HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-08-27 BOLT MINS MINUTES.-' ;...'
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Clover-Byram, Vice Chair Alexander, Trustees
Charett, Valdovinos and Viesca, Student Member Pena
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Library Director Palmer,Paula Brown,Principal Librarian
OTHERS PRESENT: Robert Coye,Harry LaBore, Frances Reeves, Ignacio
L APPROVAL,OF MINUTES -Meeting of May 28, 1997, June 25, 1997 and July 23, 1997
MSUC (AlexanderNaldovinos)to approve the minutes of the meeting of
May 28, 1997 as mailed.
MSUC (Viesca/.Valdovinos)to approve the minutes of the meeting,of
June 25;.1-997 as mailed.
MSUC (Valdovinos/Clover-Byram)to approve the minutes of the;meeting of, =
July 23, 1997 as mailed.
A. Election of Officers
MSUC (Viesca/Alexander)to elect Constance:Clover.=Byrarn•,as.Library:.Chair.
MSUC (Viesca/Clover.-Byram).to,.elect William:Alexander=as Vice Chair-:._:..
B: .., .. Foundation
Director.-Palmer.gave:.a brief overview-.of this:.-,project;for-:the:_benefit--_of:new:,.
Trustee:Cha ett:--He:reported.that•,both,the':City:Attorney-;and;Finance::Director......
endorsed this endowment.
Library Board of Trustees -2- August 27, 1997 ^-
MSUC (Viesca/Alexander)Me Library Board
A. Supports the Friends' of the Chula Vista Library's creation of a Designated
Fund (DEF)with the.San Diego Community Foundation,.designating the
Chula Vista Library as beneficiary.
Supports the concept that dividends.from this fund are to be disbursed to
the Library and are restricted for the acquisition of materials and are to
augment the Library funds received from the City of Chula Vista rather
than to supplant such funds.
Support the creation of identified projects on which to spend these funds
and include this documentation inIhe Library's annual written goals and.
Support the proposal that there will be no disbursement of funds to the
Chula Vista Public Library until the year 2006 or until the Fund
accumulates $250,000.
B. Support the fund raising activities to "grow" the endowment, including:
1. The hiring of a consultant to prepare(and perhaps conduct) a
capitaf.fund raising campaign funded by the Friends.
2. The transfer of monies from the Library Donation Accounts into
the DEF.'
3. . The deposit of:all future monetary gifts to theChula Vista Public
- Library(over.$499)that are not designated for a specific purpose
(other than materials.acquisitions)into the DEF.
C::. . Reaffirm support"for.:the:design:and:_installation of donor recognition
y, PlAque !,at::the Civic Center/Main Library:funded by. he Friends. .
. .Library.Facilities,Master Plan
This,master;plan•:will::review.:whatwe have.done_so:far and then make ..
the Library Development Impact Fee. Director Palmer reviewed the time line for
A he.preparation of the.Library:Facilities Master`.?lan:.:,.?:The RFP_has gone out with
resp.onses:dueback;to:therLibrary ori::September.22::-The+Selection.Committee will
meet on September 30 .19.9.7:to select the finalists who:will be on
October 10, 1997. If the contract is signed December 1, 1997 the actual written
Library Board of Trustees -3- August 27, 1997
report will be due by the end of May with two presentations, one to Council and
one to the Library Board. This timeframe is necessary in order to meet the
deadline for a decision about the-one acre site in EastLake by.the end'of August.
A. Ratification of Chair Clover-Byram's appointment to the Library Facilities Master
Plan Consultant Selection Committee
MSUC (Viesca/Alexander)to ratify the appointment of Constance Clover-Byram
to the Library Facilities Master Plan Consultant Selection Committee
B. New Library Ballot Measure
Supporters of the library sales tax initiative are again organizing. Director Palmer
reported that Resolutions of Support are required from each City to the Board of
Supervisors in order to reestablish the Library Authority by early October. Library
Trustees were asked to recommend- that the City Council pass a measure in
support of reconstituting-the LibraryAuthority,-which will have the-authority to
place a quarter cent sales tax on the ballot.
MSUC'(Clover-Byram/Viesca)that the Library Board recommends that the City
Council support theLibrary Authority Board reconstitution for the ballot measure
to be put on the ballot in 1998.
