HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-11-20 PC MINS MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA November 20, 1961 An adjourned regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Chula Vista was held at 7:00 P.M. on the above date in the Council Chamber at Civic Center, with the fol- lowing members present: Stevenson, Comstock, Weakland, Stewart, Adams and Guyer. Absent_: none. Also present: Director of Planning Fretz, Assistant Planner Warren, City Attorney Duberg, City Engineer Cole and Princip6l Engineer Harshman. STATEMENT The Secretary of the Commission hereby states that she did post within 24 hours of adjourn- ment, as provided by law, the order of the Commission for the adjourned meeting of Novem- ber 20, 1961 . APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Member Stevenson, seconded by Member Comstock and unanimously carried that the minutes of the meeting of November 6, 1961 , be approved, copies having been mailed to each member. PLANNING PUBLIC HEARING - Tidelands Master Plan - 2nd Hearing Planning Director Fretz reviewed the provisions of the master plan. This being the time and place as advertised, Chairman Stewart opened the hearing. There being no comment, eitherfor or against, the hearing was closed. Member Stevenson asked if the jog in alignment of the north-south street could be elimin- ated and Planning Director Fretz stated that this alignment follows property lines north of "G" Street, thus avoiding the necessity of one property owner providing the complete right-of-way and that south of "G", the right-of-way is curved west to avoid property needed for expansion by Rohr Aircraft. Member Comstock asked whether it is clear on the master plan that either or both the rail- road companies could serve the area. Planning Director Fretz stated that it was not the intention to limit rail service to one company, that rail lines were shown on private .pro- perty rather than within street rights-of-way for several reasons , one of which was to avoid the conclusion that a franchise would be given to one company. RESOLUTION NO. 220 - Recommending to City Council Adoption of the Tidelands Master Plan Offered by Member Adams , read in full , passed, adopted and approved, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Members Adams , Guyer, Stevenson, Comstock, Weakland and Stewart NOES: none ABSENT: none REZONING PUBLIC HEARING - Southwest Corner Third and "L" - Art Schuller - R-1 to C-2 and Change in Building Lines The application was read requesting change of zone from R-1 to C-2 and change in building r - 1 line from 25 feet to 5 feet -br both 3rd and "L". Planning Director Fretz submitted a plat of the area and explained that a petition has been submitted for annexation of the lot adjacent on the south. This being the time and place as advertised, Chairman Stewart opened the hearing. Mr. Art Schuller, applicant, stated that they expect the City Council to start annexation proce- dure on the 21st of November. He stated that they do not intend to start development of the property until they have a parcel of land 150 x 150. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. Planning Director Fretz stated that he doesn't see any problem on the annexation. Mem- ber Comstock asked about the improvement of the drainage ditch and Chairman Stewart stated that design for the structure will have to be approved by the Engineering Department. RESOLUTION NO. 219 - Recommending to City Council Change of Zone for Property at 3rd and "L" and Change in Building Line Offered by Member Guyer, passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Members Guyer, Stevenson, Comstock, Weakland, Stewart and Adams NOES: none ABSENT: none VARIANCES PUBLIC HEARING - Madalon Bagnell - 819 Fourth Avenue - Use and Area Variance The application was read requesting permission to divide the R-1 property into two lots , the rear lot to have 20 foot frontage on Fourth Avenue rather than 50 feet required by ordinance, and requesting permission to develop the rear lot with 4 dwelling units , an R-3 use. Planning Director Fretz submitted a plat showing proposed development of the land. This being the time and place as advertised, Chairman Stewart opened the hearing. He asked whether the applicant owns an additional lot abutting this property, fronting on "K" Street and Planning Director Fretz pointed out the lot on "K" owned by Mrs. Bagnell . Mr. Joe McIntire, contractor for Mrs. Bagnell , stated that the lot on "K" Street is a separate piece of property and could be put to better use than a driveway. He stated that the lot is below street level which would make it difficult to use as access or to bring in a sewer. Mr. Lewis Huntington, 386 "K" Street stated he would not have any real objec- tions to the development if a wall is constructed along the north property line. Mrs. Bagnell and Jake Bagnell spoke favoring the variance. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. Member Stewart asked whether it would be more feasible to develop the property from "K" Street and Member Adams stated that he believes it would allow a better development than a 20 foot access between 2 houses. He questioned the advisability of 4 single units , each having 4,000 square feet of land. Planning Director Fretz stated that inasmuch as this:_ property can have 50 foot frontage on 111<" Street, it doesn 't appear that there is actually a hardship to justify approval of the 20 foot frontage on Fourth Avenue. He stated that he believes it would be better to develop the property with two duplexes rather than 4 single units to avoid the possibility of the lot being divided and sold in substan- dard 4,000 square foot lots; if duplexes were built and the property later divided and sold, at least each of the duplexes could have 8,000 square feet. He recommended that parking be provided, in addition to the garages. 