HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-05-04 PC MINS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR, MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSICN OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA, Ma:y 49 1964 The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Chula Vista was held at 7:00 P.M., in the Council Chamber at the Civic Center on the above date with the following Members present : Stewart, Stevenson, Comstoek9 Johnson, Adams and Guyer. Absent : Member Willhite . Also Present : Planning Director Warren, Ci-ty Attorney,Duberg, Principal Engineer Harshman and Planning Draftsman Irish. Member Willhite was attending a Planning course in San Francisco. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Stevenson, referring to the discussion on Multiple—Unit Parking, said he would like to have his statement referring to a study on the proposed ratio changed. There was no intent to question the proposed ratio, but to study setback requirements in relation to the additional space that will be required for parking. MSUC (Comstock — Johnson ) Minutes of April 20, 1964 be approved with the correction requested by Chairman Stevenson. REZONING PUBLIC HEARING: Lachula Land Investors — Northeast Intersection of Telegraph Canyon Road and Halecrest Drive — Interim R— I to C- 1 The application was read in which a request was made to rezone 10. 16 acres from interim R— I to C— I , and for a 'eduction in setback from 25 feet to 0 feet. The property is located at the northeast corner of Telegraph Canyon Road and Halecrest Drive. Planning Director Warren su-bmitted a plot plan explaining the location and the adjacent zonings. He explained that the subdivider has sub— mitted a tentative map of the commercial area which was approved by the Planning Commission in June, 1961 ; however, the City Council took no action on this map and held it over until such timeads the applicants could substantiate a need for the commercial zoning. They are now ready to go ahead with their shopping center. Vice-Chairman Stewart said he recalled some discussion as to the access to this Center; he thought a condition was imposed whereby access would be from Halecrest Drive rather than from Telegraph Canyon Road. Mr. Warren read the minutes of the meeting pertaining to this matter, and found no state— ment imposing this condition. Mr. Warren then submitted a diagram delineating shopping centers within a one to one and one—half mile radios . He pointed out that the pro— posed shopping center was larger than needed to serve this neighborhood. Noting the Speedee Mart Shopping Center which is already under con— struction , however small ( 1 .8 acres ) just 1200 feet from this proposed Center, Mr. Warren said he would suggest the proposed Center be reduced to 5 acres rather than the 10 requested by the applicants . He stated that contrary to a point made in the application, the -access to the Freeway was not related to the porposal since few customers to a Neighborhood Center arrive via a Crosstown Freeway. The Commission then discussed the proposed General Plan and its pro— jections for this area . A Neighborhood Center for this general area is suggested on the Plan. This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opendd. Mr . Dewitt A. Higgs, 12 E Street, attorney for the applicants, Samuel J . Berland, Gilbert Dreyfuss and Herman Hale, spoke of how this area has grown in the last four years, and the need for this shopping center. He reviewed the history of this subdivision and proposed shopping area . Mr. Higgs spoke of the College area and the tremendous growth that will develop out there, and whereby this Center could serve their needs also. Others speaking in favor of the shopping center were: Mr. Carl J . Hawkins, 520 Fifield Street, Mr . Hollingsworth, Fifield Street and Mr. Mowry, corner of Fifield and David Drive. They stated it would be more convenient for their families to use this center, rather than to drive to town for their daily shopping needs. Mr . Dreyfuss, one of the applicants , discussed the proposed development. There will be a service station, market, drug store, and other subsidiary stores . They are not contemplating developing 10 acres immediately — present plans call for 6 acres, holding the other 4 acres until the need arises . He added that this 4 acres would probably incorporate more parking and perhaps have something like a bowling alley. Chairman Stevenson asked if there would be any objection to holding this 4 acres as interim R- 1 until such time as they are ready to develop it, then come in and ask for the commercial zoning. Mr. Dreyfuss said he felt they waited long enough to ask for this rezoning and would not like to see any part of it held off. Chairman Stevenson then asked what their feelings would be If the Commission rezoned this portion to P.