June 13, 1962
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Chula Vista was held
at 7:00 P.M: in the Council Chamber at Civic Center, with the following members
present: Stevenson, Comstock, Weakland, Willhite and Guyer. Absent: Stewart
and Adams. Also present: Director of Planning Fretz, Assistant Planner Warren,
City Attorney Duberg and Principal Engineer Harshman.
In the absence of Chairman Stewart, Vice-Chairman Stevenson presided over the
It was moved by Member Guyer, seconded by Member Comstock and unanimously carried
that the minutes of the meeting of May 21, 1962 be approved, copies having been
mailed to each member.
PUBLIC HEARING - Olivera Annexation - Interim R-1-B-20
Planning Director Fretz indicated the location of the land on a map that also
showed county zoning. He recommended approval of the one-half acre zoning rather
than have the annexation come in as the normal 73000 square ft. lot sizes.
This being the time and place as advertised, Vice-Chairman Stevenson opened the
There being no comment from the audience, either for or against, the public hearing
was declared closed.
It was moved by Member Guyer, seconded by Member Weakland that the Olivera Annexation's
request for zoning to one-half acre lots, or R-1-B-20 be approved, and recommended to
the City Council. The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Members Guyer, Comstock, Weakland, Stevenson and Willhite
NOES: None
ABSENT: Chairman Stewart and Member Adams
PUBLIC HEARING - (cont'd) - Saburo Muraoka - South Side Quintard Street, Between
First and Second Avenues - Mobile Home Park
Vice-Chairman Stevenson reopened the hearing. Planning Director Fretz reviewed the
four points that the Commission had proposed at the last meeting. He stated that
Mr. Muraoka and his engineer had requested that the matter be continued because
they have not worked out a solution to all of the problems.
It was moved by Member Comstock, seconded by Member Willhite and unanimously carried
that the public hearing for Saburo Muraoka requesting a conditional use permit for
a mobile home park be continued until the next meeting on July 2nd.
PUBLIC HEARING - Board of Mission and Church Extension of Southern California
Arizona Annual Conference of the Methodist Church - East
Naples Street - Church Site
The application was read requesting a conditional use permit for a church site
on property located on the north side of East Naples Street, approximately 330
feet east of Oleander Avenue. Planning Director Fretz submitted a plat of the
proposed site, showing the location and also that of the new Greg Rogers School.
This being the time and place as advertised, Vice-Chairman Stevenson opened the
public hearing.
Mr. Jack Yamagata spoke in behalf of the applicant. He stated that, at the present
time, they have no plans as to when they will build the church; it may be as long
as two to five years before they will be ready, but the church would like to have
the conditional use permit so they can go ahead and make plans.
There being no further comment, either for or against, the public hearing was
Member Guyer asked for the staff's feeling on the matter. Planning Director Fretz
said he hopes the church plans will come into effect before five years, and that
he feels there is nothing wrong with their approach in wanting to buy the land
ahead of time. Vice Chairman Stevenson asked what would happen,to the conditional
use permit if the land had to be sold off before five years or the time the appli-
cant can build the church. Planning Director Fretz stated that the use permit
would stand but any new applicant would have to abide by the original application
statement and submit their detailed plans to the Commission for approval. Member
Comstock suggested that a two-year limit be put into the motion, and if at the
end of the period of time, the applicant still does not have any plans ready,
they could come back to the Commission and ask for a continuance.
It was moved by Member Comstock and seconded by Member Guyer that a conditional
use permit for the Methodist Church for a church site as requested be approved,
subject to the following conditions:
1. The conditional use permit be for a two year period.
2. Final plans showing the use of property$ placement of buildings,
parking, etc:' be approved by the Planning Commission before
construction begins.
Further, that action be based on the following:
1. That the granting of the conditional use permit will not be materially
detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare.
2. Damage or nuisance arising from noise, smoke, odor, dust or vibration,
and hazard to persons and property from possible explosion, contamination
or fire is not applicable in this instance.
3. There will be no unusual volume of traffic.
4. The characteristics of the use will be reasonably compatible with the
types of use permitted in the surrounding area as there will be a church
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immediately to the west and the Greg Rogers School immediately ,to the
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Members Comstock, Weakland, Stevenson, Willhite and Guyer
NOES: none
ABSENT: :Chairman Stewart and Member Adams
PUBLIC HEARING - John Wanders - 629 "Lir Street - Use Variance
The application was read requesting permission to add a 501 x 1001 addition to
the existing 401 x 801 terminal structure.
Planning Director Fretz submitted a plot plan showing the location of the pro-
posed addition. He stated that this has been used as a truck terminal for a
number of years.
This being the time and place as advertised, Vice-Chairman Stevenson opened
the hearing.
