HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-12-04 PC MINS MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA December 4, 1961 A regular meet,ing of the Planning Commission of the City of Chula Vista was held at 7:00 P.M. on the above date in. the Council Chamber at Civic Center with the following members present: Stevenson, Comstock, Weakland, Harmstead, Adams and Guyer. Absent': Member Willhite. Also present: Director of Planning Fretz, City Attorney Duberg, City Engineer Cole and Planning Draftsman Lee. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Member Adams , seconded by Member Guyer and unanimously carried that the minutes of the meeting of November ,20, 1961 , be approved, copies having been mailed to each member. REZONING PUBLIC HEARING - Precise Zoning for Huntington Annexation - C-1-P, C-2-P and M-1-P Planning- Director Fretz submitted a map showing proposed zoning for land within the Huntington. Annexation and explained existing land uses. This being the time and place as advertised, Chairman Stewart opened the hearing. There being no comment, either for 'or against, the hearing was closed. Member Comstock asked whether this land is subject to inundation and, if so, whether the map sheets show this information. Planning Director Fretz stated that there are no maps that would show this land is subject to inundation as there would be in the case of a subdivision. He stated that the County is now establishing elevations for flood plain zoning. Chairman Stewart stated that he thinks that it is important that this information be made readily available to prospective developers. RESOLUTION NO. 221 - Recommending to City Council Precise C-1-P, C-2-P and M-1-P Zoning for Land Within the Huntington Annexation Offered by Member Stevenson, passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Members Stevenson, Comstock, Weakland, Stewart, Adams and Guyer NOES: none ABSENT: Member Willhite SUBDIVISIONS Southwestern College Estates - Tentative Map Planning Director Fretz presented the map and explained several changes the planning and engineering staffs have come to agreement on with the subdivider, including the width and improvement of Otay Lakes Road. Engineering and planning department recommendations were read and reviewed. Planning Director Fretz explained that he feels there is a two-fold need for multiple-family zoning as shown in the alternate-plan proposed for the area north of the shopping center. He said first and most important was the need for a better relationship between the commercial and residential . He cited several ways that the R-3 proposed could be developed without having a direct "face to face" relationship with the commercial whereas R-1 would not have this flexibility. Secondly, he said that he felt the Junior College would create a need for apartments , although he recognized it would not be an immediate need. Mr. Ray Swanner, subdivider 's representative, and Mr. Don Short, engineer, protested the proposed R-3 zoning. Mr. Short stated that they do not feel there will be a need for multiple residences for many years and if a parcel is zoned R-3, it will remain vacant and create an unsightly area. Mr— Swanner stated that the area recommended for R-3 zoning is what they consider the"front door" of the development and it would not be prac- tical to expect prospective purchasers to go through a weed..patch to get to the model homes. Mr. Short stated that he feels this subdivision is only- a.. small part of the area the planning staff should be considering and elaborated, with the use of a topographical map, an area west of the proposed college that he feels would lend itself to R-3 develop- ment. Planning Director Fretz stated that the staff's study did include more than just this subdivision, that if this subdivision offered the only opportunity for R-3 develop- ment in the college area, his recommendations would have been for -more than 7 acres. Member Stevenson stated that the proposed R-3 would act as a buffer between the R-1 and the shopping center. Mr. Short stated that there is a considerable difference in eleva- tion between the commercial and the R-1 to the east and that there are only 2 lots actually facing the commercial area on the north. Member Stevenson asked about the pos- sibility of making the R-3 area less than 7 acres. Planning Director Fretz stated that he doesn ' t feel 7 acres , out of 280, or 22/0, is excessive. He presented an Alternate . Plan "B" that reduced the R-3 to approximately 4 acres; but he said he did not feel it was as good because it did not provide for the flexibility of development that Alternate Plan "A" did. Chairman Stewart stated that there are several places in the city where R-1 faces commercial and the city has had several requests for rezoning from the R-1 residents. He asked what Mr. Swanners feelings would be to have one lot depth along Otay Lakes Road as R-1 and the interior R-3. Mr. Swanner stated that they do not believe there is any need for any R-3. He stated that if the property is zoned R-3 and can be developed as R-1 , he would have no objections. Member Comstock asked about zoning the property R-3, divided as submitted by the subdivider, and allowing R-l' development with deed re- strictions providing for R-3 development when the need arises. Member Adams stated that this would not solve the problem. Planning Director Fretz questioned the logic in setting up a redevelopment project. He said he thoughLw e were supposed to be planning. Member