C. Parking at Civic Center/Main Library
Staff hadbeen informed of a patron who had.received a parking citation for
parking longer than two.hours in the Library lot.. City.Council established.the
Library lot two-hour parking in December.1988. Fourteen signs are posted in the
lot to notify patrons of this fact.. Signs are also posted-on all Library'-doors
informing patrons that if they are.going-to ::be;in the Library.longer.thamtwo hours
to.pick-up:a.permit,that allows.this:: Trusteeswere.asked�to.provide:.some :
direction:as to how.this situation�might.beimproved:
Trustee Viesca stated:that_Third.Avenue:is.issumnwarnings:.to:,encourage.business
in that area.�He,�suggested..that:the:Library.lot-be:included-:in,_this-program:
�_ i
Library Board of Trustees . -4- August 27, 1997
D. Japanese Collection Grant
MSUC (AlexanderNaldovinos)that the Library Board of Trustees supports the
grant opportunity with the State Library to obtain Japanese language materials for
the EastLake Library.
A. Library In-Service Day, December 11, 1997
The City Manager has approved closing the Library on December 11, 1997 for an
in-service training day. Trustees are invited to attend. Staff will also be
celebrating their annual Christmas,party on that day.. Trustees discussed moving
their Holiday Celebration.to this date also.
B. Library Goals and Objectives Retreat
Director Palmer reported.that Library management attended a goals and objectives
retreat on Monday, August 25, 1997. Michelle Moomaugh was contracted to
facilitate this meeting: Staff is becoming better at working as a team and planning "
what the library will do in advance. A follow-up meeting will be held on
September 9th. The Library Board will get a good picture of the Library's work
priorities will be through the end of FY 1997-98 and the beginning of FY 1998-99.
C. Monthly Statistics
These were included in the Trustee's packets.
D.. Legislative Update
The Governor has reduced,the ten million dollar.PIX augmentation fund to three
million..--. It is uncertain whether Chula Vista will-benefit from this additional
amount. The.Librwy.of.California, which_is,the:8,000 multi-type libraries coming
together in:Californiaao form-::one.:network=underthe umbrella of the California
°State:Libraryhas.:been-carried-.over:in-the•suspense file and will be the major push .
in January.
E. Internet
The Civic-Center Library now has two terminals-connected to the Internet. South
Chula Vista Library has four terminals are-in operation and EastLake has five
workstations ready to go, but has had some damage due to vandalism. Terminals
Library Board.of Trustees. -5- August 27, 1997
at EastLake's are filtered and signs have been posted to notify patrons of this fact.
Copies of"Child Safety on the Information Highway" were distributed to the
Trustees and are distributed to parents with the application forms for parental
consent for children to use the Internet without filters.
G. Other
The Boards and Commissions Banquet will be held September 13 at Chula Vista's
Water Park. Due to his vacation, Director Palmer reported that he would be
unable to attend.
A. Friends
Frances Reeves reported that the EastLake Library's summer reading club enrolled
47 young adults and 62 adults and 236 children. EastLake is'beginning a volunteer
drive with an"Adopt a Shelf' program, and are starting a Library Club for children
waiting.to be picked up.
South Chula-Vista Library enrolled 1,339 participants in the Summer reading club
with 543 reading ten books. The Civic Center Library enrolled.2,234 participants
in the summer Reading Club with-1,132 completing the program. Librarywide, .
3,809 children registered.in the Summer Reading Program with 1,788 completing .
the program. Director.Palmer reported that without the Friends of the Library,
we probably wouldn't have a summer program.
Mrs. Reeves reported that the Friends had,voted to support the Library
Foundation and had donated funds to.this end.
R. Public_Comments
Mr. Coye reported that Southwestern College.was considered and then dropped as
a possible site for a public library but,was-dropped:because it uses the Library of,
Congress method of classifying materials,opposed to the Dewey Decimal-,System
used by the Chula Vista Library. Mr.-Coye also:suggested..that the Japanese craft
videos,and books donated by Sister:,City�members:from_Odawara Japan be moved
to EastLake Library for inclusion im:the-Japanese-collection.
C. Written Comments
Library Board of Trustees -6- August 27, 1997
D. Board Comments
Trustee Viesca welcomed new trustee Charett to the Library Board. He also
reported he will not be able to attend the September meeting.
Student Member Pena reported that he was in year-round school.
Trustee Charett reported that she has a long time affinity to rare books and has
lived in the Chula Vista eight years.
Chair Clover-Byram reported that a lot of wonderful things are happening in Chula
VI. ADJOURNMENT - The next Library Board of Trustees meeting will be held on
September 24, 1997 at the Civic Center Library.