2 - Member Stewart stated that the Planning Commission has approved variances to allow land- locked property to be split and developed with 1 or 2 R-1 units with access via an ease- ment and he believes this property has adequate access to ''K"'Street to be developed simi- larly. He stated that he feels the intensity of the proposed use is more than is justified under the circumstances. It was moved by Member Stevenson and seconded by Member Guyer that the request for vari- ance be denied because there are no exceptional circumstances to justify a variance. The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Members: Stevenson, Comstock, Weakland, Stewart, Adams and Guyer NOES: none ABSENT: none PUBLIC HEARING - William Buono - 825 Fairway Court - Reduction in Rear Yard Setback The application was read requesting reduction in rear yard setback from 20 to 12 feet to allow an addition to the existing house, and a plot plan was submitted. This being the time and place as advertised, Chairman Stewart opened the hearing. Mr. Buono stated that the structure will not be a detriment to the neighborhood and that it is the only place on the lot that can be used for an addition. Mrs. F. Horne, 834 First Avenue, whose property is adjacent on the east, stated that she wishes to build a guest house in her rear yard and the proposed addition will be too close to their common property line. Mr. 0. Palmer, part owner. of Mrs. Horne's property, stated that .the pro- posed addition will downgrade the area. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. Member Adams stated that the shape of the lot does make it appear that there is some merit to the request. Member Weakland stated that with only 92 foot depth to the lot, there isn' t much room left; in the rear yard. Chairman Stewart stated that the shape of the lot does create unusual circumstances. It was moved by Member Stevenson and seconded by Member Comstock that a variance be granted to William Buono, 825 Fairway Court for reduction in rear yard setback from 20 to 12 feet to allow construction of an addition to the house as shown' on plot plan. Further, that action be based on the following finding: 1 . The lot is irregular in shape, constituting exceptional circumstances. 2. The applicant cannot h2ve reasonable use of his property unless the variance is granted. 3. There were relatively few objections to the variance, therefore, it appears that it will not be materially detrimental to adjacent property. The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Members: Stevenson, 'Comstock, Weakland, Stewart, Adams and Guyer NOES: none ABSENT: none SUBDIVISIONS Southwestern College Estates - Tentative Map Planning Director Fretz stated that a portion of the area included in the tentative map of Otay Gardens , previously approved by the Planning Commission, has been purchased by the - 3 - Sweetwater Junior College District for the junior-ccollege site and the subdivider has pre- pared a new tentative map for the remaining area. He pointed out the location of the pro- posed elementary school to serve this area and stated that with this location settled, the subdivider was able to design the over-all development. Mr. Fretz stated that the staff would like to recommend the following: 1 . An alternate to the street pattern proposed with approximately 7 acres devoted to multiple family zoning in the Otay Lakes Road area. 2. Use of college names for the streets - is good W,: would suggest that all streets be named after schools and that they be arranged alphabetically from north to south and west to east. 3. That 15 foot building lines be established with the understand ng that if lots are developed with straight-in driveways the building line will be 20 feet. 4. That a block wall be required between the proposed shopping center and the residential lots. Planning Director Fretz explained Engineering Department recommendations on public improve- ments and stated that, the planning and engineering staffs concur that the anticipated traffic on Otay Lakes Road will require 102 feet of right-of-way which will allow an 18 foot median strip to facilitate left-turn movements _to both the college and the shopping center. Mr. Lane Cole explained to the Commission his reasons for recommending that sewer locations be shown on the subdivision map and why a clean-out for the lateral is recommended. Mem- ber Comstock stated that he feels requiring installation of sewer clean-outs by the sub- divider rather than the builder is a burden on the subdivider. Mr. Ray Swaner, representing the subdivider, stated that they would like approval of the entire tentative map rather than of Unit 1 . He questioned the need of providing 102 feet of right-of-way for Otay Lakes Road, stating that the ,subdivider had agreed to improve an 80 foot right-of-way in their contract with the college district. Mr. Swaner questioned the need for apartments in this area since this will be a junior college rather than a senior college. Mr. Wayne Smith, engineer for the subdivider , discussed the recommendations of the Engineer- ing Department stating that some of the requirements are not usually shown on the tentative map and that it has been the practice that the subdivider and engineering staff work some of these problems without bringing them before the Commission. Mr. Walter Bollenbacher, subdivider, stated that it is important that approval be given to the over-all map so that they can be sure of street 'alignment before beginning work. Plan- ning Director Fretz stated that the planning staff will have recommendations on the entire plan if the subdivider wishes it to be considered on the basis of a tentative map. It was moved by Member Comstock, seconded by Member Weakland and unanimously carried that the map be put on the agenda for the December 4, 1961 meeting. Cindy-Park #3 - Final Map Planning Director Fretz submitted the final map and stated that all conditions of appro- val of the tentative map have been met. Principal Engineer Harshman read recommendations of the Engineering Department. It was moved by Member Guyer and seconded by Member Comstock that the Planning Commission approve the final map of CIndy Park#3 and recommend approval to City Council subject to following conditions: 1 . Pending annexation 2. Subject to compliance with Engineering Department recommendations with reference to sewer and other public improvements . 