted the two letters received from the developer,
developer L & M Professional Consultants, Inc. One letter discussed
the concern related to the intersection of Crests Way and
Lion Circle and offered an alternate solutlon to the proposed
curb construction. The second letter requested a waiver of
the undergrounding requirements.
Recommendation for City Engineer Lippitt proposed that an undergrounding district
establishment of an be established encompassing Villa San Miguel with the develop-
undergrounding district er paying for undergrounding the utilities within the private
street (Lion Circle) and the adjoining property owners re-
quired to receive and pay for their own service. He suggested
%hat both matters be c~nsidered at the same public hearing.
Terence 0'Malley Mr. 0'M alley said they concur with staff on the public hearing
525 "B" Street but asked that the Council accept the alternate curb alignment
San Diego offered by L & M Professional Consultants. He discussed their
(L & M Professional concern regarding the possible litigation that may arise in
Consultants) this matter and the attendant costs and delays.
Motion to hold decision It was moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow and seconded by
on curb, but approve Councilman Scott that the handling of the curb alignment be
proceeding with under- held over and staff be directed to proceed to work with the
grounding district formation of the undergrounding district.
Discussion In answer to a query from the Council, City Attorney Lindberg
advised that the Council approve the staff recommendation as
to the design arrangement of the intersection and the details
be worked out and brought back to the Council at a later
date, with further discussion held with the property owner.
Motion withdrawn Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow withdrew his motion. Councilman
Scott withdrew his second.
Motion to accept the It was moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow, seconded by Court-
staff report cilwoman McCandliss and unanimously carried by those present
that tha Council approve the design of the curb and the
establishment of the undergronnding district - in effect,
accept the staff report.
22. REPORT ON APPEAL FILED Mr. Joseph Henderson applied for a building permit to add a
BY J. L. HENDERSON TO room to his home at 312 Hilltop Drive. The valuation of the
DEFER REQUIREMENT TO work is over $10,000 and under the City Code this constitutes
INSTALL PUBLIC IMPROVE- the requirement to install missing public improvements front-
5lENTS AT 312 HILLTOP lng this property. The Planning Commission denied Mr. Hender-
DRIVE son's request to defer the improvements and he has appealed
this decision.
Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow said Mr. Henderson did not receive
notice until today that this item would be considered by the
Council tonight.
Motion to postpone It was moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow, seconded by Coun-
Item 22 for two weeks cilman Cox and unanimously carried by those present that
this item be postponed for two weeks.
23. REPORT ON PROPOSED FARE ~ a written statement, Development Services Administrator Roberts
RESTRUCTURING FOR CHUL^ said that in order to ensure continued receipt of Transit
VISTA TRANSIT (CVT) Development Act ftmds for Chula Vista Transit operatioFs, the
FY 1980-81 system (excluding HandYtrans) must recover 20 p~r~ent o5
the operating costs from the farebox. The Clty staff and
County Department of Transportation personnel analyzed
modifications to the fare structure and route structure for
CVT to attain the 20 percent recovery rate.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m, -7- June 10, 1980
Recommendation for Mr. Robens recommended that the Council establish the
fare increases following fares for FY 1980-81: Adults S0¢, Students 50¢,
Seniors/Handicapped 25¢, and the Downtowner 15¢.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Pro
recommendation Tempore Gillow and unanimously carried by those present that
the staff recommendation be accepted.
24. REPORT ON LOW AND On April 10, 1980 the Director of Planning gave an oral
MODERATE INCOME HOUSING report on the provision of low and moderate income housing.
POLICY The Council referred the matter to the Chamber of Commerce,
the Building Contractor's Association, the South San Diego
Cities Board of Realtors and the Human Relations Commission.
Recommendation to Director of Planning Peterson, in a written report, estimated
continue Item 24 until an additional three weeks will be required to receive and
July 1, 1980 evaluate the responses, tlc recommended that this matter be
continued to July 1, 1980.
Item 24 continued It was moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow, seconded by Coun-
cilman Cox and unanimously carried by those present that the
report and recommendation be accepted.
2S. FOLLOW-UP REPORT ON A comprehensive six month report was submitted by the Direc-
CONDOMINIUM CONVERSIONS tor of Planning indicating that as of June 1, 1980 condo-
minium conversions represented almost 8% of the total multi-
family units, and if proposed tentative maps for conversions
are approved, the percentage will increase to 9.6%.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilwoman McCandliss and seconded by
Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow that the report he accepted.
Suggestion for separate Councilman Scott expressed his concern regarding these con-
zones for apartments and versions reducing the inventory of apartment units in the
condominiums City. He suggested that two different zones be established -
one for apartments and one for condominitms - and in the
process go through the R-3 multi-family zones, and those
that are condominiums would be so zoned and others would
be zoned for apartments, with vacant properties re-evaluated
to determine if they should be apartments or condominiums;
also, that some ratio be developed to provide housing for
all people in the City.
