November 6, 1961
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Chula Vista was held at 7:00
'PM on the above date in the Council Chamber at Civic Center with the following members pre-
sent: Stevenson, Weakland, Stewart, Adams and Guyer. Absent: Member Comstock. Also pre-
sent: Director of Planning Fretz and City Attorney Duberg.
It was moved by Member Guyer, seconded by Member Weakland and unanimously carried that
the minutes of the meeting of October 16, 1961 , be approved, copies having been mailed
to each member.
PUBLIC HEARING - Tidelands Master Plan
Planning Director Fretz reviewed changes in location of the small craft harbor and in
the proposed street plan, that had been made in the map after the comments made at the
previous hearing. He reported that the Harbor Commission and the San Diego Harbor Depart-
ment had approved the changes and that the Harbor Commission had recommended that street
alignment "B" be accepted in preference to alignment "A", both being shown on the map and
thst street alignment "C" 'be extended south across the existing fill to an intersection wit[
"J" Street extended west.
This being the time and place as advertised, Chairman Stewart opened the hearing. There
being no comment, either for or against, the -hearing was closed.
Member Adams stated that street alignment "C", shown in red on the map, would divide the
existing filled tidelands into three parts and questioned whether it should be included
on the plan at the present time. Chairman Stewart agreed and asked whether this street
will be needed for access to the boat launching ramp now being discussed. Planning Di-
rector Fretz stated that access to the boat area would be via "G" Street and that if
alignment "C" is not included on the plan, it can be added4f it is felt necessary, as an
amendment. He stated that there may not be a need for that portion of the "C" alignment
and that actually most of it is on the city tidelands.
Administrative-Analyst Ross stated that the Port of San Diego, acting as advisors to the
City, recommended that this street alignment be shown on the master plan to assure adequate
access to port facilities. He stated that showing the alignment on the master plan would
be a safe-guard in reserving the right-of-way of the street. Member Adams agreed that this
is good. Member Stevenson stated that whether or not the street is shown appears to be
irrelevant if the master plan is only a guide and can be amended. He asked if it would
be possible to indicate on the map that the street may or may not go in, depending upon the
need and Planning Director Fretz stated that all. streets will be shown as "proposed". Mr.
Fretz stated that if the Commission agrees that the street will be needed it should be
shown and that an- amendment can work either way - if it is shown on the map and then it is
determined it is not needed, it can be eliminated by amendment.
Harbor Commission Member Landells stated that the State gave the City 10 years to develop
the tidelands, which can be used for 1 of 3 purposes - fisheries, recreation or commerce.
He stated that the master plan for development of the tidelands must show the State that
the- City is interested in commerce and the street alignment "C" serves this purpose by
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showing provision is being made for access for port facilities.
Planning Director Fretz stated that it is required that the Planning Commission hold two
public hearings on master plans and that if the Commission is in concurrence with the plan
as submitted, a resolution can be prepared by the staff for the second hearing. Chairman
Stewart stated that in view of the fact that the plan is not a finished plan but can be
changed as needed, he is in favor of keeping it as proposed. Member Adams agreed.
It was moved by Member Guyer, seconded by Member Stevenson and unanimously carried that the
second of two required public hearings be set for November 20, 1961 .
PUBLIC HEARING - Thriftimart, Inc. - Third and "K" - Sign
The application was read requesting permission to construct a 10 x 20 foot billboard sign
advertising the opening of Thriftimart on property on the east side of Third Avenue south
of "K" Street. Planning Director Fretz submitted a plot plan and reviewed the provision
in the zoning requirements allowing tract signs of 150 square feet in area. He stated
that it would appear to apply to tracts contemplated for development whether or not it
is a residential subdivision or commercial shopping center, and if so, would allow the
sign proposed by Thriftimart. Chairman Stewart agreed.
This being the time and place as advertised, Chairman Stewart opened the hearing. There
being no comment, either for or against, the hearing was closed.
Member Adams stated that this is a new procedure and there might be more involved than it
appears - sign companies would like to get into commercial areas with big billboards and
our zoning requirements prohibit this. He stated that he believes the size of this sign
is out of proportion with the commercial project being advertised and that the Commission
should be conservative in this matter. Member Weakland agreed thata sign 10 x 20 is out
of place in this area and Member Adams stated that 100 >square,-Jeetl�seems adequate for this
Member Stevenson stated that a conditional use permit appears to be the proper procedure
for sign locations rather than a variance. Member Adams agreed.
