HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-01-20 PC MINS ltm=S OF ADIOURNED .REGULAR MEETING OF PLANNING COI;'IlV MSION HELD, MONDAY, TANUARY 202 1947. The Commission met in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, at an adjourned regular meeting on the above date , at 7.30 p.m., with the following members present: Members Davis, Irey, Guest, Fisher, Welton. Absent: Member Doolittle. City Attorney Higgs and Ex-Officio Member Riesland were also present. Upon motion by Member Irey, seconded by Ibmber Welton, Member Davis was appointed temporary chairman. The motion was carried by the following vote, to-vait: Ayes: Members Irey, Welton, Guest, Fisher. Noes: None, Member Davis not voting. Absent: Member Doolittle. Upon motion by Member Davis, seconded by Member Fisher, it was moved that Beatrice Taylor, secretary for the Commission, receive remuneration in the amount of $5 per meeting. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: byes: Members Davis, Fisher, Guest, Irey, Welton. Naas: None. Absent: Member Doolittle. ZONE VARIANCES: (Published at least one week previous to meeting) . _ (1) Upon motion by Member Davis, seconded by Member Irey, which carried, the request for Zone Variance by the Chula Vista Citrus Association, as it relates to Lots 6-C, 6-D, and 6-E, in quartersection 140, street address 825 to 849 Third Avenue between "y" Street and 'rj;'- Street on the east side of Third-Avenue, in the City of Chula Vista, for the purpose of building multiple _dweallings for the housing of the Association's employees, Vas granted, providing same are in conformity to the letter of application dated January 13, 1947, signed by the Association's Manager, C.A.Butler, who appeared before the Commission. (2) Upon motion by Member Irey, seconded by Member Guest, and carried, Zone Variance request by Mrs.Mary Swayne for.permission to convert present garage to living quarters at 515 "G" Street in the rear of her property, was granted, with the provision that Mrs.Swayne comply with the City Ordinances pertaining to same.. i,2ot�on ca�ried b followi.nE vote, to-wits Ayes: Irey, Guest, Davis, Nelton, Fisger. oes:�I om* DA oelit. (3) It was moved by Member Fisher, seconded by Member Gues�. ghat the request for Zone Variance by Mr. Arthur Spencer as it relates to Lot 3�-T,—quartexniecti:6h.; 139-- Ass6ssor`s'Mep_25.-A. Street address 799 Fourth Avenue, Corner of'Fourtli and "K" Street, for the purpose of building an office adjacent to his residence, in conjunction with his spraying business, was granted. Carried. PROPOSED OPENING OF GARRETT STREET: Dr.Robert M.Griffin appeared before the Commission requesting recommendation to the City Council of the opening of Garrett Street North of "E" Street 620 feet. Upon motion by Member Irey, seconded by Member Fisher, which carried, 'was Mo.Ved that the City Clerk be instructed to investigate the desira- bility of opening Garrett Street from existing "E" Street, 620 feet North and L report to the Planning Commission, the attitude of the property owners as to dedication and assumption of cost of improvements. PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE: City Attorney Higgs presented to the Planning Commission a rough draft of a proposed Subdivision Ordinance, and following a lengthy discussion by each member of the Commission present, as to certain sections of the proposed Ordinance, upon motion by Member Irey, seconded by Member Melton, and carried, the secretary of the Planning Commission was instructed to publish in the Chula Vista Star, notice of Public Hearing for the purpose of considering a proposed Ordinance of the City of Chula Vista, entitled, "Ordinance Providing Regulations for the Subdivision of Land, for the Dedication of Streets, and for the Approval of Maps Thereof in the City of Chula V i stall. AUTOURMBUT: Upon motion by Member Fisher, seconded by Member - Welton, ich carried the meeting adjourned sine die. Secretary 1