Substitute motion It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Pro Temper,
for staff to respond to Gillow and unanimously carried by those present that staff
suggestion of separate be asked to prepare a brief response to the idea outlined
zones for condominiums and come back to the Council with their opinion on whether
and apartments they feel like it ]s feasible and whether it would contribute
to meeting the needs of the citizens of Chula Vista as far
as housing needs are concerned.
26. REPORT ON PROPERTY AT On April 29, 1980 the Council discussed the Director of
THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF Planning's report concerning the possible acquisition of a
EAST "H" STREET AND HILL- parcel of property at the northeast corner of East "H" Street
TOP DRIVE and Hilltop Drive and the problem of accesses off "H" Street.
The Council directed the Safety Commission to investigate
accesses off "H" Street from a standpoint of safety for any
future development of these properties.
In a written statement, the Safety Commission said they
share the Council's concerns as to the accident potential
on "H" Street and would trust the City staff will insure
developments will include provisions for "turn-arounds" and/
or safe parking and backing of vehicles onto "H" Street.
It was the Commission's recommendation, due to many
-unknowns,"that any future plans be forwarded to them for
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -8- June 10, 1980
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Pro
Tempore Gillow and unanimously carried by those present
that the report be accepted.
Request to ratify Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow noted the letter received from the
appointment of alternate City of National City concerning the appointment of Council-
representative to MTDB man Joseph Louis Camacho as the South Bay alternate to the
Metropolitan Transit Development Board to serve in the
absence of Mayor Hyde.
Motion to ratify It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Pro
appointment Tempore Gillow and unanimously carried by those present that
the appointment of Mr. Camacho, Councilman o£ National City,
be ratified as an alternate representative to the MTDB.
No agenda items for Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow said that on Thursday, June 12,
meeting scheduled for there will only be three Councilmen present and no agenda
6/12/80 items have been proposed for this conference.
Motion to cancel Council It was moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow, seconded by Coun-
Conference on June 12 cilman Scott and unanimously carried by those present that
the Council Conference on June 12 be cancelled.
Motion for Executive It was moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow, seconded by Coun-
Session cilwoman McCandliss and unanimously carried by those present
that the Council hold an Executive Session at the conclusion
of the Council agenda for a report on personnel negotiations
and for potential litigation.
27. APPOINTMENT OF ALBERT Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow noted that this item was placed on
MORRA TO WESTERN CHULA the agenda by Mayor Hyde and he is not present this evening.
Motion to postpone It was moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow, seconded by Coun-
Item 27 for one week cilman Cox and unanimously carried by those present that
Item 27 be postponed for one week.
EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council recessed to Executive Session at 8:17 for per-
sonnel negotiations and potential litigation and the City
Manager reported that the meeting reconvened at 9:45 p.m.
Conference meeting It was moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow, seconded by Court-
time changed cilman Cox and unanimously carried by those present that
the Council Conference scheduled for 4:00 p.m. on June 17
to discuss the Visitor-Convention Centers be held at 2:00 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Pro Tempore Gillow adjourned the meeting at 9:45 p.m.
to the Council Conference scheduled at 2:00 p.m. on June 17,
1580 and to the regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday,
June 17, 1980,
Deputy C'~ty ~lerk '"
Held Tuesday. June 10, 1980
The City Council met in the Council Chamber at the Public Services
Building, 276 Fourth Avenue on the above date at 7:00 p.m. with
the following
Councilmen present: N~yor Pro Tem'~ore Gillo~, C~unciimen Cox~ McCandliss, Scott
Councilmen absent: Nkyor
The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 9;45 .p.m. until Tuesday,
June ~7. lq~D at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Conference
Room, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, California.
I, Jennie M. Fulasz, City Clerk of the City of Chula Vista, DO
HEREBY CERTIFY that this is a full, true and correct copy of an order
by the City Council at the meeting of Tuesday~ June 10, 198Q
I, Jennie M. Fulasz, being first duly sworn depose and say:
That I am the duly chosen, qualified and acting City Clerk of the
City Council of the City of Chula Vista;
That the Adjourned Regular meeting of the Cottncil of the City of
Chula Vista was held Tuesday, 3une 10, 1980
and said meeting was adjou, rned to the time and place specified in
the order of adjournment ATTACHED HERETO:
That on Wcdnesda~ June 11~ 1980 at the hour of 10:00 a.m.
I posted a copy of said order at a conspicuous place on or near
the door of the place at which said me'ting of June 10, 1980
was held.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
6ay of
No~r~ Public in and for said County
an~/State of California ~ K~/ ~N D~[C0 e0UNW
Z;6 Fou~h Avenue, Chula Vi~a, ~ 92010