The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Chula Vista was held on
the above date in the Council Chambers at Civic Center at 7:30 P.M. with the following
members present: Shamrell, Menzel, Young, Raitt, Crossley and Burford. Absent: 1vIem-
ber Hesse. .Also Present: City Planner Scherer, Principal Engineer Johnson and City
Attorney Campbell.
It was moved. by Member Crossley, seconded by Member Menzel and unanimously carried
that the minutes of the meeting of March 19 be approved, copies having been mailed
to each member.
Gibson & Dudley - Zone Variance - Hilltop and Naples
It was moved by Mem4er Young, seconded by Member Burford and unanimously carried that
the variance application for the construction and- operation of a commercial shopping
center at the northwest corner of Hilltop and maples be granted subject to the follow-
ing conditions:
1. That the applicant complete public improvements - curb, gutter, sidewalk and
drainage appurtenances. Such improvements to be subject to approval of the
Department of Engineering, and a bond posted to guarantee improvements.
2. That the improvement plan for the service station be submitted to the Depart-
ment of Engineering for their approval.
3. That the drainage ditch be sufficiently protected so that public safety will
not be involved, and future expansion_ of the shopping center include an en-
closed ditch.
4. That the lighting be so designed so that it will b.e directed onto the proposed
shopping center and away from passing motorists and adjacent properties.
5. Itis recommended that the developers donot usea monolithic curb, gutter and
sidewalk, but to maintain a minimum 81 planting area, improved with 1 tree for
every 50 feet along Naples and a minimum 8' sidewalk.
6. That a solid wall or fence-be constructed at the north property line.
7. That a total of all advertising signs be restricted to a maximum of 100 square
feet unless the Planning Commission relieves this condition when the separate
units are submitted for approval. This does not apply to signs on buildings
such as "lubrication" "washing!'-.,. etc,etc. That temporary advertising signs
be 'restricted to 300-square feet (advertising the shopping center).
8. That all trash and waste be kept in containers and kept in an enclosed area.
9. That automobile service station not be permitted the repairs of vehicles
other than incidental repairs such as tire changing, lubrication, minor
electrical or mechanical adjustment. That no engine repairs, painting or
- - l -
body work and the like, be conducted on the premises.
10. That all building plans on each and every unit be submitted to the Depart-
ment of Engineering, Building and the Planning Commission for approval.
A letter was read from the Engineering Department giving cost estimates of pro-
viding the access and parking via improving Madrona between Third and Fourth, as
suggested by the Chamber of Commerce, and an alternate plan of providing.access and
parking from-Fourth. The matter was held over until the next meeting for further study.
George Kenworthy - 276 "K" - Approval of Stand
It was moved by Member Menzel, seconded by Member Crossley and unanimously carried
that the stand be approved, as required by conditions of zone variance granted on
February 6, 1956, and that a letter be written to Mr. Kenworthy accordingly.
Casey Annexation - Between Moss and Naples, west of First
A discussion was held,on the proposed Casey Annexation. Maps were presented showing
the boundaries.
RESOLUTION NO. 67 — Recommending to the City Council the annexation of land known
as the Casey Annexation
Offered by Member Young, passed, adopted and approved by -the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Members Shamrell, Burford, Young, Raitt, Crossley and Menzel
NOES: none
ABSRZT: Member Hesse
Requests to Build on Easements:
Mona Arnote - 60 "F't Street
After a short discussion it was moved by Member Menzel, seconded by Member Young aid
unanimously carried that the permission to build on an easement be given., as shown on
plan submitted, subject to the division of the land as proposed and that the require-
ments of the R-1 zone be maintained.
Ted E. Bell - 76 "J" 6treet
A letter and maps were presented to the Commission asking for permission to build on
an easement. The matter was held over.
Whittington #4 - Tentative Map - First Avenue north of "I"
It was moved by Member Young, seconded by Member Shmmrell and unanimously carried
that the tentative map of Whittington #�. be approved subject to the following condi-
- 2 -
1. That a 1' lot, on the easterly 'terminus of Whitney, bed edicated. to the city.
2. That monolithic curb; gutter and sidewalk not be .constructed, and that pub-
lic improvements be approved by the Department of Engineering when re-submitted.
3. That the setbacks be approved as shown except that a. 25' setback be maintained
on First rather than a 20' one.
4. That a 6' easement be dedicated for utilities on lot 104.
5. Show typical section of cul-de-sac.
6. Curb height to be 8" on First Avenue.
7. Whitney Street tentative grades are not necessarily approved, until further study.
8. All improvements be subject to Engineering Department recommendations.
The planning Commission recommends to the City Council that they accept a 40'
radius temporary .turn.-drobndll easterly end of Whitney rather than the required 50' one.
Patricia Circle - Tentative Map - Between Second and Minot at "F"
It was moved by Member Crossley, seconded by Member young and .unanimously carried
that the tentative map of Patricia Circle be approved subject to the conditions as set
forth below.
1. That the tentative map show the proposed zoning.
2. Access to utility easement at rear of lots 7 and B.-
3. Show tentative street grades.
4. Show the location of proposed sewer.
5. That Patricia !Avenue be renamed to Patricia Circle.
6. Approve setbacks as shown.
7. That the subdivider extend curb, gutter and sidewalk from lots 3 and 4 of
GleiiLlin Subdivision to Patricia Circle Subdivision.
