Held Monday - November 6, 1950
The Planning Commission met in the Council Chambers of the City Hall on the
above date at 7:30 P.M. with Chairman Eckhart presiding.
Present: Members Eckhart, Ramage, Drew, Poulter, Wulff, Halferty and Smith.
Absent: None.
Also Present: City Attorney Boyer, City Engineer Floyd and Assistant City
Engineer Wheeler.
It was moved by Member Halferty, seconded by Member Smith, and carried,
that the minutes of the meeting held October 16th be approved with the exception
that Resolution No. 10 should be changed to Resolution No. 11 due to a duplica-
tion of numbers.
Resolution No. 12 - Granting of Leslie H. Hendren Zone Variance.
It was moved by Member Smith, seconded by Member Drew, and carried, that
the variance request of Mr. Leslie H. Hendren to operate a mortuary in a R-3
zone be granted and that Resolution No. 12 be adopted by the following vote,
to wit:
AYES: Member Ramage, Drew, Poulter, Smith, Wulff, Halferty, Eckhart.
NOES: None.
Zone Variances
Mrs. Ernest Pridgen - Lot 3, 4 section 117.
Mrs. Pridgen requested a front yard variance from 25' to 10' along "I" Street.
Signatures of property owners favoring the granting of the variance within the re-
quired area -had been obtained. There being no objections, it was moved by Member
Wulff, seconded by Member Poulter, and carried, that a variance of 11' be granted
with the understanding that a 25' set-back be observed from Fifth Avenue, and for
the reasons expressed in the application.
Darrell Bressee - 572 Third Avenue.
Mr. Bressee requested a variance to build an apartment addition over an
existing garage 32' from the side lot line instead of the required 51 . The pro-
perty owner adjoining the side of the lot affected, signed the variance petition
as objecting to the granting of the variance. The Secretary of the Commission ad-
vised the Commission that she had notified this property owner of the time and
place of the meeting.
It was moved by Member Ramage, seconded by Member Smith, and carried, that
the variance be granted for the reasons expressed in the application which the Com-
mission finds to be true, by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Member Ramage, Halferty, Smith, Eckhart.
NOES: Member Poulter, Drew, Wulff.
M. Rulon Snow - 544 Glover Avenue.
Mr. Snow requested a variance from the front yard set-back from 30' to 251 .
Signatures within the block had been obtained by the applicant stating that they
had no objections to the granting of the variance. After discussion, it was
moved by Member Wulff, seconded by Member Ramage, and carried, that the variance
be granted, provided that the house be in line and not in front of the house im-
mediately to the North of the proposed construction. -The Commission found it to
be known that to require this applicant to build behind the existing structure
to the North would create an unnecessary hardship and would be unreasonable. The
variance was granted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Member Wulff, Halferty, .Smith, Eckhart, Ramage, Poulter.
NOES: Member Drew.
Tree Removal
Mrs. William P. Jensen, 157 I Street, requested that the City remove an olive
tree from the parking area in the front of her house. It was moved by Member Drew,
seconded by Member Poulter, and carried, that the tree be removed at the ownerts
expense and replaced with -a variety of tree recommended by the Park Superintendent.
Mr. A. G. Kjorness, 609 East Manor Drive, requested that a palm tree iri front
of his property be removed by the Park Superintendent. 14r. Norman was present in
the audience and advised the Commission that this tree could be transplanted and
used by the City, and that,the tree was worth more than the cost of transplanting
same. It was moved by Member Drew, seconded by Member Ramage, and carried, that
the tree be removed by the Park Superintendent, in this case, since the tree was
of value to the city,and that the property owner replace it with a variety recom-
mended by the Park Superintendent.
Turin Oaks Avenue - establishing curb .and sidewalk location between Davidson and
E Street.
It was moved by Member Drew, seconded by Member Poulter, and carried, that
the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that plan no. 48-39 L be
approved and that if a sidewalk were constructed, that it conform to the same.
Annexation proceedings for Hilltop Village.
The Secretary read a resolution passed by the City Council November 2, 1950,
requesting the Planning Commission to make a study, report and recommendation to
the Council within 40 days with regards to the proposed annexation of Hilltop
Village. It was moved by Member Ramage, seconded by Member Halferty, and carried,
that the matter be continued until the meeting to be held November 20th, and that
Mr. Bryant be requested to attend the meeting to aid the Commission.
Bay Vista No. 2 - Tentative Map.
Mr. Henry Algert, engineer for Mr. Warren Thomas, presented the tentative
map for the proposed Bay Vista No. 2 subdivision, being the N 4 of section 161 .
It was moved by Member Drew, seconded by Member Poulter, and carried, that
the map be approved provided sidewalks are installed.
e Secr9tary read a letter from the County Planning Commission requesting
information iegarding our Planning Commission. The Secretary was directed to
answer the letters
It was moved by Member Wulff, seconded by Member Smith, and carried, that
the meeting adjourn to November 20th, 1950 at 7:30 P.M.
Phyllis J. Young, Secretary. j+