The..Commission met in Regular session on the above date at 7.30 o°clock
P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, with Chairman Davis presiding.
Members present: Davis, Irey, Guest, Cloyed, Fisher. Absent: Member Welton.
Minutes of Regular meeting held December 6, 1948, and of a Special
Meeting held December 21, 1948, having been prepared and mailed to each member
of the Commission and to each member of the Council, were approved as mailed,
upon motion by Member Cloyed, seconded by Member Irey, and carriedy
ZONE VARIANCES: (Published at least ten days_previous_to IIlesti ).
(1) Upon motion by Member Cloyed, seconded by Member Guest, and carried,
Zone Variance request made by Hilda S.Garrow for the purpose of zoning her
property at 84 Monte Vista Avenue to multiple dwelling zone, was granted.
(2) Upon motion by Member Irey, seconded by Member Fisher, and carried,
zone variance request made by the Chula Vista Union School District, represented
by J.Calvin Lauderbach, District Superintendent, for the purpose of school site
located at "J" Street and Hilltop Drive, being Lots 12 and 33, Quartersection
122, in the City of Chula Vista, was granted.
RECORD OF SURVEY: Mr.Henry Algert presented to the Commission a Record of Survey
map for their approval, for owner A.A.Riesland. Upon motion by Member Davis,
seconded by Member Irey, the Record of Survey was approved, subject to a continuance
of sidewalks and curb on "F" Street to corner of Fifth Avenue. The motion was
carried, subject to Council's approval and acceptance.
COVANILLO REVISED TENTATIVE MAP: Upon motion by Member Davis, seconded by
Member Cloyed, and carried,-the revised tentative map of "Covanillo" was accepted
for council approval, subject to ten (10) foot setback as shown on map, owing to
special conditions effecting the land.
ceeded to hold the second public hearing to consider a proposed comprehensive
zoning and ,building line Ordinance for the City of Chula Vista. The first pub-
lic hearing had heretofore been held on the 21st day of December, 1948.
Cdr. W. H. Farrell inquired as to the provisions of the new Ordinance
relating to variances. He stated that he felt that the New Ordinance should re-
duce the granting of variances and that it should provide adequate notice to all
property owners effected. Mr. Davis read the portion of the new Ordinance re=
lating to variances which 1Cdr. Farrell felt to be satisfactory.
Mrs. G. P. Olsen listed numerous objections to the proposed ordinance.
Her objections are contained in a letter to the Planning Conmission dated January
3, 1949, which she read, and which was ordered by the Chairman to be filed with
the record of these proceedings.
ilr. Dean Moffatt stated that he did not believe the Ordinance should be
so specific as regards types of businesses in "C111 zone. The Commission concluded
that it would be well to revise the itemized businesses in the "C1" zone and to
include certain retail businesses not numerated in the proposed draft. ?sir. 1.4offatt
also suggested that the proposed Ordinance provide for architectural and
' aesthetic control in certain zones. The City Attorney advised that in his
opinion, the Courts would. not uphold purely architectural or aesthetic
M-r. Z. Dwight Kidder, City, Councilman, suggested that the list of
businesses in the proposed "Cl" zone be broadened so that the Planning Com-
mission would. be required to pass on fewer businesses not specifically men-
tioned therein.
IUIrc 71illiam Drew suggested that the proposed ordinance contained
toQmuch"R2" and. "R3" zoning. He presented, two maps relating; to residential
zones, one representing such zoning as proposed in the Ordinance, and the other
as urged by him. The Chairman ordered the maps be filed with the record of this
proceedings, and informed Mr. Drew that his maps and other suggestions would
be given due attention by the Commission before the proposed Ordinance was
filed certified to the City .Council.
The Chairman then ordered. that a stenographic report of the hearing
be filed with the record of proceedings.
P,DTOIJIRNM 'NT: Upon motion by Member Davis, seconded by Member Cloyed, and
carried_,;-'tYi eeting was adj.oed to Tanuary 17, 1949.
Beatrice Peck, Secretary
Cdr. Farrell inquired if there was anything in the Zoning Ordinance to
eliminate variances. He feels that there should be some clause in the Ordinance
to force people to give notice of their desires concerning variances. M-ir. Davis
read a portion of the new Ordinance pertaining to this rhich states that suffi-
cient notice will be given.
Llys. G. P. Olson. ,.Irs. Olson listed numerous businesses which ',ere ex-
cluded from. the "C111 zone. She felt that we were trying to run all the busi-
nesses out of Chula Vista, or at least off of Third Avenue. Chairman Davis point-
ed out that vie could not put in each and every type of business or the Ordinance
would be several pages longer but that no. 25 under Section 9, A states "other
uses which in the judgement of the Coimnission, as evidenced by a resolution in
vrriting, are similar to and no more objectionable than any of those enumerated
above." �:,irs. Olson feels that our new Ordinance is discriminating, monopolistic
and dictatorial, that any decisions as to variances are fundamentally up to the
Cormission and their own personal belief.
Mr. Dean ISoffatt believes that the Ordinance should not be to specific
regarding types of businesses as much as architectural features. With regard to
"signs" on buildings. Mir. I,Ioffatt stated that in San Diego, overhanging signs
were not permitted at all and he felt that Chula Vista was proper in having the
same Ordinance. This was ultimately for the safety of the public.
Iconnection �:ith the list of businesses in "0111,
Jr. Dwight Kidder. In
!.Ir. Bidder asked if other uses iiould require a hearing before the Cormission and
Council. Chairman Davis stated that the Planning Commission only would have to
pass on such other use that might be requested. 1_1r. Kidder suggested that if the
list were expanded, it would eliYdinate so many variances.
Mr. willia?r Dreg asked what would be objectionable to having a photo-
static store in back of a Kodak Shop. MLr. Drew presented 2 maps, one represent-
ing the proposed zoning and one as he suggests it be zoned. Tsar. Drew feels that
we should not have too much rental property but more single family zones. He
feels that our zoning should be up-graded. Mr. DreTa feels that Landis and Church
Avenues should be made TIU111 and not 110211 because of the character of 11C211 busi-
nesses. Mr. Drew suggested that the '11,11f1 zone in the vicinity of Center Street
should be made 41C211. Also around K Street on Third Avenue, "Till" should ,be eli-
minated and made into a 11C211 zone.
Drew suggested that the 111.1211 zone betueen Bay Boulevard and I:ational
.venue in the extreme northerly section of Chula. Vista should not be allowed. He
feels that nothing more objectionable than an "Ifil" should be allowed on account
of prevailing winds. Chairman Davis read Section 12-A, part 2 which -�,ould take
care of any use that night be per-mitted that would become offensive.
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