HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-01-07 PC MINS MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA January 7, 1963 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Chula Vista was held at 7:00 P.M. on the above date in the Council Chamber at Civic Center with the following members present: Stevenson, Stewart, Comstock, Weakland, Willhite, Adams and Guyer. Absent: None. Also present: Director of Planning Fretz, Assistant Planner Warren, City Attorney Duberg and City Engineer Cole. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Member Willhite questioned the minutes concerning the Robert S. Bean variance. He felt that the statements made by himself, Member Adams and Vice-Chairman Stewart concerning their feelings toward the variance should be included in the minutes. He added that since they voted against the denial , and the motion carried by such a close margin, he felt their comments should also be included in the appeal find- ings. Member Comstock made reference to a statement he made concerning the findings on the variance. He asked to have this statement amended to read as follows: 1 . The variance, as requested, is too extensive a use for the property-i The minutes of December 17 to include the following statements concerning the Robert S. Bean variance: "Member Willhite stated this was a difficult property to handle - it is an eyesore, and it has been for sale for a number of years and no one has bought it for R-1 use. Since the property does abut commercial and R-3, Member Willhite felt, with architectural control , apartment houses here would be a real asset to the neighbor- hood. Vice-Chairman Stewart commented that this was a long, narrow lot and even to use it as R-2 would not be feasible. He stated that, in his opinion, because of the shape of the lot and the drainage problem, apartments here would be the best use of the property. Member Adams referred to that section of the ordinance which requires 1000 square feet per unit and said that Dr. Bean has about 1800 square feet per unit. In his opinion, apartments would be the best use of the property." (End of addition to December 17, 1962 minutes_j It was moved by Vice-Chairman Ste0art, seconded by Member Guyer and unanimously carried that the minutes of December 17, 1962 be approved, with the recommended change and additions; copies having been mailed to each member. REZONING PUBLIC HEARING - Both Sides of Broadway from "C" to Moss Street - C-2 to C-2-P Chairman Stevenson explained that because of the amount of time needed to notify the property owners for the rezoning, the public hearing had to be reset for -1- January 21 , 1963. Director of Planning Fretz asked that a proper° motion to this effect be made. It was moved by Member Guyer, seconded by Member Comstock and unanimously carried that the public hearing on the rezoning of Broadway from "C" to Moss Street from C-2 to C-2-P be reset for the meeting of January 21 , 1963 so that proper notifi- cation to the property owners could be made. PUBLIC HEARING - Interim Zones to Permanent Zones and Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Expanding Concept of Supplemental "B" Zone and Permitting Hotels and Motels in M-1 and M-2 Zones Two letters , one from the Carlin Construction Company and the other from Mr. Andrew Hom, were read in which both parties fully endorsed the proposed amendment allow- ing motels and hotels in M-1 and M-2 zones. Planning Director Fretz pointed out on the maps the numerous annexations that now have interim zoning and which are now on the agenda to have permanent zoning. Referring to the proposed amendment, Mr. Fretz explained item #2, as presently , stated in the ordinance, prohibits motels and hotels , etc. in the M-1 and M-2 zones , and this would be changed to read only "rooming houses and boarding houses" would be prohibited. Mr. Fretz then explained the regulations for the supplemental "B" zones. He said , two new lot areas are suggested: B-25 and B-30; and that the proposed additional paragraph was inserted for further flexibility. Vice-Chairman Stewart and Member Comstock questioned whether the amendment would prevent the possibility of a developer coming in with all of the lots except one as undersized lots. Director of Planning Fretz, to further explain the amendment, pointed out two examples of existing subdivisions and the application of the proposal in these cases. Vice-Chairman Stewart said he was apprehensive about the tools the planning staff has to handle these subdivisions , but felt the amendment was a good one if the staff feels that it has adequate control . Member Adams agreed and added that it would permit the developer and the Commission more flexibility. Member Willhite felt the 75% minimum was a good safety valve for the area coverage. This being the time and place as advertised, Chairman Stevenson opened the hearing. Mrs. Martin, representing Andrew Hom, spoke in favor of the amendment permitting the hotels and motels in M-1 and M-2 zones. Mr. Clint Mathews , Lynwood Hills, also spoke in favor of this amendment. He felt this amendment, especially where all of the land next to a freeway is zoned M-1 and M-2, is sound thinking. He pointed out that 20,000,000 people cross the border every year and many of these tourists need a motel or hotel just off the freeway. There being no further comment, either for or against, the hearing was declared closed. Member Comstock said he was against this amendment and noted