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July 17, 1961
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Chula Vista was held
on the above date at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chamber at Civic Center with the
following members present: Stevenson, Comstock, Weakland, Stewart, Adams and
Guyer. Absent: Member Harmstead. Also present: Director of Planning Fretz,
Principal Engineer Harshman and City Attorney Duberg.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Meeting of July 10, 1961
It was moved by Member Stevenson, seconded by Member Weakland and unanimously
carried that the minutes of the meeting of July 10, 1961 be approved, copies
having been mailed to each member.
Mark Hill - Tentative Map (Re-submission)
Planning Director Fretz stated that the tentative map had been previously approved
but the year provided for filing a final map had lapsed and no extensi,on .had been
requested. He stated that the map appears to meet the conditions of the original
tentative map. Principal Engineer Harshman made the following recommendations:
1 . That the alignment of Monterey Avenue be adjusted so as to line up
with that portion of Monterey Avenue in Hilltop Estates Subdivision.
2. Sidewalk location on Melrose and Monterey Avenues shall warp from
separate (as exists in Stardust subdivision) to the proposed mono-
lithic, in a manner as approved by the City Engineer.
3. Size and specifications for the proposed sewage pump station shall be
as approved by the City Engineer.
4. Size and material specification for the sewage force main shall be as
determined or approved by the City Engineer.
It was moved by Member ,Guyer and seconded by Member Stevenson that the Planning
Commission recommend approval of the tentative map of Mark Hill , subject to the
conditions recommended by the Engineering Department. The motion carried by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Members Guyer, Stevenson, Comstock, Weakland, Stewart and Adams
NOES: none
ABSENT: Member Harmstead
Virginia Terrace - Final Map
The Commission directed that the map be placed on the agenda for the next regular
Consideration of Master Plan - Otay Gardens
Planning Director Fretz submitted the preliminary master plan for development of
the area known as Otay Gardens located east and west of Otay Lakes Road at its
intersection with Telegraph Canyon Road. He stated that the area has approximately
435 acres and the preliminary plan divides this into 1 ,206 building lots. Mr. Fretz
stated that some time ago, the developer contacted the city regarding development of
the area and had concurred that an over-all plan would be advantageous to both the
city and the subdivider. He stated that the developer would like to have approval
of the plan in general with maps being submitted on each unit as it is developed.
Mr. Ray Swaner, Vice-President, Manager of Bollenbacher and Ke;l.ton, subdividers ,
explained that they would like approval of the map as an over-all plan and would
build in units , the first unit as outlined. He pointed out that they intend to
fully improve Otay Lakes Road in the initial unit. Mr. Swaner further stated that
the city is participating in the extension of the outfall sewer out Telegraph Canyon
Road approximately 32 miles to sewer the area and financing should be set up within
three weeks. He stated that the city engineering staff prepared the sewer plans and
this is a portion of the city's participation in the development. Mr. Swaner stated
that Otay Ranch is participating in tapping the aqueduct for water service to the
Planning Director Fretz said that because the area is so far removed from the city
and would be practically surrounded by unincorporated land, he had asked the County
Planning Department for recommendations. He' read the recommendations from the
County, adding that he had not had an opportunity to study them as they were received
just prior to the meeting.
The Commission discussed the recommendations, the proposed shopping center area,
areas not included in the plan, proposed school sites and requested street ex-
tensions. Mr. Swaner stressed that the subdivider would like to have approval
of their initial tentative map as outlined on the over-all ;;,plan. Planning Director
Fretz explained the annexation procedure and the timing on filing of subdivision
maps and recommended that no action be taken at this time.
Chairman Stewart stated the record should 'show. that a master plan was submitted for
the area with a proposed tentative map outlined and explained of Unit No. 1 of Otay
Gardens. He asked whether there is any basis for the Commission to take action
prior to annexation of the land. Attorney Duberg stated that the annexation would
be before the City Council on July 18th and he would have an answer to this question
at that time.
Planning Director Fretz informed the Commission that the League of California Cities '
monthly meeting would be held this Friday at the Islandia and reservations should be
in by Wednesday noon.
Report from San Diego County Planning Congress
The Planning Commission discussed the report from the San Diego County Planning
Congress on industry, which had been previously submitted, noting the three alternates
proposed for industrial development on a regional basis.
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The Commission directed that Planning Director Fretz draft a letter of approval
of the report for the next meeting.
Planning Commission Findings on Denial of Variance - Thriftimart, Inc. - East Side
Third Avenue, South of "K" Street
It was moved by Member Guyer, seconded by Member Comstock and unanimously carried
that the report of findings be approved and forwarded to City Council .
It was moved by Member Weakland, seconded by Member Guyer and unanimously carried
that the meeting adjourn sine die.
Respectfully submitted,
i 1
Audrey St',nehouse