HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-11-18 PC AGENDA AGENDA MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. 276 Fourth Avenue Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Chula Vista, CA CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALUMOTIONS TO EXCUSE: Planning Commission: Vinson Spethman Moctezuma Tripp Felber Livag Bringas MOTIONS TO EXCUSE: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND MOMENT OF SILENCE: OPENING STATEMENT: PUBLIC COMMENTS: Opportunity for members of the public to speak to the Planning Commission on any subject matter within the Commission's jurisdiction, but not an item on today's agenda. Each speaker's presentation may not exceed three minutes. CONSENT ITEMS: The Chair may entertain requests by staff to continue an agenda item.The Chair may also entertain a recommendation by 'a Commissioner to approve certain non-controversial agenda items as Consent Items. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an agenda item listed as a Public Hearing may not acted upon by the Commission as a Consent Item. Public Hearing items shall be heard by the Commission as a Public Hearing. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Public Hearing: PCC 09-48; Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit application filed by Lord Architecture on behalf of the Catholic Diocese of San Diego, for the renovation and expansion of the existing buildings at the St.Pius X Church and parochial school.. Project Manager: Rich Zumwalt, Associate Planner Planning Commission -2 - November 18, 2009 2. Public Hearing: PCM 09-25; Consideration of a proposal to adopt an ordinance that would allow the Growth Management Oversight Commission's 2010 Annual Report to be focused on only five of the Growth Management Program's eleven quality of life issues. Project Manager: Kim Vander Bie, Associate Planner ACTION ITEMS: 3. Action Item: Nomination of new Vice Chair for FY 09-10. Director's Report: Commission Comments: Materials provided to the Planning Commission related to any item on this agenda are available for public review in the Planning and Building Department located at 276 Fourth Avenue during normal - business hours. Adjournment: To a Regular Planning Commission on December 9, 2009. COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH-DISABILITIES ACT The City of Chula Vista,in complying with the American with Disabilities Act(ADA),requests individuals who require special accommodations to access,attend,and/or participate in a City meeting,activity,or-service,request such accommodations at least forty-eight hours in advance for meetings, and five days for scheduled services and activities. Please contact Diana Vargas for specific information at(619)691-5101 or Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf(TDD)at 585-5647. California Relay Service is also available for the hearing impaired.