The Planning 'Commission recommends to the City Council that they accept the 40'
radius turn-around at the easterly terminus of Patricia Circle rather than the 50'
as required.,
Robin Hood #2 - Tentative Map - Between Moss and Naples west of First
It was moved by Member henzel, seconded by Member Shamrell and unanimously carried
that the tentative map of Robin Hood #2 be approved pending annexation of the "Casey
Annexation" and subject to the following conditions:
1. That the subdivider eliminate lot #65 from the subdivision.
- 3 -
2. That Moss Street and Naples Street be improved to the centerline with curb
201 from the property line with 5' walks and 8" curb heights.
3. Show location of proposed sewer.
4. Drainage in easements to be carried through pipes.
5. Moss Street be- improved on easterly end to create traffic control entering
on Naples Street. (Portion to be withdrawn from tentative map.)
The Planning Commission will recommend the vacation of Second Avenue to the City Council
after annexation is completed..
Mrs. Emma Kappner - 156 Third Avenue - 30 notices mailed - 0 signatures
A variance application to construct an apartment and three stores in a building in an
R-3 zone, was read to the Commission. It was read into the record that the variance
was originally granted on September 14, 1953, and six-month extensions of time granted
on March 5, 1954, and September 7, 1954. Another request for extension_ of time was
denied on March 7, 1955. Mrs. Kappner was represented at this time by Mr. Barnasky,
her son-in-law.
I_t was moved by Member Young, seconded by Member Crossley and unanimously carried
that the variance be denied as the applicant failed to prove the jurisdictional facts
as required by ordinance. Chairman Raitt explained to the applicant that the decision
could be appealed to the City Council if they so choose. He stated that the Planning
Commission policy is not to "spot zone" but that if the entire block would petition
to be rezonedcommercial, their petition would be considered.
Ban C. Putnam - 422 Church - 28 notices mailed - 3 signatures
The variance application asking for permission to conduct a.sign-painting, mimeo-
graphing, etc., business in an R-3 zone. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt appeared in person to ob-
J ect to the variance. Two other parties were present but did not speak.
It was moved by Member Shamrell, seconded by Member Menzel and unanimously carried
that the variance be granted subject to the' recommendations of the Fire Department and
the committee, which follow:
1. No advertising signs over 5 square feet be permitted.
2. No flood-lighting of building or signs.
3. Off-street parking be provided on a dustless surface for a minimum of two
4. Line the interior of the building to be used for a shop with 1/2" plasterboard.
5. Install all electrical wiring and fixtures in a manner approved by the Building
- 4
6." Provide a metal storage locker for all paint storage.
7. Provide a Class B fire Extinguisher in the building. (22 gallon Foam, CO 2
or Dry Chemical)
Dr. Carl Hoffman, et al - SW Corner of "F" and TiL n Oaks - 43 notices mailed - 8 signature;
The applicant requests an additional six months time for a zone variance granted on
September 6, 1955, to construct and operate a dental building on the SW corner of "F"
and Tw1 n Oaks.
It was moved by Member Young, seconded by Member Crossley and unanimously carried
that the six months additional time be granted, and that the applicant must adhere
to the original conditions of the variance which were,
1. Adequate off-street parking be provided (1 for each 300 square feet of gross
floor area suggested).
2. No advertising sign larger than 5 square feet be displayed (flood lights
3. That a 10' setback on Twin Oaks and a 15' setback on "T:I be maintained.
4. No residential use be permitted in the building.
Fred A. Kidd .- 230 Ash - 28 notices mailed - 9 signatures
.The application for the additional 90 days time on a variance which had expired, for
the manufacture and distribution of ceramics was read. The applicant is now in the
process of getting another location.
It was moved by Member Shamrell, seconded by Member Burford and unanimously carried
that the 90,day.8s additional time be granted.
H. R. Sebastian - NW Corner of Smith and "H" - 18 notices mailed - 12 signatures
Application for permission to construct R-3 units in an R-2 Zone was read to the Commi-
It was moved by Member Burford, seconded by Member Crossley and unanimously carried
that the variance be granted for R-3 use, subject to the following conditions:
1. That the applicant, construct curb, gutter and sidewalk on "H" Street and on
Smith Avenue as recommended by the Department of Engineering.
2. That the applicant provide off-street parking for all units.
3. That no setback reductions be permitted.
David Phair - The Highlander - 700 "E" - 3 notices mailed and, l signature:
Application asking permission to construct an advertising sign at approximately 700 "E"
Street was read.
The matter was held over until the "next meeting.
_ 5 _
Height Variance
Mr. Lambert Hess - 275 Minot
The application asking for permission to raise a concrete block wall to 6 feet and
add a 2T alsynite extension to the wall on_=the=.east and north property lines and to
construct a 61 concrete wall and a 2' extension on the south property line was
presented to the commission.
It was moved by Member Crossley, seconded by Member Young, and unanimously carried
that the variance be granted with the exception that the wall and extension on the
south line (as indicated on plan) not exceed 42" as required by ordinance.
RESOLUTION NO. 72 - Endorsing the Program of the Eighth Annual Institute on Government
Offered by Plember Menzel, passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Members Shamrell, Menzel, Young, Raitt, Crossley and Burford
NOES: none
It was moved by Member Burford, seconded by Member: Shamrell and unanimously carried
that the meeting adjourn until 7:30 P.M. April 16o'
Respectfully submitted,
Audrey 7Snehouse
_ 6 _