Stevenson stated that because of the remoteness , this is the first opportunity the staff and the Commission actually had had to plan a community, that most subdivisions are in an area where adjacent land uses somewhat dictate the development. Member Weakland stated the city has created situations where homes will face shopping areas - Vista Square and stated that as long as the prospective purchaser is aware of the shopping area, then it wouldn 't do any harm. The Commission discussed the possibility of zoning the property R-3 , designed as sub- mitted by the subdivider, noting that R-3 can be developed with professional offices and that at the present time, it could be developed R-1 . Planning Director Fretz stated that as discussed at the previous meeting ;an amendment to the zoning regulations has been pre- pared that will prohibit R-1 development of R-3 property, R-3 development of C-1 property, etc. , under certain circumstances. Chairman Stewart stated that the city has always allowed R-1 development of R-3 property and questioned whether it would be right or whethe the city could legally stop this subdivider from doing the same.. PlanningDirector Fretz stated that he felt the city has full control through subdivision, that if the R-3 was 2 - left as one lot, it could not be subdivided without the city's approval . It was moved-by Member Stevenson and seconded by Member Adams that the tentative map be approved subject to recommendations of the engineering and planning staffs , including the revised street pattern with a 7-acre lot for R-3 zoning. The motion failed to carry by the following vote, to-wit: 7 . AYES: Members: Stevenson, Stewart and Adams NOES: Members: Comstock, Weakland and Guyer ABSENT: Member: Willhite It was moved by Member Comstock that the tentative map be approved as recommended except that the portion recommended for R-3 not be shown as one lot. The Commission discussed the motion and Planning Director Fretz pleaded that if R-1 development is to be permitted, it should be zoned R-1 , not R-3. Member Comstock withdrew his motion. Member Guyer stated that he understands the Planning Director 's viewpoint, but agrees with Chairman Stewart 's statement that it would not be right to prohibit this subdivider from developing R-3 property as R-1 after others have always been allowed to do so. He moved that the tentative map be approved subject to engineering and planning recommenda- tions except the one relating to R-3 zoning. The motion failed to carry by" the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Members: Guyer, Comstock and Weakland NOES: Members: Stevenson, Stewart and Adams ABSENT: Member: Willhite The subdivider requested that the matter be forwarded to City" Council . Member Weakland stated he believes the map should be forwarded to City Council with a report of the Commission's proceedings indicating that agreement could not be reached. The Commission discussed the possibility of holding the map to the next meeting when a full Commission might be present. Planning Director Fretz stated he thought the Subdivision Map Act re- quired that the Planning Commission do one of three things - approve, disapprove or con- ditionally approve. Chairman Stewart asked what the legal position now is and City Attorney Duberg stated that the Commission may send the map to City Council wi"th a report of their proceedings if they so desire even though there has been no decision reached. Chairman Stewart directed that a report of the proceedings be prepared and forwarded to City Council along with the tentative map. MISCELLANEOUS Interim Zoning - Starr Annexation - R-1-13-20 Planning Director Fretz stated that the zoning Chula Vista would give to land in the Sweetwater Valley area has been a matter of concern for its residents, and he thinks it is ; important that the city let it be known on the zoning of this annexation, that it intends to do whatever it can to maintain the character of the area. He submitted a map showing the annexation and recommended that the area be interim zoned R-1-13-20, which is comparable to the county zoning,now in effect. RESOLUTION NO. 222 - Calling Public Hearing for Interim Zoning for the Starr Annexation Offered by Member Comstock, passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Members: Comstock, Stevenson, Weakland, Stewart,Adams and Guyer NOES: none ABSENT: Member Willhite - 3 - r � Interim Zoning - Wyant Annexation - C-2-P A map of the proposed annexation was submitted and Planning Director Fretz recommended that the land be interim zoned -C-2-P. RESOLUTION NO. 223 - Calling Public Hearing to Consider Interim C-2-P Zoning for Wyant Annexation Offered by Member Adams , passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Members: Adams , Guyer, Stevenson, Comstock, Weakland and Stewart NOES: none ABSENT: Member Willhite Supplemental ''E" Zone Planning Director Fretz submitted an ordinance- establishing a supplemental ''E" Zone, which, when combined with another zone, would prohibit the combined zone from being de- veloped with uses of a more restricted classification. The Commission discussed the application of the ''E" Zone. It was moved :by Member Comstock, seconded by Member Stevenson and carried that the pro- posed amendment be set for hearing on December 18, 1961 . ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Member Weakland , seconded by Member Guyer and unanimously carried that the meeting adjourn to December 18, 1-961 , Respectfully submitted, Audrey Stonehouse Secretary