-3; Mr . Dreyfuss said in all pro— bability, it would then be developed R-3. Vice—Chairman Stewart said he felt 5 acres was sufficient for this nieghborhood shopping center, and said a bowling alley would be out of place in such a Center. There being no .further , comment, either for or against , the hearing was declared closed. The Commission discussed the setbacks . Mr . Warren suggested a 10 foot setback be established along the C- 1 frontage on Telegraph Canyon Road and 15 feet along Hale— crest Drive as well as 15 feet along the R-3 frontage on Telegraph Canyon Road. The Commissioners then discussed the size of this proposed Center and the comparable sizes of other shopping centers . Member Adams commented that the applicants can not expect to draw any trade from the College area since other centers are planned to serve that area . Member Comstock commented that there is a "natural barrier" between this pro— posed Center and the Speedee Mart Center ®t Telegraph Canyon Road and "I." Street — one being a convenience Center open from 7 a .m. to II p.m. and the other a neighborhood shopping center with a super market and other auxiliary stores that go to make up a Center. He felt 6 acres should be minimum for this Center. —2— RESOLUTION NO. 303 Resolution of the Planning Commission Re— commending to City Council the rezoning of property at the Northeast corner of Telegraph MSUC .(Comstock—Johnson )Canyon Road and Halecrest Drive from Interim R— I to C— I . I . That the westerly six (6) acres of this land be zoned C— I ( fight— Commercial ) and the remaining easterly portion be zoned R-3 (Multiple family) . 2. That front setbacks be established as follows : Fifteen ( 15) feet along Halecrest Drive, ten ( 10) feet along the C- 1 frontage on Tele— graph Canyon Road and fifteen ( 15 ) feet along the R-3 frontage on Telegraph Canyon Road. Further, that findings be as follows : I . With the increased number of homes constructed in the adjacent Halecrest Subdivision , Princess Crest Subdivision, the newly proposed Weatherstone South Subdivision and other subdivisions now being planned, a neighborhood shopping center is needed for the necessity, general welfare and convenience of the public. AMENDMENTS TO ZONING ORDINANCE Discussion — Proposed Changes to Minimum Floor Area Requirement in R- 1 Zones . Planning Director Warren reviewed the ordinance enacted one year ago by the City Council requiring 1300 square feet for a dwelling in an R— I zone, and a two—car garage containing 400 square feet. This emergency ordinance will expire in July of this year. There has been much study by the staff on this ordinance; Mr . Warren discussed the trip he and Vice—Chairman Stewart took to the Bay area visiting several cities en route, that no specifie ' solution to our problem was found. They d )d, however, get valuable information pertaining to Planned Unit Developments , Condominiums, etc. which the staff is now working on. Mr . Warren discussed the homes recently approved for the Princess Manor Subdivision which will be less than 1300 square feet. In spite of the watercolored sketches and colored slides, which they presented, Mr . Warren said, upon reviewing the actual plans, one of these homes is identical to one of the most architecturally displeasing homes offered by Princess Park Estates. Mr. Warren then stated that the staff believed that the Ordinance has not completely accomplished its intent and in some cases seems inequitable. However; if the Commission felt that a highly restrictive floor area requirement offers needed control , then the staff would recommend that the Chamber of Commerce recommendation, or a modification of it , be adopted. Their recommend— alt ion was : a . 1000square feet for each dw,el l ing unit having 2 bedrooms or less . b. 1200 square feet for each dwelling unit having 3 bedrooms or 2 bedrooms and den or family room. e. 1300 square feet for each dwelling unit having 4 bedrooms or 3 bedrooms and den or family room. —3— Mr . Warren said he would recommend a revision for the garage re— quirements : that parking space for two cars be met with either a two—car garage containing a minimum of 400 square feet or a carport with enclosed storage space containing not less than 80 sggare feet . This storage unit shall be no less than 6 feet high with no other dimension less than 4 feet , The carports could be situated whereby entrance would be from the side rather than the front with the stor— age cabinet act as a screen . Chairman Stevenson said he felt this wouldnIf be the answer as the storage area would be filled up in the first six months . Member. Comstock agreed asking Oat they would do with the washing machines , bicycles , etc. The Commission discussed future problems involving requests for variances to eliminate garages . Vice—Chairman Stewart remarked that he favored the sliding scale; however, he would advocate leaving the garage issue off for now until more study could be given to this ' perhaps sending an inquiry to the League of California Cities and find out what other cities are doing in this respect. The Commission then discussed the manner of administering the 11scaletl. City Attorney Duberg felt it should be related to the number of rooms and not the specific type of rooms . It was concurred that this could be left up to the staff and the attorney. Chairman Stevenson asked if this matter was taken up with the building contractors . Planning Director Warren declared the builders did set up a committee to study this and came up with no better solution than anyone else. After this meeting, he plans to meet with them and go over this once more. A discussion ensued pertaining to quality of homes . Mr . Warren stated this could be controlled by having an architectural review board; normally, they would have to relate it to something in the area ; historical , or an example, as the Bonita Village Shopping Center; otherwise it would be hard to administer. 0,ity Attorney Duberg commented that before blanket architectural control is applied, both he and the staff should study its possible ramifications . Mr . Warren stated his staff would work toward a draft of a revision of subject ordinance. No action was taken. SUBDIVISIONS W!eatherstone South,>Subdivision — Final Map Planning Director Warren submitted the final map noting the location and the streets that would have to be improved. Mr . Warren stated that the planning staff concurs with the recommendations of the Engineering Division . A letter was read from Mr . J . R. Shattuck, developer of the subdivision, —4— requesting that he be allowed to install monolithic curb and side— walks instead of the parkway treatment originally approved. Member Adams stated he would like to see all sidewalks monolithic as most parkways are too narrow for tree planting, and the majority of the people do not take care of them anyway. Vice—Chairman Stewart asked for the engineering comments on this matter . Mr . Harshman said i�f was an aesthetic thing -- the Commission— , errs opinion was every bit as good as Engineering' s. They have no objection to monolithic curb and wallk as long as there are no mid— block transitions . MSUC (Comstock—Guyer) Final map of Weatherstone South Subdivision be . approved with the following- conditions : 1 . Monolithic curbs and sidewalks shall be installed as approved by the Engineering Department. 2. Any change in the location of the sidewalks shall commence at intersections ; such sidewalks to be installed in accordance with applicable portions of Chula Vista Standard drawing #105—B. Dalseth Hills Unit No. 4 and 5 — Tentative Map Planning Director Warren submitted a map, noting the location . He explained the final map was previously approved but never recorded as it has expired . Mr. Warren noted the location of the proposed 241 freeway which will Me to the east of this subdivision ) The subdivision will contain 54 lots . Any conditions the Planning staff may have had have already been incorporated into the map. Mr. Warren submitted the recommendations of the Engineering Department . MSUC (Guyer—Stewart ) The tentative map of the Dalseth Hills Unit No. 4 and 5 subdivision be approved with the following conditions : 1 . Map check fees of #38 .50 shall be paid . This map was submitted approximately four years ago, and the following fees were collected as indicated by receipt number 5535: Public Works Inspection Fee $632.00 Street Name Signs 90.00 Telegraph Canyon Sewer Repayment 4,048 .20 The Telegraph Canyon sewer repayment was an estimated amount and a refund of $ 1 ,308 .92 was made in 1962. The Public Works Inspection and street name sign fees shall not be collected again. 2. Previously approved improvement plans shall be revised or redrawn as necessary to reflect revisions incorporated in the current tent— ative map. MISCELLANEOUS Discussion — Legislative Bills Governing Location of Outdoor Advertising —5— Chairman Stevenson discussed the Bills sent to the Commissioners; Senate Bills #26 and 44 and Assembly Bill #38 . He said Bill #38 was the one now progressing through the House. Mr . Warren said he called Mr. Richard Donovants office and was told this Bill (#38 ) was one that needed their support. He added that : the Cityts ordinance is more restrictive in some ways than this Bill ; however, unless the State enacts leg4 lation governing the use of outdoor advertising along Interstate Freeways ., they will be de— prived of at least three million dollars of federal funds . Chairman Stevenson felt a resolution should be passed recommending the Council take some action on this . RESOLUTION NO. 3o4 Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Chula Vista Recommending to City Council the MSUC(Adams—Stewart ) Endorsement and Support of Assembly Bill #38 Pertaining to Outdoor Advertising. Further, findings be based on : It is In the interest of public safety, welfare and beautification of the land and scenery adjacent to freeways and public support is needed to assure passage of this Bill . Findings of Planning Commission in Denial of Variance Requested by Henry, Meyer, Lively and Cole for Property at 4J8 Second Avenue -- R-3 Use in R— I Zone. The appeal , filed by D. H. Lively, Managing Partner for the applicants, was read. The report was then read in which a denialwas made on the application asking permission to use the area on the rear portion of 478 Second Avenue to provide additional parking for the adjacent apart— ments on 11H1' Street and for access to Second Avenue — an R-3 use on property zoned R— I . MSUC (Stewart—Johnson) Findings be approved and forwarded to the City Council . COMMUN I CAT I ONS A letter from Mr. Robert Casey was read in which he delineated the types of uses he would like to lease in the Speedee Mart Shopping Center at Telegraph Canyon Road and 111_11 Street . Mr . Warren said he reviewed the list and could see no objection to any of them and would recommend approval . Member Johnson questioned the "Liquor Store" use. Mr . Warren stated this -would be sale for off—site consumption . The Commission agreed that the term "Laundry" should be ' changed to "Laundry Agency" and that a "'Tavern" should not be allowed.. Member Adams commented about the "Pet StoreT1 use and said it should not allow the boarding of any animals, that this ,should be left off the list entirely. Mr . , Zigman, representing Mr. Casey, explained the "Tavern" use. It will be set up on a :pizza parlor use with the .sale of beer or wine —6— with the meal . City Attorney Duberg stated this has come before the City a few times in the past, and this is governed by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board which means the restaurant must get a special license whereby they state the sale of the liquor is incidental to the sale of food. MSUC (Steart-Guyer ) List of uses as stated in the letter submitted to the Commission on May 4, 1964 be approved with the exception of 117avern" and "Pet Shop". Further, that "Laundry's be changed to "Laundry Agency". Letter from Way Development Co. Concerning Sidewalks in Halecrest Estates , Unit A. A letter from Mro Edward Way was read in which monolithic curbs and sidewalks were requested in front of lots 17 to 58, 97- 106 and 161 to 189. Mr . Warren recommended this be allowed only where no mid- block transition will occur; that this was an Engineering Department recommendation . Vice-Chairman Stewart asked about tree planning. Member Adams felt an easement should be provided for this . MSUC (Stewart-Johnson) Monolithic curb and walk be approved only where no mid-block transition from parkway ' to monolithic curb and walk will occur . An easement shall be provided for tree planting . where monolithic curb and walk is used. Letter from James M. Edmunds Concerning Use of Building at 647 Third Avenue for GirlvI Club Activities . A letter from Mr . Edmunds was read in which he requested a resolution be passed by the Commission permitting the use of the building at 647 Third Avenue for a Girlst Club. Planning Director Warren said he felt they should apply for a conditional use permit which opinion the City Attorney shares . Member Comstock asked if this was any more objectionalble than the YMCA whose club is also on Third Avenue. The Commission felt that perhaps the YMCA should seek a conditional use permit . The City Attorney stated the C- 1 zone, according to the ordinance, is primarily a retail zone, and that the proposed Girls ' club was not a retail use. Planning Director Warren commented a club of this type is permitted in an R-3 zone with a conditional use permit . After discussion the Commission agreed that the club should be allowed only a conditional use permit and was not, without qualification, a use necessary compatible with other uses allowed in a C- 1 zone. City Attorney Duberg stated the staff should advise Mr . Edmunds of the dicision of the Commission veq;uiring him to apply for a donditional use permit . -7- San Francisco Trip Chairman Stevenson stated the two Commissioners who will attend the workshop' in San Francisco on May 7 and 8 are Bruce Johnson and Ross Wilihite. He explained he selected these two Members because it was primarily a training program and felt that being the newest members, would get the greatest benefit from it. ADJOURNMENT MSUC _(Comstock.—Johnson ) Meeting be adjourned to May 18, 1964. Meeting adjourned at 9: 20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jennie M. Fulasz Secretary ®g®