William R. Farris, 899A Riverlawn Avenue, .spoke in opposition to the addition,
stating that he has a hard time renting his apartments, which adjoin the trucking
terminal, because of the noise. He said he thought that building an addition as
shown would just make this situation worse. Mrs. Alma Stallings, 885B Riverlawn
Avenue, asked about the possibility of an increase in business with this addition.
She objected to the refrigerated trucks parking on the grounds all night with
their motors going. She said this created a terrible noise, plus the loud noises
of the truckmen coming in at 3 A.M. James E. Hoyt, 163 Guava, owner of an apart-
ment ,adjacent to the truck terminal, objected to the fumes and dust settling on
the furniture in the apartments.
There being no further comment, the hearing was closed.
Member Comstock questioned whether the proposed building is a covered dock. Mr.
Storer, speaking for the applicant, stated that it is now an open dock but they
plan to enclose it. Planning Director Fretz stated that the staff is concerned
about trucks backing into the proposed dock and suggested that it be moved as
far north as possible. Mr. Storer agreed.
Vice-Chairman Stevenson stated that "L" Street, from Broadway east, has been
approved for heavy traffic, and wondered about the traffic problem here.
Planning Director Fretz said that the ordinance requires the installation of
public improvements when there is construction of $5,000 or more in value.
Member Guyer suggested that the proposed addition be placed on the other side
of the building - the east side - away from the residential section. Mr. Storer
had no objection to this plan, but commented that it wouldn't change the situation
a great deal - the noise and fumes would still remain.
Member Willhite discussed the widening of 11Y Street at this section and Planning
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Director Fretz stated that there will be 64 feet of paving between curbs.
Vice-Chairman Stevenson asked about a fence and Mr. Storer told him that a chain-
link fence would be installed, and the grounds would be black-topped. This
would cut down on a lot of noise. Planning Director Fretz suggested that a
planting screen between the residential site and the terminal would reduce the
It was moved by Member Weakland and seconded by Member Comstock that the petition
of John Wanders for construction of an addition -to an existing building be ap-
proved subject to the following conditions:
1. That the proposed addition be built in the location shown on the
attached sketch.
2. That any overnight vehicles with engines running be placed as near
as practicable to the southeast side of the property.
3. That a hedge be planted along the westerly and northerly boundaries
(to be approved by Planning Department).
4, That the entire area, other than the planting bed, be surfaced with
Further, that action be based on the following:
1. A variance is necessary for the substantial property right of the
2. There is M-1 zoning across the street and C-2 zoning adjacent.
3. That the conditions imposed will actually better an' existing
difficult relationship of land uses.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Members Weakland, Stevenson, Willhite, Guyer and Comstock
NOES: None
ABSENT: Chairman Stewart and Member Adams
PUBLIC HEARING - Carrol R. and Joyce Slevin - 493 "F" Street - Setback Reduction
The application was read requesting a front yard setback reduction from 30 feet
to 12 feet. Planning Director Fretz submitted a plot plan showing the location
of the property and explained the existing development and proposal. He added that .
the total parking spaces the applicant is required to have is five., two of which
he is planning to put within the setback area.
This being the time and place as advertised, Vice-Chairman Stevenson opened the
Mr. Carrol Slevin informed the Commission that he has three units at this time,
one unit being an old one-family dwelling which is about 45 years old. At the
present time, he has no idea just how long the dwelling will remain.
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Mr. R. Lenox' 472 "F" Street and Mrs. Bertha A. Parsons, 480 "F" Street, spoke
in opposition. Later, Mrs. Parsons said if all Mr. Slevin wanted was to park
in the setback, that she was not opposed.
Member Comstock stated that the proposed parking area will have the headlights
of cars shining onto the apartment house next door. He questioned the feasi-
bility of the off-street parking in the setback. Member Comstock said he could
not see any exceptional circumstances here.
Member Guyer asked for the staff's feeling on the matter. Planning Director Fretz
said that there is very good R-3 property around the Civic Center and that it will
only increase in value as 'IF" Street and property around the Civic Center is im-
proved. He said he felt that approving the variance would only be aiding and
abetting Mr. Slevin's putting in what he feels is less than the location warrants.
It was moved by Member Guyer and seconded by Member Wilhite that the request for
a setback reduction for Carrol R. and Joyce Slevin, 193 "F" Street be denied,
based on the findings that there are no exceptional circumstances here.
The motion carried by the following vote, to tit:
AXES: Members Guyer, Comstock, Weakland, Stevenson and Willhite
NOES: None
ABSENT: Chairman Stewart and Member Adams
At this time Member Wilhite was excused from the meeting.
PUBLIC HEARING - Louis M. and Alice S. Gonzales - 704 "J" Street - Setback Reduction
The application was read requesting a rear yard setback reduction from 12 feet to
1 foot 6 inches, for a carport.
Planning Director Fretz submitted a plot plan of the location. He told the Com-
mission that the applicants had been in for a setback reduction in January, 1960.