It was moved by Member Stevenson and seconded by Member Weakland that the Planning Commissii
recommend to City Council that a conditional use permit be granted to Thriftimart, Inc. , to
allow construction of a billboard sign announcing the opening of Thriftimart on property
on the east side of Third Avenue, south of "K" Street subject to the following conditions:
1 . That the application be approved for a period of six months and if more time is
needed the applicant apply for an extension.
2. That the sign be a maximum 150 square feet in area, as provided in the ordinance.
Further that action be based on the following findings:
1 . The proposed use does not involve damage or nuisance arising from noise, smoke,
odor, dust or vibration; hazard to persons and property from possible explosion,
contamination or fire; nor will it occasionti hazard by unusual volume or character
of traffic.
2. The land is zoned C-2-P, therefore, the proposed use appears to be compatible with
uses allowed. There have been no objections filed.
2 -
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Members: Stevenson, Weakland, Stewart, Adams and Guyer
NOES: none
ABSENT: Member Comstock
PUBLIC HEARING - Wilma Southworth - 627 and 625 Third Avenue - Easement and Setback Re-
The application was read requesting permission to build a six-unit apartment house on the
lot at the rear of 625 Third Avenue, having its only access via a 14 foot easement to
Third Avenue; reduction of side yard setback from -5 to 4 feet for the existing single
dwelling on the rear lot and reduction in rear yard setback from 15 to 2 feet for the
existing building on the front lot. A plot plan was submitted showing the location of
the two existing buildings and how the lot had been split so that each of the two buildings
are in violation of the setback requirements.
Chairman Stewart stated that he believes the easement on the rear lot should be widened
and maintained to provide adequate access for emergency vehicles. This being the time
and place as advertised, the hearing was opened.
A letter was read from the Building Department stating what must be done in order that the
buildings conform to the building code- requirements. A letter was read from Mr. K. A.
Knudsen, 631 Third Avenue, protesting the reduction in side yard setback. There being
no further comment, the hearing was closed.
Member .Adams stated that he doesn' t feel this wou.ld:�,be 'the most desirable development of
the lot; however, if the applicant feels they need to do this to get the best use of their
property, he will not oppose it. Mrs. Southworth stated that this is about the only way
the property can be developed considering the lot width, depth and zoning. Chairman
Stewart agreed and stated that he believes the driveway width should be a minimum 16 feet
wide. Planning Director Fretz recommended that a 20 foot driveway be required.
tt was moved by Member Guyer and seconded by Member Weakland that a variance be granted
to Mrs. Southworth for property at 625-627 Third Avenue for permission to build a six-unit
apartment house on the lot at the rear of 625 Third Avenue, having its only access via
a 14-foot easement to Third Avenue; reduction of side yard setback from 5 to 4 feet for the
existing single dwelling on the rear lot and reduction in rear yard setback from 15 to 2
feet for the existing building on the front lot. That the variance be subject to the fol-
lowing conditions:
1 . The width of the driveway from the west property line to the eastern edge of the
proposed parking area be surfaced with either asphalt or concrete and maintained
to a 20 foot width.
2. That a parking space be provided for the existing house as well as for each of the
proposed units and that each space have a minimum width of 9 feet.
Furth-- r that action be based on the following findings of fact:
1 . The property has been divided in such a manner that the rear lot has no street
frontage. The buildings existing on both lots require the setback reductions to
meet zoning requirements. These facts constitute exceptional circumstances.
2. Unless the variance is granted, the property cannot be used as proposed.
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3. The variance will not be detrimental to property or improvements in the area as
no objections were filed.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Members: Guyer, Stevenson, Weakland, Stewart and Adams
NOES: none ,
ABSENT: Member Comstock
Approval of Equipment for Home Occupation - Dr. D. F. Fields - 462 Parkway (cont.)
City Attorney Duberg stated that facts indicate that Dr. Fields is in violation of the
zoning requiremetats by operating his office from his home in an R-3 zone, and that he
would contact Dr. Fields to determine whether a violation does exist.
It was moved by Member Guyer, seconded by Member Adams and unanimously carried that the
matter be continued until further report by the City Attorney.
Request for Extension of Time on Variance - First Baptist Church - 494 ''E" Street
A letter was read from the First Baptist Church requesting an extension of time on the
setback variance granted to allow construction of an education building on the church
property at 494 ''E" Street.
It was moved by Member Adams, seconded by Member Stevenson and 'unanimously carried that
a six-months extension be granted and the variance now expire on May 30, 1962.
Southern California Planning Congress
Planning Director Fretz stated that a dinner meeting would be held in Anaheim on the 9th
of November and that the members would be contacted about attending.
It was moved by Member Weakland , seconded by Member'Guyer and unanimously carried that the
meeting adjourn to November 20, 1961 .
Respectfully submitted,
Audrey St2ehouse