the zoning laws of -2- San Diego and Pomona which prohibit motels and hotels in the M-1 zone. He said he felt they are not compatible with other possible industrial uses. Chairman Stevenson said he felt the motels should be permitted only under a conditional use permit. Member Adams agreed adding that in this way, the Commission could have control over them. Vice-Chairman Stewart commented that there is a tendency of the motels, when they begin to deteriorate, to go to apartment-type uses and are subsequently rented by people who do stay a long time. City Attorney Duberg said this amendment could be changed without readvertising since the proposed change would make the amendment more restrictive. RESOLUTION NO. 255 - Resolution of the Planning Commission Recommending to the City Council the Zoning of Newly Annexed Lands RESOLUTION NO. 256 - Resolution of the Planning Commission Recommending to the City Council an Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Permitting Hotels and Motels in M-1 and M-2 Zones and Adding B-25 and B-30 Classifications to the Supplemental "B" Zone Offered by Vice-Chairman Stewart, seconded by Member Comstock, passed, approved and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Members Stewart, Comstock, Weakland, Stevenson, Willhite,=-Adams and Guyer- NOES: None ABSENT: None DISCUSSION - Interim Zoning - Jonathan Manor Annexation Planning Director Fretz indicated the location of the Jonathan Monor annexation on the map and explained that the property owner has requested prezoning. Mr. Fretz explained the time relationship of the request for prezoning and the annexation and said that nothing could be accomplished at this late date by prezoning; that before the prezoning could be considered by the City Council , the land would already be in the city. It was moved by Vice-Chairman Stewart and seconded by Member Comstock that no action be taken toward setting a hearing for prezoning Jonathan Manor; that the property owner be advised that the most expeditious means of having land use pattern con- sidered by the City would be to submit a tentative subdivision map. The motion carried unanimously. CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS PUBLIC HEARING - Ray J. Halpenny - 670 "F" Street - Mobilehome Park The application was read in which Mr. Halpenny requests permission to develop R-3 property located at 670 "F" Street with a Mobilehome Park. ,Assistant Planner Warren submitted a plot plan showing the location of the proposed mobilehome park. He explained each lot averaged approximately 40 x 60 feet, and the applicant has provided(2) two parking spaces per unit. Mr. Ray Halpenny, the applicant, told the Commission he has provided space for extra parking which will front on the recreation area. -3- This being the time and place as advertised, Chairman Stevenson opened the hearing. Mr. Ray Halpenny spoke in favor of the application. He said this was a natural use of the location and due to the size of the spaces, it is paramount that this will entice the large trailer. Vice-Chairman Stewart questioned the parking on the street. According to the ordinance, parking would be permitted on one side of the street only, and Mr. Stewart wondered what would happen if the mobilehome owners were to park on both sides of the street - how would this be policed and how would the fire department be able to get through? Planning Director Fretz felt that this problem would have to be restricted by the owner of the park. Member Comstock commented on the parking layout. As shown on the plot plan, the spaces, as shown, with one in front of the other, would only tend to encourage parking on the street. Chairman Stevenson felt that a condition could be imposed to restrict parking in the street. There being no further comment, either for or against, the hearing was closed. Member Comstock questioned the guarantee the City has in the applicant putting in sidewalks and curbs. Mr. Fretz said the installations would probably exceed $5000 and the property owner would then have to install the improvements; however, he felt that it would not hurt anything to include this in the conditions. It was moved by Member Adams and seconded by Member Willhite that the application be approved with the following conditions: 1 . The public street at the northern boundary be improved with curb, gutters , side- walks and shoulder paving to the railroad tracks. 2. Parking be permitted on one side of the street only on the 28-foot road. Further,' action is based on the following findings: 1 . That the use as a mobilehome park will not include any of the hazards that would be materially detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare enumerated in the ordinance. 2. It is not considered hazardous to persons and property from possible explosion, contamination or fire. 3. There will be no hazard occasioned by unusual volume or character of traffic because this does not differ from other developments in the street. , 4. It is compatible with the type of use in the area because there are several other mobilehome parks nearby. The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Members Adams , Guyer, Stewart, Comstock, Weakland, Stevenson and Willhite NOES: None ABSENT: None -4- SUBDIVISIONS Tentative Map - Bonita Verde Subdivision i Planning Director Fretz noted the location of the subdivision on the map. He explained that the subdivider would like to have the map treated as a preliminary map with the following two factors considered: 1 . What degree of flood protection does the City feel should be provided? 