At this time they were granted reduction in setback along "J" Street from 25 to
15 feet and in the rear yard from 15 to 12 feet. Mr. Gonzales wanted to move the
old house and construct a new dwelling for his family. The new house required
reduction in rear yard setback from 15 to 12 feet; 12 feet being from the easterly
property line. He further explained that Mr. Gonzales would have a parking space
in his dwelling with another parking space to the rear. Part of the carport had
already been built and since it was in violation, the Building Department told
him to apply for a variance or tear it down.
This being the time and place as advertised, Vice-Chairman Stevenson opened the
Mr. Gonzales said he concurred with everything that Mr. Fretz had stated and had
nothing further to add.
Member Comstock said he had inspected the premises and noticed that quite a bit
of work has already been put into the carport. Mr. Gonzales explained that
since this area was set aside for off-street parking, he could see no objection
to the carport here. Mrs. Gonzales said she had taken a poll of the neighbors
and they were all in agreement with her ® no objections from any one of them.
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A letter was read from Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Christensen, 698 "J" Street, stating
they have no objection.
There being no further comment, the hearing was closed.
It was moved by Member Guyer and seconded by Member Comstock that a variance be
granted to Louis M. and Alice S. Gonzales - 704 "J" Street - for a reduction in
rear yard setback from 12 feet to 1 foot 6 inches. That action be based on the
following findings:
1. This is a corner lot having two front yard setbacks which makes it
2. The Commission had previously granted them the space.
3. A variance is necessary for the preservation of a substantial property
right of the applicant.
4. No objections were filed.
Further, that action be based on the fact that there were no adverse comments
from anyone in the audience.
The motion carried by the following vote, to wait:
AYES: Members Guyer, Comstock, Weakland and Stevenson
NOES: None
ABSENT: Chairman Stewart, Members Willhite and Adams
Palomar View Heights - Tentative Map
Planning Director Fretz asked the Commission for a postponement, since there are
several revisions that the engineers of Palomar View Heights have to make to the
It was moved by Member Guyer, seconded by Member Weakland and unanimously carried
that action on the tentative map of the Palomar View Heights, Subdivision be post-
poned until the meeting of July 2nd.
(Cont'd) Willis Richardson - North end of Trenton Street - Request for Abandonment
of Road Easement
City Attorney Duberg showed the location of the easement in question on a map. He
stated he felt it was a legal matter between Mr. Richardson and the San Diego Gas
& Electric Company as to who is the rightful owner. If the San Diego Gas & Electric
Company is not protected in this matter, they will have to go to the property owner
and buy a right to the easement.
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He further stated that the city has no particular duty in this matter--it was just
between Mr. Richardson and the Gas & Electric Company and the Commission could
decide whether they wanted to protect the Gas & Electric Company's rights. Mr.
Richardson explained to the Commission that he must maintain a road through this
easement for his tenants and must have the 6-foot triangular portion of land here
also. He plans to black-top this entire section and cannot if it still belongs
to the City. He said this land was given to the City for roadway purposes and
since it was no longer needed for streets, he would like the City's rights re-
moved from the easement.
Mr. Baumgarden, speaking in behalf of the San Diego Gas and Electric Company,
said the company was given title to portions of lots 8 and 9 on December 4, 1958.
He further stated that Trenton Avenue was already a dedicated street, and that
the city owns up to lot 44 on Trenton Avenue.
It was moved by Member Guyer, seconded by Member Comstock and unanimously carried
that this matter be held over to the meeting of July 2nd.
Member Comstock suggested the motion be amended to include:
1. That the San Diego Gas and Electric Company and Mr. Richardson get
together and find out who the legal owner of the property is.
The Commission concurred.
Anthony Ascolese - "D" Street, Between Second and Minot Avenues - Request for
Waiver on Installation of Improvements
A letter was read from the applicant requesting a waiver ;.of construction of
sidewalks, curbs and paving on "D" Street, between Second and Minot Avenues.
Planning Director Fretz showed the location of the request on the plot plan.
A letter from the Engineering Department was read concurring with the applicant's
request but asking for an agreement guaranteeing the installation of improvements.
It was moved by Member Comstock, seconded by Member Guyer and unanimously carried
that a deferment be granted for construction of sidewalks, curbs and paving sub-
ject to a 30-day written notice from the city, with the condition that a lien or
a cash deposit be given to the city in the amount determined by the Engineering
Department as sufficient to cover the cost of these improvements.
Resolution re: Meeting dates
Resolution re: Coin-operated Dry Cleaners
Planning Director Fretz asked that the above matters be postponed, as more time is
needed to work on them.
It was moved by Member Weakland, seconded by Member Comstock and unanimously carried
that the meeting adjourn sine die.
Respectfully submitted,
Jennie Fulasz