3. Subject to approval of the title sheet by the Engineering Department. MISCELLANEOUS Request for Exemption from Priblic Improvements - 1169 Walnut - Sidney Knowles The letter was read from Mr. Sidney Knowles requesting exemption ordeferment of construction of public improvements at ";his property at 1169 Walnut. Principal Engineer Harshman stated that the Engineering Department recommends that a deferment be granted because the public improvements have not been designed nor the grade established. It was moved by Member Guyer, seconded by Member Comstock and unanimously carried that deferment of construction of public improvements onthe property at 1169 Walnut be granted, subject to a 30-day written notice from the City, on the condition that a cash deposit or a lien on the property be given the City in an amount determined by the Engineering Department as,=,sufficient to cover the cost of installation of the improvements. Huntington Annexation Zoning Planning Director Fretz stated that the land had been annexed as interim R-1 but as it was zoned for industrial purposes before annexation, the City should initiate rezoning. He recommended that the land be zoned C-1-P , C-2-P and M-1-P as shown on map submitted. RESOLUTION NO. 218 - Calling Public Hearing to Consider Precise C-1-P, C-2-P and M-1-P Zoning for Huntington Annexation and to Consider Establishing 5 Foot Building Lines Offered by Member Stevenson, passed, adopted and approved, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Members: Stevenson, Comstock, Weakland, Stewart, Adams and Guyer NOES: none ABSENT: none Civic Center Study Planning Director Fretz stated that the County has contacted the City with respect to future civic center needs and that this was brought about by the possibility of the "F" Street School being sold. Mr. Fretz stated that at this time he would like the Commission to in- dicate their desire on the ratio between building, landscaping and parking and that the County is using a 1 : : 1 : : 1 ratio which he feels is minimum. For purposes of comparison, he submitted a plot plan showing the ratio of the present Civic Center development, indi- cating that on the actual Civic Center site, the ratio is 9 : : 16 : : 10 for building, land- scaping and parking and on the Postoffice-Library site, the ratio is 7 : : 1 : : 8, building, landscaping and parking, including loading area. Chairman Stewart asked whether there are any standards to guide a policy on the' proper ratio and Planning Director Fretz stated that standards would be difficult to establish as the ratio would depend on the city. Member Comstock asked whether it wouldn ' t be well to require 2 : : 1 on parking and 1/2 :.g° 1 on landscaping. Chairman Stewart stated that the staff should make a study before the Commission makes any recommendations to the Council and suggested that the .staff learn what other cities require. Member Comstock stated that - 5 - he feels 1 : : 1 : : 1 is inadequate and Planning Director Fretz stated that if the Commission agrees , he feels it would be wise to have a policy of 1 : : 1 : : 2; that it is better to have more parking than is needed at the present time than to be caught short. Chairman Stewart suggested that the staff learn what other cities require. It was moved by Member Comstock, seconded by Member Weakland and unanimously carried that the matter be continued until other data is collected. I Urban Assistance - 701 Program Planning Director Fretz explained that Section 701 of the Housing Act provides assistance for planning purposes for cities having less than 5"0,000 population and that under this program the federal government pays 2/3 of the cost of the program and the local govern- ment 1/3. He stated that he feels there are four things the city needs that could be obtained through such a program - a master plan, a drainage plan, a new zoning ordinance and a new subdivision ordinance. Mr. Fretz stated that one of the requirements of this program is that the work be done by consultants. The Commission discussed the prospect and concurred that it would be desirable for the city to start procedure to get this assistance. It was moved by Member Adams and seconded by Member Guyer that the Planning Commission recommend to City Council that the city make application for a 701 program and that the City Administrator, the Planning Director and the City Engineer be authorized to interview and recommend qualified consultants to aid the city. San Diego County Planning Congress Planning Director Fretz stated that the annual meeting of the Congress would be held on Thursday, November 30, at the Mission Valley Inn and that members would be contacted for reservations. Zoning Member Stevenson questioned the provision in the present zoning requirements that allows property to be developed with a use allowed in a more restricted zone - R-3 property de- veloped as R-1 . Planning Director Fretz stated that many new ordinances do have "exclusive" zoning which would prohibit the practice 'described by Member Stevenson and that the staff will prepare recommendations for an amendment to our zoning requirements . ADJOURNMENT Guyer It was moved by Wimber Weakland , seconded by Member/and unanimously carried that the meeting adjourn, sine die. Respectfully submitted, , Audrey Sit nehouse Secreta