2. Is the concept of lot and street pattern generally acceptable? Vice-Chairman Stewart questioned having only one entrance for the subdivision. Mr. Fretz said the developers felt this would provide a more exclusive type of development. Mr. Cole related the number of traffic movements that could be expected per day in and out of the area, and said he felt that the 36-foot travel- way would be adequate. Chairman Stevenson asked the applicants if they would object to having "subject to innundation" put on the subdivision, and Mr. Bob Florer, engineer representing the firm, told the Commission they would insist on it if they were going to sign the maps , as engineers. 'Member Willhite informed the Commission that, in the plans for the Country Clubhouse for the Bonita Valley Golf Course, they were informed that as soon as the sewer line is complete, the water table will drop and a 60-foot deep well will be needed to get water - he felt that this will have a bearing on the flood prospects. Mr. Walt Long, one of the developers , stated they had studied this four or five different ways , going back to the 100-year flood level . Mr. Long said it would be uneconomical to fill the entire area to meet the 100-year flood level , as this would take between 7 and 8 feet of fill which would be 4 or 5 feet higher than the Sweet- water road. He said they would like to build their houses on a "pad" - with the roads at a lower level . Member Comstock asked the applicant how high he plans to raise the pad. Mr. Long said present plans were for 67 feet on the lower end and 70 to 71 feet at the high end. Mr. Florer, the engineer for the developers, spoke about the flood control report made for the Bonita Valley Country Club. He said there never has been a study made of the whole river - this would cost $25 to $50,000. Mr. Lane Cole, City Engineer, told the Commission that the subdividers should provide them with a study made by a hydraulic engineer which should be sufficient to tell our engineers what can be expected; but that he is not talking about a $25 - $50,000 report. Vice-Chairman Stewart suggested a riprap arrangement to stop the firect flow of water, but Mr. Long said this would be too costly. Mr. Cole advised against the Commission 's taking any action as to riprap, pad elevations , or anything else at this time. Mr. Stewart agreed that we should proceed with caution, providing the best possible protection that we can. Member Comstock said a study of the County engineer 's report should also be made, as he understood a flood control study was made of the Sweetwater Valley about 12 years ago. Mr. Cole explained that this study runs only to Edgemere Road. -5- r Mr. Cole stated that he felt the City's position should be to reasonably protect the property in this subdivision; however, the City does not accept responsibility _ for people getting flooded. Even so, whatever damage is done by flood, the City will have to clean this up. Chairman Stevenson asked about the relationship of this subdivision to the freeway; Mr. Cole said Route 280 would not affect the valley except it would tend to diminish the traffic on Sweetwater Road and Bonita Road. Chairman Stevenson asked the Planning Director if he recommended approval of this map, subject to the flood control study. Mr. Fretz said the Long Brothers would like to feel that the City is receptive to the subdivision and their basic lot pattern. If the Commission is so inclined, they could give their approval of the lot pattern. The Commission concurred that the lot pattern was acceptable. It was moved by Vice-Chairman Stewart, seconded by Member Guyer and unanimously carried that the Bonita Verde tentative map be continued until such time as the engineers of the subdivision make a study of the flood hazard of the area and present this report to the Commission. MISCELLANEOUS Request for Extension of Time on Variance - 590-92-94 "D'' Street Assistant Planner Warren reviewed the matter, referring to the memo sent to each member of the Commission. The staff recommended approval of the extension. The Commission discussed the original variance, and Member Willhite felt the ex- tension should be granted so that the applicant would not have to come in and go through the entire matter again. Director of Planning Fretz referred to the original variance and the size of the lot. The Commission discussed the application of the present variance setbacks reductions on new plans and agreed that if plans are changed, a new variance would be necessary. It was moved by Member Adams, seconded by Member Weakland and unanimously carried that an extension of six months be approved. Report of Findings on Robert S. Bean Appeal . The findings were read. Member Comstock asked to have the statement he made changed as amended in the minutes. Member Willhite suggested, that as long as the vote was so close, the findings against the denial be put into the appeal findings, so that the Council could have the thinking of all the Commissioners. It was moved by Member Comstock, seconded by Member Willhite and unanimously carried that the findings be amended as suggested and forwarded to the City Council . ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Member Weakland , seconded by Member Willhite and unanimously carried that the meeting adjourn to January 21 , 1963: espectfulllyy submitted,Jennie M. Fulasz Secretary